OP Dacie
Collected and edited by J.G.G. Jakobsen, Centre for Mendicant Studies of Dacia.
Vol. IV (1500 +)
(the volume is under continued construction and still very far from
Latest update: 2022.01.21
1500 24/4. Fr. Nicolaus of Sweden is assigned to the school of
theology in Ferrara.
1500 27/7. Hinrick Schelewendt mortgages his house situated
by Blackfriars Church in Tallinn.
1501 14/6. Fr. Jacobus de Dacia is assigned as lector to the
convent in Wrocław, Polonia.
1502 2/3. Claus Meyer leaves 2 marks to the Friars Preachers
in Tallinn.
1502 3/4. Berndt Pael leaves 22 marks and four barrells of
fish to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
1503 24/2. Hermann Grothus leaves 60 marks to the Friars
Preachers in Tallinn.
1503 21/9. Heinrich Horneyt leaves 20 marks to the Friars
Preachers in Tallinn.
1503 13/10. The court of the Danish realm is assembled at
Blackfriars Priory in Vejle.
1504. Hans Meckinck leaves 20 marks to the Friars Preachers
in Tallinn for them to pray for him.
1504. Hermann Ordey leaves 20 marks to the Friars Preachers
in Tallinn.
1504 19/8. Hans Rese leaves two pieces of black cloth to the
Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
1504. Hans Rychenrade leaves 10 marks to the Friars Preachers in
1505 26/12. Lambert Otting leaves 10 marks to the Friars
Preachers in Tallinn.
1505 c. Hans Potgether
leaves 10 marks to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
1506 27/4. Marina Knutsdotter sells a house in Blackfriars
Street in Stockholm to Johan Helsing.
1507 6/4. Queen Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine
guilder to the Friars Preachers in Odense.
1507 (6/6). The province of Dacia pays 45 Rhine guilders in
contributio ad magistri.
1507. Heinrich Brockhus leaves 5 marks to the Friars
Preachers in Tallinn.
1508 18/6. The convent of Friars Preachers in Rostock is
permitted to preach and quest in Scania.
1508 21/6. Fr. Johannes Jacobi of the Friars Preachers in
Dacia is recognized as frater jubilarius.
1508 27/12. Queen Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2
shilling to the Friars Preachers in Odense.
1508. Arndt Johanssen leaves 20 marks to the Friars Preachers
in Tallinn.
1509 30/3. Tile van der Zee leaves 10 marks to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
1509 29/4. Queen Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 marks to
the Friars Preachers in Odense.
1509 11/11. Hinrik Dunkelgud leaves one barrel of salt to the
Friars Preachers in Stockholm.
1509. Kort Becker leaves 10 marks to the Friars
Preachers in Tallinn.
1509. A Lübeck army ravages Gotland and burns down the priory of
the Friars Preachers in Visby.
1510 30/4. Queen Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 5 shilling
to the Friars Preachers in Odense.
1510 21/5. Queen Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 mark to
the Friars Preachers in Odense.
c. 1510. Simon Kastelor leaves 62 marks for the Friars Preachers in
1513 3/6. Johan Viandt redeems a mortgaged house in Monk
Street in Tallinn.
1514 29/4. Elin Hartvig’s is admitted as pensioneer with the
Friars Preachers in Stockholm.
1514 14/6. The Friars Preachers in Schleswig sells a Bible to
Paulus Moller.
1514. Hans Guldsmed puts his house in Blackfriars Street in
Stockholm for sale.
1514 7/8. Hans Guldsmed sells a house in Blackfriars Street
in Stockholm.
1515 (27/5). The province of Dacia pays 56 ducats in contribution ad magistri.
1517. Per Mortensson sells a house in Blackfriars Street in
Stockholm to Paul Skinnare.
1519. The Dominican province of Dacia consists of the kingdoms
Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
1520 12/4. The province of Dacia pays 56 ducats as contributio ad magistri.
1522. Reference to a farm and a booth situated close by
Blackfriars Chapel in Malmö.
1524. The Friars Preachers in Tallinn receive 5 marks for the
funeral of a peasant.
1526 9/8. Knut Andersson Lillie owns the halfpart of a house
in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm.
1526. ‘Mad Frederick’, a former Friar Preacher, sets up as
Evangelical preacher in Schleswig.
1527 6/1. The convent of Friars Preachers in Haderslev is expelled
by Duke Christian of Schleswig.
1527 25/6. The national assembly of Sweden is held in
Blackfriars Hall in Västerås.
1527 10/7. Lucas Bardskerere wants to mortgage a house in
Blackfriars Street in Stockholm.
1528 27/4. Lucas Bardskerere sells a house in Blackfriars
Street in Stockholm to Jörien van Sottern.
1528 14/9. Fr. Ludolf Horsten is transferred to the convent
in Schleswig as lector and preacher.
1530 26/3. The city council of Stockholm decides to install a
new clock in Blackfriars Priory.
1529-30. The Friars Preachers in Vejle hand over their estate
in Uhre to Mogens Gøye.
1534 24/6. Fr. Hermannus Heyne is transferred from the
convent in Haderslev to Halberstadt.
1547. Blackfriars Priory
in Stockholm is torn down.
1556. The former priory of the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg is
1599. Fr. Johannes Chrysostomus Svecus is assigned to the convent
in Gdańsk.
Rome |
Convents of Nidaros and Västerås |
Fr. Johannes
Petri of the convent in Västerås supplicates to the Apostolic Penitentiary for
absolution after having killed a man in self-defence during a stay at the
convent in Nidaros. The supplicant had left the priory without permission and
the prior had therefore sent some servants to bring him back, but they attacked
him so violently that he had to defend his life with a knife, from which one of
his attackers died.
Source: Register of supplications. Archivum de Sacra Poenitentiaria
Apostolica, Rome.
Language: Latin.
Frater Johannes Petri presbiter professus
monasterii Insulensis, ordinis predicatorum, Aresiensis diocesis exponit quod,
cum ipse alias in conventu Nidrosiensi eiusdem ordinis existeret et quodam die
absque licentia prioris superioris eiusdem conventus per unam horam conventum
seu monasterium ipsum exivisset. Prior dicti monasterii quibusdam clientibus
mandavit quod dictum exponentem reducerent. Dicti vero clientes armati exeuntes
dictum monasterium et prefatum exponentem, qui sponte redeundo illis obviam
veniebat, invaserunt illumque gladiis, securibus et pugionibus ac cultellis
percusserunt et adeo enormiter vulneraverunt, quod fere nihil sui corporis
relinquerant intactum. Idem vero exponens, videns sibi mortis periculum
inevitabile et aufugere non posse, quendam parvum cultellum, quem apud se
habebat, evaginavit et se defendendo quendam ex dictis clientibus pectore
vulneravit, unde idem cliens, sicut Domino placuit, post aliquos dies
expiravit. Cum autem, pater sancte, dictus exponens in morte, prefati clientis,
alias quam ut premittitur, culpabilis non fuerit, sed de ea ab intimis doluit,
prout dolet de presenti, cupiatque in suis ordinibus etiam in altaris
ministerio ministrare, supplicat humiliter sanctitati vestre dictus exponens quatenus
ipsum ab homicidii reatu et excessibus huiusmodi ad cautelam absolvi secumque
super irregularitate, si qua premissorum occasione contraxit, quodque in suis
ordinibus etiam in altaris ministerio ministrare et ad omnes administrationes
et officia sui ordinis dumtaxat eligi et assumi libere et licite possit, simili
cautela dispensari omnemque infamie maculam sive inhabilitatis notam ex
premissis insurgentes circa eum penitus aboleri mandari misericorditer
dignemini de gratia speciali et expresso.
Fiat de speciali et expresso,
Jul[ianus], episcopus Brictonoriensis, regens; et committatur episcopo
Milopotamensi ad presens in Romana curia residenti attento, quod orator
sufficientes probationes ad hoc sibi necessarias habeat in eadem; fiat,
Jul[ianus]. Rome apud sanctum Petrum, ∙xvii∙. kal. Febr. anno
octavo domini Alexandri pape ∙vi∙.
Broder Jon Petersson, præst og indviet klosterbroder fra
Västerås af Prædikantordenen i Västerås stift, forklarer at han en dag, mens
han opholdt sig ved konventet i Nidaros, som tilhører samme orden, uden
tilladelse fra konventets prior forlod konventet eller klosteret. Klosterets
prior gav nogle tjenere til opgave at bringe ansøgeren tilbage. Tjenerne drog
bevæbnet fra klosteret og angreb ansøgeren, da han var på vej tilbage af egen
fri vilje og kom gående imod dem. De gik løs på ham med sværd, økser, dolke og
knive, og de sårede ham så voldsomt, at næsten ingen del af hans krop forblev
uskadt. Men da ansøgeren så, at dødsfaren var uundgåelig og at han ikke kunne
undslippe, trak han en lille kniv, som han havde på sig, og for at forsvare sig
sårede han en af de nævnte tjenere i brystet. På grund af dette døde den samme
tjener efter Herrens vilje nogle få dage efter. Imidlertid, hellige fader, er
den nævnte ansøger ikke skyldig i den nævnte tjeners død på anden vis en som
det er beskrevet ovenfor, men (han) har sørget dybt over dette og sørger
fremdeles, og ønsker at tjene i sine kald og foran alteret. Hans ansøger
derfor, som en forholdsregel, ydmygt om at Deres Hellighed allernådigst vil
værdiges at give pålæg om at han bliver løst for manddrab, dersom han efter det
ovenfor beskrevne skulle have begået dette, og for tilknyttede overtrædelser,
og, som en lignende forholdsregel, at han bliver løst fra sin irregularitet,
således at han frit og på lovlig vis kan tjene i sine kald og gøre tjeneste
foran alteret og i de opgaver og stillinger han måtte blive valgt til og indsat
i, og at enhver plet af vanære eller mærke af uskikkelighed, som måtte
forbindes med ham ud fra det ovenfor beskrevne, må slettes fuldstændigt, ved
særskilt og udtalt nåde.
Indvilget særskilt og
udtalt, Julianus, biskop af Bertinoro, regent. Sagen oversendes til biskoppen
Mylopotamus, for tiden bosat ved kurien i Rom, som skal se til at ansøgeren har
de nødvendige beviser for sin sag således som den er fremlagt i dette brev;
indvilget, Julianus. Rom ved Skt. Peder, den 16. januar i det ottende år af den
herre paven Alexander VI’s pontifikat.
Comments: The incident took place several years earlier, as Fr. Johannes
Petri (Jon Petersson) was absolved
from “peccato homicidii casualis et
restituitur ad pristinum gradum” by the master general in 1495. The
supplication to the Apostolic Penitentiary shows, however, that the crime
eventually was considered too serious for an internal absolution only. Fr.
Johannes seems to have been in Rome himself to present and defend his case. The
supplication was apparently complied with, as a papal absolution eight days later was recognized in a letter by the
master general of the Order.
Published: Diplomatarium
Poenitentiariae Norvegicum no. 26; Acta
Poenitentiariae Suecica no. 365.
Jakobsen 2018a, 377; Salonen 2018, 398.
Rome |
Convent of Västerås |
Johannes Petri of the Friars Preachers in Västerås is fully reinstalled in his
orderly duties by the grandmaster after he has been papally absolved for a
committed homicide.
Source: Registrum litterarum generales
magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Frater Johannes Petri conventus Insulensis
commendatur aput et priores conventuum et etiam conventus sui, et hortantur ac manda[n]tur,
ut eum caritative recipiant, secundum quod in bulla sue absolutionis
continetur, in qua absolvitur ab homicidio etcetera. Die 24 januarii Rome.
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Petri and the homicide, see 1500 16/1. ● The master general of the Order of Preachers at this
time was Fr. Joachinus Turriani Veneti (1487-1500).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV: 8 no.
Jakobsen 2018a, 377.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Guild of St. Barbara in Stockholm lets a house next to Blackfriars Cemetery in
Stockholm on lease to Claus Bårdskärare for his and his wife’s lifetime for 200
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post Erici et Pauli (…). Samma dach stode vp j rettin Niclis scriffuere radman medh beradit modh, borgamestere och radzsins samtyckio medh mene Sancta Barbara gillisbrødra vilia och radh pa gillissins vegna vplot mesther Claus eth gillenes stenhus, belegit hart wijdh Swartabrødra kyrkiogardh pa østra sydanne nemest brwnnen ok vestan Vara frwa gilles port for ∙iiC∙ mark stocholmske medh swa skel, ath forne mester Claues medh sina hustrv samma hws maga haffua, nywta ok besittia j theris lyffs tijdh frit och quit ok strax epther thera afflydelse schal hwsith j gen komma vtan alla hinder och gensegelse til prebende ath vppeholle gudztienist medh fore thøm ok alla cristna siela til ewerdeligen tijdh. Huilket wylkor och forordh forde Claus borskerer jaa til sade och sin ordh tilstode och j alle matte holle scal.
Comments: The lease led to a conflict between the Guild of St. Barbara
and the Dominican convent, since Claus’ wife after his death apparently gave
the house to the Friars Preachers – perhaps as payment for his burial or a
perpetual mass in the priory? In 1504, the case
was brought before the city council of Stockholm, which decided that the guild
was to administer the house until the case was settled, although the rent from
it should be deposited to the court. In 1505,
the house was apparently sold for 300 marks, of which the court decided that
200 marks should go to the guild, 100 marks to the Friars Preachers. ●
Claus Bårdskärare’s byname syggests that he was a barber (and, thus, also a
medieval surgeon); he was also known as ‘Master Claus’.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. III, p. 466.
Hardeberga |
Convent of Lund |
Esquire Niels Olsen de
Hardeberga founds an altar in the Cathedral of Lund, whose vicar every year
around Christmas shall hand over 2 pounds of barley to the prior and convent of
Friars Preachers in Lund, for which the friars in return shall sing a daily
hymn called Gaude Maria right after
Mass in the priory church at the Altar of Our Lady, where his wife, Boel
Pedersdatter, is buried. The payment is provided from the rent of a tenant farm
in Tostrup allocated to the cathedral altar, and the vicar is to oversee that
the friars fully commit to the agreement.
Source: Original
document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Danish.
Alle men tette breff see eller høre læses hilser iach Nielss Olssøn vdi Harebergh gord aff vapn ewindelige meth vor herre och viderligt gør fore alle nerwærendes och kommeskolendes, ath iach vdi myn swndhed aff frii vilie haffwer vnth och giffweth och meth tette mith breff giffwer och skødher fran megh och myne arffwinge till ewindelige eye, alsom megtigste gudh till loff och hans verduge modher iomfrwe Marie och alle gutz verduge helgen till hedher och ære och myn och myn kære høstriges Boell Pædherss dottherss, begges vore foreldræss och alle cristnæ siele til ro och lyse, tessæ efftherscreffne gotz och gorde (...) till mith altare, som iach haffwer stigtet och bygd vestersth vdi Lunde domkyrke vndher thet store orgewerck paa then norre side. (...) Item skall forde vicarius, som forne altere haffwer, hwerth aar anthworde priori vdi Sworte brodræ closter i Lund ∙ii∙ pwndh, som then gord giffwer vdi Tostorpp till langille, och thet skall ydes i clostereth hwerth aar ynnen ottende dagh iwle, och fore thee ∙ii∙ pwnd bywgh skall prieren och hans brødræ vdi clostereth sywnge till ewige tidh hwer dagh effther høymessen for vor frwe altere, som myn høstrw ligger begraffwen, eth vor frwe loff, som hedher Gaude Maria, meth en collect aff vor frwe, och then persona, som samme altere fangende vordher, skall haffwe tylsywn, ath thet vor frwe loff skall icke forsømmes, men fulkomelige holles. (...) Till ydermere bewisnyngh och bedræ forwaringh hengher iach mith insigell nedhen fore thette mit breff meth flere velburdige och hedherlige men, som iach kerlige bedher, ath the och henge therres indsigle her neden fore meth mith till vitnesbirdh, som ære her mester Ion Skaldræ, erchedegen i Lund, her Laurens Skadeland oc mester Iørgen, canicker, Giord Nelsøn i Odersberg, Hoffmand Nielssøn vdi Tofflicke och Lasse Tostessøn vdi Rigle. Datum Harebergh ipso die annunciationis beate Marie virginis gloriose anno Domini MD.
Comments: Niels Olsen Baad de
Hardeberga and Smålarp originated from Halland, but now belonged to the local
rural gentry, wore the title of esquire and served the archbishop of Lund. Like
his wife, Boel Pedersdatter, Niels Olsen too chose to be buried with the
Dominicans in Lund, for which the convent was endowed in his will of 1506
13/2. ● Hardeberga is situated 6 km south-east of Lund. ● The
tenant farm in Tostrup was situated in Billeberga parish, about 24 km
north-west of Lund and just outside of Landskrona. ● The prior of the
Friars Preachers in Lund at this time was probably Fr. Andreas Nicolai, who held
the office in 1499 6/10.
Published: Diplomatarium diocesis Lundensis vol. V no. 462.
Rome |
Sweden |
Nicolaus of Sweden is assigned to the school of theology at the University of
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Fr. Nicolaus de Sueca assignatur Ferrariae in studentem theologiae etcetera et non potest impediri ab aliquo inferiore etcetera. In contrarium etcetera. Die 24 [aprilis] ut supra.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Nils af Sverige tilknyttes det teologiske studium i
Ferrara osv. og ingen underordnede modsættelser må gøres herimod osv. I modsat
fald osv. Den 24. april, som ovenfor.
Published: Acta
capitulorum provinciae Poloniae vol. I, p. 631.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
Schelewendt mortgages his house situated by Blackfriars Church in Tallinn to
Mathias Depholt for 100 marks.
Source: Das Revaler Rentenbuch.
Language: German.
Anno 1500 amm daghe Marthe vidue quam vor
vnnßenn sittende stol des rades Hinrick Schelewent vnnde leth toschriuen her
Mathias Depholte vp ßyn vaderlike erue, by der monkekerkenn belegen, 100 mark
rig. iarlikes vp Michaelis mit 6 mark tovorrentende vnnde des sal de renthe nu
vp Michaelis tokamende vt kamen.
Comments: On Hinrick Schelewendt III and the mortgaged house, see 1498 16/10. ● Mathias Depholt
(†1529-31) was ealdorman of the Great Guild in Tallinn from 1493-1496, city
councillor 1496-1497, city bailiff 1498-1500, city treasurer 1507 and mayor of Tallinn
in 1512-1525. He was among the creditors, who in 1503
10/3 had Hinrick Schelewendt’s house by the church put up for
compulsory sale.
Published: Publikationen aus dem Revaler
Stadtarchiv vol. V no. 1239.
Rome |
Convent of Turku or Vyborg |
Trundsson, priest from the diocese of Turku, supplicates to the Apostolic
Penitentiary for absolution after having physically attacked a Friar Preacher
guilty of apostacy, although without any bloodshed. Since he has subsequently
continued celebrating Mass and Divine Office without the necessary absolution,
he also supplicates for dispensation for clerical irregularity.
Source: Register of supplications. Archivum de Sacra Poenitentiaria
Apostolica, Rome.
Language: Latin.
Olavus Triwonis presbyter Aboensis diocesis
exponit, quod ipse alias in quendam fratrem apostatam professum ordinis
predicatorum manus citra sanguinis effusionem et alium excessum difficilem seu
enormem iniecit temere violentas, propter quod excommunicationis incurrit
sententiam in tales generaliter promulgatam; et sic ligatus tanquam simplex et
jurisignarus – non tamen in contemptum clavium – missas et alia divina
celebravit officia ac se alias inmiscuit eisdem. Supplicat sanctitati vestre
dictus exponens, quatenus ipsum, postquam dicto fratre injuriam passo, si non
satisfecit, satisfecerit competenter, a dicta sententia et excessibus huiusmodi
absolvi secumque super irregularitate dicto modo contracta dispensari mandare
misericorditer dignemini de gratia speciali.
Fiat de speciali. Julianus episcopus
Brictonoriensis regens.
Comments: It is not stated to which convent the apostate Friar Preacher
belonged, but since the provoked priest came from the diocese of Turku, the
same probably goes for the friar, thus, pointing to the convent in either Turku
or Vyborg.
Published: Acta Poenitentiariae Suecica no. 378.
Rome |
Convent of Ribe |
Roman cardinals collectively issue a letter of 100 days of indulgence (each?)
for people who on certain days visit the chapel of Virgin Mary in the church of
the Friars Preachers in Ribe and offer their help for its repair and
maintenance, e.g. in regard of books, chalices, candles, ornaments and other
items necessary for the celebration of mass. The days in question are the
Nativity of Virgin Mary (8/9), St. Sebastian’s Day (20/1), St. Dominic’s Day
(5/8), St. Catherine’s Day (25/11) and the day of the chapel’s consecration,
during which the indulgence is granted from vesper (on the night before) to
vesper, for all eternity. At the chapel, Peder Lauridsen of Ribe and his wife
have a private mass.
Sources: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Latin.
Sabinensis et Jeronimus Prenestinensis episcopi, Ludovicus Johannes
tituli ss. Quatuor Coronatorum et Guillermus tituli s. Pudentiane presbiteri,
necnon Julianus ss. Sergii et Bacchi diaconus … ss. Romane ecclesie cardinales
universis Christi fidelibus presentes litteras inspecturis. Quanto frequentius
[etcetera]. Cupientes igitur, ut
capella beate Marie virginis sita in ecclesia conventus fratrum predicatorum
civitatis Ripensis, ad quam … Petrus Laurentii et eius uxor dicte civitatis
singularem gerunt devotionem, congruis frequentur honoribus et a Christi
fidelibus jugiter veneretur ac in suis edificiis debite reparetur [et]
conservetur necnon libris, calicibus, luminaribus, ornamentis ecclesiasticis et
rebus aliis pro divino cultu inibi necessariis decenter muniatur, utque Christi
fideles ipsi eo libentius devotionis causa confluant ad eandem et ad
reparationem, conservationem et munitionem huiusmodi manus promptius porrigant
adjutrices, … nos cardinales prefati, videlicet quilibet nostrum, … omnibus
Christi fidelibus utriusque sexus vere penitentibus et confessis, qui dictam
capellam in nativitatis beate Marie virginis et sancti Sebastiani ac sancti
Dominici necnon sancte Catherine ipsiusque capelle dedicationis festivitatibus
et diebus a primis vesperis usque ad secunda vesperas inclusive devote
visitaverint annuatim … , pro singulis festivitatibus sive diebus predictis, quibus
id fecerint, centum dies de injunctis eis penitentiis relaxamus, presentibus
perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturis. In quorum fidem litteras nostras
huiusmodi fieri nostrorumque sigillorum fecimus appensione muniri. Datum Rome
in domibus nostri anno 1500 die vero 7 mensis november pontificatus … anno 9.
Comments: On the back of the document is inscribed: Quingenti dies nativitatis Marie,
beate Katherine martiris, sancti Dominici, sanctorum martirum Fabiani
et Sebastiani et in die dedicationis capelle contentita harum literarum. Apparently, a
friar at the convent has added up the 100 days as given by each of the five
cardinals. The addition of St. Fabian’s Day to the indulgence-releasing feast
days had no increasing effect, since St. Fabian shared his day with St.
Sebastian (20/1). ● The five cardinals were Oliviero Carafa, at this time cardinal
bishop of St. Sabina and protector of the Order of Preachers; Girolamo Basso
della Rovere, cardinal bishop of Palestrina; Luis Juan del Milà y Borja,
cardinal priest of St. Quattro Coronati; Guillaume Briçonnet, cardinal priest
of St. Pudenziana; and Giuliano Cesarini, cardinal deacon of St. Sergio e
Bacco. ● On the same day, 12 cardinals issued a similar letter of indulgence for
the Chapel of the Holy Cross in Ribe, a chapel said to be founded by Laurentius Petri of Ribe and his wife
(Terpager, Ripæ Cimbricæ, 392-393;
APD vol. V no. 3775). ● The lay founder of the second letter has been
identified as Laurids (Las) Pedersen Bagge, mayor of Ribe from 1483 to his
death in 1514 (Kinch 1869, 413-414). It is unclear whether he is also the
layman meant in the first letter, as implicit stated by Kinch (1869, 414),
suggesting that the Roman scribe has confused Petrus Laurentii with Laurentius
Petri, but more likely, the layman mentioned in the Dominican letter is
Laurids Pedersen’s father, Peder Bagge, who preceded him as mayor in Ribe in
the early 1480s. Around 1475, he appears to have lived as tenant on the
episcopal manor Seemgaard just outside Ribe, in 1479 as city councillor in Ribe
and in 1481 as mayor. He died in the period 1483-86, and left a widow Anne with
two sons, Laurids (see above) and Jens, the latter to become a Ribe merchant.
This is, however, all speculations, bottom line is that Peder Lauridsen of Ribe
remains to be identified. ● It is unclear from the damaged document
whether Peder Lauridsen as his counterpart (and son?) also should be seen as
founder of the Dominican chapel, but the wording about private masses following
their names (“singularem gerunt devotionem”) in the letters are identical.
Published: Acta
pontificum Danica vol. V no. 3774.
Rome |
Province of Dacia |
Fr. Laurentius
Nicolai of the Friars Preachers in Dacia represents his province as diffinitor
at the general chapter in Rome, where he is approved for the doctoral degree,
and Fr. Olavus de Monte and Fr. Petrus Petri are assigned to the studia
generalia in Paris and Perugia respectively.
Source: Acta capitulorum
generalium OP.
Language: Latin.
In nomine Domini, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli
generalis Rome celebrati in conventu sancte Marie super Minervam in festo
pentecostes die ∙xxx∙ maii anno Domini MDI sub reverendissimo patre
fr. Vincencio de Castronovo s. theol. clarissimo professore, totius ordinis
predicatorum generali magistro, in capitulo generali per viam scrutinii
unanimiter ac concorditer et pacifice electo, diffinientibus communiter
reverendis patribus provincialibus et diffinitoribus suarum provinciarum
videlicet: (…) fr. Laurentio Nicolai magistro et diffinitore provincie Dacie
(…). [MOPH vol. IX, p. 2]
sunt assignationes. Conventui Parisiensi (…). In studentes generales fr.
Olavum de Monte provincie Dacie, fr. Michaelem Ballete et fr. Honoratum Rochioni pro rata provincie
Provincie, fr. Danielem Barra provincie Theutonie. (…) In conventu Perusino
(…). In studentes (…) fr. Petrum Petri de Dacia (…). [MOPH vol. IX, p. 19-20 with addition in AFP vol.
V, p. 295]
Iste sunt approbaciones. (…) Item, approbamus magisteria (…) fr. Laurentii
Nicolai de Dacia (…). [MOPH vol. IX, p. 22]
Comments: Since this section of the chapter acts published in MOPH was not
complete, the missing segments were subsequently published in AFP. ● Fr.
Laurentius Nicolai may be identical to the friar by this name, who in 1491 29/5 was permitted by the master
general to stay in any convent of his choice; thus, he may also be identical to
the former prior provincial Fr. Laurentius Nicolai Bagge, see 1470 10/6. It seems to be he, who
represented Dacia as diffinitor at the general chapter in Rome in 1508 11/6 and subsequently, in 1508
26/6, was authorized by the master general to absolve the prior in Odense
should he decline to live a vita regulari.
A Fr. Laurentius Nicolai was also approved for the doctoral degree in 1513
15/5; if all references are to the same person, he must have reached a
considerable age. ● Fr. Olavus de Monte, assigned as student to the studium generale in Paris, is not known
(by this name) from any other sources. ● Fr. Petrus Petri, assigned as
student to the studium generale in
Perugia, is not known (by this name) from any other sources.
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 2, 19-20 and 22; Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum vol. V, p. 295.
Rome |
Convent of Wrocław, Province of Dacia |
Jacobus of Dacia is assigned as lector at the convent in Wrocław, Polonia.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Fr. Jacobus de Dacia assignatur in lectorem in conventu eodem [Wratislaviensis] etcetera et praecipitur ut infra octo dies ad praedictum conventum accedat etcetera. Die 14 junii, Romae.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Jakob af Dacia indsættes i lektoratet i samme konvent
(dvs. Wroclaw) osv. og skal inden otte dage gives adgang til samme konvent osv.
Den 14. juni, Rom.
Comments: Fr. Jacobus de Dacia is not known from other sources, unless
he is identical to Fr. Jacobus Blå (see 1475
22/3), former lector of the Friars Preachers in Holbæk and bishop of
Gardar, who resigned his episcopal office in 1492.
Published: Acta
capitulorum provinciae Poloniae vol. I,
p. 634.
(Rome) |
Convents of Greifswald, Pasewalk and Tallinn, Provinces of Dacia,
Polonia and Saxonia |
Martin of Kammin, Duke Bugislaw of Pomerania-Stettin and representatives from
the cities of Greifswald, Pasewalk and Tallinn plead with Pope Alexander VI for
a transfer of the Dominican convents in Greifswald, Pasewalk and Tallinn from
their present provinces of Polonia and Dacia to the province of Saxonia, to
which, it is claimed, the convents much more naturally belong.
Source: Copy of received supplication to the Curia. Ratsarchiv Rostock.
Language: Latin.
Ex causis infra scriptis certe domus ordinis
predicatorum a Polonie et Datie provinciis petuntur amoveri et separari et ad
provinciam Saxonie transferri.
pater, exponitur Sanctitati Vestre pro parte devote illius creature Martini
moderni episcopi Camiensis ac nobilis et illustris principis Bugslai Pameranie
et Stetinensis ducis nec non proconsulum, consulum et communitatem
Gripeswaldensis et Passwalkcensis Polonie et Revaliensis oppidorum predictorum
Datie provinciarum ordinis fratrum predicatorum domibus degentes fratres adeo a
moribus incolarum et habitantium in Polonie et Dacie regnis ac provinciis
difformes et dispares existunt, quod inter alia illorum ideoma non intelligunt
nec intelligibiliter loqui sciunt, ita quod inibi fructum aliquem facere nec
sibi ipsis nec aliis perficere possunt, et graves discordie ac interdum
scandala inter eos exinde oriuntur, quodque si domus huiusmodi a dictis
provinciis totaliter amoverentur, separerentur et segregarentur et ad
provinciam Saxonie, cuius provincie hominum ideoma in prefatis domibus
habitantes fratres intelligunt et intelligibiliter loqui sciunt, eisdem moribus
et modo viuunt, transferentur et illi applicarentur et appropriarentur, ac quod
de cetero perpetuis futuris temporibus sub prioris provincialis juxta morem
dicti ordinis jurisdictione, dominio, potestate, cura, visitatione, correctione
et obediencia subesse deberent et tenerentur, statueretur et ordinaretur,
profecto quieti et paci ipsorum quum plurimum consuleretur et scandalis
huiusmodi obviaretur. Supplicant igitur humiliter Sanctitatem Vestram oratores
prefati, quatenus, in premissis oportune consulentes, Gripeswaldensem et
Passewalkcensem a Polonie nec non Revaliensium oppidorum domos predictas
illarumque conventus et in illis pro tempore degentes fratres a Datie
provinciis huiusmodi amovere et totaliter separare, segregare et dismembrare ac
domos, conventus et fratres huiusmodi ad dictam provinciam Saxonie transferere
et illi applicare et appropriare, quodque de cetera perpetuis futuris
temporibus sub potestate cura, obedientia, visitatione et correctione prioris
provincialis pro tempore existentis dicte provincie Saxonie esse debeant,
statuere et ordinare. Et nichilominus si separationum, translationum,
applicationum, statutorum et ordinationum huiusmodi fieri contigerit, eisdem
domibus et in eis pro tempore habitantibus et degentibus fratribus et, ut
premittitur, translatis, ut omnibus et singulis privilegiis indultis,
exemptionibus, immunitatibus, prerogativis et libertatibus, quibus alie dicte
ordinis reformate domus congregationis Hollandie et dicte provincie Saxonie
utuntur, potiuntur et gaudent, ac uti, potiri et gaudere poterunt quomodolibet
in futurum uti, potiri et gaudere libere et licite valeant, indulgere dignemini
de gratia speciali, non obstantibus constitutionibus et ordinationibus
apostolicis, nec non dicti ordinis et domorum juramento, confirmatione
apostolica vel quavis firmitate [- lacuna
in document -] roboratis statutis et consuetudinibus ceterisque contrariis
quibuscunque, cum clausulis oportunis et consuetis, ita tamen, quod dicte
provincie, de quibus prefati conventus transferentur debitis contributionibus
non defraudentur, secundum moderamen per reverendissium generalem dicti ordinis
Fiat ut
petitur. F.
Et cum
absolutione a censuris quoad effectum, et de translatione, separatione,
applicatione, subjectione, statuto et ordinatione ac indulto premissis ut
Et in
forma gratiosa ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Et quod premissorum omnium major et
verior specification fiat, etiam an opido Revaliensi huiusmodi sit civitas et
aliorum circa eadem aptior narratio fieri posset in literis.
Et quod
litere expediantur cum clausula, quod etiam protector supplicat.
Rome apud Sanctum Petrum, nono kal. Julii, anno nono. R. R.
pro reverendissimo domino vicario Jo. Ragusiensi.
protector Jo Card. Alexander v. Cardinalis Neapolitanus, protector monachorum.
Comments: The papal copy of the supplication is
preserved in the city archive of Rostock, where it is attached to a transcript
of the complying Bull of Pope Alexander VI (see below, A). · The expressed wish for a connection to the German province undoubtedly
reflects the strong German element within the upper urban classes in the three
Hansa cities. · Although the pope complied with the request, a provincial transfer of
the three convents was not implemented until 1517.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte
des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol.
9, pp. 44-45.
1501 23/6 |
Rome |
Alexander VI complies with the supplication above after recommendation from the
Order’s protector at the Curia, the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina.
Sources: A. Transcript of original document. Ratsarchiv Rostock. B.
Transcript. Vatican Archives, Rome.
Language: Latin.
Ad perpetuam rei memoriam.
apostolice gratiosa benignitas honestis quorumlibet votis, illis presertim, per
que pie vite vacantium personarum, obvietur scandalis ac eorum commodis et
profectibus provideatur, libenter annuit et favorem benivolum impertitur. Sane
exhibita nobis pro parte venerabilium fratrum nostrorum Sabiniensis et
Caminensis episcoporum ac dilectorum filiorum nobilis viri Bugslai Pameranie
etc. ducis Stetinensis nec non consulum, proconsulum ac universitatum hominum
Gripeswaldensis et Passwalkcensis oppidorum, Caminensis dioceseos ac
Revaliensis civitatis petitio continebat, quod in domo Gripeswaldensi et Passwalkcensi
Polonie et in Revaliensi oppidorum et civitatis predictorum Datie provinciarum
juxta morem ordinis fratrum predicatorum eorumque ordinis et fratrum domibus
degentes fratres adeo a moribus incolarum Polonie et Datie provinciarum
huiusmodi differentes et dispares existunt, quod incolarum huiusmodi ideoma non
intelligunt, nec intelligibiliter loqui sciunt, sicque nec inibi fructum
aliquem afferre, nec ipsis nec aliis proficere possunt, graviaque quandoque
discordie et scandala exinde oriuntur, et propterea, si statueretur et
ordinaretur, quod de cetero perpetuis futuris temporibus domus prefate et in
eis pro tempore inhabitantes fratres sub prioris provincie Saxonie dicti
ordinis etiam juxta morem ordinis eiusdem, cuius provincie hominum ideoma intelligunt
et intelligibiliter loqui sciunt, ac quorum moribus et vivendi modo utuntur,
jurisdictione, potestatis cura et visitatione et correctione et obediencia esse
deberent, profecto paci et quieti dictorum fratrum quam plurimum consuleretur.
Quare pro parte Sabinensis episcopi, prefati ordinis protectoris, ac Caminensis
episcoporum nec non ducis ac consulum, proconsulum, universitatum hominum nobis
huiusmodi fuit humiliter supplicatum, ut quod de cetero perpetuis futuris
temporibus domus huiusmodi et in illis pro tempore degentes fratres sub
jurisdictione potestatis, cura, obedientia, visitatione et correctione prioris
provincialis provincie Saxonie et ordinis predicatorum esse debeant et
teneantur statuere et ordinare, aliasque in premissis oportune providere de
benignitate apostolica dignaremur, nos qui cunctarum presertim religiosarum
personarum sub svavi contemplationis ingo altissimo famulantium pacem et
quietem intensis desideramus affectibus, huiusmodi supplicationibus inclinati,
stauimus et ordinavimus, quod de cetero perpetuis futuris temporibus domus
prefate et in eis pro tempore inhabitantes fratres sub jurisdictione,
potestate, cura et visitatione, correctione et obediencia prioris provincialis
pro tempore existentis provincie Saxonie et ordinis predicatorum esse debeant
et teneantur, et nichilominus domibus huiusmodi et in eis pro tempore
degentibus fratribus, ut omnibus et singulis privilegiis, indultis,
exemptionibus, immunitatibus, prerogativis et libertatibus, quibus alie dicti
ordinis reformate domus congregationis Hollandie dicte provincie Saxonie
utuntur, potiuntur et gaudent ac uti, potiri et gaudere potuerunt, quomodolibet
in futurum uti, potiri et gaudere libere et licite valeant auctoritate
apostolica, tenore presentium, de specialis dono gratie indulgemus, non
obstantibus constitutionibus et ordinacionibus apostolicis necnon dicti ordinis
statutis et consuetudinibus ceterisque quibuscunque Nulli ergo etc.
Exponitur pro parte Martini moderni episcopi Camiensis
ac nobilis et illustris principis Burgslai Pomeranie et Stetinensium ducis
necnon proconsulum, consulum et communitatum Bripesuvaldensis et
Passeuvalkensis Camiensis diocesis ac Revaliensis oppidorum, quod, cum in de
Bripesuvaldensis et Passeuvalkensis Polonie et de Ravaliensis oppidorum
predictorum Dacie provinciarum ordinis fratrum predicatorum domibus degentes
fratres adeo a moribus incolarum in Polonie et Dacie regnis ac provinciis
diformes et dispares existunt, quod inter alia illorum idioma non intelligunt
nec intelligibiliter loqui sciunt, ita quod inibi fructum aliquem facere nec
sibi ipsis nec aliis proficere possunt, et graves discordie et interdum
scandala inter eos exinde oriuntur, quodque, si domus huiusmodi a dictis
provinciis totaliter amoveretur ac separaretur et ad provinciam Saxonie, cuius
provincie hominum idioma in prefatis domibus habitantes fratres intelligunt et
intelligibiliter loqui sciunt [ac] eis[dem] moribus et modo vivunt,
transfererentur et illi aplicarentur et appropriarentur, ac, quod de cetero
perpetuis futuris temporibus sub prioris provincialis correctione et obedientia
subesse tenerentur, statueretur, profecto quieti et paci ipsorum quamplurimum
consuleretur et scandalis huiusmodi obviaretur; supplicant [igitur] oratores
prefati, quatenus Grispeuvaldensis et
Passenvalkensis a Polonie necnon Revaliensis oppidorum domos predictas
illarumque et in illis pro tempore degentes fratres a Dacie provinciis
huiusmodi amovere et totaliter separare, segregare et dismembrare ac domos,
conventus et fratres huiusmodi ad dictam provinciam Saxonie transferre et illi
aplicare et appropriare, quodque de cetero perpetuis futuris temporibus sub
potestate, cura et obedientia, visitatione, correctione prioris provincialis
pro tempore existentis dicte provincie Saxonie esse debeant, statuere, et
nichilominus, si separationem, translationem, aplicationem statutum huiusmodi
fieri contigerit, eis domibus et in eisdem pro tempore degentibus fratribus et,
ut premittitur, translatis, ut omnibus privilegiis et indultis, ordinis
reformati domus congregationis Rolandie ….. , gaudere poterunt quomodolibet …..
, indulgere dognemini, ita tamen, quod dicte provincie, de quibus prefati
conventus transferuntur, debitis contributionibus non defraudentur secundum
moderamen per generalem dicti ordinis apponendum. Fiat. R….. Et in forma
gratiosa ad perpetuam rei memoriam … . Et quod littere expediantur cum
clausula, quod etiam protector supplicat. Videat protector, O. cardinalis
Neapolitanus protector manu propria … . Fiat. R. Jo. cardinalis Alexandrinus.
Datum Rome 9. kalendas julii anno 9.
Comments: See above. · Transcript B is quite damaged. · The cardinal bishop of Sabina at this time was Oliviero Carafa
(1492-1503), appointed to the see by Pope Alexander VI himself. Carafa was not
a Dominican, but allegedly he was related to Fr. Thomas Aquinas OP on his
mother’s side, and his relations with the Order was apparently good; he is
depicted with Aquinas in the Dominican church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in
Rome. · Of course, neither the pope nor the protector of the Order could decide
any such changes in the internal organizational structure of the Order of
Preachers without the acceptance of the Order and the provinces involved, and
the Bull can therefore only be seen as a papal recommendation of the change and
a beforehand approval of it, should it be decided by the friars.
Published: A. Quellen und Forschungen zur
Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 9, pp. 46-47. B. Acta
pontificum Danica vol. V no. 3841.
Convent of Lund |
Klasson de Vik renounces his allegiance to King Hans of Denmark-Norway-Sweden due
to a list of violations and injustices committed against him by the Crown over
a period of years, among which one took place already in his childhood, when
King Hans’ father, King Christian I, had all their family land in Skåne
confiscated, including a chest placed in the priory of the Friars Preachers in
Lund for safekeeping, which contained money, gold, silver and other valuable
items, as well as deeds on the family’s landed property.
Source: Draft and
contemporary transcript. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old Danish.
første kongh Hans, verdes edher nades høgmectoghedh vele vithe, ath jach
Niels Clausson i Viik riddere lader eder nade forstaa, och fortencker eder
nade wel, hwrelunde thesse werdugeste werdighe fædher erlighe herrer och
gode mæn Suerigis rigis radh bægæredhe och rodhe eder nåde saa offta
eder nade hafuer warit her i rikith och i winters thesligesth och nw
i sommers, tha thet møtte wor i S[t]ockholm, ath eder nade ville gøre
Calmarne recess fulth, och hwilke ærende och saker jach formoger eder nade
haffuer foeth ytermere breff och skriffuilse etcetera. Jach haffuer och noger tiiltaal tiil eder nade ok flere
po myn eghen wægna, bade om thet som skede i eder nades fadhers tiidh, och
wor tha rørdh och kerth for hans nade i hans liiffstiidh, førsth om myn
gardh Ellinghe, som eder fader lodh skøffla och skynne i myn barndom, tha
jach laa i lyndhe, och borth toghe boo och booskaff alth thet ther wor, tesligesth the kiisther, som wore insette i
forwaringh och gøme i Swarthe brødre closter i Lundh medh mynth,
gul, pæninge, sølff och manghe godhe clenodia, som drager en stor
swm, och ther til myne jorde breff, som mange danne mæn witherligth
ær, sydhen myn gardh Lyckaa och the læn ther vndherligge, som ær myth,
rette panth som mek och wellelighe worth fron taghet, och haffuer omboreth
i longeligh tiidh, och lodh jach eder nade forsto ther om i mange ar
forlidna i Køpenhaffn i mange dannemæntz nærware, och tesligesth rørthes
for eder soo offta eder nade haffuer warit her i rikith, æn thij ath jach
fiik icke thesmere wandel eller reth ther fore, soo och om annet mer
oreth, som mik i mange madhe sidhen ær sketh, som iach vil lathe gode mæn
forstoo framdelis, nar swa kan hende sigh, tes flere gode mæn ther hooss
kunne ware, thess helder jach sereth. Hwath som jach haffuer rørth for
eder nade entighen ther om eller annet, haffuer jach icke fwnnet eder
nådes velueligheth, mek til help eller styrch i myn reth i nager matte etcetera, tha her Henrigh Cromedighe
hade lathet scriffueth mange orette clagemal po myk, hwilkith han selff
openbare i eder nades eghen nerware och ohøre i Jønekøpingh sagde och
tiilstodh, ath ther hade icke en aff the bønder kerth po mich, hade han
icke kommet them ther tiil. Hade eder nade villeth warit mich soo
wel bewæghen i myn reth, som eder nade wor Jens Falster, Anders
Persson och flere, tha hade jach wel foeth the orette clagemal bescriffne,
som her Henrigh tha framsette po myth argesth och forderff, ath jach matte
haffue scriffuit ther swar oppo. Ther hade wel fwnness gode genswar tiil,
hade jach moth warith hørth, och eder nade ville warith mek soo
wel benæghen i min reth, som i wore ath høre her Henrigh wrongwiisse
taal och clagemal tiil mek. Æn jach fan eder nade icke welueligh tiil
noghen deel mek til hielp eller bestandh i noger matte. Then honheth och
forsm[æ]elsse mek ther vdi sketh ær po myn rette orsaghe, thet kenne
Gudh medh hwat reth thet war gorth, hwilket eder nade ey heller ville
skøne etcetera. For sodanne ærendhe
och andre mek i mange matte sketh ær, tha vpsigher jach edher nade
hulskap, manskap och trotiænesth, som jach eder nåde tiil sagth hade och
vil ware eder nade och ederss meth hollere vnner øghen, hwar som jak kan.
Ath swa ær trycker jach meth insigle nædhen for thette breff. Datum anno
Domini MD primo die beati Laurentii martiris et levite.
Comments: It is unknown if
the letter was actually ever sent to the king. It is written in Danish,
possibly to stress Nils Klasson’s Danish family background. ● Nils Klasson de Vik was a knight and
member of the Swedish national council. He was the son of a Danish knight,
Claus Nielsen de Ellinge, and it was through him that he would have inherited
the estate in Skåne, which allegedly had been confiscated by King Christian I.
It is not known when the confiscation took place, neither is the age of Nils
Klasson known, but it must have occured in 1481 at the latest, when King
Christian I died. The reason for both King Christian I’s and King Hans’ grudge
against Nils Klasson and his family was that they sided with the Swedish
separatist party; Nils Klasson was the cousin of Regent Sten Sture the Older
(see 1480 8/11) and one of
his chief supporters. Along with a group of other Swedish nobles Nils Klasson
was convicted (in absentia) of high
treason against King Hans at the Calmar Recess in 1505; he died later that same
year. ● It would appear that the chest of family values had been placed
in the care of the Friars Preachers in Lund already by Nils Klasson’s parents.
His father Claus Nielsen de Ellinge
was a Danish knight based in Skåne. He was often involved in the union politics
between Denmark and Sweden, and through marriage to Katarina Stensdotter Bielke he also acquired the demesne Vik in
Sweden as well as close family relations to both Karl Knutsson and Sten Sture.
Claus Nielsen died at some point during the winter of 1451-52. He is not
otherwise known for any Dominican connections; his own father, Niels Svendsen
de Ellinge, bought some land from the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg in 1403
29/6. Claus Nielsen’s wife, Katarina, was still alive in 1458, and
preferred to live at the Swedish demesne in Vik; thus, it may have been in her
time as widow that the family valuables in Ellinge was brought to the care of
the Friars Preachers. ● Ellinge was a demesne situated 10 km north-east
of Lund.
Published: Bidrag till Skandinaviens historia ur utländska arkiver vol.
IV no. 184.
Rome |
Convent of
Tallinn, Dutch Congregation |
Fr. Laurentius, laybrother
from the convent of Tallinn, is permitted by the Congregation’s vicar general
to leave.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
1501. (...) Fr. Laurentius conversus conventum Revaliensis congregationis Hollandie habet licentiam eundi ad vicarium generalem congregationis etc. Die 18. octobris Rome.
Dansk oversættelse:
1501. (...) Broder Laurentius, lægbroder af konventet i Reval og den
Hollandske Kongregation, har tilladelse til at udtræde af kongregationens
generalvikar osv. Den 18. oktober i Rom.
Comments: It is not completely clear exactly what is
meant by “has permission to leave”, but most likely Fr. Laurentius wanted to
leave either the Dutch Congregation or the Order of Preachers entirely. · Several
friars are known to have left the house of Tallinn when it was reformed by the
Congregation in 1474-75, but surely the reactions to this organizational change
must have been over with for long in 1501. More likely, the possible
resignation had to do with the (then) unsuccessful plans in the preceding
summer of transferring the convent of Tallinn from the province of Dacia to
that of Saxonia.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens
in Deutschland
vol. 40, p. 111.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
widow of Johan Svensson, donates a house in Stockholm to the Friars Preachers
in Stockholm and to ‘the building of Helga Lösen’ in return for a fraternity
with the convent.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker.
Language: Old
Ffor alle the gode men, som thette breff hender fore at komma, hilsser jag hustrv Bireta, her Jogan Suenssons effterleffuerska, kerliga med Gud, gorendes allom witterligit med thette mit opne breff, at jag med min godwilie och j min welmakt med mine kiere barn ja och samtykie wnner oc geffuer eth mit stenhus, ligiandes westantiil nordan fore Suen Jonssons grend och ligger mellan Jens Mws och Oleff Raualdsons huss, hulkit førne huss han køpta aff Benct klensmid, Gud begis theris siel nade, med allom godom crisne sielum, och thet samme huss geffuer jag til Swartbrødra cløster her i Stocholm och til the Helge løsn bygning, Gud til loff och ære, cløstrid til nytto och gangne, huar føre affhender jag førne huss fran mich och allom minom arffuingom, fødde och offødde, och tilegner førne Swartbrødra cløster och cløstersins formen at byggie och bruke eller sælie effter theris ægien vilie med swa dane skæl och førord, at jagh ok alle mine effterkomande, baade liffuande och dødæ, skole worde delaktige och lofftagne aff alt tet gode, som sker och gørss j førne cløster jn til domen. Til ytermere wisso och bætre førwaring henger jag Suen Jonsson mit insigle nedan før tette breff, och tiil ytermere witnisbørd beder jak erlige mens insigle, som ar Jens Gudmunsson raadman oc Per Jonsson borgere j Stocholm, som giffuit oc scriffuit ær anno Domini 150j ipso die beate Katerine virginis et martiris.
Comments: The donation is known through a transcript in the city records
of Stockholm from 1516, when the widow of Birgitta’s
son Sven Jonsson Moyse presented it to the city council. ● Birgitta and
Johan Svensson were apparently middleclass burghers of Stockholm, and the
parents of two sons, Sven Jonsson Moyse, who sealed the letter of donation, and
Fr. Johannes Moyse, who joined the convent of Friars Preachers in Stockholm,
see 1507. The two brothers settled their parental
inheritance in 1508. When Sven had died in
1516, his widow Elsebeth confirmed the donation before the city council. ●
On Helga Lösen in Stockholm, see 1408 21/12. It is not clear whether the
donation was meant to help the maintenance of the painting, adding more gold to
it or perhaps finance a special chapel for it.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, pp. 131-132.
Province of Dacia |
of a letter of protection by King Christoffer III ‘the Bavarian’ of
Denmark-Norway-Sweden from 1442-48 for the Order of Preachers and the Order of
Friars Minor in all three kingdoms, prohibiting all foreign friars from
constructing any buildings here, especially at Dragør, Skanør, Falsterbo, Malmö
and all other herring markets in Denmark.
Source: Register in Akershusregisteret, 1622.
Language: Danish.
Vidisse aff konning Christophers hegn och beskiermelßebreff offuer alle suartebrødre och graabrødre ij disße trende kongeriger med deris priuilegiis, ej tilstedendis fremmede tiggebrødre, som eij haffue closter, her att motte bygge till land eller strand serdielis dj paa Dragøer, Skaanøer, Falsterboe eller Malmøe eller paa andre fiskeleiger ij Danmarck etc. daterit samme transcriptum 1301.
Comments: The claimed date of the register cannot be right for neither
the original
letter nor the confirmation. The only King Christoffer to rule all three
Nordic kingdoms was Christoffer III ‘the Bavarian’ (1442-1448), thus, a
subsequent confirmation of this letter may then have been issued in 1501
(rather than the claimed 1301); nothing is indicated of by whom the
confirmation was given, but if the suggested year is correct, then it was most
likely King Hans of Denmark-Norway-Sweden (1497-1501). ● An almost
similar prohibition against foreign mendicant presence in the province of
Skåne, including the herring markets, was issued by King Christian I of
Denmark-Norway-Sweden in 1461.
Published: Akershusregisteret af
pp. 127.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Claus Meyer, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves 2 marks
Riga to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
In Godess namen, amen. Wennte de mynssche geboren wertt in desser welde kortte tyd to blyvende und nycht en wett de stunde synes dodes de tomalle unsecker und twyvelafftych is, hodoch nademe de dott secker und wys is, hyrumme so hebbe ick Claves Meygher borgher der staett Reffel (…) myn testementt und lasste wyllen in desser nageschreven wyse und formen: (…) Noch so geve ick suntte Toleff kercken 9 mc. Ryg. Noch so geve ick to suntte Claves 3 mc. Ryg. Noch geve ick suntte Anttonges 1 mc. Ryghes. Noch geve ick den secken 6 fe. Noch geve ick den moncken 2 mc. Ryg. Noch geve ick to suntte Gerdrutt 1 mc. Ryg. Noch so geve ick to suntte Byrgytten 2 mc. Noch so geve ick tom Hyllyghen Gesste 1 mc. Ryg. (…) Und bydde de vorbenoneden vormunderen ock er ingeseghel by dat myne an dyt jewerdyghe testement hanghen wyllen. Gescreven na der gebortt Krysste 15 hundertt und 2 des mydewekens vor suntte Aderjan.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 242.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Berndt Pael, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves 10 marks
Riga to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn as help for the building of their
church (St. Catherine), 12 marks Riga as help for a sack of hop, and 2 barrels
of Scanian herring and 2 barrels of ‘rotscher’ for the friars to pray to God
for his soul.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Den junckfrouwen
alhir to Revall, dat se Got vor mi bidden, 2 tunnen rotscher. Tho sunte Olaves
torne deme buwete to hulpe 10 mc. Tho
sunte Katherinen kerken der prediker ordens tome buwete to hulpe 10 mc. Rig.
Den brodern darsulves, dat se Got vor mi bidden, 2 tunnen Schonken heringes und
2 tunnen rotscher. Noch geve ick den broderen to eynen sack hoppen to
hulpe 12 mc. Rig. (…)
Comments: Only the middle section of the will is published in LEKUB. ●
‘Rotscher’ was apparently a type of fish. ● Berndt Pael was dead in 1506, when another 100 marks Riga were paid to the Friars
Preachers in Tallinn by the executors of his will for the illumination of the
Veil of Veronica in the priory church.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 264.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Swedish nationalist leaders settle the terms of surrender of the besieged
Stockholm Castle with the remaining unionist commanders, according to which the
castle is to be handed over three days later. The residing Queen Christine of
Denmark-Norway(-Sweden) and the civil part of her retinue are to be placed at
Blackfriars Priory in Stockholm until either Regent Sten Sture or Marshal
Svante Nilsson has returned with sufficient forces to escort her back to
Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Swedish.
Wii, Matthes, medh Gudz nadh biscop i
Strengnes, Hemmyngh Gadh, aff Gudz forsyn electus til Lyndkøpingh, Sten Sture,
Sweriges rikes forstandere, Swante Nielsson, marsk, Knwt Eskilsson, Nyels Clauesson,
Sten Cristiernsson, Erick Johansson, riddare, Sweriges rikes raadh och men,
borgamestara, raadh och menichet i Stocholm, gøre vitterligit medh thetta wort
nerwarendes apne breff och clarliga bekenne, at wii til taalz och dechtingen
ware i the helga trefollogheetz nampn i bykirkian i sancte Nicolay koor medh
strenge riddera och ærlige gode men, her Thure Jensson, her Folke Gregersson,
her Oleff Jepsson, Johan Grependorp och doctor Karll, høgboren forstinnes
drøtning Cristines och alle andre riddere och swenes, rike och fatige, pa wort
och cronones slot Stocholm nw bestallade ære, fulmechtige sendebodh, medh oss
forhanddeldes och til en godh ænda dechtingandes om tesse feydh och bestallingh
imellen oss och thøm nw før øghan ær: Schulle och maage aff ghaa mandach nw
nestkomendes, tha attha slaar for myddagen, medh sina cappellana och andre
embit[z]men, kocka, lechiara, stegara, fyrbotara, stalmestara och andre tolke
embitzmen, hennes nades gardh dageliga efftherfølie, medh nagra faa smasuena,
alt hoffuesinnet och eddelle blodh vndantagit, vtan fengelse och beschatningk,
och ey ytermera trengie hennes nade tet aff, thet Danmarches rike eller hennes
nade kan komma til schada och forderff, vtan aff gaa medh beholne haffuer, gotz
och eghedeler, alt tet hennes nades fatabur til hører, och intet annat tet
hennes nades herre til hører, och in til Swartbrødra closter her i Stocholm, i
swa matte bliffuendes ther, til tess wor kera herre och høffuitzman her Sten
Sture och Swante hiit komme medh flere gode ærlige herrer och men, ricksens
raadh, øffuerwæghandes hurelundh och hwat staat och ærligheet, antinge medh
biscopar, prelater eller ridderschop och frelssis men, enschiilt hwar fore sich
eller bade saman, hennes nadh ginom landit føre och senda vyligia medh tilbørlich
virdhningk til hennes herre och hossbonde kongh Hans til Danmarck i sit fry och
gode beholdh, ok huilken wegh hennes nadhe aff alles ware befallingk, antinge
om Østhergøtlandh eller Vesthergøtlandh eller til skyps, naar all tingk ær
forclarat, hem sendas schal. (…) Alla tesse forscreffna articla och punchter
och hwar serdelis fore sich loffwe wii stadugha, fastha och obrutliga ath holle
vppa ware ære, cristelige troo och sanningh, och icke i moth thette breff eller
artichla nagher andelich och verdzligh reth oss ath brucha i naghre matte thøm
till schada eller forderff. Thil ythermera wysse och høghre forwaringh latha
wii vittherliga hengie alless ware secrete och insigelle fore thette breff, som
scriffuit och giffuit ær i Stocholm aarom effther Gudz børdh
thusandefemphwndrade pa thet andra aarith vppa fredagin nest effter helge
Comments: Christine von Sachsen
(†1521) was, as the wife of King Hans, queen of Denmark-Norway from 1482, and
of Sweden 1497-1502. She resided at Stockholm Castle in 1501, when Sten Sture
led a Swedish rebellion against the union, and under her leadership the
unionists endured an eight-months long siege until 9 May 1502, at what time the
initial garrison of 1,000 men had diminished to 70 due to starvation and
disease. A few days after the surrender of the castle, King Hans arrived with a
fleet to her relieve, but too late. Queen Christine was imprisoned by the
Swedish rebels until October 1503. She remained queen of Denmark-Norway until
the death of her king husband in 1513, after which she resided for the rest of
her life as queen dowager at Næsbyhoved Castle on Fyn. Although the Queen Christine monastically is best
known for her preference for the Observant Franciscans, her account books from
her time at Næsbyhoved also reveal an outspoken liking to the Friars Preachers,
whose convent in Odense she visited and bequeathed regularly, see 1504 29/4. Christine was the daughter of Prince Ernst of Saxony
and the mother of King Christian II of Denmark-Norway-Sweden. ● On Sten
Sture (the Older), see 1480 8/11.
● Svante Nilsson Sture (†1512)
was marshal of Sweden during the de facto
reign of Sten Sture the Older, and although the two were allied as nationalists
against the unionist rule of King Hans, they were also bitter rivals for power
within the nationalist party. When Sten Sture died in 1503, Svante Nilsson
succeeded him as regent of Sweden in 1504-1512. Svante Nilsson showed great
preferences for the Friars Preachers. In 1499 16/8, when he was sheriff
of Stegeborg, he had some unknown affairs with the convent in Stockholm
concerning a house. Shortly after his election as regent, he entered a
personal fraternity with the entire Dominican province of Dacia in 1504
10/10, and he found himself a loyal support in Fr. Petrus Johannis, lector
and later prior of the convent in Västerås (1506 21/1,
1506 22/1, 1507
Nov.-Dec., 1508 22/10, 1508 Oct.-Nov.); the convent even lend him money to
salaries for garrison soldiers at Västerås Castle in 1508
20/6. In 1506 19/10, he reprimanded Bishop
Mats Gregersson of Strängnäs for having expelled some friars from the convent
in Strängnäs, and in 1507 18/8 he was promised a weekly procession in
intercessory favour of his military fortune by the Friars Preachers in
Stockholm in return for an annual donation. He was the father of Sten Sture the
Younger. ● The choice of the Dominican
priory in Stockholm as temporary gaol for Queen Christine and her civil retinue
hardly reflects any specific close ties between the Friars Preachers and the
queen, who was more in favour of the Friars Minor, although friendly to all
mendicant orders in general. Of the two Swedish rebel leaders, especially
Svante Nilsson had good relations to the Friars Preachers, thus, although a
neutral monastic asylum as such, the convent could be trusted by the
nationalist leaders to act loyally.
Published: Sverges
vol. III no. 566.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Hermann Grothus, in which he leaves 60 marks to the
Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Warumme ick Herman Grothus hebbe angemercket myt guden verstande unde wal beraden moede de noet myner salicheit, (…) und geve den almechtigen Gade myne sele van em bildichliken gescapen, der hilligen kerken myne dechtnisse, den wormen mynen licham und der erden myn gebente. Dar negest van mynen negesten gude geve ick als hir naegeschreven steyt: (…) Totten broderen geve ick sestich marck. Toe sunte Nicolaus 10 mc. Toe sunte Oelve 10 mc. To sunte Brigitten 10 mc. Sunte Remigio geve ick sestich marck in de kercke to Mengede, dar ick geboren byn. Geschreven in den jare unses Heren dusent viffhondert und dre in dem dage Mathie des apostels (…).
Comments: Hermann Grothus was born in Mengede, near Dortmund in Germany.
He was dead in July of the same year, while still present in Tallinn (LEKUB 2.
ser. vol. II no. 512).
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 456.
OP |
Convent of Vejle |
Hans of Denmark-Norway and his royal court are assembled at Blackfriars Priory
in Vejle to deal with a legal dispute between Knight Anders Friis and two men,
who the knight requires to be outlawed.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Hanss konge. Søndagen efter Mathie dag
for os på vort retterting i Sortebrødrekloster i Vedlæ i vor egen nærværelse, nærværende hr. Jenss Anderß biskop i Othenss, hr. Henrich Knudß ridder,
Peder Brockenhuss og Ebbe Strangeß vore mænd og råd med flere, var hr. Anders
Friiss ridder og havde hid stævnet med
vor egen stævning Villom Terckelß og
Christiern Bertelß i Høgsholt og sagde, at siden seks uger forgangne var,
efter sandemænd havde svoret dem heruercke over, havde de besiddet det gods med vold, de påbor, mod hans vilje og
var og er hans rette fredløsemænd [...]. Datum ut supra nostro ad causas sub sig.,
teste Georgio Marswin justiciario nostro.
Comments: The document is not published in its full, original text,
only as a summary in a normalized Danish (here in italic) with name forms in the original wording.
Not published. Extensive summary, mostly in normalized Danish,
in Repertorium danici 2. ser. vol.
V no. 9797.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), p. 112.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
house of Hinrick Schelewendt by Blackfriars Priory in Tallinn is put for
compulsory sale by his creditors.
Source: Das Revaler Rentenbuch.
Language: German.
Anno 1503 des fridages na invocavit quemen vor vnnßen sittende stol des rades desse nabeschreuene tuge vnde tugeden, so recht is, dat Bartolt Bardt, vulmechtich procurator van wegen hern Johan Kullart, her Mathias Depholtes, her Lambert Ottinges, Zorges Huldermannes vnde der hußarmen vom hilgen geste am sonnauende na lichtmissen, Hinrick Schelwendes huß, by den zwarten monken belegen, vor eyn pant tom ersten male vpgebaden hebbe, so hoch van erer aller wegen, alße vp 1337½ mark houetstols vnde renthe myn edder mer vnorfencklich. Tughe weren Wilm Triß vnde Hans Hake. Tho deme anderen male mit sulue huß vnde pant vpgebaden van wegen syner houetlude vorscreuene sabato ante cathedra Petri. Tughe weren bauenscreu. Tho deme dorden male vpgebaden sabato post Mathie apostoli. Tughe weren Hinrick remensnider vnde Hans Hake. Vnnde vort by den tugen bauenschreuen to itliker tid der vpbedinghe vorwitliket, so recht is, in dat huß vnde ingeweldiget mit allem rechte.
Comments: On Hinrick Schelewendt III and the mortgaged house, see 1498 16/10.
Published: Publikationen aus dem Revaler
Stadtarchiv vol. V no. 1289.
Paris |
Convents of Schleswig (prov. Dacia) and Paris (prov. Francia), Dutch
Congregation |
Ysebrandus de Bolsward of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig(?) is assigned as
student of theology in Paris for three
years by the vicar general of the Dutch Congregation, which is confirmed by the
master general. During his stay, he is allowed to collect alms for his study,
books, travelling and other necessities.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Confirmatur assignatio fratris Ysbrandi de
Bolsuvardia conventus Slesennacensis facta per reverendum vicarium Hollandie in
studentem theologie Parisius, et per tres annos a futuro festo sancti Michaelis
durare debet, et potest elemosinas procurare pro studio, libris et aliis suis
necessitatibus ac pro itinere retinere, expendereque, dummodo hoc non faciat in
prejudicium alicuius conventus, et
maxime que sibi datur ratione patrie vel intuitu persone etcetera, et nullus inferior reverendissimo potest eum in hoc impedire
aut molestare; non obstantibus quibuscunque etcetera.
Die ∙via∙ maii Parisius.
Comments: On Fr. Ysebrandus de Bolsward, see 1494 15/5. As the entry is listed
under the province of Dacia, conventus
Slesennacensis is most likely identified with the convent in Schleswig,
which was also part of the Dutch Congregation. ● The master general of
the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Vincentius Bandello de Castro
(1501-1506). ● The vicar general of the Dutch Congregation at this time
was Fr. Johannes de Bauffremez (1502-1505).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:9 no. 12
(p. 46).
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Heinrich Horneyt, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves
20 marks to the Friars Preachers (‘Black Monks’) in Tallinn: 10 marks for their
Church of St. Catherine and 10 marks for the convent.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Item so gheve
ick in erste to weghe unde to steghe, mede to beterende, 10 mc. Rig.
Alhier in de domkerke 10 mc. To
sunte Nicolaus kerke 30 mc. To sunte Olaves kerken 20 mc. To sunte Gertruden
kerken 10 mc. Noch alhir to der swarten monken kerken sunte Katherinen 10 mc.
und deme convente 10 mc. Noch geve ick dem kloster to sunte Birgitten vor Revel
50 mc. (…)
Comments: Only the middle section of the will is published in LEKUB.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 545.
OP |
Convent of Vejle |
court of the Danish realm is assembled at Blackfriars Priory in Vejle to hear
testimonials and pass sentence in a dispute between Sheriff Niels Eriksen of
Koldinghus and Knight Anders Friis de Haraldskær concerning the guardianship to
some estate belonging to the Altar of the Holy Cross in the parish church of
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Wij Prebiørn Podebusk riddher, Erich Themmesson till Engelstholm,
Henric Persson i Selderup, Per Cristiernson i Stubdrup, Anders Mwnk j
Spechterup, Las Esbernson i Dolderup, Anders Esbernson i Lwndeskoff, vebnere,
Michill Æskelsson, Jørgen Michilson, Tuly Buk oc Magens Skriffuere i Forderup,
som bønder ære, giøre alle men vitterligt met thette vort obne breff, at effter
vor nadige herres beffalling aar effter Gudz bvrd MD tertio then fredag nest
effter sancti Dyonisii dag i Vedelle vti Sortebrøder closter haffde wij steffnd
fore oss i rette velbyrdig man her Niels Ericsen ridder, høffuetzman pa
Koldinghuss, på then ene oc her Anders Friis i Haritzkier riddher po then ander
sidde om tretthe, som them emellom var for eet væryemall po noget gotz, som
ligger till Hellykorss altere i Vedelle by kirke (…). Ther vppo effter vor
nadige herres beffalling oc effter loffuen met flere gode mentz offuerwarelse,
som tha nerwerendes tillstede ware, som er her Magens Gøye till Claxholm
ridder, Per Brockenhusse landzdommere i Nørre Iwtland, Morthen Vinttersson i
Twdeuedh oc Fffindet i Snee, sagde wij so for rette, at then, som so hæryer,
som fore er rørth, bør ey at wære værye oc forscrefne her Niels Ericson at være
værie till forscrefne Hellykorsses gotz. Till ydermere vindesbyrd, at so gik oc
for i sandingen, tha haffue wij forskrefne hengd wore indcegelle nedhen for
thette breff. Datum anno, die et loco ut supra.
Comments: The court was
presided by Knight Mogens Gøye de Clausholm and Justiciary Peder Brockenhuus of
Northern Jylland, and among the witnesses were Sheriff Predbjørn Podebusk of
Riberhus. The court ruled in favour of Niels Eriksen.
Published: Gamle jydske Tingsvidner no. 114.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), p. 112.
Convent of Viborg |
Mourids Nielsen Gyldenstjerne de Ågård dies and is buried in the priory church
of the Friars Preachers in Viborg.
Source: Vibeke
Podebusks Antegnelser, c. 1573.
Language: Old Danish.
- - - Døde Peder Stisen paa Aagaardt, oc blef begraven i Wiborrig i sorte Brødre Kircke.
- - - Døde Hr. Mouritz Nielsen paa Aagaardt oc der begraven.
- - - Døde Fr. Margrete Hr. Mouritz Nielsens paa Aagaardt, blef oc der begraven.
Comments: None of the three
included entries are dated (the space for the year is left open), but Mourids
Gyldenstjerne is recorded to have been alive for the last time on 28 August
1503, while he was dead on 16 February 1504. ● Although it strictly
speaking does not say so, the two entries following that of Peder Stisen (:Peder Nielsen, see c.1410) were read by M.N.C. Kall
Rasmussen (in DM 3 III (1851), p. 263, and so repeated by numerous others ever
since) as if Mourids Nielsen Gyldenstjerne and his wife, Margareta Bielke, were
also buried with the Friars Preachers in Viborg. The text can, however, both be
read as “Lord Mourids Nielsen died at Ågård and was buried there” (i.e. at
Ågård) or as “..and was also buried there” (i.e. referring to Blackfriars
Church mentioned in the preceding entry). Whereas the text literally by itself
mainly points to the former reading, no burials are otherwise known to have
taken place at Ågård or any other of the family demesnes mentioned in the
records. And as both Lord Mourids and Lady Margareta are known to have been
very amicable towards the Friars Preachers in Viborg, a burial place in this
priory church – where also Mourid’s grandparents were buried (see c.1410) – would indeed seem the most
logical reading. ● On Mourids Nielsen Gyldenstjerne, see 1474 19/9. ● On his wife,
Lady Margareta Bielke, (see 1507). ● On
Ågård, see c.1410.
Published: Samlinger til den Danske Historie vol. II:3, p. 24.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Herman Lette, who wishes to be buried with the Friars
Preachers in Tallinn, for which he leaves them 10 marks.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Den monken int kloster, dar boger ick to ligen, 10 mc. Rig. To
sunte Olf 5 mc. To sunte Gerdrut 3 mc. Ton susteren 4 mc. Den armen tom Hilgen Geste tor tafelen 6 mc. To
sunte Nyclawes 3 mc. Den armen seyken by der susterstraten 6 mc. Yn sunte
Antonyges broderschop 4 mc. To sunte Berreten 4 mc. Up sunte Mattiasz
avent 1504.
Comments: The introduction of the will is not published in LEKUB.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 623.
Convent of Schleswig |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 6 Rhine guilders to “the black monks of
Schleswig” for masses and construction work on their priory.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 6 rinske guldene thee
swortte mwncke aff Sleszuig fore begengelser oc closter till bygningh.
Comments: The entry is not
explicitly dated by day, but from its place in the chronology it must be from
either 24 or 25 April. ● On Queen Christine, see 1502
6/5. On the account books of her court, see 1504
29/4. ● The term “black monks” almost certainly here refers to
Blackfriars; there had not been Benedictine monks in Schleswig since 1191.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 69.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Queen Christine
of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine guilder as offering in Blackfriars Priory in
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 rinsk guldene fick jeg myn
frves nade at offre vdi Sworttebrødre closter i Othense feria 2a
proxima post jubilate.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. Since 1504, Queen Christine
resided with her personal court at Næsbyhoved Castle outside Odense and it is
mainly from this time and until her death in 1521 that her courtly account
books are preserved. Although the queen monastically is best known for her
preference for the Observant Franciscans, her account books also reveal an
outspoken liking to the Friars Preachers, whose convent in Odense she visited
and bequeathed regularly (1504 30/6, 1504 Jun, 1504 Sep, 1505 2/3, 1505 25/3, 1505 30/3, 1505 5/5, 1506 29/4, 1506 10/5,
1507 6/4, 1507 22/8,
1507 27/12, 1508 27/12,
1509 29/4, 1509 29/5,
1509, 1510 7/4,
1510 29/4, 1510 30/4,
1510 21/5, 1521 8/4),
just as friars from the convent occasionally visited her at the castle (1504 12/11 and perhaps 1504
30/6). During the queen’s trips to Jylland, the account books also show
that she visited and bequeathed the Dominican convents in Schleswig (1504 24/4) and Vejle (1505
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 71.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 8 shilling to the prior of the Friar
Preachers in Odense for a mass that he has performed.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item dominica, som commemorationis
sancti Pauli wor poo, i Sworttæbrøddher i Otthens priær pro missis, han haffde
bestillet, 8 ß.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● The prior of the
Friars Preachers in Odense at this time was Fr. Johannes Jacobi, see 1501
23/4. ● It is unclear if the mass had taken place in the priory
church in Odense or if the prior, as in 1504 12/11,
had performed it for the queen at her castle in Næsbyhoved.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, pp. 187-188.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 marks to the convent of Friars Preachers in
Odense for masses and vigils.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 mr., kom till
Sworttebrodre closther fore messer oc vigiliis.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 84.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
widow of blacksmith Olof Bengtsson in Stockholm, hands over a half part of her
house to the prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm on the condition that Olof’s
heirs or any burgher of the city may buy it back from the convent.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post visitacionis Marie (…). Samma dach stode Oleff Bennctsson smetz hustrw jn fore rettin och vplot priarenom j Swartabrødra conuent sit halffua hws epter sin framlidne dandeman Oleff medh swa skel, at thet skal ware godom hans arffuom eller borgarom til atherkøp aff clostreno. Ther pa lade vp priaren fritskilling.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 11.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Ryaner sells a house at the corner of Stora Torget and the street that leads to
Blackfriars Priory in Stockholm to city councillor Martin Ulfsson.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post visitacionis Marie (…). Samma
dach stode Mattis Ryaner jnfore sittiende rettin velfortenckt ok bekende sigh
solt haffua Marthin Wlffson radman sith vpbøgda stenhus vijdh Stora torgit
lyggiendes pa sødra sydan j hørnit pa venstra handen, som man gaar aff torgit
til Swarthabrødra (…).
Comments: The street that led from Stora Torget to the Dominican priory
was called Blackfriars Street.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 11.
(Tallinn) |
Convents of Tallinn and Tartu (prov. Saxonia) |
will and testament for Hans Meckinck, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves 20
mark Riga for the Friars Preachers in Tallinn for them to pray for him.
Furthermore, the convent of Friars Preachers in Tartu (prov. Saxonia) is
bequeathed with 10 marks Riga.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
In nomine Domini, amen. Inth jar dusent vifhundert und ver up sunte Margareten daghe. In dem namen des vaders und des sones unde des hylgen geystes, amen. Ick Hans Mechinck (…) hebbe (…) gesath unde gemaket myn testament van mynem wolgewunnen gude tho Goddes love unde Marien unde aller Goddes hylligen tho utbrichten dyt testament umme myner selen salicheit wyllen. (…) Szo geve ick hyr tho den monken 20 Rig. mc., dat sze unszen leven heren Godt vor my bydden. Szo geve ick den grawen broderen tho Vellyn 20 Rig. mc. Szo geve ick den grauwen broderen tho Dorpte 20 mc. Rig. Den swarten broderen tho Dorpte 10 mc. Rig. (…)
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 656.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
court of Stockholm decides that a disputed house, which Claus Bårdskärare’s
wife gave to the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, is to be let out by the Guild
of St. Barbara until the matter is settled by the court.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin nest epter advincula Petrii (…). Eodem
die sades, tet Lasse Nielsson, som olderman ær fore Sancta Barbara gilde, schal
thaga husit Claus bordskera hustrv vtfoor j clostredh och leya tet wth, och
vpbere aars legona och settie then jn til retta.
Comments: On the case of Claus Bårdskärare’s house, the Guild of St.
Barbara and the Dominican convent, see 1500.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 14.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Hermann Ordey, in which he leaves 20 mark Riga for the
Friars Preachers of St. Catherine in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Item so gheve
unde beschede ick vortan van minen titliken guderen tor zalicheit myner selen
to wege unde to stege 3 mc. Noch geve ick to sunte Olaves thorn to decken
200 mc. To sunte Nicolaus
kerken 10 mc. To der domkerken to Revall 20 mc. Den monken alhir to sunte
Katherinen 20 mc. To dem Hilgen Geste 5 mc. To sunte Johan 3 mc. To sunte
Gerdruten to der fridages syngenden missen in de ere sunte Georgii 10 mc. Noch
to sunte Barbaren 3 mc. To den susteren alhir to sunte Michael 3 mc. Den
susteren to sunte Birgitten buten Revel 10 mc. (…) 1504 des
fridages vor Laurentii martiris.
Comments: The introduction of the will is not published in LEKUB. ●
Hermann Ordey originated from Unna in Westfalen, Germany.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol. II no. 668.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Jönsson sells a house on Blackfriars Slope in Stockholm to his brother-in-law
Örjan Olsson.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post asscencionis Marie (…). Eodem die
stode vp j rettin Joan Jønsson slotzfogitte och vplot sin swager pa sina hustrv
wegna eth hwss pa Swartabrødrabrinck, som fordom Nielz Dobbin besath och atthe,
ok nw Ørien Olsson atte, Jon Jønssons hustrv broder, Gud Theris siel nade,
huilket hws ær til arffs komit Jan Jønssons hustrv medh sin syskom, huilket hws
Jaan hanom solde fore ∙vC∙ mark svenska.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 15.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Hans Rese, merchant in Tallinn, in which he leaves two black
pieces of cloth from Naarden to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Int erste so gheve und beschede ick to weghe und to stege 3 mc. Der domkerken to Reval 2 Nerdesche laken. To sunte Nicolaus kerken 3 Nerd. laken. To sunte Olaves kerken 2 Nerd. laken. To den monken 2 swarte Nerd. laken. Tho sunte Gerdruten 2 Nerd. laken. Tho dem Hilgen geste 2 Nerd. laken. (…) Ame mandaghe na assumptionis Marie virginis gloriose 1504.
Comments: The introduction of the will is not published in LEKUB. ●
‘Nerdesche’ refers to the Dutch city of Naarden, from which Hans Rese
apparently had a large stock of cloth.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 672.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 marks to each of the convents of Friars
Minor and Friars Preachers in Odense for memorial masses performed in honour of
the late Otto Porsfeld.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 mr. till graabroder fore
begengelser, ther giordes fore Otte Porsfeldt. (...) Item 2 mr. till
sworttebrodre closther fore begengelser.
Comments: The entry is not
explicitly dated, but from its place in the accounts it must be from September
1504. ● On Queen Christine, see 1502 6/5.
On the account books of her court, see 1504 29/4.
● Otto Porsfeld served as
Queen Christine’s sheriff at Næsbyhoved Castle. He was killed by henchmen of
Bishop Jens Beldenak of Odense in a local pub brawl in 1504.
Published: Dronning Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 96.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 5 shilling and 1 album to the prior of the
Friars Preachers in Odense and one of his brethren, because they have said mass
for the queen at Næsbyhoved Castle.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 5 ß oc 1 alb. gaff jeg anden
sancti Morthens dagh prierind aff Sworttebrødre oc en hanss brodere, fore thee sagde
messe fore myn frves nade paa Nesbyhoffuit.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● The prior of the Friars
Preachers in Odense at this time was Fr. Johannes Jacobi, see 1501 23/4.
He was also paid by the queen for having performed a mass in 1504 30/6, perhaps then also at the castle. ● 1 album = ⅓ shilling. ● In a
different version of the same account is the donation listed as 4 shilling
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 107.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
City councillor
Peder Slatte of Stockholm on behalf of Sr. Könne Ludvigsdotter, sister of
Stockholm St. Clare convent, hands over a house in Blackfriars Street in
Stockholm to the City Church.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin ante Lucie (…). Samma dach stode Peder Slatte radman vp j rettin fulmechtich pa syster Kønne Louick Kochs dotters vegna, jngiffuin conuentz syster j Sancta Clara closther, ath vplata kirkiowerienden her j stadin pa henne wegne til kirkiona all then deel hon atte j the thomptena och bygningh nesth nordan hwsit henne fader och moder besaato pa Swartmwncka gatha pa høgra handen, som man gaar fraan torgit til clostredh, fore huilken sin deel hon j tompten hade forde Per Slatte kendes henne vpborit haffue ∙xvi∙ mark. Ther pa gaff kirkiowerienden Tyle vth fritsskilling pa kirkiona vegna.
Comments: This is a rare incident of the name form Svartmunkagatan, otherwise known as Svartbrödragatan.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 43.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Hans Rychenrade, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves 10
marks to the Friars Preachers of St. Catherine in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) So geve ick int erste to wege und to stege 1 mc. Rig. To der hilgen
drevoldicheit altar to sunte Olave vor der gerwekamer 50 mc. To deme ewigen
lichte vor dem sacramente darsulves 20 mc. Noch darsulves unser leven frouwen
10 mc. In sunte Anthonius gilde 10 mc. Dem seken 10 mc. To sunte Gertruden 5
mc. To sunte Birgitten 10 mc. Item alhir den monken to sunte Katherinen 10 mc.
Tho sunte Nicolaus 3 mc. Tho dem hilgen Geste 3 mc. Tho sunte Johannes 3 mc. Tho den
susteren alhir to Revell 3 mc. To sunte Barbaren 3 mc. (…)
Comments: Only the middle section of the will is published in LEKUB.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 596.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
trust fund of Jacob Droge’s children mortgages their house in Monk Street in
Tallinn, situated right across the priory, to the House of the Holy Ghost in
Tallinn for 150 marks.
Source: Das Revaler Rentenbuch.
Language: German.
Anno 1505 des middewekens vor purificationis Marie virginis quemen vor den sittende stol des rades Hinrick remensnider vnd Hans Rauen, vormundere zeligen Jacob Drogen nagelatenen kyndern, vnde leten den hußarmen tomm hilgen geste to denn almissen der groten gilde toschriuen vnde vorwissenn vppe ere vaderlike erve 150 mark, dat belegen is in der monkestrate by her Johan Gruthers huße tegen denn monken ouer, alle iar vp wynachten 9 mark to uorentede.
Comments: Not much is known about Jacob Droge or his children, but most
likely he was a descendant of city councillor Rotger Droge (see 1397 26/4), who in 1382 12/5
acquired a plot in Monk Street, which in 1419 16/9 had been built with a
house and by then passed on to his relative Hans Droge. ● The owner of
the neighbouring house, Johan (or Hans) Gruter (†1520) was city councillor of
Tallinn in the 1490s and – allegedly – mayor from 1499-1518. In addition, he
was warden of the Church of the Holy Ghost.
Published: Publikationen aus dem Revaler
Stadtarchiv vol. V no. 1312.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 marks as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense, when a friar sings his first mass, along with
8 album the to poor people at Blackfriars Priory.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 mr. sende jeg myn frves
nade dominica letare [till ad offre] vdi Swortebrodre closther i Othense. (...)
Item 8 alb. fattigt folck i Sworttebroder closther dominica letare, Symen
skiffte them. (...) oc dominica letare, ther then mwnck sywgh szin første messe
i Sworttebrøder.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● Simon (Symen), who divided the money between
the poor, was one of the queen’s servants. ●
According to the younger edition of the account book, the poor were only given
7 album. This edition also specifies that the 2 marks were given as offering [till ad offre]. ● 1 album =
⅓ shilling.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, pp. 118-119.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 marks as offering in Blackfriars Priory in
Odense, along with 10 album that Lasse Stalddreng is to hand out to the poor
gathered at Blackfriars Cemetery.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 mr. sende jeg myn frves
nade i Sworttebroderre closther tredie poskedagh till at offre. Item 10 alb.
fick jeg Lasse staldreng till fattigt folck feria 3a pasce paa
Sworttebroder kirckegardt.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● Lasse Stalddreng (‘stable
boy’) was a servant at the queen’s court at Næsbyhoved Castle. ● This is one of the few explicit references from Scandinavia
to poor people gathering outside a Dominican priory, supposedly in the hope
that lay people visiting the priory church would show mercy on them. ● 1 album
= ⅓ shilling.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 125.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 marks as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense, when a friar says his first mass.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 mr. sende jeg myn frves
nade i Sworttebroderre closther at offre ther dominica quasi modo geniti en
mwnck, ther sagde szin første mæsse, domina met commisit.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 127.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Friars Preachers of Stockholm and the Guild of St. Barbara settles on a
conflict concerning a house that Claus Bårdskärare leased from the guild and
his wife then gave to the friars.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagen nest epter Ambrosii episcopi (…).
Samma dagh worth forligt j mellen Swartabrødrana och Sancta Barbara gilles
brødra, swa at Sancta Barbara schal haffue ∙iiC∙ mark,
som mester Claus husit fore køpte, ok ∙c∙ mark skal brødrene
beholle til klosters bygningh. Ther medh quit thera mellen offuertalit.
Comments: On the case of Claus Bårdskärare’s house, the Guild of St.
Barbara and the Dominican convent, see 1500.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 52.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Dr. Laurentius
Beronis of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm is reported to have witnessed some
sort of settlement between Anders Skulte and his wife Anna and the city
councillors Jon Bengtsson and Hans Vestgöte.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Samma mandagh Sancti Tyburcii dach stode
beschedelich man Andhers Skulte medh sit frie beradde modh vnderwiste och berette
fore sittiende radit, ath han medh sin kera hwstrw Anna hade offuer ena warit j
dandementz aahøre och nerware, som ware doctor brodher Laurens j Swartabrødra
conuent, Jon Benctsson, Hans Vestgøte, radmen, och Hans Vestgøte borgere, tet
the hwar androm sine mellen j ære, kerligk och eendrechteliget veluilelige j
frith moth hwar androm giffuit hade hwan tridie pening j løst och fast, jnnan
stadh ok vtan, alt thet the hwar androm medh lagen giffue mage, pa huilke
gaffuer Jon Benctsson och Hans Vestgøte finge Anders Skulte handen pa a hustrv
Anna vegne och han tøm j gen a sine vegne, vppa huilke gaffuer the pa bade
syder thera fritsskilling vplade, som stadz lagh vtuisser.
Comments: On Fr. Laurentius Beronis, see 1487.
This is the only explicit reference to him as being doctor, although he is
probably identical to the unnamed doctor of the convent mentioned later in 1505. The event involving Dr. Laurentius, as reported
by Anders Skulte to the city court, appears to have happened at an earlier
time. ● The exact nature of the settlement or agreement, to which Dr.
Laurentius was a witness, is not clear, but it may be connected to a last will
and testament for Anna (and Anders?), which might explain the presence of the
esteemed friar.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 53.
Convent of Vejle |
Queen Christine
of Denmark-Norway gives 3 shilling worth of fresh fish to the convent of Friars
Preachers in Vejle, along with 8 shilling for masses.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 3 ß gaff jeg fore fersk
fick, myn frves nade badh meg bære i klosteret i Vedtlæ. (...) Item 8 ß
broderne i Sworttebrodre closther i Vedlæ till messæpenninge samme dagh, domina
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 133.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), p. 108.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 shilling to ‘youngfriars’ at Blackfriars
Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 ß gaff jegh thee vngbrødre i Othense i
Sworttebrodre closther feria 2a infra octavas ascensionis Domini,
Mattis Skaldree befoll.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 137.
Milan |
Province of Dacia, Convents of Västerås (prov. Dacia) and Cologne
(prov. Teutonia) |
Dr. Mathias
(Olavi) of the Friars Preachers represents the province of Dacia as diffinitor
at the general chapter in Milan, where it is decided to establish a studium
generale for the province of Dacia at the convent in Västerås. Furthermore,
Fr. Nicolaus Huppe of Dacia is assigned to the studium generale at the
convent in Cologne, and Fr. Gudmundus is absolved as prior provincial of Dacia,
but allowed to continue as vicar provincial.
Source: Acta capitulorum
generalium OP.
Language: Latin.
In nomine Domini, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli
generalis Mediolani in conventu sancti Eustorgii in festo Pentecostes id est
·xi· maii anno Domini MDV sub reverendissimo patre fratre Vincentio Bandello de
Castronovo sacre theologie professore, magistro generali ordinis predicatorum
presente in capitulo cum diffinitoribus provinciarum infrascriptis: (…) frater
Matheus magister diffinitor provincie Dacie (…). [24-25]
sunt declarationes: (…) Item, approbamus studium generale positum in conventu
Insulensi provincie Dacie. [47]
sunt assignationes: (…) Conventui Coloniensi provincie Theutonie (…). In
studentes generales (…) fr. Nicolaum Huppe de Dacia (…). [52]
sunt absolutiones: (…) Absolvimus priorem provincie Dacie fr. Gudurundum et
facimus eum vicarium provincie. [57]
Comments: Dr. Mathias Olavi of the Friars
Preachers in Dacia, at the same chapter in 1505 13/5
paid 70 Rhine guilders in contributio ad
magistri and 24 ducats in contributio
ad procuratori for his province. He was prior provincial of Dacia in 1508
12/5 and died as lector in Næstved in 1522. ● A Fr. Nicolaus
Huppe (or, more likely, Hoppe) is not known from any other sources. He may,
however, be identical to the Fr. Nicolaus Nicolai of the Friars Preachers in
Næstved, who five days later (1505 16/5) in Milan by the master general was
assigned to his convent as filius nativus.
● On Fr. Gudmundus, see 1495 2/6. The absolution
was further detailed by the master general a week later (1505 18/5). The absolution could be connected to the
ongoing Dominican reform movement in Denmark, which the prior provincial may
have opposed; certainly, two additional Danish convents (Ribe and Vejle) joined
the Dutch Congregation immediately after his absolution (1505 22/7), just as he
was first reprimanded by the master general while he was in the Low Countries
preparing for the Observant convocation (1503 28/8). However, it should be
noted that also the priors provincial of Tolosana, Romana, Gaetia, Provincia,
Dalmatia and Saxonia were absolved at the same general chapter. ● The
decision to upgrade the provincial school in Västerås to the first and only studium generale of the Order in the
province of Dacia seems to correlate closely with a preceding concentration of
some of the best Dominican minds of the province at the time in this very
convent. A vital step on the way undoubtedly was the transfer of three promising
friars from Skara ten years before (1495 2/6): Fr. Gudmundus, who
started as lector in Västerås before being elected prior provincial of Dacia
for the period 1496-1505; Fr. Olavus Nicolai, who became prior in Västerås and
was approved for the doctoral degree in 1498, and was appointed the first
professor at the studium; and Fr.
Petrus Johannis, who became prior in Västerås in 1508, licentiate at the
University of Uppsala and in 1510 was papally approved to continue studying for
a doctoral degree. Nothing much is known about the short-lived active period of
the Dacian studium, which lost its
provincial status in 1525, when King Gustav Vasa of Sweden ordered the
expulsion of all foreign (especially Norwegian and Danish) friars from his
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 24-57.
Milano |
Province of Dacia |
Fr. Mathias Olavi of the Friars Preachers represents the
order of Dacia as diffinitor of the province of Dacia at the general chapter in
Milan and pays 70 Rhine guilders, which equals 56 ducats, as provincial
contribution from Dacia to the master general’s chamber for the years
1499-1502. Furthermore, another 24 ducats are paid as contribution to the
Dominican procurator in Rome.
Source: Registrum contributuionem provinciarum pro reverendissimo
magistro OP.
Language: Latin.
Die 13 maii 1505 in capitulo generali Mediolani
reverendus diffinitor provincie Dacie frater Mathias Ulavii solvit pro
contributionibus annorum 1499, 1500, 1501, 1502 renenses septuaginta, que sunt
ducatos 56 auri. (…)
recepte pro reverendo procuratore ordinis postquam magister discessit de urbe
(…). Item Mediolani in capitulo generali a provincia Datie ducatos 24. (…)
Den 13. maj 1505 på generalkapitlet i
Milano indløste den ærværdige diffinitor for provinsen Dacia, broder Mats
Olofsson, bidragene for årene 1499, 1500, 1501 og 1502 med 70 kyrænske
floriner, hvilket svarer til 56 dukater. (…)
modtaget til den ærværdige ordensprokurator efter at (general)magisteren var
taget afsted til Rom (…). Fremdeles i
Milano ved generalkapitlet fra provinsen Dacia 24 dukater. (…)
Comments: On Dr. Mathias Olavi, see 1505 11/5.
The general chapter took place in 1505 11/5. ● On the contributio ad magistri, see 1487 31/12.
The annual
rate for the Order’s taxation of Dacia had in 1487
31/12 been set to 14 ducats with effect until 1505; the accounts say nothing
of the payments for 1503 and 1504. ● A contribution to the expenses of the
Dominican procurator at the Roman Curia, contributio
ad procuratori, was introduced by the general chapter in 1349. Each year,
the priors provincial were obliged to pay a fixed annual rate of 5 florins per
province, increased to 6 florins in 1407 (MOPH vol. IV, 331; vol. VIII, 89).
The amount suggests that the payment also in this case covered for four years. The earliest extant record of such a payment from Dacia is
from 1480 25/1. ● The
master general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Vincentius
Bandello de Castro (1501-1506).
Published: Handlingar… ch. III, p.8.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
court of Stockholm settles a conflict between Själagården and Knut Guldsmed
about the boundary between their plots in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin nest epter octavam Petri och Pauli
stode fore rettin tesse gode men, som aff mene radit tilnempde ware offuer ena
syn j mellen alla cristna siela och Knwt guldssmet om thera tompter, som ligger
vpsides nordan Jngewal Torstenssons tompt østan stenhusit pa Swartabrodra gata.
Comments: “All Christian Souls” refers to the social institution Själagården. ● Knut Guldsmed’s
byname suggests that he was a goldsmith. In
the period 1442-1514, no less than nine named goldsmiths lived along
Stockholm’s Blackfriars Street, which connected Blackfriars Priory to the main
town square.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, p. 77.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
having discussed in the city council of Stockholm the matter of Ernst van
Minden, accused of manslaughter, Mayor Anders Svensson leads a delegation of
citizens to the priory of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, where the accused
has taken refuge, to speak to the doctor and the prior of the convent about his
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post Margarete, som war Sancta Maria Magdalena affthan. Tesse ware ner, tha thalades om Ernest van Mynden: (…). Medh alt radit samtycktes mwn wijd mwn at holle lagen och priuilegier wijd macht at gange liff fore liff. Desse ginge til doctoren och prieren medh mene conuentit: her Anderss, Jon Benctsson, Anders Olsson, Lasse Nielsson, Jøns Jonsson, Hinrik Strobuck, Oleff Olsson, Laurens Matsson, Herman Rogge.
Comments: The unnamed doctor is probably Dr. Laurentius Beronis, see 1487.
● The unnamed prior may have been Fr. Henricus Degner (see 1487),
who was prior of the Stockholm convent in 1498
and 1511. ● Mr. Anders probably refers to
the mayor Anders Svensson. Jon Bengtsson, Anders Olsson, Lasse Nilsson and Jöns
Jonsson were all the city councillors, Henrik Strobuck, Olof Olsson, Laurens
Matsson and Herman Rogge all prominent burghers of Stockholm. ● Although
it is not explicitly stated that Ernst van Minden had taken refuge in the
Dominican priory, this is obviously the case. This was the issue that the mayor
and the municipal delegation needed to talk to the friars about, and from both
rules and practice it was their right to have accused killers extradited from
the monastic peace. Apparently, the doctor and the prior agreed with this,
since no conflict is mentioned, and Ernst van Minden was handed over for a
court meeting the following week. It is also worth noting that the accused was
explicitly asked if he wanted to make any claims on the monastic peace, which he
had enjoyed, but to which he now declined.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, pp. 77-78.
1505 28/7 Stockholm
van Minden admits before the city court of Stockholm that he was present when
Mats Drake was killed and that he may have been the one giving him the fatal
stroke, although he thought someone else had. He is, however, ready to take his
rightful punishment and he will not claim any monastic peace. Furthermore, he
acquits his young servant for any participation in the killing. The city court
convicts him and sentences him to execution by sword, while the boy is set
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin nest epter Magdalene
(…). Samma forne dach stode Ernest van Mynnen ok viderkendes, ath
han medh waar, ath Mattis Drake slagen waar. Thet sade han for reththin, tet
jach skulle tet segie, ath jach hanom høgh eller staack, tess veth jach ey,
eller om jak nagat kom wijdh hanom. Æn then, som bort kom, sade han ath han
trodde, ath han giorde gerningen. Æn staar jach her til swars, for myn skyl
waar tet giort. Haffuer jach
brutit, tha ær jach nw then j myn egin person som betra schal. Samma
tijdh skøt Ernest ey pa nagan closter frydh eller pa nagat, thet han ville sit
liff medh hielpe eller beredde. Ther medh dømpdes han til swerdh, pie memorie.
Samma tijdh stode Ernest och vrsakade sin smadrengh j then ærende eller tet
manslagh. Ther medh gaffs han
løss aff jernen.
Comments: See above.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker vol. IV, pp.
Utrecht |
Convents of Ribe, Schleswig, Tallinn and Vejle, Dutch Congregation Convents of Blois (prov. Francia),
Marburg and Treysa (prov. Saxonia) |
The convents of Friars Preachers in Ribe and
Vejle are admitted to the Dutch
Congregation, along with the convents in Marburg, Treysa and Blois. The
Convocation’s reading of names on brethren deceased since the latest convocation
in 1503 includes seven priests of the convent in Schleswig: Fr.
Marqvardus Stulte, Fr. Henricus Blote, Fr. Johannes Esterman, Fr. Johannes
Renis, Fr. Otto Renis, Fr. Reginaldus, and Fr. Theodoricus Hoppe. Also, it is
stated that sixteen unnamed friars have died in the convent of Tallinn, and
altogether 111 brethren in the twenty-one convents of the natio Teutonica have deceased within the last two years.
Source: Acta
convocationis congregationis Hollandiae.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta
convocationis vicarii generalis et patrum congregationis Hollandie, ordinis
predicatorum, tente in conventu Trajectensi, anno Domini 1505, in festo beate
Marie Magdalene. (…)
Iste sunt acceptationes. In provincia Saxonie
acceptamus ad gremium nostre congregationis conventum Martburgensem et
Treycensem. Item, in provincia Dacie, acceptamus conventus Ripensem et
Wedelensem. Item, in provincia Francie, acceptamus conventum Blesensem. (…) [267]
fratrum defuncturum post capitulum Hagense anno 1503, recitata in capitulo
Trajectensi, in festo beate Marie Magdalene, anno 1505. (…) De
natione Teutonica. (…) In conventu Sleeckzwicensi: Fr. Magnardus Stulte,
sacerdotus; fr. Henricus Blote, sacerdotus; fr. Johannes
Esterman, sacerdotus; fr. Johannes Renis, sacerdotus; fr.
Otto Renis, sacerdotus; fr. Reginaldus … , sacerdotus; fr.
Theodoricus Hoppe, sacerdotus [274] (…) In
conventu Revaliensi: Obierunt sedecim fratres. Obierunt autem simul in jis 21
conventibus dicte nationis Teutonie: 111 fratres. [277]
Comments: The convents of
Friars Preachers in Vejle and Ribe are already referred to as being reformed in
1478 22/5 and 1480
15/8 respectively, but they had apparently both remained outside the
Dutch Congregation until now. ● None of the named brethren, who had died
at the convent in Schleswig in the period 1503-1505, are known from any other
sources. ● The remarkably high death tolls in Schleswig and Tallinn
(along with, in particular, the convents in Bremen and Riga) may refer to a
series of plague epidemics that would appear to have ravaged the Baltic Sea
region in the period.
Published: La Congrégation de Hollande, pp. 267, 274 and 277.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), p. 118.
Stockholm |
Convent of Tallinn |
Bartscherer from Stockholm asks the city council of Tallinn to induce the
Friars Preachers in Tallinn to pay the 71 marks of salary that they owe him.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) So ick ame
latesten by jw wasz und gheyn gheleyde van jw irlanghen mochte umme halven
weghen der swarten monnyke und umme vordeynt lon 71 mc., is vorder myn
vordenstlyke bede beghere, gii de guten monnycke underrichtynge dhon wolden
laten, so dat ick dar neyn unkost meer uphdryven moghe, dat ick und juwe
ersamheit vordenen und vorschulden, war ick kan (…). Ghefen thom
Stoxholme in vigilla nativitatis Marie virginis anno ect. 1500 und 5.
Mester Thomas Bartscherer.
Comments: The introduction of the will is not published in LEKUB. ●
It is not stated for what the convent owed Thomas Bartscherer (‘Barber’) his
salary, but if his byname refers to his occupation, it may have been
traditional barber service as well as blood-lettings. As his late father had a
house in Tallinn, also Thomas is likely to originate from there.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 808.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Larsson sells on behalf of Kristina i Porten a house situated south of
Blackfriars Hall in Stockholm to the Hospital of the Holy Ghost.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post Mathei apostoli, som tha war
Sancte Mauricius dagh (…). Stode Mattis Laurensson, borgere her j Stocholm ok
nw pa thenne tijdh vnde[r]fogit ibidem, fore sittiende rettin j fogitten Nielz
Bess nerware medh borgamestarana och alt radit fulmechtoch pa hustrv Cristina
Joan Nielsons j portin vegna och vplot Jøns Gudmwndsson, thens Helge ands
hospitalz forstandera, pa hospitals vegna eth stenhuss medh grvndet, som tet nw
staar j alle sine ∙iii∙ fria mwra, belegit sunnan Swarta brødra
conuentz stugu nordan trappan, som ligger ret søder nidh til sødre port eller
sødre torgh fram om hustrv Margit her Erick Jonsons port och jn moth Meyenboms
hwss etcetera (…).
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 87-88.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
Last will
and testament for Lambert Otting, burgher and city councillor in Tallinn, in
which he leaves 10 marks to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn for them to pray
for his soul.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Int erste to wege und to stege 1 mc. To
sunte Nicolaus tom buwete und ciringe der kerken 50 mc. To sunte Olaves
kerken 5 mc. To den susteren 5 mc. To den monken, dat se Got vor my bidden 10
mc. Noch to sunte Gertruden, to sunte Barbaren und to sunte Anthonius, itliker
kerken 1 Rinschen gulden. To sunte Birgitten den juncfrouwen, dat se Got vor mi
bidden 10 mc. Unde deme geliken den observanten broderen to Velyn 70 mc. In dat
elende sekenhus 50 mc. to erer vodinghe. So beger ick mine bigrafft to sunte Nicolaus vor sunte Nicolaus altar.
Comments: Only the middle section of the
will is published in LEKUB. ● The letter itself is dated by the year
1506, but as new year inTallinn began at 25 December, it refers to 1505
according to present-day calendar; this has let to an erroneous year in LEKUB
(RR vol. III no. 86 note). ● Besides being city councillor, Lambert Otting
was warden for the Tallinn parish church of St. Nicholas, which explains that
he could be buried before the high altar of this church.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 133. Summary and comment in Revaler
Regesten vol. III no. 86.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Hans Potgether, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves
10 marks to the Friars Preachers of St. Catherine in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Item inte erste
gheve unde beschede ick to weghe unde stege 5 mc. To sunte Nicolaus kerken 10
mc. To sunte Olaves kerken 10 mc. Den
monken to sunte Katherinen 10 mc. To sunte Gerdruten 10 mc. To den Susteren 5
mc. To dem Hilgen Geste 5 mc. To sunte Barbaren 5 mc. (…)
Comments: Only the middle section of the will is published in LEKUB.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
II no. 709.
Västerås |
Convent of Västerås |
Jon Jönsson, bailiff of Dalarna, informs Regent
Svante Nilsson of Sweden that he has told the lector of the Friars Preachers in
Västerås to speak to the regent, as so requested by the latter.
Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Erliigh och velboren
man och strenghe reddere her Swanthe Nielsson Sweriges rykes fførstandere
ødmywckeliigh thette breff.
Min ødmijwcka weluilijgh tro tienisth altijdh
tiil fførene ssenth kerlijga med Gudh. Ma i wettha kere herre, ath jach haffuer
beffallijth lectoren her i Westherars closter ath tala med edher nogher
ærendhe. Kere herre ma i vettha ath jach jach war her tiil talz med her electus
aff Skare, och lath han migh fførstha ati haden scriffuith honom tiil ath han
skulle koma tiil edher tiil Wasthena, och han var nw oppa ssin ryssa hijth tiil
Opsala, och strax thette her ær nw offuer stath, tha ssade han ffør migh ath
han wiil gerna ware hoss edher æ nar han ffar edher bodh huar ssom han skal
koma tiil edher, och ssegher han ath han wiil vare edher tiil vilie æ huar han
kan vettha edher ær tiil goda och bestandh. Kere herre ffar jach nw strax ath
Stocholm och besteller the ærende ssom i migh haffwen beffalth, och strax
geffuer jach migh ffran Stocholm och op igen her fføres ssa mangh tijendhe ffør
thij æreth nottijcth ath jach komer tijdh op igen, sa lenghe Gudh fføgher i
komen hijth tiil backa igen. Kere herre nar Gud fføgher jach komer hijth tiil
baka igen wiil jak strax scriffwa edher tiil huath jach fførnymber tess ffør
jnnan ffør tyendhe her med eder ærlygheth alssmectug Gud beffallandes.
Scriffuith i Westherars odenssdagen nesth ffør sancte Paulii.
Comments: The year of the letter is not stated, but from its context it
can be dated to 1506. ● The unnamed lector of the Friars Preachers in
Västerås was undoubtedly Fr. Petrus Johannis, already explicitly mentioned in a
subsequent letter of 1506 22/1; on him, see 1495 2/6. Nothing is stated about what the lector was
supposed to talk to the regent about. ● The name of the sender is not
explicitly stated, but the handwriting is identical to a contemporary letter by
Jon Jönsson Djur de Gladö (†1519), an esquire, who had served Regent Sten Sture
of Sweden as bailiff in Dalarna in the 1490s and at Stockholm Castle from 1502.
When Sten Sture was replaced by Svante Nilsson as regent in 1503-04, Jon
Jönsson continued to serve him just a loyally, both in Stockholm and in
Dalarna. He became member of the Swedish national council in 1509. ● On
Svante Nilsson, see 1502 6/5.
Published: Gamla papper angående Mora socken
vol. II no. 40 (pp. 200-201).
Västerås |
Convent of Västerås |
Jönsson, bailiff of Västerås Castle, informs Regent Svante Nilsson of Sweden
that if it should happen that he himself cannot write to the regent, he will
pass on the assignment to Fr. Petrus, lector of the Friars Preachers in
Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Erligh velbyrdug mann och strenge riddher her Swanthe Nielsson Sweriges riges forstandher sin kære herre ydmygelighenn och kerlighenn.
Myn ydmyghe tro
tiænisthe altiidh forsend met warom herre Jhesu Christo. (…) Kære herre ære her
nw jngen annen tidendher at scriffue ether tiill ænd godhe Gud tess loff haffue
och at her standher alstingx wel tiill oppo i landet, swa och her paa slotthet.
Kere herre huess iach icke kan scriffue vedh lector brodher Pædher at vnderuise
ether huar i skulle vide at retthe ether effther, her met ether Gud alzmectugh
befalindes met liff oc siell. Screffuet
paa Vestreaarss ipso die beati Vincentii martiris MD sexto vnder mit jnsigle.
troo man Oloff Jonsson.
Comments: On Fr. Petrus Johannis, see 1495 2/6. He was also ordered to
contact the regent in 1506 21/1. ● Olof Jönsson
(Gyllenhorn) de Hacksta is known as
bailiff at Västerås Castle in the period 1505-1510. He took a loan from the
Friars Preachers in Västerås in 1508 20/6 on
behalf of Regent Svante Nilsson in order to pay salaries to the soldiers based
at the castle, and informed the regent around 1508
31/10 that a friar of the same convent had prevented the bishop’s
bailiff from confiscating the possessions of a deceased priest. ● On Svante
Nilsson, see 1502 6/5.
Published: Gamla papper angående Mora socken
vol. II no. 41 (pp. 202-203).
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
Fredericus Doesborch, prior of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn, the entire
convent and the council of the convent elders (Fr. Johannes Mouwe, subprior,
Fr. Johannes Ulrici, Fr. Nicolaus Witte, and Fr. Hermannus Richardi) sign for
having received 100 marks Riga from the executors of the will of Berndt Pael,
for which they commit their convent to maintain the illumination of the Veil of
Veronica opposite the pulpit with three wax candles. Should the convent show
inadequate of fulfilling their commitment, the money is to be administered
wisely by the society of the Black Heads.
Source: Original document. Archiv der Schwarzhäupter zu Reval, in
Tallinn City Archives and Staatsarchiv Hamburg.
Language: German.
Ick broder Frederick Doesborch prior des kloesters bynnen Reval to sunte Katharinen der prediker orden unde mit dem gantzen convente unde mit raede der oldesten, als by namen broder Johannes Mouwe supprior, broder Johannes Ulrici, broder Nicolaus Witte, broder Herman Richardi unde vort alle de andern broders des vorbenomden klosters bekennen unde betugen apenbar vor allen, de dussen breff lesen edder lesen hoeren, dat wy to orbaer unde profite unses vorbenomden klosters upgebort unde entfangen heben van den vormunderen unde testamentarien seligen Bernt Pael hundert marck Rigensis an guden reden payment, als op datum dusses breves in Lifflande genge unde geve is. Vor welckere hundert marck vorbenompt ick broder Frederick prior unde dat gemene convent vorbenompt sollen unde willen de beluchtinge holden mit dreen wasse lechten vor der vroniken bynnen under kerken tegen dem predike stole over gelegen an dem pyler sunder versumenisse. Weret sake, dat God vorbede, dat jenige versumenisse hir ane geschlege, dat all sulke beluchtinge vorberoert wesze nicht gehalden en worde, so mogen de oldesten der selschop van den swarten hoveden tor tiit wesende bynnen Reval soldaen vorgescreven hundert marck Rigensis van dem kavente vorvorderen unde wedder entfangen und dan deselven eyn anderen wech, dar id wis is, up rente anleggen, sodane beluchtinge tho ewigen tiden dar van besorgende. Disses to merer tuchnisse der warheit heben wy unses caventz segel an dussen breff gehangen, de gegeven unde geschreven is in dem jare unses Heren dusent 500 ind 6 op donredach unde fest der hilligen junckfrowen Agaten.
Comments: In a will made in 1502, Berndt Pael
endowed the Friars Preachers in Tallinn with 22 marks Riga and four barrels of
fish, but with no mentioning of the 100 marks or the Veil of Veronica, which
therefore must be from a different will.
Published: Liv-,
Est- und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol. III no. 18.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm sells a farm to Jöns
Henriksson Dragare, which he has acquired from the late Anna Halbeer.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post dominicam judicare (…). Samma dach stode broder Hinrik Degner ok kendes sigh haffua solt Jøns dragere Anna Halebeers gardh, som han til skylder ware forne hustrv Anna, Gud henne siel nade
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
It is unclear whether he in this case acted for himself or on behalf of the
convent, but since no personal relations are known between him and Anna
Halbeer, the latter is the most likely. ● Nothing is stated about how the
farm was acquired, but most likely the recently deceased Anna Halbeer, who
apparently had no husband or children, had donated her farm to the Friars
Preachers in return for a burial place or a perpetual mass in the Stockholm
priory. ● Jöns Dragare’s byname suggests that he was a porter. According
to a heading to the entry, his full name was Jöns Henriksson, probably
identifying him as Anna Halbeers nephew of that same name.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 108.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Skräddare sells on behalf of Marina Knutsdotter a house in Blackfriars Street in
Stockholm to Johan Helsing.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin nest epter Marchi ewangeliste stode
fore sittiende rettin Thomas screddere, som nw ær j ladagarden forstandere,
medh sit frie modh ok vplot Jon Helsingh pa Marina Knwt dotters vegne, som nw
ær ner Anders Persson vijdh Arboga, som nw haffuer Habraam Cristierns hustrv,
eth hws fryt ok quit, som henne fader Knwt screddere medh henne moder Kadrin
vtj bodde, belegit pa Swarta brødra gata nest nordan schipper Oleff Olssons
hws, som han nw vtj boor ok til forende vtj bodde gamble Jacob gulsmet, Gud
theris siel nade (…).
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 110.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine guilder as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 rinsk guldene sende jeg
myn frwes nade at offre i Sworttebrødre die Petri martiris, oc Temme samme
guldene hæntte.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● Timme, who
collected the guilder, was a boy servant of Queen Christine. He also took care
for an almsgiving to the convent in 1508 27/12.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 231
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway lets her servant, Henning, give 2½ marks as
offering to a priest of the Friars Preachers in Odense, who sings his first mass.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2½ mr. fick jeg Hening myn
frves dreng paa Grabrodre kirckegardt till at offre till Sworttebrødre en
prest, som sangk szin første messe, dominica cantate.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● The entry
literally states that the servant received the money “at Greyfriars Cemetery for
offering to a priest in/of Blackfriars”, a somewhat peculiar wording. Rather
than explaining one of the two mendicant references as a mistake (it would make
little sense to repeat the same affiliation), it may either be read as if the
servant was sent from Greyfriars Cemetery to Blackfriars Church (the two
mendicant friaries in Odense were situated with some distance between them), or
that the Dominican priest for some reason sang his initial mass at Greyfriars
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, pp. 234-235.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
In the
probate case after Knut Nilsson, city councillor of Stockholm, his nephew and
niece inherit a house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm, which they exchange
back to Knut’s widow Barbara.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin post corporis Christi (…). Samma forne mandagen stode Oleff Mansson medh syn syster Lyzabeth Magnus dotter ok vederkendes thøm haffua ærfft then deel thøm ærffua borde epter thera moder broder Knwt Nielsson radman (…). Ther medh vploto the hustrv Barbara tet huss pa Swartha brødra gata frit och quit j sit retta arff och ∙iiie∙ peninga, som tet staar. (…)
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 120.
Stockholm |
Convent of Strängnäs |
Svante Nilsson of Sweden asks Bishop Mats Gregersson of Strängnäs that those
two or three Friars Preachers of the convent in Strängnäs, who has been
expelled by the bishop, are allowed to return to their convent, and that the
bishop henceforth will leave disciplinary affairs of the friars to the
jurisdiction of the Order itself, as it is formally authorized to by the popes.
Source: Transcript in Svante Stures registratur.
Language: Latin and Old Swedish.
Reverendo in Christo patri ac domino, domino
Matthie Dei gratia alme ecclesie Strengenensis episcopo fratri et amico sibi
Sinceris reverentia honore dilectione et
salute premessis verdoge fader broder och gode besønnerlige ven. Mich ær till
kennæ giffuit aff nogre hwrelediss eder nade haffuer latiidh tage ∙ii∙
æller ∙iii∙ brøder aff Strengenes kloster etcetera. Beder
iach eder nade ydmwgelige och kerlige veliæ lathe komme thøm i theris kloster
igen och ath eder nade villæ ickæ trenge thøm fran theris friiheter och
priuilegier, som helligste fedher framfarne paawer och then helge Romana kyrkiø
och hennis lagh thøm giffuit och her till obekrencthe vnth haffwe ath the
motthe staa till retthe før theris offuerste som och væll tilbørligith ær. I
hwadh motthe jach kan vara eder till veliæ och bestondh gør jach altiid gerne
eder nade her med alzmectogh Gudh befalendis. Raptim ex Holmis mondagen nest
effter Calixti, meo sub signeto, anno Domini MDVI.
Nielsson, riddare.
Comments: It is unknown why Bishop Mats Gregersson Lillie of Strängnäs
(1501-1520) “had the friars taken from” the convent. ●
On Regent Svante Nilsson of Sweden, see 1502 6/5.
Published: Handlingar
rörande Skandinaviens historia
vol. XX no. 69 (pp. 16-17).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner, former prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, and Fr. Petrus,
lector of the same convent, sell a farm in Stockholm to Katarina Est’s.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin nest epter Nicolai episcopi (…). Samma
dagh stode brodher Hinrik Degner, som vaar gambla prier, j nerware lector
brodher Pedher fore sittiende rettin och vplotho hustrv Kaderin Eestes en gardh
allernedersth j grenden, som ligger norden Maack grenden, wijdh swdra port medh
tess tompt, som ær breedh ∙xiiii∙ alen, eth quarter mynne, och ær
langh ∙xiij∙ alin nidh aath medh en lytin kellera vnder
stenhusit øffuerst j grenden belegit ær, som sama gard til høre nedersth vnder
sama hws, huilken gardh som ær samanknytter medh hustrv Jngride Knwt Jønssons
epterleua gardh, ok ther medh stode Lambrict Matsson, som henne dotter atte,
och besprakade samma gardh.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
The wording “who was old prior” must mean that he was not prior at the time;
Fr. Henricus is known to have been prior of the Stockholm convent in 1498
and 1511. ● Fr. Petrus (Peder), lector of the Friars Preachers
in Stockholm, is otherwise unknown. ● The conditions behind the convent’s
acquisition and sale of the farm is unknown, but two months later Katarina,
widow of burgher Hans Est, sold the farm to her neighbour Ingrid, widow of city
councillor Knut Jönsson Vestgöte, for 40 marks (see below).
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 138.
1507 10/2 Stockholm
Est’s sells the farm in Stockholm, which she had bought from “the black monks”,
to Ingrid Vestgöte’s for 40 marks.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Odensdagin nest fore Sigfrydi eller fore
fastalaffuens swndagh stode hustrv Kaderin, Hans Estes epterleffue, och vploth
hustrv Jngridh Vestgøtes en gardh j østra grenden hart wijdh sudra port nederst
wijdh salta watnit medh en kellera vnder forne hustrv Jngride hws
øffuerst vijdh gatan ligger, huilken gardh ær samanknytter medh hustrv Jngride
gardh, fore ∙xl∙ mark stocholmske, som hon hanom fore køpt hade aff
swarta mwnckom.
Comments: See above.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 141.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Krokfot have a mortgage on the house of Hans Matsson Guldsmed in Blackfriars
Street in Stockholm for a debt of 100 marks..
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Løgerdagin nest epter Anne (…). Samma dach
stode Jøns Jonsson radman medh Helmick stadzscriffuere vnderuiste och berette
pa Hans Krochfoth, jngiffuen conuentz broder j Helge andz husit vegna epter
hans ordh och befalingk (…). Jtem ytermera berette, ath Hans Matsson guldssmet
aff hanom hade ok ∙c∙ mark stocholmske pa ∙v∙ mark
arliga renta och j sith hws, som han vtj boor pa Swarta brodhra gata, som han
och hans breff pa haffuer (…).
Comments: The byname of Hans
Matsson Guldsmed suggests that he was a goldsmith. He sold the house in 1514. In 1519 19/4, however, Hans Guldsmed still lived
in Blackfriars Street, now inherting the house he lived in from his brother
Antonius, where he apparently still resided in 1524
22/8 and 1526
● In
the period 1442-1514, no less than nine named goldsmiths lived along
Stockholm’s Blackfriars Street, which connected Blackfriars Priory to the main
town square.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 140.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Lambert Otting, burgher and city councillor in Tallinn,
in which he leaves 10 marks to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn for them to pray
for his soul.
This document has been redated to 1505 26/12.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
In the
probate case after Ingevald Torstensson, city councillor of Stockholm, his
widow Margareta keeps their house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin nest epter dominicam reminiscere (…).
Thette ære the grvnd och hwss, som fulle pa hustrv Margareta deel epter henne
eget beger, primo tet husit hon vtj sitter pa Swartabrødragata medh all husins
til behørilse jnnan fore medh tess grvndh, tompter, brun, bryggerhus ok hwat
tet ær, som henne til skattat war, fore ∙xijC∙
Comments: On Ingevald Torstensson, see 1490.
● Margareta later entered a hospital in Söderköping and brought the house
with her as dowry; when she died, the house was sold by the hospital in 1527 9/10.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 144.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine guilder as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item feria 3a tiil Sworttæbrødher
pro offer 1 rinsk guldene.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 213.
Pavia |
Province of Dacia, Convent of Sigtuna |
Laurentius Petri represents the province of Dacia as diffinitor and socius of
the absent prior provincial at the general chapter in Pavia, where he is
permitted to continue his studies for a doctoral degree. Furthermore, Fr. Christianus ‘de Dacia’ is assigned to the studium generale in Cologne; Fr. Olavus Nicolai, (prior?) of the convent in Västerås,
and Fr. Petrus Magni, lector of the convent in Strängnäs, are both transferred
to the convent in Stockholm; Fr. Hermannus Pictor of Dortmund is transferred to
the convent in Strängnäs; and Fr. Ewaldus, priest at the convent in Oslo, and
Fr. Theodoricus, laybrother at the convent in Tallinn, are both transferred to
the convent in Lübeck (prov. Saxonia).
Source: Acta capitulorum generalium
Language: Latin.
In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti,
amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis Papie celebrati in conventu s. Thome
ordinis predicatorum anno Domini MDVII die sexto junii. In quo electus est
sancte et canonice et consentientibus omnibus in magistrum ordinis
reverendissimus in Christo pater et sacre theologie professor fr. Johannes
Cleree ex provincia Francie, confessor christianissimi regis Francie, vicarius
ordinis per sedem apostolicam institutus, defuncto pie memorie magistro
Vincentio Bandello, quod capitulum fuit priorum provincialium, in quo et
fuerunt diffinitores infrascripti: (…) diffinitor Ungarie fr. Osvaldus de
Ungaria, magister; diffinitor Polonie fr. Mathias Polonus; diffinitor Dacie fr.
Laurentius de Dacia; diffinitor Portugallie fr. Franciscus de Portugallia;
diffinitor Anglie fr. Gulielmus de Anglia, magister. (…) [60-62]
sunt approbationes. (…) Approbamus lecturam fr. Laurentii Petri de
Dacia, et ad magisterium licentiamus. (…) [68]
sunt assignationes. (…) Conventui Coloniensi provincie Theutonie damus in
regentem pro primo et tertio anno magistrum Hieronymum Raynerii, pro secundo
magistrum Jacobum Hocstraten. Magistrum studentium pro primo anno (…) fr. Christianum de Dacia (…). [72-73]
sunt translationes. Transferimus fr. Olavum Nicolai priorem Stocholmiensem a
conventu Insulensi ad conventum Stocholmiensem. Fr. Petrum Magni lectorem
Strengenensem ad conventum Stocholmiensem. Fr. Hermanum Pictorem Tremoniensem
ad conventum Strengenensem. (…) Fr. Ewaldum sacerdotem conventus Oslaronensis
provincie Dacie et fr. Theodoricum conversum Revaliensem ad conventum
Lubecensem. (…) [77-78]
Comments: Fr. Laurentius Petri (Lars Persson)
of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna represented Dacia as diffinitor at the
general chapter in Pavia, when he was permitted to continue his studies for a
doctoral degree. He did, however, only become licentiate. Fr. Laurentius was
still assigned to Sigtuna in 1510 17/7, when the prior provincial gave
him a letter of recommendation. He was vicar provincial for the Swedish
convents in 1514 6/2 and 1515 8/3, when
he verified the account books of the convent and prior in Strängnäs, before
being elected prior provincial at the provincial chapter in August 1515. One of
his first tasks as prior provincial was to act as royal appointed judge in a
case concerning the Cistercian nunnery in Roskilde in 1515
31/8. It was also he who verified the Strängnäs accounts again in 1515
14/12. Fr Laurentius died before the provincial chapter in 1519,
when he was replaced by Fr. Johannes Nicolai, an election confirmed by the
master general in 1520 12/4. ● Fr. Christianus ‘de Dacia’ is not
known from any other sources. ● On Dr. Olavus Nicolai, see 1489 29/1. It is probably an error
when the acts term him as already being “prior in Stockholm”, when he at the same
time was being transferred from Västerås to Stockholm. He was certainly
affiliated to Västerås in 1498. Either the correct meaning is that he was prior
of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, alternatively that he was assigned to
Stockholm as the convent’s new prior; the former thesis is supported by the
subsequent election of Fr. Petrus Johannis as new prior in Västerås (1508
22/10). ● Fr. Petrus Magni (Peter
Månsson), lector of the Friars Preachers in Strängnäs until 1507, when he
was transferred to the convent in Stockholm, may be identical to the friar of
the same name, who in 1510 21/6 was transferred
from Skänninge to Västerås. He may also be identical to the prior of the
convent in Skänninge in 1523 11/11. ● Fr. Hermannus Pictor Tremoniensem (‘of Dortmund’) is not
known from any other sources, unless identical to the Fr. Hermannus de
Tremonia, who had to face the inquisitor in 1479, when the magistrate of
Utrecht reported him for practising medicine (De Meyer 1946, 368 note 4). His
byname may indicate that he was transferred to Strängnäs from the convent in
Dortmund (prov. Saxonia), but it may also just reflect his native origin. ●
Neither Fr. Ewaldus, priest with the Friars Preachers in Oslo, or Fr.
Theodoricus, laybrother with the Friars Preachers in Tallinn, until both were
transferred to the convent in Lübeck in 1507, are known from any other sources.
● Since intra-provincial transfers rightfully were a matter for the
provincial chapter, the two first transfers may indicate that the Swedish
convents in this period were denied access to the provincial meetings, due to
the on-going war between Denmark and Sweden.
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 60-78.
Pavia |
Province of Dacia |
At the general chapter of the Friars Preachers in
Pavia, the province of Dacia pays 45 Rhine guilders, equaling 33 ducats, as
provincial contribution to the master general’s chamber for the years 1505-1506
and half of 1507.
Source: Registrum contributuionem provinciarum pro reverendissimo
magistro OP.
Language: Latin.
Item pro solvit cum dimissione in capitulo
Papiensi usque ad dimidium anni 1507 florenos renenses quatragintaquinque;
ducatos 33 etcetera.
Dansk oversættelse:
Fremdeles til indløsning af [dimision?] på generalkapitlet i Pavia frem til midten af år 1507 45 kyrænske floriner; 33 dukater osv.
Comments: The general chapter in Pavia took place in 1507 6/6. The payment could have been made on any day
around it. ●
It is not stated who performed the payment, but most likely it was the Dacian
diffinitor at the chapter, Fr. Laurentius Petri of the Friars Preachers in
Sigtuna, see 1507 6/6. ● On the contributio ad magistri, see 1487 31/12.
annual rate for the Order’s taxation of Dacia had in 1487
31/12 been set to 14 ducats with effect until 1505. Apparently, the rate was
unchanged, suggesting that the 33 ducats covered for a little less than 2½
years since the last payment in 1505. ● The master general of the Order of Preachers
at this time was Fr. Johannes Cleree (1507), who was elected at the present
general chapter, but died a few months later.
Published: Handlingar… ch. III, p.8.
Convent of Viborg |
Margareta Bielke de Ågård dies and is buried in the priory church of the Friars
Preachers in Viborg.
Source: Vibeke
Podebusks Antegnelser, c. 1573.
Language: Old Danish.
- - - Døde Peder Stisen paa Aagaardt, oc blef begraven i Wiborrig i sorte Brødre Kircke.
- - - Døde Hr. Mouritz Nielsen paa Aagaardt oc der begraven.
- - - Døde Fr. Margrete Hr. Mouritz Nielsens paa Aagaardt, blef oc der begraven.
Comments: None of the three
included entries are dated (the space for the year is left open), but Margareta
Bielke is believed to have died shortly before 13 July 1507. ● Although
it strictly speaking does not say so, the two entries following that of Peder Stisen (:Peder Nielsen, see c.1410) were read by M.N.C. Kall
Rasmussen (in DM 3 III (1851), p. 263, and so repeated by numerous others ever
since) as if Mourids Nielsen Gyldenstjerne and his wife, Margareta Bielke, were
also buried with the Friars Preachers in Viborg. The text can, however, both be
read as “Lord Mourids Nielsen died at Ågård and was buried there” (i.e. at
Ågård) or as “..and was also buried there” (i.e. referring to Blackfriars
Church mentioned in the preceding entry). Whereas the text literally by itself
mainly points to the former reading, no burials are otherwise known to have
taken place at Ågård or any other of the family demesnes mentioned in the
records. And as both Lord Mourids and Lady Margareta are known to have been
very amicable towards the Friars Preachers in Viborg, a burial place in this
priory church – where also Mourid’s grandparents were buried (see c.1410) – would indeed seem the most
logical reading. ● Margareta
Turesdotter Bielke (†1507) was the daughter of Lord Ture Turesson Bielke de
Kråkerum (in eastern Småland), a Swedish unionist and member of the Swedish
national council; her mother was Ingegärd Körningsdotter. Margareta was married
to Mourids Nielsen Gyldenstjerne de Ågård in 1462. In 1466, she entered a
fraternity with the Hospitallers of St. John in Antvorskov (DAÅ 1926:2, 14).
According to a later record, Lady Margareta bought a chair for her personal use
in the church of the Friars Preachers in Viborg, which was inherited by her
daughter and only child, Anne Mouridsdatter Gyldenstjerne (see 1532). She was apparently buried in the same church,
probably next to her husband. ● On her husband, Mourids Nielsen
Gyldenstjerne, see 1474 19/9.
● On Ågård, see c.1410.
Published: Samlinger til den Danske Historie vol. II:3, p. 24.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine guilder as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 rinsk guldene fick jeg myn
frves nade sondagen nest effther assumptionis Marie till offrepeninge, som
hennes nade offrede i Sworttebroder closther, quia ibi dedicatio.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 251.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
The warden
of the Dominican convent of St. Catherine in Tallinn lends 100 marks Riga to
Hans Frome, burgher in Tallinn, for an annual rent of 6 marks.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
1507 gegunt frigdages na Mauricii van dem rade. (…) Item so bekene ick Hans Frome, dat ick genomen hebbe van sunte Kattrynen kerken formondere int jar 1507 hundert mc. Rigensis op dat huss tegen dem Lemstoffenstrate offet dat alle jar to ferrentene mit 6 mc., to forrendende op sunte Johans to mydsomer, und to der negesten tokomst, wan de rat opget, laten vorschryven in der stat boeck.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 262.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Heinrich Brockhus, burgher in Tallinn, in which he
leaves 5 marks Riga to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
In den namen Godesz amen. Int jar 1500 und 7 jar
desz sunnavendes vor sunte Fycktore do dede ick Hinrick Brockhussz myn
testamente, angesen dat dar nicht wyssers isz wen de dot und nicht unwysser isz
dan de stunde, so isz dyt naghescreven myn leste wille. (…) Noch to sunte
Olleff 10 mc. Noch sunte Gerdrut 5 mc., sundt Nycklaves 5 mc., noch up den dom
5 mc., noch tho den moncken 5 mc., noch tho sunte Barbaren 2 mc., to sunte Anna
2 mc., noch to sunte Byrgytte 2 mc. (…)
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 272.
Rome |
Province of Dacia |
Thomas Vio de Cajetan, vicar general of the Friars Preachers, informs the
province of Dacia about the death of the master general, the installment of
himself as vicar, and the time and place of the next general chapter.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
(Dacia). Universis et singulis intimatur
iterum et de novo mors generalis, institutio vicarii ordinis, locus et tempus
capituli futuri. 16 novembris
Comments: Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan (†1534) was a Neapolitan Friar Preacher, who had
entered the Order in 1484 at the age of fifteen. His name by birth was Jacopo
Vio, but he took Thomas as monastic
name in honour of Thomas Aquinas, while Cajetan
was added due to his birthplace of Gaeta. Became doctor of theology from Padua
at a young age and was soon considered one of the leading theologians of his
day, excelling in scholasticism and ‘neo-thomism’. Wrote more than a hundred
works, most famously an extensive commentary on Aquinas’ Summa theologiae and a careful translation of the Bible, which had
him being condemned for heterodoxy at the Sorbonne. Appointed procurator of his
Order in 1501 and installed as vicar general on 1 September 1507 for the
deceased master general, Fr. Johannes Cleree, who had only been elected few
months before at the general chapter in 1507 6/6.
The vicar was elected master general at the following general chapter held in
Rome on 1508 11/6, and stayed in this office
until 1518. As master general, he promoted religious discipline and studies
among his brethren, encouraged every friar to study theology at least four
hours a day, and hereby making ‘sacred doctrine our commendation’. Cajetan
himself is described as a man of austere piety, material modesty and fervent zeal, but also as a calm debater
and a shrewd politician. His skills were
soon discovered and put to use by a series of popes. While still master of his
Order, Cajetan acted as the chief defender of the pope at the Council of Pisa
in 1511-12, and played a leading role in the subsequent Fifth Lateran Council,
set up by Pope Julius in 1512-1517; the ideal pope, according to Cajetan, was
“a mirror of God on Earth”. In return, Pope Leo X made him cardinal presbyter
of San Sisto in 1517 and bishop in his home town of Gaeta in 1519. In 1518 23/8, Cajetan was sent as papal legate to
Germany with the specific assignment to bring Martin Luther before an
inquisitorial trial, and in 1519, he took part in drawing up the bill of
Luther’s excommunication. In his late life, Cajetan retired to his espicopal
see of Gaeta in 1527-1530, but was recalled to Rome by Pope Clement VII in
1530, where he worked as the chief advisor of the pope. He died in Rome in 1534
and was buried in Santa Maria sopra Minerva. ● On the same day, similar
letters were issued to the provinces of Anglia, Scotia, Saxonia and Portugalia
(MOPH vol. XVII no. L:1, V:1, X:1, Y:1).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 1
(p. 48); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:1 (p. 239).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Guthi and his wife Margit pay 200 marks to the Friars Preachers in Stockholm
for which they in return shall enjoy free meals in the priory; when the couple
has died, all their possessions shall go to the convent.
Source: Register by Peringskiöld
(E 82), 18th cent. Antikvarisk-topografiska arkivet, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Bref før Olaf Guthi och hustru Margit, det de til dødedagar skola niuta sin wissa kost och føda i Prediko-brødra Closter, emot 200 mark penningar som de til Clostret gifwit hade; men efter deras død skal all theras ægendom Clostreno hemfalla. Gifwit i Stockholm af någre bemte Closters Ledamøter, den 10 December Anno 1507.
Published: Stockholm
stads jordebok vol.
I addition no. 131 (p. 456).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Fr. Johannes
Moyse of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm is present before the city court of
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Løgerdagin nest fore Lucie stode broder Hans Moyse och bekende sigh… .
Comments: The entry has not been finished and therefore leaves no
information on the nature of the issue. It may be somehow related to an entry
on Fr. Johannes Moyse in 1508. ● Fr. Johannes Johannis Moyse (Hans Jonsson Moyse) of the Friars
Preachers in Stockholm was of local origin, son of Johan Svensson and Birgitta
and the brother of Sven Moyse (see 1501), with whom he
settled the parental inheritance in 1508. In 1516 he represented the Stockholm convent in a sale
of real estate.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 178.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Queen Christine
of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine guilder in Blackfriars Priory, along with 4
shilling for three masses. Furthermore, the poor people at the priory are given
4 shilling.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 rinsk guldene fick jeg myn
frves nade i Sworttebroder closter tredje jwledagh met Hwass. (...) Item 4 ß
fore 3 messer, samme Hwass befoell meg at lade sige. Item 4 ß fattig folck
samme dag vdi Sworttebrøder.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● While the 1 Rhine
guilder at this time was the queen’s standard alm for offering, the additional
4 shilling was paid for masses specifically ordered to be said by the friars. ●
Markvard Hvass, who took care of the actual donation and who ordered the three
masses, was a servant of Queen Christine.
Published: Dronning Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 275.
Stockholm |
Convents of Stockholm and Västerås, Province of Dacia |
Fr. Petrus Johannis of the Friars Preachers in
Stockholm recommends Regent Svante Nilsson of Sweden to reconcile with Åke
Hansson, since King Hans of Denmark-Norway threatens to launch a campaign into
Sweden. The Danish friars at the convent in Västerås, whom the regent had
forbidden to leave the country, have nevertheless left Västerås for Denmark
without Fr. Petrus’ knowledge. Furthermore, he has been in Uppsala, but the
prior provincial in Denmark has denied him permission to continue his studies
for a doctoral degree, which he hopes somehow to circumvent. Finally, he
informs the regent that it was a good thing that he sent a message to the noble
assembly in Stockholm and hereby turned an otherwise growing disagreement and
depression among both nobility and common people.
Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Ærlegh vællbyrdhog och
værdhogh herre strængh riddare her Swanthe Nielson Swærges rykes fforstaandare
med all ødhmiukth.
Myn ødhmiuke tiænisth och guddelegh bøn tiill
fforende sændh med Gudh kære værdhoghe herre. Takker iagh ider ffor the
faderleghe godhgerninge som j megh haffue beuisth for hokke ider løne Gudh
alzmektogh her och j hymmerike æwærdhelegh kære herre bider jach ider for Gudz
skyll adh j drage aff alle macthth in tiill ider her Aake Hanson och teslikes
alla the j kunne merkie som ider throo vyle vara och kungh Hans med alla sine
dæner vile med liff och makth ffraa thette fatige rike haalla ffor thij j skule
fynne thed i sanningh ider vaara nyttokth och haa ider annadh rader forlaathe
honum thed Gudh for thy han gaar æpther idher skadhaa kære herre gøre for Gudz
skyll och tager ikke megh tiill mystykkes adh jagh dyrffues ider tiill scriffua
for thy jagh gør thed j en godh akth æn thaa ider værdhogheth gørs megh hæller
myth raadh in the behoff. Jtem j myn fra vaare sændes aff Væsteraars cløster
thee daanzska brøder som j systh, fforbodhe aff rikedh fara och nider tiill
Danmark. Thee vethaa væll hwrv all tingh segh haffua forlopedh her inrikes.
Thette skeddhe megh owethandes hwadh ider værdhogheth viill her seya tiill.
Thed staar tiill ider, kære herre haffuer jach och sydhen thed iach skeldhes
vedh ider varedh j Vpsalaa och och lykthadh all myn thingh saa nær som ytherste
kosthen och thrøsther jach myket paa ider værdhogheth adh hon skaall mygh
hiælpa adh komma aff thungha, ær och fforbodh aff prouincialis j Danmark kommedh
mooth megh adh thed docter skaap skaall ikke skee en mik hopas tiill Gudh och
godhe men adh thed forbodh skall haffua ingen makth kære herre kommer op i gen
oss alle tiill hugnadh och vaare vedh en godh thrøsth i vaare herre hokken iagh
ider befeller med liff och siæll. Ider son broder Pæder Johannis.
værdogh herre. Skall ider och viterlighit vara adh thed vaar ganzska nytthogh
adh iderth bodh kom her tiill Stokholm j thette herre møthe for thij for æn
iderth bodh kom stodh saa tiill adh hwar hadhe tænkth skylias hædhen med ominne
ovylie och var j blandh folket stoor fructhan. Æn sidhen thed bodh kom bleff
alth goth och lystes burspraach saa thed alle herre ville med ider och ryket
endræcthelige baadhe liffua och døø och ther tiill saadhe alle ja med glædhe.
Comments: The letter is not dated, but the noble assembly, referred to as happened
shortly before, took place in October 1507. ● The last part about the
assembly in Stockholm is not included in the letter, but written on a separate
note attached to it. ● On Fr. Petrus Johannis, see 1495 2/6. ● It is unknown
who the prior provincial of Dacia was in 1507, but most likely it was Fr.
Mathias Olavi, known in office from 1508 12/5. The last named preceding
provincial was Fr. Gudmundus, who was absolved by the general chapter in 1505 11/5. ● A
papal decision in the case from 1510 7/8 shows that Fr. Petrus had taken
the licentiate degree at the University of Uppsala. When the prior provincial
would not allow him to continue studies for the doctoral degree, it was partly
because his studies in Uppsala had not been properly permitted by the general
chapter beforehand, partly because it had been revealed that he had a defectu natalium, in this case meaning
that he was born out-of-wedlock. There are no indications that the denial by
the prior provincial was nationally based, as otherwise suggested by Fr. Petrus
himself. ● On Regent Svante Nilsson of Sweden, see 1502
Published: Gamla papper angående Mora socken vol. II no. 87 (pp. 282-283); Kyrkohistorisk
årsskrift vol. 14, p. 34 (extract only).
Literature: Carlsson
1913, pp. 33-35; Gallén 1983, pp. 19 and 23.
Tykö |
Convents of Turku and Vyborg |
will and testament for Esquire Magnus Frille in which he leaves 3 pounds of rye
and 1 pound of barley to the convent of Friars Preachers in Turku, and 2 pounds
of rye and 2 pounds of barley to the convent in Vyborg.
Source: Transcript from the 16th century (D 461). National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
J Herrens nampn amen. Jach Magnes Frille aff wapen,
krancker j thette sijnne til min likame, dogh ligwell aff Gudz mijlda førsynn
oc tillatilse helbrøgd oc karsk till mijtt samwett, skæll och vnderståndilse,
gør mitt testamente oc yterste wilie aff then deell Gudt migh førlentt och wndt
haffwer hær på jorderike j så måttho som hær eptherskriffuatt ståndher. Først
oc fremst antwarder jagh mynn fatige siell j alzmectigx Gudz hender, mijskunde
moder Iomffrv Marie och alt himmelsk herskap, när henne hender skillias widh
thenne snödhe och fwle werlden. Ther näst besebbr jagh mijn lägerstadh j Alle
helgone capelle j Abå domkiorcka, ffør hwilcke iagh geffwer Kathinsare øø
liggiandes widh Kærkis gårdh i Sagw sochn, som iagh løste igen aff verdugh
fader j Gudh biscop Laurentz j Abå, aff sæll omijnnelse, før ∙i∙
marker swenske redhe peninger, hwilcke øø iagh vnner næstarffwingen till
otherløssa før lijka monga peninga, om them tæckes, och ther aff skall bittalas
først før mijnn lægerstadh ∙xxx∙ marck och ∙xx∙ marck
før siæll messor och arff vigilias j førde Alle helgonekoor; jtem
sancta Anna prebenda j Abå domkierkie till en ewighe messe wppehelle aff sancta
Anna sielff tridie på samma altare om tisdagen ∙ii∙ mina køpegodz
liggiandes i Kaukowore i Salo sochn med boo och booskap och alle andre, som the
stå, tillagor och vmægor till ewærdeligh æghe; jtem till altare clæde och messæ
clædhe thersammestadz ∙xx∙ marck redhe peninga; jtem till høge
koren j Abo før siele messor och arff vigilias ∙xxx∙ marck redhe
peninga; jtem till Sokne altarett før siele messer oc arff vigilias ∙xx∙
marck peninga; jtem sancte Oleffs cløster j Abå ∙iii∙ pund rogh,
ett pund korn; jtem till spetalett ∙iii∙ pund rogh, ett pund kornn;
jtem till helgans husett ∙iii∙ pund rogh, ett pund kornn; jtem till
Nadendals cløster [∙j∙] lest rogh ∙iiii∙ sider
flæsk; jtem till Rawmo cløster ∙iii∙ pund rogh; jtem till Tiockaela
∙ii∙ pund rogh ∙i∙ pund korn, ∙iii∙ sider
flæsk, ∙ii∙ rette nøth; jtem till grobrøder j Viborgh ∙ii∙
pund rogh, ∙ii∙ pund korn; jtem till swarttebrøder ther samme stadz
oc så mygt; jtem till sancta Anna capella j Salo [∙j∙] lesth
rogh till bygningh; jtem till Halicko kyrckio ∙iii∙ pund korn; jtem
till Berna kyrckio ∙iii∙ pund kornn; jtem till Kijmitto kyrckio ∙iii∙
pund kornn; jtem mijne testamentarios till att gøra mijne begengilse med ∙i∙
marck peninga; jtem the ∙ii∙ godz j Sandøø, som biscop Magnus, aff
siæll ominnelse, vnthe migh med wilkor och førordh then tijdh jagh kom fron
Rytzelandh igen oopant, varder jagh Alle helgone capelle j Abå domkyrkio igen
frijtt, qwijtt och wnbevaratt; jtem mijn herre her Erick Thomesson en siilff
skooll, bidhiandes honom for Gudz skwld att han will hielpe till att førswara
mijtt testamente; jtem mijn herre bispen enn sotott hæst; jtem Tønne Erickssonn
ett nytt paulwn; jtem mijn swogher Clauus Henricksson ett beslagiit hornn medt
sijlff; (…) jtem sancte Hendrick och helge Hemmingh tillhopa ∙c∙
marck peninga aff Fwlkila godz eller hwadt ther kan øffwerlöpa, nær myn siele
rycthe ær wtgiorth. Till thetta mijtt testament och yterste wiliie forstandere
och skickare beyser och kårer jagh erlighe och wælborne menn, som æhr Clauus
Hindersson, lagmann j Søderfinne lagsaghw, och Johann Flæmingh aff vapen. Thå
bedher jagh hederlige menn mester Påwæll Skeell, erchidegne i Abå, och hær
Arwidt Lille, canick ther samme stadz, att the wille wara ther medh hielpare
till, giffwandes allom them samma fwlla macht att wtskipta thetta mytt
testamente i Gudz æhre och før mynn fatige siell epther mynn ytherste willie
som the wele førswara før Gudz strenge ræthwise dom, forbiudendes alle myne
arffwingiar, wenner och frender, ææ hoo the helst æhre eller ware kunne, widt
Gudz strenge hempdt och næpst thetta mijtt testementte eller testementarios
hindre, qwælia eller mødha j nogra mottho. Och bedher jagh alle gode herrer,
andeligh och værdzlighe, som før rætthe sijthia, førswara thetta mijtt
testamente och wara mynn testamentarios beståndige, att thett motte gå redeligh
wtt, ventandes sigh løønn aff alzmectigh Gudh. Till hwilckens ytermere
førswarningh bedher jagh verdugh ffader i Gudh biscop Jøns i Abå och myne
testementarios forde att tryckia theres incigle nedhan føre thette
breff medt mijne eghno. Som giffuit och schriffuit ær j Tyke på sancte Mathias
dagh anno Dominj MDVIII.
Published: Finlands Medeltidsurkunder
no. 5309.
Stockholm |
Convent of Sigtuna |
Martinus Johannis Skytte, lector and prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, sells
a farm in Stockholm to Ingemund Olsson.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Ffasstelaffuens løgerdagh stode broder Martin, lector och prier
j Sichtwna, och loth vp Jngemwndh Olsson medh hans hustrv en gardh j Mattis
Martinssons grendh nedan Helga lychama hws, som ær ∙xiiij∙
alin langh och ∙xi∙ alna bredh, fore ∙xxx∙ mark
stocholmske peninga, som han war fore skattader, huilke peninga ∙xxx∙
mark han kendes redelige och skelige annamet och vntfangit haffua til tacka, ok
gaff Jngenwndh medh sin hustrv quit och frij fore allt epter tal, och tha strax
fritsskylling vplade, som lagen vtuise.
Comments: Fr. Martinus
Johannis Skytte (Martin Skytte) was of
Finnish nobility and studied at the cathedral school in Turku, before being
matriculated at Rostock University in 1479, where he became bachelor in 1480.
In the period 1485-88, he was canon secular in Turku (Geijer 1947, 101). It is
unknown when he joined the Order of Preachers, but from 1491 to 1501 he was
affiliated to the priory in Napoli as a student of theology. He first appeared
as friar in Dacia in 1508, as both lector and prior of the convent in Sigtuna.
In 1513 15/5, Lector Martinus participated at
the general chapter in Genoa as diffinitor general of Dacia. He was prior in
Sigtuna 1520 and 1522. On request from King Gustav Vasa of
Sweden, he was vicar general of the Swedish convents in the 1520s, in 1525 30/5 with the task to expell all foreign friars
from the reign and bring back order in the allegedly rebellious convent in
Västerås. In 1528, Fr. Martinus Skytte was appointed bishop of Turku. He
died in 1550.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 179-180.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Johannes Moyse of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm settles his parental
inheritance with his brother Sven Moyse and becomes a house in Stockholm next
to Sven’s house.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Swen Moysze medh sin broder, broder Hans Moyse aff Swarta brødra orden och conuenth.
Mandagin post dominicam letare stode fore
sittiande rettin Swen Moyse medh sit beradit modh aldelis vel fortenckter,
vnderuiste och berette j sin kera broders aahøre och nerware, hure the sina
mellen forente och forlichte ware om theris federne och møderne j swa matte, at
forne broder Hans schulle haffua thet stenhus nemesth belegit ær
Almosa husit vestan langa Almenningxgatan j gambla mwren medh j mwr j
Almosa husit och j mwr pa sødra sidan jn vtj Swens egit hws nemest
ligger pa sødra sidan ok swa framdelis Swen j mark aff sit hws jn vtj
prebende husit, ther nest sunnan liggiendes ær etcetera, huilka huss och
arffdela thera mellan falne ære pa bade sydor j løst och fast, jnnan stad eller
vtan, the bekende thøm bade medh wilie och brøderligit byte skyfft och deelt
hado medh wilie, venscap och kerlig, swa at the hwar androm quit, fri, lyduch
och løss fore alt arff, løst och fast, jnnan stadh ock vtan, tesliges fore alt
hennermera, tiltall, qual eller a maningh til ewerdeligen tijdh ffore alla
fødde och ofødda atalara. Vppa huilke vplatingher hwar pa sin part sin
fritskilling vp lade, som stadz lagh vtuisse. All gieldh skulle Suen Moysse til sware.
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Moyse, see 1507. ●
On Sven Jonsson Moyse and their parents, see 1501.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 183.
Rome |
Province of Dacia |
Fr. Laurentius
of the Friars Preachers in Dacia represents his province as diffinitor at the
general chapter in Rome.
Source: Acta capitulorum
generalium OP.
Language: Latin.
In nomine domini, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli
generalis Rome celebrati anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo octavo undecima
junii, in conventu sancte Marie supra Minervam sub reverendissimo patre fratre
magistro Thoma de Vio Cajetano sacre theologie professore, tunc noviter electo
in magistrum generalem ordinis predicatorum diffinientibus reverendis
provincialibus una cum diffinitoribus provinciarum: (…) diffinitore Dacie fr.
Laurentio de Dacia (…). [81-82]
Comments: Fr. Laurentius is probably identical to the Fr. Laurentius Nicolai, who was
authorized by the master general in 1508 26/6 to absolve the
prior in Odense. He could, however, also be the Fr. Laurentius Petri, who also
represented the province at the general chapter held in Pavia in 1507 6-11/6, where he had been permitted to
continue his studies for a doctoral degree; this would explain that he was
still in Italy in 1508 and, thus, considered an obvious diffinitor for his
province again at the electoral chapter in 1508. ● On Fr. Thomas de Vio
Cajetan and his election as master general, see 1507 16/11.
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 81-82.
Province of Dacia, Convent of Rostock (prov. Saxonia) |
convent of Friars Preachers in Rostock is permitted by the master general to
preach and quest in Scania.
Source: Registrum litterarum generales magistri
Language: Latin.
Fratres conventus Rostocsensis possunt
predicare et questuare etcetera in
insula Scabie.
Comments: The scribe has
misspelled Scanie, which was commonly
referred to as an island, although actually a peninsula. The privilege most certainly
did not extend to the entire region of Scania, but to the Rostock fit at the
Scanian herring markets only. On the continued dispute about this, see see 1383 2/8 and 1487 31/7. A similar
permission was issued for the convent in Lübeck in 1492 8/1. ● The master general of
the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan (1508-1518).
Published: Quellen
und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol.
40, p. 123.
Province of Dacia(?), Dutch Congregation |
Fr. Ysebrandus
de Bolsward of the Friars Preachers is allowed by the master general to
commence doctoral studies, if the fathers of the Congregation give their
Source: Registrum litterarum generales magistri
Language: Latin.
Fratri Usibrando de Bolsvarda datur licentia
accipiendi magisterium accedente consensu patrum congregationis. ∙Xxviii∙
Comments: On Fr. Ysebrandus de Bolsward, see 1494 15/5. The fathers of the
Congregation apparently did give their consent, since his doctoral degree was
approved by the general chapter in 1513 15/5. ● The entry is not
listed under the province of Dacia, but which one then is not stated. ● The master
general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no.
12 (p. 49).
Västerås |
Convent of Västerås |
Olof Jönsson,
bailiff of Västerås Castle, informs Regent Svante Nilsson of Sweden that he has
taken a loan on his behalf from the church and monastery in order to pay the
200 marks, which is due to be paid in salary to the soldiers based at the
Source: Original
document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Erliigh och velboren man och strrenghe reddare her Swanthe Nielsson, Sueriges rikes fførstandare, sinom kere herre odmywckeliig thette breff.
Min ødmywcka welluilliigh tro tienisth, helssen tiil ffærene ssenth med war herre. Ma i vettha kere herre ath Knwtz swen i Gylle kom nw nidh aff Dalana och haffuer offørtøffuith ærendha tiil eder och ssender jak med honom ·viii· lester malth; hade skeppet mere bwrith, tha hade jak mere ssenth astadh. Kere herre ssom i scriffwen mijnthamestaren tiill om thenna swenanes løn, tha haffuer jak warith tiil talz med honom ther om, tha gaff han mik ffør ith swar ath han haffuer jnghen radh ther tiil. Tha weth jak mik jnghen annor radh en jak wardher ga tiil kyrkia och klosther och tagha tiil lanss ssa mangha peningha ssom the blyffwa lønthe med, sa fframth jak skal behalla them her quare wiidh slotthet oppa edra vegna. Kere herre ssom i och scriffwen mik tiil om then Jøran myntamestarenz swen ath jak skulle skindha honom offørtøffuith tiil edher tiil Stocholm, tha ma i wettha ath Dyrijch mijntamestaren star i borgan ffør then Jøran ffør ith storth høgmelles ærendha och wiil han jnghalwndh tiil steddia ath han skal her aff bijn ffør thij honom ffrvcther ath nw han komer tiil Stocholm ath han skulle komma ssiigh oppa ith skep och geffua ssiigh tiil Tyslandh, ssadana swar ssathe han mik fføre oppa eder vegna. En nw wenther Dyrijch nidh sylffuer aff bergit och wiil han ath Jeran skal fførsth hielppa honom ath ssmeltha nidh thet sylff och komma honom tiil arbetha tiil the ·iiC· mark ssom i haffwen scriffuith honom tiil, tiil swenanes løn ssa thet blyffuer strax bettalliith the peningha jak acther tagha tiil lans oppa edra vegna. Nar ssom ssa ær giorth, tha skal then Jeran komma tiil eder om ssenedagh eller aldra ssenisth pa manedagh nesth komandes. Her med edher erliigheth alssmectiig Gudh beffallandes, scriffuith pa Westerars sloth tijessdaghen nesth ffør helgie lekamen dagh, anno Domini M quingentesimo ·viii· etcetera. Olaff Jonsson.
Comments: On Olof Jönsson,
see 1506 22/1. ● On Svante Nilsson, see 1502 6/5. ● The only monastery in Västerås was
the convent of Friars Preachers.
Published: Gamla
papper angående Mora socken vol. II no. 99 (pp. 304-305).
Rome |
Province of Dacia, Convent of Odense? |
Johannes Jacobi of the Friars Preachers in Dacia is recognized as frater
jubilarius by the master general.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Frater Johannes Jacobi fit jubilarius et potest
recipere personalia in casu. ∙Xxi∙ junii, Rome.
Comments: As the convent affilication of Fr. Johannes Jacobi is not
stated, he cannot be identified with certainty, but he may be identical to the
prior of the Friars Preachers in Odense, known in 1501 23/4 and 1504;
a connection to Odense is supported by subsequent letters issued by the master
general in 1508 21/6 and 1508
26/6. ● The master general of the Order of Preachers at this time was
Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan (1508-1518).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 2
(p. 48); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:2 (p. 239).
Rome |
Province of Dacia, Convent of Odense? |
Fr. Ivarus
Nicolai and Fr. Laurentius Johannis (or Nicolai) of the Friars Preachers in
Dacia are allowed by the master general to transfer to any reformed convent in
any province of their wish, should their ‘native convent(s)’ reject Observance.
In addition, they are allowed to receive alms until such a convent has been
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Fratri Hyvaro Nicolai datur facultas eligendi sibi
conventum reformatum in aliqua provincia, casu quo nativus conventus deficeret
ab observatia; et donec non invenerit, potest recipere eleemosynas. Die eadem [∙xxi∙
junii, Rome].
Fratri Laurentio Joannis [vel Nicolai] conceditur idem, quod fratri Hyvaro Nicolai immediate supra scripto. Die eadem [∙xxi∙ junii, Rome].
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Ivar Nielsen gives mulighed for at udvælge sig et
reformert konvent i hvilken som helst provins, i fald hans hjemkonvent
afviser/forlader Observansen; og indtil han har fundet det, må han modtage
almisser. Samme dag [21. juni, Rom].
Broder Laurids Jensen
tillades det samme, som broder Ivar Nielsen umiddelbart ovenfor skrevet. Samme
dag [21. juni, Rom].
Comments: Whereas Handlingar
reads the name of the second friar as Laurentius Johannis, MOPH has Laurentius
Nicolai. Neither Fr. Ivarus Nicolai nor a Fr. Laurentius Johannis are known
from any other sources. A Laurentius Nicolai is, however, mentioned in a
following letter from 1508 26/6 concerning an
attempt to reform the convent in Odense. The convent affiliation is not stated
for any of the two reform-minded friars, but the timely connection to the
letters issued by the master general in 1508 21/6
and 1508 26/6 suggests that they belonged to
the convent in Odense.
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 3-4 (p. 48); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:3-4 (p. 239).
Rome |
Provinces of Dacia, Saxonia and Teutonia |
Andreas Johannis of the Friars Preachers (in Dacia) is allowed by the master
general to transfer to any reformed convent of his own choice in either of the
provinces Saxonia or Teutonia for a two-years study.
Source: Registrum litterarum generales magistri
Language: Latin.
Fratri Andree Johannis conceditur, quod possit
eligere sibi conventum reformatum provincie Saxonie vel Theutonie pro studio
per duos annos, in eoque assignatur. [∙Xxi∙ junii, Rome]
Comments: The entry is listed under the province of Dacia. ● Fr.
Andreas Johannis may be identical to the friar of that same name from the
reformed convent in Ribe, who in 1515 27/5
acted as socius for the prior provincial at the general chapter in Naples. ● The master
general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 5
(p. 48); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:5 (p. 239).
Rome |
Convent of Odense, Province of Dacia |
Laurentius Nicolai of the Friars Preachers is authorized by the master general
to absolve the prior of the convent in Odense, if he declines the vita
regulari, and if this mandate is accepted by the prior provincial.
Source: Registrum litterarum generales magistri
Language: Latin.
Fratri Laurentio Nicolai datur facultas absolvendi priorem Ottoniensem, si a regulari vita declinaverit, accedente ad commissionem consensu provincialis. ∙Xxvi∙ junii, Rome.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Laurids Nielsen gives mulighed for at afsætte prioren i
Odense, hvis denne afviser det regulerede liv, under forbehold af at denne
myndighed godkendes af provincialen. Den 26. juni, Rom.
Comments: On Fr. Laurentius Nicolai, see 1501
30/5. He is probably identical to the Fr. Laurentius, who was in Rome
in 1508 11/6 as diffinitor of his province at the
general chapter. ● The mentioned prior of the convent in Odense cannot be
identified; Fr. Johannes Jacobi was prior in 1504. ● The wording
strongly suggest a planned intention to reform the Dominican convent in Odense,
but such an attempt is otherwise unknown, just as Fr. Laurentius Nicolai is
otherwise not known for Observant interests. ● The master general of the
Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan (1508-1518). ● The prior
provincial of Dacia at this time was Fr. Mathias Olavi, see 1508 12/5.
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 6
(p.48); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:6 (p. 239).
Västerås |
Convent of Västerås |
Fr. Petrus Johannis, prior of the Friars
Preachers in Västerås, informs Regent Svante Nilsson of Sweden that he, as
requested, had gone from Stockholm to Strängnäs and Arboga to meet with Åke
Hansson on behalf of the regent, but each time he had just missed him, and
because of that he had written him instead and received a positive letter
promising Åke’s loyalty towards Svante. He has been informed by Olof Björnsson
that the regent wishes to see him, but he is hindered from complying since he
in the meantime has been elected prior of the convent in Västerås instead of
the recently absolved prior, just as he ought not to leave the town nor the
convent, which are both currently ravaged by plague. Additionally, he informs
that the popular opinion is generally in favour of the regent, although some
people speak with two tongues. Finally, he assures Svante Nilsson of his and
his fellow brethren’s loyal support, and that his name will be praised to the
highest ranks of the Order because of the favours he has shown the convent.
Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Erligh velbyrdugh mann och strenghe riddher her Swante Nielsson Swerikes righis forstandher, sin kære herre ydmykelige och kerlighen.
Myn ydmyghe och
kerlighe helssen altiid forsend met warom herre. Kere herre verdes ether
mettugheth at widhe at sist iach foer fran ether i Stocholm for iach tiill
Strengeness at giffwe migh i tall met her Aake Hansson effther ether befalningh
och effther thy at han war tiid ofortøffret formoendes forbiddhe iach honom
ther, tha han icke kom foer iach hem i then acth at iach vilde giffwe migh
strax modh honom tiill Arboghe. That thet skeedhe foer han fran Arboghe och
tiill Strengeness. Tha iach var reedhe at fara tiid tiill honom møtthe migh
skip och folk som honom haffde seeth i Kolswndh swa kwnde iach ingeledes
fulfølie the ærende paa ether wægnæ paa then tiid, mæn iach screff honom tiill
ther om thet beste iach kwnde och fick godhe swar alstinges igen, swa at iach
setther aldrigh min troo tiill at han nogentiid træder fran ether i nogra
mottho. Giordhe han thet thaa bwrdhe honom straffas aff hwar dande man.
Fframdelis kære herre lodh migh ether tiænere Olaff Biørsson forstaa thet i ære
begærendes at iach skulle komme tiill ether. That skall ether mectughet verdes
atwidhe at prieren her war nw affsetth, och iach ær skutthen aather her i
staden igen som føghe tingh tiæner ther tiill, och haffwer iac mykid hindher
och besynderlige forthy her dør fast aff pestilencie baade paa slotthet i
staden och swa her i closteret. Hwar fore bedher iach ydmygelige at om swaa er
at ether ligger ther icke forstor magth oppo thet i villen vmdraghe met migh
paa thenne tiidh. Jach wiill altiid gerne gøræ nath och dagh huath ether lyfft
oc tiill vilie ær som i troen migh tiill. Ythermere kære herre bedher iach
ether thet i ether tingh skicke nw strax effther thet sinne godhe men ether
raadhe och lather icke forhale ether lengher forthi her bliffwer inthet
skadandes, then menighe man er veluillugh i alle mottho. Iach viill inthet
yterligere scriffwe om nogen verdzlig tingh ænd falskheedh ær all formøgen och
somme haffwe two twngher ville the borth legge then enæ och wara allom mannom
lighe, tha giordhe the wæll ville the icke tha ær thet frøctandes at the paa en
dagh misthe them baadhen. Kære herre waren viid godhe trøsth i skullen wara
viss oppo met Gutz hielp at iach viill nath och dagh mana mine fædher och
brødher tiill at the skulle gaa ethert werff tiill waara hellige ordens
patroner fore then kerligh i haffwe thette fattige rwm bewisth co the hellige
patroner framdelis tiill Gud thet ether skall inthet anneth vederfares ænd goth
och skall theres magth met Gutz hielp ether nyttugare wara och min fattige
formoghe, ænd alles there som modh ether ære. Man plæger sighe at monghen
kysser then handh han swaghe gernæ wara aff, i kwnne och ingen lengher see ænd
tiill tændernæ. Hwar fore slaar ether liid tiill Gud som icke swiigher och swa
tiill alle hanss wenner baade i himmericke och i iordericke tha bliffwer inthet
skadandes. Mig faller altiid thet i sinne ati skulle fara wæl och faa om all
tingh en godh hugswalelse och ther met warer viid ith friith hierte i warom
herre Jhesu Christo, huilken iach met alle mine brødher idher och ether kære
husfrwe barn och vaarnede befalir nw och altiid. Ex conventu Insulensi die ∙xx∙
secunda octobris anno etcetera MD
octavo, meo sub signeto.
fattige capellan, brodher Pædher Johannis, prior i Vestrearss closther.
Comments: On Fr. Petrus Johannis, see 1495 2/6. ● On Svante Nilsson, see 1502 6/5. ● Åke
Hansson Tott de Bjurum (†1510), knight and in periods member of the Swedish
national council and sheriff of Västergötland. His support was considered
crucial for the chances of Svante Nilsson’s campaign against the union, and
although Tott finally decided in favour of the Swedish nationalist party, he
remained respected by the unionist party as well. He led several military campaigns into the Danish
provinces of Halland and Skåne, and it was on one such campaign that he was
decisively met, defeated and killed by a Danish army at Fantehåla near
Örkelljunga in Skåne in 1510 27/8; the Danish
commander, Tyge Krabbe, had his corpse buried with the Friars Preachers in
Helsingborg. ● Svante Nilsson replied to the letter in 1508 Oct.-Nov.
Published: Gamla papper angående Mora socken vol. II no. 104 (pp. 314-315).
Västerås |
Convent of
Västerås |
A friar of the Dominican
convent in Västerås prevents the bishop’s bailiff, Lasse Dansson, from confiscating
possessions of a deceased parish priest, Mr. Laurens, in Köping, and calls the
sheriff of Åkerbo county, Erland Esbjörnsson, who removes the bishop’s lock.
Loose note in original document. Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Min ödmykelik, tilplictoghe trotiænisth för senth med waar herre. (...) Skriffuit oppo Vesteraas tisdaghen næst effther Simonis & Judhe anno Domini M°d°viij°. Oloff Joensson.
Maa i vethe, kære herre, thet her Larenss i Köpungh ær dödh, ok strax thaa kom Lasse Dansson, biskopsfogothen, ok setthe laass för alth ther vaar, ok ville haffwe tagith tedan strax alth han var; men thaa var ther en brodher vtaff Vestraas klosther, han förmenthe honom, han fik ikke tageth, ok giordhe strax ith hymligith bodh til Ærlandh, ath han skulle komme, ok strax Ærlandh kom, tha hwgh han biskoppss laass i fran.
English translation:
My humble, committed and loyal
service sent with Our Lord. (...) Written at Västerås on Tuesday after Simon
& Judas in the year of Our Lord 1508. Olof Jönsson.
May you know, dear lord, that
Mr. Laurens in Köping is dead, and soon then came Lasse Dansson, the bishop’s
bailiff, putting a lock on all there was. And he would have taken it all as
soon as he could, but then there was a friar of Västerås Priory, he denied him,
he did not get to take any, and soon he sent a secret message to Erland to
come, and as soon as Erland came, he cut off the bishop’s lock.
Comments: The message about the incident in Köping is written
on a loose note made postscriptum to
a report from Olof Jönsson, castellan at Västerås Castle (on him, see 1506 22/1), to Svante Nilsson, regent of Sweden. · The text
does not state that the frater was
indeed a Friar Preacher, but there were no other monastic institutions in
Västerås than the Dominican priory. · Köping is a town
located about 35 kms south-west of Västerås in Åkerbo county, Västmanland. · The exact subject and reason for the
disagreement is not clear, but it shows that a Dominican friar of Västerås was
present in Köping at the time (on a terminatione?),
perhaps acting as confessor for the parish priest on his death bed, and that he
both had the mind, the courage and the power to set himself up against the will
of the bishop. · The bishop
in question must have been Bishop Otto Olofsson Svinhufvud of Västerås
(1501-1522), who was accused by the Swedish nationalists of supporting the
Danish union kings.
Published: Bidrag till Skandinaviens historia ur utländska arkiver vol. V no. 242 (p. 322).
Convent of Västerås |
Svante Nilsson of Sweden thanks Fr. Petrus Johannis of the Friars Preachers in Västerås
for his good and comforting news, asks the convent to pray for the nation, and
promises the friars his lifelong friendship.
Source: Original document (damaged). The Swedish National
Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Post debitam reverentiam dilectionem pariterque salutem. Kære fadher och gode besønnerlige venn. Tacker iach eder ganske kerlige før the gode tijdendhe i mich tilbiwdhe med eders scriffuilsse ath almwgen i then landzende ær aldelis vel tiil friidz oc vele gerna vara vederredhe och aff wærie med mich emot richesins fiender alles wares skade och forderff nar som sa behoff gøres kwnnæ. Gud tess loff haffue kere fader som i och røre oc rade at iach skal vare vid gode trøst och sætie mijt hop tiil Gud som ingen swiker thet eders gode och all annen vil iach altiid gerna epterfølgie thet betzsta Gud giffuer mich naden tiil. Som i scriffue at iach ville haffue eder fordrag at komme tiil mich nw før thet omack i annamet haffue etcetera, kere fader, at i thet annamet haffue hopes mich atj thet serdelis giort haffue før Gudz skuldh och closterssens langlige bestondh och ær iach ther gantzske glad tiil at sa sket ær. Beder iach eder atj vele bywde eder kere brøder bidie alzmechtug Gud før thette fatige richet och tess thro inbyggere at all ting matte komma tiil en god endhe. Iach achter tha iach haffuer her endt richesins och mijt erende giffue mich hædhen och tiil Vestheras tha kan iach ytermere tale med eder om alle ærende æn iach nw scriffuer. Kere fader i huat matte iach kan vethe, eders, alles eders kere brøders och conuentz betzsta gangen och langlige bestand fynnen i mich altiid velwiliog kerlige gerna gøre vele sa lenge iach liifuer sannelige mich…. .
Comments: The damaged letter is undated and without either sender or receiver,
but it is obviously the answer of Svante Nilsson to Fr. Petrus Johannis’ letter
of 1508 22/10, probably written shortly after. ●
On Fr.
Petrus Johannis, see 1495 2/6. ● On Svante
see 1502 6/5.
Published: Gamla papper angående Mora socken vol. II
no. 105 (pp. 316-317).
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Queen Christine
of Denmark-Norway gives 2 shilling for masses in Blackfriars Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 ß fick jeg Temme myn frves
dreng i Sworttebrodre closter die Johannis ewangeliste till messepenninge.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● On Timme, see 1506 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 309.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Arndt Johanssen, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves
20 marks to the Friars Preachers (‘Black Monks’) in Tallinn.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
De lateste wille Arndt Johanszen,
borgher der staidt Revall. Item
so gheve ick tho weghe unde tho weghe 3 mc. Mynen negesten erven 20 mc.
To sunte Nicolaus kerken 20 mc. To sunte Olave 20 mc. Tho den swarten monken 20
mc. Noch den grawen monken to
Vellin 20 mc. (…)
Comments: Only extracts of the will are published in LEKUB.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 301.
Vedby |
Convents of Helsingør, Holbæk, Næstved, Odense and Roskilde, Sisters
of Roskilde |
Last will and testament for Kristine
Eriksdatter Rosenkrands de Vedby, in which she leaves 2 pounds of grain to each
of the Dominican convents in Næstved and Holbæk, and 1 pound of grain to each
of the Dominican convents in Helsingør, Roskilde and Odense, as well as to the
Dominican sisters in Roskilde.
Source: Original document. Danish
National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
I Gudz Naffn Amen. Men thet swaa er, at inthet
er wissere en Døden oc inthet uwisseræ æn Døtzens Tymæ, Æn doc at jegh Kristinæ
Ericksdatther er nw skrøbeligh til myt Legomæ, tha hobess megh til Gud, at iegh
er karsk til myn Siel; Thii skicker iegh nw thette myt Testamentæ fore myn Siel
aff thet Gotz, som Gud haffuer megh forlænth. Førsth giffuer iegh til
Andworrskoff Closter, som iegh haffuer vtwald myn Lægerstæd hwndrede Libske
Marck (...). Item giffuer ieg til myn Sogne Kircke i Vedby Kircken oc
Presten ∙x∙ Marck. (...) Item giffuer iegh til Grobrødre Closter i
Helsingør ∙ii∙ Pund Korn, til wor Frue Closter ibidem ∙i∙
Pund Korn, til Sortæbrødræ ther sammested ∙i∙ Pund Korn. (...) Item
til Grobrødræ i Roskillæ ∙ii∙ Pund Korn, til Sortæbrødræ Closter
ibidem ∙i∙ Pund Korn, til wor Frue Closter ibidem ∙i∙
Pund Korn, til Clare Closter ibidem ∙i∙ Pund Korn, til Sancte
Agnetis Closter ibidem ∙i∙ Pund Korn (...). Item til Sortæbrødre
Closter i Nestued ∙ii∙ Pund Korn, til Grobrødræ ibidem ∙ii∙
Pund Korn. (...) Item til Kalendeburgh Closter ∙i∙ Pund Korn (...).
Item Sortæbrødræ i Holbeck ∙ii∙ Pund Korn. (...) Item til Grobrødræ
i Ottenss ∙ii∙ Pund Korn, til Sortæbrødræ ibidem ∙i∙
Pund Korn. (...) Thette myt Testamentæ befaler iegh myn kære Broder Hr. Nielss
Erickssøn, Hr. Henrick Knutzen, oc mynæ kære Sønner Aattæ Rwd oc Henrick Rwd,
at the thet swa wtredhe fore myn Siel som the wille andsware fore then
allomectiste Gud. Datum Vedby,
feria secunda ante Valentini, MD nono, meo sub sigillo.
Comments: Kristine Eriksdatter
Rosenkrands was a wealthy noblewoman, living at the demesne (Ruds) Vedby in
western Sjælland. She was the widow of Jørgen Rud (†1504-05), royal chieftain
of Holbæk and member of the Danish national council. Kristine Rosenkrands died
within a couple of months after the will had been issued. Both she and her
husband were buried at Antvorskov Abbey of the Hospitallers of St. John. ●
The systematic variations in bequests to ecclesiastical institutions indicate a
general preference for the Friars Minor, who in all but one case received 2
pounds of grain against just 1 pound to most other houses. However, for the two
Dominican convents situated closest to Lady Kristine’s home in Vedby, Næstved
and Holbæk, the friars were bequeathed with 2 pounds, whereas the Franciscan
convent in nearby Kalundborg was only given 1 pound. Apparently, local
relations could be an advantage as well as a disadvantage.
Published: Danske Magazin 1. ser. vol. VI, pp. 186-188.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Tile van der Zee, huckster in Tallinn, in which he
leaves 10 marks to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn for them to say (2 times?)
40 masses for him.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
In dem namen der hilgen drevoldicheit.
Int jar 1509 des ffrydages vor palmen szo hebbe ick Tylle van der Sey angeseyn
in mynem latsten dat nycht unwysser is de stunde unde nycht wysser allzo de
doet. (…) So geve ick (…). Upe dem dome to unser leven ffrowen broderschap 4
mrc., tho suntte Nycolaus mynen besten rock unde tho dem hylgen geyst den
secken 4 mrc., int nyge seckenhusz 4 mrc., to sunte Oleff 4 mrc. Tho sunte
Gerdrut 4 mrc. unde to den moncken 10 mrc., dar sollen sey twe mall de 40
myszen vor holden, tho sunte Barbaren 3 mrc. (…)
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 586.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2 marks as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2 mr. fick jeg myn frves
nade, hennes nade offrede i Sworttebroder closter, die Petri martiris i
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 323.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine guilder as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 rinsk guldene fick jeg myn
frves nade till at offre i Sworttebrøder closter feria 3a
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 321.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 16 album on the collection plate in
Blackfriars Priory in Odense and to the poor.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 16 album till at leggæ paa tafflen ther i Sworttebroder closther oc till
fattige folck.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● The meaning seems
to be that a part of the amount was distributed directly among poor people
present at the priory.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 321.
Firenze |
Convent of Turku, Province of Dacia |
Martinus Michaelis of the Friars Preachers in Turku is returned to his
provincial and convent.
Source: Registrum litterarum generales magistri
Language: Latin.
Frater Martinus Michaelis conventus Abuensis remittitur ad provincialem, ut ei de conventu provideat. ∙xviii∙ septembris Florentie.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Martin Mikkelsson af konventet i Åbo sendes tilbage til
provincialen for at tage sig af sit konvent. 18. september,
Comments: Fr. Martinus Michaelis of the Friars Preachers in Turku is not
known from any other sources, but a friar of unknown order from the diocese of
Roskilde of this name was matriculated at the University of Cologne in 1510 28/6. It is not stated from where he was returned,
but most likely it was from one of the Dominican schools outside the province.
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 7 (p. 48); Finlands
Medeltidsurkunder no.
5411; Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no.
O:7 (p. 240).
(Lübeck) |
Convent of Stockholm |
will and testament for Hinrik Dunkelgud, merchant in Lübeck, in which he leaves
one barrel of ‘Trave salt’ to the Friars Preachers in Stockholm.
Source: Original document. Lübeck Stadtbibliothek.
Language: German.
Item int erste gheve ik to weghe unde to steghe
1½ mark lub.; (…) item tom Stokholme in Swede in dat swarte kloster 1 tunnen
travensolt; (…).
Comments: This was the tenth edition of (or addition to) Hinrik
Dunkelguds’s will. ● ‘Trave salt’ was a term for salt extracted from the
mines around Lüneburg and sold by Lübeck merchants from warehouses on the river
Trave, which connected Lübeck to the Baltic Sea.
Published: Dormeier 2013,
pp. 354-355.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Kort Becker, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves 10
marks Riga to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn for them to say 40 masses for him
when he is dead.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Tho wege unde stege 1 mc.
Rigensis. Mynen negesten erven 12 mc. Rigensis. Den monneken 10 mc. Rigensis,
hyr schollen se en van tho frone beygeren unde lesen 40 myssen na synem dode.
Tho sunte Gardrutte mynen besten rock. Tho sunte Oleff tho unser leven frowen
tyde mynen negesten besten rock. Der hylgen junffrowen sunte Dortyen to sunte
Oleff 4 mc. Rigensis. Tho unser leven frowen tyde tho dem Hyllygen gheste 5 mc.
Tho sunte Nyclaes to des hyllygen Krist tyden 5 mc. Tho sunte Byrgytten 5
mc. Tho sunte Barbaren 5 mc. (…) Kort Becker.
Comments: Only extracts of the will are published in LEKUB. ● An
addition to the will refers to him as deceased on 1509 29/11.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 718.
Convent of Visby |
A Lübeck
army ravages Gotland and Visby, destroying and burning down several churches in
the northern part of Visby, among them Blackfriars Priory.
Source: Cronica Guthilandorum.
Language: Danish.
Aar 1509, giorde de aff Lybeck Anfald paa Guthiland, oc hafde tilforn brandskattit Borringholm, kom til Guthiland med 18 store Skibe, huor to aff deris Raadsmænd vaare Øfuerste for, Hermand Meßmand, oc Bernhard Bomhoffner. De aff Guthiland viste aff ingen Feide eller Findskab med de Lybske, de ansetter for Vestergarn, huor Landfolckit forsamlede sig, H. Søffren Norby Personlig med sine Guther, huor der bleff it stort Blodbad, de Lybske miste 1000, de aff Guthiland 800, it aff deris Skibe bleff opbrent, dog beholt de aff Lybeck Marcken, droge saa til Vißby, den indtog [oc] affbrende den Nørre Part, hin skøne store Huse, noch S. Oluffs Kircke, S. Peders Kircke, med Sortebrødre Closter, som Herr Ifuer Axelsøn loed bygge, loed intet igien, berøfuede oc borttog, huad de kunde komme ofuer aff Landit, Fæ oc Faar, oc giorde en drabelig skade, oc finge skade. H. Søffren paa Vißborg, kunde de huercken med Beleiring, Bøn eller Trusel tuinge, hand holt Slottet, (som aldrig nogen Fiende er endnu blefuen mectig,) som en erlig Mand.
Comments: According to the chronicle, the priory was built by Iver
Akselsen Thott; on this claim, see 1465-87.
Published: Cronica
Guthilandorum, pp. 240-241.
hundred |
Convent of Vejle |
testimony given at the court of Tørrild hundred confirms that Lord Mogens Gøye,
through his wife, holds land in Uhre adjacent to ‘Monks Enclosure’.
Source: Transcript in
letter of certification, 1591 14/7. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Matz Christinßen i Daldowerde, som da tingholder var Thørild
herredsting, Jenß Eßgeßin sognepræst til Gadbierrig kirke, Christin
Binderup væbner, Søffrin Perßen i Olderup, Jeß Esbenßin i Kiølehollt,
Anders Perß i Branttbierrig, Peder Nielß i Jem, Michell Powelßen og
Staffin Skriffuere. Lørdagen før fastelavn for os og flere gode mænd fik
beskeden mand Laß Eyßin i Hornstrup et tingsvidne på velbyrdig
mands vegne hr. Mogens Giøe strenge ridder af otte dannemænd: (…) hvilke
vidnede, at de hørte og så den samme dag på forskrevne ting, at Laß Eyeßen
(…) indvorde på hr. Mogens Giøes vegne (…) tre gårde i Vre
(…) med deres gårde og gårdsteder og aabolltofftte, som de har gaft
af arild, sydpå indtil Muncke Enemærke vedtager, nordpå indtil Hoffuerde
marcke, og tre otting jord over alle Vre marcke og skov, dette gods
for hr. Mogens Giøes hustrus rette arvegods. (…) Og vorthe den
lovhævd lovlig tilbuden og funden af fogeden og gode mænd. Med vore indsegl
hængende for dette brev. Datum etcetera.
Comments: The document is not published in its full, original text,
only as a summary in a normalized Danish (here in italic) with name forms in the original wording. ● The name
Munke Enemærke (‘Monks Enclosure’) suggest an enclosed
field of arable or pasture belonging to a male monastic convent, which in this
case could only be the Friars Preachers in Vejle. On the convent’s possessions
in Uhre, see 1485 24/2. The
Dominican estate in Uhre was handed over to Mogens Gøye in 1529-30.
Not published. Extensive summary, mostly in normalized Danish,
in Repertorium danici 2. ser.
vol. VI no. 11470.
Literature: Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), pp. 114-115.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway lets her servant give 1 Rhine guilder as offering
in the church of the Friars Preachers in Odense, because a friar of the convent
sings his first mass. The servant also puts 2 shilling on the collection plate
of the church.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 rinsk guldene sende jeg
myn frves nade met hennes nades dreng i Sworttebrodre till offerpeninge, thi at
ther sanck en mwnck szin første messe, dominica quasi modo geniti. Item 2 ß
samme myn frves dreng at legge paa tafflen i Sworttebrodre.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 358.
Rotterdam |
Convents of Haderslev and Schleswig |
prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig is absolved by the Convocation of
the Dutch Congregation and allowed to return to his convent in Haderslev.
Source: Acta convocationis congregationis
Language: Latin.
Haec sunt acta convocationis vicarii generalis
et patrum congregationis Hollandiae, ordinis praedicatorum, tentae in conventu
Rotterdamensi, anno 1510, dominica tertia post pascha.
sunt absolutiones. (…) Absolvimus suppriorem Sleeswicensem et remittimus eum ad
suum conventum Haderslevensem. (…)
Published: La Congrégation
de Hollande, p. 293.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 Rhine guilder as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense, along with 1 shilling to poor people at
the priory.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 rinsk guldene sende jeg
myn frves nade vdi Sworttebroder closter at offre ther die Petri martiris. Item
1 ß fattigt folck samme stedz.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 360.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 4 shilling as offering in Blackfriars Priory
in Odense, along with 1 shilling for a mass.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 4 ß fick jeg Jorgen at offre
vdi Sworttebrøder die Katerine dag de Senis. Item 1 ß till en messe samme dagh.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● It is perhaps
noteworthy that the Dominican almsgiving was dated to “the Day of Catherine of
Siena”, a saint otherwise not commonly used in the late medieval Danish
calendar. ● Jørgen, who took care of the donation, was a boy servant of
Queen Christine.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 361.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 1 mark as offering
in Blackfriars Priory in Odense.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 1 mr. sende jeg myn frves nade i
Sworttebroder 3a feria pentecostes till offertorium.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 362.
Rome |
Convents of Skänninge and Västerås |
Petrus Magni of the Friars Preachers in Skänninge is transferred to the convent
in Västerås by the master general, if both he and the latter convent consent to
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Frater Petrus Magni, si consentiat, transfertur de conventu Skeningensi ad conventum Insulensem eiusdem provincie, consentiente illo conventu Insulensi etcetera. ∙Xxi∙ junii, Rome.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Peder Månsson overføres, hvis han
indvilger, fra konventet i Skänninge til konventet i Västerås i samme provins,
(hvis) konventet dér i Västerås indvilger osv. Den 21. juni,
Comments: Whereas Handlingar
reads the first convent name as Skeningensi,
MOPH has Stremmengensi, which is
identified as Nidaros (sic!). ● Fr. Petrus Magni is not known from any other sources,
unless he is identical to friar, who was transferred from Strängnäs to
Stockholm in 1507 6/6, and/or the Prior Petrus
Magni, who in that case was back in Skänninge in 1523 11/11, where he
along with the entire convent issued a receipt for the accounts produced by the
former prior. The wording ‘si consentiat’
indicates that he had not asked for the transfer himself. ● The master
general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 8
(p. 48); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:8 (p. 240).
Cologne |
Province of Dacia? |
Martinus Michaelis of (the Friars Preachers? in) the diocese of Roskilde,
Dacia, is matriculated at the University of Cologne as a student of arts.
Source: List of matriculations for the University of Cologne.
Language: Latin.
[1510, junius.] Frater Martinus Michael[is] de Dacia, Roskyldensis diocesis; ad artes; juravit et solvit; 28.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Morten Mikkelsen af Dacia/Danmark, Roskilde stift; ved artes-studiet; indsvoren og betalt; 28[. juni].
Comments: The orderly affiliation is not stated, but the University of
Cologne was frequently used by Friars Preachers in this period. ● A Fr.
Martinus Michaelis is not known at any Dominican convent in the diocese of
Roskilde, but a friar of this name from the convent in Turku was returned to
his province and convent in 1509 18/9.
Published: Die Kölner
Universitetsmatrikel vol. II no. 487,2 (p. 661).
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Reinhold Korner, burgher and city notary of Tallinn, who
wishes to be buried with the Friars Preachers in Tallinn “or whereever the
executors of his will decide”, for which he leaves 12 marks to the convent,
along with 4 shillings to each friar, clerical or lay, of which 2 are for
vigils and 2 are for perpetual masses.
Source: Transcript. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Am jare unses Heren na Christi gebort dusent vyffhundert unde teyen ame sondage in deme 14. dage des mantes julii (…) ick Reynoldus Korner (…) sette unde make ick mynen latesten willen unde tastamente (…). Den predicker broder 12 mc. to ereme bowete, unde etlicken broder, geistlick edder wertlick, 4 sz. in de hant to delende ame dage myner begencknisze, 2 tho vigilien unde 2 thor zelemiszen, unde sundergen vor myne zele to biddende. Item sunte Birgitten kloster vor Revall 18 mc. Rigis der abbatissen to hantrekende, dat se Godt vor my bidden (…).
Comments: Reinhold Korner originated from Lübeck.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 849 (p. 624). Summary in Revaler
Regesten vol. III no. 97.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Dirk Mouwers, burgher in Tallinn, in which he leaves 8
marks and 6 grot to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn and another 15 marks and 6
grot to be buried with them.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
Item diit isz miin laste wylle. (…) Item so gheffe ick Dyrck Mouwersz (…). Noch geffe ik to muncken, dar ik liien wiille 15 mc. 6 gr. Noch gheffe ik to den susteren … . To muncken 8 mc. 6 gr. (…) Int jaer onsz Heren 1510 manendachesz na onsser liieve frouwen kreiitwiinghe.
Comments: Dirk Mouwers originated from Kampen.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 862.
Convent of Helsingborg |
corpse of the fallen Swedish army commander Åke Hansson Tott is brought by his
opponent, the Danish army commander Tyge Krabbe, from the battleside of
Fantehåla to the priory of the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg, where he is buried.
Source: Magnus
Matthiæ, Regum Daniæ Series.
Language: Latin.
Anno eodem die Ruffi, nempe die ∙xxvii∙ augusti, qvæ erat feria ∙iii∙ proxima post Bartholomæi, Acho Johannis exercitus Svetici ductor, miles strenuus, cum nostris, Schanis potissimum, pugnans ad speluncam vulgo dictam Fanthehullen (qvod nomen est loci a qvodam N. Fanthe appellato sic dicti in confinio Sveciæ et Schaniæ, in parochia Øerkeliunge provinciæ Nørre-Asboherridt) occumbit cæsus, et qvidem lancea transfixus a Laurentio qvodam cognomento Frost, duce exercitus Danici Tychone Krabbe, eodem capitaneo arcis Helsinburgensis et Schaniæ præside. Cadaver defuncti currui carbonario impositum et Helsingburgum delatum, im monasterio fratrum prædicatorum sepelitur. Signa Svecis erepta in eo conflictu Hafniam deferentur, ubi in æde primaria hodie etiamnum visuntur suspensa.
Comments: On Åke Hansson
Tott, see 1508 22/10. He was one of the most
entrusted allies of Regent Svante Nilsson, on whose behalf he led several
military campaigns into the Danish provinces of Halland and Skåne. It was on
yet another such campaign that he was decisively met, defeated and killed by a
Danish army at Fantehåla near Örkelljunga, c. 50 km north-east of Helsingborg. ●
Tyge Krabbe (†1541) was a Danish
noble, since 1507 sheriff of Helsingborg, and for long considered chief
commander of Skåne, as well as head of the Scanian nobility. He also acted as
lay leader of the Catholic side during the Reformation, and in this capacity
switched side several times during the Count’s Feud, according
to whatever he thought served the Catholic and Scanian interests best. In the
winter of 1534-35, he officially served Count Christoffer of Oldenburg – and
through him the imprisoned King Christian II – when he during Christmas 1534 first disobeyed the count’s German
commander-in-chief, Bastian van Jessen, by moving Archbishop Torben Bille of
Lund from his imprisonment in the Dominican priory in Helsingborg to the
castle, and shortly after in 1535 12-13/1
unexpectedly turned against his German allies during a battle against the
Swedes, which drove the Germans to a chaotic retreat to the neighbouring
Dominican priory. Tyge Krabbe is
otherwise not known to have had any special preferences to the Friars
Preachers.Thus, it may be true, as claimed by a later tradition, that it was
on the initiative of the sheriff’s wife, Anne Nielsdatter Rosenkrantz, that Åke
Hansson was buried with the Dominicans.
Published: Monumenta historiæ Danicæ 2. ser. vol. II, pp.
Rome |
Province of Dacia |
Fr. Olavus
Jacobi of the Friars Preachers is allowed by the master general to join any
convent in the province of Dacia to his preference within six months after
entering the province.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Frater Olavus Jacobi assignatur, ubi
benivolos in provincia invenerit intra sex menses ab ingressu provincie et cum
unica receptione. ∙Xvi∙ octobris Rome.
Comments: Fr. Olavus Jacobi is not known from any other sources. ●
The master general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio
Cajetan (1508-1518).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no. 9
(p. 49); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:9 (p. 240).
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Margareta, widow of Paul Snytker, burgher in Tallinn, in
which she leaves two cloaks (a green and a red one worth 3 marks), one
red coat, three bawls and four plates of tin, 11 jugs, three iron cooking pots,
three pairs of woven cloth, and more textiles.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(…) Int erste so geve ik myner
maget Gerdrud 3 olde rocke vor er vordenste lōn. Myner maget Margreten en
hōken und eyn hovetpōl vor er vordenste lōn. Item so geve ick
vor myne sele salicheit und den Swarten brodern tho Revall sunte Katerynen
kerken enen gronen rock und enen roden rock, de ele van 3 mc., noch enen roden
hoyken. Ock vart so geve ik deme vorbenomeden closter 3 grote tynnen vate, 4
tynnen teller. Vort so geve ick densulven brodern 11 kannen, klen und grot.
Vort so geve ik deme vorbenomeden closter 3 eren gropen, cleyn und groth. Vort
so geve in den vorbenomeden brodern 3 par laken und eyn wepe und eyn kate myt
enen pole. Item so geve ik vort in de ere Godes und deme hilgen orden und den
heren tho Padis 1½ last roggen, de se my syn schuldich gebleven vor myne gare
kost. (…)
Comments: Only an extract of the will is published in LEKUB.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 744.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
Last will
and testament for Simon Kastelor, travelling merchant, in which he leaves 50
marks to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn and another 12 marks, possibly for
saying one weekly mass every Saturday for a year.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
Diith is Symon Kastelor syn testament unde
lateste wille etcetera.
(…) To monniiken 50 mc. De seke armen luden 100,000 ellen watmer. Noch sunt Oleff 25 mc. Sunte Nyclausz 25 mc. To den Hylligen Geste 12 mc. Noch 1 miisse alle sonnavent van onser lever vrowen drofenysse, 1 jaer lanck, voer 7 mc. Den susteren oer del. To monniiken 12 mc. Sunte Gerdrutd 10 mc. Noch sunt Jops broderschop 4 mc. (…) Soe siie ick Symen begherende, dat men desse befferde holdet joe miit ton alder ersten.
Comments: Only an extract of the will is published in LEKUB.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser. vol.
III no. 746.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Fr. Johannes
Gregorii of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm inherits a farm in Stockholm from
his father and declares, together with his brother Morten, before the city
court to be satisfied in their paternal inheritance with no further claims
against their mother Gertrud and stepfather Per Rytter.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Onsdagin nest ffør pintzdage (…). Samme dagh stode
ffør rettin broder Hans Gregerson aff Sancti Dominici orden her j staden och
hans sambroder Mortin Gregersson och goffue theris kiere stiwffader Per Rytter
och hans danneqwinno, theris moder hustrv Gertrud, och theris effterde
aldelis quitte, ffrie. liduge och løsse effter theris fframlidne ffader
Gregers, j swa motto, ath fførne broder Hans skall haffue, nyta och
beholle en tregard, liggiandes j Mattis Mortinssons grend pa norre siden, med
tompt och all sin tilbehørelsse, som han nw opbygder ær och ffør øgon staar,
ffrit och qwit, huilkin gard ær ∙xxiiij∙ longh och ∙xi∙
alne bred met knut och alle. Och Mortin hans broder skal beholle en annan gard
(…). Ther met goffue the theris fførne stiuffader quit, som
fforscriffuit staar, ffor theris ffæderne med then del the hade tilfførenda
ffadh effter there fframlidne ffader, pa hulken oplatninger Per Rytter sin
ffritzskilling opladhe, som stadz lag wtuise.
Comments: Fr. Johannes Gregorii (Hans
Gregersson) of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm is otherwise unknown. He
and his brother Morten were sons of Gregers Badstugukarl (: man who runs a
public bath) and Getrud; their stepfather Per Rytter was a skipper in
Stockholm. ● Morten Gregersson sold his farm in 1515 (SST vol. V, 39-40).
Two days after, he was again present before the
city court of Stockholm, this time being convicted for stealing silver and gold
from various people in the city. Due to intercession from the local Friars Preachers,
he was spared the rope and executed by sword instead; undoubtedly, the
Dominican intercession was caused by his brother Johannes.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 196-197.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
couple-close is erected on the western gable of the priory of the Friars
Preachers in Stockholm “in Prior Henricus Degner’s time”.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Vigilia visitacionis
beate Marie virginis.
Thaa restes sparwerkit j Swartbrødra kloster
her j Stocholm wppa westre gafflin anno Domini tusande femhundrat wppa tet
ellofthæ etcetera j priar Henrigx Degnare tijdh.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
● A couple-close or a chevron (sparrverk)
was an architectural decoration of the gable edge, perhaps with
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 200.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, is going to sell a
house for the benefit of a youngfriar in he convent, the son of Anna Tavast,
and the money from the sale shall be administered by a burgher of the city
until the boy reaches adulthood.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin, som war Sancta Maria Magdalena
affton. (…) Samma dagh sades priaren bro[der] Henrik Degner her j Swartbrødra
conuent j Stocholm, ath the peninga han ffaar ffør tet husit, som salies skal
then wngbroder til nytto och gagn ter j kløstred, hustrv Anna Taffuastes son,
the peninga skal priaren sætie jn til en beskelig bolffast borgere her j byn
medh twige manna withne, och med samma witne lathe sigie hustrv Anna Tauastes
til, huar peningane staa, til then wnga brodern komer til mogendes alder etcetera.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
● The name of the youngfriar is not given, but from later entries he is identified
as Fr.
Clemens Mathiae (Clemit Mattsson). He
is referred to as a child in 1497, in 1517 he had
reached adulthood, still a friar at the Stockholm convent, but it seems he died
later the same year, probably due to a long-lasting
sickness, since his death did not seem to come as a surprise. Fr. Clemens was
the son of Mattis Potmaker and Anna of Stockholm. When his father died around
1496-97, his mother remarried to shipmaster Olof Tavast, a Stockholm
skipper and shoemaker, of whom she became widow again in 1502-03 (SST vol.
II, 622). From a number of entries in the city records, Anna and Olof seem to have
had continuous financial problems, which did not become less when Anna was
widowed. To place her young son in the Dominican convent seems like a social
solution to secure his upbringing, both economically and morally. Anna was alive in 1519,
apparently still living in poverty. ● The burgher selected to administer
the money was Simon Skreddare (‘Simon the tailor’). ● Whether on Anna’s,
Simon’s or Fr. Clemens’ own initiative, the young friar made an undated will in
the period 1511-17, in which he bequeathed all the
money to his mother and Simon. The convent obviously refused such an
arrangement, and when Fr. Clemens had reached adulthood in 1517,
Prior Henricus came to an agreement with Anna, giving 30 marks of Clemens’
estate to her and the remaining 100 marks to the convent; the latter amount was
then paid out to the prior by Simon Skreddare. Apparently, though, Anna tried
to question this settlement later that same year,
perhaps because Fr. Clemens had died by then.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 203.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
court of Stockholm fines Lambrekt Matsson 40 marks for treating Old Per Björnsson
unfairly, when the Friars Preachers of Stockholm walked in procession on St.
Dominic’s Day.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter Laurencii. (…) Skal Lambrict
Matson reckie honden ffør ∙xl∙ mark ffør thet hommoth han giorde jn
paa gamble Per Biørsson, then tijd Swartbrodra ginske process om Sancti
Dominici dagh etcetera. Dabit ∙v∙ mark.
Comments: Lambrekt Matsson and Old Per Björnsson were both members of
Stockholm’s city council. It is unclear in exactly what way Lambrekt Matsson
did Per Björnsson wrong and in what way it was related to the procession. ●
The Day of St. Dominic was 4 August.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 204.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, sells a house in Stockholm,
which Fr. Clemens Mathiae of the same convent had inherited, to Nils
Grytgjutare for 200 marks.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter Laurencii. (…) Samme dagh stode ffør
sitiande borgemestere och raadit renliffues man bro[der] Henrik Degner, prior
her j Swartbrødra conuent j Stocholm, och oplath wor stadz borgere Niclis
grythegiutere ith stenhus, liggendes j Kaakebrinken pa norre sidan meth en
tregard ther strax nordan fføre opsides samme stenhuss, ffør ∙iiC∙
mark stocholmske rede peninge, hulkit hus alth samen tilffalit war bro[der]
Clemet, ingiffne conuentz broder, Mattis grythegiutere son, Gud hans siel nade,
ffrith och qwith med fyre ffrie mwre, en hwelffd kellere och alle thess
waninger och tilbehørelsse nederst aff hussins grund j ouersst j høgden, fran
sigh och menige conuentet och hans effterkommende priare och tilegne tet fførne
Niclis, hans hustrv barn och effterkommende til ewerdelic ego ffør alle ffødde
och offodde aatalere, och ær thet stenhus wid Kakebringx gatun ∙xvi∙
alne och ith quarter breth, lengden wt met Innan mwrs gathen met mwr och
træbygningh ∙xix∙ alne in til Per Monsons bygningh. Wppa hulkin
oplatninger Niclis kannegiuteræ sin ffritzskilling oplade effter lagen, oc
aldelis ffulffølgt ær tette køp met lagen, som ther til bør, lagbudit och
lagstondit etcetera, och priaren sigh
kende opburit haffue fførne ∙iiC∙ mark
redelica effter sin ægin vilie til ffulle nøie.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
● Fr. Clemens Matthiae (Clemet Matsson) of the Friars Preachers in
Stockholm is otherwise unknown. He was son of Mats Grytgjutare, whose byname
indicates that he was a potmaker. The reference to Fr. Clemens as ‘ingiven’ may
indicate that he had been admitted to the Order as a youngfriar.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 204-205.
Rome |
Province of Dacia |
Nicolaus Olavi of the Friars Preachers in Dacia is allowed to approach his
prior provincial by the master general.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Frater Nicolaus Olavi habet licentiam adeundi suum provincialem. ∙Xxii∙ septembris Rome.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Nicolaus Olavi får tilladelse til
at opsøge sin provincial. Den 22. september, Rom.
Comments: Fr. Nicolaus Olavi is not known from any other sources. The
meaning seems to be that he is allowed to go to his home province to see the
prior provincial about something, indicating that he presently was abroad. ● It is not
known who was prior provincial of Dacia at the time. Fr. Mathias Olavi was
provincial in 1510 17/7, Fr. Laurentius Petri held the office in 1514
The master general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio
Cajetan (1508-1518).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no.
10 (p. 49); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:10 (p. 240).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Nicolaus of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm is witnessing a probate
settlement before the city council of Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Løgerdagin nest ffor Clementis. (…) Same dagh
stode Peter ffan Aaken ffør sitiande rettin j ffoythens och mene radzsins
nerware, hulkin som war framlidne Hans ffan Aakens systersson, ffylmindig och
mektigh giord aff Hans ffan Aakens ffader och moder j Aaken och gaff sins
moders broders hustrv, fframlidne Hans ffan Akens effterleua hustrv her j
Stocholm, hustrv Margit Godskalksdotter, aldelis quit, ffri, lydugh och løss
ffør alt tet arff them erffua borde effter honum, løsth och ffast, innan stad
och wtan, ffør sigh och alle fframlidne Hans ffan Akins erffuinge, hoo the
helstz ware kunne, ffødde och offødde atalere til en ewik afftalz zak och
effter tal til en ffulkomen ænde til ewig tijd. Wppa hulkin oplatninger hustrv
Margit sin ffritzskilling oplade, som stadz lagh tilsigie, och thesse gode men
wore offuer samme arffskifftning, som war Sone Stensson, Swen kotmogere, gamble
Larens Matsson, Erik Balk, Clauus vinman och broder Clauus j Swartbrodra
closter her j stadin.
Comments: Fr. Nicolaus (Claus) of the Friars Preachers in
Stockholm was, due to his name form, probably of German origin. He is also
known as confessional father for a German in 1513.
As it was not common for friars in Stockholm to participate as witnesses in lay
cases before the city court, Fr. Nicolaus most likely had a special connection
to the case, either as confessional father for the widow Margit Godskalksdotter
and/or her late husband Hans van Aachen, or as German-speaking interpreter for
the family representative Peter van Aachen.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 222.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
widow of Olof Olsson, mortgages a house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm to
goldsmith Laurens Tordsson.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter Andree apostoli dagh,
sancti etcetera. (…) Samme dagh stodh ffør rettin hustrv Cirstin, Oleff Olssons
effterleffue hustrv her i Stocholm, och widerkende sigh haffue pansath
beskedeligh man, wor metborgere Larens Tordsson gulssmet, sith stenhuus och
liggiende grwnd, som hon personlige besither och wtibor, liggiandes pa
Swartbrodra gaten j hornid, som han gar jn pa Kinhestegaten pa wenste handen
Comments: In the
period 1442-1514, no less than nine named goldsmiths lived along Stockholm’s
Blackfriars Street, which connected Blackfriars Priory to the main town square.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 227.
1512 14/6 Stockholm
sells the same house to Laurens Tordsson.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagen nest effter corporis Christi. (…) Samme dagh stod ffør sitiande retthen hustrv Cirstin, Olff Olssons effterleua hustrv, i ffoithens Oleff Biørssons, alle borgemestarenes och menige radzins nerware, leffrerade och oploth beskedeligom manne baade meth hond och mwndh Larens Biørssone, gulssmet og borgere her i Stocholm, sith stenhuss, som hon meth sin fframffarne danneman Oleff Olsson, Gud honum naade, longlelige besithit och wtj both hauer (…). Och ær thet hus belegit j orden pa Korsgathen man gaar til Swartbrode, pa høgre handhen man gaar in pa Kinhesthe gathen (…).
Comments: The scrivener has erroneously repeated the patronymicon of the
bailiff Olof Björnsson for the buyer,
goldsmith Laurens Tordsson.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 250-251.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Lytting and Henrik Strabuck, guardians of the youngfriars Petrus and Johannes
Halvardi, declare before the city court of Stockholm to have received 500 marks
from the boys’ stepfather, Staffan Kortsson, as their parental inheritance.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondaghen nesth effter dominicam judicare. Samme dagh stode ffør sitiande rettin j ffoithens Oleff Biørnssons, borgemesteres och ganske radzins nerware, renliffues personer, broder Per Haluardi, broder Hans Haluarde, meth theris fførmyndere Herman Lytting och Henrich Strabuk, bekende them redeliga anamet och wntfongit haffue wtaff theris kiere stiwffader Staffan Kortsson och hans elskelica hustrv, hustrv Kaderine, femhundrat mark stocholmske j silff och rede peninge effter theirs framfarne fader och moder, Gud theris siel naadhe, ffør theris rettæ ffedernis och mødernis arff bade ffør løsth ocg fasth jnnan stad oc wtan, hwar tet helsth liggia eller nempnes kan etcetera. Och effter tet at Gud alzmectig haffuer på thenne tijdh swarlige bekrenct fforne Staffan Kortsson, swa at han aldelis ligendes ar pa sine sotte sængh, som Gud honum betre, tha haffue fførne brøder med theris fførmyndare giffuit Per Monson raadman pa Staffan Kortssons och hans kiere hustrvs vegna aldelis quitte, ffrie, lyduge och løsse samme tid her ffør rettin baade meth hond och mwn honum, hans hustrv och alle theris effterkomende arffuinge ffør alth ytermere hinder, qwal och efftertall om fførne arff ffør tem och alle theris priores fførmyndare och epterkomende ffødde och offødde atalere til ewigh tijd. Pa hulke oplatninger fførne Per Mongsson pa Staffan Kortsons och hans hustrvs vegna ffritzskillingen oplade, som stadz lagh tilsigie.
Comments: It is not stated explicitly that Fr. Petrus and Fr. Johannes
Halvardi (Peder and Hans Halvardsson) were youngfriars at
the Dominican convent, but the reference to their ‘priors’ strongly suggest a
Dominican relation; certainly, such an arrangement for a couple of young
brothers was well-known to the Stockholm Friars Preachers (see 1487).
Furthermore, their stepbrother Fr. Johannes Stephani (Hans Staffansson) was submitted as youngfriar to the Dominican
convent in Västerås in 1514 with the same lay
guardians to administer his inheritance after Staffan Kortsson’s death. Fr.
Johannes Halvardi and Fr. Johannes Stephani showed up together before the city
court of Stockholm in 1519 to declare that all
due inheritance had been duely paid by the guardians. ● Herman Lytting
and Henrik Strabuck were burghers in Stockholm, the former became city
councillor there in 1520.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 242.
Copenhagen |
Nunnery of Roskilde |
Ostridsdatter, widow of Jens Olsen, who lives at the Hospital of the Holy Ghost
in Copenhagen, declares that the house in which she formerly lived in Roskilde
fully belongs to the Nunnery of St. Agnes in Roskilde.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Wii broder Per Plogh, prest oc prior vti Helligestis, oc Jens Lauritssen, byffoget i Køffmandhaffn, giøre vitterlicht met thette vort obne breff: aar effter Gwtz byrd twsinde femhwndrede paa thet tolfftæ then onsdag nest effter pintzedag vore beskenæ mendh her Hans Truelssen, broder i same sted, Per Jonssen, raadmand, Jens Lauritssen, som forneffnet er, oc skipper Peder, burgeræ i same sted, hoess Anna Ostridzdatter, Jens Olsens effterleffuerske, i forne Helligandz hospital oc spurde hennæ, om hwn haffde nogen eygendom eller rettighett i then gard, hwn tilfforne i bode i Roskilde. The swarede forne Anna i same dannemends neruerelse oc ahørelssæ, at forne gard hører sancte Agnettis closter till i Roskild, vederkennes sig inghenn deel eller eyendom eller rettighet at haffue vti forne gaard vti noger maade. Ther met oplod hwn forne gaard till same closter met hwss oc bygning frii oc quidt for seg oc noger sinæ arffuingis paamælelssæ i noger maade, i huilket wii vitne met vore intzele hengendis nedhen fore thette vort breff. Datum Haffnie anno die vt supra.
Published: Danske Helligaandsklostre
Diplomatarium no. 365.
Rome |
Convent of Ribe |
Nicolaus de Darschom of the Friars Preachers in Ribe is allowed to join any
reformed convent in any province and congregation to his preference.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Frater Nicolaus de Darschom [vel Dorschem] conventus Ripensis assignatur in eo conventu reformatorum cuiuslibet provincie et congregationis, in quo benivolos etcetera. ∙Ii∙ [vel ∙xxi∙] junii Rome.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Niels de Darschom/Dorschem af konventet i Ribe tilknyttes et reformert
konvent i enhver provins og kongregation, som han måtte foretrække osv. Den 2
(el. 21.) juni, Rom.
Comments: Whereas Handlingar
has the incolent name form Darschom
and the date 2 June, MOPH has Dorschem
and 21 June. ● Fr. Nicolaus de Darschom
(or Dorschem) is not known from any other sources. His byname appears to refer
to a place-name, which cannot be identified, though. If the form Darschom is correct, it might refer to
Darum, a church village situated 10 km north-west of Ribe. Considering the time
span, he is less likely identified with the Fr. Nicolaus de Monte Dorcorem, who
in 1475 6/1 was allowed to go
to Dacia and here join any convent to his preference. ● The master
general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:11 no.
11 (p. 49); Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica vol. XVII no. O:11 (p. 240).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
court of Stockholm enjoins Hans Wolterman of Lübeck to return the gold to Fr. Henricus Degner, prior of the
Friars Preachers in Stockholm, which the prior’s brother had deposited with
Wolterman in Lübeck, who claims that he has already handed it over to another
man three years ago.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin nest Jacobi apostoli. Sades ffør rettæ, at Hans Wolterman, en tysk, skal sware broder Henrich Degnere priar her i Swartbroda til tet gull, som priarens broder hade honum beffalet aname i Lubeke, hulkit gull Hans Wolterman och kende sigh opburit haffue j Lubeke och sade sigh antwordet them en annen man nw ffør try aar sidhen och lades fførne Wolterman fføre at lathe ffram komme sin fongeman etcetera.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
● The unnamed brother, who deposited the gold in Lübeck, may have been
Fr. Henricus’ biological brother, Fr. Georgius Degner (see 1487).
● The conditions of the monetary arrangement is not all clear, but
apparently the friar from Stockholm deposited some gold with Hans Wolterman,
while he was in Lübeck, probably to be either sent to Stockholm or cashed in
Stockholm via Wolterman’s company. The city court allowed Hans Wolterman some
time to produce evidence that the gold had been cashed rightfully already; the
outcome of the dispute is not known.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 259.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, is among the
executors of the will of Master Laurens, parish vicar of Skellefteå.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Onsdaghen post Andree. (…) Samma dagh stodhe ffore retta Philpus Nielsson och Niclis Jonsson, wore stadz borgere, och antworde ffran sigh ∙lxx∙ marc peninge, som the plictuge och gelskyllige wore fframlidne her Larens i Skellethe ffør noget goz the aff honum køpt hade, Gud hans siel naade, hulke fførne ∙lxx∙ mark fførne her Larens syster, hustrv Karine j Løninge j Rogstade sokn j Helsinge land, tesliges och Olff Ericsson, som hustrv Karines och her Larens samborne syster hade, hustrv Sigrid j Aakre ok Rogste soghen, met then tredie theris moglage Per Jonsson pa sins hustrv wegne, hustrv Cicila j førne Løninge j samme sogn Rogsta, ok anamede the peninge aldelis til sigh ffrit och qwith effter theris agin wilie, ffør hulke peninge the samfellighe goffue Philphus Nielsson och Niclis Jonsson meth hans testamentarios, som ær bro Henrich Degner, prior her i Swartbrodra cløster, bro Erich Helsingh, Symon skredere ok Lasse Olsson, aldelis ffrit och qwit ffor samme ∙lxx∙ mark, thesliges och ffor alth thet them erffue borde effter theris fframfarne broder, her Larens, ffor sigh och alle theris effterkomende ffødde och offødde atalere ok hwarss matz atalen til ewigh tiidh. Tesliges tilstode the och ffulkomplige samtykta thet testament han sielff personlige giffwit hade och hans testamentarios redelica ffran sigh skilt hade her j staden, som testamentz breffuit jnneholler, och wtan stad tesliges. Jtem an wore ter ∙xx∙ øre peninghe offuer the ∙lxx∙ mark, them goffue førne arffuinge her til Sielegarden ffør her Larens siel i testament.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
Since Fr. Henricus is among the executors of the will, he has probably taken
the last confession of Vicar Laurens, who seems to have been in Stockholm at
his time of death. ● It is uncertain if another of the executors, Erik
Helsing, at this time was a Dominican friar. He certainly was not in in 1518 11/12, when he entered a long-lasting dispute about
an inheritage with Fr. Henricus Degner. ● Skellefteå is a parish in
Västerbotten in northern Sweden, about 600 km north of Stockholm.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 283-284.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Nicolaus of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm has testified to the city court
of Stockholm that Claus Lydke, who was killed by Peter Rude in Korntorget,
before his death told Fr. Nicolaus, his confessional father, that he forgave
Peter for his killing. Because of this, Claus’ brother Hans Lydke only seeks
financial compensation from Peter Rude.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Anno wtsupra tisdaghen nesth ffør Tiburci worthe wij her effterscriffne her Mortin Jensson prebendatus, Herman Lyttingh, Clauus Bogie, Gorius Holste, Josth Jacobsson tilbidhne ok tilkallade ath ware wtoffuer en wenlic førlickning emellom Peter Rose paa then ene sidhe och Hans Lydke, Hans Meyenbom, Hans skredder, Hans Berend, Gerdh Hwitkop wppa then andre sidhen om thet manslagh ok skade, som Peter Rudhe giorde, ath han slogh Claffuus Lydka i heel, Gud hans siel naadhe. Ath fførstæ syn wij samen komme at tale och fførhandle pa thette fførne ærende etcetera, tha loth och her Mortin Jensson oss fførsta, at Claus Lydkæ gaff Peter Rude sin dødh til, som betygit ok witnedh wart pa radzstuen met hans scripteffader bro Claffuus och broo Hans j Grabrødre cløster och flere gode men, Jacob Laurensson, Sone Stensson och Asmund. Ther fføre war Hans Lydke Peters dødh inthe begerende, wtan gaff sigh j ene førsonen och wenlig forlickning, som tha fframdelis fførhandlet wart. (…) Thette fførne ludher Pether Rwdhe wppa, som slogh Claus Lydkæ j hel her pa Korn torgh, Gudh hans siel nade (…).
Comments: On Fr. Nicolaus (Claus),
see 1511. ● Fr. Johannes (Hans) of the Greyfriars Priory, who co-witnessed with Fr. Nicolaus,
is probably identical to the contemporary Fr. Johannes German (Hans Tysk) of that convent. ● It
would appear as if the two native German friars were called upon, when Claus
Lydke laid mortally wounded in Korntorget (‘Grain Square’), situated just south
of the Dominican priory.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 299-300.
Genoa |
Province of Dacia |
Martinus Johannis, lector of the Friars Preachers, represents the province of
Dacia as diffinitor at the general chapter in Genoa, where Fr. Laurentius Nicolai
and Fr. Ysebrandus de Bolsward of the same province are both approved for the
doctoral degree, and Fr. Robertus de Suetia and Fr. Petrus de Dacia are
assigned to the studia generalia in Cologne and Perugia
Source: Acta capitulorum
generalium OP.
Language: Latin.
In nomine Domini, amen. Haec sunt acta capituli
generalis in conventu sancti Dominici de Janua celebrati sub reverendissimo
patre magistro fratre Thoma de Vio Cajetano sacrae theologiae alacrissimo
professore ordinis praedicatorum generali magistro anno Domini millesimo
quingentesimo tertio decimo decima quinta maii diffinientibus reverendis
patribus (…) fr. Martino Joannis lectore diffinitore provinciae Daciae, (…). [MOPH vol. IX, p. 93]
sunt approbationes. (…) Approbamus magisteria (…). Item fr. Laurentii
Nicolai et fr. Ysebrandi de
Bolsvardia in provincia Dacie; (...). [AFP
vol. V, p. 297 as addition to MOPH vol. IX, p. 117 line 8]
sunt assignationes. (…) Conventui
Coloniensi assignamus (...); in studentes (...) fr. Robertum de Swecia (...).
Conventui Perusino (...); in studentes artium (...) fr. Petrum de Dacia. (…) [AFP
vol. V, pp. 299-300 and 302 as addition to MOPH vol. IX, p. 119]
Comments: Since this section of the chapter acts published in MOPH was
not complete, the missing segments were subsequently published in AFP. ●
On Fr. Martinus Johannis Skytte, see 1508 11/3.
On the possible identity of Fr. Laurentius Nicolai, see 1501
30/5. ● On Fr. Ysebrandus de Bolsward, see 1494 15/5. ● Fr. Robertus Johannis ‘de Suetia’ of the Friars Preachers, assigned
as student to the studium generale in
Cologne in 1513, was both prior and lector of the convent in Strängnäs in 1520 15/10. In 1525 30/5
he was based in Västerås and acting as vicar provincial for the Swedish
convents, even if King Gustav Vasa of Sweden had demanded him replaced by a
Swedish friar, since it was “improper for Swedes to be ruled by a foreigner”;
in spite of the byname ‘de Suetia’, the king considered him Norwegian.
Furthermore, Fr. Robert was expelled from Sweden along with all other foreign
friars, since King Gustav suspected them of having endorsed the social
uprisings in Dalarne. In 1526 8/11 he was assigned the convent in
Nidaros, from where he thanked the Cistercian abbot of Tautra for the loan of a
pair of boots. ‘Lector Robert’ in Nidaros, along with his prior, acted as
judges in a case against the abbot of Tautra in 1531-32. ● Fr.
Petrus de Dacia, assigned as student of arts at the studium generale in Cologne, cannot be identified with certainty
from any other sources. He may, though, be identical to the Fr. Petrus Nicolai
de Dacia, who acted as diffinitor of Dacia at the general chapter in 1525 3/6.
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 93, 117 and 119; Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum vol. V, pp. 297-302.
Genoa |
Province of Dacia |
At the general chapter of the Friars Preachers in
Genoa, the province of Dacia pays 70 Rhine guilders, equaling 52½ ducats, as
provincial contribution to the master general’s chamber for four years. To
cover the remaining contribution sum, the prior provincial of Dacia sends
another 3 ducats.
Source: Registrum contributuionem provinciarum pro reverendissimo
magistro OP.
Language: Latin.
Item solvit in capitulo generali 1513 florenos
renenses septuaginta, qui computatis quatuor pro tribus aureis ducatis
consurgent in ducatos aureos quinquaginta duos cum dimidio. Item solvit aureos
tres reverendus provincialis, quos provincialis misit, sed non acceptavi nisi
ad compotum contributionum ducatos 3.
Comments: The general chapter in Genoa took place in 1513 15/5. The payment could have been made on any
day around it. ●
It is not stated who performed the payment, but most likely it was the Dacian
diffinitor at the chapter, Fr. Martinus Johannis Skytte, see 1508 11/3. ● On the contributio ad magistri, see 1487 31/12. The annual rate for the Order’s taxation of
Dacia had in 1487 31/12 been set to 14 ducats with
effect until 1505, but this apparently also continued afterwards. A four-years
payment, thus, amounted to 56 ducats. In 1505 13/5,
the province of Dacia paid a similar four-years contribution with 70 Rhine
guilders, but apparently the exchange rate had changed since then, leaving an
outstanding of 3½ ducats, subsequently (almost) redeemed by the provincial. ● The prior
provincial of Dacia at this time cannot be identified with certainty; Fr.
Mathias Olavi was provincial in 1510 17/7, while Fr. Laurentius Petri
was in office 1514 6/2. ● The master general of the Order of
Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan (1508-1518).
Published: Handlingar… ch. III, p.8.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
council of Stockholm decides that a matter brought before it by the prior of
the Friars Preachers in Stockholm must await the return of Arend Skulenborg.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter corporis Christi. (…) Jtem om priarens ærende j Suartbrodhra skall sta til Skulenborgh komer hit.
Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in 1513 was Fr. Henricus
Degner (see 1487). ● There
are no indications of this or other entries on what the matter was about. ●
Arend Skulenborg was a German merchant or skipper with residence in Stockholm
and relations to Lübeck (cf. SST vol. IV, 142).
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 312.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
Mayor Johan
Viandt of Tallinn redeems a mortgage of 300 marks on a house in Monk Street in
Tallinn, which use to belong to the late Herman Trost.
Source: Das Revaler Rentenbuch.
Language: German.
Int iar 1513 des ffridages vor Bonifacii
quemen vor vnßen sittende stol des rades Iwan Hunninckhußen vnde Michel
Sittouw, de meler, to beleydunge des erßamen vnde vorsichtigen heren Johan
Vyandes, vnßes rades borgermester, vnde hebben mit vtgestrecken armen vnde
vpgerichteden vyngeren gestaueden edes to gade vnde den hilgen geswaren, dat
her Johan hefft vor eyn pant upbeden laten eyn inwonlick vnde eyn stenhuß in
der monkestraten, achter der Gruterschen hoffporten belegen, dat wandages
zeligen Hermen Trosten tobehort hefft, vor 300 mark rig. myn edder mer
vnuorfenklych. (…)
Comments: Johan (or Hans) Viandt (†1525-29) was mayor in Tallinn around
1513-19. In his last will and testament of 1524 24/5, he left 200 marks
to the Friars Preachers in Tallinn, while his son Hans inherited five houses in
Monk Street. ●
On Herman Trost and the mortgage, see 1479 3/12.
Published: Publikationen aus dem Revaler Stadtarchiv vol. V no. 1374.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Ericus Hermanni of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm declares before the city
court of Stockholm on behalf of Prior Henricus Degner and the entire convent
that the friars are fully satisfied with what Karl Guldsmed has given them in
redemption for the share of his house, which his late wife Margit had
bequeathed to the convent in benefit for her soul.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondaghen nesth effter Sancti Bonefacii pape dagh. (…) Samma dagh stodhe bro Erik Hermansson, ffulmyndugh wtsendh aff bro Henrich Degner her j Swartbrødre conuentualis prior och gaff Karl gulssmet aldelis qwit, lidug, fri och løss wppa førne conuentsins wegna ffor en dell i førne Karl gulsmet stenhus, som hans framlidne danneqwinne Margit hade giffuit i testament ffør sin siel til samme kløster predica orden och kende sigh ware wel fførnøgh pa priarens och conuensins wegna j alle hande motthe, som them wel aathnøgde. Tesliges stod och Tyle Hamp kirkeuerendh och kende sigh wel førnøgh ware om then part hon giffuit hade kirkene for sine siel j samme hus. Jtem ytermere samme tijd stod her Per Slatte borgemester, som ffulmyndigh war pa Kartuse cløsters wegne, tilstod och bekende, ath fforne Karl gulssmet hade aldelis wel fførnøgt priaren j samme orden Cartus then dell hans framlidne dandeqwinne giffuit hade til then orden och beffalit war førde her Per Slatte at giffue Karl gulsmet frit, quit, lidug och løss pa Cartus[i]ns ordens wegna. Jtem ther nesth samme tijd och stund stod bro Fradrige, jngeffuen lekbroder j Sancte Oriens hospital j Suderkøpungh, och bekende sigh fulmyndugh ware pa menige hospitalsins wegna j førne hospital Suderkøpugh och gaff fførne Karl gulssmet aldelis quit, ffri, lydug och løss pa hospitalens wegna om then deel hans kiere fframlidne hustrv, hustrv Margit, giffuit hade til hospitalen j testament och bekende, ath hospitalen war ganske wel fførnøgd ffør then dell effther there ægin wilie. Thesse førne oplatningher och ffri gefft giordes hwar effter annen meth hondh och mwn j wor kiere herres och høffuitsman wnge her Sten Sture rideres nerware, her Knut Eskilsson ouerlagman, her Per kirkeherens, borgemesteres och menige radsins neruare. Ther met lade Karl gulssmet ∙i∙ mark op til fritzskilling, som stadz lagh wtuise.
Comments: Fr. Ericus Hermanni (Erik
Hermansson) is otherwise unknown. ● On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
● Karl Guldsmed’s byname suggests that he was a goldsmith. ● Margit
had endowed similar shares in their house for her husband to redeem from the
City Church of Stockholm, the Cartusian Mariefred Monastery south of Stockholm,
and the Hospital of St. George in Söderköping.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 314-315.
(Stockholm) |
Convent of Vyborg |
Russian delegation, who is in Stockholm to confirm a Swedish-Russian peace
treaty contracted in Novgorod on 9 May 1513, promisses in addition to the
exisitng agreement to return or compensate what has been stolen from the prior
of the Friars Preachers in Vyborg after the peace had been entered, including
27 horses and ‘other items’.
Source: Contemporary transcript. The Swedish National
Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Latin.
Amplissimi et ornatissimi domini oratores in
presenciarum coram illustrissimo principe et domino nostro vice rege domino
Stenoni Stwre ac incliti regni Swetie consiliariis constituti ex et pro parte
illustrissimi principis vestri domini Yiwanni Wassliuesse, miseratione divina
superioris et inferioris Rudzssie domini. Et primo ubi dicitis, quod dominus
Swanto Niclai jam mortuus est, qui literas principales et originales pacis ad ∙lx∙
annos sigillavit, et dominus Steno Stwre in eius locum in viceregem assumptus,
quod ipse debet apponere sigillum suum et osculum crucis facere, ut pax illa ad
annos prefatos in omnibus suis capitulis observetur. (…) Item promissum est per
vos dominos oratores, ut religiosus pater et dominus prior in monasterio
Viborgensi debet reabere ablata per vestros homines et bojores, qui eum
spoliaverunt anno elapso post pacem factam osculo crucis confirmatam in ∙xxvii∙
equis absque aliis rebus per vestros homines illi ablatis. Item dominus gubernator et regni consiliarii
dabunt suas litteras ad capitaneum castri Viborgensis, ut, si ibi aliqui vestri
captivi sunt detenti, consignentur absque omni impedimento vel alibi, ubi
fuerint constituti. Amplissimi domini oratores isti sunt, qui crucem
osculaverunt, qui alios non inter fuerunt. Primo: dominus Akoo Øriensson,
capitaneus castri Tauasthws; dominus Cristiernus Benchtsson nobilis miles;
dominus Gørgius Niclaii, archidiaconus Strengnensis; dominus Johannes Gudmundi,
dominus Johannes Johannis, proconsules Stockholmenses. Reverendus dominus in
Cristo pater et dominus dominus Mattias, miseratione divina episcopus
Strengnensis, fidem fecit pro omnibus aliis, qui presentes non fuerunt in
concilio constituti, sive in Vesgotia, sive Osgotia aut Uplandia, spiritualibus
quam temporalibus, ibidem habitantes, ut omnia jam dicta in congregatione et
dicta cum oratoribus Rutenorum scripta sigillata osculo crucis jurata firmiter
observare et inviolabiliter tenere debeant.
Comments: The transcript of the confirmation is not dated, but from
another source we are informed that the Russians were on their way to Stockholm
in 1513 18/8. ● Indeed, the horses may have been taken by the delegation
itself, as the Swedish sheriff of Vyborg, Tönne Eriksson Tott, in the
beforementioned instance informed his superior that the Russian delegation of
40 men was at the border just outside Vyborg and that they were in need of 120
horses (FMU no. 5682).
Published: Sverges
vol. III no. 581a (pp. 640-642); Finlands
no. 5689.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Hartvig’s has “given herself from the world to free bread in Blackfriars
convent” in Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Løgerdagin nest ffør Philippi et Jacobi. (…)
Samme dagh j my herres och kiere høffuitsmann her Sten Stures, Jon Jenssons och
ganske raadsins sitiande stode hustrv Elin Harteuix och Oleff Japsson och
gaffue huart there løsth ok kende them welfførnogde ware om alt thet Oleff
erffua borde med sin hustrv Eline effter hustrv Eline Hartuix, meden hon sigh
ffran werdine giffuit hade och til ffrit brød jn i Swartbrødra conuent, baade
om løst och ffast jnnan stad och wtan, jnlendes och wtlendes. Tesliges giorde
och hustrv Elin pa sine side, gaff Oleff Japsson, hans hustrv, barn och
efterkomende aldelis quit, ffri, lydogh och løss ffør alth ytermere tiltall
effter thenne dagh ffør alle fødde och øffødde aatalere til euigh tidh om løst
och ffasth, och tesliges skall all renskap och renskaps bøker ware j alle motte
døde och om jnthet, som hwar hade anamit tiltale. (…)
Comments: Elin Hartvig’s was the widow of Hartvig Veydeman, a German
burgher in Stockholm, who had died in 1513 (SST vol. IV, 305). The heirs were
her niece Elin, married to Olof Jakobsson (SST vol. IV, 363). Apparently, Elin
after her widowhood had become a pensioner living with the convent of Friars
Preachers, which probably meant that all her temporal estate was to go to the
friars, except for what her niece was to inherit.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 356-357.
Convent of Schleswig (or Haderslev?) |
convent of Friars Preachers in Schleswig (or Haderslev?) sells a Bible to
Paulus Moller.
Source: Inscription in Bible (Kgl. Bib. Acc. 2001/100, fol. 1r). The
Royal Library, Copenhagen.
Language: Latin.
Bibliam emi ego Paulus Moller Sleszwic’ in monasterio predicatorum anno 1514 junii 14.
Dansk oversættelse:
Denne bibel købte jeg Paulus Moller [fra/i] Slesvig i
prædikanternes kloster år 1514, 14. juni.
Comments: On the Bible, in which the inscription is made, see 1310. ● It is unclear if Schleswig
refers to the buyer or to the location of the priory. In case of the former,
the priory meant could implicitly be the one in Haderslev, explicitly referred
to in the preceding inscription (see 1310).
● The identity of Paulus Moller (: Møller?), who bought the Bible from
the convent, has not been established.
Published: Quaritch, Catalogue, no. 25001 (p. 2447); Skatte i
Det Kongelige Bibliotek (scanned image).
Petersen 2002.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Guldsmed puts his house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm for sale.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker.
Language: Old Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter visitacionis Marie. (…) Hans gulsmet opbudit sit hus pa Suartbrodregaten primo.
Comments: Hans Matsson Guldsmed had mortgaged the house to Hans Krokfot
in 1506. It was sold a month
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 367.
Stockholm |
Convent of Västerås |
Johannes Stephani, youngfriar with the Friars Preachers in Västerås, inherits 600
marks together with his brother Anders Staffansson from his stepparents Hans
Larsson and Katarina in Stockholm after the death of their father Staffan
Kortsson; the young brothers are legally represented by their guardians Henrik
Strabuck and Herman Lytting.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker.
Language: Old Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter visitacionis Marie. (…) Samme dagh komme ffor sitiande rettin beskedelige men Henrik Strabuck, Herman Lytting, ffulmynduge Staffan Kortssons, Gud hans siel naadhe, barne fførmyndare, som ær broder Hans Staffansson ok hans samborne broder Anderss Staffansson etcetera. Hulkin Anders Staffansson tha sielff personlighe til stædes war jn ffør retten med sine fførne fførmyndare, tesliges ok beskederlig man Hans Larensson, wnderwisthe ok bekende, ath the pa alle sider swa wæl pa broder Hanss wegna som pa Anderss Staffanssons nerwarendes wegna them aldelis wæl fførenthe ok fførligte ware j alle motte om theris ffæderne och møderne baade j løst ok j ffasth medh theris stiwffmoder, hustrv Karine, fførne Staffan Kortssons effterleffwa, ok hennes fførne danneman Hans Larensson om al then dell them erffua borde j ffaderne och møderne jnnan stad ok wtan, j hwad motthe thet helstz ware kan, som førscriffuit staar. Ytermere samme tijdh beffragade fførne Hans Larensson tre resse fførne fførmyndare och Anderss Staffansson til, om the hade noghen mistanke eller misfæll j noghen hande motto til honum eller hans førne danne qwinno om then arffskifftning, thet the jcke ffulkomplig fførnøgde vore effter theris egin wilie ok begere, swa som tet nogre daghe tilfforend them emellom giort ok fførligt war j fflere fformyndarenes samware, som war erlig man Jon Jensson wep[n]are, her Peder Jacobj, kirkeherrens, Per Monsson j hwalffuit, Anderss Olsson pa Strand, Anderss Rut och Clauus Boie etcetera. Fframdelis och ytermere wilkorede fførne Hans Larensson sig och sine hustrv, ath wore tet swa szake, ath fførne førmindare eller Staffan Kortssons barn wisthe j noghen motte, tet them icke war fulgiort j fførne arffskiftningh lønlig eller openbarlig, tha skulle the tet roie strax ffør retta. Tha wille han them tet gerne ffultgøre then minste pening med then mesta, then forligning offørkrenkt, som nw giord ær om the ∙viC∙ mark Hans Larensson skal them giffue twenne arff tider, som ær ∙iiiC∙ mark nw om moremesso nesthkomende och the andre ∙iiiC∙ mark then andre moremesso ther nest komende, wtan alt hinder och gensigelse, som Hans Larenssons beplictilsse breff wtuise. Tha swarade the them aldelis wel fførligte och i all del wel fførnøgda wara them och barnomen til en ffulkommen ænda ok til en euigh ffulkommen afftalet szak ffør alle ffødde och offodde atalere. Ther medh goffue fførmyndarene och Anderss Staffansson Hans Larensson, hans hustrv, barn och effterkomende qwit, ffri, lyduge ok løse bade med hond ok mwn ffør them ok alle theris effterkomende och tesliges ffør broder Hans ffør alth hinder och hendermere efftertal, som fførørt ær. Wppa hulkit Hans Larensson sin ffridzskilling oplade effter lagen. Anno Domini MDXIIII.
Comments: Fr. Johannes Stephani (Hans Staffansson) was admitted as
youngfriar by the Dominican convent in Västerås; this relation is evident from
later entries. He was the son of Staffan Kortsson, a burgher in Stockholm, whom
in 1512 had submitted his stepsons and Johannes’
stepbrothers, Petrus Halvardi and Johannes Halvardi, as youngfriars to an
unspecified convent, probably the Friars Preachers in Stockholm; the lay
guardians of their parental inheritance was also Henrik Strabuck and Herman
Lytting. In November 1514, the inheritance of Anders
and Johannes Staffansson was divided in two separate shares to be administered
by different lay guardians. Fr. Johannes’ share was to be handled by three
Stockholm city councillors: Anders Olsson, Anders Rut and Claus Boye.
Apparently, in October 1515 Fr. Johannes had reached legal adulthood and no
longer needed financial putelage. In 1515 8/10
and again in 1519 26/2, Fr. Johannes declared that the
former guardians, Henrik Strabuck and Herman Lytting, had duly handed over all
his money. The division was apparently a wise decision for Fr. Johannes, as his
brother Anders in 1515 was convicted for a violent attack on some people in
Stockholm, which costed him his entire part of the inheritance (SST V, 66-67).
In 1529 20/9, the former Fr. Johannes had apparently
become a secular clergy, and now claimed before the city court of Stockholm
that he had been cheated from his full inheritance at the probate settlement in
1519 26/2 after the death of his brother Anders, but
this was dismissed by the court, who stated that the Prior Bernardus of convent
in Västerås, who had been present at the event, would not have let himself be
tricked by the alleged scheme.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, pp. 367-368.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
clergy of Stockholm receives Archbishop Jakob of Uppsala and his delegation on
Södramalm south of the city and accompanies them to the City Church of
Stockholm, to where relics of St. Hemming of Turku are translated.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Om helge Hemingx ben aff Aabo kom
om onsdagen post ∙vii∙ fratrum anno Domini MDXIIII. Samma dagh kom
werdugxte ffader med Gud, her Jacob, erchebiscop j Wpsala, Matis ok Otte, med
samme nade biscopa, ffør midagen til Sodramalm hora ∙viii∙. Ther
møtte the them processionaliter her aff byen presta ok mwnka och toge jn the
helge ben med korss och faner och baare tet medh all wørdning och tilbørlig
heder j bykirken, benen bar domprosthen, mester Cristoff i Wpsala, gamble
doctor Raffuall giorde sermonem, scolemestern, mester Matis, had hogmessen de
patronis, her Mortin Johannis och her Antonius ministrerade. Om qwellen
tilfførende komme herrene her ffør byn medh theris skep och snekker oc lage om
natten pa Walmelssøn och dagh ther nesth hora octaue kome the pa malmen cum
reliquiis, som forrørt ær. Jtem
benit hit kom war en arm legh aff hans wenstra arm, sit deo laus en rygh
Comments: Although the Friars Preachers of Stockholm are not explicitly
mentioned in the entry, the friars were undoubtedly present at both the
welcoming procession and at the ceremony in the City Church. ● Jakob
Ulfsson was archbishop of Uppsala 1469-1515. The other two bishops mentioned
are Bishop Mats Gregersson Lilie of Strängnäs 1501-1520 and Bishop Otto
Olofsson Svinhufvud of Västerås 1501-1522. ● St. Hemming was bishop of
Turku (Åbo) 1338-1366. He was beautified by the pope in 1499, but never
formally canonized.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
IV, p. 370.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Guldsmed sells his house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm to shoemaker Hans
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondaghen nest for Laurencii. (…) Samme dagh
stodh Hans gulssmet ffør sitiande retthen wel fførtenkt medh sine kiere
hustrvs, hustrv Walburgis ja, godminne och samtycke leffrerada och oplot Hans
Andersson skomager jth sith stenhus ok ligiande grwndh belagit her j Stocholm
nest swnnan ffør hornhusit vppa høgre handhen, tha man gar her ffran Store
torgit och jn til Swartbrodhra pa Swartbrødra gaten (…).
Comments: Hans Matsson Guldsmed had mortgaged the house in 1506 and put it for sale a month
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 4.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Jens Gudmundsson of Stockholm sells a farm in Stockholm to Lasse Kilholt; the
house is situated in a cross street leading from Blackfriars Priory to
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Om onsdaghen ther nest [for Laurencii]. (…)
Samme mondag, som fførscriffuit staar, tha stode ffør sitiande rettin wor stadz
borgemestere her Jens Gudmunsson leffrerade och oplot Matis Olsson Fiederhat,
borger ibidem, en gaard och grvnd som beleghen ær bak ffør Lasse Kilholt
guldsmeds gard och stenhuss wedh then twærgathen, som loper ffran Swartbrødra
och til Sielegardhen (…).
Comments: Själagården (House of
Souls) was a social institution in Stockholm situated close to the
Dominican priory.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 5.
Stockholm |
Convent of Västerås |
guardianship of the paternal inheritance of Fr. Johannes Stephani, youngfriar
at the Dominican priory in Västerås, and his brother Anders Staffansson, is
divided in two separate shares, so that Fr. Johannes’ share henceforth shall be
administered by Anders Olsson ‘at the well’, Anders Rut and Claus Boye.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagen post Katerine. Wor kiere herre och høffuisman, wnge her Sten Sture, her Erich Trolle och Jon Jensson, foithen Benct Larensson. (…) Jtem samme dagh j førne gode herres neruare dømbdes om Staffan Kortssons barne arff, ath tet skall bytes j tw och mwnksins del skall satties j gode mens hender, och ther haffue fførmynderene en scrifft pa, ludendes ord ffran ord vt sequitur:
Anno vtsupra j
wor kiere herres och høffuismans, vnghe her Sten Stures, her Eric Trolles,
ridderes, Jon Jenssons ok ffogthen Benct Larenssons, wepneres, nerware medh
borgemesteres och ganske raadzins sitiendhe wort tet swa aff fførne
gode herre och gode men samtykt och besluth ffør en sitiande ret i Stocholms
radzstue emellom Staffan Kortssons efterleffua barn, Gud hans siel nade, som ær
Anderss Staffansson och hans samborne broder, bro Hans Staffansson, som ær
jngiffuen broder j Westras cløster, om begges theres arffuadell, hwad løssøre
tet helstz ær, koper, silff, gull, rede peningæ och andre jnnedømer, som theris
formindere, beskederlige men Henrik Strabuk och Herman Lytting, j theris hender
och antwordhen haffue, thet skal parteres och bytes i gode manne widerwaren j
twa jembytte dele medh lotter och swa at huar ma wethe sin del redelige affbyt
ffran then andra, och medh samme førminderes tilsyn skole nogre andre gode men
tilskickes, som førne bro Hans ther til eskiendes vorder etcetera,
fførne bro Hansses affbytte del aname och wnder theris gømo och
antworden tagæ med førminderene brodrenom til gode och gang, til thess han
komer til mogande man och haffuer swngit sin første messe effter Gudz førsyn och
icke ffør. Tha skal tet honum personlige och myndelige antwordes j hender j
gode manne viderwaren och ingom androm, togh swa at fførne Hans
fførmyndere ffa ther en quittantia och fforwaring pa med the andre gode men,
som tilbørligit ær, hurw han tet anamer oc hurv the honum tet antwordet haffue
etcetera. J samme motte skall och førne Anderss Staffanssons andell
antwordes j gode mens hender medh førmynderene, aldelis som om bro Hansses del
fførrørt ar. Ytermere om the wthestondende gell, som them staar til handa pa
Koperbergit eller annen stadz, skole ok twa gode men jnkreffie och aname baadom
brødernom til gode och bestond och tet sammeledes skiffte och dele j twa
jembytte dele hwariom sit, som ffør. Och aff then del skal hwar brodern ffør
sig at haffue theris kladning, thering och widertorfft, nar them tet behoff
gørss effter skalighet och effter theris fførmynderes och the gode mens
beprøuelsse, som tet i theris wærie haffue pa bade sider, til thess the
fførffinne, at the sielff regere och bestyre kune theris ægit i redelighet och
skelighet them sielffuom til gode oc gangn. Jtem tesse gode men anamade bro
Hansses deel: Anderss Olsson wid brunnen, Anderss Rut oc Claffuus Boie. Thesse
anamade Anderss Staffanssons dell: Henrik Strabuch och Hinrik [: Herman]
Lytting. Her Erich Trolle
fførde ordet och sade rettin och domen aff. Deo gratias etcetera.
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Stephani and his inheritance, see 1514. ● Anders Olsson vid Brunnen (‘at the well’) or på
Strand (‘at the beach’) was member of the city council and later became
mayor of Stockholm (1518-1520). Anders Rut was also a city councillor of Stockholm,
while Claus Boye became mayor of Stockholm in 1521.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, pp. 27-28.
Strängnäs |
Province of Dacia, Convent of Strängnäs |
Fr. Laurentius
Petri, vicar provincial for the Friars Preachers in Sweden, verifies the
account book and internal letters of receipt for the convent of Strängnäs for
the period 1514 6/2 to 1515 8/3 between the convent brethren and their prior,
Fr. Andreas Nicolai.
Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Latin.
Ego ffrater Laurentius Petri sacre theologie
licentiatus reverendi patris nostri provincialis super conventus regni Swecie
ordinis predicatorum vicarius, fateor per presentes litteras me in fratrum
conventus Strengnensis presentia audivisse computum venerabilis prioris ibidem
ffratris Andree Nicolai quem fecit super sublevatis: et erogatis ab anno Domini
MDXIIII sexta die februarii, usque ad annum eiusdem MDXV, ∙viii∙
diem marcii, fuitque summa sublevatorum 131 marce, erogatorum vero totidem. Et
quia prefatus prior in principio sue institutionis ob necessitatem conventus
aliquas pecunias ex hiis que ei concessa sunt de gratia ordinis pro antedicti
conventus Strengnensis manutentione exposuerat. Ideo in mea presentia recepit a
ffratribus conventus Strengnensis in recompensam solutionis vigintiduas marcas
cum dimidia, restantibus adhuc sibi solvendas vel suo conventui nativo ∙xlij∙
marcas, ex summa anno primo sue institutionis exposita. In horum testimonium
signetum nostrum litteris duxi presentibus imprimendun unacam sigillo conventus
superius nominati. Datum in prefato conventu anno et die pretactis.
Comments: On Fr. Laurentius Petri, see 1507 6/6.
● Fr. Andreas Nicolai was also prior of the Friars Preachers in Strängnäs
in 1514 6/2 and 1515 14/12, and possibly in Skänninge before 1523
11/11, from when similar letters of account book verification are
Published: Handlingar till Nordens historia
1515-1523 vol. I no. 22.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
prior and lector of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm along with some of the brethren
intercede before the city court of Stockholm on behalf of Morten Gregersson,
who has been convicted for stealing five silver spoons and some gold rings from
three people in the city, so that he is spared the rope and executed by sword
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Onsdagin som war Sancta Bengx dagh etcetera. Item samme tid stod Morten Gregesson, Greges bastue karlss son, Gud hans siel nade, och bekende sine gerninge, thet han hade stolit ∙iii∙ silff skeder aff Per Svenson, ∙ii∙ skeder aff Morthen sversliper och nogre gulringe aff Erich Andersson. Thaa ffør priarens, lectorens met flere hans brøderss bøn, tesliges och før ffru Biretes och flere dande quinnes bøn her i staden wntes honum swerdet, pie memorie etcetera.
Comments: Neither the prior nor the lector are named, but prior of the
Friars Preachers in Stockholm at this time was most probably Fr. Henricus
Degner, see 1487.
● The reason for the Dominican intercession was undoubtedly that Morten
Gregersson was the brother of Fr. Johannes Gregorii from the Stockholm convent,
see 1511.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 40.
Naples |
Province of Dacia, Convents of Ribe (prov. Dacia) and Lübeck (prov.
Saxonia) |
Andreas Johannis de Rivo (Ribe?) of the Friars Preachers in Dacia
represents his province as socius of the prior provincial at the general
chapter in Naples. All priors provincial of the Order
are enjoined to pay their due taxes to the master general and the procurator of
the Order within a month by depositing the money to specifically appointed
convents; the prior provincial of Dacia is to pay his debt to the convent in
Source: Acta capitulorum
generalium OP.
Language: Latin.
In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti,
amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis in conventu sancti Dominici de Neapoli
celebrati sub reverendissimo patre magistro Thoma de Vio Cajetano sacre
theologie professore ac totius generalisque ordinis predicatorum generali magistro
in festo Pentecostes vigesima septima maii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo
decimo quinto. Diffinientibus reverendis provincialibus patribus et sociis
absentium videlicet: (…) frater Andrea Joannis de Rivo socio provincialis
Daciae, (…). [123-124]
sunt ordinationes: (…) Mandamus universis et singulis prioribus provincialibus
pro tempore sub poena absolutionis ab officiis suis, ut contributiones
reverendissimo magistro generali et reverendo procuratori ordinis debitas intra
mensem a tempore, a quo debita soluta sunt ponant in deposito non alicuius
persone particularis, sed communi totius conventus, videlicet: provincialis
Hispanie in conventu Vallisoletano; provincialis Tholosane in conventu
Tholosano; provincialis Francie in conventu Parisiensi vel Lugdunensi;
provincialis Teutonie in conventu Nurembergensi vel Augustensi; provincialis
Hungarie in conventu Budensi; provincialis Polonie in conventu Wratislaviensi
vel Cracoviensi; provincialis Anglie in conventu Londoniensi; provincialis
Aragonie in conventu Barchinonensi; provincialis Dacie in conventu Lubicensi;
provincialis provincie Provincie in conventu Montispessulani; provincialis
Boemie in conventu Pragensi; provincialis Saxonie in conventu Lipsiensi;
provincialis Portugallie in conventu Ulixbonensi; provincialis Scotie in
conventu Parisiensi vel Brugensi; provincialis Bethice in conventu Hispalensi;
provincialis Hibernie in conventu .... ; qui conventus teneantur eas quantotius
mittere reverendissimo magistro generali et reverendo procuratori, ut habeant,
unde se sustentent. [140-141]
Comments: Fr. Andreas Johannis de
Rivo of the Friars Preachers in Dacia most likely was (namely) affiliated
to the convent in Ribe. He may be identical to the Fr. Andreas Johannis, who in
1508 21/6 was allowed to join any reformed
convent in the German provinces for a two-years study. ● Prior provincial
of Dacia of the time – or soon after – was Fr. Laurentius Petri, already acting
as vicar provincial then and elected prior provincial at the provincial chapter
in 1515 31/8; see 1507 6-11/6.
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 123-124 and 140-141.
Neaples |
Province of Dacia |
Around the time of general chapter of Friars Preachers
in Neaples, the province of Dacia pays 56 ducats as provincial contribution to
the master general’s chamber for four years.
Source: Registrum contributuionem provinciarum pro reverendissimo
magistro OP.
Language: Latin.
Item solvit circa tempus generalis capituli
Neapoli celebrati ducatos aureos quinquaginta sex pro quatuor contributionibus.
Dansk oversættelse:
Fremdeles indløstes omkring tiden for generalkapitlet afholdt i Napoli 56 gulddukater for fire (års) bidrag.
Comments: The general chapter in Napoli took place in 1515 27/5. ● It is not stated who performed the payment,
but most likely it was the Dacian diffinitor at the chapter, Fr. Andreas
Johannes de Rivo, see 1515 27/5. ● On the contributio ad magistri, see 1487 31/12.
annual rate for the Order’s taxation of Dacia had in 1487
31/12 been set to 14 ducats with effect until 1505, but this apparently also
continued afterwards. The payment probably covered the period 1511-1514. ● The master
general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan
Published: Handlingar… ch. III, p.8.
Roskilde |
Province of Dacia |
Fr. Laurentius, prior provincial for the Friars
Preachers in the province of Dacia, asks for advice from King Christian II of
Denmark-Norway in regard to an ongoing conflict at the Cistercian nunnery of
Our Lady in Roskilde between the prioress and the convent of nuns, which the
prior provincial has been enjoined by the king to settle. He has, however, now
attempted to try the case for three days, but all in vain, as neither the
prioress nor the nuns have acknowledged his authority to do so, neither are
they willing to have the dispute tried by any other judge.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Ydhmygh tyenesthe och gwdhelig bøn ffor edher naadhe altiid til Gwd. Kæresthe naadighe herre værdes edher naadhe ath vidhe ath iek haffwer nw i ·iii· samfælthe daghe hafft the søsthre for rætthe oc tiil talss frii oc feelighe aff wor ffroæ closther oc op igæn i theres beehaald om the sagher som ære mellen prierissen oc them. Oc prierissen staar indæ i sitt closther oc giffwer segh til skælss oc er offwerbwdigh ofeligh i alle modhe ath lidhe oc vndgyelde hwess hwn kand findess foræ med doom oc the andre søsthrer staa med leydæ oc feelighet oc giffwæ segh stwndom vnder myn doom oc stwndom fraa meg til andræ domære, oc forthy iek kand icke kommæ them i rætthe vdhen leydæ oc stoor bwrren, tha kand iek oc enghen rætt eller doom sighe them i mellen. Oc enghen fwld lydhelsse for iek aff them før æn the bliffwe ickæ meeræ feelighe æn hon ær och effther thy kereste naadighe herre iek haffwer nw wæreth her i Roskilde paa fæmthe vghe, oc kand ey kommæ them i retthe vdhen med saadan leydæ oc bwrren oc iek haffwer paa mit æmbedes weyghne fleeræ closther ath faræ til oc visitære oc tiidhen forløber segh fasth. Thy bedher iek edher naadhe ydhmygelighe athi villæ verdes til ath giffwe meg her eett gott raadh oc sind til hworledes iek skal haffwe meg her vthi oc edher naadhe vilde oc værdes til for Gwdz skyl och findæ ett gott middel til ath wor orden skwlde icke meeræ forskæmess eller woræ prewilegier i noghre modhe forkrænckes i tessæ sagher oc ærende, thet er myn ydhmyghelige bøn til edher naadhe. Edher naadhe altiid Gwdh beeware. Ex Roskilde anno Domini MDXV feria sexta post festum beati Augustini.
prestantissime gratie humilis capellanus et servus ffrater Laurentius sacre
theologie licenciatus ordinis predicatorum immeritus provincialis.
Comments: On Fr. Laurentius
Petri, see 1507 6/6. ● The cause of
conflict at the Cistercian nunnery is not known, neither is the reason why the
nuns would not recognize the authority of the Dominican judge.
Published: Handlingar till Nordens historia
1515-1523 vol. I no. 88.
Stockholm |
Convent of Västerås |
Fr. Johannes
Stephani of the Friars Preachers in Västerås declares before the city court of
Stockholm that the former lay guardian of his parental inheritance, Herman
Lytting, has handed over all his belongings.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mandagin nest effter Birgitte. (…) Samme dag stod Hans Staffansson jn ffør sitiande rettin, medh hond och mwn gaff beskederlig man Herman Lyting j alle motte quith, ffrij, lidug och løss før alt tet arff Herman Lyting hade til gøme at honum effter hans døde faderss beffalning, Gud hans siel nade, ffør then minste pening med then meste, som førne Hans Staffa[n]sson bekende sigh redelige opburit och wnffongit haffue wel fforwaret, oc ther med gaff han Herman och alle hans erffue ffrij och ombewaret ffør alth ytermere efftertal effter thenne dag ffør sig och alle sine arffue, ffødde och offødde, til euerdelig tiid etcetera.
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Stephani and his inheritance, see 1514. Although this entry states nothing of any
relation to the Order of Preachers or the convent of Västerås, such a
connection is evident from entries of 1514 and 1519, where the receipt was repeated in the latter.
Apparently, in October 1515 Fr. Johannes had reached legal adulthood and no
longer needed financial putelage. ● On Herman Lytting, see 1512.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 76.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Fjäderhatt sells a farm in Stockholm to Nils Jensson; the house is situated in
a cross street leading from Blackfriars Priory to Själagården.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter Anne matris matris Domini.
(…) Samme dag stod Matis Fiederhat, wor stadz borgere, leffrerade och oplot
Niclis Jensson, hans hustrv och barn och theris effterkomande en trægard med
thess grwnd, belegen ær nest bakffore Lasse Kilholt gulsmedz gaard och stenhus
wid then twergaten, som løper ffran Swartbrødra och til Sielegarden (…).
Comments: On the cross street and Själagården, see 1514.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 86.
Turku |
Convent of Turku |
will and testament for Clement Hogenskild in which he leaves 2 pounds of rye
for the Friars Preachers in Turku along with 5 marks for (perpetual?) masses.
Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
J Herrens Jhesu Christi nampn amen. Jach Clemet Howenskel, krancher tiil
myn lykame och met Gudz hiælp helbrøgdher tiil synne och skæl, gør thetta myns
ytherste vilies testement aff thet Gud altzmektugh mech vnth oc fforlænth
haffuer pa iorderiket: fførst myn synduga siæl Gudi synom kæresthe skapare,
velsignade modher iomffrw Marie met alt hymmerikis selskap oc kroppen jordeno,
kesendis myn lægherstad i Abo domkirckie ffør høghe alteredh i nye koren; ther
næsth aff myne ægedeler giffuer iach sancte Henrich ∙x∙ marc, jtem
helge Hemmingh ∙x∙ marc, jtem Nadhendals kløsther ∙x∙
marc, jtem Abo closther ∙ii∙ pund rogh oc ∙v∙ marcer
tiil messer, jtem helgandz hwseth samestadz ∙ii∙ pund rogh, jtem
spitalen ∙ii∙ pund rogh, jtem sancte Gertrudes cappel ∙ii∙
[pund] rogh oc ∙i∙ pund malth, jtem Nowsis kirchie ∙ii∙
pund rogh, jtem Parghass kyrckie ∙ii∙ pund rogh, jtem Lokalax
cappel ∙i∙ pund rogh, jtem Rengo cappel ∙iii∙ pund
rogh, Tiokarle closter ∙iii∙ pund rogh, jtem verdughe ffadher i Gud
biscop Arwedh i Abo en soteth hæst, ∙i∙ nobell oc ∙v∙
betthe loskyn, jtem myn herre her Steen Stwre ∙i∙ ghroo hesth met
stecket rwmpe, jtem domprowsten i Abo en gul ringh oc ∙i∙ vngherss
gyllen, jtem ærkediæknen ∙i∙ gul ringh besat met ∙iii∙
beletthe och ∙i∙ vngherss gyllen, jtem hwar kanek samestadz ∙i∙
rengx gyllen, jtem Josep Pedhersson ∙i∙ gull ringh, jtem myn
brodher Erich Howenskel met sølff bondh, ∙i∙ gull ringh, myn skedh
och ∙iiii∙ alne røøth flogeell, item myn systher Margarete mijn
dageligh gull kædhe oc ∙i∙ gul ringh, jtem Henrik Steensson ∙i∙
gull ringh och ∙i∙ skiorthe, jtem Crister Claasson ∙i∙
gul ringh, ∙i∙ gull huffwe oc ∙i∙ skiorthe, jtem mester
Mattis Kwryn ∙vi∙ alne swarth eengilsth, jtem her Nielss i Pargass
en swart reff skyndz kiortiill, ∙iiii∙ alne swart cameloth och j
annen alin swart leydzsk, jtem her Matz cappelan pa Abo sloth ∙iii∙
alne camelot, jtem hustrv Ingeborgh, fforsye paa steenhwseth, ∙i∙
rynskh gyllen, jtem mijn styffson Erich Bidz ∙i∙ gull ringh, ∙i∙
skeedh, eth stycke swarth cameloth, ∙i∙ gul huffue, ∙i∙
skiorte, myn stolboge, myn swidzsere oc eth myt swærdh, jtem mester Henrick
Asken ∙i∙ gul ringh, jtem Lasse Scriffuere en myn gwll huffue, jtem
ffør messer oc vigilies tiil høge koren ∙xv∙ marc, tiill nye koren ∙x∙
marc, tiill varffrw koor ∙iii∙ marc, tiil sancte Anne koor ∙iii∙
marc, tiil helge three konunge koor ∙iii∙ marc, jtem tiil alle
begængelse ∙c∙ marc, ther aff taghendis hwad i begraffninghen
tiilhører, thet andhre ther aff tiill messer och vigilies; jtem ær thet swa, at
min ælskelighe hustrv ey bliffuer barnbwndhen met mech, tha giffuer iach henne
alle mijnne løsører oc hennes morghengoffue ffrij, som ær ∙xiiC∙
marc; tiill huilckis myns testementis oc ytherste vilies wtredhere oc
testementarios bidher jach oc keser ffornempde werduge ffadher biscop Arwedh i
Abo, mesther Pawel, erchediecken samestadz, Josep Pedhersson ffogwthe paa Abo
sloth, oc Crister Claæsson vepnare, them kerlige bediendis at the thet swa
fforsthaa vile som iach them fulkomligha ombethror oc for Gudi sware wile.
Teess tiill ythermere wisse oc bætther fforwaringh bidher iach fornempde
testementarios at the trycke late theris incigle ryglinges paa thetta breff met
myth egith incigle. Giffuit oc scriffuit i Abo anno Domini MDXIIj, sancte Anne
dagh etcetera.
Comments: To judge from the additional content of the will, Clement Hogenskild was
a married military man, perhaps a landless esquire. He states Sten Sture, the
Swedish regent, as his lord, but otherwise appears closely connected to Bishop Arvid
and the cathedral chapter of Turku.
Published: Finlands
no. 5622.
Convents of Haderslev and Ribe |
will and testament for Peder Madsen, priest in the diocese of Ribe, in which he
leaves an oxen for the reformed Friars Preachers in Haderslev, which is to be
handed over by Peder Pedersen in Risby, and 2 barrels of rye to each mendicant
priory in Ribe. Also, he gives 1 barrel of rye and a porkside for “the nuns’
monastery” in Haderslev “and their sanctuary”.
Source: Transcript in Terpager’s Ripæ Cimbricæ.
Language: Latin.
In nomine Domini amen. Ego Petrus Mathie
Ripensis dioecesis sacerdos ordino testamentum meum in hoc modo de bonis mihi a
Deo collatis. Primo do et lego ecclesie Marie Ripensis, ubi meam eligo
sepulturam, unum par boum, quos pro nunc habet quedam mulier in Hwydingh Ollar
dicta. Item domino meo Grofo unum florenum. Item ad altare sancte Katherine
ecclesie cathedralis unam tunnam siliginis. Item ad ecclesiam sancti Johannis
evangeliste unum bovem, quem habet Per Jenssen in Fardrup. Item pro
anniversario meo annuatim tenendo per chorales chori Ripensis do et lego curiam
meam, in qua nunc resideo, sed servata conditione, quod mater mea dilecta
habeat pro mansione sua mediam partem huius curie ad dies vite sua, de altera
media parte dabit annuam pensionem, aut instituet alios sibi cohabitatores, qui
talem pensionem persolvant; post eius mortem totalis curia prefatis cedat
coralibus. Item lego prefate matri mee domum meam in fine curie mee situatam
versus plateam, in hac tamen conditione, quod post eius mortem cedat convivio
sancti Petri. Item ad fratres observatos in Flensborg unum bovem. Item ad fratres observatos in Hadersløff
[unum bovem], quos Petrus Petri in Riisbi habet. Item ad monasterium monialium
et ad sacrum earundem ibidem unam tunnam siliginis cum perna lardi. Item
domino Nicolao Ebbonis unam vaccam, quam habet Cristiernus Petri in Riisbi. Item ad utrumque claustrum mendicantium in
Ripis duas tunnas siliginis. Item ad usum omnium pauperum mendicantium lego
quatuor boves, quos habet Petrus Shollengi, quorum pretium distribuatur inter
prefatos pauperes secundum dictamen magistri Nicolai Marquardi ac Thome Olavi
consulis. Item ad usum pauperum tunicam meam meliorem tribuo. Item do magistro
Nicolao Marquardi pelvim meam sculptam. Item domino Olavo do unum scrinium ad
modum pulpiti dispositi. Item ad capellam sancte … Ripensis do breviarium meum
eller Rigandum [: alligandum?]. Item alium breviarium meum ordinabit magister
Nicolaus cum matre mea ad manus alicuius sacerdotis pauperis pro salute anime
mee. Item domino Jacobo Skade unam blaveam tunicam. Item lego domino Gunnero
unum parvam pelvim. Item alios libros meos ordinabit prefatus magister Nicolaus
ad usus pauperum. Item librum Dormi secure do ad commune bonum in ecclesia
cathedrali ligandum. Item genero meo Jeb Andherssen do unam tunicam nigri
coloris cum caligis meis, et cum hoc omnia debita dicta sibi ipsi demitto cum
una mensa, quam actu habet. Item uxori eiusdem Mette lego togam meam nigri
coloris. Item lego domino Severino Thome caputium meum liripipiatum. Item
pauperibus scolaribus do unam tunnam cerevisie cum perna lardi una cum panibus;
item dimidia tunna siliginis. Ad executionem predictorum ex ultima mea
voluntate ordinatorum constituo prefatum magistrum Nicolaum Marquardi et Thomam
Olavi consulem Ripensem. Igitur faciant suam diligentiam prout coram Deo
vellent respondere, et presentes cum sigillis suis una cum proprio faciant
Comments: The document is undated, but from the
persons mentioned in it, it has been dated to the period around 1500-15 (Kinch
1869, 415). ● The priest Peder Madsen is not known from any other
sources, and it is not known to which church within the diocese of Ribe he was
affiliated. ● The Observant friars in Flensburg were Friars Minor. ●
The ‘nunnery’ in Haderslev, mentioned right after the Friars Preachers, can
hardly be anything but the Franciscan beguine community, which was founded next
to the priory in 1494 18/5.
Published: Terpager,
Ripæ Cimbricæ, pp.
64-65; Diplomatarium
Flensborgense vol.
I no. 217, pp. 731-732.
Literature: Kinch
1869, pp. 415-416.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm(?) |
Finke, frater donatus of the Friars Preachers (in Stockholm?), sells a farm in
Stockholm to Olof Larsson for 190 marks.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagen som war Sancti Calixti dag. (…) Samme dagh stod ffør sitiende retthen Hegne Finke, jngiffuen donate broder j Swartbrodre orden, med sith frie beradne mod welfførtenkt och oplot wor stadz borgere Oleff Larensson slacter och hans dannequinno en gard, liggiandes j Helwithet, ffør ∙x∙ mark mindre æn ∙iiC∙ Stocholms mynt j rede peninge, hulke peninge fførne Hegne Finke bekende sigh redelige wnffongit och opburit haffue aff førne Oleff Larensson slacter j alle motto tiil fulle førnøgning och betalen then sisthe peningh med then førstæ effter sin ægin vilie, sa at honum aldelis wel atnøgde. Hwar fføre affhende førne Hegne sig oc sine hustrv och alle theris effterkomande barn, vener och frender, ho the helstz ware kunne, och tilegne tet førne Oleff Larensson, hans hustrv och theris effterkomande ffritt, quit och j alle motte ombeuaret, som hans køpe breff jnneholler, obehindrat før alle fodde och offøde atalere til euerdeligæ ægio. Hulket breff Hegne honum personlige antworde før rettin oplumpet och welfførwaret, jnnehollendes all tomptens ok grundens tilbehørelse klarlige med lengd och bred, stenbod, kellere och ∙ii∙ træboder med all anner huss, som tet star och opbygt ær, pa hvlket gard, grund forscriffne Oleff sin ffridzskilling oplade effter stadz lag, och war then gard och grund laglige opbudit och langstondit, som lagh vtu[i]se.
Comments: Heine Finke had been a minor burgher of Stockholm, probably of
German origin, acting as lay executor of a will in 1506 (SST vol. IV, 125-126).
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 96.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Fr. Johannes
Moyse on behalf of Prior Henricus Degner and the convent of Friars Preachers in
Stockholm sells a farm in Stockholm to Örjan Scrivener.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Løgerdagen post Bartolomei. (…) Samme dag stod
bro Hans Moysen ffulmyndug och fulmektig wppaå priarens bro Henrich Degnere och
menige brøders och conuens wegna her j Swartbrødra orden och oploth Ørien scriffuere
en tregard med thess grund och waningher, som han nw opbygder och ffør oghon,
ffrit och qwith j alle motte ffør … mark stocholmske, hulke sumo peninge han
bekende cløstrid redelige och fulleligæ opburit haffue effter theris ægin
wilie. Ther med affhende førne bro Hans cløstred och conuenthet fførne
gard och theris effterkomande och tilegne honum førne Ørian, hans
hustrv, barn och effterkomande till æuerdelica ægo ohindrat och obeklandrat
ffør alle ffødde och offødde atalere, pa hulket Ørian sin fridzskilling oplade.
Och ligger then gard j Matis Mortenssons grend … och ær ∙iii∙ och ∙xx∙
alne long, it quarter minus, och ∙xiii∙ alne bred.
Comments: There are left two open spots in the entry, one of them for
the amount of marks paid for the farm. ● On Fr. Johannes Moyse, see 1507. ● On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
Published: Stockholms stads
tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 122.
Pasewalk |
Convent of Pasewalk, Provinces of Polonia and Saxonia (≈ Convents of Haderslev,
Schleswig and Tallinn, Provinces of Dacia and Saxonia?) |
The convent
of Friars Preachers in Pasewalk agrees, under various conditions, to a
provincial transfer from Polonia to Saxonia. Similar letters of agreement may
have existed from the convents of Haderslev, Schleswig and Tallinn for their
contemporary transfer from Dacia to Saxonia.
Source: Original
document. Ratsarchiv Rostock.
Language: Latin.
In nomine domini Amen. Nos fratres conventus
Pazwalkcensis Johannes Mekelnborch prior, Jasperus supprior, Johannes de Brachis,
Simon Porke, Petrus de Nissa, Nicolaus Lunenborch, Donatus de Francfordia,
Bartholomaeus Wydenbrugis, Wilhelmus Dusborch, Theodericus de Embrica,
Alexander de Colonia, Cornelius de Steenbergis, Petrus Szyberch, Bernardus
Termath, Vincentius Wilhelmi et frater Laurentius de Steenbergis consentimus in
unionem cum patribus provincie Saxonie, si et in quantum fuerimus incorporati
huic provincie vel saltem positi sub reverendo provinciali Saxonie sicut sub
vicario reverendissimi magistri ordinis, acceptatis tamen prius et admissis per
patres provincie articulis in Wismaria conceptis. Itemque, si talem unionem non
obtinuerimus, sed magis molestias passi per literas sanctissimi vel etiam
reverendissimi magistri, quod tunc cum ceteris conventibus nobis adherere
volentibus appellare et expensas facere ad resistendum eisdem et ad removendum
in pristinis nostris gratiis ac privilegiis omnes prescripti fratres
assentimus. Adiecto nichilominus isto, quod si nos debeamus cum conventibus
provincie Saxonie portare pondus expensarum in casu prenotato, ut in multis
aliis usque in presens fecimus et consequenter parati sumus facere, etiam
petimus simile nobis fiat casu, quod per nostrum provincialem Polonie aliquid
attemptatum fuerit (ut timemus) contra nos. Alias res injusta videretur, ut
vobiscum contra provinciam Saxonie substantiolam nostra expendentes in fine
finali ad nostram compelleremur provinciam redire, que res maximo esset oneri,
et ere nostro et consortio vestro privaremur. In premissorum omnium robur et munimen
sigillum nostri conventus presentibus est impressum. Anno domini millesimo
quingentesimo sexto decimo mensis augusti die septima.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur
Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 9, p. 55.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
widow of Sven Jonsson Moyse, presents before the city council of Stockholm a
letter of donation for a house in Stockholm that Sven’s mother Birgitta gave to
the Friars Preachers in Stockholm in 1501 for the benefit of the souls of the
family members.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Priaren och Suen Moises hustrv.
Mondaghen post Clementis. (…) Samme dag stod førne hustrv Elseby, Swen Moisis effterleffue, och giorde tet besilgde permans breff ffult och fast bade med hond och mwn, som hennes framlidne danneman Suen Moise wtgiffuit, bebreffuit och besilgt hade j Swartbrødre cløster her i Stocholm for sine och alle sine framfarne fforeldre siele til delaktighet, som breffuit jnneholler ord fran ord, som her effter følger etcetera:
Ffor alle the gode men, som thette breff
hender fore at komma, hilsser jag hustrv Bireta, her Jogan Suenssons
effterleffuerska, kerliga med Gud, gorendes allom witterligit med thette mit
opne breff, at jag med min godwilie och j min welmakt med mine kiere barn ja
och samtykie wnner oc geffuer eth mit stenhus, ligiandes westantiil nordan fore
Suen Jonssons grend och ligger mellan Jens Mws och Oleff Raualdsons huss,
hulkit førne huss han køpta aff Benct klensmid, Gud begis theris
siel nade, med allom godom crisne sielum, och thet samme huss geffuer jag til
Swartbrødra cløster her i Stocholm och til the Helge løsn bygning, Gud til loff
och ære, cløstrid til nytto och gangne, huar føre affhender jag førne
huss fran mich och allom minom arffuingom, fødde och offødde, och tilegner førne
Swartbrødra cløster och cløstersins formen at byggie och bruke eller sælie
effter theris ægien vilie med swa dane skæl och førord, at jagh ok alle mine
effterkomande, baade liffuande och dødæ, skole worde delaktige och lofftagne
aff alt tet gode, som sker och gørss j førne cløster jn til domen.
Til ytermere wisso och bætre førwaring henger jag Suen Jonsson mit insigle
nedan før tette breff, och tiil ytermere witnisbørd beder jak erlige mens
insigle, som ar Jens Gudmunsson raadman oc Per Jonsson borgere j Stocholm, som
giffuit oc scriffuit ær anno Domini 150j ipso die beate Katerine virginis et
Thette beffalte radit mich Anders
stadzscriffuere inscriffue til en witnisbørd.
Comments: On the initial donation and Sven Jonsson Moyse, see 1501.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, pp. 131-132.
Rome |
Convents of Haderslev and Schleswig, Provinces of Dacia and Saxonia,
Dutch Congregation |
de Vio Cajetan, master general of the Order of Preachers, approves that all reformed
convents within the province of Saxonia hereafter sorts directly under the
prior provincial and the province, to no matter what congregation they have
formerly belonged. In return, the reformed party is secured a very dominant
role in the provincial structure of Saxonia. The convents of Schleswig and
Haderslev in the province of Dacia, as well as the convents of Greifswald and
Pasewalk in the province of Polonia, all members of the now dissolved Dutch
Congregation, are transferred by the master general to the province of Saxonia.
Source: Original document. Ratsarchiv Rostock.
Language: Latin.
In dei filio sibi charissimis reverendis priori
provinciali provincie Saxonie et vicario generali congregationis Hollandie
presidentibusque et fratribus universis conventuum et priorissis ac sororibus
monasteriorum earundem provincie et congregationis ordinis predicatorum: frater
Thomas Devio Cajetanus sacre theologie professor ac totius eiusdem ordinis
humilis generalis magister et servus salutem et spiritus sancti consolationem.
Cum nonnullorum patrum studio et diligentia divina cooperante gratia ea vivendi
disposito in dicta provincia introducta sit, quod omnes conventus jurisdictioni
reverendi provincialis vite regularis zelatoris cum certis capitulis submitti
possint sine detrimento quin potius cum magna spe augende vite regularis, id
quod tum ad ipsius provincie ulteriorem reformationem tum ad totius ordinis res
bene gerendas profecturum sit: et patrum illorum qui congregationem erexere ea
fuerit intentio, ut resuscitata et aucta per multos conventus regulari
disciplina pristina constitutionum nostrarum forma servaretur, qua conventus
omnes prioribus provincialibus subesse debent, sicut a beatissimo patriarcha
nostro sancto Dominico institutum et per multa secula cum magno religionis
profectu fuit observatum, ea de re ex debito officii mei his potissimum
intendere volens, que unioni, paci et profectui ordinis conducunt, auctoritate
apostolica michi commissa per presentes omnes et singulos conventus, monasteria
sororum et collegia personarum tercii habitus eorumque personas dicte provincie
Saxonie hactenus congregationi Hollandie subjectas a vicarii generalis eiusdem
congregationis jurisdictione, obedientia et correctione separo et absolvo ac
reverendi sacre theologie magistri fratris Hermanni Rab moderni et pro tempore
existentis prioris provincialis dicte provincie Saxonie jurisdictioni,
correctioni, visitationi et obedientie submitto aliisque conventibus provincie
sub eodem provinciali unio cum his sequentibus capitulis inviolabiliter
observandis. Inprimis quod nullus de cetero in priorem provincialem dicte
provincie, aut diffinitorem generalis vel provincialis capituli, electorem
magistri ordinis, socium prioris provincialis aut diffinitoris ad capitulum generale,
vicarium vel visitatorem nationum Misne, Turingie, Livonie et Orientalis, cuius
appellatione veniant conventus Magdenburgensis, Bremensis, Rostoccensis,
Wismariensis, Nordensis et Robellensis, aut in illarum nationum conventibus in
priorem, suppriorem vel socium prioris ad capitulum provinciale eligi, dari aut
institui possit, nisi sit de conventu reformato et in reformatione
perseveraverit ita, quod nunquam fuerit assignatus etiam pretextu studii in
conventu non reformato, aut per decennium continuum adminus immediate ante
electionem vel institutionem inter reformatos steterit. Per hoc tamen in nullo
sit diminuta abilitas ad huiusmodi officia illorum fratrum reformatorum, qui ad
reformandas alias domos mittuntur et in illis permanent, si de maturo consilio
diffinitorii capituli provincialis vel patrum sui conventus ad hoc missi sunt,
testante hoc scriptura subscripta manibus mittentium et consulentium sigilloque
diffinitorii vel illius conventus sigillata. Possit quoque unus tantum de
diffinitoribus capituli provincialis esse aliquis probus pater boni testimonii
et vite regularis zelator, etiam si non fuerit modo predicto de conventu
reformato vel in reformatione manserit. Et ut omnis ambiguitas de medio fiat,
qui conventus sint vel non sint reformati, volo et declaro, quod hij tantum
conventus pro reformatis habeantur scilicet conventus dictarum nationum Misne,
Orientalis, Livonie, et qui de natione Turingie hactenus pro reformatis habiti
sunt, quique nuper ex congregatione Hollandie reverendo provinciali se
submiserunt, et quos diffinitorium capituli provincialis de maturo consilio
vicariorum nationum predictarum et visitatorum declaraverit pro tempore esse
vere reformatos. Singule autem nationes predicte singulos habeant vicarios, qui
a reverendo provinciali vel diffinitorio capituli provincialis instituantur
illi soli, quos priores, magistri in theologia et socii conventuum eis
subjiciendorum nominaverint et petierint. De quorum remotione vel retentione in
singulis capitulis provincialibus fiant similiter per priores, magistros et
socios conventuum sibi subditorum scrutinia, trium patrum a vocalibus
nominandorum disquisitione secreta, et presententur capituli provincialis
diffinitorio, quod ipsum teneatur absolvere, si due partes vocalium hoc petierint
vel alias secundum deum id expedire judicaverit. Poterit nichilominus
reverendus provincialis eos, quando sibi videbitur expediens destituere, sicut
potest magister ordinis removere priorem provincialem. Conventus tamen nationis
Livonie, si propter nimiam viarum distantiam, difficultates et discrimina non
omnes veniant ad capitulum provinciale, scrutinium de suo vicario faciant in
ipsa natione instante capitulo provinciali, et per deputatos a natione illud
mittant ad diffinitorium capituli provincialis. Quando autem quavis ex causa
natio illa Livonie vicarium non habuerit, prior antiquioris conventus intra
mensem a noticia carentie huiusmodi teneatur vocales ad nominationem vicarii in
loco ydoneo convocare. Conventus autem Hallensis et Halberstattensis in proximo
capitulo provinciali declarabunt se, cuius nationis vicario subesse velint.
Interim autem subsint vicario nationis Misne. Ceterum nec prior provincialis
nec aliquis ejus vicarius possit facere commixtionem fratrum reformatorum et
non reformatorum ad invicem, mittendo videlicet fratres reformatos ad non
reformatos vel e contrario, et si id attentatum fuerit, conventus non teneantur
sic missos recipere aut emissos a se dimittere, et assignatio huiusmodi nullius
sit roboris. Nec possit cuicunque fratri conventuum dictarum nationum et, qui
pro tempore fuerint reformati, sub dispensationis (que dissipatio potius
dicenda esset), aut alio quovis typo dare licentiam retinendi vel expendendi
pecunias, aut exeundi conventum sine licentia et scitu sui presidentis, vel
sine socio sibi a presidente dato, vel aliqua huiusmodi faciendi contra regulam
et constitutiones a regulari vita abhorrentia. Nec possit exigere regalia aut
contributiones duplices. Si tamen aliqua necessitas imminiret, cui statim esset
occurrendum, prior provincialis consilium adhibebit discretorum patrum, quorum
tres adminus sint priores, ad judicandum, si et quantum ultra ordinariam
contributionem singulis conventibus imponi debent conficiaturque desuper
scriptura, manibus consulentium subscripta et sigillis sigillata, in qua
necessitas cause et quantitas impositionis exprimatur, quam conventus, ut est
equum, persolvent. Si vero, quod deus avertat, contingeret fieri priorem
provincialem, qui non esset modo premisso de conventu reformato aut in reformatione
per decennium continuum ante electionem immediate commoratus, tunc ui huius
ordinationis et statuti singuli vicarii dictarum nationum Orientalis, Misne,
Turingie et Livonie convocare possint conventus sibi subditos et se a
jurisdictione provincialis subtrahere atque immediate sub magistri generalis
pro tempore jurisdictione et obedientia, que in omnibus semper salva sit,
manere, ac suas congregationes celebrare et ordinationes salutares aliaque pro
vite regularis conservatione oportuna facere, sicut hactenus potuerunt vicarius
et patres congregationis Hollandie eisdemque privilegiis gaudeant. Reverendus
quoque provincialis pro tempore super conventus Gripeswoldensem et Paswalcensem
provincie Polonie et super conventus Sleczwicensem et Haterslebensem provincie
Dacie, qui hactenus fuere congregationis Hollandie, sit magistri generalis pro
tempore vicarius generalis cum eisdem per omnia capitulis et auctoritate,
quibus illi subest dicta natio Orientalis, sub cuius vicario sint, quousque
conventibus reformatis suarum provinciarum legittime fuerint adunati.
Monasteria vero sororum et collegia personarum tercii habitus reformata subsint
vicariis nationum predictarum, intra quarum terminos consistunt, in contrarium
facientibus non obstantibus quibuscunque. In quorum omnium fidem et robur
presentes sigillo officii mei feci muniri. Rome quinta februarii anno domini
Dansk sammenfatning:
Prædikantordenens generalmagister Thomas de Vio Cajetan til provincialprioren
for Saxonia og generalvikaren for Den Hollandske Kongregation, samt samtlige
ordenens medlemmer.
Generalmagisteren godkender planerne om at opløse Den Hollandske Kongregation og alle øvrige reformerte kongregationer, således at både reformerte og ikke-reformerte konventer i Saxonia hører direkte under provinsen og provincialprioren i alle anliggender. Til gengæld sikres de reformerte konventer og brødre fremover en dominerende position i provinsen. Kun brødre af observansen må bestride posten som provincialprior, diffinitorer til generalkapitlet og vikar- og visitatorembedet for nationerne Misna (Meißen), Turingia (Thüringen), Livonia (Livland) og Orientalis (bestående af Magdeburg, Bremen, Rostock, Wismar, Norden og Röbel), samt øvrige konventer i provinsen hidtil hørende under Den Hollandske Kongregation, ligesom priorer og subpriorer ved disse konventer skal være observanter. Reformerte og ikke-reformerte brødre må ikke blandes i konventerne. Skulle det ske, at en konventual broder vælges til provincialprior, da træder de fire reformerte nationer automatisk ud af provinsstrukturen og lægges i stedet direkte under generalmagisteren. For konventerne i nationen Livonia gælder den særlige dispensation, at de pga. lang og farlig vej til resten af provinsen ikke hver især som de øvrige konventer behøver at sende repræsentanter til provincialkapitlerne, men kan nøjes med samlet at sende én repræsentant for hele nationen, skiftevis i form af vikaren og en valgt diffinitor [p. 14]. Konventerne i Greifswald og Pasewalk fra provinsen Polonia og konventerne Slesvig og Haderslev fra provinsen Dacia, som hidtil har indgået i Den Hollandske Kongregation, overføres til provinsen Saxonia, hvor de skal indgå i den reformerte nation Orientalis [p. 15].
Comments: This was the third and final stage of
the dissolution of the Ducth Congregation, from which the French convents were
separated in 1514, followed by the formation of a brand new province of Germania Inferioris in 1515 for all
convents, reformed and non-reformed, in the Netherlands. The step was even more
natural, since far the majority of the convents in Saxonia at this time were
reformed, most of them either part of the Dutch or the Leipzig Congregation. · For the transfer of the four Polonian and Dacian convents, until then
all members of the Dutch Congregation, the text is traditionally interpreted in
the rather logical way that they became part of the new reformed province
Saxonia due to the dissolution of their congregation. Alternatively, some sort
of reformed vicariate should have continued for the convents in Polonia and
Dacia only. The letter of the master general does, however, not really state
any explicit reason for the transfer. The main initiative may in fact have come
from parties outside the Order (the Hansa in Polonia, the Duke of Schleswig in
Dacia), who had reasons to endorse a closer relation to Germany than to the
respective kingdoms, as expressed by local authorities of Greifswald, Pasewalk
and Tallinn (Reval) in 1501. If the congregational membership indeed was the primary reason,
then it must be asked why the Dacian convents of Vejle and Ribe were not
transferred to Saxonia as well, since they were also verified members of the
Dutch Congregation since the early 1500s, but situated a bit further north in
Denmark on royal territory. · A
similar argument could be put forward for the convent of Tallinn in Estonia,
also part of the Dutch Congregation, but here the missing mention may be due to
simple neglect, since the convent of Tallinn while member of the congregation
often was considered a part of the Livonian nation of Saxonia, which was in
fact only made up of the convents of Riga and Tartu (Dorpat). The fact that the
convent of Tallinn already at the following provincial chapter in 1517 was transferred to Saxonia too could indicate that
the omission by the master general was indeed a mistake, forgetting that the
reformed north-Estonian convent officially still was part of Dacia. ● The
transfer of the convents in Haderslev and Schleswig was apparently later
challenged by the province of Dacia, as the master general in 1525
23/6 enjoined the two prior provincials of Dacia
and Saxonia to settle between them to which province the houses should
rightfully belong.
Published: Quellen
und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 9, pp. 12-15.
1517.03.18 |
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Mortensson sells a house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm to Paul Skinnare.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
In crastino Sancte Gertrudis virginis et martiris. (…) Samme dag och tiid j ffogten Oleff Biørssons, borgemesteres och ganske raadsins sitiendhe stod in ffor sitiande retten Per Mortensson personlige, leffrerade oc oplot beskederlig man, wores med borgere Pouel skinere bade med hond och mwn et sit stenhus och ligiande grund, belægit her wid store torgit j orden som man gaar jn pa Swartbrodra gate pa høgre honden (…).
Comments: Paul Skinnare’s byname suggests that he was a skinner.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 143.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, settles a dispute
with Anna Tavast concerning her son, Fr. Clemens Mathiae of the Stockholm
convent, after which 30 marks of Fr. Clemens’ paternal inheritance are paid out
to Anna, while the remaining 100 marks are handed over to the convent.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Bro Henrik priaren j
Swartbrødra oc hustrv Anne, Oleff Taffuestes effterleffua.
Onsdagen post judicare. (…) Samme dag stod hustrv Anna Taffastes j Jon Jenssons nerware och bekende sig opburit haffua wtaff hederlig man bro Henrich priare j Swartbrødra cløster ∙xxx∙ mark rede peninge effter sin stiuffson, jngeffuen broder i samme cløster, bro Clemet, och the ∙c∙ mark igen ære skal brodern haffue sig til hielp eller kløstrid til bestond, om honum forstacket worder, ffør wtan alt efftertall aff hustrv Anne, hennes arffuinge och for alle fodde och offøde atalere etcetera. Symon skredere gaff vt peninge, oc ther var witne tiil, ∙c∙ mark.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487. ● On Fr.
Clemens Mathiae and his inheritance, Anna Tavast, and Simon Skreddare, see 1511.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 147.
The city
council of Stockholm confirms the above-mentioned letter.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Mondagin nest effter Sancta Luci. (…) Item sades priarens breff wiid makt, som han har pa then del hustrv Anne Tauestes taler om.
Comments: The need for a confirmation suggests that Anna Tavast had disputed
the settlement agreed upon earlier the same year (see above), perhaps because
her son in the meantime had died.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 180.
Braunschweig |
Convents of Haderslev, Schleswig and Tallinn, Provinces of Dacia and
Saxonia |
At the
provincial chapter of Saxonia it is announced that the convent of Tallinn is
transferred from the province of Dacia to Saxonia. Logical schools (studia
logica) are placed at the convents of Schleswig and Haderslev; in Schleswig
under the lectorship of Fr. Wilhelm de Dorbach and with the students Fr.
Andreas Plettenberg and Henselinus Sleper, in Haderslev under the lectorship of
Fr. Gerhardus Slewert and with the students Fr. Albert Sluderman and Michael
Tylman (and more?). Furthermore, Fr. Dominicus de Zwolle from the convent of
Haderslev and Fr. Johannes Arven from the convent of Schleswig are transferred
to Magdeburg (the latter partly to study theology), Fr. Vincent Clump is
transferred from the convent of Haderslev to Halberstadt, Fr. Gotschalk Bolmer
is transferred from the convent of Tallinn to Rostock, and Fr. Regnald Stypel
is transferred from the convent of Dortmund to Tallinn.
Source: Acta
capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
In nomine patris et
filij et spiritus sancti. Amen. Hec sunt acta capituli provincialis celebrati
anno salutis 1517 die octavo mensis septembris ipso die virginis gloriose
nativitatis Marie sub reverendo et eximio magistro nostro patre fratre Hermanno
Rab, sacre theologie professore, heretice pravitatis inquisitore, priore
provinciali provincie Saxonie, in conventu Brunswicensi (…).
Iste sunt denunciaciones. (…) Item
denunciamus, conventum Revaliensem quondam provincie Dacie esse translatum
auctoritate sanctissimi domini nostri domini pape et consensu reverendissimi ad
provinciam nostram Saxonie sub contribucionibus consuetis dari provincie Dacie.
De studio et studentibus. (…) In conventu Magdeburgensi
ponimus studium theologie. Regens studij et lector fr. Jeronimus Mathie. (…)
Semistudentes (…) Johannes de Arnen (…). In conventu Sleswicensi ponimus
studium loijce. Lector fr. Wilhelmus de Dorbarch. Studentes fr. Andreas
Plettenberch, Henselinus Sleper. In conventu Haderslevensi ponimus studium
loijce. Lector fr. Eggardus Slevert. Studentes fr. Albertus Sluderman, Michael
Tylman etc. (…)
De missionibus fratrum. Mittimus ad conventum
Magdeburgensem fratres Dominicum de Swollis de conventu Haderslevensi, Johannem
Nicolai de conventu Wismariensi, Martinum Weber de conventu Berlinensi, Petrum
Tinctoris, Bartholomeum Bessen de conventu Gripswaldensi, Petrum Loczinck de
conventu Gripswaldensi, Anthonium de Frickenhusen, Melchiorem de Rodenbach de
conventu Pirnensi, Johannem Meijer de conventu Lubicensi, Hinricum Swijder de
conventu Brunswicensi, Andream Rodis de conventu Fribergensi, Johannem Arven de
conventu Sleswicensi, Georgium Bergen conventus Osnaburgensis et fratrum
Johannem Hemmerden de conventu Tremoniensi. (…) Ad conventum Halberstadensem
mittimus fratrem (…) Vincensium Clump de conventu Haderslebensi, Johannem de
Confluencia conversum. (…). Ad
conventum Rostoccensem fratrem Gottschalcum Bolmer conventus Revaliensis (…).
Ad conventum Revaliensem fratrem Reynoldum Stypel conventus Tremoniensis. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
I Faderens, Sønnens og Helligåndens navn, amen. Dette er akterne
fra provincialkapitlet afholdt 1517 den 8. september, på den glorværdige jomfru
Marias fødselsdag, under vor ærværdige og fremtrædende fader, broder Hermann
Rab, professor i den hellige teologi, inkvisitor mod den kætterske ondskab,
provincialprior for provinsen Saxonia, i konventet i Braunschweig (…). [p. 63]
Følgende er
bekendtgørelserne: (…) Ligeledes bekendtgøres det, at konventet i Reval,
tidligere i provinsen Dacia, er overført ved vor herre pavens hellige myndighed
og ærværdig tilslutning til vor provins Saxonia under almindelig tildeling fra
provinsen Dacia. (…) [p. 74]
Om skoler og
studerende. (…) I konventet i Magdeburg placeres et studium theologie. Leder og lektor: broder Jeronimus Mathie. (…)
Halvstuderende: (…) Johannes Arven (…). I konventet i Slesvig placeres et studium logica. Lektor: broder Vilhelm af
Dorbach. Studerende: broder Andreas Plettenberg og Henselinis Sleper. I
konventet i Haderslev placeres et studium
logica. Lektor: broder Gerhard Slewert. Studerende: broder Albert
Sluderman, Michael Tylman osv. (…) [pp. 76-77]
Om brødrenes
forflyttelser. Til konventet i Magdeburg sendes brødrene Dominicus de Zwolle
fra konventet i Haderslev, Johannes Nicolai fra konventet i Wismar, Martin
Weber fra konventet i Berlin, Peter Tinctoris og Bartholomæus Bessen fra
konventet i Greifswald, Peter Locyn fra konventet i Greifswald, Anton de
Frickenhausen og Johannes Meyer fra konventet i Lübeck, Heinrich Sweder fra
konventet i Braunschweig, Andreas Roden fra konventet i Freiberg, Johannes
Arven fra konventet i Slesvig, Jürgen Bergen fra konventet i Osnabrück og broder
Johannes Hemmerden fra konventet i Dortmund. [pp. 80-81] (…) Til konventet i
Halberstadt sendes brødrene (…) Vincents Klump fra konventet i Haderslev og
lægbroder Johannes de Confluencia. [p.
81] (…) Til konventet i Rostock brødrene Godskalk Bolmer fra konventet i
Tallinn (…). Til konventet i Tallinn broder Regnald Styper fra konventet i
Dortmund. [p. 82]
Comments: Only the convent of Tallinn
officially became part of the Saxonian province by the chapter in 1517, whereas
the same was implemented for the Dacian convents of Haderslev and Schleswig
earlier the same year by a decret from the master
general. · In 1518, Fr. Andreas Plettenberg was
transferred to the studium theologie
at the convent of Magdeburg. · Fr. Gerhardus Slewert (†1570) was still
lector in Haderslev in 1519. Later he left the Order
of Preachers while stationed in Magdeburg, returning to the Duchy of Schleswig
and installed by Duke Christian as a Lutheran pastor in Flensburg (Löhr 1930,
p. 77, note 16). He was among the Lutheran members of the ‘convocation’ that
made the draft for the Lutheran-Evangelical church ordinance for Denmark in 1537 2/9. In 1540, Gerhard Slewert was appointed
Lutheran-Evagelical superintendent (: bishop) for the county of Flensburg. · In 1519, Fr. Michael Tylman had moved to the studium theologie at the convent of Bremen (QF vol. 26, p. 116). · Fr. Dominicus de Zwolle was assigned to the theological study in
Bologna in 1510, the Parisian school in 1511 and the theological study in
Cologne in 1515 (Löhr 1930, p. 80, note 31). · The convent of departure is not noted for the laybrother Fr. Johannes
de Confluencia, but it would appear as if he like Vincent Clump came from
Haderslev. In 1519 he was transferred back to the
region from the convent of Magdeburg to Schleswig. In 1526 he became priest at
the convent of Halle (QF vol. 26, p. 190). · Fr. Regnald Stypel (Reynoldus
Stypel) returned from Tallinn to Dortmund in 1520,
but at the provincial chapter of 1521 he was mentioned
on the list of deceased among nineteen other friars from the convent of
Published: Quellen
und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 63-86 (esp. pp. 74, 76-77, 80-82).
Convent of Haderslev |
Peter Jacobsen
Oldendorph, peasant in Gammelby, dies and is buried by the entrance to the
priory of the Friars Preachers in Haderslev, for which the convent is given two
oxen and several other gifts.
Source: Autobiography
of Johannes Jacobsen Oldendorph, 1563.
Language: Latin.
(…) Avus ille meus Peter Jacobssen Oldendorph multos annos honeste in legittimo conjugio vixit cum avia mea Jahan Dalls, ex qua unicum filium genuit nomine Jacob Peterssen Oldendorph, qui demortuis suis parentibus hæres factus est totius villæ ac ejus possessionis. Pater meus scribit matrem suam obiisse diem suum anno 1531 circa Andreæ apostoli diem circiter 3. horam pomeridianam. Ante obiit pater ejus Peter Jacobssen die Lunæ post Lucam evangelistam 4. hora pomeridiana, pater addidit annum 1517 fuisse, et funus ejus sepultum est ad ostium monasterii Haderslebensis, cujus monachis dederunt par boum et plura oblatoria juxta papisticam idolomaniam. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
(…) Denne min farfader Peter Jacobsen Oldendorph levede mange år
retskaffent i retmæssigt ægteskab med min farmoder Johanne Dall, med hvem han
avlede en eneste søn kaldt Jacob Petersen Oldendorph, som efter sine forældres
død arvede hele gården og hvad dertil hører. Min fader skriver, at hans moder
døde 1531 omkring apostelen Andreas’ dag ved den tredje time om eftermiddagen.
Forinden døde hans fader Peter Jacobsen om mandagen efter evangelisten Lukas’
dag i den fjerde time om eftermiddagen, fader har tilføjet året 1517, og hans
lig blev begravet ved indgangen til klosteret i Haderslev, hvis munke fik to
okser og flere andre gaver i henhold til den papistiske afgudsdyrkende galskab.
Comments: The family name Oldendorph is taken from a farm in Gammelby, Fjelsted
parish, about 10 km north of Haderslev, which Peter Jacobsen inherited from his
father in 1460. His social class can be termed as ‘high peasantry’. ●
Peter and Johanne’s son, Jacob Petersen, became mayor in Haderslev (†1546), and
his son, Johannes Jacobsen (†1566), the author of the autobiography, was an
Evangelic vicar in Haderslev; hence, the negative tone of ‘papistic idolotry’
in connection to his grandfather’s burial.
Published: Oldendorph
1563, p. 14; DSL online, p. 4.
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
Source: Original document.
Ratsarchiv in Rostock.
The document has no explicit date, but it mentions a series of popes, of whom
the last is Sixtus IV, who was in office from 1471 to 1484. A register in the
Rostocker Ratsarchiv dates it to 1500, whereas local studies date it back to c.1487 (Vorberg 1913, 70, note 1). A
decisive clue is, however, the reference to Bishop Nikolaus in bone memorie, since there has only
been one Bishop Nikolaus in medieval Tallinn, namely Nikolaus Roddendorp,
1493-1509. In LEKUB, Arbusow suggested 1517 as the last possible date.
Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches
Urkundenbuch 2. ser.
vol. III no. 948-949; Dissertationes
Historicae vol. IX encl. 13; Quellen und
Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol.
IX, 26-30.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
will and testament of Fr. Clemens Mathiae of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm,
according to which his paternal inheritance, which is administered by Simon
Skreddare, shall be given to his mother, not to the convent, and from this
small donations shall be given to Simon Skreddare, to his brother, to his
confessor Master Jöns and to the girls who have taken care of him.
Source: Original document inserted in Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of
Language: Swedish.
Jtem bekennis iak myk brodher Klemit j myn liiftz
tydh, ath iak antwardar och geffwer myn modher myn ffädherniss päningha, som
Symon skredare haffwer i syn antwardan, vm Gwdh will mik kalla her aff ver den,
ffor ty myn modher är en ffatigh verlöss quinna; the göres henne bether behoff
en klostredh, ffor ty iak gaff mik j klostridh och ecke myth ffäderne. Fför ty
bedher iak alle godhe men och Symon skredare, som haffwer tom i antwardan, ath
I laathen myn modher ffaa tenna fför nempdhe päningha, vm Gudh vil mik kalla,
ssom Y ville sswara myk fför Gwdhz dom. Jtem Symon skredare giffwer iak ∙x∙
mark fför ssyth stora omakt, han haffwer haafft fför myna skwl och staath fför
myt ffäderne. Jtem myn brodher gyffwer iak ∙x∙ mark sygh til hielp
ath halla sygh till skola och bedia goth fför myn fatygh siäl, vm Gudh vil myk
kalla. Jtem her Iönss, myn skrefte ffadher, geffwer iak ∙v∙ mark
til syn fförste messe och bedia goth fför myn siäl. Jtem pygonne, som ryktade
mik, geffwer iak ∙ii∙ öre fför syna mödho. Jtem vm thet myn modher
laath komma myth fädherne j tencke boken, thet haffde hon myt loff till och
giorde iak thet ffor henna store syukdom, skwll och mothe gaan, ath iak skwlle
hielpe henne, och är thet saa Gwdh vil kalla mik, ath iak bliffwer dödh, taa er
och myn ordh dödh medh och staar iak ther inthe til vm.
Comments: The undated will is inserted as a loose sheet in the Stockholm
city records of 1489-90, but clearly must be of a later date, probably the
period 1511-17. ● On Fr. Clemens Mathiae and his inheritance, see 1511. ● It
is noteworthy that Fr. Clemens as a Dominican friar apparently had a secular
confessor, Master Jöns. ● The byname of Simon Skreddare suggests that he
was a tailor.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. II, pp. 434-435.
Jakobsen 2018a, 379.
Rome |
Order of Preachers |
Pope Leo
X authorizes Cardinal Priest Thomas de Vio Cajetan OP of San Sisto to act as
papal judge against Martin Luther with instructions on how to bring Luther
before a trial swiftly by the use of both ecclesiastical and secular power, the
latter represented by Emperor Maximiliam. If Luther refuses to be tried, the
cardinal shall excommunicate him and announce both him and his followers to be
heretics, since Luther’s notorious reputation for heresy is sufficient for such
a verdict.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Leo papa decimus dilecto nostro filio Thome tituli
sancti Sixti presbitero cardinali nostro et apostolice sedis de latere legato.
Dilecte fili noster, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Postquam ad aures
nostras pervenerat quendam Martinum Lutterium, ordinis heremitarum sancti
Augustini professorem, in reprobum sensum versum nonnulla heretice et ab eo
quod sancta Romana tenet ecclesia diversa asseverare et super hoc conclusiones
necnon famosos libellos temeritate propria et erecta cervice laxatis obedientie
frenis inconsulta Romana ecclesia fidei magistra in diversis Germanie partibus
publicare ausum fuisse. Nos temeritatem suam paterne corrigere volentes
venerabili fratri nostro Jeronomo episcopo Asculano curie causarum cameare
apostolice generali auditori commisimus ut ipsum Martinum ad comparendum
personaliter coram eo et se super premissis examinandum et qualiter de fide
sentiret respondendum sub certis penis moneret. Ipseque Jeronomus auditor
contra dictum Martinum monitorium huiusmodi ut accepimus decrevit. Nuper autem
ad notitiam nostram devenit quod dictus Martinus benignitate nostra abusus et
audacior effectus mala malis addendo et pertinaciter in heresi persistendo
nonnullas alias conclusiones ac famosos libellos similiter publicavit, in
quibus nonnulla alia heretica et erronea continentur, quod quidem mentem
nostram non modicum perturbavit quare prout pastorali nostro incumbit officio
premissis occurrere et ne pestis huiusmodi adeo invaleat quod simplicium animos
inficiat, providere volentes circumspectioni tue de qua tum ob singularem
doctrinam et rerum experientiam, tum ob in nos et hanc sanctam sedem cuius
honorabile membrum existis sinceram devotionem plurimum in Domino confidimus
per presentes mandamus ut eisdem presentibus receptis absque ulla mora, quoniam
res apud nos tum ex fama tum ex facti permanentia notoria et inexcusabilis est
dictum Martinum hereticum per predictum auditorem jam declaratum ad
personaliter coram te compendum invocato ad hoc tam charissimi in Christo filii
nostri Maximiliani Romanorum imperatoris electi quam reliquorum Germanie
principum communitatum universitatum et potentatuum tam ecclesiasticorum quam
secularium brachio cogas atque compellas et eo in potestatem tuam redacto eum
sub fideli custodia retineas donec a nobis aliud habueris in mandatis ut coram
nobis et sede apostolica comparat. Ac quod si coram te sponte ad petendum de
huiusmodi temeritate veniam venerit et ad cor reversus penitentie signa
ostenderit tibi eum ad unitatem sancte matris ecclesie que numquam claudit
gremium redeunti benigne recipiendi concedimus facultatem. Si vero in
pertinacia sua perseverans et brachium seculare contempnens in potestatem tuam
non venerit tibi in omnibus Germanie partibus eum ac omnes ipsius adherentes ac
sequaces etiam per edicta publica, ad instar illorum qui olim in albo pretorio
scribebantur pro hereticis excommunicatis anathematizatis et maledictis
publicandi et ab omnibus christifidelibus tamquam tales evitari faciendi
concedimus similiter facultatem. Et ut celerius et facilius morbus hujusmodi
exterminetur universos et singulos prelatos et alias ecclesiasticas personas
tam seculares quam quorumvis ordinum etiam mendicantium regulares ecnon duces
marchiones, comites, barones ac quascumque communitates universitates et
potentatus prefato Maximiliano imperatore electo excepto auctoritate nostra
etiam sub excommunicationis late sententie et aliis infra dicendis penis moneas
et requiras ut sicut reputari cupiunt et haberi fideles, dictum Martinum et
eius adherentes et sequaces capiant et ad manus tuas transmittant. Quod si quod
absit quod nobis persuadere non possumus predicti principes communitates
universitates et potentatus aut aliquis eorum Martinum aut adherentes et
sequaces predictos quomodolibet receptaverint seu eidem Martino auxilium
consilium vel favorem publice vel occulte directe vel indirecte ex quavis causa
quomodolibet dederint eorundem principum communitatuum universitatum et
potentatuum ac cuiuslibet eorum civitates opida terras et loca, necnon
civitates opida terras et loca ad que predictum Martinum declinare contigerit,
donec predictus Martinus ibidem permanserit et per triduum post ecclesiastico
subicimus interdicto. Mandantes nichilominus omnibus et singulis principibus
communitatibus universitatibus et potentatibus predictis ultra prefatas penas
quoad ecclesiasticos et regulares predictos sub privationis ecclesiarum
monasteriorum et aliorum beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum, necnon inhabilitatis ad
ea imposterum obtinenda, privatione quoque feudorum, quo vero ad laycos dempto
predicto imperatore infamie inhabilitatis ad omnes actus legittimos ecclesiastice
sepulture, privationis quoque feudorum a nobis et sede apostolica vel quibusvis
aliis etiam secularibus obtentorum penis eoipso incurrendis quatenus mandata
requisitiones et hortationes tuas sine exceptione replicatione et
contradictione aliqua illico exequantur, et a consilio auxilio et favore et
receptatione predictis omnino abstineant. Obedientibus vero indulgentiam etiam
plenariam seu retributionem aliquam aut gratiam arbitrio tuo concedendi tenore
presentium tibi tribuimus facultatem. Non obstantibus exemptionibus privilegiis
et indultis, juramento confirmatione apostolica vel quavis firmitate alia
roboratis, quibusvis ecclesiasticis seu cuiusvis ordinis etiam mendicantium
regularibus ecclesiis monasteriis sive locis aut personis etiam secularibus quomodolibet
concessis etiam si in eis caveretur expresse quod excommunicari, suspendi
interdici nullo modo possint cum irritantis decreti appositione quibus eorumque
tenoribus ac si de verbo ad verbum presentibus insererentur pro expressis
habentes, ad effectum presentium specialiter et expresse derogamus et derogatum
esse volumus, ceterisque contrariis non obstantibus quibuscumque. Datum Rome
apud sanctum Petrum sub annulo piscatoris die ∙xxiii∙ augusti
MDXVIII pontificatus nostri anno sexto.
Jacobus Sadoletus.
Comments: On Fr. Thomas de
Vio Cajetan, see 1507 16/11. He was sent as
papal legate to Germany with the specific assignment to bring Martin Luther
before an inquisitorial trial, which happened after the Diet of Augsburg in
mid-October 1518. In 1519, he took part in drawing up the bill of Luther’s
excommunication, and subsequently wrote several anti-Lutheran treatises, but
also stated: »I do not want to have any further parley with that
beast; for he has sharp eyes and fantastical speculations in his head.« ● While the content of the letter has no
immediate connection to Scandinavia, apart from the triumphant arrival of
Lutheranism to Scandinavia shortly after, a copy of the letter itself must have
existed within the province of Dacia, as Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping
attached a full transcript of it (of which the present version is yet another
transcript) to his letter to the royal chaplain Johannes Sasse in 1523 7/5. ● Martin Luther claimed that the
letter was a fake fabrication and had it published to prove the fraud by the
mere injustice of the authorization to declare him a heretic without a trial.
Thus, it cannot be said if Hans Brask’s transcript is based on Luther’s publication
or on a copy kept in Catholic Scandinavian circles, perhaps even by Cajetan’s
Dominican brethren.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 38.
Berlin |
Convents of Haderslev and Schleswig |
At the
provincial chapter of Saxonia it is decided to continue the school of arts
(studium artium) at the convents of Haderslev and Schleswig. Fr. Andreas
Plettenberg is transferred from the convent of Schleswig to the theological
convent school in Magdeburg, laybrother Fr. Anton is transferred from the
convent of Haderslev to Wismar, and deacon Fr. Henrik Wederstat is transferred
from the convent of Meldorf to Schleswig.
Source: Acta
capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta convocacionis anno dei gracie et
humane salutis 1518 die 29 mensis augusti sub reverendo p. fr. Hermanno Rab,
sacre theologie professore ac heretice pravitatis inquisitore per provinciam
Saxonie priore provinciali, in conventu Berlinensi celebrate (…).
studio et studentibus (…). De studiis artium. (…) In conventu Sleswicensi studium arcium
continuamus. Magister studencium, studentes qui prius. In conventu
Haderslevensi studium arcium continuamus. Magister studencium, studentes qui
prius. (…)
De missionibus fratrum. Ad conventum Magdeburgensem mittimus fratrem Andream Plettenberch de conventu Sleswicensi (…). Wiismariensem mittimus (…) fratrem Anthonium conversum de conventu Haderslevensi, fratrem Simonem Bockman de conventu Meldorpensi. (…) Sleswicensem mittimus fratrem Hinricum Wederstat diaconum de conventu Meldorpensi. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
Dette er akterne fra konvokatet afholdt 1518 den 29. august
under den ærværdige fader, broder Hermann Rab, professor i den hellige teologi,
samt inkvisitor mod den kætterske ondskab og provincialprior for provinsen
Saxonia, i konventet i Berlin (…). [p. 87]
Om skoler og studerende
(…). Om studia artium. (…) I
konventet i Slesvig fortsætter et studium
artium, læremester og studerende som hidtil. I konventet i Haderslev
fortsætter et studium artium,
læremester og studerende som hidtil. (…) [p. 92]
Om brødrenes
forflyttelser. Til konventet i Magdeburg sendes broder Andreas Plettenberg fra
konventet i Slesvig [p. 95] (…). Til Wismar sendes (…) broder Anton, lægbroder
fra konventet i Haderslev, og broder Simon Bockman fra konventet i Meldorf. [p.
97] (…) Til Slesvig sendes broder Henrik Wederstat, diakon fra konventet i
Meldorf. [p. 98] (…)
Comments: The convent schools of Haderslev and
Schleswig are said to “continue as studia
artium” even though both schools the year before were listed at studia logica. The masters of students
and the students were named at the provincial chapter in 1517.
· Fr. Andreas Plettenberg was listed as student at the studium logica in Schleswig in 1517.
His transfer from Schleswig to Magdeburg undoubtedly was aimed at this
convent’s major studium theologie. · A laybrother Fr. Anton from the convent of Dortmund is named in the
list of deceased at the provincial chapter in 1540 (QF vol. 26, p. 224).
Published: Quellen
und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 87-102 (esp. pp. 92, 95, 97-98).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner, former prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, recognizes
before the city court of Stockholm that Maria Dingstede is closer related to
the late Hans Pansermakare than he is. He does, however, present a monetary
claim in Hans’ house, which is handed over to Erik Helsing.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Brodher Henrik Degner,
quondam prior, ok Erick Helsing.
Logerdagen nest fore Lucie virginis (…). Samme dag kom hederlig och renliffnad mann broder Henric Degnere och Eric Helsing for sitiende radit, fogitten Oleff Biørnson nerwarendes med tesse epterne gode menn, primo Oleff Hansson, Niels Birgeson, Henric Strabuc, Lasse Tordson, Hanss Foss oc Simon skredere, hwlke tiill nempde wore tiill forende j radstwen ad offuerlegie oc ransake om thet arff, som fallit war epter her Hans Ewerardi pansemakeres, Gud hans siel nade. Tha underuiiste the oc begendes for sitiende radit, ad epter tij broder Henric sielfuer sagde oc tilstood, ad hustrv Marieth Dinxstadz war her Hanses moder siister oc broder Henric war her Hanses faders siisterson och epter theris ransaken och legning war hustrv Mariet Dinxstadz en leed nermere pa møderne oc broder Henric en mann fierre mere pa fædernet. Ther om wart lagboken vplesen them badom ahørendes, hwar som deles veder af federne och møderne etcetera. Tha boken war lesin, sporde fogitten broder Hinrik tiill ∙ii∙ resar, om han hafde nagen gensegilse heremot lagboken eller emot the forne gode menn etthene lagde och ransakede. Tha rørde han om nagre peninge, som intagne skulde ware i huset. Epter swa dane skeell och vitne, sagdes Eric Helsing pansemakeres huset tiill før en fulkomplige æge och om the peninge, som broder Henric om talade, skole stande tiill ransaken och ther om gange, som lag giiffue etcetera. Samme dag besprakede broder Henric samme huss med j rensgillen, ad thet eij skulle gange wnden etthen.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487. ● The
monetary claim could relate to a case in 1493,
when Hans Dingstede mortgaged a house to the guardians of Fr. Henricus and Fr.
Georgius Degner. ● Erik Helsing
(†1520) was apparently somehow related to Maria Dingstede; if they were
married, she must have died before he did in 1520, because he then left
Katarina Pedersdotter as his widow. Erik Helsing seems to be referred to as a
friar in 1512 1/12, when he acted as
co-executor of a will alongside Prior Henricus Degner, which may, however, be a
mistake, since no monastic affiliation is ever mentioned in the sources again.
The dispute about the house was not easily settled. The city bailiff of
Stockholm in 1519 23/5 tried to mediate an agreement between the two,
and in 1520 2/5, they had both deposited a huge
monetary amount with the city treasurer while the legal case continued.
According to a later record (1525 30/1), Fr
Henricus Degner was apparently acknowledged for a claim of 800 marks in the
inheritage, and a settlement was entered so that when Erik Helsing paid this
amount, the house would be his. Erik Helsing was, however, prevented from doing
so, as he died later in 1520 – probably as one of the fourteen city councillors
executed by King Christian II at the Stockholm Bloodbath in 1520 8-9/11.
Erik Helsing’s widow, Katarina, later remarried Hans Bøkman, who in 1525 30/1 tried to redeem the debt of Katarina’s
first husband from Fr. Henricus Degner. While
the dispute was still going on, Erik Helsing in 1519 24/9 bought a stall
both situated under his house (the same?) in Övragatan in Stockholm from the
Dominican convent, represented by Prior Michael. Hans Bøkman and Fr. Henricus
finally settled the dispute before the city council of Stockholm in 1525
13/3, after which the house fully
belonged to the friar.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 206.
Stockholm |
Convents of Stockholm and Västerås |
Bernardus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, Fr. Johannes Stephani of the
same convent, and Fr. Johannes Halvardi (of the convent in Stockholm?), declare
before the city court of Stockholm that the former lay guardians of the
stepbrothers Johannes Stephani and Johannes Halvardi, Herman Lytting and Henrik
Strabuck, have administered their inheritances well and duly handed over all
the money.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Jtem logerdagen nest epter Matie apostoli. (…) Samme dag stod hederlig man, broder Bærend, prior j Westeraars, broder Hans Staffansson, conuents brodher ibidem, Hanss Haluardson, Staffan Kortsons stiwffson, ok bekende them fore sittiende radit, fogethen Erick Kwse nærwarende, ath the hade redeliga annamet ok vpburit vtaff beskedelige men Henrik Strabuk ok Herman Litting alt theris faderne ok moderne, som the tiil gøme hafft haffue j noghen forliden aar som thro gode dandemen. Ther fore gaffue the forne Henrik Strabuk ok Herman Litting ok alle teris arffua quit ok fry, lodige ok losse fore them ok theris arffua ok fore alle andra athalare tiil ewig tiidh fore theris faderne ok moderne, som forenempt ær.
Comments: Fr. Bernardus (Berent),
prior of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, is otherwise unknown. He was
mentioned again in 1529 20/9, when the former Fr. Johannes
claimed before the city court of Stockholm that he had been cheated from his
full inheritance at the probate settlement in 1519 after the death of his
brother Anders, but this was dismissed by the court, who stated that the Prior
Bernardus of convent in Västerås, who had been present at the event, would not
have let himself be tricked by the alleged scheme. ● On Fr. Johannes
Stephani, see 1514. ● On Fr. Johannes
Halvardi, see 1512.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol.
V, p. 208.
Stralsund |
Convents of Haderslev, Schleswig and Tallinn |
At the provincial
chapter of Saxonia Fr. Casperus Johannis from the convent of Friars Preachers
in Haderslev is congratulated with a lectorship granted him by a papal legate.
A school of philosophy (studium philosophie) is placed at the
convent of Schleswig with the students Fr. Theodoricus Otmersen, Fr. Johannes
de Gorsen, Fr. Crisebins Loer and Fr. Henricus Werne. In Haderslev the convent
school is placed under the student master Fr. Gerhardus Slene with the same
students as hitherto plus Fr. Johannes Frische. The convent school of Tallinn
continues as a school of arts (studium artium) with the same students as
hitherto. The provincial chapter complies with a supplication from the convent
of Haderslev to prepare Fr. Wilhelmus de Buren for a university scholarship to
obtain the master’s degree. Furthermore, Fr. Johannes and Fr. Sixtus Meyer are
transferred from the convent of Schleswig to Hamburg, Fr. Henricus Otmersen is
transferred from the convent of Schleswig to Rostock, Fr. Johannes de
Confluencia is transferred from the convent of Halberstadt to Schleswig, and
Fr. Petrus Laurentii (Laß) is transferred from the convent of Haderslev
to Schleswig. Finally, two deceased friars from the convent of Haderslev, Fr.
Hermanus Conradi and Fr. Laurentius de Odense, are commemorated.
Source: Acta capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta capituli provincialis in conventu
Sundensi celebrati anno Dei gratie et humane salutis anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo
decimo nono die ∙viii∙ mensis septembris ipso die gloriose virginis
nativitatis Marie, sub reverendo et eximio patre fratre Hermanno Rab, sacre
theologie professore, heretice pravitatis inquisitore, priore provinciali
provincie Saxonie (…).
gratiis. (…) Item, fratris Casperi Johannis conventus Haderslevensis gratias,
quas sancte sedis apostolice legatus concessit eidem, commutamus in gratiam
lectoratus, quem ei conferimus. (…) [114]
De studio
philosophie. (…) In conventu Sleswicensi studium philosophie ponimus. Studentes
fratres Theodericus Otmersen,
Johannes de Gorsen, Crisebins Loer et Hinricus Werne. In conventu Haderslewensi
magister studentium frater Gerhardus
Slene. Studentes qui prius, quibus adiungimus fratrem Johannem Frissche. (…) [120]
studiis artium. (…) In conventu Revaliensi studium artium continuamus.
Studentes qui prius. (…) [121]
Iste sunt acceptationes et approbationes. (…) Item, acceptamus supplicationem conventus Haderslevensis pro venerando patre Wilhelmo de Buren, admittentes quantum in nobis est, dummodo consensus generalis capituli vel reverendissimi accesserit, quod in aliqua universitate legat pro secunda forma bibliam et sententias pro forma magisterii et gradu. (…) [123]
missionibus fratrum. (…) Ad conventum Hamburgensem mittimus fratrem Tilemannum
Jacobi de conventu Myndensi et fratrem Johannem de conventu Sleswicensi,
Hinricum Groningen de conventu Wezaliensi, Sixtum Meyer de conventu Sleswicensi. (…) Ad conventum Rostoccensem mittimus fratrem (…) Hinricum
Otmersen de conventu Sleswicensi (…). [125] Ad conventum Sleswicensem fratrem
Johannem de Confluencia conventus Halberstadensis, fratrem Petrum Laß de
conventu Haderslevensi etc. (…). [126]
pro defunctis. (…) Item pro omnibus reverendis ac venerabilibus patribus et
sororibus ac ad beneficia ordinis et provincie receptis et signanter ex nostre
provincie conventibus defunctis, videlicet (…) fratris Hermanni Conradi,
Laurentii de Ottonia, conventus Haderslevensis (…). [130]
Comments: Fr.
Casperus Johannis (Kasper Johansen)
of Haderslev was in 1516 ‘sub-commissar of the sacred indulgence for the
construction of St. Peter’s in Rome’. The papal legate in question was probably
Giovanni Angelo Arcimboldi, himself the chief commissar of indulgence for
Scandinavia and parts of Germany. · It
is uncertain if the last names of Fr.
Theodoricus Otmersen and Fr.
Henricus Otmersen of the convent in Schleswig suggest a family relation.
‘Otmersen’ could appear to be a typical Danish patronomic, but Otmer was not a
common name in Schleswig at the time, and the Latin form then ought to have
been ‘Otmeri’. An alternative explanation is that it is a byname referring to
the nearby region of Ditmarschen. A contemporary reference to ‘Fr. Gerhardus de
Otmersen’ of the same convent in Schleswig in 1520 10/5
could support this thesis. · The
master of students Fr. Gerhardus Slene is probably identical to the Fr. Gebhardt Slewert, who was named as
lector in Haderslev in 1517. · Fr. Wilhelmus de Buren was
prior at the convent of Schleswig in 1520 5/5,
when he was matriculated at the University of Greifswald. Just four days after
his matriculation, he was promoted baccalaureus
biblicus in 1520 9/5, and then baccalaureus theologie formatus in 1520 7/11, before being appointed lector at the convent
of Hamburg, although still only a bachelor (QF vol. 26, 139). In 1521, he was installed as vicar for the prior in
Haderslev. He was back in Hamburg in 1523, now as lector primarius and licentiate in theology (QF vol. 26, 163). In 1523 10/5 he was awarded the doctoral degree in theology
at the University of Greifswald, received the doctoral ornate from Dr.
Cornelius van Sneek OP and successfully tried by Dr. Joachim Rathstein in 1523 15/9, to be approved by the provincial chapter of
Saxonia in 1524 14/9 and by the master general in 1526 3/3. As one of his order’s leading figures in the
strife of Reformation in northern Germany, he became so hated with the
Lutherans that the vicar general in 1527 transferred him from Saxonia to the
province of Germania Inferioris, where he especially was connected to the
convents of Utrecht and Rotterdam (Wolfs 1964, p. 89). · Fr. Sixtus Meyer was a
student at the theological convent school in Hamburg in 1516 (QF vol. 26, p.
55). In 1517, he was transferred to the convent of Halberstadt (QF vol. 26, p.
81). There are no records on when he came to Schleswig, but he is probably
identical to the Fr. Sixtus Mesterß of Hamburg, who was granted a stay at the studium generale in Paris by the
provincial chapter in 1520 (QF vol. 26, p. 140). At the following chapter in
1521 he was commemorated among the deceased, titled deacon at the convent of
Hamburg (QF vol. 26, p.157). · On
Fr. Johannes de Confluencia, see note on the provincial chapter of 1517. · In 1520, Fr. Petrus Laurentii (now called Petrus Lab) was transferred from the convent
of Schleswig to Wismar.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur
Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 103-132 (esp. pp. 114, 120, 121, 123,
125, 126 and 130).
Lund |
Convents of Halmstad, Helsingborg, Lund and Åhus |
will and testament for Archbishop Birger Gunnersen of Lund, in which he leaves
1 Rhine guilder for each monastic house in the archdiocese.
Source: Original document. Royal Library,
Language: Latin.
In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis,
patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Licet nos Birgerus, Dei gratia
archiepiscopus, Svecie primas et apostolice sedis legatus (…) ordinamus et
constituimus nostrum presens nuncupatum testamentum, seu ultimam nostram
voluntatem, inter cetera, in hunc, qui sequitur modum. (…) Item cuilibet
monasteriorum seu conventuum in dyocesi nostra Lundensi unum florenum Renensem
vel valorem. (…) Datum et
actum Lundis, anno Dominice incarnationis MDXIX octavo mensis novembris,
pontificatus nostri anno vicesimo ∙iii∙, nostro sub secreto et sub
sigillis prenominatorum nostrorum executorum, presentibus appensis.
Comments: Birger Gunnersen was archbishop of Lund from 1497 to 1519. He
died on 1519 10/12.
Published: Annales
ecclesiæ Danicæ
vol. II, pp. 397-400.
Röbel |
of Dacia |
The Dominican province of
Dacia is said to consist of Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
Inscription in choir stools in the Church of St. Nicholas, Röbel, Germany.
Provincia Dacie habet conventus suos in ipso
regno in Swecia et in regno Norwegie.
Dansk oversættelse:
Provinsen Dacia har sine konventer i samme rige (dvs. Danmark), i Sverige
og i det norske rige.
Comments: The High Gothic choir stools in oak
originally belonged to the Dominican priory in Röbel, but after the Lutheran
Reformation and the demolition of the priory they were moved to the local
parish church of St. Nicholas. · An inscription of Saxonian
convent names and years is made along the top piece of the stools, see
Haderslev 1251. In
addition to this, an inscription is made on the back of each of the 30 stools,
most of them giving short references to Dominican provinces, like here for
Dacia; one backside inscription states that the writing was done Anno
domini 1519 per me fratrem Urbanum Schuman.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens
in Deutschland vol. IX, pp.
Rome |
Convent of Stockholm |
Apostolic Penitentiary enjoins the provost and dean of the cathedral chapter in
Västerås to transmit a papal permission for Fr. Henricus Johannis Degner,
former prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm through many years, to keep
the laybrother Fr. Olavus Pauli of the same convent by his side as help and
comfort due to Fr. Henricus’ high age.
Source: Register of supplications. Archivum de Sacra Poenitentiaria
Apostolica, Rome.
Language: Latin.
Frater Henricus Johannis Degnenhart olim prior
conventus seu domus Holmensis ordinis fratrum predicatorum Upsalensis diocesis
exponit, quod ipse, qui jam senio confectus existit et officium prioris in
dicta domo per plures annos laudabiliter exercuit et nunc obsequiis et
consolatione quadam indiget, cuperet quendam fratrem Olaum Pauli laicum
conversum dicte domus, qui iam quinquagesimum vel circa etatis sue annum agit
et sibi gratus existit, secum pro sua consolatione et obsequiis tenere et
habere. Super quo supplicatur humiliter eidem sanctitati vestre pro parte
ipsius exponentis, quatenus, ut dictum fratrem Olaum in sua societate seu
familiaritate et pro suis obsequiis, ubicumque ipsum residere contigerit,
tenere et habere libere et licite possit et valeat, ipseque Olaus absque
alicuius superioris licentia secum manere et stare possit et valeat, ita quod
interim, quod secum fuerit, alicui dicti ordinis superiori minime subiiciatur,
sibi et eidem fratri Olao indulgere ac licentiam et liberam concedere
facultatem non obstantibus constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis ac
domus seu conventus et ordinis predictorum statutis et consuetudinibus etiam
juramento etcetera roboratis
privilegiis quoque et indultis ac litteris apostolicis eidem ordini illiusque
superioribus et personis communiter vel divisim etiam in forma brevis
concessis, confirmatis et innovatis ceterisque contrariis quibuscumque
dignemini de gratia speciali. Fiat de speciali. Mercurius regens. Et cum
assistentia, que committatur preposito et decano ecclesie Arosiensis et eorum
cuilibet in forma. Fiat.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487 17/12. ● Fr. Olavus Pauli, laybrother with the
Friars Preachers in Stockholm and the ageing Fr. Henricus’ chosen socius, is not known with certainty from
any other sources. He may, though, be identical to the Fr. Olavus, who
represented the convent before the city council of Stockholm in 1528 5/12, just before the convent was dissolved.
Published: Acta Poenitentiariae Suecica no. 438.
Salonen 2018, 390.
Rome |
Convent of Stockholm |
Apostolic Penitentiary enjoins the provost of Västerås and dean of Strängnäs to
transmit a papal permission for Fr. Georgius de Ebenhart of the Friars
Preachers in Stockholm for him to live outside his priory due to high age
(about 50 years), poor eyesight and failing health, which makes it difficult
for him to perform his conventual duties, and instead to live in the house of
his parents or friends by his own financial means and without the obligation to
take part in the Divine Office. He is, however, allowed to keep his cell and
daily access to the priory, and to return to the convent as a full member
should his health improve again.
Source: Register of supplications. Archivum de Sacra Poenitentiaria
Apostolica, Rome.
Language: Latin.
Frater Georgius de Ebenharte domus sive
conventus Holmensis ordinis predicatorum Upsalensis diocesis exponit, quod
ipse, qui quinquagenarius vel circa existit et oculorum suorum interdumque
etiam alias sui corporis infirmitates patitur, quibus durantibus in conventu
suo permanere et horis canonicis diurnis et nocturnis in choro interesse
aliaque onera et officia per fratres dicti conventus perferri et exerceri
solita comode perferre et exercere posse non sperat, et propterea ad domos
parentum, consanguineorum vel amicorum suorum aliquando se transferre nec ad
horis huiusmodi interessendum nec alia onera huiusmodi perferrendum – presertim
cum ex bonis suis se gubernare et sustentare possit – [non] teneri cuperet
salutem propriam efficaciter procurare intendens. Super quibus supplicatur
humiliter eidem sanctitati vestre pro parte ipsius exponentis, quatenus sibi,
ut superioris sui licentia super hoc per se vel alium seu alios semel pro
semper petita licet non obtenta, quotiens et quamdiu predictis vel aliis
infirmitatibus gravari et detineri contigerit, conventum suum exire et ad domos
parentum, consanguineorum, affinum vel amicorum suorum, ubi benevolos invenerit
receptores, se transferre et ibidem habitu suo regulari retento morari et stare
seu, si sibi congruentius expedire videbitur, in eodem conventu remanere ac
cellam seu cameram, quam in illo habet, retinere necnon, ut se comodius
gubernare valeat, usumfructum bonorum sibi ratione hereditatis paterne aut
alias provenientium, quoad vixerit, percipere et in suos usus necessarios et
honestos convertere libere et licite possit et valeat ita, quod infirmitatibus
huiusmodi vel earum aliqua durantibus horis predictis interesse necnon alia
conventus vel ordinis onera, officia vel administrationes perferre vel exercere
minime teneatur nec ad id a quoquam etc. superioribus suis invitus coarctari
valeat, indulgere, atque concedere non obstantibus constitutionibus et
ordinationibus apostolicis ac conventus et ordinis predictorum etiam juramento etcetera roboratis, statutis et
consuetudinibus privilegiis quoque indultis et litteris apostolicis etiam in
forma brevis superioribus, prelatis et personis et ordini huiusmodi in genere
vel in specie etiam sub quibusvis tenoribus et clausulis etiam derogatoriarum
derogatoriis, fortioribus, efficacioribus et insolitis contra premissa forsan
quomodolibet concessis, confirmatis et innovatis ceterisque contrariis
quibuscumque proviso, quod, cum ipsum dictum conventum pro infirmitatibus
huiusmodi curandis exire contigerit, illis plene cessantibus ad dictum
conventum rediret cum effectu, dignemini de gratia speciali et expresso. Fiat
de speciali et expresso. Mercurius regens. Et cum assistentia, que committatur
preposito Arosiensis et archidiacono Stringenensis ecclesiarum et eorum
cuilibet in forma. Fiat.
Comments: Fr. Georgius de Ebenhart of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm
is not known from any other sources.
Published: Acta Poenitentiariae Suecica no. 440.
Jakobsen 2018a, 374; Salonen
2018, 393.
Skärkind |
Convents of Skänninge and Strängnäs |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains a number of secular and regular clergy to the
major sacred orders, among them four Friars Preachers: Fr. Finvidus Jacobi of
the convent in Strängnäs is ordained subdeacon, Fr. Johannes Simonis of the
same convent is made deacon, and Fr. Petrus Laurentii and Fr. Jonas Olavi of
the convents in Strängnäs and Skänninge respectively are ordained as priests.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Item infrascripti ordinati sunt ad ordines maiores in ecclesia Skerkind per dominum meum sabbato ante dominicam reminiscere et primo ad ordines: Subdyaconatus (…) ad tytulum ordinis predicatorum frater Ffinvidus Jacobi de conventu Strengenensi (…); Dyaconatus (…) ad titulum ordinis predicatorum de conventu Strengenensi ffrater Johannes Symonis (…); Presbyteratus vel sacerdotales (…) ad titulum ordinis predicatorum de conventu Strengenensi ffrater Petrus Laurenti, de conventu Skæningensi frater Jonas Olavi (…).
Comments: Fr. Johannes Simonis, deacon of the
Friars Preachers in Strängnäs, was ordained priest in 1523
21/3. ● None of the other three named Friars Preachers are known from
other sources. ● Bishop Hans Brask
of Linköping (1513-1527) had studied at the universities of Greifswald and
Rostock, and was a doctor of civil and canon law. Politically, he worked for a
Swedish reconciliation with the Danish union kings, and silently objected to
Sten Sture’s removal of Archbishop Gustav Trolle of Uppsala in 1517 by
inserting a note under his seal on the removing document stating his protest;
this historically famous ‘Brask note’ saved him from execution at the Stockholm
Bloodbath in November 1520. Religiously, he became one of the chief defenders
of Catholicism in Sweden, publishing anti-Lutheran writs from his printing
house in Söderköping – in 1523, he defended
Dominican mendicancy and used citations from Thomas Aquinas to dispute Lutheran
claims by Olaus Petri. This brought him in opposition to King Gustav Vasa and
the Lutheran reformers, and after the Swedish national diet of 1527 he fled to
Poland, where he died in 1538. In regard to the Order of Preachers, he
transferred the Dominican terminario
in Tjust hundred, Småland, from the convent in Visby to the one in Skänninge in
1525 13/1, he was asked to approve the choice of a new
vicar for the Dominican sisters in Skänninge in 1523 29/1, and in 1525 6/3 he enjoined the prior of the Friars Preachers in
Skänninge to discipline a frater
terminarius, who had spoken blasphemously about God and St. Olav while
collecting alms in Tveta. Among other secular and regular clergy of all Swedish
dioceses, he recurrently ordained Friars Preachers for the orderly ranks of
clergy in 1523 21/3, 1524 12/3,
1524 26/3, 1524 28/5, 1524 24/9, 1525 11/3, 1525 5/6, 1525 17/6, xxx. ●
The ordination event took place in the parish church of Skärkind, situated
about 15 km east of Linköping. Apart from the four Friars Preachers, the
ordination involved nine secular clergy from the dioceses of Linköping,
Västerås and Strängnäs, and eight Friars Minor of the Franciscan convents in
Linköping, Söderköping and Nyköping. ● It is not known why it was Bishop
Hans Brask of Linköping, and not his episcopal colleague of Strängnäs, Mats
Gregersson Lillie (1501-1520), who ordained the friars and secular clergy from
the diocese of Strängnäs; the latter was still in office until executed on 8
November 1520 at the ‘Stockholm Bloodbath’.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 18.
(Rome) |
Province of Dacia |
Fr. Hieronymus de Rupefideli, procurator of the Friars
Preachers, pays 28 ducats on behalf of the province of Dacia to the Cardinal of
San Sisto (Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan OP) as provincial contribution to the
master general’s office. In addition, another 28 ducats are paid as
contribution for the years 1518-1519.
Source: Registrum contributuionem provinciarum pro reverendissimo
magistro OP.
Language: Latin.
Item 12 aprilis 1520 dedi ego frater Hieronimus procurator ordinis reverendissimo domino cardinali sancti Xisti ducatos 28 pro parte residuorum sibi debitorum. (… ) Item solvit pro annis 1518 et 1519 12 aprilis 1520 ducatos 28.
Dansk oversættelse:
Fremdeles den 12. april 1520 gav jeg, broder Jeronimus, ordenens prokurator, 28 dukater til den ærværdige herre kardinal af Skt. Sixtus til dækning af udestående gæld. (…) Fremdeles indløstes den 12. april 1520 28 dukater for årene 1518 og 1519.
Comments: Fr. Hieronymus de
Rupefideli had become procurator general for the Friars Preachers on 14
January 1520. He died in office during the winter 1522-23. ● The
Cardinal(-Priest) of San Sisto at this time was Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan OP
(†1534), former master general of the Friars Preachers (1509-1517). Thus, the
28 ducats was payment for the last two years of his office. ● The actual
master general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Garcia de Loaysa
(1518-1524), who received the additional 28 ducats. ● On the contributio ad magistri, see 1487 31/12.
Published: Handlingar… ch. III, p.8.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Jens and Anders Henriksson of Stockholm take 100 marks from the city treasurer
of the amount that Erik Helsing and Fr. Henricus Degner, prior of the Friars
Preachers in Stockholm, had handed over to the city court in concern of their
disputed house.
Source: Stockholms stads skottebok.
Language: Swedish.
Tha thesse peninge toges aff disken, ther ware
Per Monson kemmeneren vtoffuer, Michel Niclisson oc Eric Helsing: Vigilia
sancte crucis inventionis toge borgemestere her Jens oc her Anderss Hinriksson ∙c∙
mark aff the peninge, som Erich Helsing hade sat j retthen med bro Henrich
Degner, prior j Swartbrød[r]e, om theris trætehus.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487.
On his dispute with Erik Helsing, see 1518.
Published: Stockholms
stads skottebok vol. III (1516-1525), p. 124.
Greifswald |
Convents of Schleswig and Greifswald (prov. Saxonia) |
Wilhelmus de Buren, prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig and lector of
theology, is matriculated at the University of Greifswald.
Source: List of
matriculations for the University of Greifswald.
Language: Latin.
[1520.] Frater Gwylhelmus de Bueren, prior conventus Slesewyckcensis, ordinis predicatorum, sacre theologie lector, quinta maii.
Comments: On Fr. Wilhelmus de
Buren, see 1519 8/9. He was promoted as
‘bachelor of the Bible’ just four days later (1520 9/5).
Published: Matrikel
der Universität Greifswald vol. I, p. 187; Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2.
ser. vol. VI, p. 377;
Archivum Fratrum
Praedicatorum vol. XXII, p. 315.
Greifswald |
Convents of Schleswig and Greifswald (both prov. Saxonia) |
Wilhelmus de Buren, prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig, and Fr.
Egbertus Arnoldi of the convent of Friars Preachers in Greifswald, both lectors
of the sacred theology, are promoted as bachelors of the Bible and hereby
authorized to continue for the full bachelor degree of theology.
Source: List of
matriculations for the University of Greifswald.
Language: Latin.
Idem rector in suo rectoratus fine, nona scilicet maii, dominum Gwylhelmum de Bueren, conventus ordinis predicatorum opidi Slessewyckcensis priorem, et fratrem Egbertum Arnoldi, conventus Grypeswaldensis eiusdem ordinis predicatorii alumnum, sacre theologie lectores, per eorum superiores canonice admissos, in baculaurios biblicos promovit, dans eisdem sacre theologie baccalauriis auctoritatem, in eorum monasteriis primum librum sententiarum propter alias promotiones adipiscendas legendi et continuandi.
Comments: On Fr. Wilhelmus de
Buren, see 1519 8/9. He had been matriculated
at the University of Greifswald just four days earlier (in 1520 5/5) and was promoted baccalaureus theologie
formatus in 1520 7/11. ● Fr.
Egbertus Arnoldi of the Friars Preachers in Greifswald was matriculated at
the University of Greifswald on 14 January 1519 along with his prior, Fr.
Nicolaus Sandt; he was then listed as originating from Hattem in the diocese of
Utrecht (Matr. Universität Greifswald I, 184). When Lutheran ideas reached
Greifswald from 1526, Fr. Egbertus was still around and allegedly took a
leading role in the Catholic attempt to defy it (Barthold 1845, 211).
Published: Matrikel
der Universität Greifswald vol. I, p. 187.
Greifswald |
Convent of Schleswig |
Gerhardus de Otmersen of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig is matriculated
at the University of Greifswald without payment.
Source: List of matriculations for the University of Greifswald.
Language: Latin.
[1520.] Frater Gerardus de Otmersen, ordinis predicatorum conventus
Sleswyckcensis, decima maii, gratis propter universitatis promotionem.
Comments: Fr. Gerhardus de
Otmersen of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig is not known from any other
sources, but two friars of similar names, Fr. Theodoricus Otmersen and Fr.
Henricus Otmersen, were affiliated to the same convent in Schleswig in 1519 8/9.
Published: Matrikel der Universität Greifswald
vol. I, p. 187; Kirkehistoriske Samlinger
2. ser. vol. VI, p. 377;
Archivum Fratrum
Praedicatorum vol. XXII, p. 315.
Leipzig |
Convents of Schleswig and Tallinn |
At the
provincial chapter of Saxonia it is announced that the general chapter has
complied with a supplication for the foundation of a new convent in Narva as
part of the nation Livonia; the Livonian vicar together with the priors of
Riga, Tartu (Dorpat) and Tallinn are to separate and assign an adequate
terminum for the new convent. Fr. Thomas Recken, Fr. Thomas Goer, Fr. Melchior
Vos and Fr. Balthazar Vaneman from the convent of Tallinn are sent to the
studium generale in Paris. Furthermore, Fr. Peter Lassen is transferred from
the convent of Schleswig to Wismar and Fr. Regnald Stypel is transferred from
the convent of Tallinn to Dortmund.
Source: Acta
capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta convocacionis Lypczensis
celebrate anno dei gracie millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo, ipso die nativitatis
gloriose virginis Marie, sub reverendo patre fratre Hermanno Rab, sacre
theologie professore ac heretice pravitatis inquisitore, per provinciam Saxonie
priore provinciali (…). [p. 133]
sunt acceptaciones et approbaciones. (…) Item acceptamus, quantum in nobis est,
et acceptari a capitulo generali supplicamus conventum novellum in nacione
Livonie civitate Narvensi in honorem sancte Anne erectum et introductum,
exhortantes patres et fratres omnes dicte nacionis [ut] pro illius conventus
institucione diligenter invigilent, quo sub vita regulari instituatur, faciendo
eidem charitatem fraternitatis, non querentes que sua sunt, sed que Jhesu
Christi, illi assignantes terminos quibus sustentari valeat. Que assignacio
fiat probabili diffinicione aliorum conventuum, ut quilibet sponte, voluntarie
atque animo prompto novelle plantacioni partem consignet. Et quibus sunt multi
termini multa, quibus pauciora et juxta suam facultatem offerant, ne ad unum
altare legendum omnino detegatur, sed a quolibet aliquid offeratur et
auferatur. Huiusmodi autem terminorum assignacionem et applicacionem
committimus reverendo patri vicario et prioribus conventuum Rigensis,
Darbatensis et Revaliensis, quorum quilibet unum de conventu suo ad huiusmodi
negocium exequendum pro concilio trahat, et illis auctoritatem limitandi vi
presentis statuti conferimus, mandantes eisdem in virtute spiritus sancti et
sancte obediancie, quatenus deum et salutem animarum magis quam commodum rerum
temporalium pre oculis habentes non discedant ab invicem nisi negocio expleto.
Et sub eadem forma precipimus omnibus aliis fratribus dictorum conventuum, quod
illis patribus sine contradictione obtemperent et obediant. Tempus autem et
diem et locum conveniendi et talia tractandi reverendus pater vicarius habebit
auctoritatem [determinandi]. (…) [p. 138]
studiis extra provinciam. (…) Item, Parisius pro studente generali mittimus
fratrem Thomam Recko conventus Revaliensis pro primo anno et fratrem Hinricum
Sartoris conventus Lubicensis. Ibidem ad proficiendum mittimus (…)
fratrem Thomam Ghoer, fratrem Melchiorem Vos et fratrem Balthazarum Weneman
conventus Revaliensis. (…) [p. 140]
missionibus fratrum. (…) Ad conventum Wissmarensem mittimus fratrem Petrum Lab
de conventu Sleswicensi et fratrem Johannem Zobel et fratrem Sebastianum
Hammehunt. (…) Ad conventum Tremoniensem mittimus fratrem Reynoldum Stypel de
conventu Revaliensi et fratrem Hoppen de conventu Magdeburgensi. (…) [p. 142]
Comments: The foundation of a convent in Narva
in the north-easternmost part of Estonia, on the very border to Russia, was
initiated by the Teutonic Order. The project was, however, stopped as early as
in 1524, when Lutheran preachers turned the public oppinion against the Friars
Preachers, who decided to end the priory-construction and leave town (Löhr
1930, 42*). ● Fr. Thomas Recken
returned to Tallinn in 1524 as bachelor of theology (here known as “Dr.
Thomas”) to help his home convent against the increasing Lutheran turmoil,
giving daily sermons on the true meaning of the Holy Scriptures. When the
priory was taken by the city council and the burghers in 1525
12/1 and the entire convent was forced to leave, Subprior Thomas Recken
together with the prior was held back in arrest for weeks, accused of hiding
the priory valuables before the seize. ● In 1528 Fr. Balthazar
Vaneman “of the convent in Tallinn”, although actually absolved since 1525, was
granted a scholarship by the general chapter at any university of his and his superiors’
choice. In 1540, he was regens lector
and professor of theology at the convent of Dortmund (QF vol. 26, 222). He may
for a period in 1540-41 have been prior provincial of Saxonia (Löhr 1930, 41*
note 4). As vice bishop of Hildesheim, Fr. Vaneman in 1542 preached eagerly
against Johannes Bugenhagen in the cathedral of Hildesheim, apparently with
such an effect that the city council banned him from preaching again, and he
left the city the following year (Löhr 1930, 65*). ● Fr. Petrus Lab is probably identical to the
Peter Lassen (Petrus Laß), who in 1519 was transferred from the convent of Haderslev to
Schleswig. ● On Fr. Regnald Stypel, see 1517. ●
Fr. Thomas Goer and Fr. Melchior Vos have note been identified.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur
Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 133-144 (esp. pp. 138, 140 and 142).
(Stockholm) |
Convent of Strängnäs |
Marit, widow
of Nils Olsson in Stockholm and now married to Jacob, returns a house in
Stockholm to Fr.
Robertus, prior and lector of the Friars Preachers in Strängnäs, which she and
her former husband had let from the convent on the condition that they repaired
and improved it as much as possible, and that it was returned to the convent
after their deaths.
Source: Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Samme dag [mondagen next Calixti] stod hustrv Marit,
fordom Nilss Olssons hustrv her j byn, leffrerade oc oplot hederlig renliffues
man bro Robert, lectorj oc priorj j Strengnes, then gard oc grundh, som hon oc
hennes framlidne bonde Nilss Olsson hafft haffue aff forscriffne Strengnes
cløster j mong forliden ar med swa dane skel oc wilkor, at hon med sin dandeman
skulle samme gard byggie oc forbatre thet yterste the kunde effter theris makt
oc formoge oc effter teris død ffriit, quit oc ombewaret til Strengnes cløster
igen. Thette wilkor tilstod hustrv Marit, at swa giort war i sanningen j
hennes forne førre bonde liiffs tid. Ther med fulbordade nw førne
hustrv Marit tet førscriffne wilkor med then dannemans samtycke, som hon nw
haffuer, Jacob, oc antworde nw fornemnde prior samme gard oc grund til clostred
igen, ffriit oc quit oc j alle motte ombewaret for alt efftertal aff hennes
bonde, henne oc alle theris effterkomande ffør alle fødde oc offøde atalere.
Hulkin gard ligger i Brabandz grend negst nær mit j grenden oc ær pa longleken ∙xiii∙
alne ∙j∙ quarter, bredden ∙xj∙ alin. Til witnes wore thesse godemen: Hans
Brabander, Heming Gire oc sylsatieren Matis Nilsson.
Comments: On Fr. Robertus Johannis, see 1513 15/5.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker vol. V, p. 287.
Greifswald |
Convents of Schleswig and Greifswald (prov. Saxonia) |
Wilhelmus de Buren, prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig, is promoted baccalaureus
theologiae formatus by Dr. Vichman
Crussen at the University of Greifswald.
Source: List of
matriculations for the University of Greifswald.
Language: Latin.
Item sub eius rectoratu frater Wylhelmus de Bueren, conventus ordinis predicatorum oppidi Sleyswicksensis prior, in baccalaureum theologie formatum est promotus a domino sacre theologie doctore Vichmanno Crussen, die mercurii ante festum Martini.
Comments: On Fr. Wilhelmus de
Buren, see 1519 8/9. He had been matriculated
at the university in 1520 5/5 and promoted baccalaureus biblicus in 1520 9/5.
Published: Matrikel
der Universität Greifswald vol. I, p. 189; Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2.
ser. vol. VI, p. 377;
Archivum Fratrum
Praedicatorum vol. XXII, p. 315.
Convent of Århus |
Johannes Andreæ of the convent in Århus is send to Rome to develop his skills
as an anti-Lutheran debater. On his way back, he visits the University of
Wittenberg, where he is captured by the teachings of Martin Luther and
Melanchton, and thus returns to Denmark as a convinced Lutheran, eagerly
preaching these new ideas, eventually to become an Evangelic vicar in Lemvig.
Source: Pontoppidan’s Annales
ecclesiæ Danicæ.
Language: German.
Jens Andersen, ein Dominicaner-Mönch zu Aarhusen, der einen offenen Kopf hatte, und als ein beqvehmes Werckzeug, zur Wiederlegung derer Ketzer, angesehen ward, solte mit einem stipendio von 200 Gülden nach Rom reisen, und wohl bekräftiget wiederkommen. Er besuchte aber auf seiner Rückreise die Wittenbergsche Universitæt, und ward von Lutheri und Melanchtonis Lehre dermassen eingenommen, daß bey seiner Wiederkunst die Brüder bald sahen, wie übel sie ihr Geld angewandt, indem er sich öffentlich zu den Lutheranern schlug, und deren Lehre mit allem Eiffer fortpflantzete. Er ward hernach Prediger zu Lemwig, und ein Vater des berühmten D. Andreæ Lemvici.
Dansk oversættelse:
Jens Andersen, en dominikanermunk fra Århus, der havde et åbent
sind og blev anset for et godt værktøj til bekæmpelse af kættere, blev med et
stipendium på 200 gylden sendt på rejse til Rom for at vende bekræftiget
tilbage. Men på sin hjemrejse besøgte han det wittenbergske universitet, og
blev dér inddraget i Luthers og Melanchtons lære, således at brødrene ved hans
tilbagekomst snart indså, hvor ilde deres penge var brugt, idet han offentligt
bekendte sig til lutheranerne og udbredte deres lære med al iver. Han blev
herefter prædikant i Lemvig, og en fader til den brømte dr. Anders
Comments: Pontoppidan has placed the whole incident under the year 1520;
it is not clear, if this year actually corresponds with all the events. ●
Jens Andersen (Johannes Andreæ)
became an Evangelic vicar in Lemvig (northern Jylland), as which he died in 1554.
His mentioned son, Anders Lemvig (1538-1603), became a doctor and professor in
medicine at the University of Copenhagen. ● An almost similar event is
reported by Pontoppidan for a Fr. Claudius OP in 1528.
Published: Annales
ecclesiæ Danicæ
vol. II, p. 770.
(Næsbyhoved) |
Convent of Odense |
Christine of Denmark-Norway gives 2½ marks to the prior of the Friars Preachers
in Odense for a mass.
Source: Dronning
Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber.
Language: Old Danish.
Item 2½ marck fick prier tiill
Swortebrødere fore en begengelse samme dag.
Comments: On Queen Christine,
see 1502 6/5. On the account books of her
court, see 1504 29/4. ● The Old Danish
term ‘begengelse’ usually refers to masses said for the souls of the
deceased. In this case it may mean that the queen had asked for a mass to be
said in favour of her own soul, which was about to meet her maker; Queen
Christine died on 8 December 1521.
Published: Dronning Christines
Hofholdningsregnskaber, p. 412.
Convent of Västerås |
As the
rebel army of Gustav Vasa approaches Västerås, Bishop Didrick Slagheck of
Skara, commander of the Unionist army, demands access to Västerås Castle for
his protection, which at first is denied him by the garrison lieutenant, Hans
Fynbo, who has been firmly instructed by the castle bailiff, Hinrick van Melen,
not to open the gates to anyone while he is away. When Didrick threatens to
take the castle by force, Hans Fynbo yields, only to be arrested by the
bishop’s soldiers and decapitated along with his six men before the gate of the
Dominican priory.
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
(…) Mester Dijrick när han hörde
att Her Götstaff war så när kommen, kallade han hastelige folket tilbake igen
iffrå Köping. På samme tijdh war icke Slotzfouten Henrick van Melen på Slottet,
vtan war dragen sin wärff till Stocholm, och hade satt i sin stadh en benembd
Hans Fynboo med andre sex ther stode i Slotzloffuen, hwilkom han befolte
Slottet i händer. Till samma Hans Fynboo sände Mester Dijrick bodh och
alwarlige befolning, att han skulle låta honom stå Slotzporten öppen, hwilket
när Hans Fynboo nekade, säiandes, sigh wara förbudit aff Henrick van Melen
någen annen leffuerere Slottet än honom sielff personlige tilhonde igen, kom Mester
Dijrick med alt krigxfolket för Slottet, ställandes sigh att bestormadt, hwar
han icke elies bleffue inlåten. När tå Slotzporten honom öpnadt war, togh han
strax Hans Fynboo och the andre 6 i Slotzloffuen wore wid halsen, lätt leda
them öffuer Slotzmäcken, och slå theres huffwut aff för sine fötter in wid
Clöster porten. (…)
Comments: Didrick Slagheck was of German origin and in the inner circle
of King Christian II of Denmark-Norway-Sweden, acting as his secretary in
1519-20. He is said to have been one of the initiators behind the Stockholm
Bloodbath in 1520, where he was appointed bishop of Skara to replace one of the
two executed bishops. In the spring of 1521 he commanded one of the king’s
armies in Sweden, but was not able to defeat the peasant army of Gustav Vasa at
the Battle of Västerås in 1521 29/4. He
returned to Denmark and was made archbishop of Lund in the autumn of 1521, but
as the king soon after needed a scapegoat for the episcopal executions in
Stockholm to satisfy the pope, all the blame was put on Didrick Slagheck, who
was burned at the stake in Copenhagen in January 1522. ● Whether the tale
is true cannot be said. The chronicle is extremely biased in favour of Gustav
Vasa and evidently wishes to show the brutal behaviour even in between the
supposedly allied forces of his Unionist opponents.
Published: Gustaf
I’s krönike af Peder Swart, pp. 26-27.
Convent of Västerås |
the Battle of Västerås between the Unionist army and the Swedish rebel army,
defeated Unionist forces on the run take refuge in the priory of the Friars
Preachers in Västerås, “shouting and pleading to the friars for absolution”.
After an unsuccessful sortie from the priory into the city area, the Unionists
return to the priory and fortify it, holding it against a Swedish siege for
about a month. During the siege, Knut Bengtsson de Engsö is shot down by the
Swedes as he tries to pass the bridge between the two entrenched parties.
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
(…) Måndagen ther nest effter som war 29 Martij
befolte Her Götstaff sitt folk draga öffuer Balungz skogen och lägra sigh widh
Sancte Oleffs Cappell, icke wiliandes att the skulle slå till fiendener then
dagen. Men när hine finge see them, föllo the strax vth emott them medh
Resigetyget rett som glupande leion. När the Swenske thet såge gåffue the sigh
så sacktelige emot them och höllo them smuckt aff sigh medh spetzerne (…). När
nu the Danske wore slagne på fluchtenne, kom och them en sådana förskräckelse
vppå, att Ryttarne (som så förfärlige rymde) rände på sitt eget fotfolk thet
ther stodh i wägen, hwilke tå droge in ått Smediegatune. Them förfölgde alwarlige
Lasse Ericson medh sin häär (…) doch icke länger än in till Lisleåen, hwilke
när the såge sigh affslagne ware stucke the eelden strax på byen, så bran så
när aller staden aff medh taaket och tornet på Domkyrkione. Men fiendener,
hwilke så godt som öffwergiffne wore wantröste om liff och wälfärd, en part
rände i siön medh hest och harnesk och hölle ther een long stund at icke syntes
offwan watnet meer än huffwudet, en part kastade iffrå sigh spetzer hillebarder
eller hwadh the hade för wärie, loppe in i Clostred till munkanar ropandes och
begärandes absolutionem. (…) Men thet icke hela hoopen aff fiendener nedelagd
bleff (hwilket wisselige skedt hadde, hwar the Swenske icke hade öffuergiffuit
iaga effter them wid Closterbroen som förberördt är), kom så till. (…) Ty när
Konung Cristierns folk doch såge att ingen iagade länger effter them, toge the
tröst till sigh, blåste vp medh Trumeten, grepe så till sine wärger igen och
skandzade för sigh alt vth medh Lisleåen, slogo så till in i byen igen. (…)
Ther kom Lasse Olson till mötes medh them, och stodh ther een skarp törning een
long stund, doch motte åter fiendener giffua fluchten och rymde till Clöstred
igen vnder sine skandzar, ther the befäste sigh och behölle sitt lägre in till
tridie dagh pingesdaga, tå sloge the thet vp bemannade Slottet medh så mycket
folk ther till behöffdes. The andre gåffue sigh siöwart till Stocholm (…).
Hände någre dagar ther effter att Knutt Bengtson på Engxöö bleff egenomskutten
iffrå the Swenskes skandz medh ett rörlodh rätt midt på smäcken ther han
achtade sigh gå emellan Slottet och thet lägret i Clostret war, så att han föll
medh vlffskinskiortelen han gick vti nedh aff smäcken och i åen. (…)
Comments: The chronicle has the date 29/3, but the battle is known from
other sources to have taken place a month later. ● The Battle of Västerås
was the first major victory for Gustav Vasa in the Swedish War of Liberation
(1521-1523) against the Danish-led Scandinavian Union and its king, Christian
II. Gustav Vasa led an army of peasants from Dalarna against a Unionist force
led by Bishop Didrick Slagheck of Skara (see 1521
c.27-28/4). Whereas inferior in numbers, the Unionist army consisted of
Danish and Swedish knights along with German mercenaries. Although clearly it
was an embarrassing failure for the professional royal army that it could not
defeat the poorly trained rebel army, it was hardly the disastrous defeat
indicated by the pro-Swedish chronicle. The royal forces also held Västerås
Castle during the battle and the following siege, where the Swedes occupied the
city area until the stream Lillån between the town and the priory, but the
castle was finally surrendered to Gustav Vasa by the end of January 1522. The
priory was left by the royal troops in 1521 20/5. ● Knut Bengtsson de
Engsö was a Swedish nobleman from Västmanland, member of the Swedish national
council and supporter of King Christian II; he died from the shot he took in
Published: Gustaf
I’s krönike af Peder Swart, pp. 27-31.
Erfurt |
Convents of Haderslev, Schleswig and Tallinn |
At the
provincial chapter of Saxonia, the prior of the convent in Haderslev is
absolved and Fr. Wilhelm de Buren, prior of the convent in Schleswig, is
installed in his place as vicar “to save costs” until a new prior is elected.
The chapter complies with an application from the convent in Haderslev for
acquisition of books for the before-mentioned Fr. Wilhelm de Buren in relation
to his master’s study in theology granted to him by the general chapter.
Furthermore, Fr. Michael Stangen of the convent in Tallinn is transferred to
the new convent in Narva to preach there in Estonian. Finally, no less than
twenty friars of the convent in Tallinn is honoured on the list of deceased:
Fr. Paulus Ducis, Fr. Henrich Provinskick, Fr. Johannes Stein, Fr. Johannes
Essen, Fr. Andreas Haler, Fr. Heinrich Dippolt, Fr. Regnald Stypel, Fr. Hendrik
de Zwolle, Fr. Eberhard, Fr. Jasper Fabri, Fr. Jasper Kotwych, professor Fr.
Erik Grapen, laybrother Fr. Bernhard “and to that seven friars of the same
Source: Acta
capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta capituli provincialis celebrati
anno salutis 1521 ipso die nativitatis gloriose virginis Marie sub reverendo
patre fratre Hermanno Raeb, sacre theologie professore, heretice pravitatis
inquisitore, divi predicatorum ordinis priore provinciali provincie Saxonie, in
conventu Erphordensi (…).
sunt absoluciones. (…) Item absolvimus priorem conventus Haderslevensis,
instituentes in vicarium eiusdem conventus usque ad novelli prioris electionem
et cornfirmacionem venerandum patrem fratrem Wilhelmum de Buren, sacre
theologie bacchalarium, quem eidem novelli prioris ad parcendum expensis
venerando patri priori Sleswicensi committimus. (…) [p. 146]
sunt acceptationes. (…) Item acceptamus supplicacionem conventus Haderslevensis
approbantes quantum in nobis est lecturam venerandi patris fratris Wilhelmi de
Buren, petentes illam approbari in capitulo generali et dari licenciam ad
magisterium. (…) [p. 150]
immissionibus et emissionibus fratrum. (…) Ad conventum Narviensem nacionis
Livonie, cui tanquam novelle plantacioni ex animo succurrere ut crescere et
proficere valeat intendentes mittimus pro predicatore Estonicorum fratrem
Michahelem Stangen de conventu Revalensi, hortantes patres vicarium et priores
dicte nacionis, ut sibi eundem conventum recommendatum in personis, terminis,
consiliis et auxiliis fovendo et eidem assistendo, volentes nihilominus, quod
juxta reverendi patris vicarii dicte nationis ordinationem iterum conventui
Darbatensi, a quo dictus frater amovetur, de alio fratre idoneo huiusmodi
lingwe propter salutem animarum, ad quam ordo noster est institutis, copiosius
procurando provideatur. (…) [p. 155]
pro defunctis. (…) fratris Pauli Ducis, Hinrici Provenskick, Johannis Steyn,
Johannis Essen, Andree Haler, Hinrici Dippolt, Reynoldi Stypel, Hinrici de
Swollis, Everhardi patris concilii, sacerdotum, Jaspari Fabri, Jaspari Kotwych,
Erici Grapen professorum et Bernhardi conversi conventus Revaliensis et adhuc
septem fratrum eiusdem conventus. (…) [p. 158]
Comments: Allthough prior of the convent in
Schleswig, Fr. Wilhelm de Buren originally came from the convent in Haderslev
before starting his academic career in Hamburg; for further notes on Fr.
Wilhelm, see 1519. ● The convent in Narva was
decided founded at the provincial chapter in 1520. ●
It seems almost unthinkable that 20 friars should have died at the convent in
Tallinn since the previous provincial chapter one year earlier. More likely,
the long liste of names represents the deceased for a longer period, not
included in the prayers of the province until now, as the convent of Tallinn
until 1517 was part of the province of Dacia. ●
Certainly. Fr. Regnald Stypel was recently deceased, as he was transferred in 1520 before from the convent of Tallinn to Dortmund;
apparently, he never made it to western Germany, though, as he was still
considered member of the Tallinn convent when he died. For further on Fr.
Regnald Stypel, see 1517.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur
Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 145-159 (esp. pp. 146, 150, 155, 158).
(Haapsalu) |
Convent of Tallinn |
Johannes IV Kievel of Ösel-Wiek asks the knighthood of Wiek to intervene
against Friars Preachers on terminario in their parishes, where the
friars tax the peasants highly for their fraternity and preach the Word of God
in the parish churches on Sundays.
Source: Transcript. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: German.
Naich voirscrivinge der achtbaren ritterschop
des stichts tho Ozell in der Wieck durch den hoichwirdigsten fursthen und
heren, heren Johanszen opgemelten stichts Ozell bischopps sin dorch syner f. g.
persoen desse nagescreven artikele der ritterschop voirgegewen tho
boraitslaende maendages naich Michaelis int jair 21. (…)
(§ 7)
Dhewiele de predker moncken in de kespellen szunderlinges nicht den manck den
buiren ehren termen waren, de sulfftigen hoich tho boschattendhe mith ehrer
broiderschop, Goides worth, dath hilghe evangelium in den kespelkercken des
sondages nicht vorbredhen, dairop tho trachtendhe, wes billichs dairin tho doendhe
is. (…)
Comments: It is not stated from where the Dominican fratres terminarii came, but the only reasonable possibility is
Tallinn. ● Johannes IV Kievel was bishop of Ösel-Wiek in 1515 to 1527.
Published: Akten und Rezesse
der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 117.
Walther-Wittenheim 1938, pp. 101 and 103.
Knightly Manntag of Wiek decides that anyone who so wishes may give alms to the
Friars Preachers, but these are no longer allowed to tax the poor peasants too
highly for their fraternity.
Source: Transcript. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: German.
Dat bosluet und anthword der vorighen artikelen. (…)
8) Will jemands den prediker monniken wes gewen, mach gescheen, szunder dat sze
de arme bure mith erer broederschop mher soelen bodregen und boschatten, wo
sustlange gescheen, sall nicht werden von den herschoppen thogestadet. (…)
Comments: It is noteworthy that while the Knightly Manntag complies with
the episcopal wish regarding taxation for fraternity, nothing is mentioned
about the friars’ right to preach in the parish churches.
Published: Akten und
Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 118.
Walther-Wittenheim 1938, p. 103.
Convent of Västerås |
the siege of Västerås Castle, the neighbouring priory of the Friars Preachers
is occupied and fortified by Swedish rebel troops under command of Lambrecht Matsson,
who manages to stop a naval attempt by Unionist forces to land reinforcements
for the castle from River Svartån situated between the castle and the priory;
the manoeuvre is then successfully implemented from the west side of the castle
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
(…) I midler tijdh när Her Götstaff så war i
Östergötland förskickade Kong Cristierns capitenare i Stocholm, Junckar Henrick
Slaghöök och Gorius Hålst en hoop folk på Jachter och Skutor ååt Westrårs att
fetalie Slottedt, bemannadt medh ferskt folk och affbreckia bestalningene om
the kunde. När the komme fram bude the till att legia till Östan åen. Men
Lambrecht Matson then sitt lägre hade i Clostredt skööt till them medh någre
falkneter, Therföre wicke the aff igen och lade på Wester sidone in till
Slottedt. Förmannade så Slottedt medh friskt folk och toge the andra aff
igen ther hade legat tilförende. Drog så tilbaka ååt Stocholm doch icke
osnappade, ty Her Götstaff hade tänckt till att göra them wägen sommestedz
trong. (…)
Comments: On the Battle of Västerås and the following siege, see 1521 29/4. Unionist forces had taken refuge in the priory
during the battle and subsequently endured Swedish siege there until 20/5, when
they left – some for the castle and others for Stockholm. Apparently, the
besieging Swedish forces immediately took over the fortified priory buildings
as supportive base for their main camp situated to the west of the castle. The
occupation of the priory is likely to have continued until the siege ended in
1522 31/1, when castle garrison surrendered.
Published: Gustaf
I’s krönike af Peder Swart, p. 47.
Kalmar |
Convents of Kalmar, Lödöse, Sigtuna, Skara, Skänninge, Stockholm,
Strängnäs, Turku, Vyborg and Västerås |
Last will and
testament for Anna Eriksdotter, widow of Johan Månsson, in which she leaves a
green damask coat, a large silver bowl, a small ring, 1 guilder and a third of
gilded rosary to the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, with whom shes wishes to be
buried; the remaining two thirds of the gilded rosary are given to her sister
Barbara and to the Altar of St. Anne in the Dominican church in Kalmar, while another
gilded rosary is given to the Helga Lösen of the convent in Stockholm. Furthermore, the Dominican convents in
Västerås and Strängnäs are bequeathed with a brooch each, while every monastery
in Sweden not mentioned elsewhere in the will is to receive 10 marks.
Source: Original
document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
In nomine Domini amenn. Effter thet wij ære alle dødelige oc jac Anna
Eriickx dotter kennes mich ware helbrøygde tiil myn fatige siel tha skiifter jac
thette epterscreffne testamennthe for myn kere døde husbonde mich oc alle
cristne siela Gud oc jomffrv Marie tiil loff oc ære. (…) Item sancta Anna i
Calmarne kloster ∙i∙ forgylt triiding aff jomffrv Marie Roszen
krans. Item tiil Suartbrødra i Stocholm myn grøne damasca kyortil, ∙i∙
stor selff scaal oc ∙i∙ forgylt trïding aff jommfrv Marie
saltere oc ther keszer jac myn lægersted lille Jhesus ibidem oc ∙i∙
forgylt triiding ther pa ∙i∙ wngers gyllene oc ∙i∙
lithen ring, til helge løsn ididem oc ∙i∙ forgylt rosen krans. (…)
Item til huar domkiirche i Suerge ∙x∙ marcer dannsce. Item tiil all
kloster ∙x∙ marcer dansca. (…) Item jomffrv Barebra myn syster ∙i∙
par forgylte kniffue och en forgylth triiding aff jomffrv Marie rosen krans.
(…) Item tiil Vesteraars kloster ene braass. Item tiil Strengenes kloster ene
braass. (…)
Comments: In HNH is the
undated will dated to the autumn of 1520, while SDHK (no. 38325) prefers
1520-21. As donor’s husband is mentioned as dead, it must be after Johan
Månsson’s execution at the Stockholm Bloodbath in early November 1520. ●
Anna Eriksdotter Bielke (†1525) was daughter of Margrave Erik Bielke of Vyborg
and wife of Johan Månsson de Göksholm, sheriff of Kalmar. After her husband’s
execution in 1520, she held Kalmar Castle against the Danes and helped Gustav
Vasa to power after his escape from Danish imprisonment. ● On Helga Lösen in Stockholm, see 1408 21/12.
Published: Handlingar till Nordens historia
1515-1523 vol. III no. 1605.
Lyon |
Convent of Västerås, Province of Dacia, French Congregation |
Bergerius of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, who has been with the French Congregation
for a long time, is allowed to join the congregation by the Order’s procurator.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Registrum reverendi [fratri Hieronymi de Rupe fideli] procuratoris et vicarii [generalis].
(…) Datia. 1522. Frater Bergerio
conventus Insulensis, qui diu fuerat in congregatione Gallicana datur licentia
incorporandi se in ea et vicario, quod eum acceptet. Lugduni 24 aprilis.
Comments: Fr. Bergerius Laurentii
(Birger Larsson) of the Friars
Preachers in Västerås was absolved from the province of Dacia in 1525 17/6 and allowed to join any convent of the
congregation, when this was agreed to by the congregational vicar general. ●
The French Congregation, Congregatio Gallicana, was formed in
1514 on request/demand of King Louis XII of France as a seclusion of all
Dominican houses affiliated to the Dutch Congregation, but situated within the
kingdom of France, to prevent further influence from the House of Burgundy on
French convents (Jongkees 1942, 262). ● The procurator of the Order of Preachers at
this time was Fr. Hieronymus de Rupefideli, see 1520 (12/4).
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. XXI ch. IV no. 81 (p. 81).
Bergen |
Convent of Bergen |
prior of the Friars Preachers in Bergen buys two barrels of rye and two barrels
of malt from the royal castle in Bergen for 8 marks.
Source: Account book of the royal castle in Bergen, 1522. The National
Archives of Norway, Oslo.
Language: Danish.
(…) Item
∙viii∙ m. ffick ieg aff priore wti sworte brødre fore ∙ii∙
tønner rug oc ∙ii∙ tønner malt oc ere wdscriffne. (…)
English translation:
(…) Furthermore, I received 8
marks from the prior in Blackfriars for two barrels of rye and two barrels of
malt, which are conscripted. (..)
Comments: The entry is without a precise date, but placed between dated
entries of 23 June and 13 July, closer to the latter than the former.
Published: Norske
Regnskaber og Jordebøger vol. V:1, p. 22.
Malmö |
House of Malmö |
A list
of ecclesiastical renting property in Malmö mentions a farm and a booth situated
close by Blackfriars Chapel.
Source: Original
document. Regional state archive, Lund.
Language: Danish.
(…) Item hellige kors capellis gotz vdenfore vestre port. (…) Item een gordt wedt sworttebrödre Capelle Som Jens kiötmangere haffuer breff vpaa oc liger till sancti martini altere som Mester holger Skaldre haffuer vti forswar. (…) Item thette effterscrebne Hörer till sancte trinitatis Som Mester knwdt karlszenn haffuer vti forswar. (…) Item hoes swortte brödre Capelle een gadeboedt. (…) Haffue Wij forscreffne borgemestere oc Radtmen ladit henge wor byes Secret her nedenfore Thette wort opne breff Met Villie oc Vitscab Till stadfestilsze oc Vitnisbyrdt Som giffuit er vti Malmö Aar effter gwdtz byrdt Twszende ffemhwndert Tyuge oc paa thet andit aar sancte maria Magdalene afften.
English translation:
(…) Furthermore, property of
Holy Cross Chapel outside West Gate: (…) Also, a farm at Blackfriars Chapel,
which Jens Meatmaker has letter upon and belongs to the Alter of St. Martin,
which Master Holger Skaldre has in defence. (…) Furthermore, the following
belongs to [the Altar of] St. Trinity [in the Church of St. Peter], which
Master Knud Karlsen has in defence: (…) Also, at Blackfriars Chapel a street
booth. (…) We, above-mentioned mayors and city councillors, have hung the seal
of our city here below this our open letter with will and knowledge for
confirmation and testimony as given is in Malmö in the year 1522 on St. Mary
Magdalene’s Evening.
Comments: The list is part of a contract between
the city magistrate of Malmö and all ecclesiastical parties owning property
within the city. In these years, the old problem of urban property belonging to
“the dead hand” of the Church and therefore free of municipal obligations was
reignited, as King Christian II of Scandinavia wished to improve the conditions
of towns and burghers on behalf of nobility and Church. The ecclesiastical
landowners in Malmö therefore had agreed to a deal with the city magistrate,
according to which they altogether paid a lump sum of 1,100 Marc Lübeck in
return for being free from contributing to the municipal fortification costs
herafter. ● The
two references prove that the chapel at the time was still publicly known as
the Blackfriars’, and thus indicating that the house and chapel still belonged
to the Dominican convent in Lund. The list does not include any references to
renting property in Malmö belonging to the Friars Preachers. ● The street booth belonging to the Altar of St.
Trinity in the parish church of St. Peter is, together with its location nearby
the Dominican chapel, also mentioned in a letter of 1462 25/4, when it was
donated to the altar, and again in 1537, when it probably was bought by a
Published: Malmö fornminnesförening
årsskrift 1957, pp. 49-76 (esp. 66-67).
Bergen |
Convent of Bergen |
prior of the Friars Preachers in Bergen buys four barrels of malt and one
barrel of rye from the royal castle in Bergen for 8 and 2 marks respectively.
Source: Account book of the royal castle in Bergen, 1522. The National
Archives of Norway, Oslo.
Language: Danish.
(…) Item
∙viii∙ m. ffick ieg aff priore wti sworte brødre closster fore ∙iiii∙
tønner malt tønnen ∙ij∙ m. ∙vi∙ ß. (…) Item ∙ii∙ m. ffick
ieg aff prier wti sworte brødre fore ∙i∙ tønne rug oc er rugen
wdscriffuenn. (…)
English translation:
(…) Furthermore, I received 8
marks from the prior in Blackfriars Priory for four barrels of malt, 1½ marks
and 6 shilling per barrel. (…) Furthermore, I received 2 marks from the prior
in Blackfriars for one barrel of rye, and the rye is conscripted. (…)
Comments: Both entries are without a precise date, but placed between dated
entries of 26 July and 1 September, closer to the former than the latter.
Published: Norske
Regnskaber og Jordebøger vol. V:1, p. 24.
Bergen |
Convent of Bergen |
The prior
of the Friars Preachers in Bergen buys two barrels of rye from the royal castle
in Bergen for 5 marks.
Source: Account book of the royal castle in Bergen, 1522. The National
Archives of Norway, Oslo.
Language: Danish.
(…) Item
∙v∙ m. ffick ieg aff priore wti sworte brødre closter fore ∙ii∙
tønner rug oc er rugenn
wdscriffuenn. (…)
English translation:
(…) Furthermore, I received 5
marks from the prior in Blackfriars Priory for two barrels of rye, and the rye
is conscripted. (…)
Comments: The entry is without a precise date, but placed between dated
entries of 1 September and 14 September.
Published: Norske
Regnskaber og Jordebøger vol. V:1, p. 31.
Copenhagen |
Convents of Ribe and Vejle |
Christian II of Denmark-Norway-Sweden enjoins the entire secular and regular
clergy in the diocese of Ribe, including abbots and priors, to comply
immediately with his earlier given request for a third of all their income and
tangible property to support his warfare against the enemy of
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
Wij Cristiernn met Gudz nade Danmarckis Suerigis Norigis etcetera etcetera etcetera helsze ether alle oss elskelige abbother priorer proffuesther prelather canicker vicarier sogne presther oc menighe clerckerij wtij Riiber stifft kierligenn met Gudt och wor nade. Kiære wenner som ether wæll foretæncker nogen tidt sidenn forledenn wij screff ether alle tiill om nogenn hielp som er tredje parthenn aff alle ethers wissze renthe, ock saa tredje parten aff ethers løssøre, tiill at straffe ladhe wore oc riigens fyende met, som nw haffue och mere achte ath jndtføre oss ock riiget skade paa. Hwilcket wij met Gudz hielp, wille affwerge lade ther fore begere wij aff ether alle och hwer serdelis, ock endeligen wille atj lade samme hielp nw straxt wfortøffuit wdtkomme som wij tiilfornn begeret haffue ock offuer alt wort riige Danmarck samtycket er oc mesthe parten wdkommet, oc samme hielp antworde fraa ether oss elskelige mester Lamberth wor secreterer som wij nw haffue tiill ether sendt oc fuldt befaling giffuit sligh hielp paa wore wegne op atbære ter forlade wij oss wisszeligen tiill wij wille withe oc ighen ramme ethers ock then hellig kijrckis gaffnn oc betsthe, saa i oss tacke skulle ock giøre i oss sunderligen till willie ther met. Giffuit paa worth sloth Kiøpenhaffnenn, otensdagenn nest effter sancti Mattei ewangeliste dag aar etcetera MDXXII, wnder wort signete.
Comments: The diocese of Ribe
included the two Dominican convents in Ribe and Vejle. ● The enemy of
Denmark at this time was Swedish separatists, who under the leadership of
Gustav Vasa in 1521 had risen once more against Danish-Unionist supremacy.
Published: Christiern II’s Arkiv vol. I no.95.
(Rome) |
Province of Dacia |
The vice procurator of the Friars Preachers pays 28
ducats on behalf of the province of Dacia as its provincial contribution to the
master general’s chamber for the years 1520-1521.
Source: Registrum contributuionem provinciarum pro reverendissimo
magistro OP.
Language: Latin.
Item solvit vice procuratori, absentibus
generali et procuratore, ducatos vigintiocto pro contributionibus annis 1520 et
Dansk oversættelse:
Fremdeles indløste viceprokuratoren, i fravær af general(magister)en og prokuratoren, 28 dukater i bidrag for årene 1520 og 1521.
Comments: The entry is undated, but usually the payment was made for the
preceding calendar years. The years 1518-1519 had been paid for by the province
of Dacia in 1520 12/4. ● The vice
procurator, Fr. Antonius de Caramanico, had been installed on 11 January 1522,
while both the procurator general and the master general were away. ● The
master general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Garcia de Loaysa
(1518-1524). ● On the contributio ad magistri, see 1487 31/12. This is the last recorded contribution paid
from the province of Dacia.
Published: Handlingar… ch. III, p.8.
Norsholm |
Convents of Sigtuna and Strängnäs |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. Melchior Conradi and Fr. Johannes Simonis
of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna and Strängnäs respectively to the rank of
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Contulit dominus meus ordines in Noor tam minores quam majores sabbato sitientes et primo ordinavit infrascriptos: (…) Ad ordines presbiteratus (…); de conventu Siktuniensi fratrem Melchiorem Conradi; de conventu Strengenensi fratrem Johannem Symonis. (…)
Comments: Fr. Melchior
Conradi is not known from other sources. ● On Fr. Johannes Simonis, see 1520 28/2. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping,
see 1520 28/2. Norsholm (or Noor) was his rural-manorial residence.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 558
(p. 585).
Linköping |
Order of Preachers |
Bishop Hans
Brask of Linköping writes the royal chaplain, Johann Sasse, on a number of
issues, among them a complaint that a preacher in Strängnäs in his sermons is
spreading Lutheran heresy to the public without any interference from the
prelates. Attached to the letter, the bishop therefore sends a copy of papal
letter, which the chaplain is asked to hand over to the doctors Peder Galle and
Erik Getting, and the cathedral chapter of Uppsala, in the hope that it can be
of use to them before the sickness becomes cronic and incurable.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Ad dominum Johannem Sassze cum magistro Olavuo.
Sinceram et cetera. Venerabilis vir et amice fuit nobis supra modum cepisse eas novitates quas ex novissimis litteris vestris intelleximus presertim de tractatu dedicionis opidi Holmensis circa dominica misericordias celebrato quem faciat Deus ad optatum finem deduci, cepimus pro novitatibus esterno die indubitatis magistrum Jeorgium prepositum Upsalensem de sua captivitate in patriam rediise ac totam Blekwngiam cum Listria domino Bernardo ex parte domini gubernatoris factam omagialem prout ex scriptis domini Bernardi cepimus die Jeorgii Rotneby datis qui inter cetera scribit se tunc ad iter accinctum pro ingressu Scanie que nova cum bona sint latere vos non volumus si ea per vos prius non sint recepta. Item quia Strengenes per quendam in sermonibus ad populum adhuc procurantur scandala a[c] sismata in populo per fermentationem Lutterianam quod Deo teste satis dolemus nullo suo prelato ibidem desuper vigilante. Mittimus vobis copiam cuiusdam brevis apostolica presentibus inclusam alias per nos receptam quam communicare velit dilectio vestra doctoribus Petro Galle et Erico Geting seu venerabili capitulo Upsalensi antequam huiusmodi morbus tamquam cronicus factus incurabilis reddatur et cetera. Ceterum sicut alias retulimus vobis de 20 marchis puri domino gubernatori condicionaliter assignatis sic petimus quatenus nacta commoditate huiusmodi materiam aliquando dum dilectio vestra ipsum dominum gubernatorem ad hoc aptum deprehenderit promovere velitis ac tandem per fidelem nuntium rescribere nobis ffaciemus quod erit cum fructu non solum domini gubernatoris sed et vestro si que humanitates nobis per suam dominationem fuerint oblate. Valeat cum hiis felix dilectio vestra nobis omni dilectione prosequenda. Recommendando nos pretactis amicis domino decano ac toti venerabili capitulo Upsalensi. Citissime ex Lincopia ∙vii∙ mensis may.
Comments: On Bishop Hans
Brask of Linköping, see 1520 28/2. ●
Johann Sasse was a clerk from Lübeck, who worked as chaplain for King Gustav
Vasa of Sweden in 1522-1523. ● Dr. Peder Galle and Dr. Erik Geting were
canons (archdeacon and cantor respectively) at the cathedral chapter of
Uppsala. They were considered the chief Catholic theologians of Sweden at the
time. ● The Lutheran preacher in Strängnäs was Olaus Petri, see 1523 Apr-Jun. ● The attached letter was a
transcript of Pope Leo X’s authorization of 1518 23/8
to Cardinal Presbyter Thomas de Vio Cajetan OP to prosecute Martin Luther.
Thus, Bishop Hans Brask wanted to launch an inquisitorial trial against Olaus
Petri, similar to that of Fr. Thomas de Vio Cajetan against Martin Luther
(Stobaeus 2008, 146-147).
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 51.
Valladolid |
Provinces of Dacia, Polonia, Saxonia and Teutonia, |
As war
and disease have prevented diffinitors of several provinces, inclusive Dacia,
from attending the general chapter in Valladolid, the acts of the chapter are
to be transmitted by the attending diffinitors through their priors provincial
to the provincials of the absent provinces; the prior provincial of Teutonia is
enjoined with the transmission to the provincials of Saxonia, Dacia and
Source: Acta capitulorum generalium
Language: Latin.
In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti,
amen. Haec sunt acta capituli generalis in conventu s. Pauli Vallisoletano
provinciae Hispaniae celebrati sub reverendissimo patre magistro Garcia de Loaysa
sacrae theologiae clarissimo professore totius ordinis predicatorum generali
magistro in festo pentecostes 24 maii anno 1523. Diffinientibus reverendis
diffinitoribus suarum provinciarum: frater Joanne Hurtado magistro diffinitore
provinciae Hispaniae, frater Vitali de Becanis magistro diffinitore provinciae
Tolosanae, frater Paulo de Acrecio baccalaureo diffinitore provinciae Romanae,
frater Angelo de Centis magistro diffinitore provinciae Trinacriae, frater
Ludovico de Castro Pavino magistro socio diffinitore provinciae Aragoniae,
frater Joanne Cabonis magistro diffinitore provinciae Provinciae, frater Petro
Martyre de Terdona bachalaureo diffinitore provinciae s. Petri Martyris, frater
Petro Stacio magistro diffinitore provinciae Portugalliae, frater Alberto de
las Casas diffinitore provinciae Bethicae.
Mandamus acta huius capituli per reverendos diffinitores diligenter conscripta
et correcta ac sigillo ordinis sigillata ad suas provincias deferri et ad minus
quater in anno legi. Et quia ex impedimento bellorum et pestis non omnes
diffinitores convenerunt, mandamus in virtute spiritus sancti et sanctae
obedientiae provincialibus seu presidentibus provinciarum infrascriptis, ut
presentia acta mittantur ad alias provincias infrascriptas, quam citius fieri
poterit, ad expensas provinciarum, ad quas mittuntur. Videlicet provincialis
Tholosanus vicario congregationis Franciae, provincialis autem Franciae vicario
congregationis Gallicanae, et provincialis Angliae necnon inferioris Germanie
provinciali Theutoniae. Provincialis Theutoniae, provinciali Saxoniae,
provinciali Datiae et Poloniae. Provincialis Petri Martyris provinciali s.
Dominici et vicario congregationis Lombardiae. Provincialis s. Dominici
provinciali Dalmatiae. Provincialis Dalmatiae provinciali Ungariae et Bohemiae.
Provincialis Romanus provinciali Regni et vicario congregationis s. Marci.
Provincialis Regni provinciae s. Thomae. (…)
Comments: The general chapter in Valladolid only had participation of
diffinitors from the provinces of south-western Europe: Hispania, Tolosana,
Romana, Trinacria, Aragonia, Provincia, Lombardia superior, Portugalia and
Betica. Thus, the provincial of Teutonia was not present either, but was to be
informed himself through the provincial of Tolosana. ● The prior
provincial of Teutonia at the time was Dr. Eberhardus de Clivis (1515-1529),
the prior provincial of Dacia was Dr. Johannes Nicolai (see 1525
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 178 and 193.
Order of Preachers |
Hans Brask of Linköping disputes a number of erroneous claims put forward from
the pulpit by ‘the Lutheran disciple’ Olaus Petri, among them that clergy
should not beg, something which the Order of Preachers’ St. Thomas Aquinas
since long has justified.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Isti sunt errores magistri Olavi discipuli Martini Lutther quos ut
asseritur dixerat successive in sermonibus suis de ambone
(…) Item nullus religiosus mendicare debet quia habetur deutronomii ∙xv∙ in principio, et omnino indigens et mendicus non erit inter vos. Respondo hoc interpretur de judeis secundum liram, sed quod religiosi maxime de ordine predicatorum et servorum mendicare possint ad hoc videantur sanctus Thomas 2da, 2de questione 187 articulis 4 et 5. (…)
Comments: The thesis is not
dated, but in the register it is listed between two transcripts of 1523 10/4
and 1523 7/6. ● The said Lutheran claim “..and there shall be no poor nor
beggar among you” is based on Deuteronomy 15. ● The bishop then continues
to dispute other claims by Master Olaus by quoting Thomas Aquinas on such
issues as the Holy Virgin and the saints, the value of sermons given in the
church and how to differentiate between God’s will and the thoughts of the
priest. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of
Linköping, see 1520 28/2. ● Olavus, the erroneous disciple of Luther,
is Olaus Petri (†1552), one of the
main Lutheran reformers of Sweden. Along with his brother, Laurentius Petri, he
studied in Wittenberg in 1516-18, where they met and were strongly influenced
by Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon. They returned to Sweden in 1519,
where Olaus became dean of the cathedral school in Strängnäs in 1520 and royal
chancellor for King Gustav Vasa in 1523. While preaching and teaching Lutheran
doctrines in Strängnäs, Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping tried to put up an inquisitorial
trial against him in 1523 7/5, but in vain. As eager
advocates of Lutheranism, both brothers were excommunicated by the cathedral
chapter of Uppsala in 1524, but continued to enjoy full support of King Gustav,
who declared Sweden Lutheran in 1527. After having lost his job in Strängnäs,
the king appointed him secretary for the city of Stockholm in 1524, in which
capacity he took part in the dissolution of the convent of Friars Preachers in
Stockholm in 1528 5/12.
Olaus was not ordained priest until 1539, after which the two brothers suddenly
lost the king’s favour and were sentenced to death for national treason, but
their friends managed to pay them free. In his later years, Olaus Petri worked
as dean of the City Church in Stockholm.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 83
(p. 169).
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 86.
Convent of Kalmar |
Bishop Hans
Brask of Linköping congratulates Fr. Nicolaus Hvit, prior of the Friars
Preachers in Kalmar, with his and the city’s liberation from the siege of the
Danes, just as he praises the convent for its continued resistance against
Lutheranism, not least as promulgated by Luther’s disciple Master Olaus.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Item scripsit dominus meus priori Calmarnensi fratri Nicolao Huith sabbato infra octavas apostolorum Petri et Pauli, cum domino Petro in Risinge curato quod multum placuit sue reverende paternitati eius liberatio et salus de manibus Dacorum qui per dissolutionem obsidionis opidi Calmarnensis evasit salvus. Etiam quod propter eius bona demerita velit sibi et eius claustro et fratribus ibidem continuo adesse. Super quo scripsit etiam Jacobo Fynken quod dividat substantiam cuiusdam fratris Calmarnensis arrestatam auctoritate gratie sue in duas partes equales assignando priori ibidem unam. Item egit eidem gratiarum actiones pro resistentia facta lutteriane opinioni. Et in eius maiorem consolationem misit ei bullas universitatum Lowaniensis et Coloniensis, cum aliquibus articulis hereticis in ambone Strengenensi recitatis per quendam magistrum Olavum discipulum ipsius Lutteri ut supra in primo latere presentis folii qui articuli collecti sunt per doctorem Nicolaum decanum Strengenensem.
Comments: Fr. Nicolaus Hvit
was also prior of the Friars Preachers in Kalmar in 1521, where he had
to hand over some landed estate to the city church of Kalmar, since the convent
could no longer perform the masses for which it had been given to them. He was
still prior in 1531 15/2, when he and the convent sold a site in Kalmar
to the son of its donor. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping, see 1520 28/2. ● On Olaus Petri, see 1523 Apr-Jun. ● Kalmar Castle was held by the
Dane Søren Norby de Visborg, one of the few vassals, who remained loyal to King
Christian II of Denmark-Norway-Sweden after the king’s enforced abdication in
April 1523. While Norby himself was militarily engaged elsewhere, his garrison
at Kalmar Castle had been ordered to maintain a tight hold on the city to keep
it from the Swedish separatists, but soon after, the citizens of Kalmar
secretly opened the gates for the Swedish forces, and both the city and the
castle was then lost to Gustav Vasa.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 86.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 86.
Stockholm |
Convents of Sigtuna, Strängnäs and Västerås |
Gustav Vasa of Sweden enjoins the ‘good men’ of nine Swedish towns to collect valuable
items – such as monstrances, chalices, and cash money – from churches and
monasteries in their towns and send it off as soon as possible to the king, who
needs it for payment of military service of Lübeck mercenaries. The total
ecclesiastical tax of Strängnäs is set to 200 marks silver, of Västerås 400
marks silver, and of Sigtuna 100 marks silver. The king promises to issue
receipts and to repay the aid when he and the kingdom have regained their
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Till kørkior ok kloster om sølfskath etcetera.
Gøtzstaff etcetera. Kære dannemend,
oss hoppes i wel kunne betracte then store wmkosth och wtlægningh, som oss paa
hængth hafwer, sedan wij først tiil thetta rigementh kompne waare, och en nw
alle mesth paa hænger tiil tæs wij te Lypske knecther hafwe fraa oss skildth,
som nw wor acht ær hwilke seg ey laata aatnøgia med litzle, och besynnerlegha
med klippingha, som af retto nødth j rikeno slagne æro. Teslikis ære wij och nw
tiil krafde, at wtskicke med te Lypske betalninghen før the skep ok werior, som
wij tiil rigisins besta køpth hafwom, saa at wij før thenne saker skuld nødgas
borga oh læna af kørkior ok klosther baade hær ok anderstades. Therføre wile
wij ath i ofortøfwath ransaka i edre kørkior ok klosther i byn ok wthan byn
ther næmasth with handena, the som i bæsth førmærkia wmbæras kunne, och tagher
ther wtaff te clenodier ther finnas, monstancier calchar eller hwath tet hælst
kan wara, och saa mykith runt mynth som ther kan finnas, och skicker tet hiith
med eth wisth budh wthan al tøfwan ok forsymelse with ware ynnesth ok wenskap
behollandis. Naar wij thet hafwe faath ok wete summan wile wij taa gefwa
recognitionem paa ath tet skæligha framdelis skal wederlacht warde naar wy och
riketh kan komma tiil bætre stadgha etcetera.
Datum Holmis die apostolorum Petri et Pauli etcetera MDXXIII.
Wpsala ·iiiiC· lødogh mark; Aff Strængnæs ·iiC· mark
lødoga; Aff Westeraars ·iiiiC· lødogh mark; Aff Siktwna ·iC·
lødog mark; Arbogha kløster ok kørkior ·iiC· mark lødoga; Eskelstuna
ok Fors kørkio ·iiC· mark lødoga; Nykøpi[n]g kløster ok kørkio ·iiC·
mark lødoga; Enekøpingx kløster ok kør ·iiC· mark lødoga; Køping ·c·
lødughe mark.
Comments: It is not all clear
to whom the injunction was addressed. The text has dannemend, ‘honourable men’, a term commonly used on lay men of
high esteem outside nobility, i.e. the higher ranks of bourgeoisie and
peasantry. Due to the injunction’s urban focus, it seems most likely that it
was aimed at the town councils. ● The
imposed taxes are not specified upon the individual ecclesiastical
institutions. In Strängnäs, the convent of Friars Preachers could hope to share
the payment with the cathedral and two town chapels; in Västerås, the Dominican
convent was accompanied by a cathedral, two parish churches and five chapels;
while Sigtuna, apart from its Dominican convent, housed three parish churches
and two or three chapels. ● King Gustav had used German mercenary troops
to secure his recent gain of the Swedish throne against King Christian II and
Unionist parties in Sweden.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. I, pp. 100-101.
Greifswald |
Convents of Greifswald and Hamburg (prov. Saxonia) |
Wilhelmus de Buren, lector of the Friars Preachers in Hamburg, is approved by
Dr. Wichmann Kruse at the University of Greifswald for receiving the doctoral
degree (of theology).
Source: List of matriculations
for the University of Greifswald.
Language: Latin.
Item feria secunda post promotionem in artibus Wichmannus Crusse, sacre theologie et artium doctor et sacrorum canonum licentiatus, fratri Wilhelmo de Buren Hamburgensi, predicatorum lectori, dedit licentiam pro doctoralibus insigniis suscipiendis.
Comments: On Fr. Wilhelmus de
Buren, see 1519 8/9. He was officially promoted
for the doctoral degree of theology in 1523 10/9 and received
the doctoral ornate in 1523 15/9 (see below). The
provincial chapter of Saxonia approved his degree (although only as magisterium) in 1524
14/9, subsequently followed by approval of the master general in 1526 3/3. ● Dr. Wichmann Kruse (†1534) was a secular professor of theology and
the arts at the University of Greifswald. He functioned as university rector in
Greifswald on several occasions, and he had been promoted doctor of theology in
1515. Kruse was among the Catholic hardliners against the Lutheran Reformation
in Greifswald. Before his death, he endowed a part of his library to the local
convent of Friars Preachers.
Published: Matrikel
der Universität Greifswald vol. I, p. 197.
1523 10/9 Greifswald Convents
of Greifswald, Hamburg and Rostock
Wilhelmus de Buren is officially promoted for the doctoral degree of theology
by Dr. Cornelius van Sneek of the Friars Preachers in Rostock; the promotion
takes place in the Church of St. Mary in Greifswald.
Source: List of
matriculations for the University of Greifswald.
Language: Latin.
Item feria quinta in eadem hebdomeda idem frater Wilhelmus est promotus (in ecclesia beate Marie virginis) in doctorem sacre theologie a domino Cornelio, sacre theologie doctore Rostoccensi, eiusdem ordinis conventus.
Comments: See above. ● Fr. Cornelius Henrici van Sneek (†1534)
was one of the major Dominican theologians in Northern Europe of his time. His
byname refers to the town Sneek in Frisia, from where he originated. He came
with the Dutch Congregation to Rostock, where he was matriculated at the
University of Rostock in 1476 and again in 1483; by the time of his second
matriculation he was also prior of the Friars Preachers in Rostock. In the
1490s, he continued studying theology at the universities in Cologne and
Leuven. After a period as prior of the convent in Bremen in 1501-02, Cornelius
van Sneek was back as prior in Rostock in 1503-04. In the following years, he
held the offices of vicar general for the Dutch Congregation and as papal
inquisitor in the dioceses of Kammin and Schwerin. Fr. Cornelius van Sneek was
approved as doctor of theology by the general chapter in 1513. While leading
the convent in Rostock, he also taught theology at the local university. During
one of his many periods as prior of the convent in Rostock, Fr. Cornelius van
Sneek in 1526 sold a stall booth belonging to his convent at the
international herring market in Falsterbo. When Lutheran ideas began to emerge
in Rostock, Dr. Cornelius took a firm stand against them and not least their
supporters at the local Franciscan convent. When the convent in Rostock was
closed in 1532, he went to Wismar and from there eventually to the Netherlands,
where he died in Leeuwarden in 1534. ● The Church of St. Mary (Sankt-Marien-Kirche or ‘Dicke Marie’) was the oldest of the
parish churches of Greifswald and served additionally as university church, often used for
ceremonial events.
Published: Matrikel
der Universität Greifswald vol. I, p. 197.
1523 15/9 Greifswald Convents
of Greifswald, Hamburg, Havelberg and Rostock
Fr. Wilhelmus
de Buren of the ‘Order of Preachers of St. Dominic’ receives the doctoral
ornate from Dr. Cornelius van Sneek OP and is tried successfully by Fr. Joachim
Rathstein OP; the promotional ceremony takes place in the Church of St. Mary in
Source: List of
matriculations for the University of Greifswald.
Language: Latin.
Item anno eodem [: 1523] 15 septembris reverendus et religiosus pater ordinis predicatorum sancti Dominici Wilhelmus de Buren ornatissime et pulcre fuit per reverendum patrem et dominum Cornelium de Snecken, teologie doctorem et professorem optimum, tunc eiusdem facultatis decanum et heretice pravitatis inquisitorem vigilantissimum, in sacre teologie doctorem in ecclesia beate Marie virginis promotus, stante et copiosissime respondente ad argumenta adeo et tam luculenter, quod fere nil addi possit, venerabili patre Joachim Raetsteen Kyritzensi, Havelbergensis diocesis, dicte teologie publico lectore. Qui unamiter de oppidis Hamburgensi, Rostockcensi et aliis partibus cum eorum fratribus respective venerunt et nostram universitatem in multis honorarunt et non modicam laudem eidem attulerunt.
Comments: See above. ● Fr. Joachim Rathstein was, at this
time, lector of the convent of Friars Preachers in Havelberg. He was, just like
Dr. Cornelius van Sneek, a prominent Dominican master of theology, holding such
leading offices in the mid-1520s as preacher general and papal inquisitor.
Published: Matrikel
der Universität Greifswald vol. I, p. 195-196; Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum vol. XXII, p. 316.
Seehausen |
Convents of Haderslev and Schleswig |
At the provincial
chapter of Saxonia, Fr. Johannes Tyleman is transferred from the convent in
Haderslev to Röbel and Fr. Urban de Guterbock is transferred from the convent
in Schleswig to Luckau. Fr. Theoderik Verber of the convent in Wismar and Fr.
Bernhard Knop of the convent in Bremen are transferred to Schleswig, and Fr.
Anton Stockman of the convent in Röbel is transferred to Haderslev; also Fr.
Simon Gerken is placed at the convent in Haderslev, where he has been assigned.
Source: Acta capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta convocacionis anno salutis et dei
gratie 1523 die 13. septembris sub reverendo patre fratre Hermanno Rab, sacre
theologie professore, heretice pravitatis inquisitore, per provinciam Saxonie
priore provinciali, in conventu Sehusensi celebrati (…).
De missionibus fratrum. (…) Robelensem mittimus fratrem Albertum Steen pro suppriore de conventu Meldorpensi, fratrem Johannem Tyleman de conventu Haderslevensi. (…) Luccowensem mittimus fratrem Urbanum de Guterbock de conventu Sleswicensi (…). Sleswicensem mittimus fratrem Theodericum Verber de conventu Wysmariensi, fratrem Bernhardum Knop de conventu Bremensi. Haderslevensem mittimus fratrem Anthonium Stockman de conventu Robolensi, fratrem Simonem Gerken, quem eidem conventui assignamus. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
Dette er akterne fra konvokatet i det
salvede og Guds nådens år 1523 den 13. september under den ærværdige fader
broder Hermann Rab, professor i den hellige teologi, inkvisitor mod den kætterske ondskab og
provincialprior for provinsen Saxonia, afholdt i konventet i Seehausen (…). [p.
Om brødrenes
forflyttelser. (…) Til konventet i Röbel sendes broder Albert Stein som
subprior fra konventet i Meldorf og broder Johannes Tyleman fra konventet i
Haderslev. [p. 167] (…) Til konventet i Luckau sendes broder Urban de Guterbock
fra konventet i Slesvig (…) [p. 167-168]. Til konventet i Slesvig sendes broder
Theoderik Verber fra konventet i Wismar og broder Bernhard Knop fra konventet i
Bremen. Til konventet i Haderslev sendes broder Anton Stockman fra konventet i
Röbel og broder Simon Gerken, som dette konvent optog. (…) [p. 169]
Comments: Fr. Bernhard Knop (or Knape) was
transferred from the convent in Magdeburg to Bremen in 1521 (QF vol. 26, p.
Published: Quellen
und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 160-171 (esp. pp. 167-169).
Convents of Skänninge, Stockholm, Strängnäs and Västerås, Nunnery of
Skänninge |
Hans Brask of Linköping lists some of the tax contributions that the Church of
Sweden has been enjoined to make to King Gustav Vasa of Sweden: Among them, the
convent of Friars Preachers in Skänninge pays 20 marks silver, the convent in
Västerås pays 2 lots of silver, the convent in Strängnäs pays 16 marks silver,
and the convent in Stockholm pays 120 marks silver, while the convent of
Dominican sisters in Skänninge pays 20 marks silver.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Secunda exactio quam ecclesia Swecana generaliter contribuebat in
subsidium corone 1523
(…) Lincopensis 111 marcas puri. (…)
Ecclesie opidi Sudercopensis: Trinitatis ∙vj∙ lødig mark;
Laurentii ∙vi∙ lødig mark ∙j∙ lod minus; Egidii ∙vij∙
lødig mark oc ∙xl∙ mark danska ok ∙iij∙ oc 8
huita rwnt mynth; hospitali 30 lødig mark; claustrum minorum ibidem 8 lødig
marc. Claustrum minorum Lincopense. De Alvastra 47 lødig marc. De ecclesiis
opidi Skeningensis: beate virginis 16 marcas puri; omnium sanctorum ∙ij∙
lødig marc; claustrum sororum ibidem 20 marcas puri; claustrum fratrum
predicatorum ibidem 20 marcas puri. De claustro Vastenensi primo 25 marche puri
demum 18 tertio 103 marche puri in toto 146. (…) Item de conventu Mariefred 70
lødig marc oc ∙v∙ lod. Item de claustro Arosiensi 2 tantum. Item de
conventu Strengenensi 16 lødig marc. Item de conventu predicatorum opidi
Holmensis 120 lødig marc. Item de conventu minorum ibidem 300 lødig marc.
Comments: The entry is only
dated by year, but it is listed in a part of the register containing dated
entries from September 1523.● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping, see 1520 28/2. ● Gustav Vasa had been regent of
Sweden since 1521 until he was elected king on 6 June 1523.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 119.
of Haderslev?) |
Denmark-Norway |
Christian II of Denmark-Norway, along with his queen, Elisabeth, are deposed by
the bishops and knights of Jylland, because the king has introduced laws that
favour burghers and peasants at the expense of the episcopate and nobility. In
Christian’s place, his paternal uncle, Duke Frederik of Holstein, is elected
new king of Denmark-Norway.
Source: Handmade
inscription in printed version version of Jyske Lov.
Language: Latin.
Anno Domini
1523 Christiernus rex Dacie una cum regina sua Elysabeth que suit soror Karoli
imperatoris petierunt fugam quia episcopi et milites Jutie colligerunt magnum
comitatum de civitatibus cum bundonibus contra eum quia fecerat sibi novam
legem cum potuisset destruere tam episcopos quam milites. De post elegerunt
Fredericum ducem Holsatie eius patruum in regem.
Comments: This part of the
inscription does not relate to the Friars Preachers as such, but it appears to
have been written by a Dominican friar, who was either affialited to the
convent in Ribe or – perhaps rather – the convent in Haderslev. On the
inscription and its author, see 1527 6/1.
Published: Nye Samlinger til den danske
vol. III, p. 292.
Leuven |
Provinces of Dacia and Germania inferioris, Convents of Helsingborg
and Odense (prov. Dacia), Antwerpen and Haarlem (prov. Germania inferioris) |
At the provincial
chapter of Germania inferioris, Fr. Mathias Pistoris and Fr. Mauritius Svenonis
are transferred from Haarlem and Antwerpen (prov. Germania inferioris) to the
convents in Helsingborg and Odense respectively.
Source: Acta capitulorum provincialium
provinciae OP Germaniae inferioris.
Language: Latin.
(…) Item transferimus frater Matthiam Pistoris
de conventu Harlemesi ad conventum Helsinburgensem provinciae Datiae; frater
Mauritium Suenonis de conventu Antverpiensi provinciae inferioris Germaniae ad
conventum Ottoniensem provincie Datiae (…).
Dansk oversættelse:
(…) Ligeledes overføres broder Mathias Pistoris fra konventet i
Haarlem til konventet i Helsingborg i provinsen Dacia, broder Maurids Svendsen fra
konventet i Antwerpen i provinsen Germania inferioris til konventet i Odense i
provinsen Dacia (…).
Comments: Fr. Mathias Pistoris,
transferred from Haarlem to the convent in Helsingborg, is not known from any
other sources. His preceding affiliation to the convent in Haarlem (prov.
Germania inferioris) may indicate that he was Observant. ● Fr. Mauritius Svenonis, transferred
from Antwerpen to the convent in Odense, attended the general chapter as
elector of Dacia in 1525 3/6. Here, he was approved as
baccalaureus and allowed to continue
studies for a doctoral degree, subsequently specified to be at the studium generale in Bologna in 1525
20/6. His preceding affiliation to the convent in Antwerpen (prov. Germania
inferioris) may indicate that he was Observant. ● Both inter-provincial
transfers were confirmed by the general chapter in 1525
3/6. ● Normally, the provincial chapter of Germania inferioris
was held in late August or early September as in all other provinces, but this
winter the chapter had been extraordinarily summoned for the election of a new
prior provincial (Bogaerts 1968, 6).
Published: Provinciale kapittels der
Dominikanen van de nederduitse provincie vol. I no. 8.
Linköping |
Convent of Västerås |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. David Olavi of the Friars Preachers in
Västerås to the rank of deacon.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Sabbato sitientes in sacrario ecclesie cathedralis Lincopensis (…). Dyaconatus (…); ad titulum ordinis predicatorum Arosiensium frater David Olavi. (…)
Comments: Fr. David Olavi of
the Friars Preachers in Västerås was subsequently ordained priest already in 1524 26/3. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping,
see 1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 558
(p. 590).
Linköping |
Convent of Västerås |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. David Olavi of the Friars Preachers in
Västerås to the rank of priest.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Sabbato sancto pasce ad summum altare Lincopie (…). Ad sacerdotales ordines (…); predicatorum Arosiensium frater David Olavi. (…)
Comments: On Fr. David Olavi,
see 1524 12/3. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping,
see 1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 558
(p. 591).
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
The city
council of Tallinn informs the prior and friars (of the local Dominican
convent) that since they recurrently have preached against the Evangelical
preachers – such as Master Zacharias and Master Johan – in sermons given both
in German and ‘Non-German’ (:Estonian), stating that the teaching of the latter
is ‘erroneous, deranged, heretical and condemnable,’ and hereby causing
annoyance and disagreement for the preachers, the council has decided that the
friars shall no longer be allowed to preach in Non-German, while German
preaching is henceforth only permitted in the pure word of God; those, who will
not preach according to the Evangelical teaching, shall no longer be allowed to
Source: Register for the city council of Tallinn. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
1524 sonnevend na quasimodogeniti. Pater prior na deme gy und juwe broder in velen dutschen und undutschen sermonen up de nugen prediger als herrn Sachariam, hern Joan und andere geschulden und to mere malen apenbarlik van deme predikstole vorkundigeth und affgeropen hebben, dersulvesten gepredigede sermone und lere errisch vorstorisch ketterisch, vordamlik und dem hilligen evangelio entegen to synde, welke de sulvesten prediger vormiddelest der gotliken schrift anders boweren, daruth sick denne nicht weinich ergernisse unenicheit und selenfare vororsaketh worumb so irkent eyn radt vor eth beste dat sik de undudische prediger von monken des predikamptes vort mere bogeven und de dustchen predigere darsulvigest dat luttere reine wortt gades sunder ienigerley tosetting mensslike lere und gesette vortan predigen und handelen. Szo aver iemand der erbauen wes umbowerliks und der gotliken evangelischen schrift ungemetich predigen wert, deme sol hir mede vor van stunde an dat predikampt niddergelecht und vorbaden wesen.
Published: Beiträge zur Kunde Esth-, Liv- und
Kurlands vol. IV, p. 69.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 83-84.
Linköping |
Convent in Sweden |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. Mathias Svenonis of the Friars Preachers to
the rank of deacon.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Sabbato trinitatis Lincopie in novo muro (…). Dyaconatus ad titulum ordinis cisterciensis frater Ericus Beronis; ad titulum ordinis predicatorum frater Mattias Svenonis. (…)
Comments: Fr. Mathias
Svenonis is not known from any other sources. It is not stated to which convent
he was affiliated. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping, see 1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 558
(p. 591).
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
The city
council of Tallinn seizes a number of valuable items from the priory of the
Friars Preachers (‘the Black Priory’) in Tallinn for deposition in the city
hall. The valuables include pictures of St. Catherine, St. Dominic and St. Simon
(two pictures), all of them decorated with pearls; five pairs of silver
ampoules; ten crosses containing relics; a silver ship with 30 pieces of silver
for the cloth of offerings for St. Thomas; fifteen gilded chalices; along with
various other gilded objects.
Source: Register in
Tallinn City Archives.
Language: Middle Low
Anno 24 dingißdages na Corporis Christi syn disse navolgende klenode ym
swarten kloster vpgetekent, yn eine kisten geflegen vnd bie eynen erßamen rade
vpt radthuß in vorwaring genamen vnd gestelleth mit volborth der ganczen
gemeynte: Item sunt Katerinen bilde mit 2 korallen pater noster; sunt Dominicus
bilde mit 1 sulveren desemßknape; sunt Simen bilde mit korallen snoren; item
sunt Simen bilde mit korallen snoren; item 5 par sulvern ampullen; item 10
pacifical kleyn vnd groth; eyn sulvern schip 30 stucke sulvers an sunt
Thomas offerdock; item 3 vorgulde knope an korkappen; item 1 sulvern brese;
item 8 vorgulde schilde an de diakons rocke; item 15 kelke mit 15 patenen
vorgulten; item 9 amitte vorguldten.
Comments: On 1524 28/5
the city council of Tallinn had sent a delegation to the priory, who presented
a series of injunctions for the convent. Among these was the demand for a list of
all valuable items kept at the priory, which were to be handed over to the
magistrate; the friars were given a week to present such a list, but apparently
the council subsequently decided to ignore the respite it had given, as a
confiscation was enforced only three days later – probably out of fear that the
items would otherwise be stored away elsewhere. ● The convent of Friars
Preachers in Tallinn was officially dissolved on 1525
12/1 on the order of the city council.
Published: Hansen, Die Kirchen…
(1873) encl. no. 6.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
council of Stockholm decides to require from ‘the monks’ that they clean their
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In vigilia patronorum. (…) Mwnkomen skal sæyes til at the skwle gøre rene syne gatwr. (…)
Comments: The ‘monks’ in Stockholm
probably meant both the city’s two convents of Friars Preachers and Friars
Minor, whom the city magistrate wanted to clean the streets in front of their
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 18.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Hillebrand sells a house in Stockholm to Brand ‘Skrivare’ (: scribe) along with
a cabbage garden on Södramalm, situated between the site of the Friars
Preachers and the site of Ragvald Johansson.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In crastino patronorum. (…) Samma dagh stod Henric Hillebrand ffor rette och wplæt och leffrerede Brand Scriffwere [it huss] medh hand och mwnd qwijt och ffrijt, hwilkit huss beleget ær emellen Tyle Hampes huss och sancte Henrics huss medh grwnd och ∙iiii∙ frija mwrar, gatwboder, kellere, ∙ii∙ portar och [alt] som thet staar. Æn leffrerede ffornæmde Henric ffornæmde Brand en kaalgardz tompt belægen paa Sødre malm, emellen Swart mwnke tompt och Rawal Ioansons tompt, hwilkin tompt som haffuer j breddenne ∙xi∙ alner och ∙i∙ qwarter. Item æn leffrerede fornæmde Henric ffornæmde Brand ene meltebod ligiendes j her Eric Iønsons grend nidhen ffor Ingewalz Torstensons trægard och haffuer ∙xvi∙ alner j lengdenne och ∙i∙ qwarter, och j breddenne ∙xi∙ alner och it qwarter. Och bekende fforscreffne Henric sich aledeles wara wel ffornøgden, ty giorde han honom qwijt frij ledug och løøss j alt fforscreffne køp ffor alt ytermere eptertall aff ffødde och ofødde aatalare och ther wpa lagde fforscreffne Brand wp syn frijdzskilling som laghen wtwise och war aldeles laghfarit.
Comments: The meaning seems
to be that the cabbage garden on Södramalm was situated next to a similar plot
belonging to the Dominican convent – and, thus, not that the garden was placed
next to the actual priory, which was not situated on Södramalm.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 20.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm is summoned before the city council
of Stockholm, where a knifesmith from Söderköping has presented a claim on the house
of the late brasier Peter Karlsson, which the convent has taken into possession
through one of its deceased friars, who was the son of Peter Karlsson. Peter
did, however, also have a sister, whom the knifesmith is married to, and the
city council therefore decides that each party should have one half of the
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In die Jacobi. (…) Samma dag kom en kniffwasmid aff Swderkøping och haffde it klagemaall at han wart trængder j ffraa thet huss Peder Karson grytegiwtere til hørde och haffde it witnesbreff aff radet i Suderkøping at hans hustrv och ffornæmde Peder Karson waare samsyskene, och swartmwnka haffde tagit husit in epter mwnken som døder war som war Per Karsons son. Tha wart priaren kallader paa raadzstugune och huset dømdes halff erffwingomen och halff klosterd til.
Comments: An additional note
in the tänkebok states that the entry
is on: Per Karsons hws som landzknecten på talar. ● The prior of
the Friars Preachers in Stockholm in this period is not known for sure, but it
may have been Fr. Henricus Degner, who held the office in 1520 2/5 and also acted when the house was sold on in
1526 5/11; on him, see 1487 17/12. ● The name of the
Friar Preacher, who was the son of the late brasier Peter Karlsson, is not
stated anywhere. ● The name of the knifesmith from Söderköping was Claes,
which is stated in a later entry in the tänkebok,
when he and Fr. Henricus Degner of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm sold each
their respective halves of the house to Brandt Gotskalksson in 1526 5/11. From this it would appear that in the
meantime, i.e. from 1524 25/7 to 1526 5/11, the convent and Claes Knifesmith
had upheld a shared ownership of the house.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 25-26.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Guldsmed (: goldsmith), city councillor in Stockholm, holds a house in mortgage
in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm, which has not been redeemed by its former
owner, Jogan Matsson, for which reason Nils should now pay taxes for it; the
house is situated to the south of Hans Guldsmed’s house.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da ante Bartholomei. (…) Samma dagh kom Niels Gwlsmidt radman ffor sitiendes rætten medh the syne men som honom haffde warit tilskickade at the skatta skwlle thet huss han til panta haffde hafft, hwilkit huss han haffde laglige hem bwdit epter laghen och war lagh standit, och epter thet ey wart i ghen løøst dømdes huset honom til at han skwlle læta skatte thet och betale hwad huset war betre æn han til achters war hwilkit han alt giorde epter laghen, och wart huset skattat ffor ∙vC∙ m., skattemen eller syne men waare Herman Ffossert, Hans Burmestere, Mattes wijd lisle retten, Peder Nielson, Kwsans Henric, Iøns Gwlsmidt, Pawal j Porten, Olaff Person j Porten. Huset ær belæghet paa Swartmwnka gatwne næst swnnen Hans Gwlsmidz huss och haffde ffornæmde Niels Gwlsmidt thet j panta aff Ioghan Mattesson.
Comments: On Hans Guldsmed,
see 1506 12/12. The house in question may be
the one that Hans inherited after his brother in 1519 19/4. ● Nils
Guldsmed received full ownership of the house in 1526 9/4.
In 1526 15/10 he had apparently deposited some
money with the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, which was confiscated by the city
bailiff in 1527 8/4.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 31.
Bergen |
Convent of Bergen |
national council of Norway is assembled at the priory of the Friars Preachers in
Bergen, where it tries the evidence in a hereditary dispute between Gaute
Ivarsson and Olav Mikkelsson; the letters presented by the latter are found to
be forged and are therefore torn up.
Source: Transcript in
letter of certification, 1530 11/12. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Wij Oluff med Guds naade
erchebiskop j Trondem oc paauelig sedes legaatt, Hoskoldtt j Staffuangher,
Magnus i Hammar, Oloff i Berghen, Hans j Osloo, Jon j Hoole j Islandtt [med same naade biskoper]; Wincentius Lunge, Oluff Galle,
Goude Galle, Jachim Griis, riddere; Erick Wgropp, Oluff Bagge, Erick Ericsson
oc Johan Kruko, webnere; Norges rikis
raadtt gøre wittherligtt mett tette opne breff att aar effther Gudz byrdtt
tusendefemhundredefireoctiughe ffredaghen nest effther sancti Egidii dag kom j
retthe ffor oss i Berghen i Swortthebrødhre kløsther beskedelig man Goude
Jwarsson ffull oc laglig wmbodzman wppaa hans modhers wegne wppaa then ene
halffue oc Oluff Michelsson wppaa then annen halffue, oc thalede thaa fforde
Gouthe till Oluff Michelsson wm then arff som forde Oluff haade
befatedtt seg med effther hustrw Sunneues dødtt hues sæll Gud naade som waar
forde Gautes modhrsystherdotther. Ransakede wij thaa skylskabin
wppaa bode sidhen oc ffunne wij thett att Torgils Rostung ssom altt godsset
otthe hade en son ssom heitt Suen oc en dotther ssom heett Gudrun oc Suen hade
en son heith Endridtt oc Gudrun annan son ssom heitt Michell. Endridtt hade en
dotther heitt Sunniua och Michell en son wecktted heett
Oluff. Effther Torgils Rostungs døødtt erffde Suen oc Gudrun løsth oc ffast
baade effther modher oc ffadher, ther nest døde Suen oc honnum erffde hans son
Endridtt, ther nest døde Michell oc honnum erffde hans modher Gudrun thi han
hade ingen ecktte barn effther segh. Saa døde Gudrun oc henne erffde fforde
Endridtt hennis brodher, och ther medt kom altt godzitt løsth oc ffastt som
Torgils Rostung leffde sin son Suen oc Gudrun sin dotther in till fforde
Endridtt och hannum erffde hustrw Sunniue hans ectte dotther. Nw effther thi
att hustrw Sunniua hade icke barn effther segh tilsaade wij med en ffull dom
hennis modher syster hustrw Herborg Torbiørnsdotter altt thett godtz løsth oc
ffast ssom fforde hustrw Sunniua otthe oc ffylgde intidtt wnden
taghett fforde hustrw Herborg oc hennis erffuinge till euigh tiidtt
rosamlighe att beholde oc nydhe. Fframbar oc wppaa same tiidtt ffor oss i
retthe fforde Oluff Michelsson noghen breff lydendes att Steffan
Olaff Michelssons ffadherfadher skulde haffua fførtt med segh aff Suerighe
hiitt i landett monghe hundrede noble oc andre peninge oc skulde ssaa ffor fforde
peninge sidhen tett han hade ffaatt fforde Gudrun Oluff Michelssons
ffadhermoder till sin hustrw inløsth thette iordegodtz ssom fforde
hustrw Sunniua senesthe fylgde, och thij begerede han ssaa mykid aff godzitt
ssom peninghene till saade eller sin fadherfaders peninge igen. Och bleffue the
fforde breff lesne oc grannelige aff oss alle ransakedtt oc ffune
wii them alle gamle oc nye aabenbarlige ffalske att ware till scrifftt dicktt
oc intzegle, och thij lethe wij thøm syndher skære oc all domer ssom effther
fforde breff ware dømde tesliges. Och ther med saade wij hustrw
Herborg oc hennis erffuinghe quitth oc ffrij att ware i then maade ffor altt
ythermere tiltall. Till ythermere wissen oc fforuaring her om lade wij henge
wore intzegle nedhen ffor thette wortth obne breff som giffuidtt oc scriffuidtt
ær i Berghen aar daag oc stedtt ssom før scriffuidt staar.
Comments: The present members
of the Norwegian national council counted Archbishop Olav Engelbrektsson of
Nidaros, Bishop Hoskuld of Stavanger, Bishop Magnus of Hamar, Bishop Olav of
Bergen, Bishop Hans of Oslo and Bishop Jon of Hólar; Sheriff Vincens Lunge of
Bergenhus (see 1526 11/5), Sheriff Olav Galle of Akershus, Sheriff Gaute
Galle of Bohus and Knight Joachim Gris; and the esquires Erik Ugrop, Olav
Bagge, Erik Eriksson and Johan Kruko. ● The Friars Preachers in Bergen
accommodated the national council for a full month. Other assemblies are
recorded in 1524 5/8, 1524 23/8 and 1524 6/9; the first
two were quite important, as this was where the council deposed King Christian
II and elected King Frederik I in his place.
Published: Diplomatarium
Norvegicum vol. I no. 1068.
Leipzig |
Convent of Haderslev |
provincial chapter of Saxonia approves the master’s degree obtained by Fr.
Wilhelmus de Buren of the convent in Haderslev.
Source: Acta capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta capituli provincialis seu
convocacionis anno salutis, dei et gracie 1524 quartadecima septembris sub
reverendo patre fratre Hermanno Raab, sacre theologie professore, per provinciam
Saxonie priore provinciali, in conventu Lipzensi celebrate (…).
Iste sunt acceptaciones et approbaciones. (…) Item acceptamus magisterium fratris Johannis Wilhelmi de Buren conventus Haderslevensis. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
Dette er akterne for provicialkapitlet
eller konvokatet i det salvede Guds og nådens år 1524 den 14. september under
den ærværdige fader broder Hermann Rab, professor i den hellige teologi og
provincialprior for provinsen Saxonia, afholdt i konventet i Leipzig (…).
er godkendelser og tilladelser. (…) Ligeledes godkendes magistergraden for
broder Wilhelm de Buren fra konventet i Haderslev. (…) [p. 174]
Comments: On Fr. Wilhelmus de Buren, see 1519. ● The master’s degree was in theology and
obtained from the University of Greifswald in 1523 10/9.
The degree was recognized by Master General Franciscus Silvester in 1526 3/3.
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur
Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 172-180 (esp. p. 174).
Skrukeby |
Convent of Skara |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. Kanutus Petri of the Friars Preachers in Skara
to the rank of priest.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Sabbato quator temporum ante Michaelis in parochiali ecclesia Skrwkaby. (…) Presb[ite]ratus (…); ad titulum ordinis predicatorum de conventu Scarensi frater Kanutus Petri; ad titulum ordinis minorum Nycopensium frater Ffranciscaus Gummundi.
Comments: Fr. Kanutus Petri
of the Friars Preachers in Skara is not known from any other sources. ●
On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping, see 1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 558
(p. 593).
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
Friars Preachers in Tallinn receive 5 marks for the funeral of a peasant.
Source: Account book of the Dominican
convent in Tallinn (B. k. 3). Tallinn City Archives.
Language: Latin.
(…) Pro sepultura cuiusdam rustici – 5 marcas. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
(…) For et gravsted til denne bonde - 5 mark. (…)
Published: Johansen
& Mühlen 1973, p. 341 note 37 (extract only).
(Tallinn) |
Convent of Tallinn |
At the
request of the aldermen of the citizens of Tallinn, the city council unanimously
decides to dissolve the local convent of Friars Preachers and to expel the friars from their priory,
partly because the brethren – contrary to what they have been imposed – have
sent away valuable possessions and letters of the convent. A delegation of four
city councillors, three guild aldermen and other citizens, led by the
councillors Johan Kock and Hinrick Stumme, is send to the priory, where it is
declared before the entire convent gathered in the old refectory hall that
representatives of the city for too many times have been met with contrary,
impertinent and arrogant responses from the friars, not least from Dr. Thomas
Recken, when they have approached the convent in various legal matters. As the
city demands insight to all letters of privileges and financial claims of the
convent, such diplomas are to be handed over and henceforth kept outside the
priory. All valuable objects and papers, which contrary to earlier imposed
regulations, have been removed from the priory, shall be brought back and
checked with lists of inventory, just as all keys to the priory shall be given
to the city. The prior of the convent claims that the letters are of strain to
no one and that they only have been sent away for safekeeping. The friars at
first refuse to hand over their keys, but after having consulted Fr. David, who
had collected the keys at the arrival of the city delegates, all keys are
placed on a table. The prior informs that all the items that hitherto had been
kept in the cloakroom were now stored in the infirmary, but the delegation then
goes there only to find a few liturgical vestments. Nothing at all is found in
the prior’s chamber, where all the letters of the convent were supposed to be,
and a room above the chapter hall contains only empty chests and boxes. In the
guest chamber are found a purse and a can, according to Fr. David containing 50
marks (Riga) and 20 marks silver (Danish), along with a golden monstrance and
some bottles of liquor; the items are left in the room, which is then locked
up. Then the entire convent is gathered in the big refectory, where it is
declared to them that the city can no longer tolerate the irresponsible and
deceiving behaviour of the friars, and because of that they are enjoined to
leave the priory and city immediately, “with sack and pack”, never to return
unless explicitly called upon. Should any of the friars choose to henceforth
follow the evangelical word of God, they are allowed to stay in the priory, or
if they decide to take off their monastic habit and leave their order, they may
stay as lay citizens in the city; otherwise, only the oldest of the friars,
unfit to travel, are allowed to remain in the priory. As all the brethren
prepare to leave, three of the leading friars – the prior, Dr. Thomas and the
procurator Fr. David – are detained in separate cells in the priory for further
questioning regarding the whereabouts of the missing documents and valuables.
Source: Original
document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: Middle Low
De handel von der vorwysynghe der swarten moncke.
Anno 25 donnerdages vor Anthonii is up ambringent der olderlude und ethlicken vorordenten uth der gemeynheith vam erßamen rade und der gemeynheith disser stadt eyndrechtiglicken geslathen, de moncke im Swarthen Klosther umb erer gesporeden unthruw, de se in der entforing und wechbringung eres klosthers guter, segel und breue, zo en tho botruweth und boloueth, und velemer ander orsake willen, uth dem kloster tho verwißen. Wor umb uth dem rade de ersamen her Joan Kock, her Hynrigt Stumme, her Joan Selhorst und herr Both Schroder, uth der gemeynheith aller drien gilden olderlude, sampth ethlicken burgern inth vorgemelthe klosther geschigketh synn. Wor sulwigesth aufengkligk dem prior, supprior und gantzen conventhe im olden remther von des rades und gemeynheith wegen vorgegeven, wo seh van einen erßamen rade und gemeynheith tho vele malen mith mennigerley werven en in aller gude angeworuen boschicketh weren, de se beth her tho allerweghe vorachtligck upgenammen hedden und in allen enem erßamen rade und gemeynheith vorborordther stadt mith allem frevel und wrecheith wedderstreweth und enthegen gefallen hedden, alle wege up gutligkem ansinnenth eines rades und gemeynheith up erer olden seyden spelende wo smelicken ock am negesthen de geschigkeden samptligk und am deile in sunderheith von dem supprior unde sunderligk doctor Thomas affgerichtheth, were en in guder gedechtniße wol kundth und entholden. Wor boneffen en ock vorgeholden myth wath vorbolgenen wrecheit und homode se des rades und gemeynheith geschigkeden vam anfang erer bosending beth her tho in upschriwinge der klenode, bogerder innemenge der krancken, bofordering des koppers und allerley anderer gutlicker anwerwing alleweghe under ogen gefallen und wedderstreveth hedden. De wil nu auer am allernegesthen in der bolatesthen bosendung eth sulfftige conventh ethliker bye en gelatener und thobetruweden privilegien und ander schulthbreve halven van rade und gemeynthe irsocht umb de tho bosichtigen, aff ock de sulwesthen bye en thor stede weren, dar den de geschigkeden up dat mal anders vann verstendigeth wo de baven des conventhes vorwillinge und tegen des rades und gemeynthe bovel eyn ander wegen gebrocht und entholden weren, wor up en affgesecht de bonessen alle uth geforeden gudern jo er jo lever wedder inth klosther bie de handth tho bringen. Wolden hir umb dem vorlathe nach ßodan privilegie und breve zo se thor sthede itzunder bosichthigen. Im geliken allerley klenodien und kerken gesumide, welgk vormales bonessen al dem jenigen, was na vorgedaner upschriwinge bie en gelathen und en thobotruwet is in truwer vorwaring hir thor stede bie en tho blivende, dar tho men ock allerley slotel tho gantzem conventhe und klosther gehorende geforderth hefft. Hir enthegen van dem prior geantwerdeth und de orsake, wor umb he myth willen und volborth des gantzen convents de privilegie und ander breve uth dem klosther gebracht ingeliker mathen wo ock in der negesthen bosendinge hyr bovorn geschehen, angethogeth und vorhaleth warth. Sigk dar bonessen entschuldigende, dat sodan privilegie nimande tho wedderen, sunder alleine uth bosorgeder vare in ander wegen in vorseckeringe begacht entholden legen. Wor up de prior gefrageth, aff eth sulfftige ock in den privilegien entholden und vorwareth, det se dessulvesten sick vormechtigen mogen de privilegie, de dem gantzen klosther vorleneth durch erer zwei effthe drei von hir thor staede tho brigende etcetera. Welck myt enem swigen vorantwarth warth. De slotel auer van sick tho leggende weren ße nicht wol gesinneth, bospreken sick auer dar up und als seh van broder David vorstendigeth, wo de slotel van em im ersthen ingang genammen weren, hebben se de samptlick up de tafel gelecht und ein parth van sigk unduldichlicken geworpen. Hyr negest gaff de prior vor, wo de klenodie, zo bouorn in der gervekammer vorwareth legen, dar entholden itzunder in der sekenkammer vorwareth legen, dar men vorth henne ginck und ethlicke mysgewande gefunden und schriftligck angethekenth heffth lude einer zceddel, de hirup gemaketh is. Van dar vorth yn des priors kamer upgegangen, dar vormals de schultbreue und eth gelth vorwarth legen, wor sulvigesth nicht ein tuttel breves nach geld gefunden warth, alle kisthen und kasthen darbaren convent inne gewesen leddich gefunden und allerley tuch, zo tovorn up der kamer vorhanden, wech gebracht was. Van dar ginck men vorth bonedden in die gasthkamer, dar eth kumpthur geopendt an gelde in enem shemischen budel na broder Davids bokentnis 50 mark und ∙xx∙ mark an deninschen witthen in ener bussen tho wesende, ungetelleth darsulvigesth gelathen warth. Im geliken worden ock schappe vor dem fenster geopenth, in dem enen warth gefunden eine guldene monstrancie, im andern ethlicke gleser mit bernewin und geringe porßelen, welgk alles dar yn wedder vorslathen gelathen warth. Vorth van dar uthgegangen und de dore na sigk tho geslathen, wornegesth vorberorthe prior mit allen siinen conventhsbroderen int grothe remther van den geschigkeden geesscheth syn, welken darsulvigesth mith veelen umstendicheithen vorgegeven, wo ser untruweligk se bye den thobotruweden und boleneden closthers klenoden, allerley gudern, gelde, geldeswerde, privilegien, segelen und breven schulde und des klosthers frigheiden und nutticheiden bolangende gehandelth hedden. Dar men gar vele mangels und gebrekes by sporede, bauen ere gelossthe und vorwillinghe, se derwegen eynenrade gemeynheth gedan, da en de thobetruwede klosters guder bie en sampthligk und sunderlick beth up den utersten man tho weten upgelecht und bovolen warth, wor over und erbauen se de vormales bosichtigede privilegie, segel und breve bonissen mer andern klosters gudern, de in der latesthen upschrivinge unopgeschreven vor ogen weren und en up guden gelaven bovalen und thogetueth wurden, ane wethen, willen und volborden rades und gemeynheith tegen ere vorwillinge und vorplicht van dar gebracht und vorfureth hedden. Der wegen men van dem prior und en bogerde eine egentlicke kunde und bowetenheit tho hebben, wor hen ßodan gebracht und in gewarsam gedan weren. Umb welker bye en gesporeden untru und ungelavens willen, den seh einen erßamen rade und gemeynheith bauen er geboth und desulvesten priors und convenths egene vorwilling erthogeth und bowesen, stunde der stadt in nenen wege an hir mede tho lyden, sunder de sulvesten prior mith alle sinen brodern sollen hir umb van stunden an ein ider syn pack und sagk nemen und dar mede thom klosther uthtreden. Dar vorth mer nicht wedder in thokamende er seh geesscheth wurden. Bie sodanen boschede zo dar ienighe mang erem middel weren, de dem heiligen ewangelio und godtlickem worde in der forme und gestalth, zo eth am vorgangen ßamer byenen eren kloster gepredigth, anhangen und byeplichten wolden, sodan anthonemende, de sulvesthen sullen mechtich syn dar in tho bliven, edder in afflegging der moncke kleder der stadt frigheth und guden fordering na notrofft tho genethen und tho gebrucken. Worden ock yn sunderheith ethlicke van den oldesthen brodern dar in tho blivende und in notrofftiger vorsorging tho holden bonometh und vortrostheth. Hyr enthegen de prior und doctor Thomas elck van en insunderheith sick entschuldigeth en sodaner anbeding tho volgen in nenen wege drechligt tho synde gedochten vele lever eth klosther tho rumen, wen van erer proffessie und orden tho treden. Und in deme alle vorberorthen ßodaner vorwising nicht groth achteden, und alle samptligk thom utgange gewilligeth weren, warth int besthe bowagen und dar vor angesehen den prior, doctor Thomas und procurator broder Davidt darsulvigesth anthoholden, umb en affthofragen, wor sodane privilegie, segel und breve myth alle den ienigen, wes en an klenoden, gelde, geldesgewerde und allerley klosters gudern hen gebracht und wechgeflocheth weren. Der wege ethsulfftige her Matthis Depholth, borgermeister, kundt gedan, umb den radth hir umb vorladen tho laten, van welgken in erer samptlicken vorgegaddering upm Radhuße geslaten, de vorberorten dre dar hir bynnen klosters tho thovende und nicht van hir tho gestadende, er se bokenneden, wor sodane entfodere privilegie, renthe breve myth allen uthgeflochten gudern gebleven were. Denen des sulvisthen auendes also geschenn is, zo dath de prior und andern beide eyn ider van en up sunderge cellen und kamer gewesen siin.
Comments: The act is a
contemporary report written for the Tallinn city council, continuing for the
following day (1525 13/1) and with written
statements from the three imprisoned, leading friars (1525 c.26/1). ● On Dr. Thomas
Recken, see 1520 8/9. ● The prior of the convent
of Friars Preachers in Tallinn at this time was Fr. Augustinus Emsickhoff. He may have been among the three friars
affiliated to new the Dominican house under construction in Narva, who got
incensed with the local authorities in the winter of 1523-24, when they opposed
the foundation (Wittenheim 1938, 125). When Prior Johannes Buxtrup died in the
summer of 1524, Fr. Augustinus was elected as new prior of the convent in
Tallinn, but this was only accepted by the city council of Tallinn after having
received a fair testimony on him from Narva (Wittenheim 1938, 128). As
conditions worsened in Tallinn, he systematically tried to secure the documents
and valuables of the convent by placing them with various friends of the friars
in the city and outside. Because of this, he was imprisoned by the city
authorities at the dissolution of the convent and remained in custody for weeks
until he and the procurator of the convent revealed the whereabouts of the
items (see 1525 13/1 and 1525 c.26/1). ●
Fr. David Scliper, ‘procurator’ of
the Friars Preachers in Tallinn, perhaps a laybrother, seems to have been the
friar in charge of the convent’s material life, including keeping the accounts.
He was imprisoned by the city authorities in January 1525 along with the prior
and subprior, but apparently received a harsher treatment, as he was placed in
a dark prison in one of the city towers (see 1525 c.26/1). ● Johan Kock (†1534) was city councillor
of Tallinn in 1521-1534. He had been a licensed burgher of Tallinn since 1508,
and he was alderman of the Great Guild in Tallinn, when he became member of the
city council in 1521. Along with Hinrick Stumme, he was appointed lay warden of
the Friars Preachers in Tallinn on behalf of the city council. Due to his
central role in the dissolution of the convent, he had to defend the city’s
actions in the subsequent legal procedures against the knighthood of Harria and
Vironia (see 1525 26/3 and 1526 early March).
Published: Hansen, Die Kirchen…
(1873) encl. no. 8 (pp. 119-122).
Hansen 1873, 79-81; Walther-Wittenheim 1938, 129; Kala 2013, 353-354; Jakobsen
2019 (Reformation), 94.
Linköping |
Convents of Skänninge and Visby |
Hans Brask of Linköping informs the clergy and laypeople of Tjust hundred that
the privilege granted by his predecessors to the Friars Preachers in Visby to send
‘questors’ to the hundred for the conservation of their convent is hereby
transferred to the convent of the same order in Skänninge; this happens as the
convent in Visby is now to be considered enemies of the kingdom, and because
the convent in Skänninge lives in grave poverty and in need for repairs on
their priory.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Questus pro conventu Skeningensi
Johannes Dei gratia et cetera dilectis in Christo filiis preposito curatis ceterisque universis spiritualibus et temporalibus in districtu Tiust commorantibus paternam in Domino dilectionem et salutem. Cum secundum variationem temporum varientur et humanarum rerum conditiones adeo quod nichil reperiatur sub concavo orbi lune immutabilitate subjectum. Cum itaque ad multa retroacta tempora per predecessores nostros religiosis deoque devotis viris priori et fratribus conventus predicatorum opidi Visbicensis favorabiliter concessum fuerat et indultum quod possint suum questorem fratrem ordinis pro dicti conventus conservatione mittere per Tiustiam et eius districtum quo fit ut hostes regni majora reportant beneficia presertim hoc tempore hostilitatis quam regni indigene filii et amici, cupientes igitur ut conventus predicatorum opidi Skeningensis qui minatur ruinam pro sui nimia paupertate restaurari possit ac divina officia nocturna et diuturna in eodem devote et laudabiliter observari concurrente assensu domini nostri regis electi latorempresentium fratrem N. dicti conventus fidelem nuntium vobis sincere recommendamus quatenus populum vobis subjectum dum per eum ac presentes nostras litteras vos contingat requiri piis exhortationibus exhortari velitis quatenus grata subsidia et pias elemosinas ipsis de Skeningia in locum eorum de Visby impertiri dignentur ad quod ut se tanto liberaliores exhibeant. Nos omnibus vere penitentibus confessis eorum inopie misericorditer occurrentibus de omnipotentis Dei gratia ac sanctorum Petri et Pauli eiuus appostolorum auctoritate confisi de injunctis eis penis ∙xl∙ dierum indulgentias misericorditer in Domino relaxamus presentibus ultra anni terminum minime valituris. Datum Lincopie anno et cetera 1525 octavis epiphanie. Nostro sub signeto.
Comments: On Bishop Hans Brask
of Linköping, see 1520 28/2. ● The
alleged hostility of the convent in Visby was probably not claimed for the
actual friars as much as for the de facto
lord of Gotland, Søren Norby, who still held Visborg Castle in the name of
the fugitive King Christian II, and thus refused to comply with the
Danish-Swedish agreement (of 1 September 1524) that Gotland should go back to
Sweden. In the winter of 1524-25, his pirate navy plundered ships of all
nationalities around Gotland, and in April 1525, Norby even launched a
land-based attack on Blekinge and Skåne. Søren Norby is not known to have had
any particular relations to the Friars Preachers in Visby, nor to any other
religious institution or devotion. ● Tjust was the north-easternmost
hundred in Småland, situated out by the coast towards Gotland. From Skänninge,
there was about 50 km to the closest parishes of the hundred.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 303.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
of the city council of Tallinn question three Friars Preachers held in custody
in the local priory regarding the whereabouts of missing documents concerning
the convent’s privileges, letters, monetary claims and possessions, along with
their seals and money. The prior answers that the last money has been spent to
feed the friars, while the copper has been sold to the Abbey of St Brigitte; as
for the diplomas and seals, they belong solely to the convent and are of no
concern to the city. Dr. Thomas answers in a similar way. Then Fr. David is
likewise questioned, first friendly and then more hardly, because as the
convent’s procurator, no one should know better than him. Fr. David, however,
claims that only the prior fully knows, he himself is only aware that 3½ skippund
copper has been sold to the Abbey of St. Brigitte, while a couple of bolts of
cloth have been shipped to Sweden and sold; the income has been used to buy firewood,
salmon and other necessities for the convent. The city delegation then has the
priory searched through for valuables, and six locked chests are found and put
in the cloakroom, while all books found in the cells are brought to the
library. The three friars, kept in the old refectory, are again urged to reveal
where the remaining diplomas and valuables are, but as they still refuse to
comply, they are once again locked up individually in the priory for the night:
the prior in the priory prison, Dr. Thomas in a cell, and Fr. David in the
guest chamber. Before he is taken away, the prior hands over his sack to one of
the delegates, the city councillor Johan Selhorst, and in it they find a large
and a small seal of the prior, a silver spoon, a tooth pick, 2 marks and 14
shilling in coins, a foreign silver penny, and a rosary, all of which is put in
the cloakroom. Then the delegates go home.
Source: Original
document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: Middle Low
De handel von der vorwysynghe der swarten moncke.
(…) Des anderen dages hir na negesthfolgende am fridage morgen syn na geholdenen radtschlage des rades und vorordenten uth der gemeynheth alle vorberorthenen wedder upth nuge inth klosther geschickheth, dar seh im olden remther de vorgenomthen, den prior mith den ander beyden brodern, auermal, thith ethende, vor sigk gefunden hebben. Vort wurden doctor Thomas und broder Davidt affthotreden, elgk in sunderlicker stede sigk tho entholden, geweßen. Hier negesth warth de prior in sunderheith vorgenamen und bie syner ere, truwe, selenßalicheth vormaneth den geschigkenden de rechthe, egenthlicke warheit tho seggen, wor hen de en tho botruweden privilegie, segel und breve, gelth und geldes gewerbe und allerley klosters guder, ßo vormals dar bosichtigeth und tho truwer handth bovalen, gebracht vnd bie weme de entholden were. Men gedochthe sigk der wegen an en tho holden und nicht tho verlathen beth thor tyt men dar aff nogehafftige boscheth erlanghede. Zo he myth Gudhe des nicht tho bokennen gesynneth, hedde men vor em ßo sachte tho donde, dath he ßodan nicht unbekannth lathen solde. Wor enthegen de prior de vor hen angethagene besorgede varlicheith uptoch bonessen dem vorbade, welckt he van synen ouesthen erlangeth, ßodan privilegie, segel und breve van dar tho bringen, de wil seh stellede de dinghe tho inkentnisse des gnädigen herr meisters synes werdigen ordens, zu he in dem mishandelt hedde. Eth bie en gelathen gelth were sodder der latesten upschriwinghe in upholding eres klosthers vorthereth, de koppe sunte Birgitthen Kloster vorkosth. Vorsege sigk der stadt nicht nadeilich, dath he vorberorthe privilegie, segel und breve, de vor dath klosther vornen und em elleine tho quemen, van dar gebracht und tho des klosthers besthen hedden vorwaren lathen. Dar negesth is men vann em gegangen tho doctor Thomas, deme de vorgethekene ernstlicke mening und boger eines erßamen rade und gemeynheith nach der sulvesthen gestalth und wiße, ßo an den prior geworven, vorgegeven warth, de ock by na in densulwesthen syn und mening, wo de prior, darup antwordede. Wor negesth ock imgeliken broder David in sunderheit vorgenamen und in der gude ock harder bodrauunghe vorhoreth, umb tho bokennen, wo sodan privilegie, segel und breve mith allem uth geflochten hen gebracht weren, angesehen nimandth des klosters gelegenheith und thogehoring beth als em bewusth were, und he ouer al det radenth hedde. Dar umb gedechte men ßodan als bie em tho wethen. Dar up he geantwardeth wo em van den privilegie und breve unbewusth; de prior hedde dar van alleyne de bowetenheith. Susth weren 3½ schippundth koppers sunte Birgidthen klosther vorkosst, dar vor se eth gelt entfangen hedden. Ethlicke bolchen louwendes weren den Sweden vorlathen und vorbuthet, dar vor seh holth, las und ander porßeln genamen hedden, welck tho des klosters besthe gekamen und alles verthereth were. Als men nu en allen anders nicht affragen kunde, is men boven den umgangk gegangen, dar men ethlicke vorslatthene kysthen, nehmligk 6, gefunden, de do sulvigesth in der gervekamer gesettheth wurden. Wor negesth ock alle angethekende misgewande mit erer thobohoring dar sulvigesth in der schappe inflegen synn. Vort dosulvigesth wurden etzlicke cellen gewisethirth, dar al rethschop inth gemeyne uthgeflochendth bofunden. Wes auer an bokoren dar in gewesen syn, alle tho hape up de librarie gebracht und gedragen. Van dar wedder inth olde remther thom prior, supprior und procurator wedder aff gegangen, welken upth nuge vorinnerth und in ernstligk bodrouwinge ere hardicheit und stiffmodighe vrevel, dar mith seh ere withlicheit van den wechgebrachten privilegien, segel und breven, undergeschlagenen klosters gudern, gelde, geldeß gewerbe, rekenskops boker und allerley gemisseden parßelen thoseggendhe weigerden sampthligt und elcken in sunderheith und vorwethen warth. Men heffth auer von en nen ander boschedth der vorhen erlangen konnen. Wor umb de prior anfengligk in der pressune, broder Thomas up eine zelle und broder David in de Gasthkamer tho setthende des auendes gewesen worden syn. Vor der wechsettinge des priors heffth he synen budel nymandt, sunder alleyn eynen letmaten des rades, nehmligk herr Joan Sellhorsth, tho betruwen willen; darinne des priors segel, ein signeth, ein sulvernen lepel, ein thenensthaker, 2 mark, 14 schilling an gelde, ein fromth sulveren pennink, ein korallen pater nostherken befunden, welckt dar wedder ingelecht und inth kumthor in der gasthkamer vorslathen warth. Wor na ein ider van den geschickeden tho huse gegangen.
Comments: The act is a
contemporary report written for the Tallinn city council, beginning with 1525 12/1 and followed by written statements from the
three imprisoned, leading friars (1525 c.25/1).
● The prior of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn was Fr. Augustinus Emsickhoff,
see 1525 12/1. ● On Dr. Thomas Recken,
see 1520 8/9. ● On Fr. David
Scliper, see 1525 12/1. ● For the members
of the city delegation, see 1525 12/1. ● Johan (or Hans) Selhorst (†1536) originated from Hamm in Westfalia and went to
Tallinn in 1505. Here he was church warden of St. Olai Church in 1519 and of St.
John’s Hospital in 1523, alderman of the Great Guild in 1521-1524, and member
of the Tallinn city council from 1520 to 1532. He also represented the city
council in 1528 15/3 in its dispute with the nobility of Harria and
Vironia concerning the ravaging of Blackfriars Priory. ● The Abbey of St. Brigitte was a
Brigittine monastery situated 4 km north-east to the actual city of Tallinn, by
the coastal road to Viimsi, where it along with its adjacent settlement was
named Marienthal (now Pirita).
Published: Hansen, Die Kirchen…
(1873) encl. no. 8 (pp. 122-124).
Hansen 1873, 81-82; Kala 2013, 354-355.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Henricus Degner of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm is asked by the city court
of Stockholm if he is willing to honour a settlement that he made with the late
Erik Helsing with one of Helsing’s heirs, Hans Bøkman, regarding a house in the
friar’s possession that he had agreed to hand over to Erik Helsing in return
for a payment of 800 marks. Fr. Henricus Degner replies that he will speak to
Hans Bøkman about it.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da sequenti. (…) Samma dagh kom ffor rætten Hans Bøkman och haffde it tiltal til broder Henric Degener om it huss som hans fforffader Eric Helsing war til fforenne tildømt anno MDXVIII och broder Henric inne haffde, tha wart honom swaret at broder [Henric] haffde samme huss ffor witterlig gel som fornæmde [Eric] Helsing och han haffde til forenne warit fforlicht saa at broder Henric haffde giffuit ∙xiC∙ m. wp i ∙viiiC∙ m. och the ∙viiiC∙ skulle Eric Helsing lægia wpaa disken och nær han thet giorde tha skulle broder Henric antuarde nøklene j ffraa [sich]. Til thetta war her Larens Larenson witne och naagre andre medh. Tha wart them thet ffore sagt at nær fornæmde Hans lagde wp ∙viiiC∙ m. om broder Henric wille bliffue wijd then contracht giord war och ware medh ∙viiiC∙ m. til frijdz tha skulle han komme til huset j ghen och sporde fornæmd Lasse Larenson broder Henric til om han war til frijdz medh ∙viiiC∙ m. tha swarede han, Hans och jach wij wilie tales ther wijd om, och gik saa sin wegh. (…) Broder Henriks sak bliffuer standandes.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus
Degner, see 1487 17/12. ● On
his dispute with Erik Helsing, see 1518 11/12. ●
Hans Bøkman (†1548) was a merchant of
German origin, who had married Erik Helsing’s widow, Katarina, some time after
the execution of Erik at the Stockholm Bloodbath in 1520. He later became
member of the Stockholm city council. ● The final passage (“Friar
Henrik’s case remains standing.”) is the last entry in the court protocol of
the day, suggesting that contrary to the court’s expectation Fr. Henricus had
by then still not returned with his answer. ● Fr. Henricus and Hans
Bøkman settled their issues before the city council in 1525
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 44-45.
Stockholm |
(Convent of Västerås) |
Gustav Vasa of Sweden informs the city council and ‘the forty-eight’ of Stockholm
that some denouncers, including monks, in their city and in the countryside are
spreading rumours against him, claiming that he is changing the religious faith
of the kingdom; they have begun to do so after he has limited their ´greed’,
which has been going on for a long time at the expense of Crown and knighthood.
The king then asks the council and city representatives how they stand in all
this, and they unanimously state that they all stand behind him, that they will
help suppress any such rumours and inform on any denouncers that they should
come across.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Sabbato post purificationis. Kom war nadigste herre wpa radzstugune j radzens och the ∙xlviii∙ nærware, tha haffde hans nade it spørsmal til them huru the wille sich haffua j thet røchte som saa stemples j bland then mene man j landet emot hans nade at han wilde fforweta sich om the wille bliffua ffaste medh hans nad, ther suarede the alle ja til at the wille liffua och dø medh hans nad och hielpe til at tryckie saadane røchte nider, och om the ffornimme naagre stemplere j bland them tha wille the thet widergøre, ther skulle hans [nade] fullelige lite sich til. Och haffde hans nad en lang sermon ffor them om the prebendater her j byn och muncher huru the fforfføre honom och seya at han komber ny tro i landet epter han wil ffortage them theres gyrighet at the ey skulle slaa saa myket wnder sich wndan cronone och ridderskapet som j lang tijdt skeedt ær, tha swarede alle at the jw bliffua wille ther hans nade bliffwe ther matte han ffolite sich til. Tha wart och rørt om slotzloffuan och ther worde nagre til skickade. Ther medh gick hans nad aff.
Comments: One of the
‘denouncing monks’ referred to by King Gustav was apparently Fr. Nicolaus
Caroli of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, see 1525
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 46.
Convent of Skänninge |
Hans Brask of Linköping prohibits the prior of the Friars Preachers in
Skänninge from sending a certain frater terminarius to Tveta until he has been
properly disciplined for having publicly uttered malicious blasphemy about God
and St. Olav while collecting alms for the convent and the said saint.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Scripsit dominus meus priori Skeningensi in crastino dominice invocavit quod non dimitteret quendam terminarium suum in Tweta impunitum qui adeo maliciose blasfemaverat in Deum et sanctum Olavum quod commisit elemosinam pro conventu collectam ac sanctum Olavum ipsi dyabolo et hoc in publica sessione omnibus audientibus.
Comments: On Bishop Hans
Brask, see 1520 28/2. ● The prior of the
Friars Preachers in Skänninge cannot be identified with certainty. Fr. Petrus
Magni was prior of the convent in 1523 11/11. ● The frater terminarius in question cannot be
identified, neither is it possible to clarify the more exact nature of his
alleged blasphemous statements. Apparently, parishioners of Tveta had
complained about him to their bishop. ● Tveta is a parish in Småland
situated 110 km south-east of Skänninge.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 317.
Linköping |
Convent in Sweden |
Bishop Hans
Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. Johannes Nicolai of the Friars Preachers to the
rank of priest.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Sabbato reminiscere ordinati sunt infrascripti in sacrario ecclesie cathedralis (…); presbiteratus fratres Johannes Nicolai de ordine predicatorum, Sigfridus Swenonis de ordine minorum.
Comments: Fr. Johannes
Nicolai has not been identified from any other sources. It is not stated to
which convent he was affiliated. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping, see
1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 558
(p. 594).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Fr. Henricus
Degner, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, and Hans Bøkman declare
before the city council in Stockholm that they have come to terms regarding the
disputed house in Stockholm: the house hereafter fully belongs to Fr. Henricus
only, while Hans Bøkman is redeemed from all claims of debt.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da post reminiscere. (…) Samma dag stod Hans Bokman ffor sitiendes rættin och wplet medh hand och mund renliffuet man broder Henric Degener priare j Suartbrødre thet huss som hans fforfader Eric Helsing war tilsacht som tenkieboken innehaller anno MDXVIII och haffde hørt her Hans Euerardi til och haffde lenge staat j clander, thet samma huss medh al syn tilbehørelse som thet war fornæmde Eric Helsing tildømt leffrerede och wplæt ffornæmde Hans Bøkman broder Henric quit och ffrij ffor alt eptertal. Ther medh giorde och broder Henric Hans Bøkman quijt ffrij ledigh och løss ffor al gel som han haffde honom tiltale om saa at thet skal wpa baade sider ware en aafftalet sak them emellen orappat och oclandrat ffor ffødde och offødde aatalere wpa bade sider.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus
Degner, see 1487 17/12. ● On
his dispute with Erik Helsing, see 1518 11/12. ●
On Hans Bøkman, see 1525 30/1.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 54.
Stockholm |
Convent of Västerås |
Karlsson is tried before the king’s court in Stockholm and found guilty of
treason, as he together with his brother and Peder Jakobsson have tried to stir
up riots among Dalkarlarna (the peasants of Dalarna) with the
aim to dethrone and banish their rightful king, Gustav Vasa of Sweden, partly
by an attempt to persuade two county bailiffs to join the uprising and hand
over some collected taxes.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 4ta post reminiscere. Samma dagh saate ffor rette epter waar nadigeste herres befalning tesse epterscreffne: Fførst her Berendt van Melen, Lyder Stalswen, Cnwt Anderson, Jøns Cnutson, Niels Ericson, Anders Hanson, Eric Twreson, Niels Torstenson, Jøns Olson, Moans Swenson, Jøns Wesgøte, Jøns Person, Joachim Ffleming, Junker Otte, Jacob Kromme, medh ffogden, borgemestere och radt, och tha kallade ffogden Peder Hard Albrict van Buschen in ffor rettin (…). Tha sporde Peder Hardt alle the fforscreffne gode men til om the wille honom weria eller ffella; tha war ther jnghen som honom wille werie wtan alle ffelte honom saa at han haffde handlet som en fforredere. Ther medh leddes han aff och sattes j tornit i ghen. Sidhen kallade Peder Hard Jøns Karlson jn och haffde it clagemal wpa honom at han haffde stemplat emot waar nadigeste herre medh her Peder och syn broder och Dalekarlene huru the wille sætie wp en nyan herra och driffua theres rette herre wt aff landet och haffde ffaat breff aff Dalerner, och haffde welet draga Laange Birger och Lasse Sommar landzfogdene j Nerike jn til sich och loffuat got och bidit them at the ey skulle fforhaste medh skatten som them skulle weta mere tack at the skatten fforuaret haffde. Thetta kunde han ey wnduike ty ther waare saa stark witne til. Ther medh badz han ffore at the gode men wille ware honom it ord til gode haffde han naagot fforseet sich han wille sich gerne bætre. Tha wart thet och epter hans egen bekennelse røstat om kring at han haffde hafft sich emot syn rette herre som en fforrædere. Ther medh wart han och j tornet insatter ighen.
Comments: Jöns Karlsson was apparently considered
among the ring leaders of the riots in Dalarna in 1524-25, along with the
former bishop of Västerås, Peder Jakobsson (“her Peder”, referred to in the
act, see below). The background of Jöns Karlsson is otherwise unknown. His
anonymous brother, also referred to in the trial act, was Fr. Nicolaus Caroli
of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, see 1525
7-8/4. Both brothers were
executed by decapitation on Malmen outside Stockholm on 1525
14/6; on request from their friends, they were spared from the usual
punishment for treason of being broken on the wheel, and they were both buried
with the Friars Preachers in Stockholm. ● Peder
Jakobsson ‘Chancellor’ or ‘Sunnanväder’
(†1527) had been the chancellor of the Swedish regent Svante Nilsson Sture
since 1506 and continued as one of the chief advisors of Sten Sture the
Younger. He was installed as parish priest in Stockholm in 1510 and as dean of
the cathedral chapter in Västerås in 1515. As the regent’s chancellor, Peder
accompanied Sten Sture’s young son, Nils, to safety in Gdańsk, when King
Christian II led his campaign into Sweden in 1520, which led to the regent’s
death and the Stockholm Bloodbath (see 1520 8-9/11), after which
‘Peder Chancellor’ was considered leader of the Sture party. He supported the
Swedish rebellion led by Gustav Vasa and because of this was appointed bishop
of Västerås in 1523, but was soon alienated from the new king, particularly
when King Gustav overruled the election of Knut Mikaelsson, Peder’s friend and
provost in Västerås, as new archbishop of Uppsala. When Peder expressed his
discontent with this, he too was deposed from his episcopal office by the king.
Along with ‘Master Knut’ Mikaelsson, ex-Bishop Peder Jakobsson went to the
district Dalarna in the diocese of Västerås, known for its rebellious peasants,
where they in the winter of 1524-25 agitated against the new king, who – among
other things – was accused of surrendering Sweden into Lutheran heresy; to do
this, it seems, the two secular prelates were assisted by a group of Friars
Preachers in Västerås, including (Prior?) Nicolaus Caroli (1525 7/4) and perhaps some
Norwegian brethren at the convent led by Fr. Robertus Johannis (see 1525 30/5). Peder Jakobsson fled to Norway in the summer
of 1525, staying with Lady Inger Ottesdotter (see 1539
31/7), but returned to Sweden when promised safe conduct by the king – who
then broke his promise and had Peder arrested, prosecuted and finally executed
on 18 February 1527. ‘Sunnanväder’ is a pejorative nickname posthumously
attached to Peder Jakobsson by Gustav Vasa’s chronicler, Peder Svart. It
literally means ‘south wind’, or rather ‘the kind of weather that follows a
south wind’, here, however, possibly in the negative context “a change, which
at first feels pleasant, but eventually brings drought and poor harvest”. ●
The preceding case against Albrect van Buschen was not in any way connected to
the political riots against King Gustav Vasa. Albrect was apparently a hired
soldier of German origin, who had served King Gustav in Finland, but allegedly
spent a significant amount of the king’s money for his own use. He was probably
of noble family, since he was not hanged, but executed by decapitation on 18
March 1525 (SST 1524-29, 56).
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 54-56.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
Teutonic Landmeister of Livonia informs representatives of the city of
Tallinn that the knighthood of Harria and Vironia complains about the expulsion
of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn, which has robbed the knights from their
privileges in Blackfriars Priory, including the destruction and theft of
altarpieces, paintings and others items and possessions donated to the convent
by the knights, and for which the city council apparently will not proceed
against the perpetrators. Johan Kock, city councillor of Tallinn, defends the expulsion
by listing the misdeeds performed by the friars against the city, while the
council promises to consider what to do about the violation of the knightly
privileges, including the knights’ ancient right to use the priory as venue for
their ‘Manntag’-assemblies.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
§ 8. (- - -) darmyth hyruth nicht mehr qwades vam paweste und keyser dussen landen togedacht und vorhengeth wurde. (…)
§ 9. (…) Vurder boklagede sick de ridderschop, wo yn erer frigheit ym Swarten kloster margklick sware gewalt yn geweldiger vorstoring und thonichtemakinge der tafelen und bilder darsulvigest wedder Goth, recht und alle billicheit van der stadt myth egener gebrukeder gewalt togemeten und wedderfaren were, wo ock de stadt des klosters guder, de van der ridderschop dem kloster gegeven, sick underwunden; wart ock darboneffen upgetagen, dath sick de stadt der velheit halven, de ym kloster zodan gewelde bodreven, nicht heft tho entschuldigen, angesehen dat deverie und gewalt, misdat umb velheit willen der deve und geweldener misdeder nicht ungestraffeth blift.
§ 14. (…) Wornegest der moncke wrevele, untruwe und lofflose miszhandeling wedder de stadt myth veler umbstendicheit, yn wat wysen seh hyr eth kloster gerumet und wo seh tom uthgange allenthalven stedes geschicketh gewesen, van h. Johan Kock van ort thom ende vortelleth warth.
17. (…) Frageden ock, wo deh stadt geneget, der ridderschop ere van oldinges
gebrukede frigheit ym Swarten kloster tho holdinge erer mandage vordan na
voriger older herkumpst gebruken to laten. (…)
Comments: The convent of Friars Preachers in Tallinn was forced to
dissolve and leave the priory in 1525 12/1. The
destructions refer to an iconoclastic attack on the convent in 1524 14/9.
● The Manntags were meetings
held by the rural nobility in Blackfriars Priory in Tallinn. This complaint
shows that it assembled members from beyond the county of Revala (in which
Tallinn was situated), as the complainers came from Harria (Harjumaa, Harrien)
and Virona (Virumaa, Wierland), two neighbouring counties in northern Estonia
to the south and east of Revala respectively. ● As the complaint
apparently had little effect, it was repeated to the Livonian Landmeister of the Teutonic Order in March 1526, who promised to act on it in 1527 15/3. Representatives of the city council were
authorized to settle the issue at the Livonian Landtag in Wolmar 1526 10-17/6, and the
council had to explain itself to the Teutonic Landmeister
again in 1527 8/12. The knighthood Manntag summoned a number of individual Tallinn
burghers accused of taking part in the attack, and required the city council to
issue letters of free passage for representatives of the Friars Preachers for
them to explain their case on a Manntag themselves,
against which the council objected in 1528 15/3. ● On Johan
Kock, see 1525 12/1. He was also involved with the
case in 1526 early March. ● The Livonian Landmeister of the Teutonic Order of the
time was Wolter von Plettenberg (1494-1535).
Published: Akten und
Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 184 (extracts combined with summaries in
Convent of Kalmar |
The army
of King Gustav Vasa of Sweden entrenches in the field between the castle and
the priory of Friars Preachers in Kalmar before an attack on Kalmar Castle.
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
(…) När nu Kong. Götstaff fick
thenne forredelige Bern van Melens handell i sanningene förnimme, betenckte han
att thet wore föga heder medh, bäre Konunga nampn och icke haffua heelt sidt
eget Rijke inne. Giorde förtenskull rede medh skep, skött och hwadh behoff war,
haffwandes och medh sigh sitt besta Swenske krigxfolk leggiandes till Calmare.
Staden stodh ham strax yppen, borgarne mötte honom medh all vnderdonig
ödmiuckt. (…) Kong. Götstaff sende bodh till Slottedt, sporde them till, än the
icke wille giffua honom vp hans eget Slott, eller medh hwadh skäell the wille
honom thet förholla? The swarade att the kende ingen för sin Herre then
Slottedt skulle tilhöra, vtan Bern van Melen och honom wille the hollat
tilhonda, emedan en man kunde leffua aff them ther vppå wore. Kong. Götstaff
hade tå icke annen rådh än han motte storma. Lett så skandza emillan Clostredt
och Slottedt, och beskiuta Slottedt till storm. (…)
Comments: Both the priory and the castle were situated in the south-west
fringe of the city area, the priory a few hundred meters to the south-west of
the castle. ● Bernd van Melen (†1561) was a soldier of German origin. He
was knighted by King Christian II in 1520 and installed as sheriff of
Stegeborg, Östergötland, but surrendered the castle to Gustav Vasa and joined
his party instead. In 1523 he was given Kalmar Castle by King Gustav as fief,
but the king eventually had doubts about his loyalty. At the time of the royal
attack on Kalmar, Bernd was away in an attempt to win Gotland and Søren Norby
for the Swedish crown. ● According
to the chronicle, the storm had disastrous outcome for both parties. Allegedly,
more than 3,000 of King Gustav’s troops fell in the failed attempt to capture
the castle, and when the defending garrison afterwards chose to surrender to
the king’s mercy, they received none and were all executed.
Published: Gustaf
I’s krönike af Peder Swart, pp. 89-90.
Stockholm |
Convent of Västerås |
King Gustav Vasa of Sweden
urges the people of Fjerhundraland to apprehend and extradite any ‘evil
denouncers’ and ‘futile slanderers’ among them, who are trying to stir damaging
turbulence in the kingdom, just like Fr. Nicolaus Caroli (of the Friars
Preachers), who helped provoke ‘the great rumble’ in Dalarna, but was
apprehended and extradited to the king by the people of Dalarna, for which the
king is very grateful.
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old Swedish.
Tiil fiædringelandt ffredaghen nesth føre dominicam palmarum. Vij Gøtzstaff etcetera. Helsom edher etcetera. Kære wenner wij haffue forstaath ath monge onda stemplare haffua førdt mykit onyttugt tall j blandt then menigeman ther med the actade komma noghen twædrecth och obestondt j riiketh menige riikitzins inbyggiare tiil en stor drapeligh scada och fordarff. Saa ære nw nogra aff fornde stemplare oss tiil handa kompne som saadana argt wpsaath och mening hade j sinneth besynnerliga then brodher Nielss Karlsson som thet stora bwldher hade før hendher j Dalena, huilkin the godemen sielffue aff forne Dalena skickath tiil handa therføre wij them wenliga och kærliga tacka. Fforhopendis athij dandemen alle samme wile och saa giøre huar nogher wtaff saadana onyttuga klaffare j blandt edher kwnne bespøryas, huilkit wij altiidt gerna med edher forschylla hwar wij kwnna oss hopas at huar wij saadana schalkar straffa edher thet icke oliwfft wara paa thet j och flere godemen som gerna ære med friidt och rolighet [icke] ytthermera fara eller hindher skwle formoda. J huadt motthe wij kwnne etcetera. Ex castro nostro Stocholmensi etcetera vt supra.
Comments: Fr. Nicolaus Caroli (Nils Karlsson) was affiliated to the convent
of Friars Preachers in Västerås. He was probably one of the ‘denouncing monks’
that King Gustav Vasa referred to, when he addressed the city council and
representatives of Stockholm in 1525 4/2. He may have
held the office of prior at the convent, as it was hinted by a later statement
of 1529 17-21/6 that it was he who had send the
Norwegian friars of the convent out to stir up riots in Dalarna; thus, he may
have been the anonymous prior who on the king’s order was replaced by Fr.
Nicolaus Andreae in 1525 30/5. Fr. Nicolaus Caroli was
brought to Stockholm and convicted for treason in 1525
14/6, deprived from his priestly rank and then executed by
decapitation; a similar conviction and punishment was applied to his brother
Jöns Karlsson, who had been convicted already in 1525 15/3.
On request from their friends, the two brothers were pardoned from the usual
punishment for treason of being broken on the wheel. Both Fr. Nicolaus and Jöns
were buried with the Friars Preachers in Stockholm. ● Since Gustav Vasa
had accessed the Swedish throne in 1523, there was a political discontent in
various provinces of the kingdom, particularly in the generally rebellious
district of Dalarna in north-western Sweden. The peasants of Dalarna mainly
objected to high food prices and social structures, but the king’s political
opponents in the diocese centre of Västerås, the former bishop Peter Jakobsson
(ousted in 1523) and cathedral provost Knut Mickelsson, used Gustav Vasa’s
growing sympathy for Lutheran Evangelism to bring a religious angle into the
uprising as well. It may have been in this connection that some Friars
Preachers of the convent in Västerås joined the cause of their removed bishop
by preaching against the king and adding fuel to the rebellious fire, when they
were on terminario in Dalarna; at
least, this was indeed what they were accused of doing by the king’s Lutheran
advisors (see 1525 30/5). ● Fjerhundraland was a
district in north-central Sweden around the town Enköping; in Dominican terms,
it was situated about halfway between the convents of Västerås and Sigtuna, so
friars from each convent could have performed the terminario there.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. II, pp. 67-68.
Berntson 2003, 90-91 and 112-113; Jakobsen 2019
(Reformation), 86.
Gustav Vasa of Sweden sends his thanks to the people of Kopparberget and
Dalarna for their abovementioned actions against “the runaway monk, who some of
you apprehended and sent to us” after he had “spread lies and rumours among
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Tiil Koperbergit och menedalena løgherdaghen nesth føre dominicam palmarum. Vij Gøstaff etcetera. Helse edher etcetera. Kære wenner som wij haffu edher tilførenna tilscriffuit hwreledis monga skalkar j blandt almogen føre monga handa tall och løgner aff huilko obestondt och twædrecht inbyrdis j riikit aff komma maa athij och andher dandemen j riichit schulle ther ingen tro tilsettia wthan hielpa sielffue tiil med oss ath saadane skalkar schulle straffade bliffua som j dandemen paa edhra sido och saa giordt haffue athij slike skalkar inthit lidit haffue wthan heller straffath them som nw skeedt ær med then førløpne mwnck som somliga aff edher griipit och oss tiil handa seendt haffua, huilkin paa oss och ander flere ith skemligit och lygnactugt tall och rychte ført hade j blandt edher, ther wij edher som wora tro wndhersaatha gønsteliga føre tacka actandis thet med alle gønsth och nade forschulla kærliga bidiendis edher alle saa nw som førra athij tiil slighe skalkar och lygnare ingen tro tilsettie heller her epther en her tiil dagx. (…). J huadt motte wij kwnna rama etcetera.
Comments: Kopparberget was an
inland district situated west of Västerås. On Dalarna, see above and 1525 30/5. On the decision to send this letter, see
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. II, pp. 70-71.
decision to send the abovementioned letter to Dalarna is made by the king and
(representatives of) the citizens of Stockholm in the guild house of St.
Gertrude in Stockholm. The letter is to be brought to Dalarna by two Stockholm
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In dominica oculi hølt waar nadigeste herre meen medh borgerene wpa sancte Gertrvdes gillestugo och ther samtychtes at ∙ii∙ borgere skole sendes medh breff j Dalerner emot then stempling ther ær wpaa ffærde.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 56.
(Stockholm) |
Convents of Sigtuna and Västerås, Province of Dacia |
King Gustav Vasa of Sweden reminds Fr. Martinus
Skytte of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna that he has ordered the friar’s
installment as vicar provincial for the Dominican convents in Sweden, since it
is improper to let foreign friars rule over Swedes, but nevertheless he
understands that Fr. Robertus of the convent in Västerås is still in charge of
the Swedish houses, from where he and other Norwegian friars have promoted the
social uprisings in Dalarna. The king has therefore sent Fr. Nicolaus Andreae, a
faithful Swede, to replace the present prior of the convent in Västerås, and
together with him Fr. Martinus is enjoined to bring the house in Västerås back
to order and prevent further Dominican support for revolts. Furthermore, Fr.
Martinus shall see to the expulsion of Fr. Robertus and the other foreign
friars from the kingdom of Sweden before the Day of St. John the Baptist
(24/6), otherwise the king will “find alternative means to deal with them”.
Source: Register of King Gustav I of Sweden. The Swedish National
Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old Swedish.
[Om tiisdaghen ante
pentecostes.] Domino Martino vicario ordinis predicatorum in Sichtuna moranti.
Premisso nostro sincero favore. Som j wethe brodher Mortin, ath wij befalthe
eder vicariatum wtøffuer eder ordens brøder her j riichit ock icke kwnde lidha
wthlendtzskemen schwlle regimenthit haffua wtøffuer the swenske, saa ær oss
dogh ligewel wnderuiisth athij faren ther blødheliga meedt, och tiil stædhen
brodher Roberth bekymbra siig med samma embethe emoth waar wilia, och ath then
stemplingh wppe j Dalene och annorstadtz j landit ær mykit kommen wtaff honum
och flere the norske brøder, før hwilke sake wij nw haffue skickath thenne waar
troeghen och besworen man broder Nielss Andree tiil priore j Westherars, then
wij ther tiil betroo at han skal elska the swenska som oss tro och hwlle ære
och førwisa the wtlendske heem tiil theres fædernes landt ighen och j alle
motthe saa bestyrath, ath wtaff hanss conuents brøder her epther inghen slige
stemplinghar skee skola som nw ær skeedt, bidie wij athij taghe eder thet wmak
wppa, och farer med honum tiidt, absolueren then ther nw ær, och sætther thenne
broder in ighen och ranszaker med honum om alle forne stycker, och
saa straffer alle mishandel med edra brødra, ther och annorstadtz, ath wij icke
skola nødtgas ath straffa ther sielffwe wtøffuer, och wile wij athij legghe førnda
broder Roberto och hans partij føre och teslikis andhre wtlendninghar ther och
annorstadtz j eder cløster, ath the innan Johannis baptiste nesth kommandis ære
her wthur landit eller wij skola fynna annen raadt før them, thet maaghe j them
fulleligha tilsæya, hær wthinnan taghen inghen forswmmilse wiidt wore ogønst.
Huar j waar hielp noghor stadtz behoffwe saa sægher wora embitzmen tiil the
schola wara eder bestondughe. Heer med Gudt befalendis.
Comments: On Fr. Martinus Skytte, see 1508 11/3.
● On Fr. Robertus Johannis, see 1513 15/5.
● Fr. Nicolaus Andreae,
royally appointed prior of the Friars Preachers in Västerås in 1525, is not
known with certainty from earlier sources, thus it cannot be stated from where
he was transferred (see, however, also 1499 2/6). He may be identical to the chaplain of Regent Sten
Sture the Younger, who in 1517 was appointed for a prebend at the cathedral
chapter of Västerås (DelaGardiska Archivet II, 56-57; Sjödin 1937, 468 note 2).
his appointment as prior was accepted by the Order, as he was still prior in
Västerås when the convent was dissolved in the spring of 1528, after which he was installed by the king as
dean at the cathedral chapter in Västerås. It was probably his debt that Mayor
Ivar Ivarsson of Stockholm in 1526 6/10 paid on behalf
of the Västerås prior to Jörien van Sottern. ● The identity of the
royally absolved prior of the Friars Preachers in Västerås is not known, but
the wording of a later statement from 1529 17-21/6
(see below) could suggest that it was Fr. Nicolaus Caroli, who had been
arrested in 1525 7-8/4. The last named prior in
Västerås before this time was Fr. Bernardus, acting in 1521. ●
Dalarna is a district in the north-western part of Svealand, Sweden, close to
the borderland of Norway; ecclesiastically it belonged to the diocese of
Västerås. Its self-willed peasants are historically renowned for standing up
against royal authorities. Whereas the district was a strong support for the
Swedish regents Sten Sture and Gustav Vasa against the Danish union kings, they
soon turned against Gustav Vasa when he himself became king of Sweden. The
first uprising against Vasa took place in 1524-25, and was partly promoted by
two secular clergy deposed by the king, Peder Jakobsson and Master Knut
Mickelsson, former bishop and provost of Västerås respectively (see 1525 15/3). From late 1524,
they launched a smear campaign against King Gustav in Dalarna, apparently with
the help of at least some Friars Preachers, as Fr. Nicolaus Caroli of the
convent in Västerås was extradited to the king by the loyal peasants in 1525 7-8/4, claiming that he was a ‘troublemaker’,
along with his brother, Jöns Karlsson (see 1525 15/3).
At the national assembly held in 1527 25/6,
mendicant friars were once again pointed out by the peasants as the central
figures behind the continued uprisings in Dalarna. ● The prohibition
against foreign friars in Sweden apparently had the immediate consequence that
the studium generale of the province
was moved to Roskilde, as decided at the general chapter in 1525
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur
vol. II, pp. 126-127.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 86-87.
King Gustav Vasa repeats his abovementioned
decision in a letter to the convent of Friars Preachers in Västerås, this time
adding that if they do not follow his will, “he will be forced to think of
other means against their adventurers that may not agree well with them all”.
Furthermore, Fr. Martinus Skytte is here termed as lector and vicar.
Source: Register of King Gustav I of Sweden. The Swedish National
Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
[Om tiisdaghen ante pentecostes.] Tiil alle conuents brødher j Westherars closther. Vij Gøtzstaff etc. helsze eder alle oss elskelighe conuents brøder j Westerars closter kærliga med Gudt etc. Giøre wij eder wittherligit, ath oss ær tilkenne giffwit hwreledis edert closter ær wthj mykin oskickilsze kommith før thet regimenthe schwl som fremmande men ther hafft haffua, før hwilke sake wij the norske brødher lathe aff setthia wtaff regimenthit baadhe ther j edert cløsther och annorstadtz och wille eder och andre swenskemen icke wara wnder wthlendtzskemen the ther føga kærlig haffua tiil the swenske, swaa haffwe wij dogh ligewel forstondit ath then waar skickilsze haffuer hooss eder føga acthat warith, wthan then broder Robertus som ær een wthlendningher then wij aaffsat hadom wtaff vicariatu haffuer en nw bekymbrath siigh ther med oss tiil fortreeth, och ære monghe stycke snøpliga med faren hooss eder j cløsterith før hans oc hanss parties skwldt, och ær teslikis aff theress skyndilsze mykit stemplath och foorth j blandt almogan ther obestondt aff komma motthe, thet dogh wppenbara clar løgn och forræderie ær, haffwe wij for then schwldt tencth tiil, om nogon godh man ther retfærdughethen wille wetha och oss hwl och tro wara motthe, then wij ther før prior setthia schwlle som saadanth schwlle kwnna affstyra och føgya al tingh j en betther mottho, worth oss thaa føregiffwet j Westerars nw sistens j herredaghen wtaff nogher, om thenne breffuiszere broder Nielss Andree besynnerliga wtaff bergxmennena och nogre andre aff Dalener, at han schwlle ther tiil nyttugh wara. Therføre haffue wij nw en dogh med sthora nøødh bewect honum ther tiil och skickat honum tiil ath wara eder priere och førman, oc haffue anamadt honum wthij worth konungxliga hægn och forswar befallandis honum ath elska the gode infødda brøder som oss och riichit hwlle och troghen ære, och forwisa the wtlenska hem tiil theres fædernes landt ighen, ranszaka theres meedtforor och med then godaman lector Mortin eder vicario wetha hwre the siig her j landit hafft haffua och j huadt mottho the her wth komma, wilie wij raadhe och iemwel biwdhe eder strengeliga athij honum som eder retthe priere waren hørughe lyduge och bestonduge och lather them wth j fraa eder, tjer j, edert cløster och iemwel hela riichit, maa obestondt aff haffua. Huar j thet icke giøre, nødtgas wij thaa tenckia ther annen raadt emoth the tiil ewentyrs eder icke alle wel bekomma skola. Heer med Gudt befalendis.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur
vol. II, pp. 127-129.
At a
Swedish national diet held in Strängnäs in 1529 in response to an uprising in
Västergötland, King Gustav Vasa of Sweden protests that he has not ordered any
regular clergy to leave their monasteries, apart from the Norwegian monks in
Västerås, who had been engaged with treason and whom Fr. Nicolaus had sent out
to stir up riots in Dalarna at the time of ‘Peder Chancellor’.
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
(…) Ther åff ær thå følgth att monghe aff klosteren ære øde bliffuen, hoppas hans nåde att thet eij enkom bør wittas honum han haffuer ingen budith giffua sig i klosther, inghen heller budit att gåå ther wth, wndantagne nogre wtlenske munkar som lågo her i rikith snarane till eth førrederi æn till nogod annad, som vell var beffunnith med the norske mwnkar i Westerårs huilka brodher Nilsz wpskickath hade till ath gøre itth vpror i Dalarne i her Pedher Cancelers tidh. (…)
Comments: On Fr. Nicolaus
Caroli, see 1525 7-8/4. The wording here suggests that Fr. Nicolaus had held an office at the
convent, which authorized him to sent out the Norwegian friars to agitate in
Dalarna. Thus, he may have been the anonymous prior that King Gustav replaced
with Fr. Nicolaus Andreae. ● ‘Peder Chancellor’ was the deposed bishop of
Västerås, Peder Jakobsson, see 1525 15/3. ●
For King Gustav Vasa’s full response about the situation for Swedish
monasticism, see 1529 17-21/6.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur
vol. VI, p.
Rome |
Provinces of Dacia and Germania inferioris, convents of Helsingborg,
Odense and Roskilde (prov. Dacia), Paris (prov. Francia), Antwerpen and
Haarlem (prov. Germania inferioris), Florence (prov. Romana), and Cologne
(prov. Teutonia) |
Petrus Nicolai and Fr. Mauritius Svenonis of the Friars Preachers in Dacia represent
their province as diffinitor and elector respectively at the general chapter in
Rome St. Maria sopra Minerva, where they take part in the election of Fr.
Franciscus Silvestri Ferrariensis as new master general of the Order. At the
chapter it is decided to establish a studium generale
at the convent in Roskilde; the doctoral degree of Fr. Johannes Nicolai, prior
provincial of Dacia, is recognized; and Fr. Mauritius Svenonis of the same
province is recognized as baccalaureus and is approved for continued
doctoral studies. Furthermore, Fr. Mathias Pistoris is transferred from Haarlem
(prov. Germania inferioris) to the convent in Helsingborg and Fr. Mauritius
Svenonis is transferred from Antwerpen (prov. Germania inferioris) to the
convent in Odense. Finally, Fr. Johannes of Odense and Fr. Petrus are assigned
the Dacian positions at the studium generale in Paris; Fr. Johannes
Petri is assigned the Dacian position of the theological study at the studium
generale in Florence St. Maria Novella; and Fr. Sibenon de Suetia is
assigned to the theological study at the studium generale in Cologne.
Sources: A. Acta capitulorum
generalium OP. B. Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
In nomine domini nostri Jesu Christi et beatae
virginis matris eius et beati patris nostri Dominici, amen. Haec sunt acta
capituli generalis Romae celebrati in conventu s. Mariae super Minervam in
festo pentecostes die 3 junii anno Domini ·MDXXV· jubilaei sub reverendissimo
patre fratre Francisco Silvestro Ferrariensi sacrae theologiae professore in
eodem capitulo unanimiter electo magistro generali. Diffinientibus communiter
reverendis prioribus provinciarum atque diffinitoribus earum videlicet: (…)
frater Petro Nicolai de Datia diffinitore provinciae Datiae (…). [195]
Istae sunt ordinationes. (…) Item ordinamus et statuimus studium
generale in conventu Barolitano provinciae sancti Thomae cum omnibus gratiis, privilegiis,
indultis, exemptionibus et aliis dari consuetis huiusmodi studiis generalibus
in ordine nostro. (…) Item simili modo instituimus et ordinamus studium
generale Cibiniense provinciae Ungariae et in conventu Roschildensi provinciae
Daciae cum solitis et similibus gratiis. (…) [200]
Approbationes. (…) Approbamus magisterium frater Joannis Nicolai prioris
provincialis Daciae et licentiamus ad bachalariatum pro forma et gradu
magisterii frater Mauritium Suenonis eiusdem provinciae. (…) [206]
(…) Item transferimus frater Matthiam Pistoris de conventu Harlemesi ad
conventum Helsinburgensem provinciae Datiae, frater Mauritium Suenonis de
conventu Antverpiensi provinciae inferioris Germaniae ad conventum Ottoniensem
provinciae Datiae (…). [207]
Conventui Parisiensi provinciae Franciae assignamus pro anno Domini (…)
·XXVIII· (…). In studentes frater Thomam de Pinarolo [et] frater Franciscum de
Genua pro rata provinciae sancti Petri Martiris, frater Alexandrum de Scotia
pro rata provinciae Scotiae, frater Joannem de Otton pro rata provinciae
Datiae, frater Petrum pro rata eiusdem provinciae Datiae.[208] (…) Conventui sanctae Mariae
Novellae (…). Studentes in theologia (…) frater Joannem Petri pro rata
provinciae Datiae (…). [209-210] Conventui Coloniensi provinciae Theutoniae
(…). In studium theologiae (…) frater Sibenonem de Suetia (…). [211]
Anno Domini MDXXV junii ∙iii∙ (…)
ellectus fuit canonice et unanimiter (…) in sacristia conventus Minerve in
generalem magistrum ordinis totius predicatorum reverendissimus pater sacre
theologie prestantissimus professor magister Franciscus Silvester Ferrariensis
dicti ordinis vicarius (…). Reverendi provinciales, qui interfuerunt
ellectioni, cum diffinitoribus et ellectoribus pro elligendo reverendissimo
magistro ordinis 1525, ubi fuit ellectus reverendissimus pater magister
Franciscus Silvester Ferrariensiss: (…); reverendi diffinitores: (…) Frater
Petrus de Datia, diffinitor Daciae (…); reverendi electores: (…) Frater
Mauritius Suenonis, elector Daciae (…).
Comments: Fr. Petrus Nicolai de Dacia, attending the general chapter as
diffinitor, may be identical to the Fr. Petrus de Dacia, who was assigned to the studium generale in Cologne in 1513 15/5. ● Fr.
Johannes Nicolai (Hans Nielsen) allegedly originated from
Fyn, Denmark. He was lector of
theology and prior for the Friars Preachers in Lund, when he was elected prior
provincial of Dacia at an undated chapter in Næstved around 1519-20 to replace
the late Fr. Laurentius Petri, which was all confirmed by the master general in
1520 12/4. He was approved as doctor of theology by the general chapter
in 1525 3/6 and by the pope as well in 1525. In 1525
23/6, the master general put it upon him and his provincial colleague
of Saxonia, Fr. Hermannus Rab, to work out collectively to which province the
convents of Haderslev and Schleswig should henceforth belong. Due to political
tensions between Denmark and Sweden, the Swedish houses were periodically
placed under the custody of a vicar provincial, Fr. Martinus Johannis, e.g. in 1525
30/5. In 1527 19/11 Provincial Johannes Nicolai was apparently in Nidaros, as
the Bishop of Bergen sent one of his canons to the archiepiscopal see to ask
him to put an end to indecent behaviour of his brethren in Bergen. On the eve
of the Lutheran Reformation, he obtained a letter of protection for his Order
in Denmark and Norway from King Frederik I in 1527 28/8,
to be verified by the Archbishop of Lund in 1528 23/6.
‘Dr. Hans’ of the Black Friars, as he was commonly called, was possibly among
‘the good and learned men’ that Archbishop Åge Jepsen brough to Malmö in November 1528 to dispute the heresy of two Lutheran
preachers. He authored an anti-reformist writ against Lutheranism in 1529-30,
for which he was attacked by the reformer Peder Laurentsen in 1530, and indirectly in the fictional tale of Peder Smed og Asser Bonde from around 1530-36. It was
probably in recognition of his prominent position among Catholic theologians in
Denmark that he was summoned to an ecclesiastical meeting in Odense in 1536 11/11 with the aim the produce a new church law,
but apparently the meeting was cancelled. He approved sale of real estate from
the convent in Åhus in 1531 10/2 and 1534 7/5, and as his final
provincial act he was given a royal receipt for liturgical items of the
convents in Lund, Helsingborg and Roskilde handed over to the Crown in 1537 sep. After the Reformation, he was appointed
superintendent for the hospital in Åhus in 1537 5/10
and (Evangelical) parish priest of the nearby Rynkeby parish, as which he is
recorded in 1539, 1540 and 1544; he no longer held the office in 1550, at which
time he was therefore
probably dead. ● On Fr. Mauritius Svenonis and Fr. Mathias Pistoris, see 1524
25/1. The general chapter did in fact only confirm their inter-provincial
transfers, which had already been decided at the provincial chapter of Germania
inferioris in 1524 25/1. ● Fr. Johannes Petrus of the Friars
Preachers in Odense, assigned the studium
generale in Paris, was dispensed from defectu
natalium in 1525 20/6, opening all orderly offices for him except
that of prior provincial. In 1525 21/6, he was given the office of
cursor in theology at his home convent in Odense. ● Fr. Petrus, Fr.
Johannes and Fr. Sibenon (Simon or Severinus?) de Suetia, assigned the Dacian
positions at the studia generalia in
Paris, Florence and Cologne respectively, are not known from any other sources. ● The
decision to establish a studium generale
in Roskilde was confirmed by the general chapter in 1530
5/6; apart from that, nothing else is recorded about it. It may have
been established to replace Dacia’s existing studium generale in Västerås, which must have been closed in 1525 30/5, when King Gustav Vasa of Sweden expelled
all foreign (i.e. non-Swedish) friars from the kingdom. ● This was to become
the last general chapter with participation from the province of Dacia.
Published: A. Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX, pp. 195-211. B. Handlingar… ch. IV:12 intro (p. 49).
Norsholm |
Convents of Skara and Skänninge |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. Gregorius Olavi of the Friars Preachers in
Skara, and Fr. Erasmus Petri and Fr. Haquinus Magni of the convent in Skänninge
to the rank of acolyte.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Accolitatus ordines. (…) Item in
Noor 2a die pentechostes Andreas Olavi Scarensis, ffrater Gregorius
Olavi ad ordinis predicatorum de conventu Scarensi, ffrater Erasmus Petri
et frater Haquinus Magni predicatores conventus Skeningensis.
Comments: Both Fr. Gregorius
Olavi of the Friars Preachers in Skara and Fr. Erasmus Petri of the Friars
Preachers in Skänninge were ordained to the rank of subdeacon shortly after in 1525 17/6, while Fr. Haquinus Magni of the convent
in Skänninge was ordained subdeacon and Fr. Erasmus Petri deacon in 1526 22/12. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of
Linköping, see 1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 559
(p. 597).
Stockholm |
Convents in Sweden, Province of Dacia |
Johannes Magnus of Uppsala, to comply with a request from King Gustav Vasa of
Sweden, initiates a translation of the New Testament into Swedish for the
benefit of the Swedish people. The responsibility for translating the various
sections of the Testament is divided between the leading ecclesiastical
institutions of Sweden; the vicar general of the Friars Preachers in Sweden and
his fellow brethren are enjoined to translate the Epistle to Titus and the
Letter to the Hebrews.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Electi Upsalensis ad dominum et capitulum de translatione novi
Sincerissimis nostris salute et dilectione premissis, reverende pater et viri venerabiles postulaverat. Serenissumus dominus noster, rex a nobis ecclesiarum prelatis quod novum testamentum in linguam Suecanam verti faceremus. Ad quod maiestas sua istis rationibus movebatur nempe quod fere omnes nationes per totam forsan bibliam in propria lingua habent, tempusque tale est propter varias hominum in divinis litteris controversias quod expedit easdem divinas litteras toti populo christiano lucidas et apertas ostendere ut facilius omnes pii et eruditi christiani pro sedandis huiusmodi dissentionibus clarum judicium ferre possint, preterea non sine gravi animi dolore dixit maiestas sua quod et heudolor verum fateri cogebamur clericos huius regni tam negligentissime in scolis educatos ut paucissimi sint qui verbum Dei populo predicare sciant, cum et nonnulli nec sacras litteras quidem competenter legere minus intelligere queant quibus certe admondum utile erit ut scripturam in propria habeant lingua et ne imperitis et sciolis detur interpretandi occasio quemadmodum prius sepe in monasteriis et in aliis similibus locis sepius per similes temere attemptatum est, adiecit maiestas sua nos pastores esse et ad hoc obligatos ut Christi oves quibuscumque possumus mediis verbo Dei per viros doctos et eruditos pascamus quod si laborem hunc recusaremus non vidit quomodo pastoris nomine digni essemus utpote quandoquidem nedum non pascimus oves sed eis pascua invidemus, quibusquidem rationibus tam manifestis certe non potuimus contradicere sed promisimus vestra et aliorum prelatorum opera desiderio maiestatis sue satisfacere, et quia ad negotium omnes obligamur qui pastores appellamur saltim quibus ad id gratiam suam dederat Deus, idcirco ex consilio eiusdem maiestatis sue novum testamentum per partes divisimus assignantes uniquique capitulo et nonnullis aliis doctis viris in monasteriis huius regni aliquam particulam prout paternitates vestre infra invenient annotatum, rogamus proptera ymo sub obtentu favoris regii hortamur – quod eedem paternitates vestre partem que eis obvenerat quantocius interpretari velint – quod et aliis scribimus, non dubitantes quin scriptis nostris huiusmodi parituri sint, post reditum nostrum quem Deus prosperum faciat ex Germania petimus mitti aliquem vel aliquos de capitulo vestro ad Upsaliam quo et alios convocamus ad dominicam proximam post festum nativitatis Marie, quatenus unusquisque coram aliis sue interpretationis rationem reddere possit, tuncque communi omnium judicio una interpretatio poterit ex omnibus comportari et approbari ffelicissime valete et pro nobis Deum precamur orate. Ex Holmis dominica trinitatis, anno Domini MDXXV, nostro sub signeto.
Johannes Dei gratia electus archiepiscopus Upsalensis et cetera.
Upsalensibus ewangelium Mattei et epistulam Pauli ad Romanos; Lincopensibus ewangelium Marci et ambas epistulas ad Corinteos; Scarensibus ewangelium Luce et epistulam ad Galatas; Strengenensibus evangelium Johannis et epistulam ad Ephesios; Arosiensibus acta apostolica; Vexionensibus epistulam ad Philippenses et Colossenses; Aboensibus epistulas ad Tessalonicenses et ad Thymoteum; Vicario predicatorum cui suis fratribus epistulam ad Titum et ad Hebreos; Ministro minorum cum suis fratribus epistulas Jude et Jacobi; Vastenensibus epistulas Petri et Johannis; Priori cartusiensi cum suis fratribus Apocalypsim.
Comments: The vicar general
for the Friars Preachers in Sweden at this time was Fr. Martinus Johannis
Skytte, see 1508 11/3. ● Johannes Magnus (sic!) was a canon
secular of Linköping, who became doctor of theology in Perugia in the early
1520s, when he was appointed papal legate by Adrian VI and sent to Sweden in
1523 to examine claims of heresy. Shortly after his arrival, the cathedral
chapter of Uppsala and the newly crowned king of Sweden, Gustav Vasa, elected
Johannes archbishop of Uppsala to replace the exiled Gustav Trolle, but as the
latter for long kept papal support, Johannes officially remained archielectus. As King Gustav showed
himself increasingly supportive for Lutheranism, Johannes Magnus found himself
caught between the king’s Lutheran councillors and the Catholic hardliners, led
by Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping, until he went to Gdańsk in October
1526, to remain in exile for the rest of his life. In 1531 King Gustav
appointed a new Lutheran archbishop to replace him, which finally led the
papacy to consecrate Johannes archbishop of Uppsala in absentia in Rome in 1533. Apart from the trip to Rome, Johannes
Magnus stayed in Gdańsk to 1536, when he was called to Italy, where hed
died in 1544. During his Italian stay, he enjoyed close relations to the
Dominican convent in Bologna and the Dominican patriarch of Venice (see c.1543). Johannes was brother of the famous Swedish
historian Olaus Magnus (†1557), who authored the Historia de gentibus
septentrionalibus. Olaus also pusblished posthumously in 1554 his brother’s
work Historia de omnibus Gothorum
Suenomque regibus. ● Whereas the archbishop himself was soon taken
out of the project, which instead was left for Olaus Petri and other learned
Evangelicals (such as Laurentius Petri and Laurentius Andreae), it is uncertain
to what extent the ‘Dominican chapters’ were produced and incorporated in the
actual publication of the New Testament, which came already in 1526. Fr Martin
Skytte, who was put in charge of the chapters, certainly took a very pragmatic
line towards Lutheranism and remained in high esteem with King Gustav, who made
him bishop of Turku in 1528.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 370.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 87.
Stockholm |
Convents of Stockholm and Västerås |
Nicolaus Caroli of the Friars Preachers in Västerås is convicted of treason
against King Gustav Vasa of Sweden, as he has left his convent and his habit to
go to Dalarna, where he has been denouncing the king and gathered a group of
‘loose men’ with the aim to stir an uprising. Because of this he is deprived
from his priestly rank and executed by decapitation along with his brother,
Jöns Karlsson. On request from
their friends, the two brothers are pardoned from being broken on the wheel.
They are both buried with the Friars Preachers in Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In vigilia corporis Christi. (…) Samma dag rettedes och Jøns Karson for syne misgerninger, teslikes hans broder, broder Niels Karoli, som gaff sich wtaff Vesterarss closter, lagde bort habitum och for wp j Dalener och stemplade ther ont emot wor nadigeste herre och tagit en hop løse karre til sich och wille haffua reest Dalener om han haffde faat framgang ther medh, och talade wpaa wor nadigeste herre ther han for som en forrædere; ther fore worde baade brøder halzhugne, for theres weners bøn skul worde ey stæglade, the ære begraffne j Suartbrødre, iste Nicolaus presbyter fuit nec degradatus. Pie memorie.
Comments: On Fr. Nicolaus
Caroli, see 1525 7-8/4. It is noteworthy that Fr. Nicolaus is said to have left conventual
life and his habit before taking part in the uprising. Whether true or not,
this would both help his convent and the Order as a whole to stay clear of the
accusations, but it also increased the seriousness of his crime if Fr. Nicolaus
had left monastic life without permission. ● On his brother Jöns
Karlsson, see 1525 15/3. ● On the uprising in
Dalarna, see 1525 30/5.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 72-73.
Literature: Berntson 2003, 90-91 and 112-113;
Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 86.
Rome |
Province of Dacia, French Congregation |
Bergerius Laurentii of the Friars Preachers in Dacia is exempted from his
province by the master general and assigned to any convent within the French
Congregation with the consent of the congregational vicar general.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Frater Bergerius Laurentii eximitur a provincia sua et assignatur in aliquo conventu congregationis Gallicanae de assensu reverendi vicarii congregationis. ∙Xvii∙ junii Romae.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Birger Larsson frigøres fra sin provins og tilknyttes
hvilket som helst konvent i Den Franske Kongregation som bifaldes af den
ærværdige vikar for kongregationen. Den 17. juni, Rom.
Comments: On Fr. Bergerius Laurentii, see 1522
24/4. ● On the French Congregation, see 1522
24/4. ● The master general of the Order of Preachers at this time
was Fr. Franciscus Silvestri Ferrariensis (1525-1528).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:12 no. 1
(p. 50).
Linköping |
Convents of Skara and Strängnäs |
Bishop Hans
Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. Gregorius Olavi and Fr. Erasmus Petri of the
Friars Preachers in Skara and Strängnäs respectively to the rank of subdeacon.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Sabbato trinitatis etiam in novo muro ecclesie cathedralis infrascripti ordinati sunt ad ordines subdyaconatus (…); fratres Gregorius Olavi Scarensis, Erasmus Petri Strengenensis, ordinis predicatorum. (…)
Comments: On Fr. Gregorius
Olavi and Fr. Erasmus Petri, see 1525 5/6. ●
On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping, see 1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 558
(p. 595).
Rome |
Convents of Haderslev and Schleswig, Provinces of Dacia and Saxonia |
master general of the Order of Preachers enjoins the priors provincial of Dacia
and Saxonia, Fr. Johannes Nicolai and Fr. Hermannus Rab, along with one or two
old and wise friars from their respective provinces, to negotiate a final
settlement in the ongoing conflict as to which province, Dacia or Saxonia, the
convents in Haderslev and Schleswig rightfully should belong. If they cannot
reach an amicable conclusion between them, the question will be decided by the
master general, under whom the two convents will sort until a final decision is
Source: Registrum litterarum generales
magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Reverendis provincialibus fratri Joanni Nicolai
licentiato ad magisterium et fratri Hermano Rab provinciali Saxonie mandatur in
virtute sancti spiritus et sancti
obedientie, ut infra terminum sex dierum ab harum notitia quilibet pro parte
sua unum vel duos eligat probum vel probos patres antiquos de sua provincia et
viros expertos, ut litem et controversiam de conventibus Haderslevensi et
Slesvuxehcensi existentibus in ducatu Holsatie in utriusque provincie
confinibus, an debeant esse subjecti provincie Datie vel Saxonie, dijudicent ac
terminent cum effectu, conferrens eisdem omnem auctoritatem in hac causa, ut
possent excommunicare etcetera,
facere etcetera, omni appellatione
postposita. Et quo casu taliter ellecti non amicabiliter concordaverint seu in
partes equales se diviserint, precipitur, ut omnia in huiusmodi causa tunc per
eos allegata fideliter transmittant ad reverendissimum
magistrum ordinis terminanda, et quo casu se concordaverint et sententiverint,
cuius dicti conventus cure esse debeant, authoritate reverendissimi magistri subjiciant in omnibus illi provinciali, cui
subesse illi determinaverint etcetera.
∙Xxiii∙ [junii, Rome].
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Nicolai, see 1525 3/6. ● Fr. Hermannus Rab was prior provincial
of Saxonia in 1515-1534. He originated from Bamberg and was matriculated at the
University of Leipzig in 1486, at which time he also seems to have joined the
local convent of Friars Preachers. In 1514 he was conferred with the doctoral
degree in theology, and in the following year Dr. Hermannus Rab was elected
prior provincial of Saxonia. From an early point Fr. Hermannus was influenced
by the Observant view on Dominican life, which was particularly strong in
Leipzig, and by the time of his election to provincial, he was known as the
leader of the Leipzig Congregation. As the Dutch Congregation effectively was
dissolved at the same time, all the German houses of the congregation (outside
the Low Countries) was again placed directly under the provincial. From 1523,
Dr. Hermannus Rab tried to oppose the Evangelical movement with several sermons
and urged his brethren to endure the persecutions. Also as provincial, Dr.
Hermannus Rab remained in Leipzig as his main residence, where he also kept a
chair at the university’s faculty of theology. ● On the transfer of the
convents of Friars Preachers in Haderslev and Schleswig from the province of
Dacia to Saxonia, see 1517 5/2. ● The master general
of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Franciscus Silvestri
Ferrariensis (1525-1528).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:12 no. 8
(pp. 50-51).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The prior
of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm gratifies Master Lucas before the city
court of Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Sabbato post omnium sanctorum. (…) Prior j Suartbrødre fornøye mester Lucas.
Comments: The prior of the
Friars Preachers in Stockholm at this time was most probably Fr. Henricus
Degner, see 1487
17/12; he is known as prior of the
convent in 1525 13/3 and also represented the
convent in 1526 5/11. ● Master Lucas Bardskerere (: ‘Barber’)
was a Stockholm barber surgeon. Through his wife, Anna, he inherited a house in
Blackfriars Street in 1527 10/7, which was sold
on in 1528 27/4. In the spring of 1529, he was
among the supporters of the Evangelical Stockholm preacher Tileman, who was
arrested for his radical sermons, in which he criticised the Crown for being to
lenient towards Catholicism SST 1524-29, 267-269). ● The meaning seems to
be that the prior has redeemed some outstanding debt to Lucas; considering
Lucas’ occupation, it may have been payment for shaving the friars and
maintaining their tonsures, but also blood-lettings and surgery are among the
possible services.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 91.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
King Gustav Vasa of Sweden gives a house in
Stockholm to his royal scribe, Johan Johansson. The house is situated at the
corner of Great Square (Stora Torgit) and Blackfriars Street (Svartmunkagatan),
opposite the house that the king gave to Peder Hård; the house in question had
earlier been given by King Christian II of Denmark-Norway-Sweden to his
Source: Transcript in
Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. National Library of
Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Wij Gøstaff medh Gudz nade Sueriges och Gøtes vtuald konung gørom vitterligit at wij vtaff synnerlige gunst och nade haffuom vndt och giffuit och nu medh thetta wort opna breff vnne och giffue thenne breffuisare wor tro tienere Joghan Joghanson før weluilielige troo tienist han oss bewijst haffuer och æn nu her epter ytermere beuisa maa och skal, itt stenhus liggiandes wti wor stadh Stocholm vidh Stora Torghet j thet ena hørnet paa Swartmunka gatune twært offuer thet huset wij til forenne goffuo Peder Hard, huilkit hus oss medh rette tilful then tijdh wij jnkrechtat hade wor stadh Stocholm epter konung Christiern som thet hade giffuit sin bundtmakare. Huar fore affhendom wij oss och wore epterkommande forscreffna stenhus baadhe medh grundt kellare bodher och al then del som ther aff alder tilhørdt haffuer, och tileegne thet forscreffna Joghan Joghanson hans arffuom och epterkommande til euerdelighe ægo, huarfore forbiude wij allom ee hoo the helst ære eller wara kunna som for wore skul, wilia skola gøra och lata, serdeles borgamestere och radh j forscreffne Stocholm forscreffne Joghan Joghanson eller hans epterkommande paa forscreffna steenhus, hindra, hindra lata, mødha platza quelia eller oforrætta j noghen motte vnder woro konungsliga hemdt och wrede. Tess til yttermere wisse late wij hengia wort secret her nidhen for thetta breff, giffuit paa vort slot Stocholm sancti Andree dagh aar epter Gudz byrdt MDXXV.
Comments: The house was sold
on by Johan Johansson to Lasse Sigurdsson in 1526 28/5.
● Peder Hård was a knight and the king’s bailiff at Stockholm Castle.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 111.
The city
council of Stockholm acknowledges the abovementioned donation.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da post Tiburtii. (…) Samma dagh sende Joan Jonson wor nadigeste herres scriffuere j cancellerijt, it breff screffuit paa pergamente medh wor nadigeste herres hengiendes jncigel, lydandes at hans nade haffde honom wnt och giffuit jt stenhuss belæget widh Store Torgit hørnhuset paa østra sidhen man gaar til Swar munka twært offuer Peder Hardz hus, quijt och frijt medh all husens tilbehørilse wppe och nidre, huilkin gaffuo radhit samtychte ey wiliendes saa dana goffue j noghen motte emot seya epter thet war j hans nades wold at giffua thet hwem honom tektes, gaffz och samma tijdt epter forscreffne Joans begiere en skatning ther paa.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 107.
Convent of Tallinn |
will and testament for Magdalene Halme, widow of Martin Sawyarge, in which she
leaves a head ornament (huvengesmide) for the picture of Our Lady belonging
to the convent of Friars Preachers in Tallinn.
Source: Original
document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
(- - -)
Comments: On Martin Sawyarge,
see 1519 5/11.
Not published. Summary in Revaler Regesten vol. III no. 130.
3/3 |
Taormina |
Convent of Haderslev (prov. Saxonia), Province of Saxonia Convents of Braunschweig, Erfurt,
Magdeburg and Osnabrück (prov. Saxonia) |
The master’s
degree obtained by Fr. Wilhelmus de Buren of the convent in Haderslev is
recognized by the master general on the request of Fr. Hermannus Rab, prior
provincial of Saxonia.
Source: Registrum litterarum generales magistri
Language: Latin.
Reverendo patri magistro Hermanno Rab
provinciali intimatur, quatenus approbantur magisteria infrascriptorum petente
provincia, videlicet fratris Georgii Episcopi conventus Erphurdensis, Johannis Mensingii conventus Magdeburgensis,
Henrici Mompert conventus Osnaburgensis, Wichmanni Luderi conventus
Brunswicensis, Wilhelmi Buren conventus
Hatterslevensis. (...) ∙iii∙ martii Thauromenii.
Comments: On Fr. Wilhelmus de Buren, see 1519 8/9. He had been
awarded the doctoral degree in theology at the University of Greifswald
in 1523 10/9. ● On Fr. Hermannus Rab, see 1525 23/6. ● The master general of the Order of Preachers
at this time was Fr. Franciscus Silvestri Ferrariensis (1525-1528). ● The letter
obtained by the prior provincial of Saxonia was presented at the subsequent
provincial chapter in Halle in 1526 28/8 (see below).
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte
des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 40, p. 134.
abovementioned letter is presented at the provincial chapter of Saxonia.
Source: Acta
capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta convocationis anno
salutis 1526 die 28 mensis augusti hoc est die patris nostri Augustini sub
reverendo patre fratre Hermanno Rab, sacre theologie professore, per provinciam
Saxonie priore proviciali, in conventu Hallensi celebrate (…).
sunt denuntiationes. Item, denuntiamus, reverendum patrem provincialem
recepisse a magistro novello generali post multas instantias literas
infrascripti tenoris: In Dei filio charissimo reverendo patri magistri Hermanno
Rab, provinciali provincie Saxonie ordinis predicatorum, fr. Franciscus Silvester Ferrariensis, eiusdem facultatis et
ordinis humilis magister generalis et servus, salutem et spiritus sancti
consolationem. (…) Valens petitionibus capituli vestre provincie morem gerere,
presentium tenore approbo magisteria infrascriptorum patrum, videlicet fratris
(…) Wilhelmi de Buren conventus Hatterslevensis. In quorum fidem presentibus
officii mei sigillum apponere duxi. Bene valete et Deum pro me orate. Tertia
martii MDXXVI, fr. Franciscus
Silvester de Ferrariis, assumptionis mee anno primo, fr. Leander Bononiensis. (…)
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte
des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 181-191 (esp. p.
Convent of Tallinn |
Knighthood of Harria and Vironia complains to the Livonian Landmeister
of the Teutonic Order on a number of issues concerning the city council of Tallinn,
among them that the council did nothing to help the convent of Friars Preachers
during or after the iconoclastic attack in 1526, at which the priory was
severely damaged and robbed for its valuables, much of it donated by the
knights, who therefore reclaims their property and usage of the priory. The
knighthood asks the Landmeister to set a date for the scheduled Livonian
Landtag in Wolmar, to which the city council has promised to send
representatives for the question to be settled. Furthermore, it is described
how a runaway monk in the company of 20 people was
sent by the city to disturb the Holy Mass in Tallinn Cathedral, in grave
disrespect to God, amongst other things by performing service in German and by
imitating a procession.
Source: Contemporary transcript. National Archives of
Estonia, Tartu.
Language: German.
In dem jar anno 27 hebben de achtbarn und erntfesten reide und gemene achtbare ridderschopp der lande Harrien und Wirlande dusse geschickten an den hoichwerdigen und grothmechtigen fursten, unsern allergnedigesten herrn, dem meister mith dissen naboscrevenen werven und klachten affgeferdiget und uthgeschicketh.
§ 1. Item int erste na der grote dem hochwirdigen fursten, unsen g. h. denstliker und fruntliker wise vortogevene und tho vormanende des jungesten gemenen dages, den szine f. g. nu up Jacobi negestvorgangen tho Revall na dem olden, den landen und der achtbaren ridderschopp tho gude, hadde doin vorscriven, up demede doch ein ider tho szinen rechte mochte gekamen szin, de alszo merckliker orszake, als nemptlick der vorsturinge des swarten cloesters van ein erszam und wolwisen rade und gemeinheith der stad Revell tegen God und recht, vorhindert und vorbleven und dat kloester szo jemerliken desstruert szunder jenigerley erkentnisse noch paweszliker hillicheith, keyserlicker majestat und gantzen stenden der loffwirdigen gemeinen christenheith, szunderlinges j. f. g., de doch van allen stenden bogert hadde, men alle dinck in gedult doch szolde staen laten beth thor tid, wat und in wodaner wise dar de gemeine christenheit ane vorhandelth worde, des se alle nicht geachtet hebben und dat cloester gedestruert, beroveth und entlediget und datselvige na eren gutduncken tho eren besten tho szick genamen, dat dar hern und gudemanne ingegeven hedden, und datselvige bolacht mith armen und krancken und mith unsen erff buren.
§ 2. Dadorch hebben de erwerdigen und achtbarn hern cumpthur tho Revell, vaged tho Wesenberch und mithszampt dem achtbarn rade Harrien und Wirlant idt int beste angesehen und bie szick in rade gefunden, dat men ein erszam radt und gemeinheith tho Revell beschicken szolde, als mith den werdigen hern huiscumpthur, cumpane und szust etlike uth dem rade, de enne fruntliker wise andragen und van en bogeren szolden, dewile se dath cloester inne hedden, dath se dann woll wolden doin und de stede des klosters, dath recht dartho boszittende, rumen und boqweme maken szolden, up dat ein ider tho rechte kamen mochte, wante doch de hoichwirdige furste, unse allergnedigeste here, den landen tho gude den gemeinen dach angeszath, dar szich ein ider mennichlick tho vorlaten und uth den landen na der vorscrivinge szick dar ock henne vorfogt, des de werdigen hern huiscumpter, kumpan und de anderen geschickten van enn ein fruntlick antword bogerende weren.
§ 3. Item darup de erszamen burgermeistere und ganzse radt der stad Revall ein antwordt geven, se hedden dat andragent allenthalvden woll ingenamen, eth en wer allene nicht bie enn, szunder se woldent eren olderluden und gemeinheit anbrengen, alszdanne des anderen dages de erwerdigen hern und achtbarn rade ein gudlick antwordt benalen, dem szo geschein. Szo szint upgekamen des anderen dages als nemptlich her Hinrick Smidt borgermeister, her Johann Kock und ethlicke mer uth deme rade mith den oldesten uth allen gilden und gemenheiden und ein antword ingebracht des werdigen hern huiscumpthurs und der anderen geschickten, eth szy enne nicht mogelich de stede des cloesters tho reinigen und boqweme tho maken, dath gerichte dar tho szittende, wante de tid enn tho kort und de tid ene ock nicht vorwitliketh. Dar de erbar Hans Mecks van wegen der lande und gemeinheit gelimpliken tho antworde, et were ungetwivelt van dem hochwirdigen fursten, unsen gnedigesten hern dem meister szowall ein erszam raed der stad Revell alse der anderen ritterschafften und stenden gescreven und vorwitliketh na dem olden, dat se szick na aller billicheith woll anders hedden wethen na tho richten, und noch mith vellen mer andern fruntliken bedden bogerten, dat ein erszam raed woll wolde doin und laten den loffliken werdigen orden bie eren hogen herlicheiden und de achtbar ridderschop bie orem boszith und gebrucke, up dat de gemene dach, den de hochwirdige furste, unse g. h. de meister, vorscreven hadde, na dem olden einen vortganck gewynnen mochte, dardorch doch ein ider jo doch, wu billich, to rechte komen mochte, und dat se bedencken den groten vorderffliken schaden, de daruth erwassen wolde, wante doch unser ein den anderen geloveth bie szinen privilegien, boszith und gebruek to hanthhaven und tho beholdende, des ein erszam raid van Revell alle vorgetten.
§ 4. Dorch szodane fruntlike underrichtinge van dem erbarn Hans Meicks van wegen der lande hebben se szick horen und vorluden laten, se wolden den erwerdigen und achtbarn hern und den landen den groten und kleinen gildestoven tho der tid vorgunnen edder de kercke thom hilligen geiste, dath recht dar tho beszitten. Dar enne van Hans Meicks van wegen der lande tho antword geworden, eth en wer nicht dat olde, wante unse vorfadere van olderen tho olderen hebben de stede des cloesters mithszampt den erwerdigen hern und achtbaren ridderschopp der lande vor eine velige stede gehat, dat recht dar tho vorhandelen. Dewile dann de vorhinderinghe van en hergekamen und des ock in groten schaden gebracht, offt se dann ock genegt und geszinneth weren, wanner de hochwerdige furste, unser allergnedigeste here de meister einen anderen gemeinen dach, den landen tho gude ansetten worde, alszdann de stede ock na dem olden reyne und boqweme maken wolden.
§ 5. Darup se szick boratszlageden und vor ein antwordt wedder inbrechten, eth en were enne nicht allene mechtich tho vulborden, szunder se woldent eren oldesten anbrengen. Dar ene do tho geantwort geworden, de tid szick vorlepe und ein ider dar up schaden lege und was aldar van en bogerende, se doch ein antworth van szick geven wolden, wante de borgermeister her Hinrick Smid, raed und olderlunde van der gemeinheit vulmechtich weren, wes se doin und laten wolden. Vorth de borgermeister her Hinrick Smit in tornigen mode sprack, et en weren und stonden nu offte nummer de stede des klosters tho staden. Dar enne do gelimpliken tho geantworth worth, et en were vorhenne szo nicht bolaten, wante se dath bodencken und botrachten wolden, idoch unser ein den anderen geloveth hadde bie dem olden boszith und gebrucke to beholdende, so uns dat ock an deme jungesten geholden landeszdage tho Wolmar geloveth. Dewile danne se de vorloffte und bolevinge vorgetten wolden, stonde den erwerdigen und achtbarn hern und den landen szunder middell nicht intogane buten weten und willen unsers g. h. und sziner f. g. erwerdigen und werdigen hern medegebetigere, wante eth doch sziner gn. und des ritterlichn ordens herlicheit und unse olde boszith und gebruck were, moste men dat staen laten tho sziner tid, doch dem hochwerdigen fursten und heren dat szolvige sziner f. g. szampt den erwerdigen heren medegebedigern klegelicken bybrengen und vorwitliken. (…)
7. Hochwerdige furste, gnedige leve herre, wanner en dith szus gelingen mochte
und gestadeth worde, dat se de kloester szo jamerlicken mith erer eigener
gewalth umb ere privilegia, de van k. irluchticheit vorleneth, umbrengen
mochten und umb unse olde boszith und gebruck, is to befruchtene, dath se woll
meher privilegia und rechticheit vorkrencken und szick ock vill antheen wolden
dem werdigen orden und den gantzen landen entegen. Daruth tho vormodende is, se
nicht lange wolden toven, szunder in korten tiden den doem mith dem besten
nicht menen wolden, alse vaken van en vorgewant is und nu up negest vorgangen
lichtmissen dach einen vorlopen monnick woll mith twintich perszonen myn offte
meher etcetera in dem doem
schickeden, de dar Gode und sziner gbenedieden leven moder und goddesdenste
groten homoeth, spith und spott geboden und gedain, alse mith namen de gotliken
wiginge der lichte, dath se in spith und hoenspracke up duitzsch ock wieden in
gegenwerdicheit des werdigen capittels und vhelle meher ander fromer lude, de
dardurch ser szint vorargerth geworden; dar enboven tho merem spotte unde spite
Gade und szinem gotliken denste ethlicke spentlichte gekofft und de angestecken
und mith processien wise den doem wedder henaff gegaen na der stadt und
geszungen in spite dat gotlicke word des olden Simeonis, dat Gode tho love in der
kercken geszungen werd. Und alse deselvigen geschickten mith der schentliken
laster den doem affgekamen, hebben de bynnen der stad weren den boven de porten
geopeneth und vorth achter en thogeszlotten und all de porten an der stad und
nummans dar in edder uth gelaten, alse dath de vorlopen monicke er affgode in
eren recessz beszlotten und darin seer angetagen van forsten, hern un den
landen, der szick noch tor tidt keine kristen lude underwynnen und vordristen
doren. (…)
Comments: On the complaint, see 1525 26/3.
On the city’s response, see 1527 20/4. ● The Landtag in Wolmar took place in 1526
10-17/6. The city council sent two delegates in 1526
1/6. ● Hinrick Smidt (†1533), mayor of Tallinn 1525-1530, former
city bailiff and councillor of Tallinn. ● On Johan Kock, see 1525 12/1. He was also involved with the case in 1525 26/3. ● Hans Meicks van Wegen der lande
was a vassal of the Teutonic Order. ● It is not stated or known to which
monastic order the ‘runaway monk’ (einen
vorlopen monnick) had been attached. It is possible that he was Dominican,
since he allegedly had been sent by the city, in which no other male monastic convent
existed, “doch kann es ebenso gut auch ein anderer «verlaufener Mönch» gewesen
sein.” (Walther-Wittenheim 1938, 133 note 43). ● The Livonian Landmeister of the Teutonic Order of the
time was Wolter von Plettenberg (1494-1535).
Published: Akten und
Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 242 §§ 1-5 and 7.
Rūjiena |
(Convent of Tallinn) |
At the
pre-negotiations of the Landtag of Livonia it is suggested that hospitals
for the sick and poor should be established with basis on the existing
structure of mendicant termini (‘monk termins’).
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
Alsz denne durch werckyng gotlickes wordes hospitale und sekenhuser vor de kranken und armen in den dren steden, Gade loff, upgerichtet syn, dor denne untellicke arme lude van bynnen landes degelick thokamen mer als man bosorgen kan; derhalven bi den stenden der lande tho bearbeiden, vor de huchelie und monneke termyne in allen gebeden und sunderlick plecken sekehuser vor de armen und krancken darsulvigest vorwant, de der herschop darsulvigest ere plicht und arbeit, dewile se gesunt und bi macht weren, don mothen, uprichten wolden; anders man wurde georsaket, desulvigen erer herschop ut den steden wedder thothowisen.
Published: Akten und
Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 231 § 14 (p. 577).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Vendel, the
widow of Tile Hampe, hands over her late mother’s house in Stockholm to her
son, Tile Hampe (the Younger); the house is situated by “the narrow street at
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
(…) anno Domini MDXXVI monedaghen nest epter midffasto søndagh som war sancti Gregorii dagh (…). Item samma dagh stodh och forscreffna hustrv Vendel medh sine søner [och] wnderuiste at hon uplatit och leffrered hade them sin hus j saa motte: Fførst sin kere son Tile Hampe hennes kere framlidna moders hus ligiandes widh Jerntorghit nest westan for tulbodhen medh winkellere gatuboden frije murar och waningar, som løper jn til then tranga gatuna widh Swartmunka. (…)
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 105.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Guldsmed, city councillor in Stockholm, receives full ownership of the house in
Blackfriars Street, Stockholm, which he holds in mortgage; the house is
situated adjacent to the house of Hans Guldsmed and ‘the Sunday alms house’.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da post quasimodogeniti. Samma dagh stodh hustru Margit Panszaremakers for rætten wplæt och leffrerede medh hand och mund beskedelig man Niels Gulsmidt radman en halff part j thet hus som hon sielff besitit haffde thet henne haffde och halfft tilhørt och then andre halffparten hennes systra døtter (…). Stodh och samma dagh Jogan Matzson som haffde aat en fierde part j samma huss, wplætt och leffrerede medh hand och mun [honom] sin del j husit (…). Haffde och til forenne standit for rætten Michel Mattesson som then fierde parten tilkom och wplatit samma Niels sin part j fornemda hus som finnes j tenkie boken anno Domini MDXXIIII odensdaghen epter sancti Michel. Och haffde offtanemde Niels hafft samma hus j pant (…). Ther medh haffuer han och nw saa fornøgd alla partener som j husit ægandes wore saa at han haffuer thet aldeles quijt och frijt som thet wpmurat staar medh en gaard back for husit saa breedh som husit ær in til søndags almose husit. Och ær huset belægit paa Swartmunka gatune næst sunnan Hans Gulsmidz hus, och ær ther medh fridzskilling wplagd paa alla parter som laghen wtuisa.
Comments: On Nils Guldsmed
and the house in Blackfriars Street, see 1524 22/8. ●
On Hans Guldsmed, see 1506 12/12. ● The
bynames of both Nils Guldsmed and Hans Guldsmed suggest that they were
goldsmiths. ● The exact nature of the ‘Sunday alms house’ (søndags almose husit) is not clear.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 102-103.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Johansson sells his house in Stockholm, which is situated at the corner of the
Great Square and Blackfriars Street, to the scribe Lasse Sigurdsson.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In crastino trinitatis. (…) Samma dagh stodh mester Olaff radhsens secretarius vp for retten fulmyndigh paa Joghan scriffueres wegna vplæt och leffrerede Lasse scriffuere thet hus och grund som samme Joghan honom saldt hade, och bekende han at samme Lasse hade thet redeliga betalat til ytterste pening medh første. Och hade wor nadigeste herre til forenne giffuit samma Joghan samma hus for sina langliga tienist, och ær husit belæghet widh Stora Torghit hørnhuset paa østra sidone man gaar jn wppaa Swartmunka gatune, huset war laghbudit laghstandit och aldeles laghfarit epter lagbokene, ther lade lade Lasse scriffuere wp fridzskilling. Thetta ær wor nadigeste herres breffz jnnehallelse om samma hus: (…)
Comments: The city scribe
Johan Johansson had been given the house by King Gustav Vasa of Sweden in 1525 30/11.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 110-111.
Johansson issues a letter in which the abovementioned transaction is confirmed;
the house has been sold for 250 marks.
Source: Transcript in
Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. National Library of
Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Ffor alle dannemen som thetta breff
hender fore komma bekennes jach Joghan
scriffuere mich haffua soldt och laghliga vplatit beskedeligom manne
Lasse Sighursone borgere vti Stocholm
itt stenhus liggiendes j samme Stocholm wedh Stora
Torgit j thet ena hørnet paa Suartmunka gatune, medh grvnd kellere boder och al annan del ther til høre och aff alder tilhørdt haffuer for ∙iijC∙ m. ortuge huilkit hus høgborenn første och herre her Gøstaff medh Gudz nade
vtuald konung til Sueriges min
nadigeste herre mich giffuit hade for min
longlig troo tienist som hans nades
breff ther paa clarliga noogh
jnnehaller, huilkit hus lagbudit war
paa Stocholms radzstugu epter Sueriges lagh. Ther forer affhender jach mich och minom epterkommande
samma stenhus och tileegnar thet forscreffna Lasse och hans epterkommande til euerdelige ægho. Tesse epterscreffne
gode men wore skickade aff borgamestere
och radh paa radzstughen at værda samma hus,
som war gamble Hans Cok, Lasse Biørnson radhmen, Hans Burmestere, Hans Naghel, Niels Grytogiutare och Joghan Kannegiutere aff menigheetenne. Tess til wisse hengier jach mitt
signete nidhen for thetta breff. Screffuit vti Stocholm odensdaghen
næst for Johannis baptiste dagh anno etcetera MDXXVI.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 111-112.
Wolmar |
Convent of Tallinn |
The city
council of Tallinn sends two delegates to the Livonian Landtag
in Wolmar, where they among other things are authorized to negotiate on behalf
of the council in regard of the knighthood’s claim on Blackfriars Priory in
Tallinn as venue for their Manntag-meetings.
Source: Contemporary concept. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
Anno 26 am ersten junii den tho dage vorordenten radessendebaden den erszamen her Ewert Rotert und her Corth Hulszberch, navolgende artickel van eynem erszamen rade yn bovel gegeven, ym sulvigen dage antogevende. (…)
§ 10. De voreelichte myt den kloster junckfruwen bie den hern und haveluden tho vorbidden und mit dem bestem tho underrichten, seh yn unirkander unvorrichter saken en de wege und stege bynnen landes nicht er vorbeden, eth sie denne, seh ersten mit rechte boweren und gudt doen, dat seh des ut strafflicker vorwerkinge und reddeliken orsakent vordenet hebben.
§ 11. Item myt
den steden sick rades plegen to laten der vorfordering des swarten klosters, de
de ridderschopp na oldem to eren mandagen tho gebruken. (…)
Comments: The Landtag in Wolmar took
place in 1526 10-17/6. ● The claim and complaint of the Estonian
knighthood had been raised in 1525 26/3.
Published: Akten und
Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 236 § 11 (p. 606).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Larsson, city councillor in Stockholm, sells the halfpart of a house on behalf
of Fr. Andreas Laurentii of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm to Olof
Köttmangare (: butcher) for 200 marks. The house, which is
situated in Greyfriars Grend, had been inherited by Fr. Andreas from his
parents; the other half belongs to the Guild of St. Lawrence.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da post Magdalene. Samma dagh stodh [for retten] Mattes Larenson radman fulmyndig paa bro Anders Larensons vegna aff Suartbrødra, vplæt och leffrerede beskedelig [man] Olaff køtmangere it halff stenhus som samme broder Anders erfft hade epter sin fader och moder, och bekende fornemde Mattes at fornemde broder Anders war wel fornøgd til ytterste pening medh then førsta, ther medh affhende han sich sinom arffuom samma halffua huss och tileegnade thet samma Olaff och hans arffuom til euerdelige ægo quijt och frijt for alt eptertall aff fødde och ofødde aatalare. Husit ær belægit i Gramunka grend paa sødre sidona næst nidhen for sanct Jørians hus. Ther medh lagde samme Olaff vp fridzskilling epter laghen, och gaff han ∙iiC∙ m. [j jordagodz och] Stocholms mynt for samma halffua hus och hører annar halffparten j huset sancti Larense gille til.
Comments: Fr. Andreas
Laurentii (Anders Larsson) of the Friars
Preachers in Stockholm is not known from any other sources. ● The city
councillor, Matts Larsson, who represented Fr. Andreas before the city court,
may have been a brother of the friar.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 120-121.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
court of Stockholm acknowledges that Knut Andersson owns the half part of a
collapsed house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Inghen vigilia Laurentii. (…) Samma dagh kom Knut Anderson jn for retten medh itt breff som lydde paa thet hus som nidhfallet ær paa Suartmunka gatune som kallades fru Eline hus, tha ransades hans breff och dømdes honom halff huset til, til tess at fru Mereta her Aake Jøriensons epterliffuerska komber medh bætre beskeedh at huset skal høra henne alt samman til.
Comments: Lord Knut Andersson
Lillie was a knight and member of the Swedish national council. ● Lady
Mereta Bengtsdotter Ulf was the widow of Åke Jöransson Tott.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 123.
Speyer |
Convents of Riga and Tallinn (prov. Saxonia) |
Conradus Welder, former prior of the expelled Friars Preachers in Riga,
recounts at the Imperial Diet in Speyer how the convent of Friars Preachers in
Tallinn has been violently dissolved and expelled, and their priory destroyed,
by the people of Tallinn. The Imperial Diet enjoins the city of Tallinn to
re-establish the priory and convent.
Source: Original. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German
(At the
Imperial Diet in Speyer, Fr. Conradus Welder, prior of the Friars Preachers in
Riga, has recounted) wie ewere burger nhestverschienen jhars mit
gewaltsamer und unchristlicher that das closter prediger ordens bey euch
verstoret, seine bruder verfolget und darausz vorjaget, das ir in und auserhalb
der kirchen hingenommen, entwent und den gottesdinst zertrennet, auch solchs
ausz keiner andern ursachen, als zu vermutten, bescheen sein soll, dan das er
und seine bruder bey alter herkomener cristlicher ordenung plieben, derselbigen
mit predigen, lesen und singen gemesz gehalten und der Lutterischen sect und
lere nit anhengig gewesen. (Since this
does not only go against Christian love and order, but also violates imperial
edicts and mandates, the city of Tallinn is enjoined to reestablish the priory
and convent.) Dan wo nit, hetten ir zu erachten, das ir zu weitherer
handlung vermoge keys. mt. edicten ursach geben wurden, des wir viel lieber
furkommen sehen. (- - -)
Comments: Fr. Conradus Welder, prior of the Friars Preachers in Riga, at this time
acted as substitute vicar for the Livonian nation. He also complained about his
own convent’s expulsion from Riga in April 1524, after which he warned the
other Livonian priors to be alert and ready for a quick escape and securing
their valuables, at the same time asking the master general for practical
support for this (Walther-Wittenheim 1938, 126-127 and 130). ● The priory
of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn was ravaged by Lutheran supporters in 1524
14/9 and the convent was formally dissolved in 1525 12/1. ● The city
council of Tallinn responded to the accusations and the imperial decree in 1527 20/4 and explained itself to the Teutonic Landmeister in 1527
8/12. ● The Imperial Diet of Speyer was held from 1526 25/6-27/8.
Published: Akten und Rezesse der
livländischen Ständetage vol. III,
p. 585 note 3 (extracts combined with summaries in German, here translated to
The Imperial Diet of Speyer enjoins the
Livonian Landmeister
of the Teutonic Order to take action
against those people, who illegally have captured the priories of Riga, Tallinn
and Tartu, and to provide for the priories reconstruction and the
re-installment of their priors and convents.
Source: Contemporary transcript. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German
Imperial Diet of Speyer enjoins, once again, the Livonian landmeister of the Teutonic Order to take action against
those people, who illegally have captured the priories of Riga, Tallinn and
Tartu, and to provide for) die zurbrochne cloestere widderumb
auffzurichten, (and to reinstall the
priors and the convents) und das ire, szo inen unpillicher weisz entwendet,
zimlich erstattung zu thun. (- - -)
Comments: See above.
Published: Akten und Rezesse der
livländischen Ständetage vol. III,
p. 585 note 3 (extracts combined with summaries in German, here translated to
Stockholm |
Convent of Västerås |
Ivar Ivarsson of Stockholm pays 15 marks to Jörien van Sottern on behalf of the
prior of the Friars Preachers in Västerås.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In profesto Birgitte. (…). Her Jwar war godh for ∙xv∙ m. som priaren j Vesteraars war Jørien van Sottern skyllig.
Comments: The prior of the
Friars Preachers in Västerås at this time was probably Fr. Nicolaus Andreae,
who was installed as prior of the convent by King Gustav Vasa in 1525 30/5 and still held the office in 1528, when he was appointed dean of the cathedral chapter
in Västerås. ● Ivar Ivarsson
was appointed mayor of Stockholm by King Gustav Vasa in 1524. He is not known
otherwise to have been a friend of the Friars Preachers, so the act may have
been made because Prior Nicolaus Andreae, just like himself, was a friend of
the king. In 1527 13/5 he was instructed by the king
to hand over the possessions of his wife’s first husband, Gert Huitkop, among
which half a sack of hop was given to the convent of Friars Preachers in
Stockholm. ● Jörien van Sottern bought a house in Blackfriars Street in
Stockholm in 1528 27/4.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 134.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
court of Stockholm enjoins the city councillor, Nils Guldsmed, to pay up the
150 marks that he owes ‘the heirs’, unless the prior can present receipts
showing that the debt has already been paid.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
In crastino Calixti. (…)
Niels Gulsmidt och Martin Gulsmidt
skole læta inkomma the ∙ijC∙ m. til arffuingene, aff clostred om priaren kan jcke
beuisa them vare betalat medh quittantier och han haffuer dagh til distingen.
Comments: It is not stated
explicitly that the monastery in question was the Dominican one, but it was the
only one in Stockholm led by a prior. ● The prior of the Friars Preachers
in Stockholm at this time was most probably Fr. Henricus Degner, see 1487
17/12; he is known as prior of the
convent in 1525 13/3 and also represented the convent
in 1526 5/11. ● The city councillor Nils
Guldsmed (: goldsmith) owned a house in Blackfriars Street, see 1524 22/8 and 1526 9/4.
● The debt was finally paid in 1527 8/4,
when the town bailiff accompanied Nils Guldsmed to the priory, where the 150
marks were collected and handed over to the heirs, who were then named as Olof
Sigvardsson and Olof Overskärare. It is not indicated anywhere why the money
had been deposited in Blackfriars Priory.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 135.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Fr. Henricus
Degner of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm on behalf of his convent sells half
a house in Stockholm, which formerly belonged to the brasier Peter Karlsson, to
Brand Gotskalksson; the other half of the house is also bought by Brand
Gotskalksson from Claes Knifesmith of Söderköping.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Feria 2da post
omnium sanctorum. (…) Samma dagh stodh her Anders Symonson vp j retten fulmyndigh
på Claes kniffwasmidz wegna j Suderkøping vplætt och leffrerede
beskedeligh man Brand Gotskalkson jt halfft stenhus och ena tompt på
Sødhra malm, som samme Claes honom lagliga såldt hade for ene summo peninge som honom wel
åtnøgde, och war samme Claes wel
fornøgd til ytterste pening. Och huset belæget j Søtegummonne
grend ther Peder Karlson grytegiutere fordom vthi bodde, och tompten ær belæghen på Sødhra malm emellen Niels Grytegiutere och Sielegårdztompten, och haffuer tompten j frå
stenrøsen och jn til gatunne ∙lx∙
alna, bredden ∙xx∙ alna,
widh gatna ∙xiij∙ alin. Widh samma tijdh stodh och bro Henric Degener for retten och vplæt fornemde Brandt annan halffdelen j forberørda hus som clostret tilhørdt hade thet han och lagliga såldt hade, och bekende
sich på closters wegna wara aldeles wel fornøgd. Och ther medh
haffuer nw Brandt huset qwit och
frijt vppe och aldeles som thet vpmurat och for øghon står, och war
lagbudit och laghstondit och fridzskilling
på giffuen epter laghen.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus
Degner, see 1487 17/12 ●
On Claes Knifesmith and the house of brasier Peter Karlsson, see 1524 25/7.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 139.
Linköping |
Convents in Sweden |
Hans Brask of Linköping ordains Fr. Olavus Laurentii to the rank of priest, Fr.
Erasmus Petri to the rank of deacon, and Fr. Haquinus to the rank of subdeacon.
Source: Transcript in
Hans Brasks Registratur.
Language: Latin.
Sabbato 4or temporum ante nativitatem Domini que est in crastino sancti Thome apostoli infrascripti ordinati sunt Lincopie et primo sacerdotizandi (…) ad titulum (…) ordinis predicatorum frater Olavus Laurentii. (…); dyaconizandi (…) frater Erasmus Petri; subdyaconizandi (…) ordinis predicatorum frater Haquinus.
Comments: Fr. Olavus
Laurentii is not known from any other sources; it is not stated to which
convent he was affiliated. ● On Fr. Erasmus Petri and Fr. Haquinus, see 1525 5/6. ● On Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping,
see 1520 28/2.
Published: Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur no. 560
(p. 602).
of Haderslev?) |
Convent of Haderslev |
preachers (:‘Martinians’) are emerging in Denmark, where they preach against
the established clergy and the old customs, and hereby cause grave confusion,
not least in Haderslev, where Duke Christian, the son of king Frederik of
Denmark-Norway, is installed as regent.
Source: Handmade
inscription in printed version version of Jyske Lov.
Language: Latin.
Anno Domini
1523 (...). Eius tempore surrexerunt Martiniani sic vocati a Martino Lutther,
qui predicaverunt contra omnes cleros et generalem usum, et fecerunt magnam
confusionem in ecclesia Dei et maxime in Hadersleff, prestante et adjuvante imo procurante et mandante filio eiusdem
regis Frederici nomine Christierno qui tunc regnavit super castra Dørningh et
Dansk oversættelse:
I det Herrens år 1523 (...). På samme tid rejste martinianerne sig, dvs. Martin Luthers tilhængere, som prædikede imod hele gejstligheden og den almindelige skik, og skabte stor forvirring i Guds kirke, ikke mindst i Haderslev, hvor kong Frederiks søn, kaldt Christian, som dengang regerede over Dørning og Haderslev, førte an og hjalp til.
Comments: This part of the
inscription is not exlicitly dated, but Duke Christian was installed as de
facto regent of Dørning and Haderslev counties in 1525, where he absolved the
collegiate chapter of Haderslev, which is said to have caused an increasing
ecclesiastical chaos, until Evangelical prelates were brought in from Germany
to take over control in the summer of 1526 (Gregersen 1986, 70-75). ● The
entry does not relate to the Friars Preachers as such, but it appears to have
been written by a Dominican friar, who was either affiliated to the convent in
Ribe or – perhaps rather – the convent in Haderslev. On the inscription and its
author, see 1527 6/1.
Published: Nye Samlinger til den danske
vol. III, p. 292.
(Convent of Schleswig) |
an unlearned apostate Friar Preacher, who has escaped imprisonment for his misdeeds,
set up as an Evangelical preacher in Schleswig, where he is allowed to orate in
the cloister walk of the cathedral. He claims that it is of no help for
salvation to give alms, found churches, support the pope or monks, to fast or
to pray, and that true priests ought to live like the Apostles; Fredericus
himself tries to comply with the latter by dressing in a simple grey tunic and
to earn his livelihood by walking from door to door among his supporters. His
sermons attract an audience among the lower classes of Schleswig, along with
some burghers, but he is said to speak more about social riots than on
Christian life. Because of these sermons, the parish priest Marquard Bülow is
said to have lost a lot of income from offerings, burials and confessions. On
26 December (1526), Fredericus leads a mob into the cathedral during a burial
of a canon secular, Meinrich Menkel, where they break up the ceremony, knock
some of the cathedral school students (of whom two are the sons of noblemen) to
the floor, and declare that the body of the ‘ungodly’ canon ought to be buried
beneath the gallow.
Sources: A. Boye’s
records. Schleswig City Archives. B. Cypræus’ Annales episcoporum Slesvicensium.
Language: A. Middle
Low German. B. Latin.
Alse nhu dat evangelium durch eynen uhngelerden uh[n]geschickedenn vorlapenen monneck prediker ordens gewesth, Fredericus genanth, anno 26 ahngefangen unde des lere mher tho uprore alse tho christlicher leve genegett unde etlicke burger und gemenen puffel darhin bewagt, dath erher etliche, alse de domhern cynes vorstorven domhern ern Minrikes Menkell sine exequien heldenn am dage Steffani protomatyris, gewaltsam int kore bloter gewhere gelopenn, de wassen barneden karssen thohoven, mangk de scholers, dar twe ridder kinders under westh, beide papen und kinder gejagett und geschreiett, men scholde den dodenn corper uth der karken alse eynen godtlosen papisten under denn galgen gravenn etcetera unde der dinge mher ahngerichtet unde dewile de umbedachte munke offentlich predeke, dat almissenn geven, karken stifften, papen und monnecke under tho holdende, vasten, bedenn thor salicheit nicht nutte, ock dath de predicanten nicht mher alse umb und ahn nha der apostell regell hebben scholden. Dußer vorgerurten ohrsake halven wurth deme pastore Marquarth Bulowen offer geltt, graff geltt, karkganges gellt, bichgellt etcetera, dath deme jarlich nicht wenigke vornemelich in der pestelentzen und stervende tidth todroch, gentzlichenn entagenn; wente dusse Fredericus was kein recht vorordenth karkendener, sunder van etlichen sinem ahnhange ingedrungen tho predigende wedert bewillinge und berop der ovricheit, kunde he van den gerurten accidentien nichts krigen; hadde ock und wolde nicht mher alse eynen graven ossenbruggesken wandes rock dragen, de mith pelßwarke jegen den winter gefodertt wurth, gingk vann husern tho huserenn under sinen ahnhanck eten etcetera.
Nam statim anno 1526. Monachus quidam
nomine Fridericus in medium prodiit, qui jam pridem ordinem suum deserverat, ac
cucullam exuerat. Hic postquam ex carcere et vinculis, in quæ ob facinora ac
maleficia sua conjectus erat, evasisset, Slesvicum sese recepit: ubi annum
commoratus, primum in summo templo seu æde cathedrali Slesvicensi, deinde in
ambitu templi contiones ad populum habuit. Quotidie canonicos et pontificios
calumniis ac conventiis virulenta ac petulantissima sua lingua insectabatur,
acerrime in eos invehendo ac debachando, ut eos plebi omnino exosos redderet.
Ei rude ac imperitum vulgus adhæsit tanquam ad saxum, usque adeo, ut eum sibi
pastorem ecclesiæ omnibus votis deposcerent. Sed quod esset audaculus
impudentior, et seditiosus, regis odium atque offensam incurrit. Idque ex eo
datur cognoscere, quod cum cives Slesvicenses in arcem ascenderent, regemque
humillime ac demisissimo animo orarent, ut sibi eum pastorem rex permittere ac
concedere vellet. rex subiratus hisce verbis respondit. Quis Fridericum vobis
invidet ac adimit? Habetote vobis illum. Attamen quia rex perspiciebat, ea re
atque usu civium non fore, si hominem hunc seditiosum, mendaciloquum,
obtrectatorem, nulliusque; pretii ac valoris, pastorem nanciscerentur, ideoque.
Comments: A is a short chronicle on the Lutheran
Reformation in Schleswig written by the city scribe Boye around 1560. ● On Cypræus, see 1235.
It is not known from which convent the
apostate friar Fredericus (Friedrich) had come. The local convent
in Schleswig is, of course, a possibility, but at this early point he is
probably more likely to have obtained his Evangelical ideas somewhere in
Germany or the Low Countries. For unknown reasons, H.V. Gregersen termed him “an unlearned and
unsuited apostate monk of the Franciscan Order” (Gregersen 1986, 103), even
though his referred source A
explicitly affiliates Fredericus to the ‘prediker
ordens’; B does not state from
which monastic order he came. The riot at the funeral in the cathedral seems to
have caused a joint complaint by the cathedral clergy, the nobility and the
city council against Fredericus in 1527*, which led to a royal
appointment of the more learned and less radical Marquard Schuldorp as
Evangelical preacher in Schleswig; according to B, Fredericus for a time served as assistant chaplain to Schuldorp
in Schleswig, before he eventually had to leave the city after a conflict with
the royal chancellor, Wolfgang Utenhof. B
also informs that Fredericus was later imprisoned in Neumünster, after
which the sources are silent on him. Later literature customarily refers to him
as ‘tolle Friedrich’ (‘Mad
Frederick’). ● The convent of Friars Preachers in Schleswig is not
mentioned in any of the sources in connection to Fredericus, but both mendicant
convents are certain to have taken a firm stand against him and his Evangelical
Published: A. Geschichte de Stadt Schleswig, pp. 202-203. B. Annales episcoporum Slesvicensium, pp. 417-418.
Gregersen 1986, pp. 103-105.
Convent of Haderslev |
Christian of Schleswig has the entire Catholic clergy in Haderslev replaced by
non-ordained Lutheran clergy. The convent of Friars Preachers in Haderslev is expelled
from the town, after the friars have been rounded up just as they come out from
Source: A. Handmade
inscription in printed Missale. The Royal Library,
Copenhagen. B. Handmade
inscription in printed version of Jyske Lov. C. Helduaderus, Sylva Chronologica
(1624). D. Pontoppidan’s Annales
ecclesiæ Danicæ.
Language: A and B.
Latin. C and D. German.
Anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo [vicesimo] septimo dux Christiernus princeps in Haderslöff spoliatur ecclesiam in provinciis suis, videlicet monstrantias et calicas cum aliis ornamentis. Et preterea deposuit et expulit sacerdotes et curatos rite et canonice ad sacros ordines promotos, ab ecclesiis et beneficiis, etiam canonicos in Hadersløff et predicatores, et constituit scolares non ordinatos ad ecclesias et ad curam animarum, quod inauditum fuit.
Dansk oversættelse:
I det Herrens år 1507 [:1527] plyndrede hertug Christian, fyrste
i Haderslev, kirkerne i hans provins, det vil sige monstranser og kalke med
alle kostbarheder. Og desuden afsatte og fordrev han præster og sognepræster
som var lovlig og kanonisk indsat i de hellige embeder fra kirker og
privilegier, også kannikkerne i Haderslev og prædikanterne, og indsatte
ikke-ordinerede lærere i kirkerne og til sjælepleje, hvad der var uhørt.
Item anno Domini 1527 per predictum ducem fuerunt expulsi fratres
predicatores de conventu Hadhersleffuendi die sanctorum trium regum.
Dansk oversættelse:
Fremdeles i det Herrens år 1527 lod førnævnte hertug prædikebrødrene
af konventet i Haderslev fordrive på helligtrekongersdag.
Am Tage Trium Regum hat Christianus, König Friderici Sohn (...) alle Münche zu Hadersleben im Hertzogthumb Schlesswig ex Claustro Minoritarum, wie sie nach geendigtem Gottesdienst auss der Kirche gangen, verjaget, dass Kloster mit allem Zugehörigen eingenommen, vnd hiemit Luthero vor erst freyen Pass eröffnet.
Dansk oversættelse:
På Helligtrekongersdag fik Christian, kong Frederiks søn, alle
munke i Haderslev i hertugdømmet Slesvig udjaget fra minoritterklosteret, da de
efter endt gudstjeneste gik ud af kirken, klosteret med al dets tilhørende blev
indtaget, og hermed fik Luther for første gang fri adgang.
Anno 1527. (…) Am Tage der
Heiligen Drey Könige, ließ Printz Christianus, seines Vaters Statthalter in den
Fürstenthümern, die Franciskaner- oder Minoriter-Mönche zu Hattersleben, als
sie aus der Messe kamen, zur Stadt hinaus treiben. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
År 1527. (…) På helligtrekongersdag lod prins Christian, sin
faders statholder i fyrstendømmerne, franciskaner- eller minorittermunkene i
Haderslev fordrive fra byen, netop som de kom ud fra messe. (…)
Comments: A is a handmade
addition to the titlepage of a Missale
speciale printed in Strasbourg 1504. With the same hand is also written quem [:librum] emit magister Johannes Severini ad altare sancti Georgii in perpetuum
permanere, while another hand has written Iste liber pertinet ad hospitale
sancti Georgii in Ripis; thus, the inscription may have been made by
Master Johannes Severini (Hens Sørensen),
possibly a canon secular of either Haderslev or Ribe, or by someone at St.
George’s Hospital in Ribe. The dating to 1507 must be a mistake for 1527, both
according to the known time of events and to sources B and C. ● B is handmade addition to a version of Jyske Lov printed in Ribe 1504. The
inscription also includes entries regarding 1523, 1525-26 and 1532 2/11. Just below
the entries is added: Dith vorgeschrevne heffth eyn olth Riper
Munnch geschreven, suggesting that they were made by a friar from the
Dominican convent in Ribe – perhaps even one of the expelled friars from
Haderslev. The convent in Ribe would have been an obvious house to retreat to
from Haderslev, at least for its Danish brethren, even if the convent in
Haderslev now formally (unlike Ribe) belonged to the province of Saxonia; the
convent in Ribe itself appears to have been dissolved in 1531. ● The author of C,
Nicolaus Helduaderus (Niels Heldvad,
†1634), erroneouslyaffiliates the convent in Haderslev to the Friars Minor, a mistake he
most likely has from Cypræus (see 1235).
It is worth noting, though, that he is the first one who has the part about the
friars being rounded up just after mass, which either points to an additional,
now lost source variant or to a creative addition fabricated by Helduaderus
himself. ● The author of D,
Erich Pontoppidan, appears to base his knowledge on C. ● Based on these records, the expulsion of the Catholic
Church from Haderslev in general, and the convent of Friars Preachers in
Particular, is traditionally dated to 1527. Letters issued by the Dominican
master general in 1528 23/4 and 1528 26/4 to named members of the convent in
Haderslev suggest, however, that some of the friars had remained in the town
until then; the letters allowed the friars in question to seek new convents
elsewhere due to the ‘Lutheran pest’. Indeed, one friar was formally
transferred from Haderslev to Halberstadt (prov. Saxonia) as late as 1534 24/6. ● Duke Christian of Schleswig (†1559), who later became King
Christian III of Denmark- Norway, was born in 1503 as the son of Duke Frederik
of Schleswig-Holstein. During an educational ‘grand tour’ in his youth,
Christian was present at the Diet of Worms in 1521, where the performance of
Martin Luther made a great impact on the young duke-to-be. When his father was
elected king of Denmark-Norway in 1523, Christian was formally installed as
duke for some of the northern districts of the duchy, with his ducal centre in
Haderslev; it was within these provinces governed by Duke Christian that the
Lutheran Reformation was first implemented in Denmark-Norway. When King
Frederik I died in 1533, the predominantly Catholic national councils of
Denmark and Norway were reluctant to elect his openly Lutheran son as his
successor, but due to the political development during the subsequent war of
succession (‘The Count’s Feud’) 1534-36, the nobility of Jylland had no choice
but to elect Christian king in 1534 to be followed by entire kingdom of Denmark
and Norway in 1536-37.
Published: A. Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 3. ser. vol. III, p. 235. B. Nye Samlinger til den danske
Historie vol. III, p. 292. C.
Sylva Chronologica vol. II, p. 79
(Gregersen 1986, p. 107 note 156). D. Annales
ecclesiæ Danicæ vol. II, pp. 797-798.
Wenden |
Convent of Tallinn |
The Teutonic
Landmeister Wolter von Plettenberg of Livonia assures Bernd
Risebiter, who has complained about the city of Tallinn’s treatment of
Blackfriars Priory and the nunnery in Tallinn, that he will do what he can to
reintroduce peace between the knighthood of Harria and Vironia on the one side
and the city council of Tallinn on the other.
Source: Contemporary transcript. National Archives of
Estonia, Tartu.
Language: German.
Anthwurdt des hoichwirdigen fursten und
grothmechtigen hern, hern Wolthers van Plettenbergk, Duitzschs ordens meister
tho Lifflande, mynes g. h., up anbringen und werffinghe des erbarn und vhesten
Bernd Riszebiters van wegen des achtbarn rades und gemeiner ritterschaffth der
lande Harrien und Wirlande, frigdages nach Gregorii tho Wenden gegeven.
heffth die hoichwirdige furste, myn g. h. meister tho Lifflande dath anbringen
und die hohe mercklicke boschweringe, synen f. g. in nhamen und van wegen des
achtbaren rads und gemeiner ritterschaffth der lande Harrien und Wirlande
schrifftlich ock mundlich vorgedragen und eropeneth, erhored, ingenhamen und
vorstanden. Szo denn in denszulvigen, wue enhen die inruminge des schwarten
monnicke klosters bynnen der stad Revall am negesth vorleden gemeinen richtdage
tho Revall durch eynen erszamen rad darszulvigesth wedder dath olde gebruick
und herkamen, ock erhe privilegia und herlicheide geweigerth und affgeschlagen
mid wideren vorhale, itzund tho repeteren van unnoden, angetzeigedt, ock wue
erhe bludsvorwanten frunde und maghe, in dem junckfrouwen kloster bynnen Revall
erholden, mid mercklicken und untellicken honlicken, spitzschen, vorachtlicken
und lesterlicken worden wedder God, recht und alle billicheid szollen
averfallen, boschimpeth und vorfolged und uth dem kloster van den burgern und einwaneren
tho Revall vorrocked, dardurch eyn achtbare ritterschafft in mercklicken
schaden, nachdell und vorderff, ock eyne grothe vorkleninge erher olden
herlicheid gefordt werden etcetera.
Hirupp wyllen syne f. g. dem achtbarn rade undt gemeiner ritterschaffth der lande Harrien und Wirlande nach hertzlicker midtlidinge szodans erhes wedderwyllen in anthword nicht vorbergen, dath szeine f. g. szodane unenicheid, twisth und twidracht ungernhe horen und is szeine f. g. dieselvigen, szo vhill szeine f. g. des anhe bluthvorgeten und dreffentlicken schaden und nachdell der gemeinen lande tho Lifflande moglich, uththoroden, frede, leve und enicheid allenthalven tho erwecken gantz genegedt, wue ock syne f. g. de tydt szyner f. g. hoichlofflicken regerunge nicht anders gesucht und bisz in dath ende, gade helpende, nicht anders vorthonhemende wyll gesporth werden. Dann gedie, waszdumb und eindrechtlike erholdinge dysser gantzen lande tho Lifflande in erhen reden und rechten der gebor tho schutten und schermen syn syne f. g. steds genegedt.
Comments: On the complaints put forward by the knighthood of Harria and
Vironia, see 1525 26/3. ● Wolter von
Plettenberg was the Livonian Landmeister
of the Teutonic Order from 1494-1535. ● Bernd Risebeter was a vassal of
the Teutonic Order based in Harria. He was also installed as superintendent for
the nunnery in Tallinn.
Published: Akten und
Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 244.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
councillor Nils Guldsmed along with the city bailiff and other representatives
of the municipal authorities in Stockholm go to the priory of the Friars
Preachers in Stockholm, where they collect 150 marks, which Nils Guldsmed owes
the heirs of Staffan Kortsson; the money is then handed over to Olof
Sigvardsson and Olof Overskärare.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da [post sabbato judica]. Samma dagh vnderuiste
fogden Gudmund Scriffuere, her Anders Symonson och kemenerene at the hade warit j clostred
medh Niels Gulsmidh rådhman och taghit ther vth the ijC m. som han hade j noghen tijdh warit clandrat fore påå sin
forfaders Lasse Tordsons wegna, aff
Staffan Kortsons barna arffuinga, såå
at the påå bada sidher gåffue Nielse
quit frij ledig och løøssz for alt eptertall
om samma ijC m. for
fødde och ofødde. Olaff Siwordson och
Olaff Offuerskerere wore the som the ij
m. [sic!] anammade.
Comments: On Nils Guldsmed,
see 1524 22/8. ● The claim on the
inheritance had been presented before the city court already in 1526 15/10, where Nils was told to pay the heirs, unless
the prior of the Friars Preachers could present
receipts showing that the debt has already been paid. It is not indicated anywhere why the money had been
deposited in Blackfriars Priory.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 161-162.
Tallinn |
Convents of Riga and Tallinn (prov. Saxonia) |
The city council of Tallinn responds to the
accusations that Fr. Conradus Welder, prior of the Friars Preachers in Riga, have
launched against the city to the Livonian Landmeister
of the Teutonic Order regarding the allegedly unjust and violent expulsion of
the convent from Tallinn in favour of the Lutheran sect. According to the
council, the friars only have themselves to blame with their lies and godless
falsification of God’s Word and Christian order, along with all their false
rites on which they have enriched themselves on simpleminded folks. Their
sermons include little but miraculous legends and examples, and hardly anyone
but their own saints and donors stand a chance of going to Heaven. Thus, their
expulsion was necessary to retrieve God’s grace and mercy and the salvation of
souls. The orthodox truth of their religious view, and the falseness of that of
the friars, is documented through an extensive theological thesis. The
Dominican preachers have, however, in their sermons, and in the private homes
of burghers, accused the Evangelical preachers of diabolic heresy, but when
these preachers came to the priory to debate and prove their theological
points, the friars excused themselves by stating that they were not allowed to
engage in such debates with inferiors. The confiscation of priory valuables are
explained by stating that these do not belong to the friars, since they have
not been brought into the priory by the brethren, but by lay people, and from
other cities it is known how the brethren have often run away from the priories
with such valuables, and also here most of it had secretly been brought away,
while the rest was taken into custody by the city council just to keep it from
disappearing as well. Some of the items, including the convent’s collection of
letters, were stored at the city blacksmith’s, but the friars illegally
reclaimed and subsequently hid them around the countryside. The council claims
that most of the friars have left the convent voluntarily, and the remaining
four, counting some of the oldest and most hardened ones, are allowed to stay
there for the rest of their life, when they refrain from acting against the
Evangelic church. No rightful landed possessions have been taken from the
convent, whereas the convent on several occasions has enriched itself with
endowments in a fraudulent way at the expense of the city. In a recent case,
the friars ran off with all items and domestic utensils of any value from the
home of a deceased skipper, moving it away in carts and wagons, while his
corpse was still standing in the house, even though the city council had
explicitly prohibited it.
Source: Original document. National Library of Estonia, Tallinn.
Language: German.
Unnße ganczwyllyghe underdanighe denste in gehorßamer irbedinghe bohochlicken wyllens und wes wy mehr leves vnnd gudes tho donde vormoghen stedes bouorn. Hochwerdighe forste, grotmechtige, genedige, gunstige herr. Szo wy denne durch etwen Cort Welder genompten prior der swarten prediger broder van Ryge by ro. keyserlicker majestet stadtholder sampt dessulvesten Rykes korforsten, forsten vnnd ghemeinen stenden inholde der an i. f. g. vnnd vns irgangenen breue swarlicken angegeuen vnnd beschuldigeth ßyn, gelick wie mit geweldiger vnchristlicker daet, ane alle orsake, eth genannte kloster prediger ordens mith vnns vorstoreth, de broder voriaget, dath ere dar vth genamen, und den gades denst to trennet, vnnd wedder christlicke leve vnnd ordeninge alleine umb der van en vnangenamen Lutterschen secte willen ßollen gehandelt hebben, wyllen hirup i. f. g. eren bogerten na vnse gruntlicke meninghe vnderdenichlick tho irkennen gheuen vnnd serßulvesten swarten moncke vorbiegangene warheit und gotloßeh mißhandelingeh tegen godt ßyn hillige worth ock christlycke ordeninge vnnd leue zo lange her geoueth, bonessen der irgangenen schicht erer wickhaffticheit, gade helpende, mith der warheit iropenen und tho vorschine bringen, da mith i. f. g. und jedermennichlick, deme Godes ere vnnd de wolfarth aller gelouigen vnnd unnßer zelen ßalicheit leff is, apentlick erkennen moge, wath vnflades vnder der vorgelicken vormalden doden graven entholdenn vnnd wath swarerer ritenden wulue yn dem eyntfoldigen schine der schapes kleder vorborgen geweßen ßyn, dar vor vnns Christus, vnse einige heiland ßunderlick warnet, vnnd vnns deßulvesten dorch eyne ßuurlicke gelicknisse der guden vnnd qwaden bome by eren fruchten kennen leret. Wor bye wie ock derßulvesten nicht alleine mit groter vorlust vnßer guder vnde tydlicken wolfart, ßunder vornomlick yn bodrevener vorforinge vnnd ewyggen vordarne der ßelenn vth ßunderlicken gnaden vnnd barmherticheit Gades, vnßes hemmelschen vaders, yn apenbaringe ßyns heilßamen wordes tho latest wargeworden ßyn. Deme sy hir vor pris und ere van eycheit nu vnnd tho ewigen tyden. Amen.
Anfencklick als sick de swarten moncke vor vth bauen alle ander secten nomen laten broder prediger ordens, dar seh sick vornemlick vorgeholden vnd vthgegeuen hebben, moethe wy nah apostolisscher lere de geister prouen, aff she van gade ßyn, vnde ere lere vnnd wort nah gotlicker schrifftt ordelen und richten. Szo se auer van gade werenn, moesten she van eme effte syner gelouigen gemeyne tho ßulcken heilßamen prediger ampte beropen, geßandt effte irwelet wesen, vnnd konden vund mochten nicht anders dan Gades worth der christlicken ghemeyne lutter vnnd reyne uth gades geiste vorkundigen, wente ock Christus de prediger der gherechticheit vnnd vnser aller houet vnnd enyge heilandt yn velen orden der schrifft ßunderlinges anthut, dath he nicht van ßick ßuluest gekamen, ock nicht van ßick ßuluest geredeth, ßunder van ßynem hemmelsschen vader yn desse werlet geßandt vnnd vnns alleine ßyn godtlicke worth vnd wyllen vorkundiget hefftt, who ock ingelickem de propheten, apostel vnnd ihunger Christi ine olden vnnd nughen testamente thom suluigen ampte van gode beropenn vnnd gesandt, vnnd tho latesth vth der christlicken gemeyne irweleth ßynn, bringeth godtlicke schriffte des olden vnnd nugen testamentes in velen steden klarlick mede. Dar vth ock helle am daghe bowyßlick is, dath alle van sick ßuluest gekamene, vngeßande vnnd unirwelede prediger, zo eth jo predigher genometh ßyn willen, nene gades ßendebaden vnnd prediger ßines godtlicken wordes weßen konen, dwyle she gelopen wen she nicht gesandt ane des heren bouel geprediget hebbenn. Dar she nicht beropen vnnd irweleth gheweßen zyn, ßunder ßyn vth egener wale van ßick ßuluest gekamen, dar von vnns Godes worth auer alle warneth. Wo wie auersth desuluesten vth erer egenen lere vnnd fruchten wieder erkennen ßollen und moeten, is uth gothlicker schrifftt apenbaer. Eyn andern grundt kan tzwar nemandt leggen buthen dem, de gelecht is, welcker is Jhesus Christus. Szo is nu de summa des rechtschapenen evangelii, dath unse hemmelssche vader vth vnuthsprecklicker gnaden vnnd barmherticheit ßinen einigen gebaren ßone yn de warleth gesandt hefftt, vmb de ßunder van eren ßunden salich tho macken, vnnd en dath ewige leuenth vmb dessuluesten Christus willen, ane alle vnsern effte imandes vordeenst, vth lutterer gnaden, zo vele eth gelouen, tho geuende, de alleine vuller genaden und warheit is, vnd van zyner vülle hebben wy alle genamen genade vmb gnade. Umb welckes van gade gegeuenen hartelicken thouorsichts vnnd gelouens willen in Jhesum Christum, vnsen enigen heilandt vnnd salichmacker, allen yn en gelouighen de macht gegeuen kynder Godes tho werdenn, gades erue vnnd mede erue Christi tho synde vnnd eth ewighe leuenth alleine yn ehm tho hebbende. De nu den vnendtlicken rickedom der gnade vns in Christo vorleneth nicht an den dach bringen, vnnd Christum idermennichlick nicht also vorbilden, dat he alleine eth lam Gades is, welckt wechnimpt de ßunde der werlet, dat he alleine is de wech, de warheit vnde eth leuent, dath nemandt thom vader kumpt, dan durch en, vnnd dath wy tho dem genaden stole enigen middeler und vorspraten Christo alleyne alle thoflucht hebben vnnd durch en allent irlangen sollen, ßunder vns vth menschlicken wane mennigerleye wyße vnnd wege der afflosschynge der ßünde, vnnd thor ßalicheit tho kamende wedder zyn godtlicke gebott vnd bouel darbonessen vorholden, gelicks he eth alleine nicht alles vthgerichtet hedde, vnnd erkener menschlicken creaturen hulpe vnnd warckes dar tho bedorffte, so he doch der gar nichts behouet, vnnd ock vth den warcken des gesettes vor em keyn flesch rechtferdich syn mach. Dessuluesten ßyn dar vor uns gotlicke schrifftt in velen steden warneth, ßunderlinges Paulus sprechende: Laeth iw nemandt dat theel vorrucken, de na egener wale her geit yn demut und geistlicheit der engel, de he nie werle geßeen hefftt, vnnd is ane ßacke vpgeblaßen in synem fleschlicken synne; vnnd holt sick nicht an dem houede, vth welckem de ganße lyff durch de lede vnnd tho samede foginge hantrekinge entfanget, vnd an eyn ander ßick entholt, vnnd alzo wast tor grote de godt gifft. Szo gy denne nu ßynt gestoruen mith Christo van den wertlicken ßettingen, wat lathe gy iw denne fangen mith settinge, als were gi leuendich? Die dar seggen: Du salt dat nicht anroren, du salt dath nich eten noch drincken, du salt dat nicht antehen; welckt sick doch alles vnder den henden vorteret, vnnd is na den gebaden und leren der minschen; de woll hebben enen schin der wyßheit, durch suluest irwelets geistlicheit vnd demut, vnnd durch dat ße des lyues nicht vorschonen, vnnd an dat flesck nene kost wenden tho ßiner. Deßuluesten treden vam gelouen vnd anhangen den irrigen geistern vnnd leren der düuel. Sze hebben eyn geberde eynes godtseligen wandels vnd vorlochenn ßyne krafftt, welcke neffen inforen vordarfflicke sekten und vorlochen den herenn. Eth ßyn auer io apentlicke theken vnnd wercke des ungelouens, darby men sulckent inne wart vnd irfaret, zo wy van ganßen herten prouen vnnd Gades worde richten willen wath doget und krafftt men vnsen ßuluest erdichter schinenden warcken thogelecht vnnd wat hartlick vortrüwen und thovorsicht men dar up gehath hefftt. Woll ys eth de ßick vorhen tegen de apostolische lere nicht hefft eyn geweten gemaketh ouer spiße edder ouer dranck; edder ouer eyns deles dagen, nemlick den fierdagen; wo vele hebben woll den elicken standt vel tho geringe vnnd sehr farlick geachtet, darynne gade tho bohagen vnnd ßalich tho werden, ßunder vele mehr vor eth allerbeste vnnd gewysseste irweleth eyn eentßam klosterlick leuen anthonemende, dadurch seh yn Gades hulde vnnd gnade kamen, vorgeuing erer sunde vnnd de ewige salicheit mith mennigerleye darynne eres bedunckens oueden guden wercken tho vordenen vorhapeden; whorumb seh sick dar tho ewichlick myt vngebadenen vnnd vnmochlicken gelofften tegen godes bouele vorplichteden, vnnd dar vormiddelst des ewigen zo ßeker vnnd gewyße weren, dath se ock aller mennichlick vor gelth ere gerekeden ouerflodigen gude warcke mede deelhaftich makeden; gelick men dardurch vorgeuinge der ßunde vnnd ßalicheit van ene vorworne, wo ock vth der vorkundige veler jaer vnnd karenen afflates und anderen dingen wyße makeden. In welcken vnnd der gelicken irdichten velen nugen funden vnnd ydelheiden eyne secte auer de ander is vpgeblasen worden. Eyn ider hefft jo in ßunderlicken vnnd mennigerley underschedingen vnd vthwendigen geberden, whorynne geistlicker, hilliger, framer older vormerder van klostern vnnd hilliger parsonen vnnd vedere geholden vnnd vorgetagen syn willen, ßo dat ock eyn parth yn deme pryße und vorheuinge erer fundatorn vnnd genompten hilligen vedere zo wydt gekamen, dath ße ene by na im hemmel gene stede hoch vnnd werdich genoch to mathe botekenen kunden; van welckerer ßunderlicken vordenste macht bie gade vorbiddinge yn ienem leuende, vnnd hir vp erden nach warckenden wunderteken seh nümmer genoch in relation erer legende vnnd exempel vortellen künden. Whor vth vnd mehr andern bodrechlicken leren vnnd schine dem menschlicken harten, dar Godt alleine in wanen sall, vnnd wil eyn thovorsichtich vortruwent vp de creaturen vnnd menschlicke wercke yngebildeth, vnnd allerley irkentnisße godtlicker gnaden und barmherticheit vnns in Christo Jhesu irtoget durch vorfelschinge sines genadenriken wordes gentzlick entwant is. Alzo dath men Gades rycke, welck nicht mith vthwendigen gebeerde kumpt, ock yn nenen vthwendigen dingen, ßunder alleine bynnen de Godt gelouigen, de he alleine kenneth, in gherechticheit, frede vnnd frewde, im hilligenn geiste gelegen is, dar byten yn ßunderlicken parßonen, steden, tyden glyßenden warcken und geberden thegen Godes geboet gesocht hefftt. Darvan wyder her gekamen, dat in anliggenden gedrenge des gesettes wroginge vnßes gewethens allerley anfechtinge in dodes vnd andern nöden gar ienen trost, hulpe vnnd toflucht to Gade, vnsem hemmelschen vader, durch Christum, unsen enigen middeler vnnd vorspraken, gehat vnnd irlosinge irlanget is; ßunder ßyn veel mehr vth twiuelmodicheit vp de elemente dusser werlet vnnd vorgebilde glissende warcke vnnße inwendige irdichte affgodere gefallenn, darynne radt vnnd hulpe gesocht, zo dat vele durch pawestlicke absolucion irworuene afflates vnnd ander breue de gemeine hupe vormiddelst anropinge vnnd vorbede erer sulvest irweleden hilligen patronen dar hen gelauede beden, fardenn, fasten, viren, en togetelleden pater noster, roßenkrencze vnnd andern gebede, de aller vornomlicksten auer: durch klosterlicke vnnd ander geloffte, stichtinge vnd vel mehr vntellicker warcke, vnd bogifftinge veler geistlicker genanten personen van allen ßunden vnnd ewiger vordomnisse gefrigeth vth anliggenden nöden geholpen to wesen, vnnd dar tho van mundt vpp kynder vnnd arffname des ewigen rickes tho synde ßick genczlick vorleten, vnnd dardurch den engen wech tor ßalicheit vormisseden vnnd den wyden wech thor vordomnisße gewandert hebben. Dewyle alle vorberorte wercke ane vnnd wedder Godes bouel vnnd worth vt genem gelouen gescheen ßynn, darumb nichts anders als ßunde weßen konnen. Welckt alles mith mehr andern myßstalligen grüwelen de lange gebruck vnnd dechlicke erfarenheit na Godes worde zo helde vnnd klar an den dach bringeth, dat dar van mit gothlicker warheit nichts wedder tho redende vnde tho vorsakende steit. Szulcker ßuluest irdichten und vpgesetteden menschlicken gerechticheit syn de offt gedachten Swarten Moncke na erem entfangen prediger namen de vornömlicksten prediger gewesen, vnnd ßyn alßo der gherechticheit, de vor Gade gilth, nicht vnderdan; wyllen der schrifft meister ßyn vnnd vorstan nicht wat se seggen, offte wath seh setten; welcke tho trenninge vnnd ergernisse anrichten neffen der apostolischen lere, de nicht dem heren Jhesu Christo, ßunder erem bucke denen. Vnnd durch soete predicke vnd prachtige worde vorforen ße de vnschuldigen herte, den ßulcke apostel vnnd broderlicke arbeider vorstellen ßick tho Christus apostelen; vnnd dat is ock keyn wunder, den he ßuluest de duuel vorstellet zick thom engel des lichtes. Darumb is nicht eyn grotet, aff sick ock ßyne ock dener vorstellen tho dener der predekien van der gherechticheit. Als nu uth ßunderlicker genaden des vnns vorkundigeden worde Gades sulcke falsche lerer van vnns vth eren fruchten irkandt ßyn, hebben wy desuluesten vth behorlicker vorplicht anfengklick ethlicke mael in der gude, vnd darnah in vnuormarckeder betteringe ock ernstlick vormanen lathen, seh allen argerlicken myßbrück eres vngodtselligen wesendes vnnd vorforlicke predicacien mith vele mehr anderer nadeligen handelinge, de seh tho affbrocke, vordarue vnnd schaden I. F. G. stadt frigheit, gerechticheit vnnd ghemeinen wollfart eyne lange tydt hir mothwilligen gheouet, afftellen ßollen, vnnd dat hillige evangelium ane ienigerley vormenünghe vnnd thosath menchlicker fünde lutter vnnd reyne predigen; welckt van ehn alles gar nicht geachtet, ßünder yn den windt geslagen is. Hebben nah als vor eth rechtschapene gepredigede gothlicke worth gelestert vor ketterige vorforinge vnnd düuelsche lere, vnnd de prediger dessuluesten vor ketter, vorforer vnd düuelsche lerer, ock mith vele mehr andern honsprakenden worden yn eren logenhafftighen sarmonen vnnd sust geschulden vnnd vm kamen lathen. Dar vth sick nicht weinich partie vnenicheit vnnd twedracht hir erhoeff, alzo dat wy, umb wieder argernisse vnnd vprore vortokamen, vnße prediger tho en inth kloster geßandt, darßuluigest vnder malck ander myth godtlicker schrifft tho handelen, vnnd tho vndersokende woll van en recht effte vnrecht hedde. Szyn auer gedachte moncke tho nener disputacion gesynnet geweßen, ßick mith erem houede, dem paweste, vnd ßinen geistlicken rechten entschuldingende, wo eth en dardurch vorbaden van gelouen mith ymandes vth godtlicker schrifft tho disputeren, mosten de sake beth thom negest kunfftigen gemeinen consilio bero üwen lathen. Vnnd de wyle wy eres stackelgen geistes vnnd vorkereden zynnes, dar durch seh dem hilligen geiste vnnd warheit ym hellen lichte ßines godtlicken wordes zo apentlick sick weddersetten, vnnd tho trenninge vnnd argernisse anrichteden, in der gemeinte inne geworden ßyn, hebbe wy en eth predige ampt vnnd ere ander hüchelwarcke, zo ße mith iener schrifft boweren künden, vor der gemeine tho gebrücken vorbaden. Des van en ock nicht geachtet effte geholden is, ßunder hebben bie auent tiden, des morgens froe vnnd sust in vnuormarckeden tyden van erer secten anhangern tho sick inth kloster kamen lathen; ock ethlicke erer falschen lerer in ethlicker borger vnnd wedewen hueße ere giftige fenin hen vnde her tho vorgeten vorschikketh, dat van vnns eyn thidt lanngk geduldet is. Als auer tho latest derßuluesten vnnd mehr anderer eres gelicken wedderchristissche bodrechlicke vnd mothwillyghe handelinge nicht alleine hir, ßunder yn velen anderen orden vthgebracken, vnnd eth van ethlicken ruchtich geworden is, wo se ane alle voriagent vnd lettinghe de kloster vorlopen, desuluesten eres geldes, klenode vnnd guder, de van den moncken dar nicht ingebracht, sunder van gemeinen gude dar inkamen, gespoligeret vnnd affhendich gemaketh hadden. Sie wie dersuluesten dar na tho spade wißgewordenen vntrüwe gudt tydt ock by en vormoden gewesen, vnd hebben derwegen yn betrachtinge des gemeinen bestens dessuluesten klosters klenodige, de seh vnns mit noüwer noet togen wolden, darvan seh ock de besten kelcke defeßwyße yn vnreynen steden vns anthoseende vorborgen, vpschriuen laten, vnnd en desuluesten tho truwer handt wedder oueranthwordet mith hogem bouele, seh de ene tobolouede güdere mit erer tobohoringe vnuorandert vnnd vnwechgebracht yn trüwer vorwaringe holden solden, men dar ien gebreck ane sporede, dar vor ßunderlick de oldesten alle laueden tho stande. Hir na is vnns auermals mith mennigerley anderer schelinge biegekamen, wo van den tobotrüweden boualenen gudern ethlicke vth dem kloster wech gebrocht weren. Darumb desuluesten moncke vpt nüghe van vnns boschickett, vnd erer wilkore vnnd meninge der tho botrüweden gudere mit veler umbstendicheit vorynnert ßin, mit ethlickem bogere tho bosichtigen, aff ock eren gelofften genoch gescheen were; hebben auer deßuluesten moncke sick mit wreuel vnd groten wedderwillen vnßen bogerten weddersettet, vnnd vnßen geschickeden nenerley wyße zodane klenodia tho bosichtigen gestaden willen, zo dat vnnser na langer früntlicker vnderrichtinge vnd vormaninge bie na in de 3 stunde van ehn vorgeues vpgeholden, vnnd tolatest vnvorbiegengklick vororsaket worden eyn van den smide schappen öpenen tho laten, dar nah de anderen schappe vnnd kysten willichlick geöpeneth, vnnd de ouerigen klenodie van niges angetekent yn ene kiste geflegen zynt. Auer ethlicke nottrofftige kelcke, patenen vnnd alle des klosters breue ßampt velen anderen vnangethekenden ….. vnnd seghel wurden en to trüwer handt boualen, de seh ock alzo im kloster to latest annemen, vnd bolauende alle dar vor tho staende. Darboneffen is men ethlicke mal thegen seh ouerbodich gheweßen de kyste mith dem inweßenden smide by ene tho lathen vnnd de sloetel by vnns tho nemen, des ße ganß vorachtlick vpgenamen vnd yn nenen weghe hebben don wyllen Sie wy jo mit guden reden vnnd billigen orßaken vorfordert worden, zodane kyste mit den klenoden, de ze tho vorwaren weigerden, yn bether vnnd gewysser vorwaringe tho stellende, da mit de vth ßulcken wreuelen gemothe nicht affhendich gemaketh wurde. Als wy en darnah de slotel thor ßuluigen kisten ouerleueren lethen, hebben seh de ock anfengklick den vnsen vth bytterheit wedder worpen, vnnd tolatest tho sick genamen. Na der tydt hebben offgedachte moncke alleth jenighe, wes ehn nach hinderstellich an gesmide, klenoden, gelde, breuen vnnd ßegel, tho trüwer handt in bouel gegeuen was, mith menningerleye andern vpgeschreuenen vnd vnvpgeschreuenen gudern, vnvorandert vnwechgebracht ym kloster to latende, thegen vnse vorboth, ok ere veelfoltige vorwillinge vnnd geloffte, thom kloster vthgebracht vnd yn mennigerley orde hir und dar tho lande vordeleth, vnnd do wie des gewar geworden, hebben wy enthlick deßuluesten moncke boschicket vnnd ehn de vorachtinge vnses gebades, ock ere mothwillige vntruwen handelinge der vthgebrachten klosterguder tegen ere offthmals gedane geloffte vorgeholdenn, zodan entfromde guder van en wedder inthostellen, dar tho men seh yn nenerley wyße der gude öffte bedroüwinge vormochte tho bringende. Vnnd wo wol deßuluesten moncke umb vorbororter vnd mennigerley vorhen bodreuenen mißhandelinge willen na gades rechte yn vnse ernstlicke straffe vorfallen weren, hebbe wie dach nach erem vordenste wertlick nicht wedder seh handelen willenn, ßunder seh, nach wo vorhen, in der gude vnnd ock ernstlick vormanen lathen, sick eres vordarfflicken vorforesschen wesendes tho begeuende vnnd eth hillige euangelium sampt enem christlicken leuende antonemende. De yenighen ßo hir tho gesynnet solden to eren dagen im kloster vorßorgeth, effte ock süst darbuthen mith mochlicker hulpe vnnd sture na erer gelegenheit achterfolgeth werden, wor tho seh sick yn yenem wege geuen wolden, ßunder irweleden gemeinlick alle up 4 na vele leuer vth dem kloster tho gaende, dan ere angenamene profession tho vorlathende. Vnnd als seh alle thom vthgange geschicket werenn, ßyn etlicke van den oldesten vnnd andern brodern yn sunderheit vorgenamen vnde inth vlitigest angehardet worden, im kloster tho blyuenn. Stünden auer yn nenem weghe dar tho boweten. Szo hebben wy seh na erem egen willen und wolgefalle mit eren secken vnnd packen yn den namen des Heren pasßeren vnnd varen lathen. Dem heren sy prys vnde ere, de sine viende dorch ßyn godtlicke ßo vorschuthtert und voriaget hefft, de sustlange vnder zodanen godtzeligen schine wandelen na dem flessche yn der luft der reinicheit vnnd de herschoppe vorachten köne vnnd hoch van sick holden, nicht erezitteren de majesteten to lesteren. Eth was hir vnnd im gantzen lande nemandes, dar van seh in wedder vnns vnnd de vnsern offtmales geoneder ghewalth vnd vngelicke wolden effte mochten gerichtet zyn, vthgenamen van erem erdisschenn gade, dem paweste, de vnns vele wiet to bosokende vnnd to hoden boseten was. Sze hebben mennich vnnd offtmal sick yn I. F. G. stadt recht und frigheit ingeweldigeth, veler erffloß vnnd ane testament vorstoruener guder, de an de stadt vorfallen, bedrechlick vnnd hinderlistigen der stadt affgetagen vnd entfremdet; welck nach bynnen korthen iaren by ethwan erfflos verstoruenen Rikema gudern, dar seh einen margklicken summe geldes ane yenich bowis effte bouel hen wech genamen, vnnd etlicke bonegede stucke blies vns tho spite vnd hone vth rechtem schalckhafftigen mode, zo woll afftonemen, yn de stede gelecht hebben. Ingelickem ock vnlangest dar nah by eines vnbeerueden schippers gudern mothwilligen gefaren is, dar seh ock ane ienich bowis erkeiner bogifftinge, de wiel de dode corpus vp der delen im huße stundt, eth gelth tho groten summen, tho mit besemer sick thogewagenn, allet hußgerade, ingedomete vnnd alles, wes dar vorhanden vnnd ock nagelfaste was, mit wagen vnnd karen by groter mennichte, ock tegen vnse en hir ouer desuluiget vorboth to kloster geforet hebbenn, des van ene ane alle vnderbat vie vele mehr andern, ßunderlick yn hir gewesenen strafften gescheen is. Willenn hir vmb der korte willen vngereppet lathen zeligen Engelbrecht Tolkes kynder, zelligen Loddewich Krustes erue vnnd der vele mehr anderer to kloster gebrachte gudere, wo seh de tegen godt rede vnnd alle billicheit den rechten naturlicken arnen schamelen wedewen vnnd weysen, den se hulpe vnnd sture to donde plege wesen, hinderlistigen affgetagen vnd vnder dem schine eres langen gebedes gefreten hebben. Hir umb se mehr vordomnis entfangen sollen. Dar ouer to vnüorwyntlickem schaden vnnd armode desuluesten am deile gekamen, am deile tho vnere vnnd schande geraden syn mogen. Wen wy auer yn vorledenen tyden yn der gude vnnd scharpe desuluesten moncke thom wandel vnd afftellinge sulcker vnd der gelicken vele mehr boswerlicken gebrecke vnnd restitucion des vnrechtferdigen enthwanten mammons vnnd schattes offtmales vormanet hebben, sie wie all gemeinlick spytich vnnd schimplick van en affgerichtet antehende vnder andern irdichten reden vnnd winkeltogen, wo en vorbororte vnnd der gelicken to kloster geslepede güdere umb Gades willen gegeuen weren, lethen sick synnen, seh hedden gehorsam gedan, darumb ym kloster blyuen mosten. Wo wol seh mit nenen testamenten effte loffwerdigen tügen de beropene bogifftinge bowerden, ock nummer boweren vnnd bowysen konnen. Dorsten sick dar tho vth vnchristlicker vormetenheit woll wider romen, wo seh vam romisschen paweste mith ßo groten priuilegienn begenadiget vnnd vorlenet weren, dat she dar vormiddelst vnrechtferdige güdere rechtferdich maken, vnnd mit guder consciencie vnnd gewetenheit, dar godt eyn ider vor behode, gebrucken mochten; wes seh wedder vns vnnd de vnser yn velen mennichfoldigen andern nadeiligen vnde vurder affdrechtigen stucken thegenn christlicke ordenünge, leue vnnd eth gemeine beste yn vnordigen motigen leuende vnbehorlick vnnd im euangelio en vorbadenen bedelie, irdichter entfrighinghe van der stadt vnplicht vnde rechticheit, yn vorstoppinge der stadt busßen, vorkope der fisschen, vprustinge ethlicker herenn vnnd gude manne, vnnd vele mehr ander vntucht bedreuen vnnd gheouet hebbenn, wille wie vp dith mael umb der lengede willen varen laten vnnd dem Heren in ßinem dage tho richtende bouelenn. Hochwerdige forste, genedige her. Vth vorberorten hellen sproken godtlicker schrifft vnnd mehr andern is apentlick im daghe mith wath moethwilliger wedderchristisschen daeth de vorbororten swarten moncke vnder eynem gothseligen schine des christlicken namen vnnd amptes den leuendigen tempel Gades geschendeth, ßyne christhlicke gemeine mith falscher lere vnnd glysenden geberden vorforeth, den rechtschapenen Gades denst, de yn warhafftigen gelouen tho Gade vnnd leue des negesten gelegen is, yn hypocritissche huchelwarcke vorwandelt, alle Gades vnnd christhlicke ordenünge vorkereth, vnnd eth kloster vorberorth eynes margklicken sümmen geldes vnnd der gemeynen boloueden gudere, de nach seh effte ere vorforder daryn gebracht, ßunder van oldinges her vth der gemeine gekamen vnnd in Gades ere den armen, dar vor ße nicht moghen na Gades worde gerekent werdenn, mildichlich gegeuen, dar ouer seh nene herenn, ßunder alleine dener weren tegen vnnße veelfoltige bouel vnnd ere zo offtmales gedane vorwillinge beroueth hebbenn. Dar en baven she sick unßer zo hochlick ane warhafftigen grundt boklagen dören, dath ße van vnns ane alle orßake umb vorwerpinge willen der luttersschen secte voryageth ßyn, de dach Gades worth vnnd ere eghene myßhandelinge vnd vndath vorschuttert vnnd dan hir wickhafftich gemaketh hefft. Wie wethen vnder van nener luttersschen effte anderley secten tho seggen. De enige Christus is manck vnns; ßo nicht, wo mith en in mengerley stuckewarck gedeleth? Wie romen vnns na erer arth nener groten personen effte fromden namen, vnnd vthwendigen warcke, alleine des enigen Christi, vnnses gecruczigeden heylandes, yn des namen wy gedöfft zyn, de vor vnns gestoruen is, vnnd dardurch wy alleine ßalich to werden vnns gentzlick vortrosten. Welcke auer vnns denßuluesten Christum recht predigen, vnnd der ghemeine Gades recht vorbilden, she ßyn wer ße willen, effte mit wat namen de ghenomet werden, achte wy vor Christus dener vnnd dubbelder ere werth; vnnd ßin boreith derßuluesteu worth nicht als ere egen, ßunder als Gades worth, des eth ock is, zo vele vnns des vth godtlicker genaden medegedeileth warth, tho horen vnnd vpthonemen, vnnd nenerley fromde vorforessche lerer vnd lere thegen Gades bouel dar boneven tho tholatenn vnnd anthonemenn. Susth vndergheue wy vnns I. F. G. in allen vorplichten schuldighen gehorßam, zo godtlicker schrifftt ghemetich is vnnd ßyn na vnnßes heren ghebade eth yenige wes Gade gehoret, vnnd wes ock dem keyßer vnnd I. F. G. alss vnnser van Gade vorordenten genedigen ouericheit vnnd eynem idern na Gades ordenunghe egeneth, tho doende stedes ghewilligeth, welcken willen de allweldighe tho ßyner godtlicken ere, vnnser aller betheringe vnnd ßalicheit in vns durch Christum Jhesum genedichlick bostedigen und vollenbringen moethe. Amen. Dheme wie ock I. F. G. tho vormeringe ßyner godtlicken erkenthuisße vnnd heylßamer regerunge langhe geßundth vnnd salich tho fristende bouelen. Datum sonnauendes am passche auende anno XXVII.
Juwer F. G. stadt, gancz borethwillighe vnderdane borgermeistere vnnd radtmanne der stadt Rheuele.
Comments: On Fr. Conradus Welder and his accusations, see 1526 13/8. ● The priory of the Friars Preachers
in Tallinn was ravaged by Lutheran supporters in 1524 14/9 and the
convent was formally dissolved in 1525 12/1. ● The
Livonian Landmeister of the Teutonic
Order of the time was Wolter von Plettenberg (1494-1535).
Published: Hansen,
Die Kirchen… (1873)
encl. no. 9 (pp. 130-138).
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Ivar Ivarsson of Stockholm complies with a royal command that he should hand
over all belongings of the late Gert Huitkop, including several sacks of hop,
from which half a sack is given to each of the convents of Friars Minor and
Friars Preachers in Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da post Johannis ante portam latinam. (…) Samma dagh satte her Jwer Jwerson then deel j frå sich som salige Gerdt Huitkop hade tilhørdt, epter som wor nådigeste herre medh rikesens rådh hade honom foresagdt at han gøra skulle. (…) Tesse epterscreffne stycker satte her Jwar j fråå sich: (…) ∙vii∙ secke humbla j Gorius hus vestantil, ∙ii∙ seckier j huset østantil, ∙x∙ secker som Per Hard togh til slottet, en seck halff til gråbrødra och halff til swartbrødra. (…)
Comments: On Mayor Ivar
Ivarsson of Stockholm, see 1526 6/10. ●
Gert Huitkop appears to have been a Stockholm merchant, probably of German
origin. It was because his widow Margareta had remarried to Ivar Ivarsson that
the mayor had taken possession of all Gert’s belongings, but apparently a
number of heirs and creditors had complained about this to the king. ● It
is not stated if the mendicant convents actually had any claim on the hop or if
it rather was a decision of the authorities that one of the sacks should be
given to the friars for charity.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 166-167.
Næstved |
Convent of Næstved |
Priory in Næstved is venue for a probate settlement between Hans Bille de
Egede, Anders Bille de Søholm, Karen Billesdatter and Jakob Hardenberg de
Hvedholm regarding the landed inheritance after Bent Bille de Egede-Søholm.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
Wii efftherschreffne Hans Biillde til Egede, Anders Billde till Søhollm oc Karine Billdis datter po vore egne vegne, Iacop Hardenberig til Huedhollem po myn hosfrv Eddele Torbern Billdis datthers wegne, giøre alle vittherligt at aar effther Gudts byrd MD po thet siuende oc tiffue then fredag nest fore pingis dag i the hellige trefolldiighets naffn vii forsamblede wore her vdj Nestued i Sortebrøder Kloster om arff om arff oc skiiffte som gick først vdj Odensße oc siden po Iffuerssnes anno Domini MD quarto ipso die circumcisionis Domini mellom erlige welburdige man oc streng ridder her Henrich Knudsßen till Reffstrup po sin hostrves Karine Billdis datthers vegne oc Torbern Billde po sin egne vegne, hues siele Gud nade. Hans Billde, Anders Billde, riddere, po vore egne vegne om arff oc skiiffte som oss till falld effther vor kiere fader her Bendt Billde hues siell Gud nade oc tillfalld her Henrick Knudsßen po ßin hostrves vegne tesse efftherschreffne gorde oc godts: (…). Hwil[cke forschreffne gaarde oc gods] huer aff oss schall beholle i siiskene skiiffte som oss er tilskiifft met loden til oss oc vore arffuenge til endelig eiendom eye schullendis oc findes ther noget idermer g[ods som icke til skiiffte er] kommer effther wor kiere fader her Bendt Billde hues siell Gud nade that schall thet kome oss alle tiillgode som thet seg bør i siiskene skiiffte oc so findes ther nogen aff oss som [brøst haffuer oc icke haffuer] fanget fulleste i noger hande made i huad made thet er eller neffnes kand, inthet vndertaget ther beplichte vii oss oc vore arffuinge at giøre huer andre fullest oc ieffn[ed oc loffue oc til]sige [wii hu]er andre huer i sin sted eller vore fullmegtiige po vore vegne at møde her vdj Nestuedt nw sancte Walburgis dag nest komendis that at giøre huer fullest [je]ffned oc affkalld po all then diell oss emellom er som siiskene bør at giøre huer andre met rette vden hues wii kunde affwisse met breffue oc indsegle som wii huer andre tilfo[rn gi]ord [oc] giffuet haffue. Till vindnesbyrd henge vii vore indsegle neden for thette vort opne breff met flere gode mens indsegle som wii ther till kierligen tilbedit haffue at besegle met oss som er erlige velburdige men oc streng riddher her Mattis Erichsßen till Twrebj, Mauerits Skaue til Eskelstrvp, Basse Kristophersß till Sørup, Siuord Grvbbe till Lystrvp, Iens Grvbbe til Sandby, Kriestern Nielsßen till Hielmßø, vepnere, giffuet i Nestuedt aar oc dag som forschreffuit staar.
Comments: Bent Bille de
Egede-Søholm (†1494) was knight and member of the Danish national council, and
a wealthy magnate based on southern Sjælland. Hans Bille, Anders Bille and
Karen Billesdatter were his siblings, while Jakob Hardenberg was married to
another sister, Edele Billesdatter. Preceding probates had already been settled
after his death in 1494 and again in 1504, after the deaths of his mother and
wife, but apparently a confirmation of the entire set of probate settlements
was felt needed by some of the heirs in 1527. This meeting followed a similar
conclusive settlement with the same four participants also held in Næstved
Blackfriars Priory on 1527 5/6 regarding the inheritance after their
mother, Ermegard Frillesdatter (†1503-04). ● Blackfriars Priory in
Næstved was apparently a popular venue for such meetings by this time, see for
instance 1500 3/8 and 1510 6/4, the latter even with
participation of Hans and Anders Bille as witnesses.
Published: Sydsvenska Ortnamnssällskapets
1988, pp. 46-59.
Convent of Västerås |
national assembly of Sweden is held in the chapter hall of Blackfriars Priory
in Västerås, because the castle is still not sufficiently repaired after the
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
Någre dagar för Johannis baptiste begyntes herredagen i Westrås. (…) Szå begyntes tå företagas alffuarliga mz handlinganer, och thet skedde i Clöstredt vti conuente stugun, effter Slottet war icke än nu mycket reformerat sedan feiden hade warit. (…)
Published: Gustaf I’s krönike af Peder
Swart, pp. 123-124.
Västerås (OP) |
Convent of Västerås, OP in Sweden |
At the
national assembly of Sweden held in Blackfriars Priory in Västerås,
representatives of the Swedish peasants declare that social uprising against
King Gustav I of Sweden to a great part is promulgated by “many monks, who dash
about in the kingdom begging” and telling lies to the people, thus it would be
better if they stayed in their priories and stuck to their Divine Office, not
being allowed to travel around the country more than a month twice a year.
Source: Register of King Gustav I of Sweden. The Swedish National
Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Tesse ære then menemans swar på nogre framsetningar som wår nadigista
herre them føregiffnit haffuer.
Fførst om thenne vpstøthninger opror och obestånd som årliga års mer och mer stemplas och opspringer her j rikit emott vår nadigista herra. Kenne gudh att thet ær oss fatiga men ganska læth ath nogot sådant føretagas skal her in vthj Rikit emott then hwlskap troskap och manskap som h. h. loffuat vart then tijd h. nade bleff først annamad vthuald och vthkårad før vår och rikisens herra och konung. Ey allenest thå vthan jæmuel j alle samquemder och herramøthe hwilkit then menige man jnthet huasche med råd veth eller tilstørckning ostadt kommit haffuer. Endoch ath nogre forrædare emot theris edt ære och redelighett beginne nogot obestånd her in rikis haffuer doch then meneman ingen skuldt ther vtinnan, vthan vilie heller gerna obrotliga hålla h. h. then h.[ulskap] t.[roskap] m.[anskap] som wij honum loffuat och tilsagt haffue viliandis vara h .h. høruge lydoge hwlle och trogne, och stå fastha med h. n. med lijff och macht bådhe j en motto och andra hwar behoff gørs, och begære før then skuld ath h. n. ville hålla oss wijd lag och rettha och goda gambla sedhwenior vele wij och alle sammans hwar j sin stad vara alwårliga fortænkte ath nepsa och straffa then, som effter thenna dag varder beslagen med førræderij eller obestånd antinge med tall eller gerninge emott h. n. vare sich hwem thet kan leckt eller lærdt. Tesligis wele wij gerna tilhielpa effter wår yterste makt ath the forredare (som thetta vpror thet nw før honden ær ostad kommit haffua) motthe bliffue rettelige straffade ee hwem the helst vara kwnne och viliom alle gerna på meniga Suerigis rikis vegne nw samfelleliga med h. n. giffue oss tijd op j Dalarna och med liff och mackt tijl hielpa ath straffa the forrædare som thetta obestånd haffua størkt och fulfølgt huar h. n. oss anners behoff haffuer. Ther nest effther thet ath mange mwnkar (som fara stadz kringom rikit och tijgge) plæga føre mang fåfæng och løgnachtig tiende j bland almogen aff huilkit then meneman bedragen bliffuer menendis så j sanning vara som the them føregiffua gønum huilkit och annad sådanth formodhendis ær ath sådana vpror eller opstøtninger haffuer endelis sijtt vrsprwng. Tycker oss før then skuld lickt vara ath the bliffua hema i theris closter vachthandis the tingest som them bør til gudz thiænist, Doch ath the eller theris procurator må vthfara twå resor om åredt, En om sommeren annan om vintheren epter theris nærning varandis hwar rese icke lenger vthe æn en månad. Ytermere som h. n. berører om the borgarelæge haffuer then meneman aldelis jnthet ther om taladt huarken lønlige eller oppenbårlige effter thet rører oss inthet an vthan tycker oss vell lickt vara ath closteren hålla borgarelæge hwart effter som thet haffuer mackten til, doch ær tilbørligit ath ther motte skickes gode karla til closteren som vthan alth bulder eller skalkhett sig med speckt haffua kwnne lathandis sig åthnøye med then dell som the fatige men haffua att skiffta med them, och att the icke heller gøre nogot øffuerwåld som ther om kring closteren boo, sammeledis ath gudz tidegærd icke forhindres j closteren nogreledis. Tesligis om the kyrkior och closther som liggia på malmana vthanfør Stocholms stad them til stort men som j stadhen boo nær fegd ær och fienderne til beskyd och bistånd ær vår mening mædhan så ær ath the vel må niederbrythes til ath forbettra stadzens mwr med tegledt. Effter doch nog kyrkior och closter ære in j stadhen som gudz tiænist vtj hallas kann them førvthan, och til the Jomfrwrs behoff som j closteret ære må skaffas eth rwm j staden ther the kwnna vara vtj, och oppehålla gudz tiænist så vel in vtj staden som the ther vthanføre tilførne giort haffua doch otwingade ther til. Jtem om thenne nye tro eller lærdom som segis vara opkommen nyliga her j rikit, ær vel santh ath mykit fåfængt rychtes ther om som mwnker och prester haffue os føregiffuit. Doch effter thet øffuergår vårt føge forstand skywte wij thet in til the godemen som høglærde och j scriffterne wel forfarne ære hwilke som yterligere ther om ransaka kwnne, som ære bisper prelater, ath the vele grannelig øffueruæge huad rett eller oreth våre, begærendis før then skuld høglige åff vår k. n. herre ath h. n. ville latha komma them til hopa som thenne sack mest anrører j vår nærwarw så ath wij motte bliffua rettelige vnderuiste j thet som rett och christeligit våre. (…) Ganske høglige och ødmiwkelige bidiandis eders nadis hogmectighe, thernest the verdugiste verduge fæder ærlige herrar och gode men åff rikisens råd atj thesse letthe swar tachnemlige annama och oss icke thet til arge vende om wij icke haffa swarad så forståndeliga til thesse forberørde articler som behøffdes før ty thet ær ondt ath døma vidare och diwpare en forståndit tilseger.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur
vol. IV, pp. 223-226.
Västerås (OP) |
Convent of Västerås, OP in Sweden |
The national assembly of Sweden proclaims that
to keep mendicant friars from dashing around the country with lies and deceit,
their terminatio is hereby restricted to five weeks in the
summer and five weeks in the winter, for which they are to report to the town
bailiff or the mayor both when they leave and return. The assembly takes place
at the Dominican priory in Västerås.
Source: Register of King Gustav I of Sweden. The Swedish National
Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Ordinantia som giordis j Vesteras j herredagen anno MDXXVII tempore johannis baptiste. (…) Effter j sanningene finnes ath tyggemunkar och ståthare föra kringom landit mykit bedregerj och lygn ther före skola fogtanar tagha ther vara vppa och haffua agha med them och mvnkanar bliffue icke længer vthe j terminum en j ∙v∙ vekor vijd olssmesso tijd om sommeren och ∙v∙ vekor vijd kyndersmesso tijd om vintheren och tage breff åff fogthenom eller borgemestarenom nær han vthgår och presentera siig honum nær han igen kommer. Munker som rentho haffua gånge inthet vth ath tyggia. (…)
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur
vol. IV, pp. 242-243.
Literature: Berntson 2003, 94-96 and 114-115;
Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 95.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Bardskerere asks the city court of Stockholm for permission to mortgage his
wife’s house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da ante patronorum. (…) Samma dagh kom mester Lucas Bardskerere och lade jt pante breff j rætten huru hustrv Cristin Lasse Matzsons hade pansat Strengenes domkyrkio sitt hus paa Suartmunkagatun for ∙xc∙ m. och thet hade hustrv Anna løst j gen. Spordes han fore om han motte pantsetia huset j gen epter han icke fik sine peninge; ther gaffz honom loff til.
Comments: On Lucas
Bardskerere, see 1525 4/11. He sold the house
in 1528 27/4.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 173.
Tranekær |
Convents in Denmark, Province of Dacia |
Frederik I of Denmark-Norway issues a letter of protection for the Friars
Preachers in Denmark and for Dr. Johannes Nicolai, prior provincial of the
Order in Dacia, concerning the friars themselves, their priories, possessions
and privileges; this protection is not least aimed at the king’s own officials.
Any legal claim against the Order shall be tried before the Danish National
Source: Transcript in
letter of certification of 1528 23/6 (see below).
Language: Old Danish.
Vi Frederick mett Gudz nade Danmarckis, Wendis oc Gottis konningh, wdwoldt Koning tiil Norghe, Hertugh i Sleswigh, Holstenn, Stormarenn oc Dittmerskenn, Greffue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst, Giør alle wittherligt, at wy aff wor synderligh gunst oc nade haffue taget, annammet oc entfannget oss elskelige reenliiffuidt mandt Doctor Hanss, Prouinciall offwer Sorttebrødre Clostere i wortt Riige Danmarck, oc alle forscriffne Clostere oc brødre oc alle samme Sorthebrødre Clostere, theris goedz, rørendis oc vrørendis, inthet vndhertaghen, vndher wor konninglige hegenn, werenn, fredt oc beskermelse, besynderlighen att forsware oc fordachtinge tiil alle rette. Och ther som nogher haffuer nogher tiiltale tiil forscriffne Prouintiall eller forscriffne brødre eller nogett thet goedtz, som the haffue i forswar, tha skulle the staa thennom tiil rette for oc vor elskelige Danmarckis Riigis Radt. Thi forbiude wy alle, ehwo the helst ære eller were kunde, serdelis wore fogether, embetzmend oc alle andre, forscriffne Doctor Hanss eller nogher samme ordens brødre heer emod paa personer eller godz eller noghet, som thennum tiilhører, hinder eller forfangh att giøre i noger mode, wnder wor koninglige heffn oc wrede. Giffuit paa wortt Slodt Trannekier, Otthensdagen nest effther Sancti Bartholomei dagh, Aar etcetera MDXXVII, Vnder wortt Signete.
Comments: The royal letter of
proetction was certified by Archbishop-elect Åge Jepsen of Lund on request of
the prior provincial in 1528 23/6 (see below). ●
On Dr. Johannes Nicolai, see 1525 3/6.
Published: Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 2. ser. vol. IV, p. 23.
Åge Jepsen of Lund certifies the abovementioned letter, which is presented and
read to him by Prior Provincial Johannes Nicolai.
Source: A. Original
document. Regional Archives in Lund (formerly in Kristianstads rådhusarkiv).
B. Register of Åhus Hospital (1600).
Language: Old Danish.
Wy Aaghe Jepsøn, mett Guds nade tiil Echebiscop i Lund electus, giørre
alle wittherligt mett thette wortt obne breff, att aar effther Guds byurdt MDXX
octavo, sancti Johannis baptiste affthen, vor skicket for oss hederligh oc
reenliiffligh mandt Doctor Hans Nielssen, prouintial aff Predickebrødre ordhen,
presenteret oc lodt læsse for oss etth wor keriste nadiste Herris obne
beskermelsse breff mett syn fulde besegeling, wskraffvet, vstunget oc
wforfalsket i alle mode, lydendis ourdt som heer effther fylgher: (…) Tiil
ytthermere bewisning, at saa er oc findis vdi sandhet, som forescreffuit
standher, lade wij henghe wortt Indzegle nedhen fore thette wortt obne breff,
som giffuet er vti Lwndt, anno, die vt supra.
Ith konning Fredericks
beskermelszebreff, som er vdgiffuit i doctor Hanses tidt och er Aage Ibsen
arckebiskop i Lund wist aff forne doctor Hans.
Comments: On the back of A is written: It konghe Frederics
breff paa all wor goss (‘a King
Frederik’s letter on all our possessions’), possibly added by Dr. Johannes
Nicolai himself. ● The fact that the letter of certification for a period
(according to B) was located at the
archives of the town hospital in Åhus strongly suggests that it was brought
there personally by the prior provincial, Dr. Johannes Nicolai, who was
appointed superintendent of this hospital in 1537 5/10. ● Although
never papally recognized, Åge Jepsen
Sparre (†1540) was de facto archbishop
of Lund in 1519-1532. He had studied in Greifswald 1483-1490 and is known as
canon secular at the cathedral chapter in Lund from 1511, later as archdeacon.
When Archbishop Birger Gunnersen died in 1519, Åge Jepsen was immediately
elected by the cathedral chapter as new archbishop. Both King Christian II and
the pope had, however, other candidates for the office, and therefor never
recognized his election. When Christian II had to flee the country in 1523, Åge
Jepsen to some extent was allowed by the new king to act as archbishop, but his
continued lack of papal approval may have weakened his powers to counter the
growing Evangelical movement in the archdiocese, not least in Malmö. He
summoned two Lutheran preachers, Claus Mortensen and Hans Spandemager, for a
theological dispute in November 1528 to
convince them of their heresy, possibly with Dominican assistance, but the
Lutherans did not comply. About 70 years of age, he voluntarily left office in
1532 in favour of the dean of the cathedral chapter, Torben Bille, whose
position Åge Jepsen instead overtook.
Published: A. Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 2. ser. vol. IV, pp. 22-23. B. Ældste danske
Archivregistraturer vol. V:1, p. 788.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
prior of the hospital in Söderköping, sells a house in Blackfriars Street in
Stockholm to Anders Simonsson; the house had been given to the hospital when
its former owner, the late Margit, widow of Ingevald Torstensson, entered the
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 4ta post Birgitte. (…) Samma dagh stodh hederlig man her Joghan priaren j hospitalet j Sudercøping och vplæt och leeffrerede erlig man her Anders Simonsone jtt stenhus och liggiendes grund belægit påå Swartmunka gatune som fordom saliga hustrv Margit Jngeual Torstensons ååt hade thet hon hade och jngiffuit medh sich til samma hospitale. Och hade nw samme her Joghan såldt her Anderse samma hus ∙viC∙ m. och bekende sich wara welfornøgden til ytterste pening (…).
Comments: Anders Simonsson
was one of the mayors of Stockholm. It was he who gave the Friars Preachers the
negative answer of the city council to their plee for help in 1528
5/12, which led to the convent’s
dissolution. ● On Margit/Margareta and the house in Blackfriars Street, see 1507 1/3. ●
Ingevald Torstensson, see 1490.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 187.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Johannes Olavi of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm sells a house in Stockholm,
which he has inherited from his father, Olof Kopparslagare, to Olof Åkare.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da ante Clementis. (…) Noghen tijdh tilforenne stodh hederlig man broder Jogan her aff
Swartbrødra closter vplæt och leffrerede beskedelig man Niels Åkare sitt stenhus och liggiandes grund som han ærfft
hade epter sin fader Olaff Koperslagare, huilkit hus han honom
lagliga såldt hade for ∙iijC∙ m. stocholmske, och
bekende sich redeliga vpburit haffua betalningen for samma hus. Ther fore
affhende han thet sich och sinom arrfuom och tileegnade thet fornemde Niels och
hans arffuom til æuerdeliga ægo quitt och frijt vppe och
nidhre medh sina fyra frija murar,
aldeles orappat och oclandrat aff
fødde och offødde åtalare til ewig tijdh; ther
medh lade Niels vp sin fridzskilling etcetera.
Comments: Fr. Johannes (Jogan) Olavi of the Friars Preachers in
Stockholm is not known from any other sources, apart from an earlier entry in
SST in 1527 8/7, where he put up the same house for sale: “Idem vpt broo Jogans hus ∙i∙o.”
● The byname of his father, Olof Kopparslagare, suggests that he was a
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 191-192.
Pärnu |
Convent of Tallinn |
At the
Livonian Städtetag in Pärnu between the Landmeister of the Teutonic
Order and the Livonian city delegates, the representatives of Tallinn explain
the city’s procedures against the friars and the claim on Blackfriars Priory
presented by the knighthood of Harria and Vironia.
Source: Original document. Tallinn City Archives.
Language: German.
Up anrogent der ersamen van Derpthe erer anliggenden und mehr andern kopmans und der stede gebrecke willen de ersamen van Rige eine thohopekumpst der drier stede tho Lifflandt sondages conceptionis Marie thor Parnow angesattet und vorschreven. Worsulvigest irschenen de ersamen, wolwisze, wisze und wolgelerde her Antonius Muther, erczevageth und burgermeister, her Pawel Drelingk, her Hinrick Gotte, radtmanne, m. Joan Lomoller, secretarius, der stadt Righe; her Laurencz Lange, burgermeister, her Jacob Beckman, her Helmich Schroder, radtmanne, der stadt Derpthe; her Jacob Richgerdes, burgermeister, her Evert Roterde, radtmann, m. Marcus Tierbach, secretarius, der stadt Revel radessendebaden. (…)
§ 13. Wider heft desulve burgermeister van vorgegeven, wowol de achtbare ridderschop Harrigen und Wirlandt sick des monckeklosters halven vordragen sollen, seh dennenach eyn ersam radt darsulvigest tho enxtigen nicht afflaten, der meninge dat gemelt kloster nach tho overkamen und de sake des evangelii, zo vele en mochlick, tho vordrucken und to dempen, baven ere, des ersamen rades, gancz gelickmetich irbeden, alsze nemlick, wes seh vor sick mit segelen und breven, der seh sick beropen, bowiszlick bodegedingen konnen, dat seh, darbie bliven tho laten, gesynneth etcetera. Welcker eyns ersamen rades irbeden, den groten gildestaven mit siner tobohoringe und kercken des hilligen geistes tho bogainge erer mandage, de beiden heren radessendebaden up aller billicheid staende vormercken und, seh ock darbie tho boharrende, geraden.
14. De here burgermeister heft ock bowagen, offt moncke edder andere geistlicke
personen, zo sick van den steden vorletteth vormenen, de stede ym keyserlicken
kamergerichte tho molesteren und tho citeren vorwenden, wo geraden, sick
billick hirinne tho richten. Is geslaten: dewile man gothlicker ordeninghe nah
key. mat. yn allen temelicken saken, zo Gades willen und worde unwedderich,
schuldigen gehorsam to geleisten plichtich, dath man zodan citacion
kegenwerdich gehorsamlick irschine und eine christlicke und temlicke
entschuldinge dem gotlicken worde, der reddelicheit und vornunft gemete
vorwende und, zo dath key. kamergerichte desulvige entschuldinge vor ehaftich
und genochsam ansehen und upnemen nicht wolde, sunder dar enbaven im rechte
procederen, must man gescheen und godtlicker mat. gewalden laten, meher
denjennen fruchtende, de liff und zele in affgrunt der hellen werpen und
vordarven kan. Is ock
geslaten, dath zodane boschickinge up gemeine unkast aller drier stede gescheen
sal. (…)
Comments: On the complaints put forward by the Friars Preachers, see 1526 13/8. ● On the complaints put forward by the
knighthood of Harria and Vironia, see 1525 26/3.
● The city of Tallinn was represented at the Städtetag by mayor Jacob Righerde, councillor Evert Rotert, and
secretary Marcus Tierbach. ● The Livonian Landmeister of the Teutonic Order of the time was Wolter von Plettenberg
Published: Akten und
Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage vol. III no. 248 (p. 647).
Odense |
Convent of Vejle |
The Danish National Council complains to King
Frederik I of Denmark about the pitiful state of the mendicant orders in his
kingdom, who nowadays hardly receive any alms when they are out questing in
towns and villages, “since ordinary folk have been hardened by evil advisors”.
The council also knows of a Dominican friar from the convent in Vejle, who on
his way to buy stockfish in Viborg was brutally attacked on the road by two
royal henchmen, who afterwards hacked on the horses before his carriage.
Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
(...) Item giiffue Dan: R. Raadt Kon: Ma:tt ydmygeliigenn tiilkiende om fattiige Clostermend her vdj riigett, som inthet andett haffue at leffue aff, en gode menniskes almwsse, at almwgess folck forherdis och tiillskyndes aff onde raadgiiffuere, Saa the mangestedß fange ingenn hiellp gudß almwsse, Som the vdj andre Herrer och christnæ Kongers tiidt plege at fange bode i kiøpsteder och paa landzbyder. Men nar the drage epther gudz almøsse, tha erre the slagne och dragne och yllde mettfarnæ paa allfar veyæ och stye, Som nu siistiis skede och wederfordes en fattiige broder aff sorthe brødhre closter i wegle, som wille drage emod Viborg, at køpe for closters penninge nogen tør fisk tiill clostres behoff, kom thoo riidendes Hoffmend tiill hannom paa Marcken, och hwge och slaage hannom saa lenge the kunde kiende liiff i hannom, Och hwge Hestenæ, for vognen stode, mange storre saar Hwilkett som er wchristeligt och icke tiilbørliigt at stedhe, Thij at Jøder och vchristett folck haffue fredt och skonsell i andre Herrer och førsthers lande och Riige, och er saadant icke heller tiillfforn skeett i thette gamle christett kongeriige, At kongeliig Maiestatt will verdes tiill for gudz skiilldt, och hans nades egen gode ordt rychte och lempe, och affstille saadant mett hans Nades Leensmend, och hans Nades breff tiill landztingh och alle leen, Och her effther willde straffe swodant hwo thett fondes hoff. Eller er at befrychthe at the Riige schulle icke haffue bedre fredt paa thett siiste en the fattighe paa allfar veyghe, och kand ther aff komme stor skade i fremtydenn, En then menæ mand nu besynder. (...)
Nutidsdansk oversættelse:
(...) Ligeledes giver rigets råd ydmygt kongelig majestæt til
kende, om fattige klostermænd her udi riget, som intet andet har at leve af end
gode menneskers almisse, at almuesfolk forhærdes og tilskyndes af onde
rådgivere, så de mange steder ikke får nogen hjælp gennem Guds almisse, som de
i andre herrers og kongers tid plejer at få både i købstæder og på landsbygder.
Men når de drager efter Guds almisse, da er de slagne og dragne og ilde
medfarne på alfar vej og sti, som nu til sidst skete og vederfordes en fattig
broder fra Sortebrødreklosteret i Vejle, som ville drage mod Viborg, for at
købe for klosterets penge noget tørfisk til klosterets behov, da kom to ridende
hofmænd til ham på marken, og de huggede og slog til ham, sålænge de kunne
kende liv i ham, og gav hestene, som stod for vognen, mange store sår, og det
er ukristeligt og ikke tilbørligt, at noget sådant finder sted. Thi (selv)
jøder og ukristent folk har fred og skånsel i andre herrer og fyrsters lande og
riger, og noget sådan er heller ikke tidligere sket i dette gamle, kristne
kongerige. At kongelige majestæt vil værdiges til for Guds skyld og hans eget
gode ord, rygte og lempe, og afstille sådan med hans nådes lensmænd, og hans
nådes brev til landstingene og alle lenene, og herefter ville straffe sådant
hvor det fandtes. Ellers er at befrygte, at de rige ikke skulle have bedre fred
på det sidste end de fattige på alfarvej, og deraf kan komme større skade i
fremtiden, end hvad den menige mand nu besynder. (...)
Comments: It seems a bit strange that the unnamed Dominican friar had to go the 85
km from Vejle to Viborg just to buy stockfish. More likely, he was out there on
the road on terminatione, which also
the first part of the complaint implies. No matter what the errand, we must
expect that he was in the company of a socius,
even if a such is not mentioned. Furthermore, the tale shows that Dominican fratres terminarii in Denmark brought
with them horse-drawn carriages.
Published: Danske Magazin
2. ser. vol. V, 220.
Literature: Riis
1998, p. 50; Jakobsen 2008, p. 82; Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), pp. 119-120.
1527 |
King Frederik I replies that ‘monastic men’
shall be allowed to collect alms without being attacked, otherwise the
assailants shall be punished. People, who wish to give the friars alms, may do
so, while those, who do not wish to give them anything, are free to do so as
Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
(...) Item at clostermend icke skulle slas nar the farre epther almøsse, thett will kon: Matt: icke tiillstede ath nogenn wolld skall skee thennom eller nogenn andenn, medenn huem thennom nogett will giiffue, then maa thet giørre, wille the och inthet giiffue thennom, tha mwe the lade werre; skeer thennom offueruolld, that will h. N. lade straffe ther epther oc will h. N. lade forschriffue ath saadanth woold icke skee skall. (...)
Nutidsdansk oversættelse:
(...) Ligeledes at klostermænd ikke skulle slås, når de går
efter almisser, det vil kongelige majestæt ikke tillade at nogen vold skal ske
dem eller nogen anden, men hvem der vil give dem noget, de må gøre det, og vil
de intet give dem, da må de lade være; sker dem overfald, da vil hans nåde lade
straffe derefter og hans nåde vil lade foreskrive at sådan vold ikke skulle
ske. (...)
Published: Danske Magazin
2. ser. vol. V, 292
(Convent of Schleswig) |
a former Friar Preacher, is replaced as Evangelical preacher in Schleswig due
to complaints from clergy, nobility and city council, who jointly accuses him
of causing “conspiracy, dissension and controversy in the city”. King Frederik
of Denmark-Norway instead appoints Marquard Schuldorp, for whom Fredericus at
first serves as assistant chaplain, but due to a dispute with the royal
chancellor, Wolfgang Utenhof, Fredericus eventually has to leave the city. He
is later known to have been imprisoned in Neumünster.
Sources: A. Boye’s
records. Schleswig City Archives. B. Cypræus’ Annales episcoporum Slesvicensium.
Language: A. Middle
Low German. B. Latin.
(...) und alse nhu solche tvispaltt und uhnordenthlicheit tvischen der geistlicheit, rade und burgerscupp im schine des evangelii, dath mher durch etliche thom schandercksell erer boferie, de averhandth genammen, ock solchs van deme capitell und etlichenn uth dem rade deme-hern Frederichen tho Dennemarken, Norwegen konninge etcetera, hartog to Sleßwigk, Holstein, Stormarn etcetera unserm gnedigsten furstenn und hernn ahngedraghenn, hebben erhe ko. mat. up ansokent des rades anno 1527 uth konnigklicher christlicher hogenn bewegunge umb vormidunge und wechnehminge sulcher vorgenannen rotterie, tvispaltt und uhnenicheit dusser stadt und gemente beide geistlich und weltlich einen gelerdenn mann Marquardum Schuldorpp Kiloniensem uth der academien tho Wittenbargh vorschreven unde der gemente in der domkarkenn thohorende und anthovende vorgestellt unde alse he de lere Pauli etcetera. (...)
(...) ut eorum petitioni aliquo
pacto satisfaceret, paulo post Slesvicum misit Marquardum Sculdorpium
Kiloniensem, qui contiones ad populum haberet, et pastoris munia obiret. Hic
præfatum Fridericum per semestre secum retinuit, et pro sacellano usus est.
Sed, quod usquequaq; sui similis permaneret, et conviciandi fine nullum
faceret, tandem abdicatus ac dimissus fuit. Idque ea imprimis de causa, ut ferunt, quod in cancellarium regis
Wulfgangum acerrime invectus esset, eumque publice mendacii arguisset. De qua
illata injuria cum regi questus esset, Fridericus in villa Novi monasterii
comprehensus, et sub dio numellis vel lignis detentus suit.
Comments: On sources A and B, see 1526
and 1235. ● On Fredericus (or
‘Mad Frederick’), see 1526. ● Marquard Schuldorp originated from Kiel
and had studied in Wittenberg since 1521, where he became one of the followers
of Martin Luther. His brother Detlev, a merchant in Hamburg, was one of the
initial supporters of Lutheran Evangelism in Hamburg. Marquard went to
Magdeburg in 1525, from where he was called to Schleswig by King Frederik in
1527 and he remained there until his death in 1529. ● The direct cause
for the replacement was Fredericus’ disruption of a funeral in the cathedral on
26 December 1526, and the complaint was probably
sent to the king in early January 1527 (Gregersen 1986, 105). ● The
convent of Friars Preachers in Schleswig is not mentioned in any of the sources
in connection to Fredericus, but both mendicant convents are certain to have
taken a firm stand against him and his Evangelical views. Marquard Schuldorp,
on the other hand, appears to have taken a more lenient approach, which caused
less dispute with the old Catholic institutions. This changed after his death
in 1529, when Schuldorp was replaced by the radical Reinhold Westerholt, who
instigated the expulsion of both the Friars Preachers and Friars Minor from
Schleswig (see 1529).
Published: A. Geschichte de Stadt Schleswig, pp. 202-203. B. Annales episcoporum Slesvicensium, pp. 417-418.
Gregersen 1986, pp. 103-105.
Tallinn |
Convent of Tallinn |
The city council of Tallinn issues a letter of
safe-conduct for Johann von Düren, servant of Hans Wrangel de Rogel, who during
a fight involving his master and two other people has caused the death of Fr.
Thidericus, a ‘black monk’.
Source: Das Revaler
Language: German.
Anno etcetera
XXVIII am 23-ten januarii wart geleideth Joan van Duren, Hans Wrangel van
Rogels dener, eynes dothslages haluen, den he an eynem swarten moncke, broder
Diricke, als he in de schedinge tusschen eme vnd Simen Anrepe gekamen was mith
Hans Wrangell im haue tho Rogel vorbonometh, bogangenn heft.
Dansk oversættelse:
I år osv. -28 på den 23. januar blev lejde tildelt Johann van
Düren, Hans Wrangel van Rogels tjener, der havde forårsaget et dødsfald på en
sort munk, broder Dietrich, da han havde blandet sig i et klammeri mellem ham
og Simon Anrep med førnævnte Hans Wrangel van Rogel.
Comments: The unfortunate ‘black monk’, Fr. Thidericus, was most probably a Friar
Preacher of the convent in Tallinn. He is, however, not known from any other
sources. ● The exact nature of the brawl, including Fr. Thidericus’ role in
it and the reason for its fatal outcome, cannot be determined from the
reference. ● Both Anrep and Wrangel were Estonian-based noble families,
the latter often in the service of the Teutonic Order.
Published: Das Revaler Geleitsbuch
1515-1626 no. 233 (p. 37).
Convent of Västerås |
Gustav Vasa of Sweden arranges a wedding ceremony in Blackfriars Hall in
Västerås for one of his servants, Jon Skriver (‘the Scribe’), to a noble widow,
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
(…) Joen Scriffuare en fattig
mandz son i Westrårs, kom och till ganska högt och rijckt gifftermoell. Han
fäste wehlboren quinne Hustru Anne, Moens Greens effterleffuerska. Konungen
gaff och honom skiöld och hielm. Och monge andra fattige karar komme och till
sådane fordeell. Någen tijdh ther effter hölt Konungen förbemelta Joen
Scriffuares bröllop i Westrårs Clösterstugur. Konungen fölgde honom sielff till
hans brudeseng, gaff honom een forwarning, att han icke skulle forgäta hwadh
ähre honom skedt war (endoch han war född aff ganska fattigt folk). (…)
Comments: The event is not dated, but according to the chronology of the
chronicle, it must have happened a few weeks before the final expulsion of the
convent in 1528 Apr.-May).
Published: Gustaf I’s krönike af Peder
Swart, pp. 137-138.
Antwerp |
Convent of Haderslev |
Fr. Gerhardus
Echt of the Friars Preachers in Haderslev is allowed by the master general of
the Order to stay with any convent that will receive him and to be formally
incorporated in it, if this is accepted by a majority of the convent brethren.
If he cannot find any such convent that will receive him within one year, he is
allowed to serve in any kind of church to acquire his life necessities until
the present ‘Lutheran pest or the worst of heresies’ has been reverted from his
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Fratri Gerardo Echt conventus Haderslevensis conceditur quod possit manere in eo conventu, ubi invenerit benivolos receptores atque eidem incorporari de consensu majoris partis vocalium illius conventus; quod si intra annum non invenerit benivolos receptores, harum vigore conceditur, quod possit alicui ecclesie in spiritualibus deservire pro acquirendis necessariis ad victum, donec reverti poterit ad provinciam videlicet cessante peste Lutherana seu heresi pessima etcetera. ∙Xxiii∙ aprilis Antverpie.
Comments: Fr. Gerhardus Echt
of the Friars Preachers in Haderslev is not known from any other sources. ●
Similar permissions were issued by the master general for Fr. Wilhelmus de Dosborch
and Fr. Dominicus de Dosberch of the same convent in 1528
26/4, and for Fr. Hermannus Heine in 1534 24/6.
Along with Fr. Gerhardus Echt, these appear to have been the last enduring
friars of the convent, who may have remained present in Haderslev after the de facto dissolution of the convent in 1527 6/1. ● From the convent of Friars
Preachers in Schleswig, Fr. Gerhardus Kuper de Calcar received a similar
permission in 1528 17/5. ● The master general
of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Franciscus Silvestri
Ferrariensis (1525-1528).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:12 no. 14 (p.
Antwerp |
Convents of Haderslev (prov. Saxonia) and Leeuwarden (prov. Germania
inf.) |
Wilhelmus de Dosborch of the Friars Preachers in Haderslev is assigned by the master
general to the convent in Leeuwarden (prov. Germania inferioris) if a majority
of the brethren there concedes to it. Likewise, Fr. Dominicus de Dosberch of
the same convent is allowed to stay with any convent that will receive him and
to be formally incorporated in it, if this is accepted by a majority of the
convent brethren. For both of them, the permission is granted ‘because of the
Lutherans’. If they cannot find any convent that will receive them, they are
allowed to serve in any kind of church ‘to sustain life’ until they may return
to their province.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Fratri Guiliermo de Dosborch conventus Haderslevensis, quia non potest manere in provincia propter Lutheranos, assignatur in conventu Leuvardensi provincie Germanie Inferioris et conceditur, quod possit incorporari in dicto conventu de consensu majoris partis vocalium dicti conventus, quo casu autem post aliquod tempus grave esset dicto conventui retinere ipsum, conceditur, quod possit manere in illo conventus ordinis, ubi invenerit benivolos receptores, et possit in ipso incorporari de assensu majoris partis vocalium etcetera. Et quo casu non invenerit in ordine benivolos receptores, conceditur, quod pro sue vite sustentatione possit alicui ecclesie in spiritualibus deservire, donec detur ei facultas redeundi ad provinciam suam et in ea consistendi etcetera. ∙Xxvi∙ aprilis Antverpie.
Fratri Dominico de Dosberch conventus Haderslevensis propter Lutheranos conceditur, quod possit manere in illo conventu ordinis, ubi invenerit benivolos receptores et in eodem incorporari de consensu majoris partis vocalium dicti conventus. Quod si non invenerit in ordine receptores, conceditur pro vite substentatione, quod possit alicui ecclesie in spiritualibus deservire, quosque poterit redire ad provinciam etcetera. ∙Xxvi∙ aprilis Antverpie.
Comments: It is unknown if Fr. Wilhelmus de Dosborch of the Friars
Preachers in Haderslev was indeed transferred to Leeuwarden in 1528, but later,
at the provincial chapter in 1536, he was assigned to the convent in Kalkar,
where he was still present in 1565 (Wolfs 1964, 143 note 167). ● Fr.
Dominicus de Dosberch is not known from any other sources. ● The byname
of both friars points to the town Doesburg, situated in the Dutch province of
Gelderland. The Order had no convent in Doesburg, the nearest house being
located in Zutphen, about 15 km north of Doesburg. ● Similar permissions
were issued by the master general for Fr. Gerhardus Echt of the same convent in
1528 23/4, and for Fr. Hermannus Heine in 1534 24/6. These four appear to have been among the
last enduring friars of the convent, who may have remained present in Haderslev
after the de facto dissolution of the
convent in 1527 6/1. ● From the convent
of Friars Preachers in Schleswig, Fr. Gerhardus Kuper de Calcar received a similar
permission in 1528 17/5. ● The convent of
Friars Preachers in Leeuwarden (prov. Germania inferioris) was founded in the
1240s. It had been reformed and a member of the Dutch Congregation since 1476. ●
master general of the Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Franciscus
Silvestri Ferrariensis (1525-1528).
Published: Handlingar… ch. IV:12 no. 16-17 (p.
52); Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte
des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 40, p. 135.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Bardskerare and Matts Larsson sell a house in Blackfriars Street in Stockholm
to Jörien van Sottern.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da post Marci. (…) Samma dagh stodh for retten mester Lucas på hans hustrues wegna och hennes broder Mattes Larenson på sina och sine brøders wegna Eskils och Hanses wegna vplæte och leffrerede beskedelig man Jørien van Sottern jtt stenhus och ligiendes grund (…) som theres framlidhna fadher Lasse Mattesson thet ått och besitit hade, och ær huset belægit på Swartmunka gatune næst sunnan for Sielegårdzens hws westan for gatune; och war laghbudhit och laghstondet och fridzskilling på giffuen epter laghen.
Comments: On Lucas
Bardskerere and his wife Anna, see 1525 4/11. ●
Jörien van Sottern had some money redeemed from the prior of the Friars
Preachers in Västerås in 1526 6/10.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 214.
Ghent |
Convent of Schleswig |
Fr. Gerhardus
Kuper de Calcar of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig is allowed by the master
general of the Order to be assigned to any convent that will receive him until
he may return to his own convent. If he cannot find any convent within the
Order of Preachers that will receive him, he is allowed to serve in any kind of
monastic order until he may return to his own convent. The permission is
granted due to the ‘Lutheran heresy’.
Source: Registrum
litterarum generales magistri OP.
Language: Latin.
Fratri Gerardo Kuper de Calcar conventus Slectzvicensis propter heresim Lutheranam conceditur, quod possit manere assignatus in illo conventu, ubi invenerit benivolos receptores, quoad usque redire poterit ad conventum suum; item conceditur, quod posit effici filius alicuius conventus de assensu majoris partis vocalium dicti conventus, et quo casu non invenerit benivolos receptores, possit deservire alicui monasterio ordinis, quoad usque poterit redire ad conventum proprium etcetera. ∙Xvii∙ maii Gandavi.
Comments: Fr. Gerhardus Kuper
de Calcar of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig is not known from any other
sources. His byname ‘de Calcar’ suggests that he originated from the city
Kalkar in the duchy of Kleve, in the westernmost part of present-day Germany. A
convent of Observant Friars Preachers had been founded in Kalkar in 1453-56. ●
Lutheran preachers had acted in Schleswig since 1525, leading to the
dissolution of the city’s two mendicant convents in 1529. As late as 1528 14/9, the provincial chapter of Saxonia assigned
a new lector and preacher, Fr. Ludolphus Horsten, to the convent in Schleswig,
particularly instructing him to stick to pure Catholic preaching. ●
Similar permissions were issued by the master general for three named friars of
the convent in Haderslev in 1528 23/4, and 1528 26/4. ● The master general of the
Order of Preachers at this time was Fr. Franciscus Silvestri Ferrariensis
Published: Handlingar… ch.
IV:12 no. 15 (p. 52).
Convent of Västerås |
convent of Friars Preachers in Västerås is dissolved. Those among them, who are
considered able by King Gustav Vasa of Sweden, are reassigned to other
functions, such as the former prior of the convent, Fr. Nicolaus Andreae, who
becomes dean of the cathedral chapter in Västerås.
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
Någet effter Påscha på thette åår ginge alla munckana aff Clöstredt i Westrårs, the ther duglige wore förlänte Konungen strax godh vnderholl. Theres förman prijaren Bro Niels Andreæ bekom Decanatum i Westrårs Domkyrckie.
English translation:
Sometime after Easter in this year [1528] was
the priory in Västerås left by all the friars. Those, who were able, were soon
reassigned by the king. Their prior, Fr. Nils Andersson, became dean of
Västerås Cathedral.
Comments: On Fr. Nicolaus Andreae, see 1525 30/5.
Published: Gustaf
I’s krönike af Peder Swart, p. 138.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
King Gustav
Vasa of Sweden gives a house on the corner of Blackfriars Street in Stockholm
to the royal furrier Henrik Hansson for his loyal service; the house formerly
belonged to the cathedral of Uppsala.
Source: Transcript in
Stockholms stads tänkeböcker. National Library of
Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Vij Gøstaff medh Gudz nåde Sweriges och Gøtes etcetera konung gøre allom kunnogt som thetta breff hender forekomma at (…) epter thet oss elskelig Hendric Hanson wor bundtmakere haffue sich troliga bewiset emoot oss, både j rikesens tieniste och teslikes medh sitt embetes brukning til wort gagn och behoff och j framtidhen kan ytterligere wara oss och wor stadh Stocholm for en troo och nyttig borgare om han her j stadhen kunde bliffua husægande. Ther fore haffue wij tilsagdt och vndt, och medh thetta wort opna breff vnnom och tilseyom honom thet stenhuset som ligiandes ær j hørnet nest nordan fra sancte Gertrude gillestugu påå Swartmunkagatun her j Stocholm, huilkit hus til forenne haffuer tilhørdt domkyrkione j Vpsala, och oss j forscreffna motto til crononnes forbætring tilkommet ær. (…) Tess til wisse latom wij hengia wort jncigle her nedhen for thetta breff ther giffuit och screffuit ær fierdedagh pings dagha, ååren epter Christi fødilse tijdh MDXX på thet ottonde, vdj wor offtaformelte stadh Stocholm.
Comments: The transcript was
made on 1528 15/6, when Henrik Hansson brought the letter before the city court
of Stockholm for its recognition. ● The house had been overtaken by the
Crown as part of a general confiscation of ecclesiastical property, proclaimed
shortly before at the national diet in Västerås, in order to ‘improve the poor
state of the impoverished government’, as it is described in the first part of
the letter.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 228-229.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Anders, formerly of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, settles a dispute with some
peasants regarding the ownership of a house, which used to belong to his
father, who had been a butcher.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2da post Corporis Christi. (…) Samma dagh stodhe Mattes Larenson och store Amund rådhmen for retten och bekende at the hade warit medh her Anders offuer then forlijkning emellen honom och bønderne och honom om hans federnes hws som hade warit vnder sancti Laurentii gille, ther bønderne mente wilia trengia sich medh epter en mansboot. Ty war ther och nw giordt en ende medh at her Anders behaller sitt hus, och fornemde Mattes och Amund læte honom på bøndernes wegna thet vp. Thenne her Anders hade tilforenne warit j Swartbrødhra closter, och hans fader hade warit en køtmongere.
Comments: In the margin is
added: Her Anders Johannis. ●
Anders Jonsson or Andreas Johannis, a former friar of the Dominican convent in
Stockholm, is not known from any other sources. When he is addressed as
‘master’ (her) it could suggest that
he now served as a secular priest.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 227.
Leipzig |
Convent of Schleswig |
The provincial
chapter of Saxonia sends Fr. Ludolphus Horsten to the convent of Friars
Preachers in Schleswig as lector and preacher.
Source: Acta capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta convocacionis anno salutis 1528
ad diem exaltacionis sancte crucis sub reverendo patre fratre Hermanno Rab,
sacre theologie professore, per provinciam Saxonie priore provinciali, in
conventu Liptzensi celebrate (…).
lectoribus theologie et predicatoribus. (…) Item in conventu Sleswycensi lector
et predicator fr. Ludolphus de Horsten, mandantes eidem, quod huic assignacioni
satisfaciat sub pena privacionis promocionis sue et vocis active et passive et
quod a doctrinis sanctorum patrum et ecclesie catholice non deviet, sed doctrinam
sanam amodo predicet. (…) [p. 197]
Comments: Fr.
Ludolphus Horsten was master of students at the convent in Osnabruck in
1514 (QF vol. 26, p. 33). In 1517-19, he was assisting lector (cursor lectoris) at the convent schools
in Hildesheim, Soest and Wesel (QF vol. 26, pp. 77, 90 and 123), in 1520-26
lector and preacher at the convents in Wesel and Osnabruck; he was in Wesel
before the transfer to Schleswig in 1528 (QF vol. 26, pp. 141, 154, 166, 176
and 186). ● The supplementary wording, which specifies that Fr. Ludolphus
only is to preach the doctrines of the Catholic Church is noticeable, as it is
not used for the appointment of any other preachers. Since Fr. Ludolphus is
mentioned last on the list of preachers appointed in 1528, the admonitory addition
might apply to all the appointees of 1528, but it may also apply strictly to
the conditions in Schleswig, where both the duke and the city magistrate
endorsed Lutheran sermons only. Certainly, there is no reason to interpret the
words as any doubt at the provincial chapter about Fr. Ludolphus’ loyalty to
Catholicism. ● Although one Dominican friar, Fr. Gerhardus Kuper van
Kalkar, already in 1528 17/5 was permitted to leave
the convent of Schleswig for another convent due to the “Lutheran pest” until
it was safe to return, the real troubles for the convent did not begin until
1529 with the instalment of Reinhold Westerholt as Lutheran preacher at the
cathedral of Schleswig, who in his first year in office succeeded to expel the
convent of Friars Preachers from the city (Heilesen 1962, p. 42); Fr. Ludolphus undoubtedly has had his theological clashes with this
Master Westerholt. ● After the dissolution of the convent in
Schleswig, Fr. Ludolphus apparently returned to his original convent in
Osnabruck, continuing preaching against the Lutherans (Löhr 1930, p. 71*).
Published: Quellen
und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, pp. 192-201 (esp. p. 197).
Malmö |
Province of Dacia? |
Archbishop-elect Åge Jepsen of Lund informs the
lay authorities and common people of Malmö that he has come to their city in the
company of members of the National Council, canons secular of the cathedral
chapter in Lund and “other good, learned men, experienced in the Holy
Scripture” with the purpose of publicly refuting the heretical claims put
forward by two (Evangelical) preachers, Claus Bødker and Hans Spandemager, whom
he since three days have summoned before him, but they have not showed. The
heretical articles that they are accused of preaching includes, among others:
that Purgatory does not exist; that no redemption can be achieved after death;
that all means offered by the Church to redeem Christian souls are fraud;
prayers to the saints are futile, since the only salvation can come from
Christ; priests, who say mass after the Roman rite, only angers God; man is
predestined and therefore has no free will to do good or bad; the number of
Sacraments is not seven; anyone can be his or her own priest; the popes in Rome
are mere Anti-Christs and their followers are papists, not true priests;
monastic life is futile fraud and all monasteries should be dissolved; clerical
celibacy is an invention by the Devil and priests should be therefore be
married; and, finally, by denying laypeople part in the common Sacrament of the
Eucharist, the clergy are nothing but thieves depriving their fellow Christians
of the Blood of Christ. The people of Malmö is strongly advised and strictly
enjoined to reject of all these ideas and practices performed by the two
‘priests’, since they are completely heretical, as it would have been proved if
the two had dared to show up as expected. Nor should anyone let them administer
the Sacraments for them or attend their masses, which should be left for the
proper parish clergy.
Source: Transcript
from the 17th century. The Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Wi Aage Jepsen med Guds Naade Erkebisp i Lund Electus, hilse Eder os Elskelige Burgemestere, Raad og Menige Almuge, som bygge og boe her udi Malmø, kiærligen med vor Herre. Kiære Venner, maa I vide, at vi komme nu hid til byen med nogre gode Mænd, af Rigens Raad, af vort hederlige Lunde Capittel, og andre gode lærde Mænd, og forfarne uthi then hellige Skrift, at vilde handlit og aflagt de mange greselige Vildfarilser mod Gud, hans Værdige Moder, og Værdige Helgene, thisligeste og imod vor christelige Samfundt, som the tho forgiftelige Mænd Hr. Claus Bøthker og Hr. Hans Spandemager fremset, prædickit og foreraabit hafve vthi deris prædicken og andensted her uthi byen lang tiid. Og hafve vi ladit kalde thennom for os, og begier af them, at the skulle bevise, om de kunde med nogit Skiel, de mange ketterlige Artickle, som de met oprørt hafve denne gode Almuge til mange usedvonlige Anslag og ny sedvaner, og forbiit her uthi 3. dage, og the icke for os komme vilde. Men nu ydermere end tilforne raabe og skriige ut i prædickestolen mange de stycker, paa Aandelige Personer synderligen, som de ingen Skel kunde have til: og forthi vilde de nu ikke møde. Hvem de ere, vide I vel. Thi de ere forskæmmede Preste, og forløbne Muncke, og forhærrede uthi megen Ondskaff, og forthi icke skøde, hvad de giøre, sige eller prædicke. Oc ere disse efterskrefne Artickle synderlige Vildfarilser oc ketterlige stycker, som de daglige prædicke.
Først at Skersiild er icke til: Ingen pine kand heller forladis efter thete forgengelige Liff. Og fordi ere alle de skick bedregeri, som brugis Christne Siæle til forløsning, vdi begiengelser, Amindelser, Messer, Almisse, Faste, Bønner og andre Vilckaar. Item det er gieckeligt og daarligt, at begiere Guds Naade formiddelst Helgens Bøn og Verdskyldt, nar vi hafver icke uden en Middel behoff, som er Jesus Christus. Oc fordi ere alle Helgenis Tilfaldt, Bønner, Paakaldt, Messer, Tempil, Altere, Billeder, og hvis Kirken bruger i deris Ære, sine Lemmer til Hielp og Trøst, løjenachtige og uduelige Ting. Item Præster, som holde Messer, effther den Romere Sæd, icke alsomeniste synde dødeligen, Men de ogsaa giøre en forbandet Gierning: og forthi stiller de icke Gudts Vræde meth theris Messer, men de hende dermed mere opvecke, nar de meth samme Messer korsfeste paa det ny Jesum Christum Guds Søn. Item Rethferdighed er alene af dend blote Troo. Icke actis heller nogen Gierning for Guds Ansigt. Oc fordi er ingen Gierning duelig til Menniskens Salighed, i hvor skøn hand siunis at vere hvad heller de biudes af Gud eller Menisken. Item udi Menisken findis ikke friit Vilkaar til at giøre eller lade, men alting sker aff skeffning, og fordi hafver icke Menisken mact, til at giøre Got eller lade Ondt. Item de som kaldis Kirckens Sacramente ere icke 7. Icke hafver heller verit, siden de Hellige Apostler ere Afgangne. Oc fordi er det altsamen bedregeri, der skrifvis og leris om Plicht og Bood, om Vielse, Formilse, Smørie, Ragelse, Klædebon, oc andet deris lige. Item alle Menisker af begge Kiøn ere Prester. Icke findis heller noget andit udvortis og siunligt Prestedømme, oc forthi mue alle, som ere døbte i Christo Jesu, consecrere Guds Legome, og alle andre Ting forhandle og giøre, som Kirkens Tienere tiltage sig besynderlige. Item alle Romere Bisper, som kaldis Paver, haver veret i mange 100. Aar Ante-Christer, thet er, meth lærdom og vrang Gudelighed, og Christi Modstandere, og fordi hafve alle Bisper og Prester, tilskickede af deris Mact, værit Papister, men icke Gudts sande Prester. Item Closter-Lefnit er it bedregerii, som hvercken hafver megit meth Christi Lærdom eller nogen retsindig Gudelighed, og fordi burde alle Clostere at nedslaas, oc alle Closter-Løfter at ryggis, Naar de ere saa uchristelige, at de kunde ingen forplicte eller binde. Item alle Præster burde at være giffte, icke alsomeniste een Tiid, men saa ofte som Hustruen bortdøer, om de ville og løster. Oc fordi er Presters Kydskhed diefvils paafund, til at tiene Bispers fordeel og gierighed. Item, thi bør os at forsmaa og forsømme alle gamle Skicke oc Seder, som biudis os, Faste, Forskel paa Kleder, Ceremonier, Mad, Stat, Embede, Verdighed, Herlighed, og andre saadan Ordinants och Baner. Item vie og Consecrere Tempil, Kar, Vand, Mad og andre siunlige Ting, ere vrang og uredelig Gudelighed. Item at necte og icke gifve Leg-Folck Christi Blod vthi Kalcken, thet er imod Christi Lærdom oc Gierning. Og fordi hafver alle Bisper og Præster, som Tiuffve, Skalcke og Forrædere, her til dags berøfvit sine Christelige Brødre vdaff helten Sacramentet.
Hvilcke Artikle og Puncter vi hafde udi act, obenbare oc udi mange Dannemends Nerverelse, at forklare aldeles ketterlige at vere, dersom samme Kættere mødt hafde, som vi formodit. Effterdi de icke møde vilde, bevisendis Lydelse og Hørsomhed, som dennom burde, og disse forskreffne Artickle icke blifve forklarede, raade vi ether alle og hver serdelis paa Guds vegne, og strengeligen biude, at I disse artikle, og alle andre saadanne kætterlige Stycke grandgiffvelige bevare Eder fore, og dem aldelis intheth acte, forbiudensis ogsaa eder alle, at I nogen Sacrament anamme af dennom, entigen Dob, Vielse, Guds Legome, den hellig Olelse, eller Jordefærdt. Men hvem dem ere begierendis eller behoff hafve, at I dem af eders rette Sogne Præst eller Capellan begiere. Thi de Kettere fare der skendeligen og utilbørligen med, imod ald dend erlige gamle Sædvane, som Fedre og Forældre her til holdit og brugit hafver udi Mange hundrede Aar. Oc at I icke heller acte eller skødde deris ny Fundt oc uthørlig Skick, som de nu begynde at bruge uthi thet hellige Messe-Embede, og Guds Legomis Deelagtighed; Thi det er intet andet end Guds Almechtigstes store Fortørnelse, og er therforre Gudts Vrede og hefn befrøctendis, uden saadan Fortørnelse snarligen afstillis, aflettis, og aldelis bortkastis. Thi raade vi ether alle fuldkommelige, at I her uthi besørge ethers egen Siælis Salighed, hvilken os bør altiid at viide og omhygeligen ansee. Ville vi hermeth Gud allermechtigste og Sancte Laurins ether alle befalendis. Ex Malmø, vor Frue Dag præsentationis, anno Domini MDXXVIII. Vnder vort Indsegle.
English translation
(omitting the articles on heresy):
We Åge Jepsen, by the grace of God archbishop-elect of Lund, greets our beloved mayors, council and common people, who build and live here in Malmö, with love in Our Lord. Dear friends, you should know that we have come to this city with some good men of the National Council, of our honourable chapter in Lund and other good, learned men, experienced in the Holy Scripture, with the aim to act against and put away the many shocking delusions against God, His dignified mother, and the dignified saints, and furthermore against our Christian society, which have been presented, preached and agitated by the two poisoning men Claus Cooper and Hans Bucketmaker in their sermons and elsewhere in this city for a long time. And we have summoned them to come before us and required that they should prove, if they could by any means, the numerous heretical articles, with which they have shocked this honest people to [perform] many uncommon acts and new practices; and [we have] stayed here for three days, and they would not come before us. But now even more [persons] than before are shouting and screaming from the pulpit such things, especially against clerical persons, for which they can have no claim; and for this they will not show. Who they are, you know well. They are despicable priests and runaway monks, obdurated through many evils, and they are not liable for what they do, say or preach. And these following articles are the particular delusions and heretical pieces that they daily preach: (…) These are the articles and points that we intended to present and explain in he presence of many honest people as completely heretical, if the said heretics had shown as we had expected. But since they would not show, and prove their obedience and willingness to listen, as they ought to have, and the listed articles have not been explained, we advise each and all of you on behalf of God, and strictly enjoin, that you exactly beware of these articles and all other heretical pieces alike, and pay them absolutely no regard; we also prohibits you all from taking any Sacrament from them, including baptism, marriage, the body of Christ, the extreme unction, or interment. But those, who are in wish or need of these [Sacraments], to ask them of your proper parish priest or chaplain. Indeed, those heretics are going on with scandalous and improper ways, against all the honest old customs held by fathers and parents until now and used for many hundred years. And neither should you acknowledge or protect their newfound and unheard practice, which they now begin to use in the Holy Office of mass and the Eucharist; because it nothing but the great resentment of God the Almighty, and therefore the wrath and revenge of God, that is to be feared if this resentment is not soon stopped, brought to an end and cast away altogether. We therefore advise you all completely to attend the salvation of your own souls, which should always be known and carefully regarded by us. We so command you all in God the Almighty and St. Lawrence. In Malmö, on the Day of Our Lady’s Presentation, the year of Our Lord 1528. Under our seal.
Comments: The letter is in Danish literature often erroneously dated to 28
November. ● On Archbishop-elect Åge Jepsen of Lund, see 1528 23/6. ● Claus Mortensen Bødker (:cooper), a.k.a. Claus Tøndebinder
(:‘barrelbinder’) (†1575) was an Evangelical preacher originating from Malmö.
He was an ordained priest, when he during his studies at the University of
Copenhagen gave so reformed sermons in the collegiate chapter church that
Bishop Lage Urne of Roskilde prohibited him from preaching in the diocese in
1526. Claus Bødker then returned to Malmö, where he was given a small chapel
outside the city gate for his sermons in 1527, but these allegedly grew so
popular and increasingly Evangelical that Archbishop-elect Åge Jepsen of Lund
also prohibited him from preaching there. He then went to the new Lutheran
school in Haderslev, along with Hans Spandemager (see below), from where they
both returned to Malmö in the summer of 1528 with letters of protection and
recommendation from King Frederik I. The reform-minded city magistrate now gave
Claus Bødker the Church of St. Simon and Jude for daily sermons, and before the
end of the year, his eloquent sermons had apparently won over the bulk of the
Malmö inhabitants for Lutheran Evangelism. Even before the arrival of the
archbishop-elect in November 1528, Claus Bødker had introduced Lutheran rites
and the saying of mass in Danish. In 1529, he was moved to the main church of
Malmö, St. Petri, and the city was de
facto reformed altogether in late 1529; the convent of Friars Minor stayed
put, however, to 1530. In spite of his eloquence and capacity to stir up public
support, Claus Bødker was probably to unlearned and hot-tempered to be given
any major role in the new Lutheran church administration in Denmark. After the
Reformation, he became county provost in the hundred of Oxie, Skåne. The
bynames Bødker and Tøndebinder are based on the occupation
of his stepfather; Claus Mortensen does not seem to have ever worked as a
cooper or used the name himself, the nickname was possibly given to him by his
opponents. ● Hans Olufsen
Spandemager (:‘bucketmaker’) (†1571) was an Evangelical preacher
originating from Malmö. He was a Hospitaller of the Holy Ghost in Malmö, when
he turned to Evangelism. He followed Claus Mortensen Bødker to Haderslev in
1527, and returned with him to Malmö in 1528. Here, they jointly wrote a Danish
psalm book, and Hans taught at the new Evangelical school in Malmö from 1529.
After the Reformation, he became county provost in the hundred of Torne, Skåne,
and canon at the cathedral chapter in Lund. ● It is unsure if
Archbishop-elect Åge Jepsen of Lund had planned for an actual episcopal
inquisition to take place in Malmö against the two claimed heretics. The term
is not used in any of the extant sources describing the event, but he certainly
had the authority to launch an inquisitorial trial; the two suspects were
summoned as if it was an inquisition; the archbishop had brought along the
necessary lay, canonical and theological assistance to conduct an inquisition;
and basically all the articles to be put against the suspects were about
heresy. The archbishop-elect only lacked the back-up from the supreme worldly
sword, i.e. the king, which meant that the local lay authorities saw no need to
help him enforce the summons. ● Although no further information is given
on the identity of “the good, learned men, experienced in the Holy Scripture”,
whom the archbishop-elect had brought with him to Malmö in addition to members of the cathedral
chapter to encounter the heretical claims put forward by the two Evangelical
preachers, they could almost only – as they explicitly were not members of the cathedral chapter –
have come from the two mendicant orders, of which both the Friars Preachers and
the Friars Minor were present with convents in Lund and are known to have taken
part in the counter-Evangelical preaching of the time. A particular obvious
candidate from the Dominican side is the prior provincial of Dacia, Dr.
Johannes Nicolai (see 1525 3/6), for whom the
archbishop-elect had certified a letter in 1528 23/6,
and who was criticised intransigently along with Åge Jepsen by the Evangelical
Peder Laurentsen in 1530.
Published: Danske Magazin 1. ser. vol. III, pp.
Wendt 1860-62, pp. 152-154.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Petrus Oxen, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, along with Lector
Laurentius, Lector Engerus and Fr. Olavus of the same convent, come before the
city council of Stockholm, where Lector Laurentius informs the council that
because of poverty, derived from a declining readiness among common people in
the city as well as in the countryside to support the friars, the convent has
decided to give up its priory in Stockholm and to seek another city, where
people may ‘be on their side’; although some good people in the city still help
the friars within their means, it is not sufficient as long as common people
will not do the same. The friars have already received the king’s permission to
do so, but before acting any further, they now wish to ask the advice of the
city council. While the friars step outside the room, the secretary of the city
council, Master Olof, then informs the council that the day before, he and
Master Laurens had been sent by the king to inspect the situation in the
priory, where they had been shown around by Fr. Henricus, ‘vice lector’, and
they found that the convent had neither malt nor flour or bread, a month’s
supply of meet and fish, and two or three weeks’ supply of beer; Prior Petrus
only had ½ mark in money and a debt of 30 marks, which was verified by all the
friars. It was also said that for about two years now, the friars had lived
more on their own support than on what they had been given by the convent. The
city council then decides that since the convent cannot find sufficient support
among common people, the council itself cannot secure its livelihood either,
and the friars are then called back in and informed about the decision. It is
stressed that the council has no wish for the friars to leave their priory, but
since the city magistrate has not founded the convent, neither does it feel
obliged to keep the friars in there. Later on the same day, the council
secretary along with Master Laurens and the treasurer Olof are send by the king
to the priory to collect all valuable items and bring it to the castle;
liturgical vestments and other necessary items are later to be redistributed
among any remaining friars.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Sabbato ante Nicolai in profesto
eiusdem. (…) Samma dagh kom priaren
aff swartbrødhra bro Peder Oxen,
lector Laurentius, lector Engerus och bro Olaff, och forde benemde
lector Laurentius talet, och war thetta
at the clagade at then menige man
både her j stadhen och vte påå landet begynte
vndandragha sich och wille jntit
giffua them til vppehælle, ther nødhgades the at offuergiffua
theres closter och forsee sich påå en annan
stadh hwar på sina sidho. Doch førra æn the såå offuergåffuo theres closter wille the først giffua borgamestere och rådh theres brist til kenna, och
høra theres godha rådh. The hade och
noghro dagher til forenne giffuit wor nådigeste herra samma brist
til kenna, och war hans nådh ther medh
til fridz at the motte forsee sich påå en annan
stadh epter thet the hade ther redeliga
sack til. Them war ondt at swælta ther jnne, och æn thå at her j stadhen wel funnes noghre gode men som them
wille gerna hielpa epter theres formågho, kunde thet doch jntit forslåå til sådana kost
och tæring som ther gøras skulle, all
then tijdh then menige man vndføøl them
war jnghen rådh påå ferde at halla
theres closter widh macht. Nær samma
lector Laurentius sådana ordh fortaldt hade worde the wiste for dørena och nær the
vthe wore, fortalde mester Olaff
rådzens secretarius huru mester Laurens
och han hade daghen tilforenne warit forskickade aff wor nådigeste herre til at besee medh vicario lector Henric som thå och
tilstedes war, hwad brist j clostred
war. Och at nær the ther kommo, war ther hwarken malt eller
miøl, køtt och fisk war ther til en månadha
kost, men brødh hade the jntit, øll hade the til ∙xiiii∙ dagha eller ∙iii∙ wekor åt høgste,
peninga til at køpa medh hade priaren ey mera æn ∙j∙
m., och han war ∙xxx∙ m. til achters, thetta bekende alla brødhrene och fansz och såå j sanning. Hade och teslikes brøderne nw wæl j tw
åår mera hallet sich sielffue æn thet
the finge aff conuentet. Nær thetta war fortaldt, togh rådhet til at
besinna hwad ther skulle giffua vth for swar och wardt røstat om kring, och syntes
allom thet lijkt wara at the motte
offuergiffua clostred, for ty jcke betrøste the gode men j
rådzstugunne halla clostred vppe all
then tijdh then menige man droogh sich vndan. Och wardt såå endreghteliga
samtykt aff heela rådhet at munkarne
motte forsee sich, for ty for hunger skul plæger man vp giffua slott och stæder
æn sedher jtt closter. Och såå kallades priaren och the andra brødhrene jn, och sadhe her Anders Simonson them thet
aff at al then tijdh the jcke kunde halla sich j clostred som the
claghat hade, kunde ey heller the gode men j rådzstughunne forhalla them ther jnne; the hade
jntit saatt them ther jn the driffue them ey heller ther vth, kunde the wara ther jnne,
thet kunde the godhe men well lijdha, men kunde the jcke såå motte the sielffue forsee sich, the wiste them ey annor rådh. Ther medh gingo the aff at the sadhe sich jngalunde kunna halla sich ther jnne. Sedhen samma dagh wardt åter
mester Laurentius, mester Olaff camerarius och fornemde mester Olaff
rådzens secretarius til skickade aff wor nådigeste
herra til at gåå j clostred och
læggia aff the besta clenodier, hwilke ther
funnes j clostred, och the båres alle påå slottet, och wårdt sedhen epter hans nådes befalning vthskifft i bland brøderne
thet som ther j clostred war j gen, j messe redhe och annat ther the motte clædha sich medh,
huilkit och såå skedde.
Comments: Fr. Petrus Oxen,
prior of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm, is not known from any other sources
(besides the additional entry below). ● Neither is Fr. Engerus, one of
the two lectors of the same convent. ● The other lector, who presented
the convent’s case before the city council, may have been Dr. Laurentius
Beronis (see 1487 17/12),
who, if so, at this time must have been of considerable age; Fr. Laurentius
Beronis is otherwise last heard of in 1507 21/5. ● Fr. Olavus
cannot be surely identified, but he may have been the laybrother Fr. Olavus
Pauli that Fr. Henricus Degner was allowed to keep as socius in 1520 7/2. ● The ‘vice lector’, Fr. Henricus,
who showed the city representatives around the priory, was most likely the
former prior, Fr. Henricus Degner (see 1487
17/12). ● The city secretary, ‘Master Olof’, was the highly
influential Olaus Petri, one of the leading Evangelical reformers in Sweden and
a sworn critic of the mendicants; see 1523 Apr-Jun.
● ‘Master Laurens’ was Laurentius
Andreae (Lars Andersson, †1552),
the leading Evangelical theologian of the Swedish reformation, who had been an
archdeacon of the cathedral chapter in Strängnäs in 1520, when he met the young
deacon Olaus Petri and was taken by his reformed ideas for the Church. Since
1523, both he and Olaus functioned as the chief ecclesiastical consultants of
King Gustav Vasa, and he was also appointed archdeacon of Uppsala in 1524 by
the king. Besides his ecclesiastical offices, Laurentius Andreae had also been
given a seat in the city council of Stockholm. ● ‘Master Olof camerarius’
was Olof Torkelsson Bröms, who was a
magister from Wittenberg, where he had studied with Olaus Petri. In 1525, King
Gustav Vasa appointed him chief treasurer of the realm, an office he kept until
1537, after which he had to flee the country due to accusations of fraud. ●
Anders Simonsson, who presented the answer of the city council to the friars,
was one of the mayors of Stockholm. He had also almost become a neighbour to
the friars in 1527 9/10, when he bought a house
in Blackfriars Street. ● It is not known whereto the Stockholm friars may
have gone. The situation was more or less the same at this time for convents
all around mainland Sweden, but in Finland, Norway and Denmark there were still
numerous existing houses to go to. Some friars appear to have remained in the
priory until 1533 8/10, where they were told to leave,
and the priory church was to be used for Evangelical sermons for the Finnish
community in Stockholm.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 250-251.
Berntson 2003, 96 and 115.
the abovementioned decision to dissolve the convent, the prior, Fr. Petrus
Oxen, later returns before the city court to sell a building on Malmen to Olof
Svart and Raume Jöns.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Sabbato ante Nicolai in profesto eiusdem. (…) Samma dagh vplætt priaren fornemde bro Peder Olaff Swart och Raume Jøns en gård påå Malmen, bygningen aleenest grunden vndantagandes, hwilken bygning han them redelige såldt hade.
Comments: Olof Svart was the
king’s bailiff and member of the city council. ● ‘Raume Jöns’ Jakobsson
was a Stockholm burgher, who ran a hostelry in the eastern part of the city. ●
‘Malmen’ most likely refers to Södermalm, a highland suburban district situated
just outside the southern gates of Stockholm. In 1529 16/8,
Raume Jöns bought a site on Södermalm, which the king had confiscated from the
Friars Preachers; it may either be the same plot, which the king then claimed
to have been in possession of, or an adjacent site.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 251.
of Denmark and Sweden, nunnery of Skänninge |
Claudius, a Swedish-borne Friar Preacher from Denmark and an eager defender of Catholicism,
travels to Wittenberg to convince Martin Luther of his mistakes, but the friar
himself is converted by Luther and returns to Sweden, where he becomes an
Evangelical vicar in Söderköping and marries a nun in the monastery of
Source: Pontoppidan’s Annales
ecclesiæ Danicæ.
Language: German.
Anno 1528. (…) Inzwischen war ein Dominicaner-Mönch,
Nahmens Claudius, aus Dännemarck, gebürtig zu Skenning in Schweden, sehr
geschäftig, das Pabstthum zu verfechten, und die Evangelischen Lehrer
einzutreiben. Dabey ließ ers nicht bewenden, sondern wolte so gar Lutherum
selbst seines Irrthums überzeugen, und that eine Reise nach Wittenberg. Als
dieser zurück kam, hatte er gantz andere Gedancken, und half allenthalben
dasjenige vertheidigen und ausbreiten, was er neulich dämpfen wolte. Er ward
nachgehends Vicarius Episcopi Lincopensis, und endlich Pfarrer zu Süderköping,
da er eine Nonne, Nahmens Ingeburg, aus dem Closter Skenning geheyrathet. (…)
Comments: No actual convents are mentioned, but
with an alledged birth in Skänninge it is likely that Fr. Claudius has started
his Dominican career there. ● The nun Ingeborg probably came from the
Dominican nunnery of Skänninge, which is also the likeliest place of the
marriage. ● An almost similar event is reported by Pontoppidan for a Fr. Jens
Andersen OP in 1520.
Published: Annales
ecclesiæ Danicæ vol. II, p. 823.
Stockholm |
Ex-convent of Stockholm |
‘Prior’ testifies before the city court of Stockholm that the old woman Lucia,
widow of Olof Michelsson, on her deathbed gave a plot in Stockholm to Jakob
Kuse because he had supported her for many years. As the executor of Lucia’s
will, Henricus then formally hands over the plot to Jakob.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fferia 2 j fastelaghen. (…)
Jacob Kuse fick en tompt aff en gammul
hustru som heet hustru Lucj som hun vnte honom i sitt ytterste for thet han henne født hade j long tijdh; ther
vppå witnade her Henric prior och
Olaff Kuse och Sigfrid Person at swa j sanning war thet the och halla wille medh theres eedh. Och war [samme]
her Henric fornemde hustrv Lucies
testamentarius och han vplætt samma
Jacob tomptena, och gaffz fridskilling
vppå epter laghen. Hwilken tompt samma hustrv
Lucia medh hennes bonda Olaff Michelson
køpt hade aff her Mortin Jønson Lindorm på hans systers wegna som breffuit ther påå lydher, och ær belæghen vestantil j Hala beers
grend och ær længden ∙xviii∙ alna och jt quarter,
och bredhleken ∙xij∙ alin, och ær påå nørra sidhonne j grenden næst nidhen Olaff Baghare hus. Och skal han
haffua tomptena quit och frit for alla fødde och ofødde åtalare.
Comments: On Fr. Henricus
Degner, see 1487 17/12. ‘Prior’ is here probably only to be seen as a personal
byname for Fr. Henricus due to his long-term office as prior of the Friars
Preachers in Stockholm. The convent was formally dissolved in 1528 5/12, and by that time the prior was Fr. Petrus
Oxen. It is noteworthy that Henricus is addressed ‘Her’ (: mister), not ‘bro’
(: friar), suggesting that he was no longer recognized by the city authourities
as a friar, but only as a priest (and via his byname as a former prior). ●
Fr. Henricus does not appear to have had any personal relations to neither
Lucia nor Jakob Kuse, apart from that he probably had been Lucia’s priest and
preferred personal confessor.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 257.
Gottorp |
Convent of Viborg |
King Frederik I of
Denmark-Norway complies with a request from the citizens of Viborg to convert
the former churches of the Friars Minor and Friars Preachers in Viborg to
parish churches, and hereby let them replace the old parish churches of the
city, which are to be shut down. Furthermore, Jens Hvas is installed as the
king’s inspector for Blackfriars Priory and all its belongings.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Frederick (…) Wor gunst tiilffornn. Widher, att ssom j ladhe oss tiil kende giue och beclaghe, atth etther by er besuaretth mett mange kyrcker och cappeller, szom byenn ycke formaa att holle wedh magtt, och ere ther fore begerendes aff oss, thet j mue beholle suorthe brødre och graa brødhre kyrcker tiil two sogne kyrcker, och atthij motthe affbryde the andre sogne kyrcker och capeller, ssom ære vdhij etthers by, tha ere wij ther tiill fredtz metth, atthij beholle samme graabrødhre och suorthe brødhre kyrcker tiill sogne kyrcker och ødhe legge the andre vnyttige sogne kyrcker ij etther by, paa thet i tetz bedre kunde holle the two kyrcker wedt macht, och atthij beholle tiil byns behoff halffdelenn blyett och halffdelenn klockerne, och haffue wij tiilschreffuitt oss elskelige Jens Huass, att hand skall paa wore wegne anamme thenn andhen halffdelenn aff blyett och clockerne aff the kyrcker, somm ødhe legges epther etther schriffuelsse och eghenn begere. Och haffue wij tiisligeste tiilschreffuitt och beffallett forne Jens Huass, thet hand paa wore wegne skall haffue tiilssiunn tiill suorthe brødre closter och huess tiill samme closther hører. Thij betthe wij etther, atthij wylle haffue ther tiilssivnn tiil i hans frauerelsse, att ther jnghthet forkomes eller forderffwes, thet forskylle wij gerne. Beffalendes etther gudt. Screffuitt paa wort slott Gottruppe Tiisdaghenn nest epther Søndaghenn Reminiscere aar etcetera MDXXIX. Vnndher wort singnett.
Comments: King Frederik I’s decision to comply with the request was somewhat
dramatic as both mendicant convents were still very much present in their
friaries at this time. Viborg had become the Lutheran hotspot of Northern
Jylland since an apostate monk of the Hospitallers of St. John, Hans Tausen,
had started preaching Evangelism in the city since 1525. When Bishop Jørgen
Friis of Viborg in 1526 prohibited Tausen from preaching in the diocese, he
soon got a royal letter of protection to allow his continued mission. Later in
1526, another reformed preacher, Jørgen Sadolin, was allowed by King Frederik
to start a Lutheran school in Viborg. In the autumn of 1528, the Lutheran
citizens of Viborg demanded that Hans Tausen henceforth should be given access
to preach for them in the local Franciscan friary church. When this was denied
them by the Friars Minor, the citizens broke in the church door. Then followed
a period, where the church was used for Lutheran afternoon sermons as well as
for the Catholic Divine Office performed by the friars – sometimes
simultaneously. The Friars Minor eventually complained to the bishop, who tried
to have Hans Tausen arrested, but unsuccessfully. Instead, the Lutherans told
the friars to leave the friary altogether, and when they refused, a group of
soldiers was accommodated with the friars at the convent’s expense. Until
February 1529, the Friars Preachers in Viborg had suffered less than their
Franciscan colleagues, but from now on the priory was used as residence for the
king’s Lutheran captain in Viborg, Jens Hvas (see below), and who in 1529 20/3 was told by the king to bring royal rents
and taxes from the fiefs of Mors and Fjends hundred to Blackfriars Priory.
Jørgen Sadolin was installed as Lutheran parish priest in Blackfriars Church, while
Hans Tausen had a similar function in Greyfriars. Jens Hvas handed over some of
the Dominican church silverware to the Crown in 1529 21/6, and the last
record of Dominican presence in Viborg is from 1529 25/8,
when the prior sold off a farm. It is unknown for how long the Friars Preachers
stayed put in Viborg, but they probably left at the latest in 1530, when the
last remaining Friars Minor are known to have gone elsewhere; even the
cathedral chapter of Viborg was enforced to conversion this year. In 1530 31/7, Lady Anne Gyldenstjerne de Ågård received
royal confirmation to a house in the priory that her father had paid for,
suggesting that by this time the convent was formally dissolved. ● Jens Hvas de Kås (†1536) was an
esquire, who had worked as justiciary of Northern Jylland for King Christian II
in 1522, but soon gained offices as well under King Frederik I from 1523 as one
of the king’s main civil and juridical servants in Jylland, acting as judge of
the royal court in 1528-29. From this time onwards he also took a leading role
for the Protestant party in Viborg and led the legal cases on behalf of the
king against Bishop Jørgen Friis of Viborg. Jens Hvass took his task as royal
inspector for Viborg Blackfriars quite literally, as he seems to have made the
priory his residence for the next couple of years, apparently at first while
the friars were still there. In 1529 20/3, he
was instructed to collect royal rents and taxes in Fjends hundred and Mors, and
then to store it in Blackfriars Priory. In 1529 21/6, Jens Hvas handed
over a monstrance and four silver chalices from the priory church to the king’s
treasurer. In 1529, he also represented King
Frederik’s interests in Vejle, confiscating all valuable items in the priory of
the Friars Preachers, of which he in 1530 27/2
was given a receipt from the royal treasury for 488 lots silver. Jens Hvas at
first remained in his royal functions under King Christian III, but as he
apparently joined the social revolt of Skipper Clement in 1534, he was
subsequently arrested and executed along with the rebellious skipper in Viborg
in 1536.
Published: Diplomatarium Vibergense no. 226.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 96.
Convent of Viborg |
Claus Gjordsen,
chancellor of King Frederik I of Denmark-Norway, informs the king that since Bishop
Jørgen Friis of Viborg still has not come to terms with the royal treasurer,
Christian Hvid, regarding the bishop’s outstanding debts to the Crown, the
royals fiefs of Fjends hundred and Mors should, as earlier warned if the bishop
had not complied before Laetare Sunday, be taken from the bishop and instead be
administered by Jens Hvas on behalf of the king. The latter shall be informed
of this and told to collect rents and taxes from the Crown’s peasants in the
two fiefs and bring it to Blackfriars Priory in Viborg for the king’s benefit.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
(- - -)
Comments: It would appear that the Friars Preachers were still present
in their priory in Viborg at this time (see 1529 23/2
and 1529 25/8). ● Jens Hvas had been appointed
royal inspector for Blackfriars Priory in Viborg a month before, in 1529 23/2. ● Bishop Jørgen Friis held the royal
fiefs of Mors and Fjends hundred in mortgage. The dispute had begun in the
summer of 1528, when King Frederik complained to the bishop about insufficient
accounts and payments of due taxes and various tarifs from the two fiefs to the
Crown; according to the royal treasurer, Christian Hvid, the bishop had an
outstanding debt of more than 2,500 marks. It was after months of evasive
answers from Bishop Jørgen Friis that Chancellor Claus Gjordsen, when asked by
the king about the state of the case, gave the present response – which
apparently referred to a decision made by the king at an earlier occasion. Jens
Hvas seems to have complied with the given task, as Bishop Jørgen Friis in the
following months complained to the king that he had taken hold of the fiefs “by
force and violence with the help of foreign soldiers”, to which King Frederik
replied that this fully happened on his orders. ● Fjends hundred and the
island of Mors were both situated northwest of Viborg.
Not published. Summary in Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2.
ser. vol. V, p. 538.
Literature: Heise 1869-71, 535-541; Köcher 1929,
20-21; Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 96.
Bistrup |
Convents of Odense and Roskilde, Nunnery of Roskilde |
Last will
and testament for Bishop Lage Urne of Roskilde, in which he leaves 2 pounds of
malt, 2 pounds of flour and 1 barrel of butter to the Friars Preachers in
Roskilde; for the Dominican sisters in Roskilde he leaves 30 marks for the fabrica
of their nunnery, along with 2 pounds of malt, 2 pounds of flour and ¼ barrel
of butter; while the convent of Friars Preachers in Odense receive 10 marks.
Source: Transcript by
Arne Magnusson, early 18th cent. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of
Language: Old Danish
and Latin.
For thenn schrøbelig, som wij
Lago Wrne, medt Gudz naade biscop udi Roskild, formerke udi thenne werden,
skicke wij wdi Jhesu naffn wort testamentum aff thett, Gud almectigste os af
sin store naade forleent haffver. Først befalle wij wor wsell syndige siell
thenn himmelske keyzerinne Jomfru Marie, hennder benedide moder sancte Anne,
sanctis Lucio martyri, Andreæ apostolo et Michaeli archangelo. Giffve wij thill
wor domkirke Roskild oc pro fabrica eiusdem hundrede rhinske gyllende; item pro summo altari et veneratione capitis
sancti Lucii et reliqviarum sancte Mariæ Magdalenæ ∙i∙ nobel oc ∙ij∙
Vnngers gyllende; hver prelatt oc canick, som residere ibidem ∙i∙
Unngers gyllende; vicariis residen ∙xx∙ marc; choralibus
sacerdotibus ∙ix∙ marc; pauperibus scholaribus pro vestibus ∙iC∙
marc; sancte Anne altare bag choret ∙x∙ marc vox; sancti Magni
altare ∙viii∙ marc vox; Vor Frue altere, som biscop Niels Schaffve
stictede ∙viii∙ marc vox; sancti Michaelis altare ∙viii∙
marc vox; sancti Martini altare ∙xii∙ marc vox; sancte Anne altere
i capella regum ∙x∙ marc vox; sancti Vilhelmi altare ∙v∙
marc vox; sancte Doroteæ altare ∙v∙ marc vox; capelle sancti
Laurentii vor dammask kiortell thill enn hagell oc alt andit thill et helt
meszerede; thill sancte Gertrudis altare enn forgylt kalck oc enn mesze hagell;
altari sancti Thome Cantvariensis ∙v∙ marc vox; altari sancti
Canuti ducis ∙v∙ marc vox. Wor Frwe kircke i Kiøbenhaffnn ∙x∙
rhinske gyllende. Her Frederick,
Danmarckis etcetera konning, enn
forgylt stob, som hanns naadis herre broder gaff os, oc ∙x∙ Unngers
gyllende; dronning Sophie enn forgylt stob oc ∙x∙ Vnngers gyllende;
thenn unge første hertug Hanns oc Frøecke hver enn forgylt sølffstob. Domino
archiepiscopo Lundensi en sølffstoff; successori nostro en forgylt sølffstøff
oc en nobell; domino episcopo Arhusiensi en sølffstøff; domino espicopo Ripensi
en sølffstoff; domino abbati Sorensi en sølff[s]koell oc en nobell; domino
priori in Antvorschough ∙ii∙ Unngers gyldene; domino abbati
Esseromensi ∙i∙ Unngers gyldene; domino abbati Nestvedensi ∙i∙
Unngers gyldene; domino abbati in Ebbelholt ∙i∙ Unngers gyldene;
domino abbati in Knardrop ∙i∙ Unngers gyldene; conventui in
Ebbeholt ∙x∙ marc; fraternitati kalendarium Roskildensis en sølffskoell cum armis nostris;
convivio sancte Lucii ∙iii∙ rhinske
gyllende; convivio sancte Trinitatis ∙i∙ Unngers gyllene; convivio
sancti Kanuti regis ∙i∙ Unngers gyllene; sancti Olavi kircke wdi
Roskildt ∙x∙ marc; sancti Laurentii kircke ∙x∙ marc;
sogneprester ibidem hver ∙v∙ marc; ad fabricam ecclesiæ sancti
Johannis baptistæ ∙x∙ marc; ad fabricam ecclesiæ sancti Nicolai ∙x∙
marc; sancti Pauli kirke ∙xxx∙ marc; sortebrødre i Roskildt ∙ii∙ pund malt, ∙ii∙
pund miell oc ∙i∙ thønne smør; grobrødre ibidem ∙ii∙
pund malt, ∙ii∙ pund miell oc ∙i∙ thønne smør; thill sancte Agnetis closters bygning ∙xxx∙
marc; hvert jomfru closter ij Roskildt ∙ii∙ pund malt, ∙ii∙
pund miell oc ∙i∙ fierding smør. Ad venerationem reliqviarum domini Canuti ducis in Ringstede ∙i∙
sølffschoell ∙xvi∙ lodt; Bistorps kirke ∙x∙ marc;
Honnstorps kirke ∙x∙ marc; helliggesthus i Kiøbenhaffn ∙x∙
marc, ∙ii∙ pund malt, ∙ii∙ pund miell oc ∙i∙
thønne smør; sancti Antonii closter ij Prestøø ∙i∙ pund malt, ∙i∙
pund miell oc ∙i∙ thønne
smør; grobrødre i Helsinghøør ∙ii∙ pund malt, ∙ii∙ pund
miell oc ∙i∙ thønne smør;
ad carmelitas ibidem ∙ii∙ pund malt, ∙ii∙ pund miell, ∙i∙
thønne smør; Bagsvere kirke ∙xx∙
marc; Stillinge kirke ∙ii∙ pund korn, ∙i∙ rhinsk gyllen; Wallekelde kirke ∙ii∙
pund korn, ∙i∙ rhinsk
gyllen; Kimmersløff kirke ∙ii∙ pund korn; sogne kirke for Draxholm,
Hiortholm, Giordzløff, Solthe, Leckinde oc Stenstorp hver ∙x∙ marc;
Hemmeløff kircke ∙x∙ marc; Suorsløff kirke ∙x∙ marc;
Hersløff kirke ∙ii∙ pund korn oc ∙v∙ marc; Gieffvinge
kircke ∙ii∙ pund korn oc ∙v∙ marc; Wyby kirke paa
Hintzeholm ∙i∙ sølfkalck; sortebrødre
i Ottensze ∙x∙ marc; Marslette kirke ved Aars ∙x∙
marc; thill sancti Dionisii capell i Lund ∙xx∙ marc; prælatis
ecclesiæ nostræ collegiatæ Haffnensis hver en Wngers gylden; hver canick,
ibidem residen ∙i∙ rhinsk
gylden; mester Johan Wlff ∙i∙ Wngers gylden (…). Alle bøger in
theologia, in artibus, in utroque jurium et humanitate legamus nepotibus
nostris magistris Johanni Teetz et Nicolao Teetz ac nepotibus nostris ex
fratribus et sorore. (…) Wor canceller en sølffstoff oc ∙ii∙ Wngers
gylden; wor official ∙i∙ Wngers gyllden; hver wor capellan oc
klerck ∙i∙ rhinsk
gyllden; lector Pouell enn Wngers gyllden (…); ∙xxx∙ fattige
mennesker schoe oc kleder inden thenn thiende dag epther wor dødt; thenn dag,
wii døø paa, ∙xxx∙ almøszer fattige folk; sammeledis sancte Anne
dag, Andreæ apostoli, Magdalenæ, Michaelis et commemorationis animarum, som
komme epther wor død, hver aff disze dage ∙xxx∙ almøszer fattige;
item ∙ii∙ lester øll oc mad oc bastueganng. Befalle wii oc
hendeliigen bede oc formane wore testamentariis at schicke ex personalibus
bonis nostris et debitis ∙xxx∙ almøszer medtt madtt oc øll, schoe
oc kleder till evig tiid wdenn brøst oc forsømmelse rundeligen oc
fuldkommeligen hver aar epther wor død sieledag att schifftis eblant fattige
folk. Super quibus testamentariorum nostrorum conscientias oneramus. Thette
wort testament oc yderste wilge befalle wij her abbitt Hendrich ii Soor, her
Johan Wrne, ridder, her Hanns Olssun, cantori, oc mester Claus Rossengaardt,
her Jørgen, priori vicariorum, oc her Oluff Fynnboe, vicar. i Roskilde, at the
thett wdrette oc fuldgiøree, som wij thennom thill thro oc the for Gudz
retferdige oc strenge dom antsware wille. Giffvit paa Bestrup mandagen nest
epther sancti Marci evangelistæ dag anno MDXXIX.
Comments: Bishop Lage Urne of Roskilde (†1529)
was in office 1513-1529. He was born around 1466-68 as the son of Knight Jørgen
Urne de Brolykke on Fyn. He is known as canon secular of the cathedral chapter in
Roskilde from 1497, at first as official and chancellor of Bishop Niels Skave,
from 1503-04 as cantor of the chapter. In 1507, Lage Urne also held canonries
at the chapters in Lund and Århus, but most likely still resided in Roskilde.
After the resignation of Bishop Johan Jepsen Ravensberg in early 1512, Lage
Urne was appointed as his successor and officially installed in the episcopal
office in January 1513. As bishop of Sjælland and Rügen, he issued a letter of
indulgence together with Titular Bishop Hermannus Nigenbroch OP of Lydda in
favour of a chapel on Vilm off the coast of Rügen in 1513 4/10. At a
diocese synod in 1517 6/10, the bishop instructed his parish clergy that
they should not allow anyone to beg, preach or give indulgence in their parishes
unless such people were explicitly authorised by himself or his cathedral
chapter. While this would obviously effect the mendicant orders of the diocese,
the injunction was probably mainly aimed at papal indulgence sellers, just as
it would later also have effect against Lutheran preachers, for whom Bishop
Lage Urne had no sympathy. When the reform-minded priest Claus Bødker (see 1528 21/11) from Malmö in 1526 gave radical sermons
in the collegiate chapter church of Copenhagen, the bishop prohibited him from
preaching anywhere in the diocese henceforth. Lage Urne died as bishop on 29
April 1529; he was buried in Roskilde Cathedral. ● Bistrup was an
episcopal demesne situated just outside of Roskilde. ● It is noteworthy
that whereas both the Franciscan and the Carmelite convents in Helsingør are
bequeathed in the will, the Dominican convent of the city is not mentioned,
which may suggest that the convent had already been dissolved by this time; the
last preserved record of a still active convent of Friars Preachers in
Helsingør is from 1517. ● It can also be noted that no mendicant
convent in the diocese outside of Roskilde and Helsingør is included. ●
The reason for the convent of Friars Preachers in Odense to be included in the
will was undoubtedly that Lage Urne’s father, Knight Jørgen Urne de Brolykke (†1480 21/5), was buried in their priory
Published: Danske Magazin 3. ser. vol. III, pp. 212-219.
Vejle |
Convent of Vejle |
The prior, subprior
and convent of the Friars Preachers in Vejle hand over two farms in Uhre, along
with Monks Forest with arable, meadow, hop garden and fishery in Uhre Fields,
to Mogens Gøye.
Source: Register in Eline Gøyes
Language: Old Danish.
Jt breff, att prier, suprier oc
conuent i sortebrøder closter i Weylle skøder her Mogens Gøye ∙ij∙ gaarde
y Wr i Houerd sogenn i Tørrild herrit, jtem Munck sko med ager oc enng, humle
gaard oc fiskeuand i forskreffne Wremarck. Datum Weyle s. Peders oc Pouils dag
Comments: While the
transaction itself is dated to the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (29 June) in
1530, the royal confirmation is said to have happened on Sunday after the Fest
of St. Peter in Chains (1 August) in 1529. Obviously, one of the stated years
in the register must be erroneous. Since King Frederik was indeed present in
Copenhagen in early August 1529, but apparently not so in the following year
(KFR, 223-229 and 266-267), the year 1529 appears most likely for both
instances. However, if the events did take place in 1530, the royal
confirmation should be redated to 1530 7/8. ● ‘Monks Forest’ (Munkeskov) in Uhre must be the one
mentioned in 1485 24/2 as
“the monastery’s forest” adjacent to Uhre Forest, just as a ‘Monks Enclosure’ (Munke Enemærke) was mentioned in 1510 9/2 as adjacent to Mogens Gøye’s estate in Uhre.
Mogens Gøye still owned 3 marks of land in Munkeeng in Uhre in 1532
and the two farms in 1538 13/7.
Published: Eline Gøyes Jordebog, p. 390.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), pp. 114-115.
Frederik I of Denmark-Norway confirms the abovementioned transaction.
Source: Register in Eline Gøyes
Language: Old Danish.
Jtem it breff, att konning
Frederich haffuer fuldburd, samtyckett oc stadfest oc ved fuldmacht at bliffue
thett skøde oc skøde breff, prier oc conuentis vdj Weyle closter haffuer giort
oc giffuit her Mogens Gøye paa ∙ij∙ gaarde y Wre i Tørrild herrit,
Houer sogenn oc en engs skou, kaldis Munck skou, oc forbyder all att hindre.
Datum Kiøbinhaffnn syndag effter s. Peders dag om høsten MDXXIX.
Comments: See above.
Published: Eline Gøyes Jordebog, p. 390.
Stockholm |
Ex-convent of Stockholm |
behalf of King Gustav Vasa of Sweden, Gudmund ‘Scribe’ sells a site on
Södermalm outside Stockholm to Raume Jöns; the site used to belong to the convent
of Friars Preachers in Stockholm, but had been confiscated by the king
according to the Vesterås Recess.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker.
Language: Old
In crastino assumptionis. (...) Samma dagh stodh Gudmund scriffuere for retten som fogde warit hade,
vplæt och leffrerede Raume Jøns ena
tompt på Sødhra malm som han honom saaldt hade paa wor naadigeste herres wegna for ∙lx∙
m. och hade tilhørdt swartmunka
closter, huilkin nw hans naadhe epter
Vesteraars recesz tilfallen war och
ær tompten belæghen emellen Olaff
Swart och Hans scredderes tompter, och løper tompten nidher
j siøøn, och haffuer ∙xjx∙
alin widh gatuna och ∙liiii∙ alna nidh til siøøn, och war tompten laghfarin, och fridzskilling vplagder.
Comments: The site may be
either identical to or situated next to the building on ‘Malmen’ sold by the prior of the convent to Olof Svart
and Raume Jöns in 1528 5/12; if it was indeed
the same plot, the first sale may have been annulled due to the king’s claim to
the property. ● On Raume Jöns, see 1528 5/12.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 289-290.
Convent of Viborg |
Fr. Nicolaus
Vinoldi, prior of the Friars Preachers in Viborg, sells a tenant farm in
Rejstrup (Sønderbæk p., Sønderlyng h.) to Knud Pedersen Gyldenstjerne de Tim.
Source: Register in Sidsel
Ulfstand Letters/Register of Lyngbygaard, 1593. The Danish National Archives,
Language: Old Danish.
Item ett broder Niels Winolszenn, prier och forstandere wdj Sorte brøer closter y Wiiborg, hanns pergamenndtz skiøde breff medt thow henngenndis indsegle, lyudenndis paa enn gaardt, liggendis wdj Sønnder Begh sogenn y Reystrup bye, att haffue soldt Knud Gyldennstiernn till Thiim. Wnnder datum MDXXIX altera die Bartholomeii apostoli.
Comments: Fr. Nicolaus
Vinoldi (Niels Vinoldsen), prior of
the Friars Preachers in Viborg, is not known from any other sources. ● Knud Pedersen Gyldenstjerne (†1552) de
Tim was at this time sheriff of Kalundborg and a member of the national
council. He had been a strong opponent to King Christian II of Denmark-Norway
and among the chief supporters of King Frederik I in 1523, for which the new
king installed him as royal sheriff at various castles on the Danish Isles. He
did, however, remain a convinced Catholic and became one of the leading lay
magnates of the Catholic party during the Feud of the Count 1534-36 (DBL V,
419-420). ● Tim or Timgård was a demesne situated in north-western
Jylland, in the district Hardsyssel, about 75 km west of Viborg. ●
Rejstrup was a village in Sønderbæk parish, Sønderlyng hundred, situated about
25 km east of Viborg. ● The tenant farm had been donated to the convent
by Knud’s great-grandparents, Knigh Erik Nielsen Gyldenstjerne de Tim and Lady
Gørvel Andersdatter, in 1449 11/6,
probably in return for a perpetual chantry. ● The farm was undoubtedly
sold back to the Gyldenstjerne family at Tim as part of the convent’s
dissolution due to the Protestant Reformation (see 1529 23/2). The family may have been formally entitled to take
the farm back without any cost if it had been given in return for a perpetual
chantry which now had to be abandoned, but by paying for it all the same, Knud
Gyldenstjerne secured the donation from falling into the hands of the Lutheran
city magistrate in Viborg and at the same time gave the friars a final
financial support. ● This is the last extant record of a Dominican
presence in Viborg; the convent is likely to have been dissolved shortly after
or at the beginning of 1530 at the latest.
Published: Danske adelige Brevkister, pp. 56-57.
Convent of Vejle |
Hvas, royal inspector of King Frederik I of Denmark, on behalf of the king
confiscates a number of valuable items from the convent of Friars Preachers in Vejle:
one monstrance, one silver vessel, eight chalices, one ‘padtzs’(?), one damaged
holy vessel, twelve silk vestments of differing condition, a few damaged
vestments for daily use, one brew pan, three beer vats, one branding iron, ten
copper pots and four kettles.
Source: Contemporary
register (Register over alle Lande). The Danish National Archives,
Language: Old Danish.
Thette efftherscreffne
inuentarium, sølluff oc godtzs vaar vdi Veylle claaster, ther Iens Huass thet
anamede. Primo ith
monstrantzs. Item ith sølluffkaarss. Item ∙viii∙ kalcke. Item ith
padtzs. Item ith broden helligdomskar. Item ∙xii∙ par messe reder, vnde och gode,
aff siilcke, och ther till nogen faa daglige brøndene messe kleder. Item en
brygge pandne. Item ∙iii∙ øllkar, vnde och
gode. Item ith brandeiernn. Item ∙x∙
kaaber gryder, vnde och gode. Item ∙iiii∙
kiellde, vnde och gode.
Comments: While the inventory
itself is undated, it is registered between two other instances both dated to
1529 11/9, which would suggest that this list was reported to the Crown at
about the same time. ● On Jens Hvas, se 1529 23/2.
In 1530 27/2 he
was given a receipt from the royal treasury for 488 lots silver confiscated
from the Friars Preachers in Vejle. ● Of the listed items, the most
surprising one to find in the friars’ possession may be the branding iron (Da. brændejern), probably used to brand the
convent’s livestock.
Published: Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger vol. I, p. 368; Kong
Frederik I’s Registranter, p. 241.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), p. 120.
Stockholm |
Ex-convent of Västerås |
Hans Staffansson,
a former youngfriar of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, raises claims at the
city court in Stockholm for an amount due to him from inheritance after his
father and brother, which in his youth was administered by Herman Lytting and
Henrik Strabuck, while he and his brother were submitted to the care of the
friars. The widow of Herman Lytting states, however, that all outstanding debt
has been settled since long, which is documented by the city records. Since the
records seem to verify such settlements in 1515 and 1519 – in the latter case
bewitnessed by Fr. Bernardus, prior of the convent in Västerås – the claims are
dismissed, including Hans’ accusation of being cheated at the probate
settlement after the death of his brother, not least because the then present
prior would not have let himself by tricked by such schemes.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker.
Language: Old
In vigilia
Matthei. (...) Samma dagh kom her Hans Staffanson, Staffan Kortsons son som warit hade j Vesteraars closter jngiffwen, for retten medh Olaff øffuerskerere
och och Olaff Siwrdson aff Vpsala,
och clagade epter naaghot arff som
honom borde epter sin fadher och sin
broder Anders Staffanson, hwilkit
arff Hermen Lytting och Henric
Strabuck hade hafft j befalning til
truer hand. Thaa war ther och her Gorius Holste til stedes paa sinne kere sweres hustru bedeles fornemde Hermens epterliffuerskes wegna och swarade
paa hennes wegna til saadana anclagh,
och sade at thet arff fornemde Hermen Lytting och Henric
Straabuck hade hafft til forwaring
aat samme her Hans och hans brøder thet
hade the redeliga skildt j fraa sich, som stadzens tenkiebock wel vthwisa
skulle, och begierede han at
tenkieboken skulle vplæsas. Thaa wardt først vplæsit huru paa raadzstughen hade warit afflagt at samme her
Hanses federne och møderne skulle setias jn til Anders Olson paa Strand och Anders Rwt
hwilkit och saa skedde som bescreffuit
staar monedaghen post Katherine anno
Domini 1514. Saa wart och vplæsit
huru fornemde her Hans hade staadt for retten och giordt Hermen Lytting qwit frij
ledigh och løssz for alt thet arff
han hade til gøma aat honom epter hans faders befalning til ytterste pening som finnes anno 1515 monedaghen epter Birgitte. Æn
hade samme her Hans staadt her for rætten ∙iiii∙ aar ther
epter, 1519 sabbato post Matthie, medh
bro Berend priaren aff Vesteraars och sin
halffbroder Hans Halffuardzson, och giordt optanemde Hermen och Henric
quit och frij och thet war widh ∙iii∙
aar epter fornemde Anders Staffanson dødh war. Thaa tenkieboken saa
vplæsen war, wistes the aff och saken
wardt forhandlat och offuerweghen, och nær omrøstat wardt kunde raadhet ey rættere finne aff saadana
beskedh som tenkieboken jnnehult æn
at medh forberørda arff war paa
Hermen Lyttings och Henric Straabuks
wegna redeliga medh farit. Och epter thet
fornemde her Hans Staffanson hade
først j thet 1515de aret
staadt och giordt Hermen Lytting frij for sitt fæderne och møderne, och kom
saa j gen j thet fierde aaret ther epter och medh sin
stiwffbroder Hans Halwardj och
priaren aff Vesteraars, giorde Hermen och Henric paa nyyt frij ledighe
och løse, saa moste jw noghot wara vpburit epter then førsta forlatningen som skedde j fyra aar til forende, och thet moste jw haffua warit thet
arff som them tilful epter theres broder fornemde Anders Staffanson, epter thet
fæderne och møderne war vthe til forenne
æn thaa at tenkieboken j then
sijdzsta forlaatningen thet
jcke saa clarliga vthtryckier. War och teslikes noogh betrøendes at
the jcke hade wardet saa frij giorde om the hade noghen deel j ene motte eller
andre hafft jnne medh sich, besynnerlige medhen priaren som jcke lææt giæcka sich war sielff medh for retten, och hade thaa Anders Staffanson wel warit dødh j ∙iii∙ aar tilforenne, the hade jw welet weta sitt arff
epter honom, førra æn the hade giordt them qwit frij ledigh och løssz som thet hade jnne medh sich. Ffor saadana saker skul dømdes optanemde Hermen Lyttings och Henric Straabuks arffuingar
frij for alt eptertal om saadana arff
som the medh sich jnnehafft hade saa
at domen funderades på tenkiebokena.
Comments: On Hans Staffansson
(Johannes Stephani) and his brother
Anders, see 1514 3/7. While being referred to
as broder (‘Friar’) in 1519 26/2, Hans was now entitled her, which suggests that he by now had become a secular priest –
possibly after the dissolution of the convent in Västerås in 1528 Apr-May. ● Fr.
Bernardus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Västerås, is only known from the
instance in 1519 26/2.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, pp. 296-297.
St. Dominicus, Convent of Odense? |
peasant in the diocese of Odense taunts people passing his fields on the day
before St. Dominic’s Day on their way to the city to celebrate the Saint, and
he prohibits his servants from joining them, but then immediately falls ill and
remains bedridden for a year. On the same day the following year, he hears the
worshippers pass his house again, regrets his taunting, and implores St.
Dominic for his forgiveness; the Saint appears before him and he suddenly
recovers from his sickness.
Source: J.A. Flaminius, Beati Dominici Vita.
Language: Latin.
10. Dies idem festus in Dacia in Octoniensi
diæcesi, etiam episcopali edicto celebrabatur. Ob id pridie illius diei
conveniebat ex agris undique in urbem multitudo. Erat tum forte in prædio suo
cum messoribus pater quidam familias, qui tantam cernens multitudinem,
quæsivit, quonam tenderent. Ad beati festum Dominici, responsum est. Derisit cuntes ille, et ait suis: Nemo ex vobis eat; sed mihi et præsenti
quilibet operi vacet. Quæ ubi dixit, invasit illum subita ægritudo, qua totum illum annum
laboravit, ut e lecto non surrexerit. Ubi dies beati Dominici festus rediit, et
multitudinem, sicut priore anno, prætereuntem sensit, recordatus, quod eo die,
quia Sanctum contempserat, in eam ægritudinem incidisset, ab imo traheus
pectore suspiria, et suam accusans impietatem, ait: Sancte Dei magne, cujus
injuriam tam graviter in me ultus est Deus, rogo te, mei miserere, qui factus
ex contemptore supplex opem imploro tuam, et polliceor, me posthac diem hunc
tibi sacrum, nec me solum, sed et totam familiam meam persancte celebraturam ac
veneraturam. Affuit precanti beatus Dominicus, ac statim omnem diu ægroto
morbum depulit.
Dansk oversættelse:
10. Den samme festdag [dvs. Skt. Dominiks dag] blev også i
fejret i Odense stift, Danmark, hvilket biskoppen havde bestemt. Dagen før kom
derfor en mængde mennesker fra landet ind til byen. En bonde, som hændte at
være ude på sine marker med sine tjenestefolk, så en sådan folkemængde og
spurgte hvor de skulle hen. “Til festen for den salige Dominicus
selvfølgelig!”, lød svaret. Han gjorde nar af dem og sagde til sine folk:
“Ingen af jer skal gå med. Jeg holder fest med det arbejde vi har at gøre.” Men
ikke så snart havde han sagt dette, da en pludselig sygdom ramte ham, og den
plagede ham hele det følgende år, så han ikke kunne komme ud af sengen. Da så
festdagen for den hellige Dominicus indtraf igen og han hørte folkemængden
komme forbi på samme måde som året før, erindrede han at dette var dagen, da
han blev syg fordi han havde spottet den hellige mand. Han udstødte derfor et
dybt hjertesuk, erkendte sin mangel på fromhed og sagde: “Du store Guds hellige
mand! Gud har hævnet sig hårdt på mig fordi jeg vanærede dig. Jeg beder dig,
hav barmhjertighed med mig. Jeg, som foragtede dig, bønfalder dig nu om hjælp,
og jeg lover at jeg skal holde denne dag hellig, og ikke kun jeg, men hele min
familie skal fejre den og holde den højt i ære.” Mens han bad, kom den salige
Dominicus til ham, og han som så længe havde været syg, blev straks rask igen.
Comments: There are no names or events in the undated tale that indicates
its age, so it could origin from anytime between the official introduction of
St. Dominic’s Day in the saintly calendar in 1234 to the publication of
Flaminius’ hagiography in 1529. ● There are no telling just how the
north-Italian author and collector, Giovanni Antonio Flaminio, learned about
the Danish miracle, but most likely it has been recorded and transmitted from
the Friars Preachers in Odense, the only Dominican convent within the diocese
of Odense, which included Fyn, Langeland, Lolland and Falster.
Published: Acta Sanctorum : Augusti
vol. I, 653-654. Norwegian translation in Halvorsen,
p. 205.
Convent of Haderslev |
apostate Friar Preacher of the convent in Haderslev becomes a
Lutheran-Evangelical preacher in Kolding, where he goes against the local
convent of Friars Minor.
Source: Chronica expulsionis fratrum minorum Dacie.
Language: Latin.
(…) In dicto vero loco antea multas
sustinuerunt dicti fratres molestias ab hereticis Kollyngensibus et eorum
concionatore, apostata de ordine fratrum predicatorum, de Hareslegia iam olim
fugato etcetera.
Dansk oversættelse
(…) Men på omtalte sted havde nævnte
brødre forud måttet udholde mange ubehageligheder fra kætterne i Kolding og
deres prædikant, en frafalden af prædikebrødrenes orden, som allerede tidligere
var blevet fordrevet fra Haderslev.
Comments: The theological clash between the Dominican apostate and the
Friars Minor in Kolding is not explicitly dated, but it led up to the
Franciscan expulsion from Kolding in September 1529. The Dominican convent in
Haderslev had been dissolved in the beginning of 1527. ● The
apostate Friar Preacher is traditionally identified with the first recorded
Lutheran-Evangelical preacher in Kolding, Niels
Jespersen (Fr. Nicolaus Jasperi),
whose identity is known from his tombstone in the parish church of Kolding: »Turris
fortissima nomen Domini J.H.S. Her ligger begrafvit hederlige oc vellert Mand H.
Niels Jespersøn, Sogne prest, som var den første evangeliske Prediger i Kolding
By, hvilken døde A°. 1559 den 13. Feb. Gud gifve hannem en
glædelig Opstandelse. Memento mori.« [“The name of the Lord is the strongest
tower: Jesus hominum salvator. Here
be buried honourable and learned man Master Niels Jespersen, parish priest, who
was the first Evangelical preacher in Kolding town, who died in the year 1559
on 13 February. May God give him a joyful resurrection. Remember that you shall
die.”] (Achelis 1926, 66). Niels Jespersen was
among the Lutheran members of the ‘convocation’ that made the draft for the
Lutheran-Evangelical church ordinance for Denmark in 1537
2/9. As a Lutheran parish curator, he took a wife by the name of Marine.
Published: Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 1. ser. vol. I, 352.
(Stockholm) |
(Ex-)Convent of Sigtuna |
former prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, is let for his lifetime by
King Gustav Vasa of Sweden with the estate in Slangvik, which used to belong to
the convent in Sigtuna.
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Jtem fik her Anderss fordom prior i Sichtwna vår nadigiste
herre breff på jtt godz benempdt
Slagnewik, att han thet niwta och beholla mågh frit vndan førbenempde Sichtwna
closter, i sin liffz tiidh.
Comments: This particular
entry is not explicitly dated, but it is listed between two other entries on
letters issued at Stockholm Castle on 8 February 1530. ● Anders (Andreas), former prior of the Friars Preachers
in Sigtuna, is not known from any other sources. When the register entitles him
her (´Mr.’) it could suggest that he
was still recognized as a priest, perhaps even a parish priest. ● It is
unclear if a convent of Friars Preachers was still active in Sigtuna at this
time; the last certain instance to prove its existence is from 1527 2/1.
In 1530 13/12*, however, the entire remaining convent in Skara was
transferred to Sigtuna, which would indicate that some Sigtuna friars were
still around by then. ● On Slangvik, see 1376 30/1.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. VII, p. 25.
Gottorp |
Ex-house of Malmö |
King Frederik I of
Denmark-Norway complies with a request from the city council of Malmö for the
magistrate to overtake the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene in Malmö (formerly
belonging to the convent of Friars Preachers in Lund) to turn it into a weapon
storage house (‘bøssehus’).
Source: Original
document. Malmö City Archives.
Language: Danish.
Ffrederich, met guds nade Danmarckis, Wendis oc Gottis koning, vduold konung till Norghe, hertug etc. Wor gunst tilfornn. Wiidher, at som i oss tilscreffuet haffue, ath ij ere begerendis aff oss sancte Marie Magdalene capell vdj ethers bye till et bysse hwss oc ville giøre oss ther fore fullest, etc., tha ere wij ther till fredz met ath ij moo anname same capell oc brugge thet till ethers byes behoff, oc naar vij først komme thiidt indt vdj righet thaa ville vx ythermere worde met ether ther om till ens oc giffue ether vort breff oc forwaring ther paa, (...). Scriffuet paa wort slott Gottruppe løuerdaghen effther sancte Scolastice virginis dag aar etc. MDXXX vnder vort signet.
Nudansk oversættelse:
Frederik, med Guds nåde Danmarks, venders og goters konge, udvalgt konge til Norge, hertug osv. Vor gunst tilforn. Vider, at som I os tilskrevet har, at I er begærendes af os Skt. Maria Magdalene Kapel udi Eders by til et bøssehus og ville gøre os derfor fyldest, osv., da er vi der tilfreds med at I må annamme samme kapel og bruge det til Eders bys behov, og når vi først kommer tid ind udi riget, da ville vi ydermere vorde med Eder derom til ens og give Eder vort brev og forvaring derpå (...). Skrevet på vort slot Gottorp lørdagen efter Skt. Scolasticas dag, år osv. 1530 under vor signet.
Comments: This is the only
extant instance naming the patron saint of the Dominican chapel in Malmö,
which, thus, was the same as for the mother convent in Lund. Although it is not
stated explicitly that it does indeed concern the Dominican chapel, this
becomes clear from later records identifying the weapon storage house as the
former Blackfriars Priory (see 1580-90).
Published: Diplomatarium civitatis Malmogiensis no. 35.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 96.
Gottorp |
Convent of Vejle |
Hvas, royal inspector of King Frederik I of Denmark, is given a receipt from
the royal treasurer for handing over silver, which he has confiscated from
three mendicant convents in Jylland, including 488 lots of silver from the
convent of Friars Preachers in Vejle.
Source: Contemporary
register (Register over alle Lande). The Danish National Archives,
Language: Old Danish.
Jens Huass ffeck quitantze paa nogett sølluff,
som handt aff myn herris befaling annamett haffde aff nogre closter wdi
Iuttlandt, som er først aff Graabrødre closter wdi Randers femhwndrede ellewe
lodth eet qwiintyn sølluff, item aff Grrabrødre closter i Wiborg eet hwndrett
tiwge hallffempthe lodt sølluff, item aff Swortthebrødre closter wdi Weygle
fyrehundrett fyresindztiwge otthe lodt sølluff; oc er swmma paa forne
sølluff eet twsindt, eet hwndrett tiwge ∙iiij∙ lodt, eet
qwiintyn. Cum clausulis consuetis. Datum Gottrop, dominica proxima post Mathie
apostoli, aar etcetera MDXXX.
Comments: On Jens Hvas, se 1529 23/2. It is unclear if the silver from Vejle had
been confiscated with the other valuable items taken by Jens Hvas in 1529 (11/9). ● In medieval Denmark, 1 lot (lod) equaled 14.7 gram. Thus, the
confiscated Dominican silver from Vejle weighed about 7.2 kg.
Published: Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger vol. I, p. 369.
Stockholm |
Ex-convent of Stockholm |
The city
council of Stockholm decides that a new clock is to be installed in Blackfriars
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker.
Language: Old
Sabbatto ante
lætare. (...) dito wardt och belefwadt af hele raadett om en ny seger som
skulle sættias i Swartmunkakloster.
Comments: It is neither known
where in the priory the clock was to be installed, if the new clock was meant
to be replace an old (unknown) existing one, nor why the council would take
such a significant cost upon itself. The convent of Friars Preachers in
Stockholm was formally dissolved in 1528 5/12,
but a group of friars appears to have remained in the priory until 1533 8/10, when it was decided to turn the priory
church into a parish church for the Finnish community of the city. The entire
priory was torn down in 1547, at which time there
was no mentioning of a clock.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 348.
Rome |
Province of Dacia, Convent of Roskilde |
general chapter of the Friars Preachers confirms the decision of the former
chapter to establish four new studia generalia, among them one in the
province of Dacia at the convent in Roskilde, with all the usual rights and
privileges of such schools.
Source: Acta capitulorum
generalium OP.
Language: Latin.
In nomine domini nostri Jesu Christi et beatae
Mariae virginis matris eius et beati patris nostri Dominici, amen. Haec sunt
acta capituli generalis Romae celebrati in conventu sanctae Mariae super
Minervam in festo pentecostes die quinto junii anno Domini ·MDXXX· (…).
(…) Item approbamus studia generalia his conventibus data in praecedenti
capitulo generali de anno millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo quinto videlicet
conventui Cibiniensi provinciae Ungariae, conventui Roschildensi provinciae
Datiae, conventui Barolitano provinciae sancti Thomae, quod transferimus ex
nunc ob desolationem dicti conventus ad conventum Andriae, et conventui
Consentino congregationis Calabriae, cum omnibus gratiis et privilegiis dari
consuetis huiusmodi studiis generalibus (…).
Comments: The decision had been taken at the general chapter in 1525 3/6. ● There were apparently no
participants from the province of Dacia present at this chapter.
Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IX,
p. 229.
(Stockholm) |
(Ex-)Convent of Vyborg |
Gustav Vasa of Sweden lets the farm Normis, which
used to belong to Blackfriars Priory in Vyborg, to Nils Grabbe “for a
convenient time”.
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Fempte dagh pinxdaghe anno 30. (...) Jtem Nils
Grabbe itt breff på Normis gård som tilførende lydde vnder Swartmwncka Closter
i Viborgh, til en behageligh tiidh.
Comments: The location of the
farm Normis has not been identified. ●
The meaning of the stated duration of the tenancy seems to be that it could continue
for an unspecified period of time. ● It
is unclear if a convent of Friars Preachers was still active in Vyborg at this
time (see 1541 12/3).
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. VII, p. 118.
Copenhagen |
Convent of Viborg |
Frederik I of Denmark-Norway confirms the ownership for Lady Anne
Gyldenstjerne, wife of Knight Predbjørn, to a house in Blackfriars Priory in
Viborg, which her father had paid for the construction of.
Source: Register
of King Frederik I. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish and
Fru Anne, hr. Prebiernns ridders husfrue, fik ejendomsbrev på et hus i Sortebrødrekloster i Viiborg, som hendes fader havde bekostet. Cum. claus. consv. Haffnie, domin. post festum divi Olaui regis. Dns. rex per se.
Comments: The
register is not published in its original text, but mainly in a normalized
Danish (here in Italic) with name
forms in the original wording. ● On Lady Anne Gyldenstjerne de Ågård, see
1532. ● On her father Lord Mourids
Gyldenstjerne de Ågård, see 1474 19/9. ●
The house may have been fully intended for the use of the friars themselves,
perhaps as a payment for the burials of Lord Mourids and his wife, Lady
Margareta Bielke, within the priory church (see 1503-04
and 1507). Another possibility is that it was to
function as a guest house for Lord Mourids and his family, whenever they were
visiting Viborg from their rural demesne Ågård in Hanherred. ● The
confirmation suggests that by this time the convent of Friars Preachers in
Viborg had been dissolved; on the Reformation in Viborg, see 1529 23/2.
Published: Kong Frederik I’s Registranter, p. 265 (mainly in normalized Danish).
Stockholm |
Ex-convent of Stockholm |
secular and regular clergy in Stockholm are summoned before the city council,
where they are instructed that all masses to be celebrated in the city
henceforth are to be given in Swedish only, while Latin masses are prohibited.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker.
Language: Old
Bartholomaei tidh. Wart belefwadt af hele
raadett att ingen latinisk messa skulle haalass hær i staden, derføre alla
præster och munkar wore kallade paa raadstufwun och dhem førbudett att messa
paa annatt spraak æn swenska.
Comments: The convent of
Friars Preachers in Stockholm was formally dissolved in 1528
5/12, but it appears as if a group of friars had been allowed to stay
in the friary until 1533 8/10; if so, the
remaining Friars Preachers are likely to have been among the clergy summoned by
the city council.
Published: Stockholms stads tänkebok 1524-29, p. 349.
(Turku) |
Convent of Turku |
King Gustav
Vasa of Sweden lets a farm in Turku, situated opposite Blackfriars Priory, to
the household manager at Turku Castle.
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Die Egidii. (...) Jtem vnte war nadigiste herre redheswennen på Abo ena
tompt i Abo stad i hans liffstijd then han wppa bycht haffwer liggendis twert
offuer cløstrid.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. VII, p. 166.
Stockholm |
Convents of Sigtuna and Skara |
Gustav Vasa of Sweden has been informed by Master Sven, the bishop elect of
Skara, that Fr. Sverkerus of the Friars Preachers illegally has entered the
kingdom and been secretly kept at the priory in Skara. The king now informs the
bishop elect of his disappointment with the Friars Preachers in Skara, who have
hereby crossed him ungratefuly, after he has allowed them much more freedom for
their terminario than what the Västerås Recess prescribed. Therefore, the
regulations of the recess are henceforth to be followed closely, including that
all fratres terminarii are to
report to the bishop elect whenever they leave and return to the priory, and if
they present any royal letters of special privileges in this respect, such
letters shall be confiscated. The king will also instruct his justiciary,
bailiffs and other royal officials in the region that any friar apprehended
without proper written episcopal permission shall be arrested. Furthermore, if
the bishop elect and his advisors among the lay authority sense that it would
be possible to dissolve the Dominican convent in Skara alltogether without
causing too many protests, the king would look upon this most favourably; if
so, the remaining friars should be send to the convent in Sigtuna, just as it
has already been done with (Carmelite) friars from Örebro. The prior of the
convent in Skara, who had been summoned, along with Fr. Sverkerus, before the
king in Stockholm, will remain there for a while, leaving the bishop elect more
freedom to act as he will with the convent.
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Aff Stocholm tempore Lucie. Til Mester Swen j
Skara. Wår etcetera. Som i scriffue
her electe vm brodher Swercker, ath han kom til Skara och fordoldis ther j
clostrit til så longan tijd huilkit wij icke mykit kunne tagha til godho, epter
the munkar wel wiste at landit var honum forbudhit, synes oss at oss ær niøgha
hulheet wedherfaren aff them, for then gunst wij haffue bewijst them och
priuilegerat them øffuer andra med theris vtfarande mera æn som Westerårs
recess medgiffuer, och haffuom endels giort oss førnær j then motton. Så epter
wij icke haffue ther mera tack føre, och forde Westerårs handil wart
på nyth bejakat och besworen i Strengnes aff rikisens rådh adelenom och then
mene man som ther førsamlat war j somars itt åår sedhan, står oss icke til
gørandis lenger lijdha slijk forda munkars vtfarilse emot forda
handel, vtan wilie vm the haffua wårt breff på någhon priuilegium ther vppå atj
eske thet vtåff them igen, och at the skola giffua idher til kenna nær the fara
vth j terminen och nær the koma heem igen, at recessen motte bliffua hollen.
Och scriffue wij nu itt øpit breff til lagmannen och wåra fogtar och embetzmen
ther j landit at huar the finna några aff samma munkar wancka hoss them the
ther icke haffua idhart breff skola the bliffua wid them och fortaga them then
stora frijheet som the her til dags hafft haffua. Huar j och kunne fornimma med
lagmansens och andra godha menz rådh ther j landit ath skee kunde vtan mykit
roop at clostrit ladhes platt ødhe, och munkana som endeliga løsta bliffua j
closter fore til Sictuna epter som the godhemen j Orebro lijkt syntes, ær oss
thet intit emot vtan heller thet gerna see, hær vm rådfråger med the godhemen
och gører sedhan ther vm som idher och them synes rådheligast wara. Priaren som
så fordolde forde brodher Swerkel och kom her vp med honum bliffuer
her vppe på noghon tijd til gørandis at j wette ther epter skicke thet som
skickandis ær i clostrit. Yttermere som j och scriffue vm the prester ther
dødhe ære j Kindh at Søffuerin Kijl befattar sigh med theras godz etcetera, så haffue wij nu giffuit forda
Søffuerin forstå wår wilia ther vm at han her effter skal jntit, befatta sigh
med theris godz som så døø, vtan skal lata wår fogta Anders Benctson betemma
ther med then wij haffue befalet at acta ther vm med idhers godha rådh och
tilhielp, och haffuer forda Søffuerin nu warit her vppe hoss oss och
giort oss rækenskap før thet han haffuer så kentz wid epter samma dødhe
Comments: Fr. Sverkerus of
the Friars Preachers is not known from any other sources. Sverker is predominantly a Swedish name, suggesting that rather than
being a friar of Danish or Norwegian origin, he could have been a Swedish
friar, who for some reason had been expelled from the kingdom by the king. ●
The prior of the Friars Preachers in Skara at this time cannot be identified. ●
This is the last extant instance reporting of an active Dominican convent in
Skara. ● Sven Jakobsson
(†1554) had since the 1510s been a canon at the cathedral chapter of Skara, and
since 1524 chancellor of King Gustav Vasa of Sweden. After Bishop Hans Brask of
Skara had left the kingdom in 1527, the episcopal see had stood vacant, but the
king had Master Sven installed as ‘diocese manager’ in 1529 and as elected bishop since January 1530. He
was officially initiated for the episcopal office in August 1531, which he maintained
until being absolved from office in 1544. Sven Jakobsson appears to have been a
loyal and trusted support of Gustav Vasa, whose religious preferences was a
mixture of Humanism and Lutheranism. ● Apparently, the attitude towards
the Friars Preachers had until now been more lenient in Västergötland than
elsewhere in Sweden. Unknown why or when, King Gustav Vasa had granted the
convent in Skara one of his otherwise rare letters of dispensation regarding
the regulations of the Västerås Recess of 1527, which limited mendicant terminario to ten weeks a year and only
with explicit written permission from the bishop (see 1527 25-27/6). ● The mendicant convent in
Örebro belonged to the Carmelite Order, the only of its kind in medieval
Sweden. Regardless of the difference of orders, it had apparently been decided
by authorities to dissolve the convent and have any remaining friars
compulsorily transferred to the priory in Sigtuna. ● It is unclear if a
convent of Friars Preachers was still active in Sigtuna at this time or if the
priory stood vacant. ● The mentioned instruction for the lay authorities
of Västergötland on the same matter was issued four days later, see below. Here
it was added that the Friars Preachers of Skara had used the royal dispensation
to spread lies and deception to the people, and that the letters should be
confiscated since they were never intended to be valid for ever.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. VII, pp. 211-212.
Berntson 2003, pp. 97-98.
Gustav Vasa of Sweden informs the justiciary, sheriffs and bailiffs of
Västergötland that it is will to put a stop to the wandering monks in their
region, especially those of the convent (of Friars Preachers) in Skara, who
have misused the letters of dispensation that he has granted them in regard to
the Västerås Recess and its limitation to mendicant terminario,
partly by using it to spread lies and deception to the people. Because of this,
the regulations of the recess are henceforth to be followed closely, and should
any friar present a letter of dispensation issued by the king it is to be
confiscated, since it was never his intention to let it apply for ever.
Finally, the lay officials are advised to consult the bishop elect of Skara in
order to learn how the said friars have acted deceitfully, so that they jointly
can decide on how to deal with them.
Source: Register of King Gustav I
of Sweden. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Old
Wij etcetera
helse idher, lagmannen forlæningxmen och fogtar j Westergøtland etcetera. Ær oss forekomet huruledis hoss
idher j then landzendan Westergøtland wancka monga munkar åff huilkom en part
sigh ingen forman eller closter wetta, och somlige endoch the wette sigh
closter och formen j Skara wistas the likwel vtan clostrit lengre æn som
Westerårs recess jnneholler, och skiuta på wårt breff at the ther til wårt
godha loff och minne haffua, j huilkes breffs krafft the gå e huart them løster
och koma mera ont åstad æn got med theris løgn och bedrægerij som dagliga dags
meer och meer spøries. Så ær nu wår wilie atj se til med samma munkar huar
idher i sin stadh atj bliffue wid them, och icke stædhen them then stora
frijheet och wilkor som the her til dags hafft och fast misbrukat haffua, och
ingen åff them later wistas eller terminera vtj idhars forlæningar och fogterij
som skiuta på at the æro hema j Scara, med mindre the haffua then godha manz
electi til Scara breff och bewisning, ath så må wettas vm the følia Westerårs
recess epter eller ey, j frå huilken wij icke trædha kunne, epter han så
almenneliga och endrecteliga aff rikisins rådh adlenom och then meneman haffuer
samtykt och besworen warit. Ther the skiuta på wart breff emot samma recess
måge j them tagha j frå them, epter icke haffuer warit wår mening at the skulle
thet niuta til ewogh tijd, och mest forty at wij æn føgha huldheet aff them
fornummet haffue, huad j ytterligare kunne besinna med forda her
electus vm the forda munckars wesende settie wij thet in til ider
och honum atj ther vm wele rama thet j tron nyttigast kan wara. Her med ider
Gud befalandis aff Stocholm logerdaghen nest for Thome.
Comments: This instruction
was following up on the king’s abovementioned letter to the bishop elect of
Skara, Sven Jakobsson, four days earlier.
Published: Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. VII, pp. 215-216.
(Malmö) |
Province of Dacia |
Dr. Johannes
Nicolai, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, is criticised and
ridiculed by Peder Laurentsen, Evangelical lector in Malmö, for a writ aimed at
the Bishop of Odense, in which the Dominican provincial warns him against the
dangers of Lutheran reform as practised in Malmö and described in a treatise by
Source: Peder Laurentsen’s The artickle Scrifft.
Language: Danish.
(…) Desligest hobe wi oc om then erlige
mand bispen aff Otthenss huess gode sindt oc simpelhedt menniskenss salighedtz
fiende wille gerne forwende oc oprøre emodt Christi lærdom oc sanhed formedel
siin discipell, falske Munck oc vlerde doctor broder Hanss Nielsen,
preuaricatorum prouintialis, huilken i stor wanuittighedt geckerij oc blindhed
haffuer screffuet til forscreffne Erlig mand bispen, Een arm geckelig scrifft
oc falsk wnderuisning oc ynkelig (sculle were modswar) indrørindiss nogett paa
then christelige skick oc reformatz som er giort vdy Malmøø, Huilken och huess
scrifftelige begyndelse then arme mandt inthet forstaar seg paa, ehuor han er
end obenbarlige paa danske screffuen, Huilken sin vforstand han giffuer til
kenne strax først i sin geckelige scrifft oc saa førfølger wd i ende, at wore
børn som noget haffuer hørtt oc lest thennom vndrer then lille oc arme forstand
thenne paweske og køpter rommeske doctor hand haffuer inge wdy siin hellige
cappe, han vil oc wære medt Gudt i siin lønlige domme, wil att the skulle
giffue theriss geckeri oc wanuittihed til kenne, huerken wille the tye (oc ther
emellom meniss aff simpel folk wiise att wære) icke kunne the heller tale thet,
som skelligt oc bestandigt er, Men ther er nu swar rede til hanss geckelige
wfornumstige scrifft, Een daare siger wiismandt maa wnderstunden haffue swar
paa sit daarerij, paa thet han skall icke siuness seg selff wiiss at wære, Thet
skal han oc snarlige faa. Gudt beware then gode herre bisspen fraa slige
hellige (seg selff) wiise gecke.
English translation:
(...) Likewise, we also have hopes for the honest man, the Bishop of
Odense, whose good mind and simplicity are tried turned and revolted against
the learning and truth of Christ by the enemy of human salvation through its
disciple, the false monk and illiterate doctor Hans Nielsen, previcatorum provintialis, who in great
insanity, foolishness and blindness have written the beforementioned honest
man, the bishop, a foolish writ and false teaching and pathetic supposed-to-be
reply concerning something about the Christian practice and reformation, which
is implemented in Malmö, on which and its initial description the poor man has
no understanding, even though it is obviously written in Danish, a
misunderstanding he displays immediately from the beginning of his writ and
then pursues until the end, that [like?] our children, who have heard and read
something that wonders their the small and poor minds, this popish and bought
doctor has none within his holy cloak. He too will be secretly judged by God,
who wishes them to put their foolishness and insanity on display, [thus] will
they neither be silent (and because of this are thought by simple people to be
wise) nor be able to speak about what is good and eternal. But now the answer
is ready to his foolish and senseless writ – a fool, a wise man say, must
occasionally be answered on his foolishness, so that he shall not believe
himself to be wise – this will soon be given to him. God save the good lord
bishop from such holy, (self-)wise fools.
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Nicolai, see 1525 3/6. ●
Peder Laurentsen or Lauridsen
(Petrus Laurentii) (†1552) was a lapsed Carmelite lector from Copenhagen, who
during the 1520s turned from Humanism to Lutheranism, to become lector at the
Evangelical school in Malmö in 1529. He was one of the keenest Danish promoters
of the new belief, which he defended at a diet in Copenhagen in 1530.
Especially around 1530, he wrote a number of polemic treatises in favour of the
Reformation in Malmö (e.g. Malmøbogen,
1529-30) and against its Catholic critics. After the Reformation, he became
canon at the cathedral chapter in Lund and took part in writing the new
Lutheran-Evangelical Church Ordinance for Denmark in 1537
2/9. ● The bishop of Odense at this time was Knud Henriksen Gyldenstjerne (1529-1536, †1560). Whereas he changed
political side several times during the Danish war of succession in 1523-36,
and because of this was rewarded by King Frederik I of Denmark-Norway with the
see of Odense in 1529, he remained religiously loyal to Catholicism as one of
its main theological defenders among Danish prelates till the end. Like all
other bishops of Denmark and Norway, he was imprisoned in 1536, but released
again in 1537. ● The disputed writ of ‘Dr. Hans Nielsen, prevaricatorum
provincialis’ (:“provincial of prevaricators/sinners/apostates”) is not extant,
but from the description, it seems to have been one of several Catholic retorts
to Laurentsen’s Malmøbogen, an
appraisal of Lutheran reform implementation in Malmö written in 1529 and
printed in 1530; the most famous of these being the extant Mod Malmøbogen (1530) by Fr. Paulus Helie OCarm. Apparently, the
retort of the Dominican provincial was especially aimed to warn Bishop Knud
Gyldenstjerne of Odense from allowing similar heretical misdeeds in his
diocese; this too must have been authored in 1529-30.
Published: Malmø-Beretningen,
pp. 11-13.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 88-89.
Convent of Visby |
the Lutheran Reformation of Gotland, churches and monasteries are pillaged and
Source: Cronica Guthilandorum.
Language: Danish.
Aar 1530, kom Erlig oc Velb. Mand Hendrick Rosenkranß til Guthiland, at hafue det aff hans May. i Forleening, udi hans tid er den Reformation skeed med Evang. Men det er at klage, oc icke at lofue, at mand i den reformerede Lerdoms begyndelse-, icke alleniste borttog aff Kircker oc Kloster, med Guld oc Sølff oc andre Klenodier, som brugedis til den Pawelige Religions Affguderj, med Kleder oc andit saadant, men ocsaa slemmelig ødelagde, det som de ingen gafn aff hafde, oc nedtoge skøne Bygninger, saa ocsaa hin herlige bygninger oc Kloster, som nafnkundige Folck oc Slect ere jordede udi, ere nu Heste, Fæ oc Suinehafuer, oc giorde Guds Huus saa megit blotte, bare oc øde, wnøttorftelige opbrende nyttige Bøger oc Brefue, med stor Flid sanckit oc skrefne, ere henkaste, oc Suine ginge oc rodede der udi, nedsloge Tafler oc Billeder.
Published: Cronica
Guthilandorum, pp. 256-257.
Flensburg |
Ex-convent of Vejle |
King Frederik
I of Denmark-Norway donates Blackfriars Priory in Vejle, which the friars have
now left, to the mayor, council and citizens of Vejle for them to use as they
want, except for two hop gardens and a wooden house situated by the same
gardens, along with a brickyard; if the friars have left any items in the
priory, this too shall be handed over to the king. In return, the town shall
build and provide a house at a suitable location within the priory with
adequate halls and chambers, in which the king and queen can be accommodated
whenever they come to Vejle.
Source: Contemporary
register. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Burgimester, raad och menighed
vdi Vedelle ffinge breff paa Suortte brødre claastter vdi theris bye met
gaardtzs rom och haffue rom, som ther tilliger, aennseendis att thet nu stander
øde, och brøderne, szom ther indewaare, haffue thet forladet, szaa att forne
burgere thet haffue, nyde, bruge och behollde mue till theris och menige
byeszenns gaffwenn, nytthe och behouff, dog vndertagenn the two humble gaarde,
som ther tillhører, och thet treehuss, som stander hoess samme humble gaarde,
och ther till met tegellgaardenn. Samledis och huess clenodie och boscaff, i samme claastter ere, wille wi
beholde oss selffuer. Och schulle forne wore vndersaathe,
raadmendt och menige borgere vdi Wedelle vpbyge och ferdig gøre ith gaatt hwss
paa ith bequemt stedt i samme claastter met gode sttwere och kamere, som wii
och hogbornne ffursttinde, woer kere husfrue, kunde haffue woer werelsze
vdindenn, saa tiidt wii tiidt till byenn komenndis worde. Cum inhib. sol. Datum
Fflensborg, septima feria post dominicam inuocauit. Rel. Melchior Rantzszou,
marskalch vdi Holsttenn.
Nutidsdansk oversættelse:
Borgmester, råd og menighed udi Vejle fik brev på Sortebrødre Kloster udi deres by med gårdsrum og haverum, som dertil ligger, anseendes at det nu står øde, og brødrene, som var derinde, har forladt det, så at førnævnte borgere må have, nyde, bruge og beholde det til deres og menige bys gavn, nytte og behov, dog undtagen de to humlegårde, som dertil hører, og det træhus, som står ved samme humlegårde, og dertil med teglgården. Ligeledes, hvis der er klenodier og boskab i samme kloster, vil vi også beholde dem for os selv. Og vore førnævnte undersåtter, rådmænd og menige borgere udi Vejle skal opbygge og færdiggøre et godt hus på et bekvemt sted i dette kloster med gode stuer og kamre, som vi og vor højbårne fyrstinde, vor kære husfrue, kan have vores værelse udi, så tit vi kommer til byen. [...] Givet i Flensborg...
Comments: The hop gardens and
the brickyard were apparently at first given to Mogens Gøye, who seems to have
held them in 1532, but in 1535
20/3 handed them over to the town as well on behalf of the Crown.
Published: Kong Frederik I’s Registranter, p. 279.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), pp. 121-122.
Order of Preachers (convent of Halmstad?) |
Sigurd of the Franciscan convent in Halmstad is given a Dominican sermon
collection by Fr. Guillelmus Peraldus.
Source: Chronica expulsionis fratrum minorum Dacie.
Language: Latin.
(…) Item bona alienata seu recepta de prefato conventu Halmstadensi, restituenda cum tempore promissa, sunt hec sequentia. (…) Item ffrater Zigerus habuit unum magnum pulvinar ad instantiam domini Holgeri, quod ei concessit prefectus civitatis cum protestatione restituendi tempore suo. Item idem ffrater Zigerus habuit postillam Guillerini. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
(…) Ligeledes det gods, som er solgt eller taget fra omtalte
konvent i Halmstad, og som er lovet erstattet med tiden. Dette er følgende:
(…). Ligeledes fik broder Sigurd på foranledning af hr. Holger en stor pude,
som byfogeden tilstod ham mod løfte om til sin tid at tilbagegive den. Ligeledes
fik samme broder Sigurd Guillelmus’ prædikensamling. (…)
Comments: The sermon collection is mentioned in a list from the time of the
dissolution of the Franciscan convent in Halmstad, which began in January 1531.
● Nothing more is known about Fr. Sigurd OFM, who seems to be one of six
friars allowed to stay at the priory for a period after the actual convent
dissolution in January. ● Holger Gregersen Ulfstand (†1542) was an
East-Danish nobleman and the royal chieftain of Halmstad castle since 1530. He
remained a Catholic during the Reformation and tried to protect the mendicants
in Halmstad as much as possible. ● Most likely, the sermon collection is
the widespread Sermones de tempore et de
sanctis by Fr. Guillelmus Peraldus (Guillaume Peyrat) OP. The meaning of
the comment seems to be that it was a book confiscated from the Franciscan
convent by the municipal authorities in January 1531, but now returned to Fr.
Sigurd thanks to Holger Ulfstand. ● The Friars Minor, who arrived in
Halmstad as late as 1494, may have got the sermon collection from their
Dominican colleagues in Halmstad, but they could also have obtained it in
numerous other ways, as this was one of the most popular sermon collections in
late medieval Europe.
Published: Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 1. ser. vol. I, 358-359.
Priory of Västerås |
King Gustav
Vasa of Sweden uses Blackfriars Hall in Västerås as reception hall for people
of Västmanland, who wishes to see him.
Source: Peder Swarts krönike.
Language: Swedish.
På thenne tijdh togh Konungen sigh
före att altijdh handla ganska gunsteligen medh almogen i Vpland, kallandes
till sigh hwar skocken effter annen, och aff hwarie lagsagu. Giorde them gestebodh, och hade mycket för lust
medh them. När nu hans bodh och breff hade warit thär om i Wäsmanneland, Att 10
men i hwardt Häradt skulle skynda sigh till honom, war Joen Scriffuere till och
stembde almogen först till sigh och talade medh them i Westrårs closters
conuente stugu wid thetta grundet. (…)
Comments: The convent of Friars Preachers in Västerås had been dissolved
since 1528 Apr.-May.
Published: Gustaf
I’s krönike af Peder Swart, p. 161.
Convent of Ribe |
Fr. Gedeon
Gedeonis of the Friars Preachers in Ribe inscribes his name as owner of a
printed book version of Peder Låle’s Parabolae.
Source: Petri Laale Parabolae. The Royal
Library, Copenhagen.
Language: Latin.
Frater Gedeon Gedeonis
ordinis predicatorum Ripis.
Dansk oversættelse:
Broder Gideon Gideonsen af Prædikantordenen i Ribe.
Comments: The text is spelled out from the abbreviation fr
gedeon gedeois ord pdi ripis, placed under the section of proverbs
starting with the letter D. ● The
inscription is undated. It may origin from any time between the printing of the
book in 1506 to the dissolution of the Ribe convent in 1531. ● Fr. Gedeon Gedeonis is not
known from other sources. His name may suggest a Dutch or Low German origin,
easily explained in this period with the Ribe convent’s affiliation to the
Dutch Congregation. ● The Parabolae
is a collection of 1,200 Latin proverbs listed alphabetically, about 1,000 of
them with Danish translations. Thus, the collection may have had usage as tool
for sermons in the vernacular.
Published: Östnordiska
och latinska medeltidsordspråk vol. I, p. 6.
Convent of Roskilde |
Fr. Petrus Andreae, prior of the Friars
Preachers in Roskilde, and his entire convent “due to our great need, poverty
and destitution” sell a house and plot in Slagelse to Jens Bosen, parish priest
of Sorterup, for 100 marks to the convent and an annual rent of 3 shillings to
Antvorskov Abbey, with the proviso that the friars may buy back the house
should better times come. The house, which is situated next to the Church of
St. Michael and the town hall, is used by the convent’s frater terminarius posted in Slagelse, and the buyer has
consented for this arrangement to continue.
Source: Transcript. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
Allæ Meen, thenne
Breff seer eller hører lese, helser iegh Brodher Pedher Andersen, Prior i
Swoerthe Brødhre Closter i Roskild, oc menighe Convent i same stedh, ewindeligh
medh Gwdh, oc gøre wii vittherlich for alle med thenne wort opnæ Breff, at wii
medh berodh Hwgh, oc alt menige Conwentz endrechteligh samtykæ oc wiliæ, oc for
wor store Trangh, fatigdom oc armodh, daa haffue wii saaeld oc affhend oc medh
thennem wort opne Breff selliæ oc affhendhe een wor oc Closters Goerd oc Grond
ligginis wdi Slagelsæ Noerden wiidh Sancti Mikels Kirkæ i same steddh oc
westhen nest op til Raadhwsiidh, medh Hues oc Joerdh, bredhe oc Lenghæ, oppæ oc
nedhre, som han nw medh huus oc Gerdhæ begriffwid oc indhengnith er i alle
Maadhe, hederligh Mand Her Jens Boæsøn Soghnepresth i Soerterope, oc som nw
forscriwidh standher, affhendhe oc selliæ wii forscreffnæ Her Jens oc hans
sandnæ Arwingher, dogh saa ath tiissæ efftherscriffne Artiklæ oc pwncther
skullæ wbrødeligh hollitz : Fyrst at sammæ Hederligh Mand Hr. Jens Bosøn skal
strax giffwæ oss tiil godhe redhæ hwndridhæ Danske Mark Peninghæ at hielpe oss
oc Closther medh i wor store Fatigdom ocTrangh : Ther nest at han, oc hvem som
helst ther annamer samme Goerdh oc Grwnd effther hannem, skal giffwe aarligens
Aar tiil Antworskowffs Closter 3. ß. om Julen wd at giffue tiil godhe reedhæ.
Item skal oc samme hederlig Mand hielpe oc trøsthæ medh roo oc Magh woræ
Brødhræ oc serdelis then woer termindz Brodher, som goer i Slagelsæ thermind i
sammæ Gord, effthersom han haffwer oss kerligh loffwiidh oc tiilsawffd, oc som
wor store tro oc loffwe er tiil hannem. Item skeer thet nogent tiidh saa, at
Closther heer effther noghen tiidh kommer tiil segh ighen, saa at thii, som den
tiidh leffwer, kan formuæ at igen køffwe same Gord oc Grundh, tha skal
forneffnde Her Jens eller hans Arwingher, som paa den tiidh samme Gord i were
oc heffd haffuer, tiilstedhe, at thii maa hannem igen tiil køffs faa for
skeligh oc redeligh Penningh effther danne mends tyckæ oc sielsæ paa begghe
sidher, oc effther then Bygningh, som then tiid findis i samme stedh og Gordh. At saa er i Sandhed, som forscriffwid
standher, oc tiil en større oc wddhermere Forwaaringh tha er wort Conventz
indsegle hengt nedhen for thenne wort opnæ Breff. Datum anno ab
incarnato Christo MDXXXII in festo sanctissimæ trinitatis.
English translation:
I, Fr. Petrus
Andreae, prior of Blackfriars Priory in Roskilde, and the convent of the same
place, greed every man, who sees or hears this letter read, eternally with God.
We declare to all with this our open letter that we with necessary thought, and
consent and will of the entire convent, due to our grave need, poverty and
destitution, have sold and handed over, and with this our open letter sell and
hand over, a farm of our priory situated in Slagelse, to the north by the
Church of St. Michael in the same place and to the west next to the town hall,
with house and site, in breadth and length, up and down, as it is now with
house and fence in every way, to the honourable man, Master Jens Bosen, parish
priest of Sorterup, and as written above, we sell and hand over all this to
Master Jens and his true heirs, when all the following conditions are met with:
Firstly, the said honourable man Master Jens Bosen shall pay us 100 marks
Danish right away, to help us and our priory in our grave poverty and need;
secondly, that he or any one else following him, who acquires the farm and
plot, shall annually pay 3 shilling at Christmas to Antvorskov Abbey.
Furthermore, the said honourable man shall help and peacefully comfort our
brethren, especially our frater
terminarius, who walks the terminario
in Slagelse, in the same farm, as he has kindly promised and invited us for, to
which we hold great trust and comfort. Likewise, should it so eventually
happen, that the priory after some time again comes back on its feet, so that
they, who then lives, can afford to repurchase the same farm and site, then
Master Jens or his heirs, who at that time have the farm in their possession,
shall allow it to be sold back for a fair price at honourable men’s evaluation,
with the buildings present at that time. That all this is true and to further
security of its legitimacy, our conventual seal is hung below this our open
letter. Given in the year of Our Lord 1532 at the feast of the Holy Trinity.
Published: Danske Magazin
1. ser. vol. II, 157-158.
(Ribe) |
Convent of Ribe |
Due to
flooding it is possible the catch live fish in the cloister of the Friars
Preachers in Ribe.
Source: Handmade
inscription in printed version version of Jyske Lov.
Language: Latin.
Item anno Domini 1532 altera die omnium
sanctorum erat diluviuna ita quod in ambitu conventus fratrum predicatorum
Rypis ceperint vivos pisces.
Dansk oversættelse:
Endvidere i det Herrens år 1532 på dagen efter Allehelgensdag blev der oversvømmelse, så man i prædikebrødrekonventets korsgang i Ribe kunne fange levende fisk.
Comments: On the inscription
and its author, see 1527 6/1. ● The
priory of the Friars Peachers in Ribe was situated close to the river, with
lowlying meadows to the immediate south of the complex. ● This is the
last, although only implicit evidence of activity for the convent of Friars
Preachers in Ribe. The convent may, however, have continued until 1537 18/1, when the convent at the latest was
positively dissolved, as the priory church was converted into a parish church.
Since the monastic churches in Ribe were allowed to keep one chalice each in 1535 23/2, it suggests that monastic life still existed in the
city by this time.
Published: Nye Samlinger til den danske
vol. III, p. 292.
Ex-convent of Viborg |
King Frederik I of
Denmark-Norway enjoins the mayors of Viborg, Peder Tranne and Jens Stynger, to
have a chair reinstalled in Blackfriars Church in Viborg, which Lady Anne
Gyldenstjerne has had in the church after her mother, but which has now been
thrown into the priory cemetery by town citizens.
Source: Register
of King Frederik I. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
En oben missiue tiill Peder Tranne och Iens Stynger, borgemestere i Wiborg, at frue Anne, her Priitbiørns, haffuer ladit berette for k. Mt., at hindis moder och hun nu epther hinde haffuer en stoel i Sortebrødre closter i Wiborg, och nu nogen aff borgerne ther vthi byen haffue fordrystit thennom tiill at vdkaste same stoell aff kyrken, och laa then paa kerregorden. Thii bether myn herre thennom, at de strags lade samme stoell indsette vthi kyrcken egen paa thet samme stedt, som then stoedt tilforn, [och] ey gøre hinde nogen hinder paa samme sted stoel etcetera.
English translation:
open missive to Peder Tranne and Jens Stynger, mayors of Viborg, that Lady
Anne, Lord Predbjørn’s [wife], has informed his royal majesty that her mother,
and now herself after her, has a chair in Blackfriars Priory in Viborg, and
that some of the citizens in this town have now dared to throw the same chair
out of the church, and for it to lie in the cemetery. Therefore asks my lord of
you that you immediately have the same chair reinstalled in the church at the
very same place as where it stood before, [and] that she is not hindered from
the same chair in any way etc.
Comments: Lady Anne Mouridsdatter
Gyldenstjerne (†1545) was the daughter of Lord Mourids Gyldenstjerne and
Lady Margareta Bielke. As the sole heir after her father (†1503-04), she
acquired a substantial landed estate consisting of about 450 tenant farms, administered
from three manors in Jylland, Sjælland and Skåne, making her one of the
wealthiest noblewomen in the kingdom. Her own residence was at the Jylland
manor house, Ågård (near Fjerritslev), situated c. 70 km north of Viborg. Anne
was first married to Oluf Stigsen Krognos (†1505-06) and then to Predbjørn
Podebusk (†1541); both her husbands were members of the Danish national
council, just like her father. Lady Anne, just like her parents, obviously felt
close connections to the Friars Preachers in general and to the convent in
Viborg in particular. From Anne’s tenant farms in Torup (on Sjælland), 2 pounds
of barley were annually donated to the convent of Friars Preachers in Næstved
(see 1504-37). In 1530 31/7, Lady Anne
received royal confirmation on a house within Blackfriars Priory in Viborg,
which her father had paid for the construction of. Both her parents were buried
in the church of the Friars Preachers in Viborg. ● On Lord Mourids
Gyldenstjerne, see 1474 19/9. ● On Lady Anne’s
mother, Margareta Turesdotter Bielke, see 1507. ●
Both Lady Margareta and Lady Anne appear to have paid for a personal chair
placed somewhere in the church of the Friars Preachers in Viborg, probably for
them to sit in during office, masses and sermons performed by the friars, while
the ladies were visiting Viborg. ● The priory of the Friars Preachers in
Viborg was probably dissolved around 1530. On the Reformation in Viborg, see 1529 23/2.
Published: Kong Frederik I’s Registranter, pp. 476-477.
Ex-convent of Vejle |
Lord Mogens
Gøye owns 3 marks of land in Munkeeng (‘Monks Meadow’) near Vejle, along with
six hop gardens that he has bought from the Friars Preachers in Vejle and which
are kept by burghers in Vejle on the condition that he shall receive half of
the hop grown in them.
Source: Register in Eline Gøyes
Language: Old Danish.
Her Magnus Gøyes kiøbe gods. […] Wdj Tørrildherritt. […] Munck Enng.
Sueyger Sponng i Weyle, 3 marck aff samme eng. Wdi Weylle. ∙vi∙
hummelgaarde, som Weyleborger haffuer oc skulle holde dennem ferdige, oc her
Mogens Gøye skall haffue halff denn hummell, der graar wdj. Kiøfftt aff
Comments: On Mogens Gøye, see
1500 3/8. ● To judge by its name, Munkeeng had formerly belonged
to the Friars Preachers in Vejle, and it is probably to be identified with the
meadow in Uhre, situated to the immediate west of Vejle, that the convent sold
to Mogens Gøye in 1529-30. ● On the hop
gardens, see also 1531 4/3 and 1535
Published: Eline Gøyes Jordebog, pp. 349-350.
Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), pp. 114-115.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
The city
council of Stockholm decides that the floor of Blackfriars Church shall be
repaired and the church henceforth used for the Finnish community in the city.
A Finnish preacher shall give sermons there and have his accommodation in the
priory, wheras the ‘community’ who is there now is to be sent away.
Sources: A. Transcript/reference from Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. B. Index from Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker 1533-1538. Stockholm
City Archives. C. Palmskiöld’s samlinger (vol. 261, p. 281). The Swedish
National Archives, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Stockholms Tänkebok 1533, innehållar: “att Onsdagen efter Brigittæ beslöts, att golfvet i Svartmunka, skulle jämnes, och en Finsk predicaner hållas, som der i Klostret, predika skulle, och hafva sin våning derstädes; och det sällskap der inne var, skulle drifvas der ut.” Häraf torde man väl hafva full anledning att sluta, att detta Dominicaner-Kloster, varit det första stället, der Finnarne, i Stockholm hållit sin Gudstjenst. (…)
Swartmunke cløsters reparation och des Finske predikare angående 18. 26.
Golvet i Svartbrödra skulle jämnas och predikningar hållas.
Comments: The Stockholms stads tänkeböcker for the
period 1533-1538 no longer exists, but they apparently did around 1800, when
Johan Elers included the short reference (A) to the city’s first Finnish church
in his book on Stockholm. His use of quotation marks suggests that the wording
corresponds to the original text, only translated into present-day Swedish of
his time. The existence of at least one entry on the matter in the Tänkebok of
1533 is corroborated by a preserved index from the book (B) and a later
register (C) of its content made by the archivist Elias Palmskiöld (†1719). ●
As the index (B) apparently refers to two different entries (fol. 18 and 26),
the decisions to repair the floor in Blackfriars, to turn it into a Finnish
church, and to drive out its present users may not all have taken place on the
same day. ● From the entry it is not clear just who it was that needed to
be expelled from the priory, but it is customarily believed to be a group of
Friars Preachers, who would then have remained there since the formal
dissolution of the convent in 1528 5/12; the
Tänkebok’s use of the term sällskap
(‘company, community’) could support such an interpretation. ● The
Finnish community of Stockholm probably used the former Dominican church for
their sermons and masses until 1547, when the
church and priory were torn down, and from 1548 the Finns are known to have
used a chapel on Södermalm (Elers 1800, 141-142).
Published: A. Elers (1800), Stockholm vol. 1, p.
141. B. Wrangel (1912), Stockholmiana
vol. I-IV, p. 481. C. De Brun (1924), Holmiana
et alia vol. 5:1, p. 227.
Magdeburg |
Convents of Haderslev and Halberstadt (prov. Saxonia) |
provincial chapter of Saxonia transfers Fr. Hermannus Heyne from the convent in
Haderslev to Halberstadt.
Source: Acta capituli provincialis OP Saxonie.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta capituli provincialis celebrati anno salutis 1534 ipso die Johannis Baptiste sub venerando patre fratre Bonifacio Bodensten, sacre theologie licentiato, divi ordinis predicatorum generali vicario provincie Saxonie, in conventu Magdeburgensi (…).
De emissionibus fratrum. In conventu Halberstadensi assignamus fratrem Hermannum Heyne de conventu Haderslevensi et Thomam Molitoris de conventu Brunswicensi et fratrum Georgium Brakelman de conventu Tremoniensi. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
Dette er akterne for
provincialkapitlet i det salvede år 1534 på Johannes Døberens dag under den
ærværdige fader broder Bonifacius Botenstein, licentiat i den hellige teologi
og provincialvikar for provinsen Saxonia, i konventet i Magdeburg (…).
brødrenes forflyttelser. Til konventet i Halberstadt tilføres broder Herman
Heine fra konventet i Haderslev og broder Thomas Møller fra konventet i
Braunschweig og broder Jürgen Brakelman fra konventet i Dortmund. (…)
Comments: Fr. Hermannus Heyne
is not known from any other sources. ● This is the latest extant record
of any Friar Preacher being assigned to the convent in Haderslev. It is
uncertain if Fr. Hermannus Heyne could have actually been in Haderslev until
this time, since the convent was formally dissolved in 1527
6/1. Three other named friars were, however, allowed by the master
general to leave the convent in Haderslev for other convents as late as 1528 23/4 and 1528 26/4.
● It is not stated why Fr. Hermannum Heyne and the others were assigned
to the convent in Halberstadt. It may have been in order to study at the
convent school, for which Fr. Thomas Arnoldi was appointed lector of theology
at the same provincial chapter (QF 26, 216).
Published: Quellen und Forschungen zur
Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, p. 216.
Convent of Helsingborg |
Bastian von
Jessen arrests Archbishop Torben Bille of Lund in Lund and brings him to
Helsingborg, where the archbishop is imprisoned in the Dominican priory.
Shortly after he is freed by the royal chieftain in Helsingborg, Tyge Krabbe,
and brought from the priory to the castle.
Source: Huitfeldt’s Danmarckis Rigis Krønicke.
Language: Old Danish.
(…) Oc Bastian van Jesse (…) kom
til Lund, der fangede hand Erckebisp Torben Bilde, oc førde hannom met sig, Drog
saa til Landskrone, tog Byen ind. (…) Men effterdi de spurde, at Bastian van
Jesse haffde da nylige tilforn farit ud aff Landskrone, og grebit Mester
Thorben Bilde, Electus til Lund, oc ført hannom til Helsingborg i Klosterit
fangen (dog Herr Tyge Krabbe kom ned aff Slaattit oc tog hannom løs, oc førde
hannom paa Slaattit) Derfaare bleff all den Skaanske Adel forskreckit, oc viste
nu icke huor vijt de skulde forlade sig til Greffuen. (…)
English translation:
(…) And Bastian von Jessen (…) came to Lund, where he caught Archbishop
Torben Bille, and brought him with him, then went to Landskrona and took the
town. (…) But when they [i.e. the Scanian nobility] heard that Bastian von
Jessen recently had come out of Landskrona and taken Master Torben Bille, electus to Lund, and brought him to
Helsingborg imprissoned in the priory (although Mr. Tyge Krabbe came down from
the castle and freed him, and brought him to the castle), the entire Scanian
nobility got frightened and now did not know anymore if they should rely on the
count. (…)
Comments: Bastian
(or Sebastian) von Jessen († 1535), son of Elector Frederick the Wise of
Saxony, was commanding the army of Count Christopher of Oldenburg during the
count’s military campaigns in eastern Denmark 1534-35. An alliance between the
Protestant German forces and the Catholic Scanian nobility had begun to crumble
by the end of 1534. ● Torben
Bille, Scanian noble, was archbishop of Lund 1532-36 and a sworn defender
of the Catholic side during the Reformation. Exactly
why the archbishop was arrested by the Protestant Germans is not clear, but to
the lay nobility it only confirmed a growing concern that something similar was
awaiting them, and shortly after, the Scanian nobles switched side and joined
forces with the Swedes. ● On Tyge Krabbe, see 1510 27/8. ● The Dominican priory was situated
right outside the castle. The tale does not mention the friars, but it must be expected
that the Dominican convent was still present and active in Helsingborg at this
time, when the archbishop was put into custody in their priory, probably with a
few armed guards left behind by Commander Bastian von Jessen, before the German
army continued to Halland to fight the Swedes.
Published: Huitfeldt, Danmarckis Rigis Krønicke vol. I (1595), p. M ij.
Copenhagen |
Convent of Helsingborg |
The priory
of the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg is involved in the Battle of
Helsingborg, as 700 German soldiers under the command of Markus Meyer take
refuge in the priory buildings after being caught in a cross-fire between the
Swedish army and the Germans’ supposed ally at the royal castle, whose guns
then fire at the neighbouring priory for one whole day until the German troops
surrender. The incident is in the following days described in a series of
letters from some of the participants on the losing side to Duke Albrecht of
Source: A.-E.
Original documents. Landeshauptarchiv
Language: German.
(Letter of 17 January 1535 from Jürgen Wullenwever, mayor of Lübeck, to Duke
Dorchluchtige, Hochgeborner forst, g. h.; myne willighe
Dennste vnnd wes ick sust vormach sy J. f. g. altydt bereyth. (…) Her Tüghe Krabbe heft vnns dat
spyll gespelt, De suluige secht em erenn vnnd louenn tho; dar vp vorlathenn se
syck vnnd blyuenn in den flecke, beth de swedenn vnnd Denesschen adel by em
kamenn vnnd fallen se an; Dar schut he wat he kan in vnnsze volck, So dat se
vor denn geschutte vann dem Husze syck nichtz bergenn kondenn, so dath se
mosten wykenn in eynn Kloster hart vor denn slote, dar schoth he ock so tho em
in, dat se ydt ynt ende gheuenn mostenn. De knechte synth meysth gheuanghenn,
by ijC synt dar vann entlopenn; jM ys dar noch woll
gheuanghenn; (…) Datum Copenhaghenn, am Dinxdaghe na Anthonij Anno 35. J. f. g.
williger bormester Jurgen Wullenwefer.
(Letter of 19 January 1535 from Count Johann von Hoya to Duke Albrecht):
Durchleuchter, Hochgeborner Fursth, gnediger
Her, Meyne willige diensthe seyn Ewern gnaden zuuor. Gnediger her, E. f. g.
weisz ichnoch dieszmaels nicht sunderigs zuzuschreiben, dan das hie ym land eyn
vngefal beiegnet denen, szo vnbedacht nach viel preiszes eynzuleggen alzuser
geeilet haben, von den Swedischen, Welchen der Denisch Reichsraedt zusampt den
Eddellewten yn Schone zugefallen, vnd szo die drey venleyn knechte, alse am
Jungsten von Wernemunde abgeschiffet, zu Helschenburg, alse wir von Helmstedt
widderumb gekummen, durch verretrey Tuyge Krabben, der seynem geschwornen eide
nach, dem Graffen gethaen, die knechte fur die Feinde vom Schlosse zu
beschutzen vnd bey ihnen zubleiben bey seyner ehren gelobt vnd geschworn, vnd
doch, alls es zum treffen gekummen, yn vnszern hawffen geschossen vnd allen
schaden zuweg gbracht hat, zum meistenteil niddergelecht haben. ER Marcus
Meiger mith vngeferlich siebenhundert knechten darnach, als die verreterey
befunden vnd verloren gesehn, hat yns Kloster den weg genummen vnd ist darnach
mith denen, szo bey ihm gewesen, Jn nhamen hertzogen Christierns zu holstein pp
fenglich genummen; die andern knechte alle, behalber vngeferlich eyn hundert,
die vber den Sundt gekummen, vnd die szo zerstrewt vnd entwichen, auch ym
ersten schermutzel villeicht kunen gefangen seyn (dar van man noch nicht
weisz), seyn alle erstochen vnd vmgebracht worden. (…) Dat. Kopenhagen, Dingtag
post anthony Anno pp. 35. Johan graff zur hoy vnd Bronkhawsen pp.
(Letter of 20 January 1535 from Peter Weffing to Duke Albrecht):
Gnediger furst vnd Herr, nach erpietung meiner
armen verpflichten Dienste wil e. f. g. zur Newen Zeitung nicht Bergen, Das
szichs begeben, wie Marx Meyer mit den Knechten heruber kommen (…). Die Knechte
meinten, es wehre also; wichen zum Schlosse, wie der Schwede zum vierten kumpt
andringen, wolten die Schweden vnder das Geschütz vom Schlosse führen: Do kumpt
der ehrlosze Vorretter heer, hatt sein geschütz mit hagelgeschosz geladen, schewst
Zweintzig, achtzehn, Sechtzehn Knechte mit einem Schosse wegk vnd machte, das
die Knechte Jr ordnung musten brechen vnd fliehen. Marx Meier kahm mit Sieben
hunderten Jnn das Kloster, hielt es noch einen tag vnd nacht, eher ehr szich
wolt geben; Zur letzt dinget er szich herausz, globten eine gefengknus, damit
Sie das Leben mochten fristen, ist selb ander auf Helschenborch mit Michel
Blick gefangen. Zweyhundert knechte kehmen dauon. Jnn die hundert vnd
Achtzig seint geschlagen, vnd bey Tausent gefangen. Also hat der Blutsverreter
die Knechte auf die fleisch banck geopfert; aber ich hoff es soll Jhnen
bekommen. (…) Datum Copenhagen, Mithwochs nach Antonij Anno p xxxiiiij. E. F. G. vndertheniger Peter
(Letter of 23 January 1535 from Jørgen Kock, mayor of Malmö, to Duke Albrecht):
Durchluchtiger, Hochgeborner
Furst, gnediger Herr. (…)
Jndes schickeden wy badt tho Heren Tugge Krabbe, wat wy vns van ehm vorsehen
scholden van dem Slote? Do gaff Her Tugge vns so vor antworth, Dat he wolde
liff vnd gut by vns vpsetten. Darum bleuen wy liggen de nacht öuer. Des
morgens, do de glock was by acht vren, do quemen de fiende wedder an by der
andern syden des Slotes; So stelden wy vns iegen de fiende, alsz wy thouorn
gedaen, vnd slogen vnsze ordening hart vor dat slote twisken dem Kloster vnd
Kercken, de recht vor dem Slotte liggen. So wy meynden de Fiende anthogripen,
do leth de meyneidige, erlosze vnd gotlosze vorretter, Her Tugge Krabbe, alle
syn geschüt loszgaen recht in vnse ordening; so mosten wy dem geschutte
entlopen vnd nhemen dat Kloster Jn So lange, dat sick de Knechte daraff
dedigeden mit eyner gefengschafft. Öuerst godt halp my, dat ick quam Jn eyn
bodt vnd quam daruan wol mit 2½ C Knechten. Vnd Her Marcus meyer wardt
gefangen, vnd Michel Block, vnd Juncker Peter van gelleren; süs wart nemandes
namhaftigs gefangenn. Dar wart by LX effte LXXX erslagen, Vnd de dar gefangen
worden mochten wesen angeferlich by IX C. De synd gesant vp Jn
Sweden ij Deil; dat derde deil bleff gesant na ysted. (…) Dat. Koppenhagen, den
23 Dag des Monats Januarij Anno Domini MDXXXV. J. F. G. gantz willige Jorgenn Kock.
(Undated and anonymous letter, probably from the period 15-31 January 1535 and probably
from Godeke Engelstede, city councillor of Lübeck, to Duke Albrecht):
(…) Vnd do de vyende an quemen, stack Her thuw
Krappe en venlyn vth thoe lose, wor de vyende de vnsen angrypen zolde, vnde
schot myt macht vth demme slothe manck vnse volck & brack eren orden, zo
dat ze musten wyken Jnt Kloster dar by belegen. Dar schoten ze zo lange tho en
Jnn, dat ze zyck musten geuen; vnde hefft marcks meyer vngeferlick myt VIIc
knechte zo vorraden & ghevengenn. (…)
Comments: The Dominican priory in Helsingborg
was situated right outside the town’s royal castle ‘Kernen’. The tale does not mention the friars, but it must be expected that the
Dominican convent was still present and active in Helsingborg at this time.
King Valdemar IV of Denmark had already in 1361
31/12 supplicated for papal permission to relocate the priory due to the
military danger of its close proximity to the castle. ● The Battle of
Helsingborg took place during the Count’s Feud (1534-36), where German forces
under the leadership of Count Christopher of Oldenburg and the north-German
Hansa tried to liberate and reinstate the deposed and imprisoned King Christian
II of Scandinavia. Although the German alliance was strictly Protestant, the
Catholic Scanian nobility at first swore loyalty to the count, but after the
Germans had arrested Archbishop Torben Bille of Lund during Christmas 1534, and put him into custody at the Dominican
priory in Helsingborg, the Scanian nobles feared that something similar was
awaiting them, and so they switched side and joined forces with the attacking
Swedish army against the Germans. It was during the Swedish-Scanian attack on
the German army in Helsingborg that the latter took position outside the
castle, where the royal chieftain Tyge Krabbe had assured them of his support,
but nevertheless fired the castle canons in their back and so brought the
Germans to a chaotic retreat and defeat. ● Markus Meyer († 1536), German
colonel, commander of the Lübeck forces in Denmark during the Count’s Feud.
After the defeat in Helsingborg, he was imprisoned at Varberg Castle in
Halland, which he managed to take over from his guards. After the final German defeat
in 1536 he was executed by his opponents. ● On Tyge Krabbe, see 1510 27/8. ● Duke Albrecht VII of Mecklenburg (c.1488-1547) was drawn into the Count’s
Feud as a needed ally of Lübeck and Count Christopher, who promised him the
Danish trone and parts of Sweden for his military support. For the otherwise
Protestant German party, however, an alliance to the orthodox Catholic duke was
problematical, and the duke’s involvement probably alienated the Germans even
more from their east-Danish supporters. ● Jürgen Wullenwever
(c.1492-1537), mayor of Lübeck 1533-35, led the north-German Hansa into the
fight for the Danish throne in 1534-36 (‘the Count’s Feud’) in alliance with
Count Christopher of Oldenburg and the city councils of Copenhagen and Malmö,
allegedly on behalf of the deposed and imprisoned King Christian II, but mainly
against Duke Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, the later King Christian III, and
the Danish-Dutch trade connection. He was removed from office in Lübeck in
1535, then arrested and executed in 1537. ● Count Johann von Hoya (†
1535), German noble, was commanding the army of
Duke Albrecht of Mecklenburg in the German federation during the Count’s Feud
in eastern Denmark 1534-35. He did not participate in
the battle of Helsingborg. In a later and decisive battle on Fyn the same year,
the count was taken prisoner by the Danish-Holstein army and executed shortly
after. ● Jørgen Kock († 1556), mayor of Malmö 1523-36 and 1540-56. Leader
of the Protestant bourgeoisie in Denmark during the Reformation, fighting both
the nobility and the archiepiscopal influence in Scania. Architected the odd
alliance between Danish bourgeoisie, the north-German Hansa (led by Lübeck) and
Count Christopher of Oldenburg. The mayors Jørgen Kock and Jürgen Wullenwever
claimed to support the count’s wish to liberate and reinstate King Christian
II, but their actual plan was to strenghten city independence from both king,
nobles and Church. Jørgen Kock led an armed municipal force in alliance with
the different German armies that arrived in Scania in late 1534, fighting
alongside Markus Meyer’s troops against the Swedes and the Scanian nobility at
the battle of Helsingborg. After the defeat, Kock managed to escape by boat to
Copenhagen. Although one of the core leaders of the losing side when the
Count’s Feud ended in 1536, Kock knew how to survive physically as well as
politically and soon regained office in Malmö.
Published: Aktstykker
til Nordens Historie i Grevefeidens Tid vol. 1 nos. 170
(A), 171 (B), 173 (C and E), 175 (D).
1535 12-13/1
The same incident is described in a monastic
chronicle from Germany.
Source: Chronicle
of Kilian Leib.
Language: Latin.
(…) Marcus Meier cum peditibus suis in
Helsingburg perstitit; alii sexcenti cum equitibus iere in Landeskronam.
Nobiles Daciae demum cum Suedis sive Sueciis contra pedites pugnaturi venere ad
Helsingburg et primo quidem congressu fortiter resistentibus peditibus
nobilitatis ac Suecii retro abire coacti sunt. Tukekraba praeerat arci, quae
juxta Helsingburg ipsi castello imminet. His ergo missis nunciis ac nobiles ac
Suecios hortatus est, ut redirent ad pugnam, suam illis operam pollicitus.
Venerunt, et dum pedites ex adverso constitissent in acie, Tukekraba ab arce
machinis, quas bombardas dicimus, illis tam horrifice est adortus, ut deserto
ordine in monasterium, quod in castello est, diverterent. (…)
Comments: Kilian Leib (†1553) was prior at
the Augustinian monastery of Rebdorf in Bavaria, Germany. The chronicle covers
the period 1524-1546. ● Allthough situated
next to and close by the castle, the priory was hardly considered inside the
castle area (“in monasterium, quod in castello est”) as stated by the
Published: Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 4. ser. vol. IV, pp. 409-410.
Haderslev |
Convent of Ribe |
Christian III of Denmark enjoins the bishop of Ribe to hand over all silver items
in the cathedral, except for six chalices, to the royal bailiff at Riberhus
Castle, Claus Sehested. Furthermore, the bishop’s official is to escort the
bailiff around to all parish churches and monastic churches in Ribe, where all
silver items but one chalice per church are to be confiscated as well. The city
magistrate of Ribe is instructed to escort and assist the royal bailiff in this
Source: Register of
letters in the Royal Danish Chancery (Tegnelser fra alle lande). The Danish
National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Item eth breff till biskopenn aff Riipe at hand lader antworde Claues Sestede altt thet sølff ther er vdj Riiperdomkircke vnder tagenn sex kalcke och disse tesligeste, att hand lader syn official gange till the andre sognekircker och kloster ther vdj byenn mett hannom att hand och fanger hues sølff ther er vndertagenn æn kalck etcetera. Item till cappittell ther sammesteds eth breff vdj samme meninge. Item eth breff till kirkewerger till alle sognekircker att the lade Claues Sestede strax følge hues sølff ther er vndtagen æn kalck och disse och at the giøre ther jngen dyll paa etcetera. Item eth breff till borgemester raad och biffoget vdj Riipe att the gange met Claues Sestede och tilhielpe att hand redeligenn fanger samme sølff vdt. Datum Hadersleff feria 2a, post reminiscere anno MDXXXV.
Comments: The bishop of Ribe
at this time was Iver Munk (†1539),
who was appointed for the office by his uncle and predecessor, Hartvig Juel, in
1499-1500. Since 1531, Iver had appointed his own nephew, Oluf Munk, as his
assistant bishop – with royal confirmation, but with protests from the
cathedral chapter. Apart from an objection in 1526 to Duke Christian of
Schleswig’s introduction of Evangelism in some parishes within his diocese,
Bishop Iver is not known to have taken any measures against the reformers, and
although arrested along with all the other bishops in 1536, Iver was soon
released again. ● It is not known when then convent of Friars Preachers
in Ribe was dissolved, but it may have lasted longer than most other Dominican
houses in Jylland. The convent was still active in 1532
2/11 and it was not positively dissolved until 1537
18/1, when the priory church was converted into a parish church. When
the monastic churches were allowed to keep one chalice each it suggests that
monastic life still existed in the city by this time.
Published: Danske Magazin 3. ser. vol. IV, p.
(Holbæk) |
Convent of Holbæk |
Fr. Johannes Petri, prior of the Friars
Preachers in Holbæk, with the consent of his convent makes over their priory with
all its belongings and privileges to the town magistrate of Holbæk for the
town’s benefit and improvement, as a house to shelter poor and sick people.
Source: Original document. Provincial Archives of Zealand, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
Jeg Broder Hans,
prior i Suortte Brødre Kloster i Holbec, kendes mett thette mytt obne Breff,
att jeg, mett menighe Conwenths erlige Radt och Samtøcke, for thend store
armodt och fattigdom, som wij fattige medt er nw paa kome, hauffer nw wndt oc
opladet oc nw mett thette wortt obne Breff wndhe oc oplade Borgemestr Radt og
meghed i holbec wortt Klostr, mit alth Szind rethe tiillægng, wotth oc tiurtth,
intthet ondtagt i Nogend made, Mett alle thee kongelige Breffe oc staffestnigr,
Som wy aff fremforne Konige i Danemark ther opaa Nadelig affnammitt haffuer, oc
besøndrlig meet thee fryhedr, som wy aff stormegtige oc høgborne første,
Greffue Christffr, ther oppa hauffue, at nøtthe, bruge oc beholde tiill theer
Bøes Nøtthe, gawffnd, Bøgning oc forbedring, y huis Made thee kundde, oc holle
itt hwss tiill fattige Siuge folck, ther thee kundde huill wtj thill ytthrmr
forwaring oc bedr Bewestning trøckr ieg mytt indzigell mett Conventets nede paa
thette wortt opne Breff.
English translation:
I, Fr. Hans, prior of Blackfriars Priory in Holbæk, acknowledge with
this my open letter that I, with the conventual ranks’ honest advice and
consent, because of the great destitution and poverty, which we poor men have
been seized by, now have granted and given and now with this our open letter
grant and give the mayor, council and congregation in Holbæk our priory, with
all its rightful belongings, wet and dry, nothing excepted in any way, with all
the royal letters and affirmations upon this, which we have been graciously
given by previous kings of Denmark, and especially with the freedoms upon this
that we have by the mighty and high-born prince, Count Christoffer, to enjoy,
use and keep for the good, benefit, building and improvement of their town, in
which way they could, and keep a house for poor sick people, in where they
could rest. For further insurance and better consolidation I press my seal with
that of the convent beneath this our open letter.
Comments: The letter is undated, but it was most likely
written after Count Christoffer of Oldenburg landed his army on Sjælland 26
June 1534, as it refers to an unpreserved letter of privilege from the count,
and it seems to precede a new letter of transfer issued by prior and convent 24
February 1535. ● Fr. Johannes Petri (Hans Pedersen), prior of the Friars
Preachers in Holbæk, also issued a second letter making over the priory to the
town magistrate in February 1535. ● On differences
in content of the two letters, see 1535.
Published: Archiv for Psychologie vol. VIII,
p. 390; Thomsen, Fra det
gamle Holbæk, p. 57.
Literature: Thomsen 1932, 56-61; Jakobsen 2019
(Reformation), 96-97.
Holbæk |
Convent of Holbæk |
Fr. Johannes Petri, prior of the Friars
Preachers in Holbæk, and the entire convent make over their priory to the town magistrate
of Holbæk to ease the town’s ‘royal burden’ and improve its buildings. This is
only done by the friars with great sorrow and due to need caused by severe
Source: Original document. Provincial Archives of Zealand, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
Alle mendh thet breff see eller høre læsess helsen! Jegh brodher Hans Persen prior i sorthe brødhre kloster i Holbeck, och menighe conventh ther same stædh, ewenelighe meth vor Herre, kungøre wij for alle nerværendes och kome skullendes, att wij effther uor naadigsthe herress, greffwe Christoffers, willie og satycke haffwe wntt och opladett worth forne Holbecs kloster och nu meth thez worth obne breff wnne och opladhe same fornte kloster for bwrgemestere och raadh og menighe almwe og ingbbyggere wthi Holbeck, wor kereste naadighe hress køffstadh til hielp och trøsth, att holle konegligh tynghe wedh lighe mett, och byen til bygnegh och forbæyringh. Thette kenness wij att haffwe giorth icke aff løsth ellr kædhe, men aff stor sorgh och drøfwelse, twangh och nødh och offwrwættess stor fattigdom och armodh, saa att wij enghelwndhe kwnne thet lenghe holle, som maghe madh wetteligth er. Till tess ydmere forwarengh och stadfæstnegh trycke wij wortt conwetz jndtzseijle nedhe for thz wortt obne breff. Geffwett i Holbecks klosther aar effthe Xpi fødzell MDXXXV scti Mathie appli Dagh.
English translation:
All men, who see or hear this letter read: Greetings! I, Fr. Hans
Pedersen, prior of Blackfriars Priory in Holbæk, and the common convent in that
same place, eternally with Our Lord, proclaim for all present and to come that
we, after the will and agreement of our gracious lord, Count Christoffer, have
granted and given our aforementioned Holbæk Priory and now with this our open
letter grant and give same aforementioned priory to mayor and council and
common people and inhabitants in Holbæk, the town of our beloved gracious lord,
to help and comfort, to keep up royal burden, and to keep the town with
buildings and improvement. This we acknowledge to have done not out of pleasure
or delight, but of great sorrow and sadness, compulsion and distress and
overwhelming great poverty and destitution, so that we by no means could hold
on for long, which many men are aware. For further insurance and consolidation,
we press our conventual seal down below this our open letter. Given in Holbæk
Priory, year after the birth of Christ 1535, day of St. Matthew the Apostle.
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Petri (Hans
Pedersen), see 1534-35. ● This is the last instance of a Dominican convent in Holbæk, which was
probably absolved immediately after. Some of the friars may have joined the
convents in Roskilde and Lund, who endured until 1536-37. ● This letter of
transfer succeeds an undated letter given by prior and convent in the period 1534-35, which this one -
without mentioning it - apparently annuls. The main
difference is that a clause in the first letter that the priory should be used
as a hospital for the sick and poor of the town is no longer included. The
second version also stresses the sad and forced conditions under which the
priory buildings are given up by the friars. ●
Both letters were annulled with the accession of King Christian III and the
Lutheran Reformation in 1536, by which all mendicant priories in Denmark were
taken over by the king.
Published: Archiv for Psychologie vol. VIII,
p. 391; Thomsen, Fra det
gamle Holbæk, p. 58.
Literature: Thomsen 1932, 56-61; Jakobsen 2019
(Reformation), 96-97.
Vejle |
Ex-convent of Vejle |
Mogens Gøye on behalf of King Christian III of Denmark hands over two hop gardens
and cabbage gardens, situated on the western side of Vejle, along with a
brickyard, situated to the south of the town, to the citizens of Vejle; all the
property has formerly belonged to Blackfriars Priory.
Source: Contemporary
register in the Royal Danish Chancery (Tegnelser over alle Lande). The
Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Borgere wdi Weylle finge zaadanntt itth breff. Att the for theres
willige och tro tieneste haffuer wor naadte herre wndt och giffuit
thennom och theris efftherkommere till theres by the two humble gorde och
kaalgorde, som ligge westenn wedt Wedelle closter for inden theres byfriidt,
mett thend tegelladenn liggendes sønnden Weylle, som tilforn hørde till forne
swortte brødre closter, att the oc theres efftherkommere mue thed haffue nyde
bruge och beholle for enn frii bysens eyendom till euig tidt. Sum inhibitione.
Datum Wedle mandagen nest epther oculi søndag Aar etcetera MDXXXV.
Dominus Mangnus Gøye miles et magister curie.
Comments: On Mogens Gøye, see
1500 3/8. ● It would appear to be the gardens and brickyard
explicitly exempted from King Frederik’s donation to the town in 1531 4/3, hereby leaving the entire property of the former
convent of Friars Preachers in Vejle to the town municipality.
Published: Danske Magazin 3. ser. vol. V, p. 29.
Copenhagen |
Denmark |
King Christian
III of Denmark removes all the bishops in Denmark for good, partly because of
the episcopal resistance against Evangelic preaching. Whereas all episcopal
property is confiscated by the Crown, monasteries are allowed to continue as
hitherto until their future has been decided, but they are not allowed to sell
or pledge any of their property without royal permission. Monks are allowed to
leave their convents freely, if they so wish, otherwise they are to obey their
conventual superiors, and the Evangelic word of God is to be preached for them
in the monasteries. Only physically disabled and sick people, for whom room
cannot be found at the hospitals, are allowed to beg for alms; for all healthy
people, begging is strictly prohibited in Denmark.
Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Wii Christiann met Gudts Naade vdwoldt Konningh til Danmarck oc Norge, … mett menige Adel oc Ridderskab offuer aldt Danmarckis Riige … fuldmectige aff alle Kiøbsteder oc Herrider offuer allt Danmarckis Riige, som her vdi thenne Herredag vdi Kiøbennhaffn forsamblet ere, giøre alle witterligtt (…). Saa wille wi hermet samptligh, oc hver besønderligen, met betideligh Raadt oc welbetenckt Willie oc Moedt haffve constitueret, ordineret, setth oc besluttet, oc nu met thette wort Breffs Magtt och Krafft constituere, ordinere, sette oc beslutte, att nu hereffther till evige Tiidt thesse samme Biscopper, som saa for theris Mishandlingh, som forthalet er, ere worden affsette, aldrigh skulle igien komme tiill theris biscoppeligh Regementte (…). Och efftherthii att Bispernne, som herudi Riiget ere, tiill thenne Dag haffue emodstandet Gudtz Ordt och Euangelium, och forhindrett thett, att thett icke er wordett predicket clarligen for thend menige Almue (…); tha skulle alle Bickops Stictis Godtz, Slotte, Gaarde, Huse och Jordegodtz, som Bispernne nu haffue haffdt wdi Handt oc Were, hereffther tiill euig Tiidt were och bliffue met alt theris Rentthe och Tilleggelse lagde wnder Kronen, oc tiill Konngens Opholdelsse, oc tiill menige Riigens beste. (…) Och skulle alle Clostere, Prælature, Digniteter, Cannickedomme och andre geystlige Leenn, som nu icke beneffndt ære, wiidt theris Magt bliffue, till saa lenge att Konningen oc Danmarckis Riiges Raadt therom met flere wiise Mendt och lærde, som the tiill thennom thagendis worder, en anden Skickelse giøre (…) Och skal thet were Munckene friidt och obent fore att wdtgaa aff Closternne, huilcke som ther icke wille indebliiffue; och the, som therinde bliffue wille, the skulle were theris Formendt, Abbetther, Prierer eller Prouester ther i Closterne hørige och lydige fore, och føre ett gott, erligt och christeligt Closter Leffnit, eller gange wdt aff Closterett. Och skall thennom predickes Gudtz Ord fore, som i Closternne bliffue. Och skulle the hereffther icke haffue fuld Magdt, wden Konningens och Riigens Raadts Ja, Willie, Fuldbørdt oc Sambtøcke, att affhende, sellie eller pantsette noget aff Closters Jordegodtz oc Eygendom wdi nogenn Maade. (…) Oc hwes flere arme siuge Folck ther ere, end ther kand indleggis wdi Hospitalerne, thi mue bedle Gudtz Almiisse, effthersom Sedwanne veret haffuer. Oc theroffuer skall intet karsch eller førdt Mendiske, som icke er bekrencket met nogen Gudtz Plage eller Siugdom, tilstedes at trygle eller bedle Gudtz Almisse her wdi Riiget wnder theris Liifs Straff. (…) Giffuit oc schreffuit paa Kiøbenhaffnns Slott, Mandagen nest effter Sanctorum Simonis et Jude Apostolorum Dagh, Aar etcetera thusinde fem hundrett treduge paa thett siette.
Comments: This document, called The
First Copenhagen Reces of Christian III, was the initial royal provision
regarding churchly matters given by King Christian III after gaining supremacy
of the entire kingdom – given the very same day as his coronation charter - and
thus the first official legislation on the way to the abolition of the Catholic
Church in Denmark. On the further way to a Lutheran-Evangelical church
ordinance for Denmark, see 1536 11/11.
Published: Danske
Kirkelove vol. I no. 2.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 97.
Province of Dacia |
Christian III of Denmark, after advice from his national council, enjoins Dr.
Johannes Nicolai, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, along with
twenty-eight other learned clergy from the kingdom to meet at a general church
council or ‘convocation’ to be held in Odense on 6 January 1537 with the task
of writing a new Lutheran-Evangelical church ordinance for Denmark.
Sources: A. Register of Scanian
Letters. B. Register. The Danish National Archives,
Language: A. Swedish. B. Danish.
Konung Christians påbud och befallningsskrifft effter des Rijkes Rådz Rådh i Danmarck att låta pålysa ett Generale Concilium utthi Odense, att lärde Mänd ofver alt Rijket skulle sammenkomma till att anstella een godh reformation och forandring på dhe ochristlige Ceremonierna och Missbruk, som höltz i gamble konungers Tijd i dhen helige Kyrkna och annorstedes, datum Sancti Martini Episcopi Dag 1536.
Thesse efftherscreffne ere thee som ere forscreffne at
schulle komme tiill thenndt conuocatzs, som stande schall vdi Othense ad festum
epiphanie, furst: Vdi Schaane. Lector
Peder Lauritzßenn, Lector Frantzs och mester Oluff Chrysostomus. Aff Malmøø.
Lector Anders vtaff Lanndtzskronne, Her Oluff aff Hellsingborgi. Vdi Sielanndt.
Mestter Hanss Thausßenn och mestter Jyrgenn aff Køpnehaffnn. Her Seuerin
aff Kiøge. Her Melchior aff Kallingburgi. Vdi Juthlanndt. Mestter Mortenn aff
Aalleborgi. Her Per Thomesßenn aff Salling. Mestter Jacob aff Wiiborgi. Her
Pouell aff Riipe. Mester Niels aff Aarhuss och sammeledes mestter Tarchiilldt.
Her Peder Storm aff Haarsßenns. Her Mattz aff Randders. Her Niels aff
Kolldding. Vdi Fyenn. Her Christiernn Skraach aff Suinburgi. Roschiildt.
Mestter Christopher. Mestter Claues Hammer. Lundt. Mestter Loder Juersßenn.
Aarhuss. Messter Jyrgenn Sampßing cantor. Mestter Annders Gladt. Riipe. Mestter
Jennss Christiernnssen. Mestter Seuerin Nebb. Wiiborgi. Mestter Niels Friiss
cantor. Mestter Annders Skouffgaardt erchedegenn. Doctor Hannss prouincialis offuer allde
Comments: On Dr. Johannes Nicolai, see 1525 3/6.
● After his victory was secured with the conquest of Copenhagen in August
1536, King Christian III of Denmark took the first step for a Protestant Reformation
in Denmark with the Copenhagen Reces
of 1536 30/10 and a request for assistance from
Wittenberg to write a Lutheran-Evangelical church ordinance for the kingdom.
The ‘convocation’ was called while he still awaited a response from Martin
Luther, who eventually sent Johannes Bugenhagen to Denmark in 1537. The invited
participants of the council were nineteen Lutheran preachers, nine Catholic
cathedral canons and the Dominican prior provincial; thus, Dr. Johannes Nicolai
OP was the only invited representative of the (still Catholic) regular clergy
in Denmark. ● The other invited participants were: Lector Peder
Laurentsen (Malmö, see 1530), Lector Frans Vormordsen
(Malmö), Master Oluf Chrysostomus (Malmö), Anders (preacher in Landskrona),
Oluf (preacher in Helsingborg), Master Hans Tausen (Copenhagen, see 1529 23/2), Master Jørgen Jensen Sadolin (Copenhagen,
see 1529 23/2), Søren (preacher in Køge),
Melchior (preacher in Kalundborg), Master Morten (Aalborg), Peder Thomesen
(preacher on Salling), Master Jakob (Viborg), Poul (preacher in Ribe), Master
Niels (Århus), Master Torkild (Århus), Peder Storm (preacher in Horsens), Mads
(preacher in Randers), Niels Jespersen (preacher in Kolding, see 1526-29), Christen Skrok (preacher in Svendborg),
Master Peder Iversen (canon in Lund), Master Christoffer (canon in Roskilde),
Master Claus Hammer (canon in Roskilde), Master Jørgen Samsing (cantor in
Århus), Master Anders Glad (canon in Århus), Master Jens Christiansen (canon in
Ribe), Master Severin Nebb (canon in Ribe), Master Niels Friis (cantor in
Viborg) and Master Anders Skovgaard (archdeacon in Viborg) (Lausten 1989,
14-15). ● The planned council in
Odense was apparently replaced by another held in Haderslev later in January
(see 1537 2/9), and while the draft ordinance
to come from this meeting was signed by the Catholic canons secular – although
according to a later statement (see 1537 6/2) against their free will –
the Dominican prior provincial had apparently declined to take part (although he has
erroneously been identified with the Johannes Albertes, who did sign (Helvig in
KS 1 II, 588; dismissed by Engelstoft 1860-62, 29 note 3)). Whereas his
Catholic confreres of the Danish cathedral clergy allegedly were enforced to
sign, Dr. Johannes Nicolai may have been allowed not to since the ordinance
effectively prohibited the existence of his order (Engelstoft 1860-62, 378).
Published: A. Danske Kirkelove vol. I no. 5 (p. 9). B. Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 1. ser. vol. II, pp. 587-588; Danske
3. ser. vol. VI, p. 76.
Engelstoft 1860-62, 27-32; Lausten 1989, 9-18; Jakobsen 2019
(Reformation), 97.
Gottorp |
Ex-convent of Ribe |
Christian III of Denmark-Norway complies with a supplication from the town
council and Evangelical preachers of Ribe regarding a new parish structure,
which involves the dissolution of all existing parish churches but Our Lady,
and the conversion of Blackfriars Church into a second parish church; material
from the dissolved churches shall be used for their improvements.
Source: Transcript in Terpager’s
Ripæ Cimbricæ.
Language: Old Danish.
Christian med Guds naade udvaldt konge til Danmark och Norge etcetera. Vor gunst tilforn. Wiider at som I nu med etthers predicante haffuer skrifftligen giffuet os nogle artichle tiil kiende, som er først, at wi ville beramme etthers gaffn och bistandt til etthers siell och salighed som wi ville unde och tilstede etther at motte deele etthers bye udj to sogner then ene part til Wor Frue kircke och then anden part til Suorthe Brødre kirercke, og at I motte haffue de andre sogne-kiercker, som øde legges skulle tiil hielp at forbedre thend anden metth. Tisligeste, at the bønder som ligge och boe udi Gram sogne-kiercke motte ligges tiil sogne-kierckene udj byen. Skreffuet paa wortt slott Gottrup, torsdagen nest epter sancti Anthonii dag aar MDXXXVII under wortt zignett.
Comments: The donation of Blackfriars
Church to the magistrate of Ribe was confirmed by King Christian III, when he
personally visited the town in 1537 14/3.
Published: Terpager, Ripæ
p. 395.
Ribe |
Ex-convent of Ribe |
Laurids and Jørgen Juul, mayors of Ribe, declare that when King Christian III
of Denmark-Norway came to Ribe for the first time, they humbly asked him for
Blackfriars Church as one of two parish churches henceforth, along with all its
rent-giving possessions, urban and rural, to which all the king complied.
Source: Transcript in Terpager’s
Ripæ Cimbricæ.
Language: Old Danish.
Vi efterskrevne Lang Lavrids oc Jørgen Juul, borgemestere i Ribe, giøre alle vitterligt med dette vort obne brev at den første tiid kongl. maytt. var kommer hid til Ribe, da var hans naade til sinds, oc ville skikket, saa som skeet er, at hans naade ville ikke have flere sogne kirker her i byen, meere end to, og lagde de andre 4 øde, som vare: Graff sogn, S. Nicolaus sogn, S. Hans oc S. Peders sogn. Der vi det fornumme, ginge vi for hans naade, og bade hans nade ydmygeligen om, at hans nade ville unde os Sorte-Brødre til en sogne kirke, oc unde oc give der til, hwis gods, agre oc enge, huuse oc ejendomme, som hørte til forne kirke, hvor som helst det kunde findes, enten her i byen eller paa landsbyerne; hvilket hans naade haver oc saa naadeligen tilsted, undt oc givet til forne Sorte-Brødre kirke, hvor som helst sligt gods eller ejendom findes, være sig her i byen eller uden byen, i hvad som helst det er, intet undertaget, paa hvilket vi hans naades domb oc brev have. Oc er dette udskrevet af samme hans naades domb, som vi ville staa ved ende at svare til for kongl. maytt., at saa er i sandhed. Til ydermeere vidnisbyrd lade vi trykke vores signeter neden paa dette vort obne brev. Givet i Ribe søndagen næst efter vincula petri, aar efter Guds byrd 1542.
Comments: The king’s first
visit to Ribe can from other sources be dated to 1537 14/3. ● Before his
arrival, King Christian had already complied to a supplication for the former
priory church in 1537 18/1.
Published: Terpager, Ripæ
Viborg |
Convents of Bergen and Nidaros |
Christian III of Denmark-Norway enjoins Sheriff Esge Bille of Bergenhus to
collect all the gilded copper that he can obtain from monasteries and churches within
his province and send it to Denmark as soon as possible; the confiscations are,
however, only to take place in agreement with the appointed wardens of the said
ecclesiastical institutions.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Oss elskelige Eske Bilde ridder wor tro mandt raadtt och embitzmanndt paa vortt slott Bergenhuss.
Christiann mett Guds naade vdtuoldtt koning tiill Danmarch och Norge etcetera, wor sønnerlige gunst tiilforne. Kere Eske vij bede eder kerligen atj alle wegne wille were vdhe om atj ther aff closter eller kyrcker kunde flye oss nogett forgyllte kobber e[n]then thet er taffwle bylleder kerter eller andet kobber som forgylt er, och thet sende oss neder mett thet første budtt eder hidt neder till oss stedes kandtt. Dog atj liguell haffuer thet vdj theres mynde som samme closter och kyrcker vdj were och forleninge haffue. Ther mett giør i oss sønnerligen tiill wilge och forskyldet mett eder egen gerne. Och j wille scriffue oss ther hoss huor møget aff samme kobber som i oss tiilskicke. Befallendes ether Gudt. Scriffuit vdj wor kiøpstedtt Wiiborg fredagen nest epther jubilate søndag aar etcetera MDXXXVII vnder vort signet.
Comments: At this point, Esge
Bille governed on behalf King Christian III in the Norwegian provinces north of
the mountains (Nordenfjells), which
in terms of the Friars Preachers included the convents in Bergen and Nidaros. ●
King Christian III of Denmark-Norway confiscated large amounts of
ecclesiastical valuables in order to pay the troops that had enabled him to win
the throne of Denmark and Norway.
Published: Diplomatarium
Norvegicum vol. I no. 1087.
Convents in Denmark |
Christian III of Denmark-Norway issues a Lutheran-Evangelical church ordinance
for Denmark and the duchy of Schleswig-Holstein, in which mendicant friars are
prohibited altogether from staying in these countries, let alone to beg, preach
or hear confession. Only the old and physically fragile among the brethren, who
cannot uphold any ecclesiastical office, are allowed to remain and to be fed in
the friaries “for God’s sake”, but only if they take off their cloak and
monastic habit and do not blaspheme the Evangelical Gospels.
Source: Den
Danske Kirkeordinans, 1537.
Language: Latin.
Ordinatio ecclesiastica regnorum Daniæ et Norwegiæ et ducatuum Sleswicensis Holtsatiæ etcetera anno Domini MDXXXVII. Christianus Dei gratia Danie, Norwegiae, Slauorum Gottorumque rex, Sleswicensis, Holtsatiae, Stormariae, et Ditmariae dux, in Oldenborch et Delmenhorst comes; regnis nostris et ducatibus salutem. Postquam dominus Deus nobis avitum paternumque regnum tradidit, sopitis bellorum tumultibus, nihil prius in votis erat quam collapsam Christi doctrinam et religionem instaurare, quemadmodum et jamdudum pro nostris terris cupieramus, donec voti compotes facti sumus. Sit Christo gratia. Convocatis igitur doctoribus et praedicatoribus ecclesiarum ex Daniae regno et ducatibus nostris mandavimus ut ordinationem aliquam sacram nobis conscriberent, de qua consultaremus. Hanc acceptam mismus ad reverendum patrem doctorem Martinum Lutherum, per quem Dei clementia hisce novissimis temporibus nobis restituit sacri evangelii Christi synceritatem. Is cum aliis qui Wittenbergae sunt theologis eam approbavit. (…) [93]
De ceremoniis, quae sunt. (…) Ritus instituendi ministros. (...) Monachi mendicantes posthac in regnis nostris non sustineantur, non mendicent, non praedicent, aut confessiones audiant etcetera; sed maneant in monasterio qui seniores et aegroti sunt nec ullis officiis apti, ibi alentur propter Deum, ita tamen ut cucullam et cappam exuant et evangelium non blasphement. (...) [114]
De monachis non mendicantibus. Monachis qui veritatem Dei intelligunt, sit sua libertas per evangelium libera in conscientia. Si reverenter et honeste petierint a superiori suo manumissionem, non ultra volentes manere illic propter conscientiam et timorem Dei, cupientesque secundum Deum aluid genus vitae, non hoc eis negetur, immo convenit ut miseri accepta veste et viatico et pecunia aliqua in eleemosynam, dimittantur. Si superior recusaverit, de hoc coram nobis respondere debet. Faciliori sumptu cum larga eleemosyna dimittitur monachus quam perpetuo invitus contra conscientiam in monasterio aleretur. Certe nos quorundam impuri coelibatus nolumus esse participes. Qui autem monachi in monasterio esse volverint, quam diu illic manserint, suo superiori subjecti sint et obediant, ad agendum quae decent sanctos, ad honeste vivendum. Non exeant aut discurrant quocunque volverint sine mandato superioris. Audiant et discant sacras lectiones et praedicationes, legant sacra, ut forte quidam possint postea fieri pastores ecclesiarum. Ideo singula talia monasteri habeant doctum virum qui legat sacram scripturam, doceat catechismum, praedicit etcetera. Pro hoc suo sancto labore honestum recipiat salarium et victum. Canant vero et festo die coenam domini nostri Jesu Christi celebrent, quemadmodum diximus de canonicis. [139]
monialibus sive nonnis. Nonnae sive moniales, si propter conscientiam hoc vitae
genus mutatum volverint, liceat eis, sed honeste juvantibus aut conscientiae
amicis hoc sodalitium deserere. Ut enim nullius conscientiae dominari debemus,
ita alieni delicti participes esse nolumus. Bene scimus illud otium et delicias
et plusquam carnalem libertatem et securitatem, qui cultus Dei male vocatur,
non esse Dei institutum. Quibus autem placet in monasterio manere, quam diu
manserint, obediant superiori suae sive priorissae, non excurrant, honeste
vivant, cum viris non conversentur, aliquid operis agant, legant, invocent
patrem in nomine Christi, audiant sacras lectiones catechismi et praedicationes,
discant rectam rationem verae in Christum fidei. Si autem priorissa quae non
decent eis permiserit aut ipsa fecerit deponatur officio, et alia melior eis
praeficiatur. In singulis talibus monasteriis praeficiatur aliquis doctus et
modestus praedicator, qui habeat uxorem honestam cum honesta familiola, qui
legat coram eis, praedicet etcetera.
Ei detur honestum salarium et victus. Canant et celebrent coenam domini ut de
canonicis dictum est, nisi commodius duxerit praedicator quaedam et pauciora
cantanda Danice potius quam latine, ut erudiantur per verbum Dei dum
intelligunt quae canunt et legunt. (…) [139-140]
Subscribentes huic ordinationi: Ego Andreas Schowgordt, salvo jure cuiuscunque Deum timentis, subscribo et accepto praedictos articulos, nomine capituli Wyborgensis, donec aliquid melius in laudem et honorem Dei concilium generale definiverit atque constiterit, teste manu propria; ego Nicolaus Friis, cantor Wyborgensis, subscribo nomine totius capituli manu propria; ego Georgius Samsingius nomine totius capituli Arhusiensis subscribo; ego Johannes Olavi canonicus Arhusiensis nomine eiusdem capituli propria manu subscribo; ego Petrus Jairi canonicus Lundensis nomine totius capituli subscribo; ego Benedictus Arnidus canonicus Lundensis nomine totius capituli subscribo; et ego Christophorus Ransberg canonicus Roskildensis nomine totius capituli Roskildensis subscribo; et ego Nicolaus Hamer canonicus Roskildensis nomine totius capituli Roskildensis subscribo; et ego Severinus Olavi canonicus Ripensis nomine totius capituli Ripensis subscribo; et ego Johannis Christiani canonicus Ripensis nomine totius capituli Ripensis subscribo; et ego Petrus Laurentii lector Malmogensis subscribo; et ego Johannes Tausszen ecclesiastes Haffniensis subscribo; et ego Franciscus Wormordi ecclesiastes Malmogensis subscribo; et ego Olavus Chrisostomus, politiores litteraturae Malmogie professor subscribo; et Jacobus Schening concionator Wibergensis subscribo; et ego Petrus Thome clericus Wibergensis diocesis, parochus ecclesiae Tornensis subscribo; et ego Georgius Wiberganus, Haffniensis ecclesiastes subscribo; et ego Martinus Hegelundt ecclesiastes Olborgensis subscribo; et ego Andreas Lyngius Lanskronensis ecclesiastes subscribo; et ego Nicolaus Jacobi Arhusiensis ecclesiastes subscribo; et ego Torchillus Abelgard praedicator Arhusiensis subscribo; ego Paulus Petri ecclesiastes Ripensis subscribo; et ego Christiernus Skrock praedicator Suinborgensis subscribo; et ego Melchior Johannis ecclesiastes Kalinborgensis subscribo; ego Erasmus Vordin concionator Foborgensis subscribo; et ego Petrus Storm praedicator Horsnensis subcribo; et ego Severinus Magni praedicator Kiøgensis subscribo; et ego Matthias Langus ecclesiastes Randrensis subscribo; et ego Nicolaus Jasperi ecclesiastes Kolingensis subscribo; et ego Johannes Albertes subcribo; et ego Johannes Slavus lector Haderslevianus subscribo; ego Anthonius Keyser pastor Haderslevianus subscribo; ego Reinoldus Westerholt pastor Slesswigensis subscribo; et ego Hermanus Tast ecclesiae Husumensis pastor subscribo; ego Gerhardus Slewerth ecclesiae Flensburgensis ad divum Nicolaum subcribo; ego Georgius Winther concionator Haderslevianus subscribo. [144-149]
Ex officina literaria Joananis Vinitoris Stutgardiani in novo claustrali vico Haffnie die Lucie virginis 1537.
Dansk oversættelse:
(se nedenfor: 1539 14/6)
Comments: The Church
Ordinance is apparently signed by the 36 clergy of the ‘convocation’ appointed
by King Christian III to draw it up; rather than the actual Church Ordinance
(which was edited by Johannes Bugenhagen (see 1537 2/9 b)
and perhaps Peder Palladius in the summer of 1537) the signatures rather refer
to the preceding draft version (see below) – for which, however, the signature
part is missing. The ‘convocation’, or ordinance committee, consisted of ten
canons secular, of whom several was still convinced Catholics and strongly
opposed to Lutheran Evangelism; according to a complaint of 1537 6/2,
the canons had felt forced to sign. The remainder of the committee consisted of
Lutheran reformers, among them several of the leading figures of the Danish
Reformation (i.e. Hans Tausen, Peder Laurentsen, Frans Vormordsen and Jørgen
Sadolin). It can be noted that the Lutheran party counted nine lapsed regular
clergy: Three former Carmelite friars (Peder Laurentsen (see 1530),
Frans Vormordsen and Anders Jensen), one Franciscan (Melchior Jensen), one
Augustinian (Reinhold Westerholt, see 1528 14/9),
one Premonstratensian (Peder Thomesen), and – most famously – one former
Hospitaller of St. John (Hans Tausen). From the Dominican Order in Denmark, two
Friars Preachers had turned Protestant during the Reformation and represented
the Lutheran side in the ordinance committee: Fr. Nicolaus Jasperi (1526-29) and Fr. Gerhardus Slewert (1517 8/9). On yet another Dominican appointed for the
convocation, Dr. Johannes Nicolai, see below. ● It is noteworthy that
friars of the mendicant orders received a far stricter treatment than monks and
canons regular of all other orders. Not only were their orders prohibited from
continued existence in the kingdom henceforth, the old friars allowed to stay
behind could not keep their mendicant habit, contrary to monks and canons of
the old orders. In practice, the implementation of the prohibition was even
harsher than prescribed, since there is no evidence of any old friars being
allowed to live on in Danish friaries after 1537. ● In Danish literature
it is often stated that monasticism was prohibited altogether by the
Reformation in Denmark, only allowing monks and nuns already present to stay
there for the rest of their lives. Truth is, however, that no explicit
prohibition against monasticism (other than for the mendicant orders) was ever
issued in Denmark, only was it demanded to continue in a Lutheran-Evangelical
form henceforth. In practice, though, this combination turned out to be
impossible, and the last remaining convent of an actual monastic structure in
Denmark was dissolved in 1592.
Published: Kirkeordinansen 1537/39, pp. 114 and 139-140.
Engelstoft 1860-62; Lausten 1989; Jakobsen 2019
(Reformation), 97.
In a preceding draft version of the
abovementioned Church Ordinance, the wording against the friars is going a bit
further, stating that they should be “prohibited from standing around here and
there, turning simple folks’ minds away from the Truth. Neither should parish
priests allow such monks or »Friars Pedlars« to preach from their pulpits.”
Source: Den
Danske Kirkeordinans, 1537.
Language: Old Danish.
En godt ordinantz och skick vdi kiircken, standner sundderlig vdi sex articler. (…) II. Om ceremoniere. (…) IX. Huorledis Kiirckenns tiennere schulle tiillskickes. (...) Och saa begere wii, at hyne tygge brødre maathe met konninglig forbudt formeenis afstaaye saa om heer och theer och foruendne saa thee eenfolldige menddischers siindt fraa sandthedt. Ja inggelledis schulle Saagnepresterne steede engthenn muncke eller hine bisse predickere vpp vtj theris predicke stoell. Tyggebrødre muncke skulle her effther vdj thette riige icke vppeholdis, the skulle icke heller trygle, icke predicke etc. men the som ere gamble och siuge the schulle bliffue vdj theres clostere. Sameledis the som icke ere duelige tiill noget embete ther schulle the fødes for gudts skyld dog met saa skall at de skulle afflegge cappen och the icke skulle bespotte gudts ord ock euangelium. (...)
Comments: The draft version
of the Church Ordinance is not explicitly dated, but it is believed to be a
Danish translation of a now lost Latin draft, which had been produced at an
ecclesiastical convocation held in Haderslev in late January 1537 (Lausten
1989, 15-17), see 1536 11/11. ● The text here written in bold was omitted in
the final version of the ordinance. In practice, the omission did not change
anything, as the omitted prohibitions were already included in the overall
prohibition against mendicant activity altogether. The edited version may have
derived from Johannes Bugenhagen’s preceding work on a church ordinance for
Pomerania in 1535 (Engelstoft 1860-62, 65). ● Whereas the prior
provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, Dr. Johannes Nicolai, as the only
(still Catholic) regularly clergy had been invited by the king to take part in
the convocation set to produce a new Lutheran-Evangelical ordinance (see 1536
11/11), his signature is missing
in the ordinance draft. Unlike the other Catholic participants in the
convocation, who in 1537 6/2 complained that they had been forced to
sign the ordinance against their will, the Dominican doctor apparently had
refused to do so – if he had at all attended the meeting. His Lutheran
opponents may have felt inclined to excuse him, since the ordinance explicitly
prohibited his order from existing in Denmark henceforth (Engelstoft 1860-62, 378).
Published: Kirkehistoriske
Samlinger 1. ser. vol. I, p. 85; Kirkeordinansen
p. 68.
A Danish
translation of the abovementioned Church Ordinance is confirmed and co-sealed
by the Danish national council in Odense.
Source: Den
Danske Kirkeordinans, 1537.
Language: Old Danish.
Wi Christian med Guds naade Danmarckis, Norgis,
Slaues och Gottis konning, hertug y Slesuig Holsten Stormaren oc Dytmersken,
greffue y Oldenborg oc Delmenhorst, helse wore riiger oc hertugdomme mett
naade, fred oc lycke aff Gud. Effter att Gud wor Herre haffuer well stillet
denne orlog oc bulder, som nu paa nogen tiid wæred haffuer, oc giffuet oss wore
herrefader faders, oc herre faders riige till att styre oc regere, da er dett
wor aller ypperste oc største willie oc begiering, att wy motte ophielpe den
forfaldene Jesu Christi wor herris lerdom oc rett sand christen dyrckelse:
huilked wy lenge til forn wore lande ønsked haffde, til saa lenge wy dett nu
fuld komme kunde, dess wor herre Jesus Christus tack oc loff haffue, for huess
sag skyld wy forsamble lode høglerde mend oc predicanterne aff kierckerne vdi
Danmarckis riige oc wore hertugdomme, oc befole dem, att de oss skulde
beschriffue en christelig ordinantz, om huilcken wy oss raadspørge kunde. Oc
der samme ordinantz oss bleff offuer antuordet, forsende wy henne till verduge
fader docter Morthen Luther, ved huilcken Gud aff syn mildhed oc barmhertighed
(y desse siste tiider) haffuer send igien Christi helige och rene euangelium.
Saa offuersaa hand, med andre flere høglerde mend y den helige schrift y
Wittemberg, samme ordinantz, oc dømde henne god oc rett att være. (…) Giffued
vdi Ottense vdi almindelig rigens herredage aar effter Guds byrd MCXXXIX, den
fiortende dag y junij maanedt.
En god ordinantze oc kirckeskick er begreben besønderlig y desse sex støcker. (…) Det andet stycke er om ceremonier. (…) Huorledis kirckens tienere skulle tilskickis. (...) Ingen tiggermuncke skulle wdi wore riiger effter denne dag opholdis, huercken skulle de tigge eller predicke, eller høre skriftemaal. Men de som gamble ere oc skrøbelige oc til intet embede bequemme wdi kircken, de maa bliffue wdi closteret, der maa de haffue deris føde for Guds skyld, saa dog at de skulle afflegge cappen oc closterkleder, oc icke bespotte euangelium. (...) [192-193]
Om clostermend, som haffue sielff at leffue aff. De muncke, som Guds sandhed forstaa, maa nyde syn friihed effter euangelium wdi deris eygen frij samuittighed. Der som de høwskelig oc ydmygelig af syn formand begierendis worde, at de maa wdgaa oc forsee seg sielffuer, oc ey lenger der wille bliffue for syn samuittigheds skyld, aff gudfryctighed, oc wille effter Guds wille tage seg noget andet leffnet fore, da skal dennom det icke sønis, men formanden skal lade de stackarle gaa, oc giffue dennom kleder, oc noget til tærepenninge for Guds skyld. Der som samme formand det weyersiger dennom, da skal hand derom staa til swars for oss. Mand kand jo lettere med een god rund almisse lade gaa een munck, som icke bliffue wil, end føde hannom alle syne dage wdj closteret emod syn willie oc samuittighed. Men sandelig wille wy icke wære deelagtige wdi sommes wreene reenliffuedhed oc wkyske leffnet, huilcket wy oc ingenlunde wille tilstede. Men de muncke som wdi closter wille bliffue, de skulle wære deris formand wndergiffne oc liudige, saa lengi som de der bliffue, oc giøre det gode hellige dannemend tilbør, at de leffue et got erligt leffnet. De maa gaa med deris capper oc bære eens kleder, icke for nogen regel skyld, men at mand skal kiende paa deris kledebon, huad closter de ere aff. De skulle ingen raget plet haffue, eller krans wdi hoffuedet, men de maa haffue kulffue eller kullede hoffueder, huilcke som icke wille lade deris haar woxe. De skulle icke gaa wd oc stoge omkring, huort de wille, foruden deris formands befaling. Helder skulle de gierne høre oc nemme hellige lectier oc predicken, gierne lesse sielffuer den hellige schrifft, at der maatte end wære nogen, som her effter maat worde sognepræst. Der fore skal oc huert saadant closter haffue een god lerd mand, som skal lesse den hellige schrifft, lære børne lerdom, som wy kalle ‘Cathechismum’, prædicke etcetera. Oc for dette samme sit hellige arbeide skal hand haffue een erlige ophold for sig oc sit folck. Oc saa skulle de siunge oc om søndage oc hellige dage holde messe, saa som sagd er om canicker. [236-237]
Om nunder. De, som wille icke lenger bliffue y closter for deris samuittighedz skyld, oc wide dennom at komme til et erligt brød, maa wdgaa oc giffue dennom, med deris neste wenners raad. Men saa lengi som de ere y closteret, skulle de wære deris priorissæ oc abbedisse hørige oc liudige, oc skulle icke ferdis eller reyse om landet som andre løsactige folck. De skulle icke sidde til drøck eller løsactighed med karle, huar aff møget last oc skendzel kommer, oc der som priorissen eller abbedissen dennom saadan løsactighed tilsteder, eller hun det sielff giøre, da skal hun aff settis, oc en anden erlig god gudfryctige nunde tilskickes wdy hennes sted etcetera. Item skulle de, som wille bliffue wdi closter oc der haffue deris ophold, bære een ærlig kledebon som det seg bør, dog skulle de icke tuinges til at gaa med skabelaris, dy wy forfare, at mange aff dennom sette deris gudelighed meere der paa, end paa anden kledebon. Naar superattendenten med een lerd mand oc leensmanden med een anden riddermands mand komme wdy visitatz til jomfru clostere, oc superattendanten haffuer forfaret, om de holde deris ceremonier oc Kircke skick effter ordinantzen, da skal der ocsaa forfares, om de faa deris redelig wnderholding til klede oc føde, oc desligeste om closter holdes wed mact, bøgges oc forbedres, oc om der siden findes nogen brøst, skulle de det giffue dennom til kiende, som closteret haffue y forleening, oc hues der icke raades bod paa, skulle de giffue oss sielff det til kiende. Wdi huert saadant closter skal beskickes een lerd oc skickelig predicker, som haffuer een æractige dannequinde til husfrue, oc gode huszinde, som kand predicke for dennom, oc hand skal haffue een erlig beløning oc ophold. De maa oc siunge oc lade sige messe, som sagd er om canicker, vden predickerne siunes nytteligere at wære, at de siunge noget minde, oc helder paa danske end paa latine, at de saaledis maa faa nogen wnderuiisning wdaff Guds ord, naar de wel forstaa huad de siunge oc lesse. [237-238]
Comments: The Danish
translation was made by Peder Palladius, the first Lutheran-Evangelical
‘superintendent’ (: bishop) of Sjælland (1537-1560), who also supervised the
first Danish translation of the Bible. ● The signatures from the original
Latin version are not repeated in the translation.
Published: Danske Kirkelove vol. I no. 24, pp. 80
and 125-126; Kirkeordinansen 1537/39,
pp. 192-193 and 236-238.
Copenhagen |
Convents in Denmark |
having coronated King Christian III and Queen Dorothea of Denmark, Dr. Johannes
Bugenhagen, who has been called by the Danish king from Wittenberg to reform
the Church of Denmark, initiates seven Lutheran-Evangelical superintendents to
replace the Danish bishops, and furthermore prohibits the mendicant orders of
Dominicans, Franciscans and Carmelites from future presence in the
Source: Magnus
Matthiæ, Regum Daniæ Series.
Language: Latin.
Anno Domini 1537 (…) dominica proxima post festivitatem beati Laurentii, hoc est augusti die ∙xii∙ Christianus et Dorothea conjunx, nata ex ducibus Saxoniæ inferioris, Hafniæ coronantur a Johanne Pomerano, theologiæ doctore, quem rex reformandæ religionis gratia recens tum Witenberga in Daniam evocarat, dominica a festo Bartholomei altera, die nimirum mensis septembris secundo, in templo Mariano apud Hafniensis publice a Pomerano ordinantur superintendentes per Daniam septem in locum totidem episcoporum, quos ante diximus loco motos et in custodiam traditos. Hi autem tunc constituti sunt episcoporum loco superintendentes: Petrus Palladius theologiæ doctor Sialandensis, Franciscus Wormodus Lundensis, Georgius Johannis Wibergius Othoniensis, Johannes Wandalus Ripensis, Matthias Schade vel Longus Arhusiensis, Jacobus Schenning Wibergensis et Petrus Thomæ Burglanensis sive Olburgensis. Simul autem monachorum mendicantium, hoc est Dominicanorum, Franciscanorum et Carmelitarum, ordines per Daniam abrogantur, destructis passim eorundem lustris, cum anni effluxissent a primo eiusmodi monasterium ortu in Dania circiter ∙ccc∙.
Comments: Johannes Bugenhagen ‘Pomeranus’ (†1558)
was an Evangelical doctor of theology and a close associate of Dr. Martin
Luther. On the call of King Christian III, he was sent by Luther to Denmark in
July 1537 and stayed there for two years, during which he played a leading role
in the formation of the Danish Lutheran-Evangelical church. He took part in the
coronation of the king and queen in Copenhagen on 12 August 1537, initiated the
first line of non-Catholic bishops or ‘superintendents’ in Denmark, helped
re-establish the University of Copenhagen, and led the preparation of an
Evangelical church law for both Denmark (see 1537 2/9 a)
and Norway. ● The appointed superintendents to replace the Danish bishops
were: Peder Palladius of Roskilde (1537-1560); Frans Vormodsen of Lund
(1537-1551); Jørgen Jensen Sadolin of Odense (1537-1559); Johann Vandal of Ribe
(1537-1541); Mads Lang of Århus (1537-1557); Jacob Schiønning of Viborg
(1537-1549); and Peder Thomesen of Vendsyssel (1537-1548). ● The claimed
number of mendicant houses in Denmark, c.
300, is highly exaggerated. By the beginning of the Reformation, the
kingdom had 26 Franciscan, 15 Dominican, and 8 Carmelite friaries, distributed
in 38 different towns.
Published: Monumenta historiæ Danicæ 2. ser. vol. II, pp.
Convents of Helsingborg, Lund and Roskilde |
Dr. Johannes
Nicolai, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, receives a receipt
from the Royal Danish Chancery for a number of liturgical vestments and a few
chalices from the Dominican churches in Lund, Helsingborg and Roskilde.
Source: Register in
the Royal Danish Chancery. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Doctor Hans Nielssen fick qvitandtse paa thette eftherscrefne godts och clenodie, som er først af Svortebrøder i Lund en forgylt kalck och disk, sølfkalck med sin diske uforgylt, en rød hagel af gylenstøcke med et subtille, ∙ii∙ silcke kortiner, en rød silcke koerkobe, ∙i∙ grøn damask korkobe, en brogen settenies korkobe, ∙i∙ liden alter klede af guld silcke, en fløyels hag, ∙i∙ parre settenies cleder, hagel och subtiller, en rød fløyels hagel med subtiller, grøne och røde, en brugen fløyels hagel, en grøn silcke hagel, en alther klede med gulde rande och liste, ther til med gulde billeder, en anden par alter cleder, som siunnis gylenstycke.
Thisligeste af Helsingborg closter, først en forgylt kalck och disk, ∙i∙ rød flogels af blommet med guld, en sort flogels hagel, ∙i∙ rod flogels hagel, ∙i∙ blaa flogels hagel, en hagel af gyllenstycke med thov subtiler, grønne och røde, en hvid hagel af damask med thov subtiller, ther til en korkobe af svor[t] silcke, en koerkobe af efventyr blomet i blot och hvit.
Sammeledis af Roskild closter først en liden sølf bodick, en koerkobe af røt gyllenstycke, en hagel och ∙ii∙ suptiller och af røt gyllenstyck, en rød fløyels koerkobe och ∙ii∙ subtiler af thed samme, ∙i∙ hagel med ∙ii∙ subtiler, ∙i∙ par høgalter cleder af grønt fløgel, ∙i∙ koerkobe af røt gyllenstyck, ∙i∙ hagel med en subtil af gyllenstyck, ∙i∙ hagel med ∙ii∙ subtiller af røt silke, ∙ii∙ subtiler af gult silcke, en alterklede med sin tilhørring, item ∙ii∙ silcke kortiner.
Comments: The letter of
receipt itself is not extant. Its content is summarized in a register kept by
the Royal Chancery (Kongl. Kopibøger no. IV fol. 210) for the year 1537. The
entry is without a precise date, but from its folio number and context it can
be dated to around September 1537. ● On Dr. Johannes Nicolai, see 1525 3/6. ● This would indicate that the three
named convents were the last remaining Dominican houses in Denmark; by this
time at the latest, they too were dissolved along with the entire province.
Published: Danske Kancelliregistranter 1535-1550, p. 58.
Literature: Jakobsen 2019 (Reformation), 97.
Ex-province of Dacia |
Johannes Nicolai (‘Doktor Hans’), former prior provincial of the
Friars Preachers in Dacia, is appointed superintendent of the hospital in Åhus
by King Christian III of Denmark-Norway.
Source: Register (Kongl.
Kopibøger no. 4 fol. 211 b). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Danish.
- - -
Dansk oversættelse:
Doktor Hans fik følgebrev til hospitalet i Åhus (Aus) at måtte oppebære, hvad rente dér
hører til indenbys og udenbys, og forvende den til de fattige, syge menneskers
nytte og gavn.
Comments: On Dr. Johannes
Nicolai, see 1525 3/6. ● The institution,
for which Dr. Johannes Nicolai was appointed superintendent, was the old
secular Hospital of the Holy Ghost, known since 1393, but reformed as a
Hospital of St. Anne in 1525. The former prior provincial was still in charge
of the hospital in 1539 22/6, 1540 11/8 and 1544 29/11. It
has been suggested that the former Dominican priory in Åhus as a consequence of
the appointment at the same time was submitted to the property of the hospital
(Rørdam 1867-68, 26).
Not published. Summary in Danske
Kancelliregistranter 1535-1550, p. 56.
Ex-convent of Vejle |
A letter
presented at the court of Tørrild hundred documents that Lord Mogens Gøye at an
earlier point had acquired two farms in Uhre from the convent of Friars
Preachers in Vejle.
Source: Contemporary
register (Rigens Forfølgningsbog). The Danish National Archives,
Language: Old Danish.
Frue Christinæ Karll Bryskes
eptherleffuerske hagde breff aff Tørrildherritzting, som Knudt Olssen mett
flære hagde wdgiffuit wnder gudtz aar 1538 løffuerdagen nest epther sancti
Ketilli dag, lydendes atth frue Kyrstine Karlls ther hagde weritt 3 samfeldtz
ting oc wdeskitt Kielkier, Kielkers godtz, Wingstedtt møllæ, Rodtskier mett syn
tilligelse aff her Magens Gøye paa hindis børns wegne. Thiisligeste hans
breffue oc beuisning, handt ther paa haffuer, item saa møyget godtz, som forne
her Mogens fick fraa Eyler Bryske, som till Kielkier ligger, oc en systerdell paa forne hindes børns
wegne wti 2 gaardhæ y Wre, som forne
her Mogens fick fraa Suorthe brødre closter y Wedell, oc wor handt logliig
tingkallitt her tiill. [...]
Comments: On Mogens Gøye, see
1500 3/8. ● Mogens Gøye is known to have acquired property in Uhre
from the Friars Preachers in 1529-30.
Published: Christian III’s Rettertingsdomme vol. I, p. 772.
Bergen |
Ex-convent of Bergen |
Bille, sheriff of Bohus and the king’s guvernor of Norway, along with the
sheriff of Bergenhus and three Norwegian justiciaries examine the former prior
of the convent of Friars Preachers in Bergen, Johannes Martini (Jens
Mortensen), who is now a peasant in Milde, concerning a letter chest belonging
to Alv Knutsson, which back in the days of the convent had been placed in the
priory for safekeeping. Johannes states that the letter chest had indeed been
in the priory, but Lord Alv’s sole heir and daughter, Lady Karine Alvsdotter,
had never collected it, in spite of his written request for her to do so. At
one point, before Fr. Johannes had come to Bergen, Olav Ottesson had taken the
chest out of the priory and brought it to Hesby, but when this was later
informed to Prince Christian of Norway, when he had been in Bergen, Olav was
enjoined to return it, under the threat of otherwise loosing his life, and so
the chest was returned. Eventually, in the days when Vincens Lunge held
Bergenhus, Lady Inger Ottesdotter came to the priory, had the chest opened and
took some of the letters, but left the rest and the chest itself, even if the
then Prior Johannes asked her to take it all. Finally, the prior took the chest
with its remaining letters and brought to Lady Inger, as he did not dare to
keep it any longer due to the ongoing unrest, and this transfer is testified by
Bergen’s justiciary, the mayor and several old city councillors.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Wii efftherskreffne Claffues
Biilde hoffuitzmandt paa Bahuss ridder Danmarcks riiges raadtt och koninglig majestatzs
koning Christians koning Fredericks søns fuldmectuge indskickede i Norie, Tore
Rodtt høffuitzmandt paa Berg(e)nhuss, Guttorm Nielszen i Bergenn, Hans Bagge
paa Steegh och Niels Claffuitssenn i Staffuanger laugmendt giøre alle
wittherligt mett thette wortt obnne breff att aar effther gudsbiirdt MDXXXIX
torsdagenn effther sancte Oluff konings dag war skickitt for oss i Bergen erlig
welbiirdiigenn mandt och strenge ridder her Trudt Wlstandt tiill Giskæ oc for
oss obennbare læse lodtt ith sendiige breff som hederlig mand her Jens i Mylde
haffde wdtskreffuitt tiill welbyrdiig jomffrue jomffrue Karine Alsdatther nagre
aar siidenn forledenn om en kyste stoenndes i Suarttebrødher closther i Bergen
i thend middelltiidtt hand prior och forstander war tiill forskreffne Suortte
brøder closther oc hørde forskreffne kyste her Alf Knutssenn och hans arffuinge
tiill mett rette som forskreffne her Jens ickæ andett wiste, thaa fram kalledæ
och fore eskede forskreffne her Trudt offteneffndt her Jens begierendis att hand
wdj sandingenn tilstaa och bekiende wilde huess hanom ther om wittherligt war
oc om hand samme sende breff wdtschreffuet haffde, huilkett hand strax
guoduilligenn for oss bestodt oc att wdi thend middell tidt handtt prior war i
forskreffne closther tha schreffu hand samme breff endog forschreffne jomffrue
Karine forsømede och ickæ kom effther forskreffne kiiste. Sammeledis bestodt oc
forskreffne her Jens att nogre aar tilforenn før hand kom tiill closteredt tha
indgick Oluff Otszenn i samme closther oc wdtog thend kiiste ther stodt mett
samme breffue oc førde henne aff Bergen wdt tiill Hesby, oc haffde henne ther y
sine giømæ och foruaring nagenn tiidt. Ther effther kom koning Christiernn
hiidt tiill Bergen och bleff thet tha beklagett for hannom att forskreffne
Oluff Otszenn haffde saa borttagett samme kyste mett breffue, oc tha bleff
forskreffne Oluff forlagtt aff forschreffne konning Christiernn att han widt
syn halffs och suorne edtt indføre skulle samme kyste igenn mett breffue i
forskreffne closter, huilkett han ocsaa giorde. Nogre aar ther effther tha her
Vincentius haffde slotthet kom forskreffne frue Jngridtt her tiill Bergenn, tha
indgick hun i forskreffne closter oc oplesde samme kiiste oc wdtog alle the
breffue som henne behagde, tha badt forskreffne her Jens att hun tage skulle
samme kyste mett the andre breffue ther tha wdi igenn ware. Siiden tog
forskreffne her Jens the andre breffue som igenn ware oc bar thennom wp tiill
forskreffne frue Jngriidt for thend leilighedt om wffredt som siig saa tha
beffaldt oc begaffu huilkett Gottorm Nielssenn laugmandt i Bergenn, Anders
Hanssen borgmester, Jonn Ellingssen oc Jens Haldlendsfadher raadmendt i Bergenn
mett flere gamle raadmendt ther sammestads witnede oc bestodt att them fuld
wittherligt war som forschreffuit staer om samme kyste oc breffue. Thess tiill
ydermere witnisbiirdt tricker wij wore jndsegler oc singnnetter nedhenn paa
thette breff som er giffuit och schreffuit aar dag och stedtt som forschreffuit
Comments: On Fr. Johannes
Martini, see 1530 15/7. ● On Alv Knutsson, see 1461 Lent.
It is not known when or why he left the letter chest in the care of the Friars
Preachers in Bergen, but most likely it happened shortly before his death in
1496. Alv Knutsson, who was the wealthiest man in Norway of his time with
landholdings all around the country, had his main residence at Grefsheim on Nes
in Hedmarken in central Norway, far away from Bergen. His main known
connections to the city was a short period as sheriff at Bergenhus around 1485,
and a function as estate manager for the Birgittine Munkeliv Abbey in Bergen in
the 1470s. Neither is Lord Alv otherwise known to have had any relation to the
Friars Preachers. When his enemy Hartvig Krummedige in 1461 suggested a
settlement meeting in Blackfriars Priory in Oslo, it may indicate that he
expected this to be a place of Alv’s preference, but the latter declined to
meet. ● Karine Alvsdotter was
the daughter of Alv Knutsson (see above and 1461 Lent). She outlived
both her elder brothers, Knut and Odd, and inherited most of her parents’
estate, including the family residence at Grefsheim on Nes. Lady Karine seems
to have remained unmarried and died in 1535 or 1536, before when she had
bequeathed her estates to the cathedral of Hamar. ● Olav Ottesson Rømer was a Norwegian nobleman, who functioned as
sheriff of Bergenhus in the first decade of the sixteenth century. In 1507 he
was accused of being one of the Norwegian separatist leaders, and he did in
fact lead a local rebellion against King Hans in Bergen in 1510; it may well
have been at this occasion that he confiscated the letter chest held in the
Dominican priory, possibly to protect it from the unionists, since Alv Knutsson
and especially his sons were also known for their separatist views. Olav Ottesen’s
main residence was at Hesby on the island Finnøy near Stavanger, 100 km south
of Bergen. The time of his death is not known for certain, but most likely it
was around 1513. Thus, it was hardly as king, as claimed in the statement, but
rather as prince of Norway that the later Christian II of Denmark-Norway
enjoined Olav to return the chest to the priory. Most likely it was the Friars
Preachers themselves, who had complained to the visiting prince that their
safekeeping of the chest had been violated. ● Inger Ottesdotter Rømer (†1555) was a Norwegian noblewoman and the
sister of Olav Ottesson (see above). She was married to Nils Henriksson, lord
high steward of Norway, and when he died in 1523, Lady Inger not only became
the wealthiest magnate of Norway, she also took an active role in Scandinavian
politics from her residence at Austrått Castle outside Trondheim. She gave
refuge to both Peder Sunnanväder (see 1525 15/3)
and Nils Sture (see 1527 20/10), exiled opponents of King Gustav Vasa of
Sweden, and allegedly planned to make her daughter Eline future queen of Sweden
by marrying Nils Sture. When Eline eventually married Peder Lykke instead, it
led to a scandal when he later impregnated her sister, Lucie, for which Peder
was executed by Archbishop Olav Engelbrektsson of Nidaros for incenst and
heresy. Thus, Lady Inger became a stern opponent of both the Union, Gustav Vasa
and Archbishop Olav. She found an opportunistic ally in another son-in-law,
Sheriff Vincens Lunge of Bergenhus (see 1526 11/5),
and according to the statement it was during his time in office (1523-1528)
that she collected the letters from Alv Knutsson’s chest in the priory. Lady
Inger’s motive for doing so is unclear, but she probably hoped to find material
be used in her political and/or economic engagements; most likely, she had been
informed about their existence either by her brother or by Prior Johannes, who
was on friendly terms with her son-in-law at Bergenhus. Lady Inger hardly had
any religious preference for the Order of Preachers, as she hated Archbishop
Olav and with him the entire Catholic church, and appears most keen to
introduce Lutheranism as soon as the Reformation made it possible. ● Claus Bille (†1558) was a Danish
nobleman and sheriff of Bohus in 1527-1555.
Published: Diplomatarium
Norvegicum vol. I no. 1092.
Stockholm |
Ex-convent of Stockholm |
widow of Anders Hansson, performs an exchange of property in which she from the
hospital of the poor in Stockholm receives a site in Blackfriars Street (Swartmunkagatan)
in Stockholm situated next to her own house.
Source: Register by Peringskiöld
(E 82), 18th cent. Antikvarisk-topografiska arkivet, Stockholm.
Language: Swedish.
Hustru Brita Anders Hanssons Enkios Bytesbref, i hwilket hon uplåter til the fattigas hospital i Stockholm, ett Stenhus i Gråmunkegrend, på sødra sidan belægit, næst nedan før Olof Dysters hus: och får i wederlag the fattigas tompt belægen på Swartmunkagatan, innan før det stenhus hon nu uti boor. Datum Stockholm Måndagen før Philippi och Jacobi, Anno 1540.
Published: Stockholm
stads jordebok vol.
I addition no. 144 (p. 458).
Uppsala |
Ex-convent of Vyborg |
King Gustav
Vasa of Sweden complies with a request from the town council and citizens of
Vyborg regarding the two vaste friaries in the town, of which they want to tear
down the one and use the bricks for repairs on the town wall and its towers,
and for the other they want to tear down about half of it and use the rest for
storage facilities.
Source: A. Register of King Gustav I of Sweden. The Swedish
National Archives, Stockholm. B. Transcript
in copybook of Vyborg town.
Language: Old
Tiil Wijborgz stadh swar vpå theris breff. Actum Upsalie ut supra patetur.
Wår etcetera. Wij finge før någre wikur sedan eders scriffuelse godemen, vtij huilke i lathe oss førstå, om the tu closter ther stå j Wijborg, ock forderffuas, beærendis thet ene eder till hielp, ath latha ther tegell vtaff, och forbættre stadztornen och murerne ther medt, thet annet begære i elliest tiil stadtzens nytte, i så motte, ati wele lathe bryte ther någet wtaff, jn opå hualffuen, och hollet sedan vnder god tack, så ath borgerne kunne haffue ther theris godz, och annet huad the haffue oppunder etcetera. Så ære wij wæll till friidz, ati vdij sådana motte, måge bruka både the closter till stadtzens besta, effter som i sielffue føreslagit haffue. Och såge wij ganske gerne, ati godemen wilde tenckie någhet till, ath lathe forbættre och forsterkie edre stadz murer och torn. Ther ligger eder sielffue och menige rigit stoor magt opå, och huad wij vtij then motten kunne forfordra edert beste, nær i elliest wele tage saken, med sådana bygninger, allfuerligen føre, ther finne i oss willige och benegne tiil. (…) Datum ut supra.
Gustav med Guds nåde Sveriges, Göthes och Wendes konung etcetera. Wår gunst tilförene etcetera. Wij finge för någre veckors sedan eders skrifvelse, gode mänd, udi hvilke i låte oss förstå, om de tu kloster ther stå i Wiborg och förderfvas, begiärandes det ene eder till hielp, at lata taga ther teglet utaf och förbättra stads tornen och murarne ther med, thet annat begiäre J eljest til stadsens nytte i så måtto, at J vele låta bryta ther något utaf in på halfven och hollet sedan under good taak, så at borgarne kunne hafva ther theris gods och annat hvad the behof hafve op under. Så äre vij väl till freds, at J uti sådana måtto måge bruka båda the klåster till stadsens bäste, efter som J sielfve föreslagit hafve. Och såge wij ganska gierne, at J gode mänd wilde tänkia något till at låta förbättra och förstärckie eder stads murer och torn, ther liger eder sielfve och menige rjket stor macht uppå, och hvad wij udi then måtten kunne förfordra edert beste, när J eljest vele taga saken med sådane byggningar alfvarligen före, ther finna wij oss willige och benägne till. (…) Datum af vårt stad Vpsala den 12 martii anno 1541.
Comments: The two transcripts
are completely alike in content, but with very different spelling; the royal
register (A) appears to be the most contemporary. ● Whereas the
transcript in the Vyborg town copybook explicitly has the date 12 March, the
royal register only has the indirect dating ‘Datum ut supra’, and since the
preceding entry in the register has the explicit date 13 March, the editor of
KGR gives the same date to the present letter. It would, however, seem as if
some disorder prevails in this particular part of the register, and letters of
the 12 March both preceeds and succeeds the ones in question, which all points
to the date in the copybook to be the correct one. ● The two
‘monasteries’ in Vyborg were the two mendicant friaries of the Friars Preachers
and Friars Minor. Although literature sometimes takes this letter as evidence
that the convents in Vyborg were dissolved only as late as 1541, about 10-12
years later than most other mendicant houses in Sweden, nothing here is said
about the actual friars, and from the wording on the poor condition of the
buildings it would rather appear as if both friaries had laid vaste for some
time. ● It is not said which friary was destined for what purpose, but it
could be that the hardest demolition was enacted on the Franciscan friary,
although the friary church still stands. The Dominican priory must have existed
some years yet, as the king in 1547 decided that the priory buildings
were to be transformed into a storage facility for the royal castle in Vyborg,
while the priory church was turned into a Lutheran parish church for the
Finnish-speaking lower classes of the town in the 1550s. However, a large part
of the old Dominican priory in Vyborg was destroyed by a fire in 1575. ● It is worth noting
that while the royal permission was fully confirmed in the town privileges of
1542 (Arwidsson I no. 132), the conditions were silently changed in 1547 2/5, when the town was only granted possession to
one of the friaries – not said which one.
Published: A. Konung Gustaf den förstes registratur vol. XIII, pp. 229-230.
B. Arwidssons,
Handlingar.. vol. I
no. 130.
Rome |
Convent of Bologna, Province of Lombardia inferioris |
Johannes Magnus of Uppsala thanks Fr. Leandro Alberti of the Friars Preachers
in Bologna for an invitation, and recalls that he and his co-exiles were well
received by the convent in Bologna six years ago, just as he has always been
very well provided for by Fr. Hieronymus Quirini OP, the patriarch of Venice,
and he is grateful for the hospitality shown to him by the Order of Preachers
in general. Johannes finally asks the convent of Bologna to pray for him.
Source: Transcript in
Magnus, Historia metropolitanae ecclesiae Upsalensis
(p. 172).
Language: Latin.
Reverende pater et consolator amantissime. Quod me toties in causa sanctissime religionis istuc proficiscentem indicibili benignitate, ut ad edes vestras divertere debeam, alachriter invitatis, gratias refero sempiterna memoria dignas. Imo peramplius semper agere conabor, quia ad memoriam revoco id, quod nunquam oblivisci potero, videlicet quomodo reverenda paternitas vestra una cum ceteris reverendis istius almi collegii vestri patribus ante sex annos me et coexules meos ex hospitio nimis incommodo et saluti nostre plurimum contrario extractos in domum vestram induxistis, summaque benivolentia et nunquam obliviscenda liberalitate fovistis et recreastis. Imo a faucibus mortis jam tunc pereuntes reduxistis. Debeo igitur me et omnia mea non modo isti optimo conventui sed toti ordini vestro, a quo tam magnum et necessarium beneficium in mea extrema necessitate sum consequutus. Divina quoque providentia factum esse non dubito, quod reverendissimus dominus, Hieronymus Quirinus, patriarcha Venetus, vestri ordinis alumnus, me tam benigne et tanto tempore per summam liberalitatem foverit et semper fovere paratus est. Ceterum quomodo postea hic Rome valveram, parum aliud scribere possum, nisi quod libenter glorier in infirmitatibus meis, in quibus, ne penitus succumbam, peto pro me Deum orationes fieri ab ista sanctissima congregatione vestra, cui me et omnes omni pio ac sincero animo incessanter commendo.
Comments: On Archbishop
Johannes Magnus of Uppsala, see 1525 11/6. The
letter transcript is not dated, but obviously dates from Johannes’ second time in
Rome (1541-1544), most likely around 1543. ● Fr. Leandro Alberti (a.k.a. Leandro Bononiensis,
†1552) was a Bolognese Friar Preacher since 1493, who
served in Rome as secretary and socius
for Master General Franciscus Silvestri (1525-1528), with title of ‘provincial
of Terra Sancta’, before returning to Bologna around 1538. In 1517 already, he
wrote the De viris illustribus, a six
book treatise on the famous men of the Order. Later followed several works on
the history of Bologna, Venice and Italy, e.g. the Descrizione d’Italia from 1550. ● Fr.
Hieronymus Quirinus (Gerolamo Querini, †1554) was a Venetian
Friar Preacher since 1490, who was elected patriarch of Venice by the senate in
1524. Since 1533, he lived away from Venice, first in Bologna, where in 1534 he
consecrated the altar of the Dominican basilica of San Domenico, then at
Vicenza, where he died in 1554. Johannes and Olaus Magnus lived in his
residence in Vicenza in 1538-1541, while they awaited the council of Vicenza;
in was in this period that Johannes wrote the Historia de omnibus Gothorum.
Published: Johannes Magnus’ Latin Letters no. 60.
Stockholm |
Ex-convent of Vyborg |
King Gustav
Vasa of Sweden confirms his earlier decision to let the townspeople of Vyborg
make use of one of the friaries in their town as storage facility.
Source: Transcript in
copybook of Vyborg town.
Language: Swedish.
Wij Gustaff med Guds nåde Sweriges, gothes och wändes etcetera konung giöre witterligit at wij af wår synnerlig gunst och nåde nu med detta wårt öpne bref unne och efterlåte oss elskelige wåre trogne undersåtare som byggie och boo uti wår stad Wijborg (…). Thesslikes hafwe wij af samme wår gunst och nåde undt och efterlåtit them thet ena förfallne klöster ther i staden till at upbyggie, förbättra, niuta, bruka och behålla, ther the och för eld och annan våde theris fetalie och annan tingest införe och hafwa kunne. Hvilket wij gifwe wåre fougter och befallningsmän tilkiänne; thessligest alle andre som för våre skuld vele och skole giöre och låte, at the veta sig härefter rätta, icke giörandes förenembde Wijborgs inbyggiare häremot hinder eller förfång. Datum af vårt slott Stockholm den 2 maij 1547.
Comments: It is worth noting
that while the royal permission of 1541 12/3
originally gave both the two mendicant friaries in Vyborg to the free usage of
the town, the conditions are now silently altered to only one friary – not said
if the Dominican or the Franciscan one is meant.
Published: Arwidssons, Handlingar.. vol. I no. 163.
Stockholm |
Convent of Stockholm |
Priory in Stockholm is ‘torn down to the ground’ and material from it is taken
to the castle.
Source: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker. City Archives of Stockholm.
Language: Old
Anno Domini 1547 dhå brøtz Swartmunka kløster nidher i grundh och førdis tiill slottet.
Comments: The short entry is
placed among entries for 6 June 1547, but that is probably only a coincidence,
perhaps because there was some space left at the bottom of this particular
folio (27 v.). ● The convent of Friars Preachers in Stockholm had been
dissolved in 1528 5/12. In 1533
8/10, the last remaining friars had been sent away, and the church and
priory was given to the Finnish-speaking congregation of the city. The Finns
are known to have had a chapel on Södermalm in stead from 1548.
Published: Stockholms
stads tänkeböcker 2. ser. vol. I, p. 235.
Oslo |
Ex-convent of Oslo |
Frans Berg of Oslo expresses his gratitude to King Christian III of
Denmark-Norway for having been given Blackfriars Priory in Oslo “to build on”.
In addition he asks the king for a narrow strip of garden land to the north of
the priory site, which is currently claimed by the cathedral chapter, but would
better be included in the superintendent’s garden.
Source: Original
document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.
Language: Old Danish.
Høgbornn furste stormectugeste
konnyng kieriste nadugiste herre myn ydmøge tiennisthe ethers kongelige maiestets høgmectughed nu oc alltiid tiillfornn, kieriste nadugiste
herre betacker ieg ethers kongelige maiestets ydmøgeligen gierne for ethers kongelige maiestets
gunstige skenck oc platz ethers kongelige maiestets meg wndt oc giffuet haffuer vdj Sortebroder closter vdj
Opslo att biugge paa. Saa giffuer ieg ethers
kongelige maiestets ydmøgeligenn tiilkyende ther ligger en liidell haffue
nordenn paa wed mynn platz ieg haffuer vdj lyge aff løssemesterenn tiill en
kaalgard oc wrther haffue huilkenn som ieg hører the andre superintendenter for
meg oc haffd haffuer epter lessemesteren then icke selff brugtt haffuer icke
heller haffuer deett haffd behoff att brughe epter hand haffuer szin residentz
oc waaning paa cannicke garden huos the andre cannicker oc ganger ther en
strybbell øster opp tiill schollen emellom szamme haffue oc myn platz som
siunes att schulle høre tiill kiergarden om huilkett mytt breff liuder epter
ther icke er planckett emellom menn epter samme strybbell eller platz er forget
vdj *myntt breff welle the danemendt vdj cappittell nu haffue samme platz fraa
meg oc welle io endeligen setthe ther en plancke emellom som [.....] noger tiid
haffuer werridt plancke eller gerde att formene gangen mett tiill samme myn
haffue orsaagendes seeg ther medt oc welle thett skall høre tiill scholenn.
menn om thett io endeligenn nu skulle were fraa myn platz oc ligge tiill
schollenn tror ieg huilkedt andre end oc well skulle bestaa scholenn icke
skulle haffue deett stor sønderlig proffiitt vdaff hellst epter thet er kun ett
smallt støcke oc kand icke heller well haffue gang aff scholen vden mand skall
gange langtt omkring eller oc gange egemmen scholewyndugerne oc haffuer dog
schollen sin gards romme stoor oc wiid nog som waae munckene thieris prattell.
The baade ieg gierne ydmøgeligen ethers
kongelige maiestets ieg motte for en skellig lyge for meg oc myne arffuinger
haffue nødt samme haffue for en kallgardtt oc wrther haffue tiill mytt huus oc
ieg motte haffue haffd samme strybbell fry tiill en gang tiill haffuen som
handt her tiill weriidt haffuer eller oc ther ieg icke maa haffue hannem fry
thaa well ieg aff samme strybbell arligen giffue tiill scholenn huad danemendt
kand tøckes redeligt att were menn kommer then haffue eller strybbell ther fraa
thaa er myn gaard saa gott som skendtt oc haffuer siidhen saa gott szom engen
platz tiill kallgardt eller wrther haffue, bedenndes for the for guds skiilld ethers kongelige maiestets wilde
gunsteligenn her vdj haffue rammedt myn teeruff epter ieg haffuer begiøntt att
bugge oc saatt myne pendinge paa samme huus att thett icke aff the danemendz
affgunst vdj capittell skulle saa hadskeligenn taages meg fraa hwiilke
danemendt meg dog liidett nog haffue werrid gunstyge menn stundum giennstriiduge
nog for sydenn ieg hiid kom, ethers kongelige maiestets liiff siell oc salige
regemente thenn aldmectugeste gud beffalendes tiill ewiig tiidt, gud spaare ethers kongelige maiestets met
ether naades høgborenn furstinde oc elskeliige børnn mett et langt liiff gud
tiill ære oc myenige wndersatte tiill gaffnn oc godhe. Screffuitt vdj Opslo 27
julij aar MDLVI, ethers kongelige maiestets høgmectugheds ydmøge oc wnderdanige Frands Bierg.
Comments: Frans Berg was superintendent of Oslo 1548-1580. ‘Superintendent’ was a term introduced in the churches of Denmark and Norway at the time of the Lutheran Reformation in 1536-37 to replace the former title of ‘bishop’ for administrative heads of the dioceses. The ‘bishop’-title was reintroduced in the eighteenth century. ● The original future plan for Blackfriars Priory in Oslo apparently was to turn it into a cathedral school (1542 24/3 and 1550), as which particularly the northern range of the old priory was aimed in 1546. However, as the former episcopal house in Oslo had been given to the city after the Reformation, a new residence for the superintendent was built near the eastern priory range in 1552 4/7, and an adjacent plot was added to Frans Berg’s farm in 1563 27/3. After a major rebuilding in 1623, the original eastern range of the priory was made the ground floor of a two-storey main building of a new episcopal residence. By the early eighteenth century, all but the eastern range had disappeared, and the site was used as garden for the bishop. Apparently, the old priory church was already demolished in 1542.
Published: Diplomatarium
Norvegicum vol. I no. 1117.
Ex-convent of Helsingborg |
former priory of the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg is torn down and
demolished after it has stood vacant and deserted by the friars for quite many
Source: Magnus
Matthiæ, Regum Daniæ Series.
Language: Latin.
Anno Domini 1556 (…) destructum est funditus templum d. Gertrudi olim dicatum apud Landiscronenses. Similiter destructum ac plane dirutum eodem tempore Helsingburgi monasterium Dominicastrorum aliquammultos tum annos monachis vacuum ac desolatum.
Dansk oversættelse:
I det Herrens år 1556 (…) ødelagdes fuldstændig den tidligere kaldte Skt. Gertruds kirke i Landskrona. Ligeledes ødelagdes og aldeles nedrevedes på samme tid dominikanerklosteret i Helsingborg, da det efter temmelig mange år var blevet forladt af munkene og havde stået øde.
Comments: The convent of
Friars Preachers in Helsingborg was dissolved in 1537, as one of the
last remaining houses in the province of Dacia.
Published: Monumenta historiæ Danicæ 2. ser. vol. II, p.
Ribe |
Ex-convent of Ribe |
The city
magistrate of Ribe extends the width of Blackfriars Street in Ribe in its end
at Blackfriars Grating (‘Sorte Brødre Rist’).
Source: Ribe bys jordebog.
Language: Danish.
(…) Aar 1584 tiisdagen post purificationis Mariæ, som er thend 4 dagh februarii, aff borgemestere och raadt och 24 mendt paa Riber Raadhus bleff Christoffer Schriffer och hans arffuinger wnth och till ladett thenne neste forne fierdingstj quitt och frij vden jordschylld till euig tiid, for hand vederlagde byen eth stycke jordt, som Anders Ibsen Schreder fick till vederlag for thend jord, byen fick af hannom, till adt for uiide gaden met tuert offuer fran Sorte Brødre rist y forne gadeende. Er 2½ allen breed langs wdt met Sorte Brødre gade.
Published: Ribe bys jordebog
no. 19 (p. 50).
Piotrków |
Convent of Gdańsk, Convent of Polonia, Sweden |
The provincial
chapter of Polonia assigns Fr. Johannes Chrysostomus Svecus (i.e. “of Sweden”)
as German confessor to the convent in Gdańsk.
Source: Acta capituli
provincialis OP Poloniae.
Language: Latin.
Hec sunt acta capituli provincialis in conventu
Petricoviensi s. Dorotheae ordinis praedicatorum pro festo s. Michaelis
archangeli anno Domini 1596 celebrati sub adm. reverendo patre fratre Felice
Siradiensi, sacre theologiae mag. priore provinciali provinciae nostrae
Poloniae. (…)
Assignationes. (…) Conventui Gedanensi assignamus patrem fratrem Isaiam de conventu Vilnensi pro cantore, patrem fratrem Joannem Chrisostomum Svecum pro confessore germanico, patrem fratrem Albertum de conventu Gedanensi pro terminario, fratrem Albertum Skrzinensem diaconum de conventu Opatoviensi. (…)
Dansk oversættelse:
Dette er akterne for provincialkapitlet i Skt. Dorotheæ
konventet i Piotrków for Prædikantordenen på Skt. Mikaels festdag i det Herrens
år 1596 under ledelse af den ærværdige fader broder Felix Siradiensis, magister
i den hellige teologi og provincialprior i vor provins Polonia. (…)
Udnævnelser. (…) Til
konventet i Gdansk udnævnes fader broder Isaias fra konventet i Vilnius til
kantor, fader broder Johannes Chrysostomus Svecus til tysk skriftefader, fader
broder Albert fra konventet i Gdansk til terminarius, broder Albert Skrzinensis
fra konventet i Opatowiec. (…)
Comments: The biname Svecus
strongly indicates that Fr. Johannes Chrysostomus was of Swedish origin. More
than 60 years after the dissolution of the Scandinavian province it is,
however, almost impossible that Fr. Johannes should have started his Dominican
career in pre-Reformation Sweden. Not much is known about the Swedish friar,
but he was also allocated to the convent of Gdańsk in 1599. ●
For the Dominican convents in the Polish Hansa cities along the Baltic coast it
was common to have especially appointed German-speaking as well as
Slavic-speaking preachers and confessors. ● Fr. Johannes Svecus had taken
the saintly biname Chrysostomus after
St. Johannes Chrysostomus (St. John Chrysostom) (†407), archbishop of
Constantinople and church father, who was known for his eloquent preaching
skills, which allegedly earned him the surname Chrysostomus, “golden mouthed”.
Published: Acta capitulorum provinciae Poloniae vol. I, p. 535.
Płock |
Convent of Gdańsk, Province of Polonia, Sweden |
provincial chapter of Polonia assigns Fr. Johannes Chrysostomus Svecus to the
convent in Gdańsk.
Source: Acta capituli
provincialis OP Poloniae.
Language: Latin.
Acta capituli provincialis provinciae Poloniae
ordinis fratrum praedicatorum in conventu Plocensi s. Dominici extra muros anno
Domini 1599 pro dominica »Vado ad eum« sub adm. reverendo patre fratre
Hyacincto Suscio, sacre theologiae lectore priore conventus Plocensis, vicario
generali. (…)
(…) Declaramus etiam constitutionem illam per plura capitula generalia
approbatam, quae dicit »fratres ad illos conventus pertinere in quibus
susceperunt habitum«, eapropter Fr. Chrisostomum Svecum ad conventum Gedanensem
pertinere quia in eo habitum sumpsit. (…)
sunt assignationes. (…) Conventui Gedanensi: fr. Thomam conventum Cracoviensis
pro cantore et praedicatore pomeridiano, fr. Chrisostomum Swecum. (…)
Comments: On Fr. Johannes Chrysostomus Svecus, see 1596.
Apparently, he was not officially assigned to the convent in Gdańsk until
1599, although he had lived there for some years, known as German confessor of
the convent in 1596.
Published: Acta
capitulorum provinciae Poloniae vol. I,
pp. 543 and 550.
Acta capitulorum
generalium OP. Acts from the general chapters of the Order of Preachers. Archivum
Generalis Ordinis Praedicatorum, Rome. Published in Monumenta Ordinis
Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vols. III-IV, VIII-XIV, Rome 1898 ff, with
some additional acts found in other archives published in various volumes of Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum. A digital version of the acts published in MOPH is
published on the CD-rom Constitutiones et
Acta Capitulorum Generalium Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum 1232-2001 ed. by
Fr. Wolfram Hoyer OP (Rome: Istituto Storico Domenicano & Berlin:
Directmedia, 2002).
capitulorum provincialium provinciae OP Germaniae inferioris. Acts from the provincial
chapters of the Dominican province of Germania inferioris. Published by A.M. Bogaerts OP as Provinciale kapittels der Dominikanen van de nederduitse provincie,
Brussels 1968.
Acta capitulorum provincialium provinciae OP Poloniae.
Acts from
the provincial chapters of the Dominican province of Polonia. Various archives.
Published by R.F. Madura OP in Acta
capitulorum provinciae Poloniae Ordinis Praedicatorum vol. I (1225-1600),
Roma 1972, pp. 1-574.
Acta capitulorum
provincialium provinciae OP Saxoniae. Acts from the provincial
chapters of the Dominican province of Saxonia. Various archives. Published in
parts in various publications, for the period 1513-1540 by G.M. Löhr OP in Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des
Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vol. 26, Leipzig 1930.
Acta convocationis
congregationis Hollandiae. Chapter acts of the Dutch Congregation within the
Order of Preachers, 1465-1515. Transcripts by J. de Jonckheere OP from 1685,
preserved at Archivum Generalis Ordinis Praedicatorum, Rome; and by J. Echard
OP from 1698-99, at Archives nationale, Paris. Published by A. De Meyer in La Congrégation de Hollande, Liège 1946.
Akershusregisteret 1622.
Register of letters made at the royal castle Akershus, Oslo, concerning landed
estates formerly belonging to local monasteries. Two versions preserved in the
Danish National Archives, Copenhagen (A), and the National Archives, Oslo (B).
Published by G. Tank as Akershusregisteret
af 1622, Oslo (Kristiania) 1916.
Annales ecclesiæ
Danicæ diplomatici. Chronological
account of Danish church history with some diploma transcripts, in 4 volumes
(I. 1000-1299; II. 1300-1536) written in German. Collected, written and
published by E. Pontoppidan, Copenhagen 1741-47.
Annales episcoporum Slesvicensium. Chronicle on the ecclesiastical history of the diocese of Schleswig, focusing on the bishops. Originally collected by the brothers Hieronymus and Paulus Cypræus, whose unpublished manuscripts are preserved in the Royal Library, Copenhagen. These formed the basis for the present work published by Paulus’ son, Johannes Adolphus Cypræus, Copenhagen 1634.
of Johannes Oldendorph (Libellus genealogia
Johannis Jacobii Oldendorpii, Haderslebensis). Autobiography of Johannes
Oldendorph, an Evangelic vicar of Haderslev, from around 1563. The manuscript
is preserved at The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Published with a Danish
translation by A. Andersen as Johannes
Oldendorphs selvbiografi, Tønder 1966; and online by Det Danske Sprog- og
Litteraturselskab as Johs.
Oldendorph: Selvbiografi.
Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur,
Copy Book of Bishop Hans Brask. Contemporary register with full and abbreviated
transcripts of 560 letters and lists from 1520-1527, i.e. the later part of the
episcopal administration of Bishop Hans Brask of Linköping (1513-1527). The
Swedish National Archives, Stockholm (A7). Published by H. Gunneng as Biskop Hans Brasks Registratur,
‘Samlingar utgivna av Svenska fornskriftsällskapet’ Serie 1, Svenska skrifter
vol. 85, Uppsala 2003.
Chronica expulsionis fratrum
minorum Dacie (Chronica seu brevis processus in causa expulsionis
fratrum minorum de suis cenobiis provincie Dacie).
Chronicle on the dissolution of a number of Franciscan convents in Denmark
1528-32, written by two Franciscan friars, Jacob Jensen of Malmø and Rasmus
Olsen of Næstved, around 1532-34. Preserved in a contemporary transcript, along
with a transcript from the seventeenth century, both at The Royal Library,
Copenhagen. Published
by H. Knudsen as ‘En gammel Krönike om
Graabrödrenes Udjagelse af deres Klostre i Danmark’ in Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 1. ser. vol. I, Copenhagen 1849-52, 325-419; and by M.C. Gertz in Scriptores
minores historiæ Danicæ medii ævi vol. II, Copenhagen 1920, 325-367. A Danish translation
by H. Nielsen is published as Krøniken om Graabrødrenes fordrivelse fra
deres klostre i Danmark, Copenhagen 1967.
Guthilandorum - Den Guthilandiske
Chronicle of the history of the island Gotland compiled by Hans Nielsen
Strelow, published in Copenhagen 1633. Reprinted in Visby 1978.
Dronning Christines Hofholdningsregnskaber. Account books
for Queen Christine of Denmark-Norway and her court in the period 1496-1521.
The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. Published by W. Christensen,
Copenhagen 1904.
Eline Gøyes Jordebog. Roll of estate in the possession of Lady Eline
Mogensdatter Gøye, compiled in 1552, consisting of both lists of tenants and
kinds as well as registers of estate acquisitions. Published by A. Thiset as Fru Eline Gøyes Jordebog med tilhørende
Brevuddrag, Copenhagen 1892.
Beati Dominici Vita. Hagiography on St. Dominic by Giovanni Antonio
Flaminio, Bologna 1529. Republished in Acta
Sanctorum - Augusti vol. I, by J.B. Sollerio & al., Paris 1733.
Genswar som Dannemarcks riigis Christelige
predicanther kortelig gaffue paa the xxvii Klagemaale ther prelaterne (…) vti
Købinghaffns herredage 1530. Printed reply from the
Evangelical preachers of Denmark present at the Copenhagen Diet of 1530 to
complaints raised against them by the Danish bishops with a series of
counter-complaints. The treatise itself states to be written by ‘the Christian
preachers of Denmark’, whereas the printed book version puts Jørgen Jensen
Sadolin as the chief author. The Royal Library, Copenhagen (LN 73 8°).
Published by H.F. Rørdam as Danmarks
christelige Prædikanters Gjensvar paa Prælaternes Klagemaal, Copenhagen
1885, included in his Skrifter fra
Reformationstiden, Copenhagen 1885-90.
Huitfeldt’s Chronologia and Danmarckis Rigis Krønicke. An
extensive chronicle of Denmark’s history from c.1200 to c.1600 by
Arild Huitfeldt (†1609), meant as a continuation of Saxo’s “Gesta Danorum”. The
chronicle, which was published in ten volumes in 1595-1604, includes
transcripts of several letters, to which Huitfeldt is our only source. A
photographic reprint is published as Danmarks Riges Krønike, Copenhagen
1977; numerous extracts are published individually in Diplomatarium Danicum.
Johannes Magnus, Historia metropolitanae ecclesiae Upsalensis. Chronicle on the
archbishops of Uppsala, originally written by Archbishop Johannes Magnus of
Uppsala during his exile in Gdansk, 1527-37, with an added chapter on the
author himself written after his death in 1544 by his brother, Olaus Magnus,
and published in 1557; the chapter includes letters written by Johannes in
Italy. The letters are published by Brita Larsson as Johannes Magnus’ Latin Letters - A critical edition with introduction
and commentary, Lund 1992.
Magnus Matthiæ,
Regum Danorum Series. Chronicle on the
history of Christian Danish kings written by Lector Mogens Madsen, later bishop
of Lund, around 1563-89. Preserved in two seventeenth-century transcripts, The
Royal Library, Copenhagen. For the period 1320-1559 published by H. Rørdam in Monumenta historiæ Danicæ 2. ser. vol.
II, Copenhagen 1887, pp. 81-246.
Nicolaus Helduaderus,
Sylva Chronologica. Chronicle on the
history of the duchy of Schleswig written by the parish priest Niels Heldvad
(†1634), published in 1624. The passage in question was republished by H.V.
Gregersen in Reformationen i
Sønderjylland, Aabenraa 1986, 107.
Peder Laurentsen’s
The artickle Scrifft oc handell, Som vore mellom werdige fædre Danmarkckss
Prelater Oc Ewangeliske predickere heer aff riiget nu siste herredag i
Køpnehaffn Aar effter Christi fødsel MD 1530.
written by Peder Laurentsen, Evangelical lector in Malmö, in 1530 as a
commentary to the religious dispute at the Copenhagen diet in the summer of
1530. The Royal Library, Copenhagen
(Hielmst. 580 8° (LN 9)). Published by H.F. Rørdam as Malmø-Beretningen om Religionsartikler og Forhandlinger paa Herredagen
i Kjøbenhavn 1530, Copenhagen 1889, included in his Skrifter fra Reformationstiden, Copenhagen 1885-90.
Swarts krönike. Chronicle on the
merits of King Gustav I Vasa of Sweden from 1495 to 1533, written by Bishop
Peder Andersson Swart of Västerås in 1561-62. National Library of Sweden,
Stockholm. Published by G.E. Klemming as Gustaf
I’s krönike af Peder Swart, Stockholm 1870; and by N. Edén as Konung Gustaf I.s krönika - Med inledning
och ordförklaringar, Stockholm 1912.
Laale Parabolae, Peder Låles
Ordsprog. Collection of 1200 proverbs in Latin with Danish parallel translations
listed alphabetically after the first letter of the Latin text. Compiled by the
Danish (priest?) Peder Låle around 1350. Preserved as printed collection from
1506, The Royal Library, Copenhagen (N 1170 4to), with several later
reprints. Commented publication by A. Kock and C. Petersens as Östnordiska och latinska medeltidsordspråk -
Peder Låles ordspråk vol. I-II, Copenhagen 1889-94; and by I. Kjær & E.
Petersen in Danmarks Gamle Ordsprog
vol. I:1-2, Copenhagen 1979.
Register of Scanian Letters, Skånebrevsfortegnelsen. Register of letters from the
originally Danish province of Scania brought to the royal Swedish archives in
Stockholm in the seventeenth century; register compiled in three versions
1685-90. A good number of the letters seem to originate from the Dominican
priory archive in Lund, probably kept in the cathedral archives of Lund after
the dissolution. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm. No systematic
publication, some published individually in Danish and Swedish diplomataria.
litterarum generales magistri OP. Register of letters given by the
master generals of the Order of Preachers. Archivum Generalis Ordinis Praedicatorum,
Rome. Published in Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica
vols. XVII, XIX and XXI, Rome 1935-47; Quellen
und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland vols.
6, 7, 10, 37 and 40, Leipzig & Cologne 1911-52; Acta capitulorum provinciae Poloniae ordinis praedicatorum vol. I, Rome 1972; and Handlinger
rörande Dominikaner-Provinsen Dacia, Stockholm 1901.
Das Revaler
Geleitsbuch. Records of juridical
letters of safe-conduct issued by the city council of Tallinn from 1515 to
1626. Tallinn City Archives. Published by N. von Essen and P. Johansen as Das Revaler Geleitsbuch, 1515-1626 (‘Publikationen
aus dem Stadtarchiv Tallinn’ vol. IX), Tallinn 1939.
Revaler Rentenbuch. Records of cases brought before the city magistrate of
Tallinn from 1382 to 1518. Tallinn City Archives. Published by A. Plaesterer as
‘Das Revaler Pergament Rentenbuch, 1382-1518’, Publikationen aus dem Revaler Stadtarchiv vol. V, Tallinn 1930.
Ribe bys jordebog. Register of urban
sites in Ribe and their annual income in the possession of the city magistrate,
begun 1454-58 and continued to around 1600. The Provincial Archives of Northern
Jutland, Viborg. Published by I. Nielsen as Ribe
bys jordebog - Grundlagt i 1450erne og videreført til omkring 1600, Esbjerg
Stockholms stads
jordebok. Records of
property transactions brought before the city magistrate of Stockholm
1420-1498. City
Archives of Stockholm. Published by E. Hildebrand & L.M. Bååth, Stockholm
Stockholms stads
skottebok. Account books of Stockholm city, covering three periods from 1460 to
1525. City Archives of Stockholm. Published by H. Hillebrand and J.A. Almquist,
Stockholm 1915-35.
Stockholms stads
tänkeböcker. Records of cases brought before the city magistrate of
Stockholm from 1474 onwards. City Archives of Stockholm (1525-29 in National
Library of Sweden, Stockholm). Published by E. Hildebrand & al., Stockholm
1917 ff.; and by L. Larsson as Stockholm
stads tänkebok 1524-1529 (‘Skrifter utgivna av Vetenskaps-Societeten i
Lund’ vol. 11), Lund 1929.
Stures registratur, Herr Svante Stures
Acta och Handlingar. Contempory register with transcripts of letters concerning the Swedish
regency of Svante Nilsson Sture (1516-1536). The Swedish National Archives,
Stockholm. Published in Handlingar rörande Skandinaviens historia vols. XIX-XX, Stockholm 1834-35, pp. 3-176 (XIX) and
3-296 (XX).
Vibeke Podebusks Antegnelser. Records on family- and Danish national history in
annalistic form collected by Lady Vibeke Podebusk, with the last entry dated to
1573. Published by P.F. Suhm and B.C. Sandvig as ‘Fru Wibeke Podebuskes,
Antegnelser om Danske Sager fra 1464 til 1573’ in Samlinger til den Danske Historie vol. II:3 (Copenhagen, 1784), pp.
Source publications:
Acta capitulorum provinciae
Poloniae ordinis praedicatorum. Provincial chapter acts and register of letters
by the master generals concerning the Dominican province of Polonia. Published
by R.F. Madura OP, Rome 1972 ff.
Acta Poenitentiariae
Suecica. Supplications to the Apostolic Penitentiary concerning Sweden.
Published by S. Risberg & K. Salonen as Auctoritate
Papae : The Church Province of Uppsala and the Apostolic Penitentiary 1410-1526,
Stockholm 2008.
Acta pontificum Danica. Papal diplomas concerning Denmark from 1316 to 1536. Published by A. Krarup & J. Lindbæk, Copenhagen 1904-43.
Akten und Rezesse der livländischen Ständetage - mit
Unterstützung der baltischen Ritterschaften und Städte. Acts of various legislating assemblies in Livonia from
1304 to 1535. Published by O. Stavenhagen, L. Arbusow & A. Bauer, Riga
Aktstykker til Nordens
Historie i Grevefeidens Tid. Sources concerning Scandinavian history during
the Count’s Feud (1534-36). Published by C. Paludan-Müller, Odense
Archiv for Psychologie, Historie, Literatur
og Kunst. Interdisciplinary journal of the
learned arts, ed. by N.C. Øst, with two documents concerning the Dominican
convent in Holbæk published by J.H. Larsen in vol. VIII, Copenhagen 1827,
Archivum Fratrum
Praedicatorum. Published by Institutum Historicum Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum, Rome
1931 ff.
Beiträge zur Kunde Esth- Liv- und Kurlands. Studies and source publications concerning the history
of Estonia and Latvia. Published by the Esthländischen Literärischen Gesellschaft.
Tallinn 1868-1937.
Bidrag till Skandinaviens historia ur
utländska arkiver. Sources
concerning Swedish history preserved in foreign archives. Published by C.G.
Styffe, Stockholm 1859-84.
Christiern II’s Arkiv (I): Handlingar rörander Severin
Norby och de under hans ledning stående krigsföretagen mot Sverige.
Letters concerning the warfare of King Christian II of Denmark-Norway against
Sweden in the 1520s. Published by N.J. Ekdahl, Stockholm 1835-36.
Congrégation de Hollande, ou, La réforme dominicaine en territoire bourguignon, 1465-1515 :
Documents inédits. Published by A. De Meyer, Liège 1946.
Danske adelige Brevkister - Registraturer
fra det 15-17. Aarhundrede. Registers of land
acquisition diplomas for lay noble manors in 15th- to 17th-century
Denmark. Published by A. Thiset, Copenhagen 1897.
Danske Helligaandsklostre Diplomatarium. Diplomas concerning the Order of the Holy Ghost in
medieval Denmark. Published by J. Lindbæk & G. Stemann as part of De danske Helligaandsklostre - Fremstilling
og Aktstykker, Copenhagen 1906.
Danske Kancelliregistranter 1535-1550. Registers from the Royal Danish Chancery during most of
the reign of King Christian III of Denmark-Norway (1535-1559). Published by K.
Erslev & W. Mollerup, Copenhagen 1881-82.
Danske Kirkelove vol. I (1536-1558). Sources concerning the legislation
of the early Evangelical Church in Denmark, 1536-1683. Published by H.F. Rørdam, Copenhagen 1883.
Den Danske Kirkeordinans (‘The Danish Church Ordinance’). A Lutheran-Evangelical
church law for Denmark and the duchy of Schleswig-Holstein introduced by King
Christian III of Denmark-Norway, with a Latin version in 1537 and a Danish
version in 1539. The Latin version is preserved in a printed book version from
1537 (‘Ordinatio Ecclesiastica Regnorum
Daniæ..’, The Royal Library, Copenhagen (LN 196)); the Danish version is
preserved in two handwritten transcripts from 1540 (both in the Danish National
Archives, Copenhagen) and in a printed book version from 1542 (‘Den rette Ordinants..’, The Royal
Library, Copenhagen (LN 195 8°). The Latin version of 1537 is published by M.S.
Lausten in Kirkeordinansen 1537/39,
Copenhagen, pp. 92-149. The Danish version of 1539 is published by H.F. Rørdam
in Danske Kirkelove vol. I, pp.
40-133; and by M.S. Lausten in Kirkeordinansen
1537/39, Copenhagen, pp. 150-244. An earlier model version in Danish,
possibly from January 1537, is preserved as an original document in The Danish
National Archives, Copenhagen. The model version is published by H. Knudsen i Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 1. ser. vol. I
(1849), pp. 55-116; and by M.S. Lausten in Kirkeordinansen
1537/39, Copenhagen, pp. 45-91.
Danske Magazin. Annual journal with
articles and minor source publications from Danish history. Published by
various editors, Copenhagen 1745 ff.
Archivet. Manuscripts and diplomas
concerning medieval and early modern Sweden, originally kept in a private
archive at Löberöd Manor. Published by P. Wieselgren, Stockholm & Lund
civitatis Malmogiensis – Malmö stads urkundsbok. Letters concerning the city of
Malmö from 1353 to 1807. Published by L. Weibull, Malmö 1917.
Diplomatarium diocesis Lundensis - Lunds ärkestifts urkundsbok. All registered letters concerning the medieval
archdiocese of Lund (i.e. Skåne, Halland, Blekinge and Bornholm) from 1421 to
1512. Published by L. Weibull, Lund 1900-39.
Diplomatarium Flensborgense – Samlinger af
Aktstykker til Staden Flensborgs Historie
vol. I
(-1559). All letters concerning medieval Flensburg. Published by H.C.P.
Sejdelin, Copenhagen 1865.
Diplomatarium Norvegicum. All registered letters concerning medieval Norway. Published by C.C.A. Lange & al., Christiania/Oslo 1849-1976. Also available online.
Diplomatarium Poenitentiariae Norvegicum : Synder og pavemakt. Botsbrev
fra Den Norske Kirkeprovins og Suderøyene til Pavestolen 1438-1531. Supplications to the
Apostolic Penitentiary concerning Norway. Published
by T. Jørgensen & G. Saletnich, Stavanger 2004.
Diplomatarium Vibergense - Breve og aktstykker fra
ældre viborgske arkiver til Viborg by og stifts historie 1200-1559. Letters concerning the
city and diocese of Viborg, Denmark, from 1200 to 1559. Published by A. Heise,
Dissertationes Historicae
- Institutum Historicum FF. Praedicatorum. Dissertations on Dominican history, some
including selected sources. Various editors, Rome 1931 ff.
Finlands Medeltidsurkunder. All registered letters
concerning medieval Finland. Published by R. Hausen, Helsinki 1910-35. Also published online as
part of the Diplomatarium
Fra det gamle Holbæk.
Various historical documents concerning the town of Holbæk. Published with
comments by A. Thomsen, Holbæk 1932.
Gamla papper angående Mora socken.
Various historical documents concerning the parish of Mora in the Swedish
province of Dalarna. Published with comments by A. Pers & L. Sjödin,
Västerås 1927-37.
Gamle jydske
Tingsvidner. Testimonials and verdicts of regional and national courts held in the
diocese of Ribe in the period 1438-1556. Published by O. Nielsen, Copenhagen
1882 (reprint 1977).
Geschichte der Stadt Schleswig nach
urkundlichen Quellen. Town history for
Schleswig with some source publications, written and published by A. Sach,
Schleswig 1875.
Handlingar rörande
Dominikaner-Provinsen Dacia. Material on the province
of Dacia preserved in the General Archives of the Order of Preachers in Rome,
for the main part (ch. IV) registers of the master general OP concerning the
province. Published
by Karl Henrik Karlsson (‘Historiska Handlingar’ vol. 18:1), Stockholm 1901.
Handlingar rörande Skandinaviens historia, Historiska
Handlingar. An annual periodical
on various aspects of mainly Swedish history, with several first-time
publications of sources. Published by Kungliga Samfundet för utgivande av
handskrifter rörande Skandinaviens historia, Stockholm 1815 ff., from 1861-1979
as Historiske Handlingar and since
that as Kungl. Samfundets handlingar.
Handlingar till Nordens historia
1515-1523, vols. I-III. Various letters concerning the Scandinavian countries
(especially Sweden) from the period 1515-1523. Published by L. Sjödin as part
of the series ‘Historiske Handlingar’ vol. 39-41, Stockholm 1967-79.
Handlingar till
upplysning af Finlands häfder, 10 vols. Various letters concerning Finland in
medieval and early modern times. Published by A.I. Arwidsson, Stockholm
Kirkehistoriske Samlinger. An annual periodical on
various aspects of church history in Denmark, with several first-time
publications of sources in the earliest volumes. Published by Institute for
Church History at Copenhagen University, Copenhagen 1849 ff.
Det Kgl. Rettertings Domme
og Rigens Forfølgninger fra Christian III’s Tid, 2
vols. Register of court acts from the reign of King Christian III of
Denmark(-Norway), 1534-1559. Published by T. Dahlerup, Copenhagen 1959-69.
Die Kölner
Universitätsmatrikel, 3 vols. List of matriculations for the University of
Cologne. Published by H. Keussen, Bonn 1919-1931.
Kong Frederik I’s Registranter. Register of letters issued by King Frederik I of Denmark-Norway
(1523-1533). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. The part concerning
Denmark is published by K. Erslev & W. Mollerup as Kong Frederik den Førstes Registranter, Copenhagen 1879.
Konung Gustaf den förstes
registratur. Register of King Gustav I of Sweden (1523-1560). The Swedish National
Archives, Stockholm. Published by J.J. Nordström & al., Stockholm
Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift. An annual periodical on
various aspects of church history in Sweden, with some first-time publications
of sources in the earliest volumes. Published by Kyrkohistoriska föreningen,
Uppsala 1900 ff.
Liv-, Est-
und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch. All registered letters concerning medieval
Livonia, Estonia and Curonia (today Latvia and Estonia). 1. ser. published by F.G. von Bunge, Tallinn 1853-67, 2.
ser. by L. Arbusow, Riga 1900-14.
Malmö fornminnesförening årsskrift. Local-historical yearbook from Malmö, occasionally
publishing sources of local relevance. Published by Malmö fornminnesförening, Malmö 1933-77. Continued from
1978 as Elbogen.
Matrikel de Universität Greifswald. List
of matriculations for the University of Greifswald since 1456. Vol. I
(1456-1645) published by E. Friedlaender, Leipzig 1893.
Monumenta historiæ Danicæ - Historiske
Kildeskrifter og Bearbejdelser af dansk Historie. Various sources concerning Danish history. Published by
H. Rørdam, Copenhagen 1873-87.
Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum
Praedicatorum Historica. Various source material from the archives of the
Order of Preachers, e.g. the general chapter acts and registers of letters by
the masters general. Published by B.M. Reichert
& al., Rome 1897 ff.
Norske Regnskaber og
Jordebøger fra det 16de Aarhundrede. Account books and lists of estate from
sixteenth-century Norway. Published by H.J. Huitfeldt-Kaas & A.O. Johnsen,
Oslo 1966-84.
Provinciale kapittels der Dominikanen van
de nederduitse provincie (vol. I). Published by A.M. Bogaerts OP as ‘Bouwstoffen voor
de geschiedenis der Dominikanen in de Nederlanden’ vol. VI, Brussels 1968.
Publikationen aus dem
Revaler Stadtarchiv. Various types of source material kept in the Tallinn
City Archives. Various editors. Tallinn 1888 ff.
Quellen und Forschungen
zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens in Deutschland. Sources and studies
concerning the German Dominicans. Published by P. von Löe & B.M. Reichert,
Leipzig 1907 ff.
diplomaticum regni danici medii aevi (Repertorium danici).
List of all registered letters concerning the kingdom of Denmark in the Middle
Ages (1085-1513), several citing complete letters or abstracts. Published by K. Erslev and W. Pedersen for Selskabet for
Udgivelse af Dansk Kirkehistorie, Copenhagen 1894-1939.
Revaler Regesten. Register of diplomas
in Tallinn City Archives concerning different issues: vols. I-II foreign land
possessions in Tallinn and vol. III last will and testaments from the Late
Middle Ages to Modern Age. Published by R. Seeberg-Elverfeldt in
‘Veröffentlichungen der niedersächsischen Archivverwaltung’ vols. 22, 26 and
35, Göttingen 1966-75.
Cimbricæ sev Vrbis Ripensis in Cimbria sitæ
Descriptio ex antiqvis monvmentis, bvllis, diplomatibvs (Terpager, Ripæ Cimbricæ). A town history including
several diploma transcripts. Written and published by Petrus Terpager,
Flensburg 1736.
til den danske Historie and Nye Samlinger til den danske Historie.
Essays on the history of Denmark with numerous full-text source references
predominantly written and collected by Peter Frederik Suhm, but published by
others. Samlinger
til den danske Historie, 2 vols., published by B.C. Sandvig,
Copenhagen 1779-84; and Nye Samlinger til den danske Historie, 4 vols.,
published by R. Nyerup, Copenhagen 1792-95.
Sverges traktater med främmande magter. Letters concerning international relations of Sweden. Published by O.S.
Rydberg (vols. I-IV, 822-1560), Stockholm 1877-95.
Sydsvenska Ortnamnssällskapets Årsskrift. Annual journal for the place-name society of southern
Sweden. Lund 1925-2008.
Ældste danske
Archivregistraturer. Various Danish registers of letters preserved in The
Danish National Archives; most of the registers are of the sixteenth century,
but concerning medieval letters. Published in
five volumes by Det Kongelige Danske Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie og
Sprog, Copenhagen 1854-1910.
Literature referred to in the Diplomatarium:
Achelis, T.O.
(1926): Haderslev i gamle Dage vol. 1
(‘1292-1626’), Haderslev.
Barthold, Friedrich Wilhelm (1845): Geschichte von Rügen und Pommern vol. 4:2, Hamburg.
Berntson, Martin (2003): Klostren och reformationen –
Upplösningen av kloster och konvent i Sverige 1523-1596, Göteborg.
Bogaerts OP, A.M. (1968):
Provinciale kapittels der Dominikanen van
de nederduitse provincie vol. I, Brussels.
Carlsson, Gottfrid (1913): ‘Några
anteckningar om de teologiska studierna i Upsala under universitetets första
tillvaro’, in: Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift vol.
14, 32-36.
DBL = Dansk
Biografisk Leksikon. 3rd edition, ed. by S. Cedergreen Bech, Copenhagen
De Brun, Frans (1924): ‘Stockholms stads tänkebok 1533-1538 i
sammandrag efter registret’, in: Holmiana
et alia vol. 5:1, ed. F. De Brun, Stockholm, 225-271.
De Meyer OP, Albert (1946): La congrégation de Hollande, ou, La réforme dominicaine en
territoire bourguignon, 1465-1515 : Documents inédits, Liège.
Dormeier, Heinrich
(2013): ‘Neue Ordensniederlassungen in Hanseraum - Lübecker Stiftungen
zugunsten des Birgittenklosters Marienwohlde bei Möllin (1413-1534)’, in: Klöster, Stifte und Konvente nördlich der
Elbe, ‘Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte Schleswig-Holstein’ vol. 120,
ed. O. Auge & K. Hillebrand (Neumünster: Wachholtz Verlag), 261-366.
Elers, Johan (1800): Stockholm
vol. 1, Stockholm.
Engelstoft, C.T. (1860-62):
‘Kirke-Ordinantsens Historie’, in: Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2. ser.
vol. II, 1-110 and 369-442.
Gallén, Jarl (1983): ‘De religiösa ordnarnas,
särskilt Dominikanordens, studier i Skandinavien under medeltiden’, in: Historica IV – Föredrag vid det XVIII
Nordiska historikermötet Jyväskylä 1981, Jyväskylä, 13-28.
Geijer, Agnes (1947): ‘En textil målning’,
in: Sigtuna Mariakyrka, 1247-1947,
ed. H. Arbman, Sigtuna, 96-104.
Gregersen, H.V. (1986): Reformationen i Sønderjylland, Aabenraa.
Halvorsen OP, Per Bjørn (2002): Dominikus
- En europeers liv på 1200-tallet, Oslo.
Hansen, Gotthard von (1873): Die
Kirchen und ehemaligen Klöster Revals, Tallinn (1. edition). Literary work
enclosed with nine document publications.
Heilesen, Henning (1962): ‘De sønderjyske
gråbrødreklostres undergang - Et blad af reformationens historie i
Sønderjylland’, in: Sønderjyske årbøger 1962, Historisk Samfund for
Sønderjylland, Aabenraa, 40-50.
Heise, A. (1869-71): ‘Kirkelige Forhold i Viborg Stift,
navnlig i Salling, paa Reformationstiden’, in: Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2. ser. vol. V, 522-581.
Jakobsen, Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig (2008): Prædikebrødrenes
samfundsrolle i middelalderens Danmark, PhD dissertation, University of Southern
Denmark, Odense.
Jakobsen, Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig (2018a): ‘Fratres regulares et irregulares -
Dominican Implementation, Observation, and Violation of Rules in the Province
of Dacia’, in: Making and Breaking the
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Centre for
Mendicant Studies of Dacia
Johnny G.G. Jakobsen,
Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen
Postal address: Emil Holms Kanal 2, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark ● Email: jggj@hum.ku.dk