Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: 1xDiplomatarium OP Dacie


Collected and edited by J.G.G. Jakobsen, Centre for Mendicant Studies of Dacia.


Vol. I (1220-1299)

Vol. III (1400-1499)

Vol. IV (1500+)




Vol. II (1300-1399)

(the volume is under continued construction and still very far from completion)

Latest update: 2024.12.09




Around 1300. The town nightwatch of Nidaros is to pass through a common between the king’s manor and the house of Friars Preachers.

1300 7/3. The convent of Friars Preachers in Nidaros certifies two papal bulls in favour of the archbishop and the cathedral chapter of Nidaros.

1301 8/2. Johan Magnussen Drefeld is buried in the church of the Friars Preachers in Lund.

1301 (21/5). The general chapter adds Aragonia to the Parisian group of provinces (with Dacia) to be called from Paris for elective general chapters. Fr. Arnaldus de Iriberin is transferred to the province of Dacia as punishment, while the subprior of the convent in Hamburg and the lector in Stralsund are transferred compulsorily after mistreatment of visiting high-ranking friars from Dacia.

1302 (10/6). The general chapter absolves Fr. Olavus as prior provincial of Dacia and puts Dacia among the provinces to pay 1 mark silver annually to the Order’s procurator in Rome.

1302 23/11. Prior Grunde of the Friars Preachers in Oslo sells some land in Klemetsrud, given to the convent by Ingeborg Gunnarsdatter, to Ketil Kaza.

1302 5/12. Prior Nicolaus of the Friars Preachers in Skänninge co-seals a letter of donation by Alvar de Fallsberg to the Cistercian nunnery of Vreta.

1303 14/3. Provost Anders of Lund founds an altar in the cathedral with an annual donation of fish to the Friars Preachers in Lund.

1303 (26/5). The general chapter adds Tolosana to the Parisian group of provinces (with Dacia) to be called from Paris for elective general chapters.

1303 6/11. Elisif leaves a part of a demesne to the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, with whom she wishes to be buried.

1303. Gyrid Andersdatter leaves 1 mark to the Friars Preachers in Nidaros.

1304 10/3. Cecilie Nielsdatter Galen leaves 1 mark to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde.

1304 2/6. Ingeborg Nilsdotter leaves donations for all the Dominican convents in Sweden and in particular to Prior Israel Erlandi of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna.

1304 15/6. Prior Provincial Petrus de Roskilde represents Dacia at the general chapter in Toulouse, where the province is exempted from establishing a studium generale.

1304 24/7. Canon Gerlak in Oslo leaves 4 marks to the Friars Preachers in Oslo.

1305 17/7. Prior Israel Erlandi of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna presents the case of his convent against the convent in Strängnäs regarding terminario in Stockholm to the coming provincial chapter.

1305 c.22/8. Prior Provincial Petrus and the provincial chapter in Skänninge rule in favour of the convent in Sigtuna regarding the right to collect alms in and around Stockholm.

1307 (14/5). The general chapter reprimands the prior provincial and diffinitors provincial of Dacia for having absolved all preachers general of the province.

1307 11/9. The prior and convent of the Friars Preachers in Nidaros certify an archiepiscopal letter in favour of the parish church of Mæren.

1307 11/9. The prior and convent of the Friars Preachers in Nidaros certify five papal and archiepiscopal letters in favour of the cathedral chapter of Nidaros.

1307 9/10.  Cecilie Jonsdatter leaves 2 marks to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde.

1308 23/5. Christine Nielsdatter Galen leaves money donations to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde and Århus, including some for Lector Andreas in Åhus and Fr. Thorstanus in Århus personally.

1308 (2/6). The general chapter absolves the prior provincial of Dacia and imposes a penance on Fr. Hemmingus of Dacia, who has returned to his province from Paris without a socius.

1308 (Aug-Sep.). Fr. Canutus of the Friars Preachers in Odense is elected prior provincial of Dacia.

1302-08. Fr. Petrus de Roskilde is elected prior provincial of Dacia and holds the office to 1308.

1308. Fr. Olavus, former prior provincial of Dacia, dies at the convent in Næstved.

1309 16/2. The cathedral chapter of Uppsala certifies a papal bull in favour of the Friars Preachers and their right to preach.

1309 24/2. Canon Arne Eindridsson in Nidaros leaves 1 mark to the Friars Preachers in Nidaros.

1309 31/5. Bishop Arne of Bergen informs all clergy, including the Friars Preachers in Bergen, that the foreign ‘wintersitters’ in Bergen have been commonly excommunicated.

1309 20/6. The Friars Preachers in Turku proclaims the election of Bishop Ragvald II of Turku from their priory church.

1309 16/8. Filip Björnsson leaves 50 marks to the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, with whom he wishes to be buried.

1309 22/8. Prior Nicolaus of the Friars Preachers in Ribe certifies a letter for the cathedral chapter in Ribe.

1309. The Friars Preachers are given a site in Helsingborg.

1310 16/1. Cecilie Nielsdatter founds an anniversary to be administered by the dean of Lund Cathedral, which includes money for a candle in front of Corpus Christi in the church of Friars Preachers in Lund.

1310 16/2. Provost Anders of Uppsala allows the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna to accommodate in the hospital in Uppsala.

1310 18/4 (+ 26/4). Archbishop Nils Ketilsson of Uppsala consecrates an Altar of the Holy Cross and St. Peter & Paul in the church of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, and issues letters of indulgence in favour of the convent.

1310 30/7. Provost Christian of Hardsyssel leaves 6 marks to the Friars Preachers in Ribe.

1310 20/9. The city of Lund is enjoined to found an altar and an anniversary for Josef Magnussen Drefeld in the church of the Friars Preachers in Lund.

1310. Prior Provincial Canutus of Dacia buys a Bible from (or for) the convent of Friars Preachers in Haderslev.

1311 15/7. Bishop Oluf of Roskilde consecrates the church of the Friars Preachers in Bruges.

1311 5/8. Johan Ängel issues a letter on ‘the Day of St. Dominic’.

1312 27/2. The citizens of Riga are enjoined to found an altar in the Dominican church in Riga, along with perpetual masses to be said by the Friars Preachers in Tallinn and Visby.

1312 13/5. Prior Provincial Canutus of Dacia represents the province at the general chapter in Carcassonne.

After 1312. Parish priest Peder Brakke joins the Friars Preachers in Roskilde.

1314 21/4. Prior Bernardus and the convent of Friars Preachers in Tallinn verify transcripts of five royal privileges for Daugaugrīva Abbey.

1315 18/1. Fr. Benedictus of the Friars Preachers (in Roskilde?) receives two farms on behalf of the sisters of St. Agnes.

1315 21/1. The prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde acts as vicar provincial on behalf of the sisters of St. Agnes.

1315 30/1. Fr. Bero and Fr. Petrus of the Friars Preachers in Västerås testify to a letter of objection issued by two canons of the cathedral chapter in Västerås on behalf of archielect Olof Björnsson of Uppsala.

1315 20/8. Prior Provincial Canutus confirms a contract for the sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde; indication of provincial chapter?

1316 24/3. Christine Sjællandsfar leaves 3 marks annually to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde for an eternal Mass.

1316 (30/5). The general chapter proposes a new studia generalia-structure with Dacia connected to Cologne and the Italian schools. Commemorational prayers are prescribed for all three Scandinavian kings.

1316 10/7. Prior B. of the Friars Preachers in Bruges asks King Håkon Magnusson of Norway for information, hagiography and relics of St. Olav, to whom an altar is to be founded in the priory church in Bruges.

(1317). Archbishop Olof Björnsson of Uppsala supplicates for a papal dispensation from the dietary restrictions of the Friars Preachers in Sweden.

1318 18/1. Duke Erik and Duke Valdemar of Sweden leave 20 marks to each of the Dominican convents and nunneries in Sweden.

1318 22/7. Prior Hason of the Friars Preachers in Hamburg is send as municipal envoy of Hamburg to Tønsberg to negotiate with King Magnus Håkonsson of Norway.

1318 27-28/7. Cecilie Nielsdatter founds an anniversary, which includes annual payments to the church and convent of Friars Preachers in Lund.

1319 3/1. King Erik VI of Denmark prohibits the citizens of Tallinn from sending their children to any other schools than the cathedral school.

1312-19. King Håkon V of Norway leaves a missal and a breviary, both written by Fr. Hjalm of the Friars Preachers, to the collegiate chapter of the royal chapel in Oslo.

(1320). Torfinn in Henriksgård leaves 2 marks silver to the Friars Preachers in Bergen.

1321 18/6. Fr. Laurentius Tyllingensis of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna represents the province of Dacia as diffinitor at the general chapter in Florence, where he co-seals a letter by the master general.

1320-21. Prior Provincial Canutus of Dacia dies in office; Fr. Wernerus of Roskilde is elected as his successor.

1322 10/6. Prior Johannes and the Friars Preachers in Roskilde certify a papal bull for the Franciscan sisters of St. Clare.

1322 19/10. Fr. Benedictus of the Friars Preachers (in Roskilde?) receives estate on behalf of the sisters of St. Agnes.

1323 (15/5). The general chapter absolves the prior of the Friars Preachers in Cologne for poor reception of the prior provincial of Dacia on his return journey from the general chapter of Vienna in 1322.

1323 15/8. Bishop Niels of Børglum consecratres the priory church of the Friars Preachers in Holbæk.

1323 2/10. Prior Arnoldus of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn represents Danish interests in Estonia at the peace negotiations with King Gediminas of Lithuania in Vilnius.

1324 28/3. Bailiff Algot Jonsson of Finland fines the city council of Turku for unjustly having impounded property in Turku from, among others, the Friars Preachers.

1324 (3/6). The general chapter prescribes commemorational prayers for the diffinitor from the province of Dacia, who has died on his way to the chapter in Bordeaux.

(1324) 14/8. Aymeric Beronis has deposited some valuable items for King Magnus of Norway-Sweden and his mother with the Friars Preachers in Oslo.

1325 7/4. Lector Johannes of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde witnesses an entrance in the church of St. Agnes.

1325 11/4. The convent of Friars Preachers in Turku testifies that Nils Hvite in Kimito has put his brother Henrik in charge of his property.

1325 (26/5). The general chapter enjoins the prior provincial of Dacia to pay an annual tax of 4 florins to the Order’s procurator and concedes to the foundation of a convent in the province of Dacia.

1326 21/8. Pope Johannes XXII allows for the Friars Preachers in Dacia to eat meat when they are out preaching, hearing confession or otherwise travelling outside their priories.

1327 25/3. Otto Pogwisch leaves 5 marks to the Friars Preachers in Schleswig.

1327 (31/5). Prior Provincial Wernerus of Dacia is absolved by the general chapter and dies soon after in Åhus; Lector Johannes Albus of Roskilde is appointed vicar general of Dacia until a new provincial is elected.

1327 19/8. Prior Benedictus of Roskilde is appointed attorney for the sisters of St. Agnes by Prior Provincial Tucho.

1326-27. Sheriff Matthias Kettilmundsson of Finland is buried with the Friars Preachers in Västerås and leaves donations for all Dominican convents in Sweden, particularly the ones in Västerås and Turku.

1328 7/1. Rangborg Ingevaldsdotter leaves 40 marks to the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, with whom she wants to be buried, along with smaller donations to the convents in Strängnäs and Västerås, and the nunnery in Skänninge.

1328 13/1. Pope John XXII enjoins the Archbishop of Lund to prosecute two Danish noblemen who has assaulted Fr. Egislus Birgeri of the Friars Preachers on his way from Sweden to Avignon.

1328 12/2. Pope John XXII enjoins the Archbishop of Lund to receive the resignation of Bishop Niels of Børglum, who wishes to join the Order of Preachers.

1328 10/8. Dean Laurentius de Vaksala of Uppsala donates some books to the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, who in return let him live with them.

1329 15/2. Gynceke Falkendal donates a field next to the mill of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde to the sisters of St. Agnes.

1329 30/3. The cathedral chapter of Lund sells a site next to the priory of the Friars Preachers in Lund to Archbishop Karl of Lund.

1329 29/4. Archbishop Karl Eriksen of Lund donates a farm in Lund to the Friars Preachers in return for a perpetual mass; the agreement is confirmed two days later by Prior Nicolaus of Lund and the prior provincial of Dacia.

1329 21/6. Penitentiary Johannes Nyborg OP of Dacia instructs the Bishop of Ribe to enjoin a suitable penance on Magister Henneke Henzesen of his diocese.

1329 11/7. Peder Grubbe donates a farm in Bjerge to the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde as dowry for his daughter Elsef’s admission to the convent.

1329. Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum is imprisoned by King Christoffer II of Denmark, whose kingdom is placed under interdict.

1330 2/6. Elsef Olufsdatter donates her estate in Torslundelille to the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde as dowry for her admission to the convent.

1330 15/6. Fr. Johannes Nyborg, minor penitentiary of Dacia, is appointed bishop of Roskilde by Pope John XXII.

1330 15/9. Count Johann of Holstein-Stormarn issues a letter of protection and privileges in favour of the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde.

1330 23/10. The prior and lector of the Friars Preachers in Lödöse are witnesses to an ecclesiastical settlement commissioned by Bishop Peter of Skara with venue in Lödöse.

1328-30. The convent of Friars Preachers in Bergen enters a settlement with Bishop Audfinn and the cathedral chapter of Bergen regarding their long-lasting conflict; the convent is represented by Prior Olavus, Lector Eindridus and Lector Johannes.

1330-50. Duchess Ingeborg donates 160 marks silver to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde for repairs on the priory.

1331 13/4. Canon Guttorm Håvardsson of the cathedral chapter in Oslo leaves 2 marks and ½ pound of wax to the Friars Preachers in Oslo.

1331 27/4. Prior Bertrammus and the convent of Friars Preachers in Lübeck certify a letter of privileges issued by King Erik VI Menved of Denmark in favour of the city of Lübeck.

1331 (19/5). The general chapter of the Friars Preachers prescribes commemorational prayers for the royal families of Sweden and Norway.

1331 20/6. Two Friars Preachers of the convent in Roskilde bring letters to the bishops in Jylland for Nuncio Petrus Gervasii.

1331 29/6. Prior Bertrammus and the convent of Friars Preachers in Lübeck certify a letter of privileges issued by King Erik VI Menved of Denmark in favour of the city of Lübeck.

1331. Prior Johannes Laurentii and Fr. Johannes Allonis of the Friars Preachers in Turku testify on behalf of Bishop Bengt of Turku in a legal dispute concerning fur tax from Tavastia.

1332 10/1. Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum is to be released from his imprisonment according to a peace settlement between King Christoffer II of Denmark and Count Gerhard III of Holstein.

1332 21/3. The convent of Friars Preachers in Ribe certifies a juridical letter in favour of the bishop and cathedral chapter of Ribe.

1332 26/3. Two Friars Preachers of the convent in Roskilde bring letters to Odense for Nuncio Petrus Gervasii.

1332 18/5. Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum is authorized to absolve those priests, who have celebrated mass during the interdict initiated by his own imprisonment.

1332 23/5. Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde and Prior Thidericus of the Friars Preachers in Stralsund certify a number of letters on Rügen for the city of Stralsund.

1332. Prior Provincial Petrus Philippi of the Friars Preachers Dacia is elected archbishop of Uppsala.

1333 12/1. The prior of the Friars Preachers in Visby writes a letter on behalf of Nuncio Petrus Gervasii to the pope.

1333 13/2. Nuncio Petrus Gervasii stays with the Friars Preachers in Skara, where Prior Algotus and Prior Matheus of the convent in Visby act as his witnesses.

1333 14/2. Niels Jakobsen sells five market booths in Malmö to the Friars Preachers in Lund; the booths are situated adjacent to the house and chapel of the friars in Malmö.

1333 (23/5). Prior Matheus of the Friars Preachers in Visby is appointed vicar general for the province of Dacia.

1333 5/6. The prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna hands over money collected as aid for the Holy Land to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii.

1333 8/6. Prior Matheus of the Friars Preachers in Visby brings letters to the Curia in Avignon for Nuncio Petrus Gervasii.

1333 9/6. Papal Penitentiary Johannes Åbo OP of Dacia assists the dispatch of a Danish messenger from the Curia to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii in Sweden.

1333 July. The prior and two Friars Preachers of the convent in Oslo act as envoys for Nuncio Petrus Gervasii concerning his business with the bishop of Oslo.

1333 2/8. Prior Thidericus of the Friars Preachers in Stralsund certifies a letter issued by King Erik VI of Denmark in 1309 in favour of four knights on Rügen.

1333 3/8. Nuncio Petrus Gervasii takes accomodation with the Friars Preachers in Bergen.

1333 8/8. Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde confirms that he has granted the herring tithe of the estate subject to the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde to the same convent.

1333 4/12. The prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde is paid by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii to transport papal tax money from Roskilde to Helsingborg; in addition, his convent receives a barrel of beer.

1333. Kristine, widow of Esger, makes donations to the Friars Preachers in Odense.

1334 10/1. The prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde is not able to get to Helsingborg on time with tax money carried for Nuncio Petrus Gervasii.

1334 12/2. Fr. Johannes of the Friars Preachers travels through Flanders to the king of France as messenger of King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden-Norway.

1334 28/3. The prior and lector of the Friars Preachers in Lund are paid by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for safekeeping collected papal tax money and performing services for the pope.

1334 18/4. The prior and convent of Friars Preachers in Lübeck hands over money to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii on behalf of the bishop of Turku as remaining sixennial tithe of the diocese.

1334 April. The prior and lector of the Friars Preachers in Lübeck are paid by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for safekeeping collected papal tax money and performing services for him.

1334 10/5. Archbishop Karl of Lund leaves bequests to the Friars Preachers in Lund, Åhus, Helsingborg and Odense.

1334 2/6. The prior and convent of Friars Preachers in Bruges hands over money to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii on behalf of Bishop Jakob of Ribe as sixennial tithe of his diocese.

1334 June. The convent of Friars Preachers in Bruges receives money for a festive dinner by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for having safekept deposited papal tax money from Scandinavia.

1334. Knud Iversen de Koelbjerg makes large donations to the Friars Preachers in Odense.

1335 13/3. Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde issues a letter of indulgence in favour of the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde, and he urges his diocese clergy to organize collections in favour of the monastery in their parish churches.

1335 7/6. Prior Lambertus of the Friars Preachers in Næstved certifies two letters in favour of the dean and the provost of the cathedral chapter in Roskilde regarding Rügen.

1336 21/7. The prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig co-signs a joint supplication for the pope to revoke the Danish interdict for the duchy of Schleswig.

1336 15/8. Provincial chapter of Dacia is held in Sigtuna.

1336 29/8. Subprior Otto and the Friars Preachers in Greifswald certify two letters issued by Danish kings in favour of the city of Greifswald.

1336 31/8. Prior Johannes of the Friars Preachers in Lödöse certifies a royal letter in favour of the city of Kampen.

1336 9/10. Duchess Ingeborg of Sweden-Halland-Samsø donates the patronage of the parish church in Torup to the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde.

1336 1/11. Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde incorporates the parish church of Torup to the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde on request of Duchess Ingeborg.

1337 10/1. Prior Benedictus of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde certifies two letters for the Bishop of Roskilde.

1337 18/7. Pope Benedict XII charges three prelates to judge in a conflict between the cathedral chapter of Tallinn against the local mendicant orders and their violations of the Super cathedram.

1337 29/11. Sven, parish priest of Frötuna, wants to be buried with the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna and leaves donations for the convents in Svealand and Finland.

1338 1/6. Cantor Esger of Ribe leaves one barrel of beer and some bread to the Friars Preachers in Ribe.

1338 4/7. Pope Benedict XII charges three Swedish canons to judge in a conflict between parish priests and mendicant friars in the archdiocese of Uppsala.

1338 1/9. Pope Benedict XII charges the archbishop of Nidaros to judge in a conflict between Fr. Peter Filipsson, archbishop of Uppsala, and the Franciscans in his diocese.

1339 3/3. Prior Johannes de Fellin of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn dismisses the authority of two papal commissioners in the conflict between the convent and the cathedral chapter of Tallinn.

1338-39. The Friars Preachers in Nidaros ask Archbishop Petrus Philippi OP of Uppsala for permission to send two fratres terminarii into Jämtland.

c.1340 10/11. Bishop Oluf of Tallinn asks the lay authorities of Tallinn to take no notice of an interdict allegedly inflicted by the Friars Preachers of the city.

1340 1/12. Prior Oedinus and the Friars Preachers in Skänninge receive the demesne Forsa from Benedikta Niklisdotter in return for three weekly masses to be held in St. George’s Chapel in the priory church, which has been founded by Lady Benedikta herself.

1341 13/8. Archbishop Petrus Philippi OP of Uppsala dies.

1341 14/7. Pope Benedict XII charges three bishops to judge in a conflict between the Friars Preachers in Tallinn and the local cathedral chapter.

1341 13/9. Ingerd Pedersdatter leaves 1 shilling gros. to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde.

1341 26/9. Rutger Dynevar leaves 1 mark silver for the Friars Preachers in Tallinn and 1 mark silver for his relative in the convent, Fr. Folquinus Dynevar.

1342 9/5. Gunhild Sigurdsdatter leaves 5 marks to the Friars Preachers in Nidaros.

1342 (19/5). The General Chapter announces that Fr. Petrus Nicolai of the Friars Preachers in Dacia has been cleared of all charges of fraud put against him by his prior Fr. Jonas.

1343 7/2. Canon Arne Halkelsson of Nidaros leaves donations for the Friars Preachers in Nidaros, along with individual gifts for Fr. Ivarus Haquini.

1343 1/6. The prior provincial of Dacia is absolved by the general chapter, but reinstalled as vicar general of the province until a new provincial is elected.

1343 27/10. Vice Prior Wifbrandus of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn co-pleads along with the rest of the Christian community in Tallinn to the Teutonic Order for help against a pagan Estonian uprising.

1344 29/9. Pope Clement VI enjoins the archbishop of Lund to impose a penance and then absolve the Friars Preachers in Halmstad for relocating their priory without papal permission.

1345 26/9. Prior Robertus of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn verifies a royal letter of 1344 for Sheriff Stig Andersen of Tallinn.

1346 30/5. Prior Oedinus of the Friars Preachers in Stockholm is witness to a legal agreement between Bishop Egislus OP of Västerås and Provost Sigfrid of Uppsala.

1348 21/6. Fr. Bartholomeus Johannis of the Friars Minor in Dacia is allowed to transcend from his own order to the Cistercian Order, as the only mendicant alternative in Dacia is the Friars Preachers.

1348 (29/4 or 11/9). The gubernatorial court of eastern Norway is assembled at the priory of the Friars Preachers in Lödöse.

1349 20/3. (Prior?) Robertus and the Friars Preachers in Tallinn confirm a payment of 8 marks silver from Johan Pallevere on behalf of his uncle, the late Fr. Hermannus Grimme.

1349 30/3. Archbishop Hemming Nilsson of Uppsala issues a letter of indulgence in favour of the church of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna.

1349 31/5. The General Chapter prescribes commemorative prayers for Fr. Matheus of Dacia, who died on his way to last year’s chapter held in Lyon.

1349 17/10. Canon Arnfinn Petersson of Nidaros leaves 2 pounds of rye to the Friars Preachers in Nidaros.

1350 3/3. Godeke van dem Berge leaves 2 marks to the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde.

1350 12/3. Prior Thrugillus of the Friars Preachers in Lund certifies a will of Archdeacon Hågen of Lund from 1283.

1350 13/5. Bishop Jakob Poulsen of Roskilde bequeathes the convents of Friars Preachers in Stralsund, Roskilde, Næstved and Holbæk; he wishes to be buried temporarily with the friars in Stralsund.

1350 (June). The city council of Visby informs the council of Rostock that people disguised as itinerant clergy have poisoned the parishioners and priests of St. Olav Church in Visby.

1350 23/9. Canon Bennike Henriksen of Lund founds an anniversary in the Cathedral of Lund, from which an annual payment of 2 ounces shall be made to the Friars Preachers in Lund.

1350. Duchess Ingeborg donates 60 marks silver to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde for repairs on their priory.

1340-50 (?). At the provincial chapter in Næstved a donation of books to the convent in Lund is tried and confirmed.

1349-50 (?). The bishop of Bergen prescribes a daily liturgical programme to be celebrated in the churches of Bergen as a remedy against the plague; on Wednesdays at the Friars Preachers.

Around 1350. Parish priests in Strängnäs diocese are forbidden to allow monks perform parochial sacraments without previous permission from the bishop.

1351 17/4. Papal Penitentiary Sigfridus Lincopensis OP of Dacia informs Thomas Svensson, parish priest of Tierp, that he has papal permission to choose his final confessor.

1351 10/5. Archbishop Hemming of Uppsala leaves the book Decretum to the Friars Preachers in Västerås and some ivory plates and vestments to Lector Gerhardus of the convent in Sigtuna.

1348-51. Birgitta of Vadstena informs King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden that the Holy Virgin wants him to bring Friars Preachers, Friars Minor and Cistercians on his crusade to Novgorod to convert the pagans, but he ignores the advice.

1352 25/3. King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden-Norway-Scania and Duchess Ingeborg found perpetual masses with the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge.

1352 15/10. Elin Torsdotter leaves 1 mark to the Friars Preachers in Oslo.

1352. A storm brings the tower of Blackfriars Church in Strängnäs to collapse.

1353 11/3. Canon Tyge Turesen ‘Malmö’ of Lund leaves 2 marks to the Friars Preachers in Lund, 1 mark silver to Prior Thrugillos and 2 marks to Fr. Nicolaus Turonis, while the Sermones by Fr. Guido OP is endowed to the cantor of the cathedral chapter.

1353 29/8. King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden-Norway-Scania and Duchess Ingeborg incorporate the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge with the parish church in Bjälbo.

1354. Bishop Hemming of Turku leaves a book collection to the cathedral chapter of Turku, including six Dominican works.

1355 6/7. Former scholasticus Henrik Tempil of Turku leaves 3 marks to the Friars Preachers in Turku, along with a chalice and a stone altar to Fr. Johannes Gladda.

1355 4/10. Peder Lauridsen Panter supplicates to Pope Innocent IV for papal support of the construction of a new priory built in stone for the Friars Preachers in Vejle; the pope complies.

1356 (12/6). Fr. Henricus de Mesclinii and Fr. Hugo Feci of the Friars Preachers in Metz are deported to the convent in Bergen.

1358 5/2. Duchess Ingeborg founds perpetual masses for her family with the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge and gives an annual income to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde.

1358 9/3. Cantor Bennike Henriksen of Lund leaves ½ læst of grain to the Friars Preachers in Lund and 1 mark to each of the convents in Helsingborg and Åhus, while the Sermones by Fr. Guido OP is endowed to his vicar Johannes Niklasen and three other potentially Dominican works are given to two other fellow clergy.

1358 20/3. Johan Zepelin leaves ½ vat of train oil to the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg.

1358 15/7. Cantor Bennike Henriksen of Lund dies and his anniversary in cathedral, from which 2 ounces is to be paid annually to the Friars Preachers in Lund, is initiated.

1359 5/8. King Håkon VI of Norway issues a letter on ‘the Day of St. Dominic’.

1359 29/8. Johan Zepelin leaves 1 mark to the Friars Preachers in Stralsund, who are present at the market in Falsterbo.

1360 5/12. Priest Niels Frændesen leaves a sermon collection (by Fr. Guido Ebroicensis OP?) to Fr. Johannes Ønderi of the Friars Minor in Lund.

1361 31/12. King Valdemar IV of Denmark supplicates for papal permission to relocate the priory of the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg due to military reasons.

1362 4/3. Prior Torkillus of the Friars Preachers in Oslo sells some land in Øvre Kjos to Jon Radvardsson.

1363 1/9. The papal penitentiary Fr. Gotscalcus Falkdal of the Friars Preachers is suggested by King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden as new bishop of Linköping, but this is declined by Pope Urban V.

c.1364. Ludekin Meyer takes refuge at the priory of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn to escape arrest by the city bailiff.

1365 29/5. Vicar Provincial Petrus Osgoti of Dacia confirms a settlement between the Friars Preachers in Tallinn and the cathedral chapter concerning a school and payment of tariffs.

1366 14/5. Parish curator Torsten of Vyborg leaves 50 marks to the Friars Preachers in Turku, with whom he wishes to be buried.

1370 4/5. Fr. Egbertus de Dacia is among 17 friars at the convent of Friars Preachers in Oxford, who have acted gravely disobedient to their superiors.

1370 4/6. The prior of the Friars Preachers in Skänninge co-seals a letter of donation by Margareta Johansdotter to the Cistercian nunnery of Vreta.

1371 19/1. Papal Penitentiary Jacobus OP of Dacia pays servitium commune on behalf of Bishop Niels Jakobsen of Roskilde to the College of Cardinals and the Apostolic Camera.

1373 13/3. Pope Gregory XI appoints a commission to act on a dispute between the convent of Friars Preachers in Oslo against the bishop and the cathedral chapter of Oslo.

1373 21/12. Prior Holmstanus and the Friars Preachers in Oslo sell a gilded chalice to Provost Henrik Henriksson of St. Mary’s Church in Oslo.

1377 15/6. Hildegund leaves 40 marks for pilgrims from Lübeck who go to, among places, Stockholm (to seek the Helga Lösen of the Friars Preachers?).

1377 27/12. Archbishop Birger Gregersson of Uppsala deposits a number of books in the sacristy of his castle on Arnö, among them two Dominican works belonging to the cathedral library and four books borrowed from the Friars Preachers in Visby.

1378 3/5. Canon Jöns Pettersson of Strängnäs leaves 3 marks to the Friars Preachers in Strängnäs.

1378 6/6. Fr. Petrus Nicolai of the Friars Preachers in Dacia is assigned to the studium generale in Cambridge.

1378 25/9. Henrik Svinakula gives land in Risberga to the Dominican sisters in Skänninge in return for a burial place for his daughter Ingeborg.

1378 30/9. Märta Siggesdotter leaves 60 marks to the Friars Preachers in Strängnäs, with whom her father is buried.

1378 8/10. Iliana Ragvaldsdotter leaves 3 marks to the Friars Preachers in Skänninge and Strängnäs and 10 marks to the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge.

1378 29/12. Prior Gudmar of Vadstena Abbey borrows a Dominican sermon collection from Archbishop Birger of Uppsala.

1379 13/1. Nanne Abjörnsson and Tubbe Eriksson donate their buildings on Hångersnäs to the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge.

1379 3/2. Archbishop Niels Jonsen of Lund leaves 1 mark silver to the Friars Preachers in Lund and a silver spoon to the Chapel of St. Salomon on Bornholm.

1379 4/2. Kristina Ulfsdotter donates 100 marks to the Dominican Sisters in Kalmar.

1379 21/10. Prior Johannes Jagow and the convent of Friars Preachers in Tallinn verify five royal letters of privileges for the city council of Tallinn.

1379. Mayor Herman van der Hove of Tallinn founds an annual mass to be celebrated at the Altar of St. Dominic with the Friars Preachers in Tallinn for 6 marks a year.

1380 3/2. Heine van Vitzen submits his daughter Greta to the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge along with landed property in Narveryd.

1380 23/2. Bo Jonsson performs an exchange of real estate with the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge, in which they receive land in Mörby.

1380 24/2. Erik Karlsson sells a field next to the Dominican nunnery in Skänninge to Broder Assersson.

1380 1/5. Prioress Holmborg and the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge perform an exchange of real estate with Ramborg Knutsdotter.

1380 19/5. Katarina Petersdotter joins the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge and donates the demesne Isaryd with its estate to the convent.

1380 24/8. Johan van Borken leaves 2 marks to the Friars Preachers in Stockholm.

1380 17/9. Arnold van Lenepe leaves 5 marks to the Friars Preachers in Stockholm.

1380 1/11. Ingeborg Tordsdotter submits the girl Kristina Håkansdotter to the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge along with a part of Låsta Meadow.

1371-80. Prior Egbertus and Lector Nicolaus Laghonis of the Friars Preachers in Helsingborg certify a letter for Peder Axelsen de Härslöv.

1381 18/2. Canon Ogmund Olavsson of Nidaros leaves two pieces of cloth to the Friars Preachers in Nidaros and a Compendium de theologia (by Fr. Hugo Ripelin OP?) to the cathedral chapter.

1381 21/4. Broder Assersson sells a field in Skänninge to the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge.

1381 29/4. Sigrid Andersdatter leaves ½ pound of wax, 4½ pound of salt and 1 mark to the Friars Preachers in Oslo.

1381 19/8. Herman Hundebeke leaves 3 marks to the Friars Preachers in Stockholm.

1382 19/6. Pope Urban VI enjoins Bishop Hans Skondelev of Schleswig to investigate if the mendicant orders in Denmark are preaching and collecting money in favour of the crusade as authourized.

1383 2/8. Fr. Michael, Bishop of Skálholt, and Dr. Thidericus Koller passes judgment in conflict between the Friars Preachers in Lund, Lübeck and Stralsund about terminatio at the herring markets in Skåne.

1383 20/9. The Dominican Sisters in Roskilde, along with six other monasteries on Sjælland, have not paid a due tariff to the papal nuntio Bishop Johan Skondelev of Schleswig.

1383 22/12. Anders Pedersen Panter confirms a donation of land to the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde as dowry for the admission of his sisters Edle and Marina.

1384 16/4. Seneschal Bo Jonsson of Sweden leaves 100 marks for each convent in Sweden for which they are to say three masses for him every week for three years.

1384 23/6. The city council of Tallinn issues a letter of reference for Prior Johannes Jagow of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.

1385 27/1. The church of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn is venue for a mortgage agreement between Mayor Hinrick Krouwel of Tallinn and Canon Johan Hapesel of Saarema.

1385 14/7. Mayor Curd Kegheler of Tallinn hands over a house in Friars Street in Tallinn to the city council as fund for an annual rent for his family.

1385 10/11. Prior Johannes Vrolingk and the Friars Preachers in Tallinn receive 60 marks of Mayor Curd Kegheler of Tallinn for his son Detmer to board and live with the convent.

1386 21/3. Canon Sæmund Jensen of Roskilde leaves 100 bread and a barrel of beer to both the Friars Preachers and the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde.

1386 24/6. Sr. Christina Johannis of the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge donates a farm to her convent, which is confirmed by Prior Provincial Egbertus of Dacia.

1386 2/11. Papal Penitentiary Petrus Nicolai OP of Dacia promises to redeem a loan to the papal gatekeeper on behalf of Bishop Peder Jensen of Århus.

1386 17/12. The Friars Preachers in Tallinn agree to their annual rent of 4 marks to Detmer Kegheler after his death shall continue as payment to two altars of the Church of the Holy Ghost in Tallinn.

1387 1/2. Prior Provincial Egbertus of the Friars Preachers in Dacia performs a payment of servitium commune on behalf of Archbishop Magnus of Lund.

1387 5/12. Kristina Fadersdotter leaves 3 pounds of grain to the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna and a tapestry for the prior of the convent.

1387. Mogens Store of Gotland is buried in the church of the Friars Preachers in Visby.

1388. Augustinian canons from Dalby Priory ask for alms at the provincial chapter of the Friars Preachers held in Lund.

1389 10/8. Johann Bulemann leaves 1 mark to each priest of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn.

1389 21/10. Prior Johannes of the Friars Preachers in Visby certifies a letter of privilege in favour of the city of Visby.

1390 10/8. Fr. Botto is transferred from the province of Dacia to Teutonia.

1391 23/1. Papal Penitentiary Petrus Nicolai OP of Dacia is appointed bishop of Hólar by Pope Boniface IX.

1391 10/4. The Friars Preachers in Tallinn own a garden outside Lemporte.

1391 24/4. Fr. Johannes de Renten of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn inherits an outstanding amount of 30 marks with an annual interest of 2 marks.

1391 16/11. Bishop Petrus Nicolai OP of Hólar issues letters of indulgence for two parish churches in Denmark.

1374-91. Bishop Nils Hermansson of Linköping reprimands Fr. Haquinus of the Friars Preachers in Skänninge for visiting public houses.

1392 23/2. Pope Boniface IX complies with a supplication from Queen Margrethe I of Denmark-Norway-Sweden and the Friars Preachers of Dacia to found a new Dominican convent in Vyborg.

1393 16/5. The Friars Preachers in Tallinn own a garden outside Lemporte.

1393 16-17/7. The provost council of Gotland reports of testimonials given in the refectory of the Friars Preachers in Visby against heretic statements made by Father Heyno of Visby St. Olav’s.

1396 31/1. The Friars Preachers in Tallinn are obliged to board Detmer Kegheler for another four-and-half years.

1396 14/3. Parish priests in Sweden are forbidden to allow mendicant friars hear confession without previous permission from the bishop.

1396 28/6. Dr. Hugolinus de Parachasiis de Camerino is appointed vicar general for the provinces of Dacia, Hungaria and Polonia.

1397 26/4. The Friars Preachers in Tallinn enter a contract with three laymen about a major construction work on the priory, allowing the entepreneurs usage of the priory cornhouse.

1397 10/6. The general chapter of the Friars Preachers confirms that the convent in Tallinn belongs to the province of Dacia and the care of the Dacian prior provincial.

1397. The Guild of St. Catherine & Dorothy in Bergen founds two perpetual masses to be celebrated at St. Dorothy’s Altar in the church of the Friars Preachers in Bergen.

1398 11/8. Ida Pedersdatter de Gladsaxe leaves donations for all Dominican convents in Sjælland and Skåne, along with landed donations for the foundation of a nunnery in Gladsaxe.

1398 26/9. Vicar (?) Johannes Vrolinck of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn verifies eight papal letters of receipt for the bishop og diocese of Tallinn.

1398 31/12. Werner van deme Rode mortgages his house in Monk Street in Tallinn.

1399 28/10. Prior Provincial Johannes de Berchem of the Friars Preachers in Saxonia informs the city council of Tallinn that he has subjugated the Tallinn convent into the province of Saxonia.





around 1300


Convent of Nidaros

In a description of the municipal nightwatch’s route through Nidaros it is described how the watchmen should pass along the common between the king’s manor and the house of the Friars Preachers.


Source: Town law of King Magnus Lagabøter for Nidaros (transcript of 1576). The Royal Library, Copenhagen.

Language: Norwegian.


(…) Her segir vm uarðhald þau sem ver eigum: Worder skall wppi medan Jula fridr er. Than skulu hallda ∙vi∙ menn skilrickir, thæir sem huarcki ero røvnndir att tioffnadi ne huinnsku. Tha skall gialckyri thill næffnna medt husbunnda radi. Enn thæir skulu haffua i læigu sine ∙v∙ merckir silffrs aff Bøar manna fe. Skall thæim lucka halfft firir Joll, en hallft tholffthta dag i Jolum. En tha er thæssir ∙vi∙ menn ganga thil warðar, tha skulu thæir hittaz vtt á Øyrum ock ganngi allir samtt vp vm Skaghan. Wicki tha thrir, vt vm Giæilar (…). Enn aðrir ∙iii∙ snui vpp æfftir langstreti oc offuan vm Klemetz kirkiu gardt, ock offuan vm Krock, oc sua vp æfftir Bryggium, ock vp milli Kross kirckiu oc Sopssens, oc vp æfftir lanngstreti, milli Allra Hæilagra kirckio oc Benedictus kirckiu, ock vp æfftir almeninginu[m] milli konongs gardtz, ock prædicara husa, oc vp firir væstann kono[n]gs gardt, thar thil ær thæir møta hinum. Sidann snuiztt vm ock ganngi thæir af nedra ær ader genngo hit øffrø, allt vt thil gardtz Sigurdar suardaga. (…) Sua skulu thæir ock jamnan ganga, oc vm snuaz, thar thil ær dager er, ock ring[i]r af smakirckium. Øpa skulu thæir við huarnn almenning ær ligger vm Bø varum. (…)


English translation:

(…) Here it is said which watch-teams we shall have: Guard shall be kept during Christmas peace. It shall be kept by six honest men, whom have neither been apprehended for theft nor pilfering. They shall be appointed by the prefect with counsel of the burghers. And for salary they shall have 5 marks silver of the town coffers. They shall be paid half before Christmas and half on the twelfth day of Christmas. And when these six men go on guard, then they shall meet out on Ørene and walk in a body up about Skagen. There shall three turn up around Geilene (…).  And the other three turn up along Langstreti (:Long Street) and round the cemetery of St. Clement and down by Kroken, and so up along Bryggene (:the Wharf), and up between the Church of the Cross and Sopen, and up along Langstreti, between the Church of All Saints and the Church of St. Benedict, and up along the Alminding (:Common) between the king’s manor and the house of the preachers, and up west of the king’s manor until they meet the others. Then they shall turn, and those who just walked the upper route shall now walk the lower, all the way to Sigurd Svardag’s farm. (…) So they shall walk and turn around until the day is dawning and it rings from the small churches. They shall call at each common which lies in our town. (…) 


Comments: The town law of King Magnus Lagabøter of Norway was implemented for Bergen in 1276. Afterwards, it was copied and adjusted to other Norwegian towns, among them Nidaros. The Nidaros version contains the presented nightwatch route, and from the information in this, the route description along with the remaining Nidaros version of the law has been dated to the years just around 1300 (Blom 1974, p. 122). ● Since the priory of the Friars Preachers has not otherwise been located with certainty, the reference in the watch-route offers an important clue to its location. To judge from this, the priory was situated in the southern part of town, to the immediate north of the town residence of the Norwegian king, separated from this by a common, and to the north-east of the cathedral. The suggested spot corresponds with archaeological findings of a medieval church and remnants of a possible cloister (Lunde 1977, pp. 216-218).


Published: Trondhjemske Samlinger vol. 9:2, p. 118.

Literature: Blom 1974.




1300 7/3


Convent of Nidaros

The convent of Friars Preachers in Nidaros, along with Abbot Kristian of Tautra and the convent of canons regular of Helgeseter, certify two papal bulls in favour of the archbishop and the cathedral chapter of Nidaros.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives (Arnamagnæan Collection), Oslo.

Language: Latin.


In nomine Domini, amen. Universis Christi fidelibus hec transscripta visuris vel audituris frater Kristianus dictus abbas de Tuta ordinis Cisterciensis, et conventus fratrum predicatorum Nidrosiensium, necnon et conventus canonicorum regularium de sancta Sede ordinis beati Augustini dyocesis Nidrosiensis, salutem in vero salutari. Noveritis quod sub anno Domini MCCC nonas martii Nidrosie discreti viri procuratores capituli ecclesie Nidrosiensis nobis supplicarunt ut quasdam litteras ipsi capitulo a felicis recordationis domino Innocentio papa iiii et domino Alexandro papa iiii concessas deberemus inspicere et inspectas transcribi facere ac ipsa transcripta sigillorum nostrorum munimine roborari, quarum litterarum tenores sunt tales: [...] Nos autem quare prefatas litteras inspeximus et inspectas vidimus non cancellatas, non rasas, non abolitas, non viciatas in aliqua sui parte, sub bulla plumbea, et prior filo canapis secunda vero corda serica more curie Romane bullatas, ideo hec transcripta ex eisdem originalibus litteris assumpta et coram nobis sollempniter ascultata sigillorum nostrorum munimine duximus roboranda. Actum Nidrosie.


Comments: Erroneously dated to 1300 15/3 in DN (RN II 1031). ● Tautra (or Tuterø) Abbey was a Cistercian monastery situated on an islet in the fiord outside Nidaros. ● Helgeseter was an Augustinian monastery situated in the periphery of Nidaros. ● The two papal bulls in question was issued by Pope Innocent IV in 1250 29/11 (DN III 2) and by Pope Alexander IV in 1260 17/6 (DN III 6). They both granted exemption from acknowleding papal appointments to clerical offices unless such were accredited with special apostolic injunction.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. III no. 44.




1301 8/2

Convent of Lund

Knight Josef Magnussen Drefeld dies and is buried in the church of Friars Preachers in Lund. An anniversary is founded for him at the Altar of the Three Holy Kings in the Cathedral of Roskilde, for which the altar chaplain is paid 2 marks annually.


Sources: A. Liber daticus Roskildensis. B. Register in Hamsfort’s Chronologia.

Language: Latin.



vi idus februarii, obiit dominus Josep Magnæssun miles, apud predicatores Lundis quiescens, anno Domini MCCC primo, in cuius anniversario capellanus altaris sui dabit duas marcas ad oblationes in choro, et est altare trium regum.


Dansk oversættelse:

8. februar i det Herrens år 1301 døde hr. Josef Magnussen, ridder, der hviler hos prædikanterne i Lund, til hvis årtid alterkapellanen gives 2 mark til oblater i koret; og det er Helligtrekongersalteret.



Anno Domini MCCCI, ∙vi∙ idus februarii, dominus Josephus Magneson miles, de ecclesia Roeschildensi optime meritus, sepultus apud prædicatores Lundis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Det Herrens år 1301, den 8. februar, hr. Josef Magnussen, ridder, der gjorde mange fortjenester for kirken i Roskilde, bliver begravet hos prædikanterne i Lund.


Comments: Josef Magnussen Drefeld was a Danish knight in the personal service of King Erik VI Menved of Denmark. According to Archbishop Jens Grand of Lund, he was among the people who had the archbishop unjustly arrested in 1294 on orders of the king. In a settlement in 1310 20/9 between the knight’s family and the city council of Lund, the council was held responsible for the murder, and as penance and compensation the city agreed to found an altar and a perpetual mass in three churches, among them the church of the Friars Preachers in Lund, where he was buried.


Published: A. Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. III, p. 269; Liber daticus Roskildensis, p. 60. B. Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. I, p. 296; Liber daticus Roskildensis, p. 60.

Literature: Liber daticus Lundensis, p. 41 note 1; Gallén 1946, p. 80; Jakobsen 2008, p. 131.




1301 (21/5)


OP, Province of Dacia, Convents of Hamburg and Stralsund (prov. Teutonia)

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers adds the new province of Aragonia to the ‘Parisian group’ of provinces, including Dacia, for which elective general chapters are to be declared from the convent in Paris, whereas the new province of Bohemia is added to the ‘Bolognese group’. Fr. Arnaldus de Iriberin is absolved from all offices for ten years and, among other punishments, transferred to the province of Dacia, from where he can only move on with explicit permission from the master general; the subprior of the Friars Preachers in Hamburg (prov. Teutonia) is punished for not having properly acknowleged a visiting diffinitor from Dacia; and Fr. Gotfredus, lector of the convent in Stralsund, is absolved from office and transferred to the convent of Gizimensi as punishment for having let the visiting prior provincial of Dacia sleep in the common dormitory with a sick man, as the lector himself had occupied the provincial’s chamber in the priory.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis apud Coloniam celebrati anno Domini MCCCI.

   Confirmamus has constitutiones. (…) Item hanc, in capitulo de electione magistri, ubi dicitur, Parisiensis conventus, provincialibus Hyspanie, Provincie, Anglie, Dacie, addatur: et Aragonie. Et hec habet tria capitula. Item hanc, in eodem capitulo, ubi dicitur Bononiensis vero, Ungarie, Romane provincie, regni Cicilie, Polonie, Grecie, Terre sancte, addatur: et Boemie. Et hec habet tria capitula. (…) [301]

    Iste sunt penitentie. (…) Fratrem Arnaldum de Iriberin privamus per decennium omni officio ordinis, voce in omni electione, quod nec eligere nec eligi possit, nec audire confessiones preterquam fratrum, nec predicare, et privamus eum predicatione generali, et damus ei unam diem in panem et aqua per annum qualibet septimana, et assignamus eum provincie Dacie, ad quam ire teneatur infra tres menses, et deinde exire non possit absque magistri ordinis licencia speciali. [307] (…) Item, absolvimus subpriorem Amburgensem in penam, quia petivit litteram testimonialem a diffinitore Dacie, et non recognovit eum diffinitorem esse, antequam sibi de hoc per constitutionem constaret, et damus ei ·x· dies in pane et aqua. (…) Item, fratrem Gotfredum lectorem Sindonie eo quod provinciali Dacie posito in dormitorio communi cum uno infirmo, non cessit de camera provincialis, quam occupabat, non contentus camera lectoris, et quia impedivit subpriorem, ne mitteret pro priore, qui vicinus erat; suspendimus ab omni officio lectionis per annum, et assignamus eum conventui Gizimensi. (…) [309]


Dansk oversættelse:

I Faderens og Sønnens og Helligåndens navn, amen. Akterne af generalkapitlet afholdt i Köln i det Herrens år 1301. Vi vedtager disse konstitutioner: (…) Ligeledes til kapitlet om valg af magistre, hvor det siges: “konventet i Paris [indkalder] provincialpriorerne af Hispania, Provincia, Anglia, Dacia,” tilføjes “og Aragonia”. Og dette har tre kapitler [vedtaget]. Ligeledes i samme kapitel, hvor det siges: “fra Bologna [indkaldes] Hungaria, provinsen Romana, Regni Sicilia, Polonia, Grecia, Terra sancta,” tilføjes “og Bohemia”. Og dette har tre kapitler [vedtaget].

    Dette er straffetildelingerne. (…) Vi fratager broder Arnaldo de Iriberin alle embeder i ordenen og stemmeret ved alle valg igennem 10 år, han må ikke udvælge eller udvælges til noget, ikke høre skrifte fra andre end brødre, ikke prædike, og han fratages prædiken i det hele taget, og idømmes en dag på brød og vand om ugen igennem et år, og vi overfører ham til provinsen Dacia, hvortil han skal overgå inden tre måneder, og han må ikke tage derfra igen uden udtrykkelig tilladelse fra generalmesteren. (…) Endvidere afsætter vi subprioren i Hamburg i straf, fordi han har afkrævet vidnesbyrdsbrev af diffinitoren fra Dacia og ikke godtaget ham for diffinitor, førend han lod sig høre i konstitutionerne, og vi idømmer ham 10 dage på brød og vand. (…) Endvidere, [idet] broder Gottfried, lektor i Stralsund(?), lod provincialen af Dacia placere i den fælles sovesal med en syg, og ikke overlod ham provincialens kammer, som han selv havde taget i besiddelse, idet han ikke var tilfreds med lektorkammeret, og fordi subprioren forhindrede at der sendtes bud til prioren, der boede ved siden af, suspenderer vi ham fra alle lektorembeder igennem et år, og overfører ham til konventet i Jičín(?). (…)


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. The two groups had been formed by constitutional decision of the general chapter in 1242 8/6 and after this included in chapter 4 of the Constitutions. ● Fr. Arnaldus de Iriberin is not known from any other sources, neither is it known from what convent or province he came, but the byname could suggest a Spanish origin. ● The identity of neither the subprior of the Friars Preachers in Hamburg (prov. Teutonia/Saxonia) nor the visiting diffinitor from Dacia can be established. The incident had probably occurred on the diffinitor’s way to the present general chapter in Cologne. ● Fr. Gotfredus, lector of the convent Sindonie (:Sundensis?, Stralsund, prov. Teutonia/Saxonia (cf. Gallén 1946, 63)), has not been identified from other sources. The conventus Gizimensis is not easily identified either, but may refer to Jičín (prov. Bohemia). On the two cases of Fr.Arnaldus de Iriberin and Lector Gotfredus, and their connection to similar cases of deportations, see Linde 2018. ● The prior provincial of Dacia at this time was Fr. Olavus (1286-1302), see 1286. The incident probably occurred on his way to or from a general chapter. As he probably attended both the chapters of 1300 and 1301, it could have happened on his way home from Marseille (1300) as well as on his way to Cologne (1301).


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, pp. 301, 307 and 309.

Literature: Linde 2018, 354 and 358.


                      1298 (25/5)   Metz

The above-mentioned addition has its first reading at the general chapter.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis apud Methim celebrati anno Domini MCC nonagesimo VIII. (…) Inchoamus. (…) Item hanc, in capitulo de electione magistri, ubi dicitur, quod Parisiensis: provincialibus Hyspanie, Theotonie, Anglie, Dacie, addatur Aragonie. Item hanc, in eodem capitulo, ubi dicitur, Bononiensis vero Ungarie, Romane provincie, regni Cicilie, Polonie, Grecie, Terre sancte, addatur et Boemie. (…)


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, pp. 287-288.


                      1300 (29/5)   Marseille

The above-mentioned addition has its second reading at the general chapter.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis Massilie celebrati anno Domini MCCC. (…) Item hanc, in capitulo de electione magistri, ubi dicitur, Parisiensis, provincialibus Hyspanie, Provincie, Theotonie, Anglie, et Dacie, addatur Aragonie. Et hec habet ∙ii∙ capitula. Item hanc, in eodem capitulo, ubi dicitur, Bononiensis vero, Ungarie, Romane provincie, regni Cicilie, Polonie, Grecie, Terre sancte, addatur et Boemie. Et hec habet ∙ii∙ capitula.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, p. 295.




1302 (10/6)


Province of Dacia

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers absolves Fr. Olavus as prior provincial of Dacia. Furthermore, the province of Dacia is grouped amongh those provinces, which are to pay 1 mark silver to the Order’s secretary at the Curia in Rome.


Sources: A.  Acta capitulorum generalium OP. B. Priores prouinciales in prouincia Dacie.

Language: Latin.



In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis Bononie celebrati anno Domini MCCCII. (…)

   Iste sunt absolutiones. Absolvimus priores provinciales Ungarie, Dacie, Terre sancte. (…) [315]

   Item, districte injungimus prioribus provincialibus et eorum vicariis provinciarum inferius contentarum, videlicet, Francie, Theotonie, provincie Provincie, Anglie, Lombardie, Ungarie, ut de qualibet duas marcas argenti. Provincie vero Romane, regni Cicilie, Hyspanie, Aragonie, Polonie, Boemie, Grecie, Dacie; de qualibet unam marcam procuratori ordinis in Romana curia, infra sequens festum nativitatis domini, curent fideliter mittere, vel per securum nuncium assignare. (…) [316]



[Frater Oliverius] (…) priorque fuit in universo annis ∙xix∙, fuitque absolutus ultima vice in generali capitulo Bononie anno Domini MCCCII. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

[Broder Oluf] (…) var [provincial]prior i ialt 19 år, han blev afløst anden gang på generalkapitlet i Bologna i det Herrens år 1302. (…)


Comments: On Fr. Olavus, see 1286. He was replaced as prior provincial by Fr. Petrus (see 1302-08) and spent his last years at the convent in Næstved, where he died in 1308.


Published: A. Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, pp. 315-316. B. Handlingar, p. 6; Priores prouinciales in prouincia Dacie (online).




1302 23/11


Convent of Oslo

Fr. Grunde, prior of the Friars Preachers in Oslo, along with his convent sells 14 ounces of land in Klemetsrud to Ketil Kaza for 42 marks; the sale happens in accordance with Ingeborg Gunnarsdatter, who had donated the land to the convent for a mass and for her support.


Source: Original document. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Old Norwegian.


Ollum monnum þeim sem þetta bref sea eda høyra, sendir brodir Grundi, prior predicara brødra j Oslo ok oll þeirra conuent, q. g. ok sina. Uer gerum ollum kunnict at jord þa er Jngibiorg Gunnarsdottir gaf oss heil ok vsiuk ser til bønahalldz, ok j forlagu firir sik er Clemetz rud heitir ·xiiii· aura bol at fornu, medr allum lunnendum jnnan gardz ok vtan, selldum ver medr allra varra samþykt Ketili Kazo medr fullu ok ollu, firir ·ii· merkr ok fioratigi marka, var Jngebiorg j hea ok samþykti medr oss þessarre salu, þeima monnum heauerande, at þetta var hennar ja ok godr vili, Hauke logmanne, Thorsteini Nebba, ok Amunda Bonda. Kennumz ver ok vidr at Ketill hefir gort oss god skil a fyrrnefndri skulld, ok at ver hafum af honum fullt ok allt eftir varum kaupmala. ok til vidrkenningar ok sannz vitnissburdar settum ver vart conuentz jnnsigli firir þetta bref, er gort var a þui are, er lidet var fra burd vars herra þushundrad uetra, ok þriuhundrad uetra, ok tueir uetr, Clemetz messu dag. Enn vm loglega frammferd, ok til fullrar stadfestu, setti priorinn sitt jnsigli firir, logmadrinn sitt, Thorsteinn bonde, ok Amunde bonde sin jnnsigli.


Comments: Fr. Grunde, prior of the convent of Friars Preachers in Oslo, is not known from any other sources. ● Ingeborg Gunnarsdatter has not been further identified, but most likely she was of landowning magnate peasant family. The wording “ok j forlagu firir sik” has been read as if the donation also partly paid for her accomodation with the friars (Lange 1847, 670). At a Norwegian church synod in Oslo in 1306, the bishops prohibited women from living in male monasteries and vice versa (DN VII 36). ● Klemetsrud (in Røken parish) is situated 8 km south-east of Oslo.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. II no. 66.

Literature: Lange 1847, p. 670.




1302 5/12


Convent of Skänninge

Fr. Nicolaus, prior of the convent of Friars Preachers in Skänninge, co-seals a letter of donation by Alvar de Fallsberg to the Cistercian nuns of Vreta Abbey, with whom he and his wife wish to be buried.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis presens scriptum cernentibus Alverus de Falsbyærg salutem in Domino sempiternam. Quoniam pleraque que aguntur ab humana memoria facilius elabuntur nisi litterarum testimonio roborentur tenore litterarum dignum duxi presentibus et posteris non latere. Set cognitum fieri evidenter me sextam partem terre de attung cum dimidietate omnium bonorum meorum mobilium, monialibus Vrætøm pro sepultura mea nec non dilecte uxoris mee contulisse hac conditione interjecta, s[c]ilicet quod si me prius mori contigerit hec mea donatio firma et stabilis habeatur, uxorique mee predilecte, post mortem meam victus et vestitus debeant omnibus diebus vite sue de bonis earundem monialium ministrari. Si autem ipsam prius mori contigerit volo ut predicta donatio ad usus meos redeat disponenda pro mee libito voluntatis. In cuius testimonium siggilla nobilium domini Ormeri Carlson, Nicolai prioris Skæningie, siggillumque civitatis eiusdem, domini Thyrgeri de Biælbo, Valdemari de Siundæthorppæ, Folkvidi de Faldhungi, presentibus sunt appensa. Datum Skæningie anno Domini MCCC secundo, in vigilia beati Nicolai.


Comments: On Fr. Nicolaus, see 1291 22/8. ● Fallsberg was a demesne situated a few kilometres south-west of Skänninge.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1374 (SDHK no. 1986 with scan of document).




1303 14/3


Convent of Lund

Provost Anders of the cathedral chapter in Lund founds an altar in the cathedral, to be dedicated to the Holy Virgin and St. Andrew, and from the income of the allocated property, the convents of Friars Preachers and Friars Minor (in Lund) shall each be given fish for the value of 1 ounce money at his anniversary.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Notum sit omnibus presens scriptum cernen­tibus, quod ego Andreas Lundensis prepositus ad cultum divinum in ecclesia beati Laurentii Lundis ampliandum et construendum ibidem unum altare [...] omnia bona mea [...]. De annuis autem fructibus sive proventibus eidem altari appositis taliter ordinationem providi ut ex eis quinque marche denariorum anno quolibet deducentur, in usum oblationum et elemosina­rum largitionem plene et fideliter hoc modo dispensande quod in die anniversario obitus mei de duabus marchis et dimidia, dentur canonicis qui vigiliis et misse interfuerint marcha denariorum et cuilibet vicario [...] quinque denarii ad offerenda etiam dimidia marcha, fratribus predicatoribus eodem die ad pisces una ora denariorum, et tantumdem fratribus minoribus. [...] Actum Lundis die jovis ∙xiiiita∙ mensis martii, anno Domini MCCC tertio.


Dansk oversættelse:

I faderens, sønnens og helligåndens navn, amen. Det skal være vitterligt for alle, der ser dette brev, at jeg Anders, provst i Lund, til forøgelsen af gudstjenesten i Skt. Laurentius’ Kirke i Lund og til opførelse af et alter [...] giver og over­drager alt mit gods [...]. Angående de årlige frugter og indtægter, der er tillagt samme alter, har jeg truffet den bestemmelse, at der af dem hvert år skal fradrages 5 mark penge til offer og uddeling af almisse; de fordeles nøje og bestemt på følgende måde: På årsdagen for min død gives ud af 2½ mark 1 mark til kannikkerne, som har været til stede ved viglier og messe, hver vikar [...] får 5 penninge, i offer gives ½ mark, til prædikebrødrene gives der samme dag til fisk 1 øre penge og lige så meget til de små brødre. (...) Givet i Lund, torsdag den 14. marts i det Herrens år 1303.


Comments: Provost Anders appears from this and other letters to have been a wealthy man out of local Scanian nobility.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1385; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. V no. 243.




1303 (26/5)



The general chapter of the Friars Preachers adds the new province of Tolosana to the ‘Parisian group’ of provinces, including Dacia, for which elective general chapters are to be declared from the convent in Paris, just as the province is added to the full list of provinces to take part in such elective chapters.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis apud Bisuncium celebrati anno Domini MCCCIII. (…) Item hanc, in capitulo de electione magistri, ubi dicitur, Parisiensis conventus, provincialibus Hyspanie, Provincie, deleatur Provincie et dicatur provincie Tholosane, Anglie, Dacie, Aragonie, provincie Provincie. Et hec habet ∙iii∙ capitula. Item hanc, in capitulo de electione diffinitorum capituli generalis et provincialis, ubi dicitur, Hyspanie, Provincie, deleatur Provincie et dicatur Tholosane provincie, Francie, Lombardie, Romane provincie, regni Cicilie, Ungarie, Theutonie, Anglie, Grecie, Polonie, Dacie, Jerosolimitane provincie, Aragonie, Boemie, et provincie Provincie. Et hec habet ∙iii∙ capitula.


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. The Parisian group had been formed by constitutional decision of the general chapter in 1242 8/6, with the addition of Bohemia in 1301 21/5. The provinces qualified for participation in elective chapters had been listed by constitutional decision of the general chapter in 1241 19/5, with the addition of Aragonia and Bohemia in 1301. The two measures were included in ch. II:4-5 in the Constitutions of 1256.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, pp. 317-318.


                      1301 (21/5)   Köln

The above-mentioned addition has its first reading at the general chapter.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis apud Coloniam celebrati anno Domini MCCCI. (…) Iste sunt inchoationes. (…) Item hanc, [in capitulo] de electione magistri, ubi dicitur, Parisiensis conventus, provincialibus Hispanie, Provincie, deleatur Provincie et dicatur Tholosane provincie, Anglie, Dacie, Aragonie et provincie Provincie. Item hanc, [in capitulo] de electione diffinitorum generalis et provincialis capituli, ubi dicitur, Hyspanie, Provincie, deleatur Provincie et dicatur Tholosane provincie, Francie, Lombardie, Romane provincie, regni Cicilie, Ungarie, Theotonie, Anglie, Grecie, Polonie, Dacie, Jerosolimitane provincie, Aragonie, Boemie, et provincie Provincie. (…)


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, p. 303.


                      1302 (10/6)   Bologna

The above-mentioned addition has its second reading at the general chapter.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis Bononie celebrati anno Domini MCCCII. (…) Iste sunt approbationes. (…) Item hanc, in capitulo de electione magistri, ubi dicitur, Parisiensis conventus, provincialibus Hispanie, Provincie, deleatur Provincie et dicatur provincie Tholosane, Anglie, Dacie, Aragonie, et provincie Provincie. Et hec habet ·ii· capitula. Item hanc, in capitulo de electione diffinitorum generalis et provincialis capituli, ubi dicitur, Hyspanie, Provincie, deleatur Provincie et dicatur provincie Tholosane, Francie, Lombardie, Romane provincie, regni Cicilie, Ungarie, Teotonie, Anglie, Grecie, Polonie, Dacie, Ierosolymitane provincie, Aragonie, Boemie, et provincie Provincie. Et hec habet ·ii· capitula. (…)


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, p. 312.




1303 6/11


Convent of Sigtuna

Last will and testament for Elisif, who wishes to be buried with the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, for which the convent receives a part of the demesne, which Juliana gave her before she died. Elisif’s daughter, Kristina, shall be allowed to redeem the property from the convent for a payment of 5 marks within one year. The will is witnessed by Fr. Bero and Fr. Walterus of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, and it is sealed by Fr. Israel, prior of the same convent.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Ego Elisif filia Johannis de Núbyli compos mente et incoluminis corpore de modica substantiola mea saluti anime mee cupiens providere. In meorum remissionem peccatorum fratribus predicatoribus Sictonie apud quos etiam corporis mei eligo sepulturam lego partem meam in curia quam laudabilis memorie Juliana mihi ante mortem suam dedit et volo ut predicta pars et dimidia pars curie superius nominate per filiam meam Christinam si ipsa post mortem meam vixerit a fratribus memoratis pro quinque marcis denariorum redimatur infra annum post decessum meum, si tamen ipsa filia mea partem illam redimere volverit et suffecerit et absque calumnia cuiusquam valverit possidendo retinere, alioquin predicti fratres partem sibi legetam supradicte curie cuicunque volverint et carius poterunt vendere liberam habeant potestatem. Testes huius ordinationis mee presentes fuerunt, domina mea Ragnburgis filia condam domini Israelis legiferi, Bero Helsinger, Petrus de Borungi, Katena uxor sua, Margareta et Rangfridis famule domine R. et fratres de Sictonia Bero et Valterus. Actum in Viht anno Domini MCCCIII feria ·iiii· proxima ante Martini. Ad confirmationem autem huius voluntatis mee sigilla, domine mee Ragnburgis et fratris Israelis prioris Sictoniensis, huic littere apponi peto.


Comments: On Fr. Bero, see 1286 2/5. ● Fr. Walterus of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna is not known from any other sources. ● On Fr. Israel Erlandi, see 1281 2/10. ● Elisif was daughter of Johan de Nibble. She appears to have been in the service of Lady Ragnborg de Vik, at whose demesne the will was written; Vik is situated 25 km northwest of Sigtuna. ● On Lady Juliana de Säby, see 1298 25/4. The connection between Elisif and Juliana is not clear. ● It is not stated where the demesne in question was situated.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1411 (SDHK no. 2040).




c. 1303

Convent of Nidaros

Last will and testament for Gyrid Andersdatter, in which she leaves 1 mark to the convent of Friars Preachers in Nidaros.


Source: Original document. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Old Norwegian.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Ek Gyrið Andres dotter gerer allum monnum kunnigt at ek gæfr likam min vpp til Kristkirkiu guði j valld vore fru sancta Mariu hinum heilaga Olafe ok allum guðs hæilagom monnum. Þar með gef ek staðenom spanslæigu iarðar mer til legstaðar or Hollte j Barkar firði, aðra spans-læigu or samre jorð til sal allteris mer til eilifs bønahalls, þriðiu spans læigu or samre jorð til communs korsbrøðra, j altiða kaup, kirkiunni a øyrum fiorðo spans læigu or samre jorð halfa preste en halfa kirkiunni til upphelldis, til Mariu kirkiu halfs spans læigu or Ase j Haulsyniar kirkiu sokn með þui skilorðe at synir minir hafe løyst inan ·v· vettra elligr æignist kirkian, predicarom mork brennda, firir þrittugter ·ii· merkr fonnar, aðra prestenom at Mariu kirkiu en aðra Michialls kirkiu preste, gaf ek ok til Michialls kirkiu hæil ok osiuk ·iii· spanna læigu or Vage hia Ta[l]gylum með lut ok læigu burd ok allum lunnendom. Ok lysti ek þerso minu testamento aðr en ek være oliað firir þersom dugandes monnum herra Auðuni Viglæigs syni, herra Loðne a Backa, Siugurði preste digra ok Joane prest at Michialls kirkiu, ok til sanz vitnisburðar setto þerser fyrnemfdir firir þetta bref sin jnsigli.


Comments: The will has no date, but it appears connected to a letter of donation issued by Lady Gyrid on 18 August 1303 in favour of the cathedral chapter in Nidaros (DN II 68). ● Gyrid Andersdatter de Okavik was a female magnate based on Nordmøre. At this time she was a widow, but the identity of her husband is unknown. She may have been the daughter of Anders Plytt and the sister of Lord Peter Andersson.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. II no. 70.




1304 10/3

Convents of Helsingborg, Lund, Odense, Ribe, Roskilde, Viborg, Åhus and Århus

Last will and testament for Lady Cecilie, widow of Marshal Johannes Kalf, in which she leaves 20 marks and a golden cross to the Dominican convent situated the closest to her future place of death and in which she wants to be buried; preferably, it appears, the convent of Lund or Ribe. If she is not buried in Lund, the convent here is to receive 6 marks, and if not in Ribe, this convent should have 5 marks. Furthermore, she leaves 5 marks to the Friars Preachers in Viborg, 3 marks to the friars in Helsingborg, and 1 mark to each of the convents in Roskilde, Odense and Århus. In addition, 1 mark is given personally to each of two friars: Fr. Andreas, lector of the convent in Åhus, and Fr. Thorstanus the Elder of the convent in Århus. Finally, the convent of Ribe is given her personal psalter.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti amen. Ego Cecilia relicta domini. Iohannis Kalf quondam marscalci illustris Danorum Sclauorumque regis. (...) pro remedio anime mee de bonis mihi a deo collatis testamentum meum ordino in hunc modum. Lego in primis pro redempcione crucis ad terram sanctam uiginti marcas denariorum Iutensis monete. Item locum sepulture mee eligo apud fratres predicatores in uiciniori conuentu loco mortis mee in quacumque terra me mori contigerit et eidem conuentui lego uiginti marcas denariorum illius terre et crucem auream quam habeo in qua est lignum domini. (...) Item fratribus predicatoribus Lundis sex marcas denariorum si ibidem sepulta non fuero. Fratribus minoribus ibidem v. marcas denariorum. (...) Item fratribus predicatoribus in Helsingburgh .iii. marcas denariorum. (...) Item fratri Andree lectori ordinis fratrum predicatorum in Aosia .i. marcam denariorum. (...) Fratribus predicatoribus Roskildis .i. marcham. Fratribus minoribus ibidem .i. marcham. (...) Fratribus predicatoribus Otthonie unam marcham. Fratribus minoribus ibidem .i. marcham. denariorum. (...) Item fratribus predicatoribus Ripis .v. marchas denariorum si ibidem sepulta non fuero et psalterium quod dedit mihi dilectus maritus meus siue ibidem sepulta fuero siue non. (...) Fratribus predicatoribus Wibergis quinque marchas denariorum. Fratribus minoribus ibidem .iii. marchas denariorum. (...) Fratribus predicatoribus Arusie unam marcham. fratri Thorstano seniori ibidem .i. marcham. (...) Exequcionem autem huius mee ordinacionis diligenti deliberacione prehabita confecte committo dilecto filio meo Iohanni Kalf decano Lundensi et aliis suis fratribus filiis meis (...). In huius autem ordinacionis et facti euidentiam et confirmacionem pleniorem sigillum meum una cum sigillis dictorum uidelicet Iohannis Kalf filii mei et domini Petri de Eliæryth fratris mei presentibus sunt appensa. Actum anno domini m.ccc.quarto in die beati Gregorii pape.


Comments: Neither Lector Andreas of the Friars Preachers in Åhus nor Fr. Thorstanus senioris of the convent in Århus are known from any other sources. ● Cecilie Nielsdatter was of the Scanian Galen family (related to the Hvides) and daughter of the king’s prefect of Skåne, Niels Erlandsen (see 1255 14/3), and thus a niece of the renowned Archbishop Jakob Erlandsen. The mentioned brother is Peder Nielsen, a landowner with seat in Eljaröd in south-eastern Skåne. While her felt connection to Lund is obvious, it is difficult to explain her preference for the convent in Ribe. It would appear that she did in fact end her days in Lund or nearby, as her death-day, 1318 27-28/7, is recorded in the Liber daticus Lundensis. Before that she donated land to found an anniversary in the cathedral chapter of Lund in 1310 16/1, which included money for a candle in front of the Corpus Christi in the church of the Friars Preachers in Lund and for the friars themselves. Cecilie was married to Johannes Kalf (see 1255 14/3), marshal of the former King Erik V Glipping of Denmark, while her son of the same name was dean at the cathedral chapter of Lund.


Published: Erslev, Testamenter... no. 25; Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1421; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. V no. 309.




1304 2/6


Convents of Kalmar, Lödöse, Sigtuna, Skara, Skänninge, Strängnäs, Turku, Visby and Västerås, Nunneries of Kalmar and Skänninge

Last will and testament for Ingeborg Nilsdotter, widow of Magnus Johansson Ängel, in which she leaves 6 marks silver to the convent of Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, 6 marks money to each of the convents in Västerås and Kalmar, 3 marks to each of the convents in Strängnäs, Skänninge, Skara, Lödöse, Visby and ‘Finland’ (Turku), and 4 marks to each of the Dominican nunneries in Kalmar and Skänninge. In addition, Fr. Israel Erlandi, prior of the convent in Sigtuna, is personally bequeathed with 3 marks silver. The will is testified to and co-sealed by Fr. Israel and Fr. Bernardus, the latter being subprior of the convent in Sigtuna.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Quoniam infirmantium rationem sepe adeo langor obnubilat, ut non solum rerum temporalium, verum etiam sui ipsius, cogat ipsa langoris vehemencia oblivisci. Inopinatus quoque transitus ex hoc seculo multos fefellerat, et salubria proposita, sepe relinqui fecerat inperfecta. Hac consideratione ducta ego Ingiburgis, relicta domini Magni Joænsson, mente et corpore sana per gratiam Jhesu Christi, diutina deliberatione prehabita, meum infra scripto modo condo et ordino testamentum. In primis, heredes mihi instituo karissimas filias meas, Margaretam et Ingiburgi, in omnibus bonis et rebus meis, que possideo tempore mortis mee, illis bonis et rebus duntaxat exceptis de quibus, alias per me ante obitum meum, extiterit ordinatum. Item volo, quod debita mea, quecunque extiterint tempore mortis mee, solvantur integre de bonis mobilibus exstantibus in curiis meis, quando decessero, restitutiones etiam fieri volo integraliter de bonis eisdem, si probari poterit, me injuste ab aliquo, quicquam habuisse, volens et quantum in me est inhibens, ne heredes mei, bona predicta post me relicta adeant seu occupent, antequam solutio supradictorum fuerit expedita atque facta. Item in monasterio Sko apud karissimum maritum meum, dominum Magnum Joænsson felicis recordationis, mei corporis eligo sepulturam, et eidem monasterio, do, et lego, curiam meam Sæby in Vastmannaland cum duobus solidis terre in Asby parrochia Rytru, cum agris, pratis, silvis, aquis, et ceteris omnibus bonis mobilibus et immobilibus, ad dictam curiam et dictos duos solidos terre pertinentibus, jure perpetuo possidenda. Item pro anniversario meo in ecclesia Upsalensi perpetuo faciendo, contuli eidem ecclesie, curiam meam Waldby, quam sana et incolumis, assignavi et ad manus tradidi venerabili patri, domino Nicolao, archiepiscopo Upsalensi, in ipsum, nomine ecclesie sue supradicte, pleno iure, transferens possessionem et proprietatem dicte curie, adhibitis super hoc firmariis, secundum patrie leges et consuetudinem approbatam. Item fabrice ecclesie cathedralis in Vestraarus, lego sex marchas denariorum. Item fabrice ecclesie cathedralis in Strengenes, sex marchas denariorum. Item fratribus predicatoribus in Sikthunia, sex marchas puri argenti; item fratri Israeli priori ibidem, tres marchas puri argenti. Item fratribus predicatoribus in Vestraaros, sex marchas denariorum. Item fratribus predicatoribus Kalmarnie, sex marchas denariorum; item sororibus ibidem, quatuor marchas denariorum. Item sororibus apud sanctum Martinum Skeningie, quatuor marchas denariorum. Item conventibus fratrum predicatorum, Strengenes, Skæningi, Skarum, Lydosum, Wisby, Finlandie, singulis tres marchas denariorum. Item monasteriis Alvastrum, Wærnem, Nydal, Juluttum, singulis tres marchas denariorum. Item monasteriis sororum Wretum, Askaby, Gudhem, Risabærgh, Foodhø, ordinis sancti Benedicti, singulis tres marchas denariorum. Item conventibus fratrum minorum Upsalie, Enichopie, Stokholmis, et sororibus ibidem, item Arbugha, Suderkopie, Nychopie, Linchopie, Junæchopie, Skarum, Wisby, singulis tres marchas denariorum. Item hospitali in Eskilsthunum, tres marchas denariorum. Item cuilibet ecclesie in cuius parrochia curiam possideo, et eius rectori, de qualibet curia in illa parrochia sita, unam marcham denariorum. Item hospitali Enichopie, tres marchas denariorum; item hospitalibus Sudherchopie, Skæningie, Skarum, Lydhosum, Wisby, cuilibet duas marchas denariorum. Item domui Dei Upsalie, tres marchas denariorum; item domui Dei Stokholmis, unam marcham denariorum. Item Balta servienti meo, quatuor marchas denariorum. Ad solvendum autem premissa mea legata per exequtores huius testamenti mei, si per me met ipsam ante obitum meum soluta non fuerint, obligo, deputo et assigno curiam meam Broathorp in Alem, necnon et curias meas, Sundaby et Sandem, in Westgocia; quas, distrahi et vendi volo per exequtores supradictos, prout ipsis videbitur expediens, si heredes mei, dictas curias non redemerint infra annum a tempore mei obitus computandum; infra quem tamen annum, predicte curie, ab exequtoribus huius testamenti mei, occupentur, regantur et conserventur. Item famulo meo Kætillo, do et lego, octo solidos terre in Brohofdhi, parrochia Dunker. Item, famulo meo Thome, quatuor solidos terre in Wretum, parrochia Sundby. Ingiruni famule mee, quatuor solidos terre, in Sudherby parrochia Husaby. Servis quoque et ancillis meis omnibus plenam confero libertatem. Preterea, per hoc testamentum meum, quod de consensu expresso dilectarum filiarum mearum predictarum, per me conditum est atque factum, revoco, irrito, et casso, quodcunque testamentum a me prius factum, seu quomodolibet ordinatum. Exequtores huius testamenti, constituo, facio et ordino, venerabiles patres et dominos, Nicolaum Upsalensem archiepiscopum, et Strengenensem et Arosiensem episcopos, et magistrum Andream prepositum ecclesie Upsalensis, et honorabiles viros, dominos Johannem Sudhærmannie et Birgerum Uplandie legiferos, rogans et instanter petens, ut hoc testamentum meum seu extreme voluntatis ordinationem, implere velint et perficere propter Deum. Quod si hiis exequendis omnes interesse nequiverint seu nolverint, illi nihilominus qui ea volverint perficere, premissa exequendi et faciendi, plenam et liberam habeant facultatem, quam ipsis tenore presentium committo. Hoc autem meum testamentum, a me conditum, in presentia venerabilis patris, domini Nicolai archiepiscopi, puplicavi apud Arnø presentibus testibus in testimonium premissorum specialiter vocatis et rogatis, videlicet dilecta filia mea Ingiburgi; item Ingiburgi, filia Erici Østensson; et dominis Mathia et Johanne Magnusson, canonicis ecclesie Upsalensis; fratre Israele priore et Bernardo suppriore Sikthunie, ordinis predicatorum; Gerardo dicto Langa, Finvido Nicolai filio et Philippo Biornsson. In supradictorum omnium testimonium sigillum meum proprium, presentibus est appositum, necnon et sigilla venerabilium patrum, dominorum Upsalensis, Strengenensis, et Arosiensis, ae testium prescriptorum, et dilectarum filiarum mearum, cum instantia peto apponi. Actum apud Arnø, anno Domini MCCC quarto, quarto nonis junii.


Comments: On Fr. Israel Erlandi, see 1281 2/10. ● Fr. Bernardus, subprior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, is probably identical to the friar of the convent in Sigtuna, who testified to letters in 1289 29/11 and 1298 2/4. He also held the the rank of subprior in 1305 17/7, later as prior in 1315 15/2, 1321 12/4, 1321 29/4 and 1328 16/2. ● Ingeborg Nilsdotter was first married to Magnus Johansson Ängel (see 1292 1/8), then to a man called Bengt, with whom she had the daughters Margareta (see 1316 25/11) and Ingeborg. She was buried along with her first husband with the Cistercian nuns of Sko Abbey, for whom she witnessed a donation by Magnus in 1293 6/1.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1428.




1304 15/6


Province of Dacia

Fr. Petrus de Roskilde represents the Friars Preachers of Dacia as elector at the general chapter in Toulouse, where he takes part in the election of Fr. Aymericus Giliani as master general of the Order. Whereas all provinces henceforth are to establish a studium generale and a studium solemne of their own, the provinces of Dacia, Grecia and Terra Sancta are exempted from this.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis apud Tholosam celebrati anno Domini MCCCIIII.

Sabbato sancto in vigilia penthecostes quod fuit ∙xvii∙ kalendas junii, anno Domini MCCCIIII apud Tholosam congregatis et inclusis in conclavi juxta morem constitutionum electoribus magistri numero ∙xxxvi∙ in tertio scruptino electus est ab eisdem canonice in magistrum ordinis frater Aymericus Placentinus, natione Lombardus, erat autem tunc lector Bononiensis, electus in provincialem Grecie, non tamen elector magistri, sed presens in conventu Tholosano, ∙xxxvii∙ annos habens in ordine, legerat tam in phylosophica quam in theologia, ∙xxiiii∙ annis, ut ipsemet dixit ibidem, priorque fuerat Bononie. Erant autem inter electores provinciales ∙xiii∙ hii videlicet qui sequuntur: Hispanie frater Egidius de Aravalho; Francie frater R[aymundus] Romani, magister in theologia; Romane provincie frater Hugo; Theotonie frater Antonius; Polonie frater Lippoldus; provincie Provincie frater Johannes Vigorosi; Lombardie superioris frater Jacobus vel Quido de Concaneto; provincie Tholosane frater Guillelmus Petri bacallarius; Ungarie frater Aymericus; Dacie frater P[etrus] de Rusquillis; Terre Sancte frater Geraldus Bermundi Petragoricensis; Boemie frater Egidius qui fuerat provincialis annis ∙xxiiii∙; Saxonie frater Aycardus, magister in theologia, non tamen erat confirmatus in die electionis magistri, sed die lune sequenti fuit confirmatus in provincialem a magistro. [1]

Confirmamus has constitutiones. (…) Item hanc. In capitulo de studentibus, ubi dicitur, sex autem provincie, deleatur, et dicatur sic, quelibet autem provincia exceptis Dacie, Grecie et Terre sancte, provideat, ut semper in aliquo conventu ydoneo sit generale studium et sollempne. Et hec habet ·iii· capitula. [2]


Comments: Fr. P. de Rusquillis is most likely identical to the Prior Petrus of the convent in Roskilde, who was elected prior provincial of Dacia in 1302; on him, see 1291 22/8. As provincial, he was hardly connected particularly to Roskilde by anything but his name. This was the second change to a measure in ch. II:14 in the Constitutions of 1256 concerning students, stating that in addition to the studium generale in Paris, also the four provinces of Provincia, Lombardia, Teutonia and Anglia were to run such schools; this addition had itself been decided at the general chapter in 1248. At the general chapter in 1291, the measure was changed into six provinces, adding Hispania and Romana. ● The reason for Dacia’s exemption is not said, but probably the province was not found sufficiently equipped with qualified teachers. A studium generale was not established in Dacia until 1505 11/5* with a school at the convent in Västerås, in 1525 3/6* transferred to Roskilde. ● The studium solemne was a provincial school of theology, meant to prepare friars chosen for lector studies before sending them to the studia generalia.


Published: Monumenta ordinis fratrum Praedicatorum historica vol. IV, pp. 1-2 (with note 1).


                      1302 (10/6)   Bologna

The above-mentioned addition to the Constitutions about studia generalia has its first reading at the general chapter.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis Bononie celebrati anno Domini MCCCII. (…) Iste sunt inchoationes. (…) Item hanc, in capitulo de studentibus, ubi dicitur, sex autem provincie etcetera deleatur, et ponatur, quelibet autem provincia, exceptis Dacie, Grecie, Terre sancte, provideat; ut semper in aliquo conventu ydoneo sit generale studium et solempne. (…)


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, p. 314.


                      1303 (26/5)   Besançon

The above-mentioned addition has its second reading at the general chapter.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis apud Bisuncium celebrati anno Domini MCCCIII. (…) Iste sunt approbationes. (…) Item hanc, in capitulo de studentibus, ubi dicitur, sex autem provincie, deleatur totum et dicatur quelibet autem provincia exceptis provinciis Dacie, Grecie, Terre sancte, provideat, ut semper in aliquo conventu ydoneo sit generale studium et solempne. Et hec habet ∙ii∙ capitula. (…)


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. III, p. 320.




1304 24/7


Convent of Oslo

Last will and testament for Gerlak, canon secular of the cathedral chapter in Oslo, in which he leaves 4 marks to the convent of Friars Preachers in Oslo.


Source: Original document. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


In nomine Domini, amen. Noverint universi presens scriptum visuri vel audituri quod ego Gerlacus canonicus ecclesie Osloensis sanus mente licet eger corpore meum condo testamentum in hunc modum. Primum lego ecclesie sancti Hallwardi hæfsællda bol, cum si ... vaccina de predio meo quod dicitur Bøle in parochia de Nitiudall ·vii· horatas de predio quod dicitur Ausbyr in parochia de Holtom in Nordlem, ·viii· horatam debet habere prebendarius ephorati pro horata quod habuit in predio quod dicitur norðr Ass in parochia de Nes, ea conditione si fratres velint me sepelire ante altare beati Nicholai in ambitu sinistro ecclesie. Sin autem hoc nolverint admittere lego duas horatas de predio ibi vicino quod Holeimr vocatur in parochia de Nitiudall. Ad archam reliquiarum sancti Hallvardi duos denarios aureos et ·iii· marchas puri. Item lego ecclesie sancti Clementis marcham puri, ecclesie sancti Nicholai marcham puri. Item lego prebende me[e] domunculas quas construxi in ... canonicorum de expensis meis. Ecclesie sancte crucis dimidiam marcham puri. Claustro monialium Osloie dimidiam marcham puri, hospitali reprosorum ·iiii· marchas noricanas. Predicatoribus duas ·iiii· marchas noricanas. Minoribus duas ·iiii· marchas norichanas, comune fratrum vas argenteum cum pede de quo consuevi potare in communi cum cocleari. Domino Arnoni concanonico meo summam ... . Hærbærno sacerdoti cognato meo breviarium meum. Þordoni sacerdoti cognato meo summam Remundi. Libellos meos alios parvos lego Bryniulfo clerico meo. Item ad exequias meas ·iiii· talenta cere, ad offerendam ·iiii· marchas norichanas cum ·vi· solidis sterlingorum. Ad prebendam campanarii ecclesie sancti Hallwardi dimidiam horatam in predio quod dicitur Solbergar in Lomadall, alio nomine vocatur Kryvillsbole in quo predio dicta prebenda prius habet duas horatas. Þorone cognate me[e] ·ii· marchas norichanas. Ingibærge cognate ·ii· marchas. Villico fratrum marcham et alii villice currentes. Brinullfo famulo meo ·viii· marchas. Item volo et firmiter constituo ad residua omnia mihi attinentia mobilium et immobilium Ragnilldam sororem meam heredem, rogans eam et maritum suum ut omnia supradicta inpleantur secundum meam voluntatem. Ad omnia autem que legavi, dominum Erlingum et dominum Arnonem concanonicos meos executores instituo eos humiliter exorando exequi et adimplere divine remunerationis intuitu meam istam velint et dignentur voluntatem. Et ut predicta robur habeant firmitatis sigillum meum cum sigillo domini Erlingi et domini Arnonis concanonicorum meorum in testimonium ad cautelam duxi presentibus apponenda. Actum Asloie anno Domini MCCCIIII in vigilia Jacobi.


Comments: The original conditions of the will have later been altered and some passages erased. ● The changes also concerns the endowments for the two mendicant convents in Oslo, who were originally bequeathed with 2 marks each, but in the final version were to receive 4 marks each. ● Gerlak is known as a canon secular with a leading position at the cathedral chapter in Oslo in the late 1290s. He apparently possesed a private copy of the Summa de casibus poenitentiae by Fr. Raimundus de Peñaforte OP, which he originally intended for his relative Thord, who was a priest, but along with two other bequeathed books this part of the will was later annulled – perhaps in benefit of the common chapter library.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. II no. 75.




1305 17/7


Convents of Sigtuna, Skänninge and Strängnäs, Province of Dacia

Fr. Israel Erlandi, prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, presents to the prior provincial and the provincial chapter to be held in Skänninge the case of his convent against the convent of Strängnäs concerning the right to perform terminario in Stockholm, especially in regard of collecting seal oil at the Stockholm sealbooths. From the convent in Sigtuna is besides Prior Israel mentioned Fr. Bernardus, subprior, Fr. Roricus, Fr. Emundus, Fr. Thorirus, Fr. Boecius, Fr. Andreas and Fr. Johannes; from the convent in Strängnäs Fr. Laurentius, prior, Fr. Mathias ‘Kornhest’, Fr. Magnus and Fr. Ericus.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Reverendis in Christo patribus, priori provinciali, et diffinitoribus in capitulo provinciali, Skeningie celebrando, frater Israel et conventus Sictuniensis, reverenciam et obedienciam debitam cum saluti. Paternitati vestre dirigimus articulos infrascriptos, de negocio, quod vertitur inter nos et fratres Strengienenses de mendicacione foce. Primus est, quod taberne in quibus foca mendicatur, adiacent et pertinent ville Stokholmensi, et quasi eiusdem ville pars sunt, unde siquis ibidem infirmatur, vel moritur, a sacerdote Stokholmensis ecclesie, visitatur communicatur, et sepelitur in cimiterio ecclesie eiusdem. Item omnis foca, Stokholmis venditur et emitur, sed solummodo in dictis tabernis ∙v∙ sialabodum, quia aliquantulum distant a concursu multitudinis, propter fetorem, foca mensuratur. Secundus est, quod semper habueramus hucusque dictam mendicacionem sine impeticione cuiuslibet, in pacifica possessione, donec frater Laurencius, tunc prior Strengiensis, movit, et misit fratrem Mathiam, dictum Cornhest, jam triennio ibidem mendicare, qui statim prohibitus fuit per priorem Sictunie, tunc, vicarium provincialis, et ad presenciam eius vocatus non venit, excusans se per infirmitatem et defectum navis. Dictum autem locus est in nostro archiepiscopatu, legiferatu, et provincia nostra attundia, non in Surdermannia, in qua est conventus Strengiensis. Reverendus vero pater, prior provincialis, hiis nostris racionibus et consimilibus, Strengienensiumque similiter auditis, et diligenter hincinde (consideratis) ponderatis, ordinavit quod in dictis sialabodum de foca mendicacionem faceremus ea condicione adiecta, quam in littera sua super hoc negocio expressit, donec per judicium provincie, finaliter causa seu questio dicta finiretur, remittens nobis litteram suam, sub sigillo suo, tenorem predictum continentem, quem exibitor presencium lector noster, paternitati vestre presentabit, villas eciam que adiacent parochie dicte Solnø, que sunt similiter in nostro archiepiscopatu, legiferatu, et provincia scilicet attundia, licet ex parte meridionali torrentis Stokholmensis, et ultra sialabodir situate, nostras, et in nostris terminis esse recognoscimus et affirmamus, quamuis interdum villas predictas et ipsi mendicaverant, nostris fratribus, joca illa, quasi exilia et parve (valoris) utilitatis, ad aliquot annos non visitantibus, frater tamen Røricus dicit, et jurat in anima sua, quod ad triginta annos fuit socius fratris Emundi, Sictoniensis, illic mendicantis pluribus annis. Item jurat frater Thorirus, quod frater Bo, et alii de Siktonia multis annis, terminos illos pacifice colverunt. Contigit insuper estate precedenti, venerabilem patrem, dominum archiepiscopum nostrum, cum magistro Andrea preposito, una et domino Birgero, Uplandie legifero, nec non et domino Rødh Kialbrsson, domino Benedicto Boson, aliisque ecclesiasticis et militaribus personis ydoneis, mitti ab illustri rege nostro super quodam negocio, quod vertebatur inter ipsum et dominum Ericum ducem, fratrem suum, de confinio et limitibus inter provincias memoratas, diligenter requisituris. Qui et indagacione rusticorum antiquorum, convicaneorum utriusque provincie, repererunt in ipso confinio scilicet inter Arusboawik et Telgedi, quod est ultra confinium villarum predictarum, petras quasdam, in quas infusi sunt circuli ferrei, futuris seculis, veritatem antiquorum, omnibus ostendentes, ibique majorum et seniorum sagacitate, verum confinium, coram rege nostro et duce, juramentis affirmarent. Supradictis nos racionibus, et approbacionibus confisi, et potissime littera reverendi patris, prioris provincialis, misimus ex more fratres nostros, Andream et Johannem, ad tabernas sepedictas, pro foca ut prius mendicanda, quibus ibidem aliquandiu morantibus, supervenerunt fratres Strengienenses, Magnus et Ericus, asserentes se missos a priore suo et conventu similiter ibidem mendicare, ad quos accessit frater Bernardus, tunc supprior noster, eis ostendens et legens litteram provincialis, qui responderunt se prius talia audivisse, et propter hec nihil facere vel omittere, postea rogavit, et tandem mandavit eis prior noster, frater Israel, tanquam terminorum nostorum invasoribus sub pena precepti, quod desisterent, qui responderunt idem quod prius nos vero videntes illorum pertinaciam, malvimus, non juri sed scandalo cedere, quam contencionibus confusibiliter deservire, ego frater Israel, fratribus nostris mandati i supersedere. Supplicamus igitur humiliter paternitati vestre quatinus, equa lance libretis justiciam, ne compellamur indebite luere, quod honestati, concordie et paci, eciam cum extraneorem irrisione, ei dampno nostro, studuimus providere, valete in Christo. Scriptum anno Domini MCCCV sabbato proximo ante Margarete.


Dansk sammenfatning:

Broder Israel og det menige konvent i Sigtuna hilser ærbødigt de ærværdige fædre, provincialprioren og de befuldmægtigede i det provincialkapitel, der skal afholdes i Skänninge. Konventet i Sigtuna hævder for det første, at boderne, hvor man indsamler sæltran, hører til staden Stockholm og at det kun er i Stockholm, at man handler med sæltran, selvom sælboderne ligger i byens udkant pga. stanken. For det andet har brødrene altid i fred og ro kunnet foretage denne indsamling uden indblanden af andre, indtil prior Lars i Strängnäs sendte broder Mathias “Kornhest” for at indsamle sæltran på samme plads; denne blev derpå forbudt at gøre dette af prioren i Sigtuna, som da var provincialvikar, og Mathias blev stævnet til møde hos prioren, men mødte ikke op. Ifølge Sigtuna-konventet ligger Stockholm i deres bispedømme og i landskabet Attundaland, og ikke i Södermanland, hvori Strängnäs kloster ligger. Endvidere har konventet brev med provisorisk tilladelse fra provincialprioren til at foretage nævnte sæltranindsamling indtil spørgsmålet afgøres ved provincialkapitlets domstol. De hævder endvidere, at de byer, der tilhører Solna sogn, som også ligger inden for nævnte område og landskab, er at betragte som deres og inden for deres grænser, hvilket bekræftes af deres medbroder Rørik, som sammen med broder Emund har indsamlet almisser dér i årevis, samt deres medbroder Thor, som har svoret, at broder Bo med flere fra Sigtuna igennem mange år fredeligt har dyrket dette område. De tager også støtte i en undersøgelse af grænserne imellem nævnte landskaber foretaget på kongens bud af ærkebiskoppen, domprovsten Anders, den upplandske lagmand Birger, og flere andre gejstlige og verdslige, pga. en tvist imellem kongen og hertug Erik, hvorved man har fundet nogle grænsesten. Forsikret ved ovenstående havde konventet i Sigtuna sendt broder Anders og broder Johannes til nævnte boder for ligesom tidligere at indsamle sæltran, men disse var blevet overrasket af Strängnäsbrødrene Magnus og Erik, der sagde, at de var sendt af deres prior og konvent for at gøre det samme. Dette var sket på trods af påtaler og befalinger fra såvel subprior Bernhard og prior Israel i Sigtuna, og derfor bønfalder konventet nu kapitlet om på retfærdig vis at afgøre striden.


Comments: On the front of the letter is written: Priori provinciali et diffinitoribus capituli provincialis Skeningie celebrandi; and below this: Negocium de sialabothum Stokholmis. ● On Fr. Israel Erlandi, see 1281. ● Fr. Laurentius (Lars), prior of the Friars Preachers in Strängnäs, is otherwise unknown. ● Fr. Mathias ‘Kornhest’ (Mats ‘Kornhest’), sent as frater terminarius for the convent in Strängnäs to Stockholm, is otherwise unknown. The byname can be translated to ‘Cornhorse’, perhaps indicating his physical size or that he, as a frater terminarius, was bringing back grain to the convent? ● Fr. Roricus (Rørik) and Fr. Emundus (Emund), friars of the convent in Sigtuna, had allegedly collected alms in Solna parish for years as fratres terminarii for Sigtuna; the wording indicates that Fr. Roricus was quite old in 1305, Fr. Emundus perhaps no longer alive. None of them is otherwise known. ● On Fr. Boecius, see 1286 2/5. He too had allegedly ‘through numerous years peacefully taken care’ of the district of the sealbooths and Solna parish. ● On Fr. Thorirus (Thor), see 1280. ● Fr. Andreas (Anders) and Fr. Johannes (Jöns) of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, sent as fratres terminarii to the sealbooths in Stockholm, are otherwise unknown. ● Fr. Magnus and Fr. Ericus of the Friars Preachers in Strängnäs were sent as fratres terminarii to the sealbooths in Stockholm. The former is otherwise unknown. Fr. Ericus (Erik) was witness to a testament in 1310. ● On Fr. Bernardus, see 1304 6/2. ● The prior provincial of Dacia at this time was Fr. Petrus, see 1291 22/8. ● The provincial chapter held in Skänninge later that same year ruled in favour of the Sigtuna convent. ● The claims that friars from Sigtuna for years had collected alms in Stockholm and Solna parish indicates that terminatio at this time was a well-established institution within the Dominican Order in Dacia. It even suggests that some friars were based for longer periods out in the termini. According to Fr. Israel’s argumentation, the Swedish-Dominican termini by large followed the secular-ecclesiastical and lay border lines of parishes, dioceses and law districts. ● Seal oil was produced from boiled seal blubber and used for candles and various kinds of surface preservation (e.g. for ships, shoes and leather); it was also used as medicine against scurvy. It was an important export article for northern Scandinavia, with Stockholm as the main centre of production and trade; a lot of Scandinavian seal oil was shipped to Lübeck and other Hanseatic cities. The Stockholm seal booths (sialaboðer) were situated south of the city, on the eastern part of Södermalm’s northern shore. The location may reflect the stench mentioned in the letter, which especially came from the fact that oil was easier extracted from blubber, which had been left to rot. Also meat from the seals were cut and sold at the seal booths. Since seals live in the water, they were ecclesiastically classified as fish, and the meat was therefore sanctioned as Lent food (Grandlund 1972; Grandlund 1974; Vollan 1974; Yrwing 1974).


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1475.




1305 c. 22/8


Convents of Lund, Ribe, Sigtuna, Skänninge and Strängnäs, Province of Dacia

Fr. Petrus, prior provincial of Dacia, and the provincial chapter held in Skänninge rule in favour of the convent in Sigtuna against the one in Strängnäs in concern of the long-going conflict between them about the right to collect alms in and around Stockholm. Diffinitors provincial of the chapter are Fr. Nicolaus, prior in Skänninge; Fr. Israel, prior in Sigtuna; Fr. Boio, lector in Ribe; and Fr. Vernerus, lector in Lund.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis, frater Petrus, fratrum ordinis predicatorum in provincia Dacia, prior provincialis, licet indignus, necnon, et fratres Nicholaus prior Skeningensis, Israel, prior Sictuniensis, Boio, lector Ripensis, Vernerus, lector Lundensis, diffinitores capituli provincialis, Skeningie celebrati, salutem in domino sempiternam. Tenore presencium constare volumus evidenter, quod questionem jam pluries ventilatam inter conventus Sictuniensem et Strengenensem de limitatione terminorum circa Stokholm, decidere et litibus finem imponere volentes, ordinamus et diffinimus, quod Sialaboðer et tota parochia Stokholmensis attineat fratribus Sictuniensibus, pleno jure. In cuius rei testimonium sigilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum Skeningie anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo quinto in nostro capitulo provinciali.


Dansk oversættelse:

Til alle som får dette brev at se: Broder Peder, skønt uværdig provincialprior for ordenen af prædikebrødre i provinsen Dacia, samt brødrene Niels, prior i Skänninge, Israel, prior i Sigtuna, Bøye, lektor i Ribe, Verner, lektor i Lund, diffinitorer ved provincialkapitlet afholdt i Skänninge: hilsen evindelig med Gud. Vi gør vitterligt med dette brev, at vi vil afgøre den allerede mangfoldige gange drøftede tvist imellem konventerne i Sigtuna og Strängnäs om afgrænsningen af terminerne omkring Stockholm og gøre en ende på striden. Derfor fastsætter og bestemmer vi, at sælboderne og hele Stockholms sogn skal tilhøre brødrene i Sigtuna med al ret. Til vidnesbyrd herom er vore segl hængt under dette brev. Givet i Skänninge i det Herrens år 1305 på vort provincialkapitel.


Comments: The letter is only dated to 1305, but from another letter is the provincial chapter known to have taken place around 22 August. ● On Fr. Petrus, see 1291 22/8. ● On Fr. Nicolaus, see 1291 22/8. ● On Fr. Israel Erlandi, see 1281. ● On Fr. Boyo, see 1291 22/8. ● Fr. Vernerus, lector of the Friars Preachers in Lund, is otherwise unknown. ● On the conflict about the terminario in Stockholm, see earlier 1305.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1478; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. V no. 380.




1307 (14/5)


Province of Dacia

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers reprimands the prior provincial of Dacia and the diffinitors of the provincial chapter for having absolved all preachers general (in Dacia) against the Constitutions of the Order; each diffinitor is therefore imposed a penance of three days on bread and water.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis Argentine celebrati anno Domini MCCCVII. (…) Iste sunt penitentie. (…) Item, cum provincialis Dacie et diffinitores in suo provinciali capitulo omnes predicatores generales absolverint contra generalem consuetudinem ordinis approbatam, cuilibet diffinitorum injungimus tres dies in pane et aqua et absolvimus omnes alios per eosdem in eodem capitulo substitutos. (…)


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. ● The prior provincial of Dacia at this time was Fr. Petrus de Roskilde (1302-1308), see 1291 22/8.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, p. 26.




1307 11/9 (a)


Convent of Nidaros

The prior and convent of the Friars Preachers in Nidaros, along with the Benedictine monks of Nidarholm Priory, certify a constitution issued by Archbishop Jon of Nidaros in 1278 regarding a financial support for the parish church of Mæren in Sparabu from the neighbouring parishes.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives (ex-Arnamagnæan Collection), Oslo.

Language: Old Norwegian.


Allum mannum þeim sem þetta bref sea eða høyra senda prior predicara j Niðarose ok conuentus þar, ok conuentus brøðra i Holme q. g. ok sina. ver gerom yðr kunnigt at ver saom ok ifirlasom opet bref með hanganda insigli goðrar aminningar Jons forðom erkibiskup j Niðarose, er sua vattar orð æiftir orde sem her fylgir: (...). Var þetta transscriptum gort j Niðarose Petri et Jacincti martirum þa er lidnir varo fra burð vaars herra Jesu Christi M vettra CCC ok VII vætr.


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Nidaros at this time is not known.On the same day, the Dominican prior and convent also certified five letters in favour of the cathedral chapter in Nidaros, once again jointly with the Benedictine prior and convent of Nidarholm Priory. ● The certified letter is published as DN II 18.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. II no. 86.




1307 11/9 (b)


Convent of Nidaros

The prior and the convent of Friars Preachers in Nidaros, along with the prior and convent of Nidarholm Abbey, certify a letter of foundation for the cathedral chapter of Nidaros issued by Archbishop Sørle of Nidaros in 1252.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives (ex-Arnamagnæan Collection), Oslo.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus presens transcriptum visuris vel audituris prior et conventus fratrum predicatorum Nidrosie necnon et prior et conventus fratrum monasterii de Holm ordinis sancti Benedicti dyocesis eiusdem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos vidisse ac diligenter perlegisse quasdam apertas literas bone memorie Serlonis Nidrosiensis archielecti in hec verba: [...] In cuius rei testimonium nos prior et conventus supradicti sigilla nostra presenti transcripto duximus apponenda. Actum Niðrosie iii ydus septembris anno Domini MCCC septimo.


Comments: This and the following document are erroneously dated to 1307 13/9 in DN (RN III 418). ● The identify of the prior of the Friars Preachers in Nidaros at this time is not known. ● Nidarholm Abbey was a monastery for Benedictine monks, situated on the islet Munkholmen in the fiord outside Nidaros. ● The certified letter is published as DN II 9.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. III no. 66.


                      1307 11/9      Nidaros

The abovementioned priors and convents certify a letter of confirmation of the former letter issued by Pope Alexander IV in 1255.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives (ex-Arnamagnæan Collection), Oslo.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus presens transcriptum visuris vel audituris prior fratrum predicatorum Nidrosiensium et conventus eiusdem necnon et conventus fratrum monasterii de Holm ordinis sancti Benedicti dyocesis eiusdem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos vidisse ac diligenter perlegisse literas patentes sancte memorie Alexandri pape quarti cum bulla plumbea et corda sericatenorem qui sequitur continentes: [...] Nos autem quia prefatas literas inspeximus diligenter et inspectas vidimus non cancellatas non abolitas non rasas nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas, nos prior et conventus supradicti hoc transcriptum ex eisdem literis assumptum et coram nobis diligenter ascultatum factaque prius per nos diligenti collatione de huiusmodi transcripto cum predictis originalibus literis sigillorum nostrorum munimine duximus roborandum. Actum Nidrosie iii ydus septembris anno Domini MCCC septimo.


Comments: See above. ● The certified letter is published as DN III 5.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. III no. 67a.


                      1307 11/9      Nidaros

The abovementioned priors and convents certify a letter of confirmation of the initial letter issued by Archbishop Birger in 1264.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives (ex-Arnamagnæan Collection), Oslo.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus presens transcriptum visuris vel audituris prior et conventus fratrum predicatorum Nidrosie necnon et prior et conventus fratrum monasterii de Holm ordinis sancti Benedicti dyocesis eiusdem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos vidisse ac diligenter perlegisse quasdam apertas literas Birgeri bone memorie quondam Nidrosiensis archielecti sigillo munitas in hec verba: [...] In cuius rei testimonium nos prior et conventus supradicti sigilla nostra presenti transcripto duximus apponenda. Actum Niðrosie iii ydus septembris anno Domini MCCC septimo.


Comments: See above. ● The certified letter is published as DN III 8.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. III no. 67b.


                      1307 11/9      Nidaros

The abovementioned priors and convents certify a letter of confirmation of the initial letter issued by Pope Clement IV in 1307.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives (ex-Arnamagnæan Collection), Oslo.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus presens transcriptum visuris vel audituris prior fratrum predicatorum Nidrosiensium et conventus eiusdem necnon et conventus fratrum monasterii de Holm ordinis sancti Benedicti dyocesis eiusdem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos vidisse ac diligenter perlegisse literas patentes sancte memorie Clementis pape quarti cum bulla plumbea et corda sericatenorem qui sequitur continentes: [...] Nos autem quia prefatas literas inspeximus diligenter et inspectas vidimus non cancellatas non abolitas non rasas nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas, nos prior et conventus supradicti hoc transcriptum ex eisdem literis assumptum et coram nobis diligenter ascultatum factaque prius per nos diligenti collatione de huiusmodi transcripto cum predictis originalibus literis sigillorum nostrorum munimine duximus roborandum. Actum Nidrosie iii ydus septembris anno Domini MCCC septimo.


Comments: See above. ● The certified letter is published as DN III 9.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. III no. 67c.


                      1307 11/9      Nidaros

The abovementioned priors and convents certify a letter of donation to the cathedral chapter of Nidaros issued by Archbishop Jon in 1277.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives (ex-Arnamagnæan Collection), Oslo.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus presens transcriptum visuris vel audituris prior et conventus fratrum predicatorum Nidrosie necnon et prior et conventus fratrum monasterii de Holm ordinis sancti Benedicti dyocesis eiusdem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos vidisse ac diligenter perlegisse quasdam literas apertas pie memorie Johannis quondam archiepiscopi Nidrosiensis: [...] In cuius rei testimonium nos prior et conventus supradicti sigilla nostra presenti transcripto duximus apponenda. Actum Niðrosie iii ydus septembris anno Domini MCCC septimo.


Comments: See above. ● The certified letter is published as DN III 13.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. III no. 67d.




1307 9/10


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convents of Holbæk, Næstved, Ribe, Roskilde, Schleswig and Viborg

Will for Cecilie Jonsdatter, in which she leaves 3 marks denariorum to each of the Dominican convents in Roskilde, Ribe and Schleswig, 2 marks denariorum to the Friars Preachers in Viborg and Næstved, and 1 mark denariorum to the Friars Preachers in Holbæk. Furthermore, Fr. Vagn of the convent in Schleswig is personally given 3 marks denariorum. In addition, the Dominican nunnery of St. Agnes in Roskilde is given 5 marks denariorum to the fabrica of the church and a similar amount for the sisters, while one of them, Katrine Mortensdatter, is left 8 marks denariorum and Cecilie’s personal psalterium, which she has already received. Finally, the sisters of St. Agnes are given 20 marks denariorum of the 60 marks that a special friend had asked her to donate for the benefit of his soul.


Source: Transcript in the Esrum Book.

Language: Latin.


(...) ego Cecilia filia domini Jon Ioonsun dicti Litlæ bone memorie (...) de bonis et prediis michi ad deo concessis meum constituo testamentum, in hunc modum. Inprimis omnium lego et confero monasterio Esrom, ubi meam eligo sepulturam, curiam meam quam habeo in Smørem, cum omnibus agris, pratis ac aliis dicte curie adjacentibus et sexaginta marchas denariorum (...). Item ecclesie beati Lucii Roskildis, v marchas denariorum, pauperibus scolaribus ibidem iij marchas denariorum, ecclesie fratrum minorum ibidem v marchas denariorum, conventui ibidem v marchas denariorum, (...) ecclesie fratrum maiorum ibidem iiij iij marchas denariorum, ecclesie beate Agnetis ibidem v marchas denariorum, conventui monialium v marchas, sorori Katerine Martensdotter ibidem viij marchas denariorum, et unum salterium sibi per me concessum. (...) Fratribus predicatoribus in Holæbæk marcham denariorum. (...) Item fratribus minoribus in Nestwæth iij marchas denariorum, fratribus maioribus ibidem ij marchas denariorum. (...) Item fratribus minoribus in Wiburg v marchas denariorum et ad fabricam ecclesie eorum iij pund annone, fratribus majoribus ibidem ij marchas denariorum. (...) fratribus minoribus ibidem [i.e. Ripis] v marchas denariorum, fratribus maioribus ibidem iij marchas denariorum (...). Item in Syndæriwcia ecclesie beati Petri in Hethæby iii marchas denariorum, pauperibus scolaribus ibidem iii marchas denariorum, fratribus maioribus ibidem iij marchas denariorum, fratri Woghn ibidem iij marchas denariorum, (...). Item de lx marchis denariorum Siælandensium michi a quodam amico meo speciali commissis pro anima eius conferendis, lego ad fabricam ecclesie in Slængæthorp xx marchas denariorum, item ecclesie beate Agnetis Roskildis xx marchas denariorum, item ad fabricam ecclesie fratrum minorum Haffnis xx marchas denariorum (...). Ne igitur de presentis testamenti confectione aliqua in posterum possit dubitacio suboriri presentem litteram cum sigillis uenerabilium patrum ac dominorum, Olaui miseracione diuina episcopi Roskildensis, fratris Iohannis abbatis in Æsrom, quos cum instantia peto, necnon et cum sigillis militum predictorum Petri Niclissun, Petri dicti Wæthær, et Nicolai filii mei supradicti, ac meo proprio sigillo feci communiri. (...) Actum Hyrnixholmæ, anno Domini m.ccc.septimo in die beati Dynosisii...


Comments: Cecilie Jonsdatter (Cecilia filia Johannis) was daughter of the Scanian prefect Jon Jonsen Litle (Johannes Johannis) of both the Galen and the Hvide family, who was the king’s confident and leader of the Danish nobility with significant estates on Zealand. Cecilie was married twice, first to a distant cousin of the Hvide family, Tyge Jurisen (Tucho Jurii), who had died as early as 1280, leaving her with five known children to reach adulthood. Secondly, she was married to Peder Ebbesen (Petrus Ebboni), who she also outlived. Both Cecilie and her father Jon seem to have died in the year of the will. She chose the Cistercian Esrum Abbey in north-eastern Zealand for her burial place. Besides this Cistercian connection, it is worth noticing a preference for the Franciscans, as the Franciscan convent in all towns with both orders not only is mentioned before the Dominicans (which is quite unusual in Danish wills), the Friars Minors are also systematically given larger amounts of money. The mentioning of Fr. Vagn of Schleswig does, however, also prove a personal relation to circles within the Dominican environment. Cecilie’s special relation to Sister Katrine Mortensdatter (Catarina filia Martini) of St. Agnes in Roskilde is not known any further. Hørsholm was a demesne and the manorial centre of the family estates in north-eastern Zealand. Hedeby (Hethæby) is the Viking Age name for Schleswig in Southern Jutland (Syndæriwcia). The identity of the special friend, from whom the sisters of St. Agnes received another 20 marks, is unknown.


Published: Codex Esromensis no. 116; Erslev, Testamenter... no. 28; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VI no. 91.




1308 23/5


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convents of Roskilde and Århus

Will for Christine Nielsdatter, widow of Jakob Blåfod, in which she leaves 10 marks denariorum to the Friars Preachers in Århus and 8 marks denariorum to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde. Furthermore, frater Anders of the convent in Århus is personally given 2 marks. In addition, the Dominican nunnery of St Agnes in Roskilde is given 6 marks denariorum in common, while sister Alike the Elder is left 1 mark denariorum.


Source: Original document. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Ego Cristina relicta domini Iacobi dicti Blaphoot (...) de bonis mihi a deo concessis in remedium anime mee testamentum meum condo et ordino in hunc modum. In primis igitur, lego et confero, sororibus apud sanctam Claram Roskildis duas curias meas in Hafnæleuæ, in quibus demorantur, Nicolaus Gris et Petrus Iutæ, apud quas sorores immutabiliter eligo sepeliri. Item pro edificio monasterii dictarum sororum lx marchas denariorum. (...) Item fratribus minoribis Roskildis viii marchas denariorum. Item fratribus predicatoribus ibidem tantum. Item sororibus apud sanctam Agnetem ibidem vi marchas denariorum. Sorori Alikæ maiori ibidem i marcham denariorum. (...) Item fratribus predicatoribus Arus x marchas denariorum . fratri Andree ibidem ii marchas. (...) Ad certitudinem autem et stabilitatem firmiorem sigilla, uenerabilis in Christo patris ac domini O. dei gracia, episcopi Roskildensis, ac honorabilis uiri, domini O. decani, et discreti domini Iohannis Thythæberg canonici Roskildensis, necnon et nobilium dominorum N. dicti Rany et Petri Wæther, cum meo proprio  sigillo, huic littere apponi supplico humiliter propter deum. Actum et datum Roskildis presentibus religiosis fratribus, Henrico Stalbug et Bernardo, ac aliis fidedignis, anno domini mcccviii in die ascensionis domini.


Comments: Christine Nielsdatter (Christina filia Nicolai) was a sister of the above-mentioned Dame Cecilie (see 1304.03.10), and thus a daughter of the Scanian prefect Niels Erlandsen (Nicolaus Erlandi) of the Galen family. She was married to Jakob Nielsen Blåfod (Jacobus Nicolai “Bluefoot”), a petty noble of Zealand, who appears to have been among the many Danish nobles accused of being involved in the unsolved murder of King Erik V in 1286, who therefore fled the country as an outlaw and whose estates were confiscated by the Crown. Christine and Jakob had two known daughters, of which Margrethe had joined the Franciscan nunnery of St. Clare in Roskilde, where her mother Christine chose to be buried. The other daughter, Edle, was married to Knight Niels Jonsen Rane (Nicolaus Johannis Rane), who is one of the witnesses mentioned in the will with the initial N. only; at the time of the will, Niels Rane was one of King Erik VI’s closest confidents, but in 1316 he was executed for treason. The initial O. for the bishop and the dean of Roskilde stands for Olavus. As mentioned, Christine chose to be buried with the Franciscan nuns in Roskilde, and her will shows a general preference for Franciscan convents, just as the two fraters mentioned in the end are Friars Minors. Her relation to the Dominican convent of Århus is unknown, and Fr. Anders (Andreas) is not mentioned elsewhere. It would be tempting to identify him with the lector Anders of the Åhus convent mentioned in Christine’s sister’s will of 1304, as the Latin names of Århus and Åhus are easily and often confused, but since the mentioning of the Århus convent is followed by several Franciscan convents in Jutland, it seems unsafe in this case to read Arus as Åhus in Scania.


Published: Erslev, Testamenter... no. 29; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VI no. 126.

Literature: Jakobsen 2018a, 379.




1308 (2/6)


Provinces of Dacia, Grecia, Hungaria, Lombardia inferioris and Teutonia, Convent of Paris (prov. Francia)

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers absolves the priors provincial of Dacia, Teutonia, Grecia, Hungaria and Lombardia inferioris. Furthermore, Fr. Hemmingus of Dacia, who is assigned the studium generale in Paris, is imposed a penance of ten days on bread and water, ten masses and ten disciplinas for having returned to his province without a socius, to be called back to his studies in shame.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Acta capituli generalis in Padua celebrati anno Domini MCCCVIII. (…)

   Iste sunt absolutiones. Absolvimus priores provinciales Dacie, Theutonie, Grecie, Ungarie et inferioris Lombardie. (…) [35]

   Iste sunt penitentie. (…) Quia frater Emignus de provincia Dacie, deputatus studio Parisiensi, de provincia sua sine socio recessit, ipsum in penam a studio revocamus et damus ei decem dies in pane et aqua, decem missas et decem disciplinas. (…) [36]


Dansk oversættelse:

I Faderens og Sønnens og Helligåndens navn, amen. Akter af generalkapitlet afholdt i Padua i det Herrens år 1308. (…) Dette er afsættelserne: Vi afsætter provincialpriorerne af Dacia, Teutonia, Grecia, Hungaria og Lombardia inferioris. (…) Dette er bodspålæggelserne: (…) Fordi broder Hemming af provinsen Dacia, tilknyttet skolen i Paris, er rejst tilbage til sin provins uden socius [og] kun i skam tilbagekaldt til skolen, og vi giver ham ti dage på brød og vand, ti messer og ti displineringer. (…)


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. ● The prior provincial of Dacia at this time was Fr. Petrus de Roskilde (1302-1308), see 1291 22/8. ● For the undisciplined friar, who left the studium in Paris to return to Dacia without a socius, two variants of the act have the name forms Hemingus and Eymingus, undoubtedly pointing to the Scandinavian name Hemming. Fr. Hemmingus may be identical to a vicar provincial approached by the Archbishop of Uppsala in 1313 6/6, and/or the Prior Hemmingus of the convent in Västerås known in 1314 12/1.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, pp. 35-36.




1308 (Aug.-Sep.)

Province of Dacia, Convent of Odense

Fr. Canutus of the Friars Preachers in Odense is elected prior provincial of Dacia as successor to Fr. Petrus de Roskilde.


Source: Bernardi Guidonis Historia.

Language: Latin.


Octavus prior provincialis fuit frater Canutus, qui successit fratri Petro de Rusquillis anno Domini MCCCVIII. (Hic obiit Nesvik in officio quod tenuit gloriose fere tredecim annis, fuitque de conventu Othoniensi.)


Dansk oversættelse:

Den ottende provincialprior var broder Knud, som efterfulgte broder Peder af Roskilde i det Herrens år 1308. (Han døde i Næstved i embedet, som han holdt med ære i næsten 13 år. Han var af konventet i Odense.)


Comments: The notes on Fr. Canutus’ origination from Odense, the duration of his provincial office and the place of his death are only known from an addition to the original list preserved in a manuscript version from Barcelona (Codex Barchionensis); the addition is written with a different hand than the preceding text. ● Fr. Canutus (Knud) apparently came from the convent of Friars Preachers in Odense, when he was elected prior provincial of Dacia in 1308, which probably took place at a provincial chapter around August-September. In 1310, he bought a bible from (or for) the convent in Haderslev, for money donated by the King of Norway. He represented his province as elector at the general chapter in Carcassonne in 1312 13/5. On four occasions he acted in cases concerning the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde. He confirmed a combined admission and donation of Lady Cecilia in 1315 20/8; and he received some of the disputed estates of the princesses from Lady Sofie von Regensburg in 1315 28/11, 1316 25/2 and 1317. According to the addition of the chronicle, he died at the convent in Næstved after almost 13 years in office, which points to 1321 as his year of death.


Published: Handlinger rörande Dominikaner-Provinsen Dacia, p. 6; Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum vol. 70, pp. 88-89; Priores prouinciales in prouincia Dacie (online).





Convent of Roskilde, Province of Dacia

Fr. Peder of the convent in Roskilde becomes the seventh prior provincial of Dacia in 1302, where he succeeds Fr. Oluf and holds the office for 5½ years, until he is absolved by the general chapter in 1308 and succeeded himself by Fr. Knud.


Source: Bernardi Guidonis Historia.

Language: Latin.


(…) Septimus fuit frater P. de Rusquillis, qui successit fratri Oliuero anno Domini M.ccc.ii, prior prouincialisque fuit annis quinque cum dimidio, fuitque absolutus in generali capitulo Paduano anno Domini M.ccc.viii. Octauus prior prouincialis fuit frater Canutus, qui successit fratri Petro de Rusquillis anno Domini M.ccc.viii. (…)


Comments: On Fr. Petrus, see 1291 22/8.


Published: Handlinger rörande Dominikaner-Provinsen Dacia, p. 6.

Literature: Gallén 1946, pp. 64-65.





Convent of Næstved, Province of Dacia

Fr. Oluf, former prior provincial of Dacia, dies in Næstved.


Source: Bernardi Guidonis Historia.

Language: Latin.


(…) Hic [:frater Oliverius] obiit in Nestvit anno Domini MCCCVIII.


Dansk oversættelse:

(…). Han [dvs. broder Oluf] døde i Næstved i det Herrens år 1308.


Comments: Fr. Oluf (Olavus) was elected prior provincial in 1286 and absolved from office in 1302. It can be assumed from the reference that he spent his last years of retirement at the Dominican convent in Næstved.


Published: Handlinger rörande Dominikaner-Provinsen Dacia, p. 6; Priores prouinciales in prouincia Dacie (online).





1309 16/2


Order of Preachers (incl. Dacia), Convent of Sigtuna?

The cathedral chapter of Uppsala certifies a bull issued by Pope Clement IV in 1265, in which he allows the Order of Preachers to continue using episcopal permissions to preach and hear confession in a diocese, even after the issuing bishop has died.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis presentes litteras inspecturis, capitulum ecclesie Upsalensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Notum facimus per presentes, nos litteras vidisse bullatas, sanctissimi patris nostri, domini Clementis, pape, quarti, non rasas, non abolitas, non cancellatas, nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas, in hec verba:

   Clemens etcetera. Magistro et fratribus ordinis predicatorum, salutem etcetera. Exigentibus vestre devotionis meritis, votis vestris libenter anuimus, et petitiones vestras quantum cum Deo possumus favorabiliter exaudimus. Ex parte siquidem vestra fuit propositum coram nobis, quod licet a nonnullis, patriarchis, archiepiscopis, episcopis, et aliis ecclesiarum prelatis audiendi confessiones subditorum suorum, nec non predicandi, et aliqua vota in alia pietatis opera commutandi in suis civitatibus, et dyocesibus, vobis licentia sit concessa, quia tamen eisdem prelatis decedentibus uti licentia huiusmodi, ecclesiis sic vacantibus dubitatis, nobis humiliter supplicatis, ut providere vobis, super hoc paterna diligentia curaremus. Vestris igitur supplicationibus inclinati, presentium vobis auctoritate concedimus, ut in huiusmodi casu possitis uti tam diu libere predicta licentia, donec viduatis ecclesiis provisum fuerit de pastore. Nulli ergo etcetera nostre concessionis etcetera. Datum Perusii ·xvii· kalendas julii, pontificatus nostri anno primo.

   In cuius nostri transcripti testimonium, sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Upsalie anno Domini MCCC nono, in prima dominica quadragesime.


Comments: For the certified bull in question, see 1265 15/6. ● The bull was issued for the Order of Preachers in general and has no specific reference to the province of Dacia, but its certification in Uppsala shows that at least at this time a copy must have been present in Sweden, most likely kept at the convent of Friars Preachers in Sigtuna.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1607.




1309 24/2


Convent of Nidaros

Last will and testament for Arne Eindridsson, canon secular at the cathedral chapter in Nidaros, in which he leaves 1 mark to the convent of Friars Preachers in Nidaros.


Source: Original document. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Old Norwegian.


J namfne faður sonar ok heilags anða, amen. Ek Arne Einðriða son korsbroðer j Niðarose, heill i skynsemð þo at siukr i likama gerir þæssa mina ystu skipan guði til lofs ok dyrðar, ok vaare fru sancte Mariu til tignar ok virðingar, ok mer til salohialpar, hueria er ek vil hafa firir mitt testamentum a þenna haatt at ek kys mer lægstað i heilagre Niðaros kirkiu ef min herra erchibiscup vil samþyckea ok gæfr ek guði ok hinum hælga Olawe, tuæggia spanna leigu til vppgerðar Niðaros kirkiu, ok aðra tuæggia spanna leigu minum herra ærchibiscupi til borðz or Gaupasætre, jtem brøðrom minum bolla þann er ek hæfir a borðe firir mer, gerezst vtferð min sømelægh æftir þi sem stett minum høyrir til, sira Auðunn, ok sira Eilifr, sira Petr ok sira Jwar skulu vera exequtores þæssa mins testamenti. Jtem gæfr ek korsbrøðrom j Niðarose þriggia spanna leigu or Vælli, jtem Mariu kirkiu til vppgerðar, iij merkr fornar, til spitalans a Vallum vt einarða sænng meðr þi mote at þægar i stad see vnðir siukazsta mann þar boren, jtem Mariu spitala mork forna, Predicarom mork forna, til Klemetz kirkiu halfa mork, til Anðres kirkiu halfa mork, til Marteins kirkiu halfa mork, til Gregorius kirkiu halfa mork, til Olafs kirkiu mork, til Kross kirkiu halfa mork, til Mikials kirkiu halfa mork, til Allra heilagra kirkiu halfa mork, til Husabear kirkiu j Vsmuðal ferskæpto, ·xx· alna langa, til Aulfunðyniar kirkiu halfa mork. Enn firir þetta mitt testamentum skipar ek þa brøðr mina sem fyr næmfnazst huartuæggia at søkia, ok væria, æftir guðrs lagum ok manna. Ok at þetta mægi ænngi mistrua sætti ek firir þetta bref mitt insigli, er gort var j Niðarose in festo Mathie apostoli, anno a nativitate Domini millesimo CCC nono.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. II no. 94.




1309 31/5


Convent of Bergen

Bishop Arne of Bergen informs all secular and regular clergy within the city of Bergen, including the Friars Preachers, that the foreign ‘wintersitters’ in Bergen have been commonly excommunicated due to their spite and obstinance against paying the obligatory tithe as prescribed by the church law, and they are therefore to be banned from all churches, including those of the exempted orders, such as the Friars Preachers and the Friars Minor.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Old Norwegian.


Arne með guðs miskun byskup i Biorgwin sendir allum lærdom monnom abotom, profastum, korsbrøðrom, predicarom ok berføta brøðrom munkum ok canuncum ok soknarprestom innan bøar i Bergwin q. g. ok sina. Vlyðni ok þriozka vtlenzkra veterseta nøyðir oss taka harðarre hende a þeim æftir hæilagra kirkiulogum, en var være vili til sem guði er kunnigt, megom ver þo æigi með hæilli samvizku þar sande ifir sopa sem sua er openberlega mote genget guðs logum ok hæilagrar kirkiu ret, hofum ver optlega latet krefia af þeim annsvara með mikilli vægð ok biðlund, hueria værnd er þeir hafa firir ser hviþeir vilia æigi gera tiund sina sem aðrer inborner menn her i landeno, þar sem vtlænzkir vetersætar um daga Peters biskups, Askatinss biskups ok sua Narwa biskups (þo at þa drøge sumir af þeim sik undan lyðni) gerðu tiund sina sva sem aðrer inborner menn æftir þvi sem forner men kunnu at segia. Hafa þeir svarat oss hegat til með stuttum ok storom orðom ok þeim sumum er bætr er at liggi en upp se boren firir goða kristna menn, ok saker ulyðni sialfra þeira settum ver þria af þeim ut af ingaungu hæilagrar kirkiu, Ingilbrikt gamla Løneng, Godik i Bræðessgarðe, Jon i Bræðessgarðe. Er oss sva sagt at þesser menn ganga nu sva i kirkiu sem aðrer, segiande sik (eigi) vera ut sætta af þeim kirkium er ver hofum ekki valld ifir sva sem þeir sæghia at er, ut at brøðra æda inn at brøðra æða aðrar kirkiur þær er þeir næmfna þar til flæiri læiðande sva aðra æinfalda kristnamenn i æina mikla villu þar sem þeir hyggia hæilaga kirkiu sundr vera skipta i ser, ok æigi þan ut vera sættan af allum kirkium sem af æinni er ut sættr með logum, er þat þo tru var kristinna manna ok stendr i Credo varre at æin er hæilogh kirkia ok samband goðra kristinna manna um alla værolldena sva vit sem kristni er ok hvær er af henne er ut sættr með loghum ma i æinga kirkiu ganga huar sem han er staddr. Nu af þvi at fyrnæfndir utlænzskir vetrsætar utsættir af ingaungu hæilagrar kirkiu ganga fram i bandet um sin illvilia ok vlyðni við guð ok oss, þa minnum ver þa a æinn tima annan tima ok þriðia tima með þesso varo brefe at þeir vare sik við hæðan af at ganga i nokora kirkiu innan bøar æða uttan æða aðrum stað huar sem þeir ero stadder fyr en þeir hafa læidret sik firir sina olyðni við guð ok oss vndir bannzpinu. En ef nokkor af þeim þrimr gængr i kirkiu hæðan af hvat kirkiu sem þat er mote varo forboðe fyr en þeir ero satter við guð ok oss þa sætium ver þan æða þa i guðs ok hæilagrar kirkiu forboð ok bann firirbioðande þeim þaðan af allt guðlegt æmbætte þat sem hæilogh kirkia er skylldugh hverium goðom kristnum manne, firirbioðande hverium kristnum manne þeim at samnøytazst i mat æða i drykk, i talu æða kaupum siðan þeir hafa fallet i þetta bann sem guð late æigi verða, firirbioðande yðr allum iamsaman ok hverium viðr sik at þola fyrnæfndom þrimer vætrsetom at ganga i yðrar kirkiur æða nokorss yðarss, ok æf þeir ganga mote varo boðe heðan af i nokora kirkiu þa bioðom ver þeira(r) kirkiu forstiora af guðss haulfu ok varre, ok æinkanlega soknarprestom at þer lysið ifir þan æða þa af fyrnæfndum þrimer ut lænzkum vetrsetom sem inn gængr æda ganga i kirkiu, banne ok forboðe með støyptum loghande kertum ok ringdum klokkom, varande yðr við at væita nokorom af þeim hæðan af hæilagt æmbætte innan kirkiu vitande til sannz at huer lærðr maðr er tiðir væitir vitande bannsættum manne ok forboðaðum sem þeir ero æf þeir ga sin æighi þa er sa lærðr maðr sialfsættr ut af inngaungu hæilagrar kirkiu hvat lærðom manne sem sa er, claustra maðr æða verallz maðr, ok iamvæl predicarar ok berføta brødr sem aðrer, sva sem segir skipan pavanss su er sva byriar, episcoporum et aliorum prelatorum etc. Sva þikkiumzst ver ok með fullu þolenmøde biðat hafa um langa stund at aðrer utlænzkir vetersetar køme til ifirbota við kirkiuna ok oss sem ero Erthmann af Knausanum, Lambrikt af Knausanum, Wibolth, Gotskalk i Oðz garðe, Hæinrekr, Hæinzi i Kappanum, Hæinzi ok Gæiraðr i Holmadalenum, Gothskalk ok broðer hans i Jafirðinu, Æfrarðr ok Hærborð i Svæinzgarðe, Jon Hamborgh ok þeira kumpanar flæiri er her hafa setet um vetrom nu um riðir, hafa þeir þo ekki komet, ok saker þess at þeir ero i þvilikri olyðni sem hinir þa firirbioðom ver þeim hæilagrar kirkiu ingaungu með þesso varo brefe æ þar til er þeir bætra sik ok koma til ifirbota við hæilagha kirkiu ok oss. Var þetta bref gort i Biorgvin a laughardaghen nesta æftir trinitatis messo þa er liðnir varo fra burð vars herra Jesu Christi M vetra CCC vetra ok IX vetr.


Comments: On Bishop Arne of Bergen, see 1306 11/6. ● The foreign ‘wintersitters’ (vintersiddere) were predominantly German merchants and craftsmen, who had been allowed to stay in Bergen throughout the year, unlike the seasonal visitors. Many of them originated from Lübeck and other parts of northern Germany, but also Scots, Dutch and other Scandinavians were included in the group. In return for the privilege of staying throughout the winter, the wintersitters were obliged by law to pay tithe as if they were regular citizens. However, since the foreigners felt they got but little value for their money from the local secular church in Bergen, they increasingly tended to ignore the authority of the secular church and rather put their devotion – and money – with the mendicant orders, whose liturgy and pastoral practice they were more familiar with from back home, and who were often better skilled to speak their language. Bishop Arne’s patience with the foreigners, and especially three of their leaders (Johan and Gödike in Bræðesgarðe and Engelbrecht in Løneng), had ended in 1309 4/5, where he threatened them with excommunication, less they paid within a week (DN II 95), and it was as a consequence of this that the excommunication was now initiated and proclaimed. To what degree the convent of Friars Preachers in Bergen actually complied to the common excommunication of the foreigners, which lasted until 1311, is not clear, but the bishop and cathedral chapter certainly accused the friars of ignoring it, as this was one of the issues that once again stirred up the old conflict between the Bergen Dominicans and the cathedral chapter (see 1247 13/8 and 1328-30).


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. II no. 97.

Literature: Gallén 1946, 85-86; Ullern 1997, 96; Jakobsen 2008, 153.




1309 20/6


Convent of Turku

Three secular clergy and all burghers of Turku, including the local subprior and convent of Friars Preachers, announce that they by injunction from Archbishop Nils of Uppsala have publicly proclaimed for all clergy and laypeople in the city that Ragvald, former canon of the cathedral chapter in Turku, has been elected new bishop of Turku; the announcement has been read out in the cathedral of Turku and the Dominican church of Turku three days before (17 June).


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis. Thorirus de nosis canonicus ecclesie Aboensis cathedralis, Gunno de Virmu eiusdem ecclesie cathedralis officialis, supprior et conventus Aboensis ordinis predicatorum, Jacobus curatus ecclesie sancte Katerine in nummis, et universitas civitatis Aboensis, salutem in Domino. Tenore presentium constare volumus universis, nos super electione reverendi viri domini Rangvaldi in ecclesia nostra cathedrali Aboensi dudum facta, litteram denuntiationis in die Botulfi abbatis vidisse, et lectam audivisse in ecclesia cathedrali memorata et in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum in Abo, coram clero et populo in hec verba:

   Nicholaus divina miseratione archiepiscopus Upsalensis, dilectis in Christo filiis, clero ac populo civitatis aeque dyocesis Aboensis, salutem in Domino. Presentato nobis dudum per discretum virum dominum Laurentium ac procuratorem ecclesie Aboensis, decreto electionis facte de reverendo viro domino Rangvaldo canonico Aboensi in pastorem ac episcopum matris vestre ecclesie Aboensis, nos officii nostri debitum exequentes dirigimus ad vos discretum virum dominum Gunnonem nostre dyocesis presbiterum, illis quorum interest, secundum formam juris denuntiantes ut si quisquam in predicti personam electi seu formam de ipso facte electionis, aliquid rationabile obicere volverit peremptorie presentibus evocatus, infra festum beati Laurentii proximo venturum Upsalie compareat coram nobis. Alioquin elapso termino memorato, omnis objectionis vocem sibi noverit preterclusam. Hec autem denuntiatio puplice fiat in ecclesia cathedrali prefata aliquo die festivo, aut alias populo civitatis adhoc specialiter congregato. Super qua denuntiatione modo qui premittitur puplicata, ut nobis de ea fides fiat confici volumus instrumentum puplicum, sive litteram autenticam fide dignorum sigillis ac eorum subscriptionibus roboratam. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Upsalie, anno Domini MCCC nono, quinto kalend[as] junii.

   Nos igitur, Thorirus de nosis canonicus Aboensis ecclesie cathedralis, Gunno de Virmu, eiusdem ecclesie cathedralis officialis, supprior et conventus Aboensis ordinis predicatorum, Jacobus curatus ecclesie sancte Katerine in nummis et universitas civitatis Aboensis, in testimonium et evidens documentum dicte denuntiationis facte in Abo in die Botulfi abbatis in presentia nostra et plurimorum tam laicorum quam clericorum fidedignorum, sigilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum Abo anno Domini M trecentesimo nono, duodecimo kalendas julii


Comments: Nils Kettilsson (†1314) was archbishop of Uppsala in 1305-1314. Being of noble family (Hvit), he began his ecclesiastical career as canon secular in Linköping, before he was elected bishop of Västerås in 1299 or 1300. He left the episcopal office in Västerås, when he was promoted to archbishop of Uppsala in 1305, for which he received papal confirmation in 1306. As both bishop and archbishop, Nils Kettilsson appears to have remained a close ally of King Birger Magnusson of Sweden, and apparently played an important part in the fall of the young king’s guardian, Regent Torgils Knutsson, in 1305-06. He has been attributed to a significant authorship of historical nature during his office in Uppsala. As archbishop, Nils Kettilsson seems to have had quite amicable relations to the convent of Friars Preachers in Sigtuna in general and to Fr. Israel Erlandsson (see 1281 2/10) in particular. In 1309 12/8, he received papal mandate from Clement V to install Fr. Israel as his successor as bishop in Västerås. Along with Fr. Israel, he was installed as executor of the estate of Folke Jonsson in 1310 12/9, and it was Archbishop Nils who appointed Fr. Israel as one of the two inquisitors to interrogate the alleged heretic Botulf of Gottröra in 1311 8/4. In terms of the entire Dominican convent in Sigtuna, Archbishop Nils in 1310 18/4 and 1310 26/4 issued letters of indulgence in their favour; he endowed them with access to firewood and fishing on his estates in 1311 4/7; he authorized the Sigtuna friars to preach and hear confession in the entire archdiocese in 1313 6/6; and in his last will and testament from 1314 27/5, he left sums of 6 marks and 3 marks to the Dominican convents in Sigtuna and Västerås respectively. ● Bishop Ragvald II of Turku (1309-1321) originated from Åland and was a canon secular at the cathedral chapter in Turku, when he was elected bishop of the same diocese in 1309. He is not known to have had any particular relations to the Order of Preachers during his office. ● The announcement from Archbishop Nils to be read out in the two churches, which is included in full length in the letter (= DS II 1624 and FMU 258), is dated to 28 May 1309. Any complaints or objections to the election of Bishop Ragvald were to be brought before the archbishop by the following Day of St. Lawrence (10 August) at the latest.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1626 (+ 1624); Finlands Medeltidsurkunder no. 259 (+ 258).




1309 16/8


Convent of Sigtuna

Last will and testament for Filip Björnsson in which he wishes to be buried in the priory of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, for which the convent is bequeathed with 50 marks denariorum.


Source: Original document. The National Archives of Sweden, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et ffilii et spiritus sancti amen. Ego Philippus Bjornsson sanus mente et corpore, testamentum meum condono et ordino per hunc modum. In primis meam eligo sepulturam apud ffratres predicatores Sictunie quibus lego quinquaginta marcas denariorum. Item quinquaginta marcas denariorum deputo ad distribuendum monasteriis ecclesiis hospitalibus et pauperibus per executores huius testamenti mei pro solucione autem predictorum denariorum deputo unam marcam terre sitam in Grunsø, redimendam per heredes meos inffra annum a tempore obitus mei computendam. Exequtores huius testamenti mei, ffacio Sigmundum Kiældærsson, Magnum Niclis son, Philippum Michaelis filium et dominum Laurencium sacerdotem in Walby. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum presentibus est appensum, et sigilla Sigmundi Kiældærsson, Magni Niclisson, Philippi Michaelis ffilio presentibus apponi peto. Actum apud Værnæmo anno Domini MCCCIX inffra octavam asumcionis beate Marie.


Comments: Neither Filip Björnsson nor his location can be identified. He appears to have been a small-scale landowner, probably of rural low nobility.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1632.




1309 22/8


Convent of Ribe

Fr. Nicolaus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Ribe, certifies a royal letter of privilege for the cathedral chapter of Ribe; the certification is made jointly with Bishop Christian of Ribe and Guardian Jacobus of the local Friars Minor.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus. Cristiarnus Dei gratia Ripensis episcopus, frater Nicholaus, prior fratrum predicatorum Ripensium, et frater Jacobus gardianus fratrum minorum ibidem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos vidisse et diligenter inspexisse litteras seu privilegium regis illustris infra contentum non rasum, non abolitum, nec in aliqua sui parte viciatum, sub hac forma: (...) Et nos Cristiarnus Ripensis episcopus ad rogatum et requisitionem capituli nostri cum ipsum originale portare de loco ad locum sit periculosum propter viarum disscrimina predictum originale de verbo ad verbum transscribi fecimus per Michaelem, clericum nostrum, juratum et ad hoc specialiter deputatum. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum una cum sigillis predictorum fratrum presentibus duximus apponenda. Datum Ripis anno Domini MCCC nono, in octavo assumptionis beate virginis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Christian, af Guds nåde biskop i Ribe, broder Niels, prior for prædikebrødrene i Ribe, og broder Jakob, gardian for de små brødre sammesteds, til alle, der ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig med Gud. I skal vide, at vi har set og omhyggeligt gennemlæst nedenfor nævnte, berømmelige konges brev og privilegium uskrabet, ustunget og ubeskadiget i enhver henseende og af følgende ordlyd: (...) Og vi biskop Christian af Ribe har efter vort kapitels bøn og anmodning, da det er farligt at bringe selve originalen fra sted til sted på grund af de farlige veje, ladet fornævnte original afskrive ord til andet af vor klerk Michael, der er taget i ed og særlig beskikket hertil. Til vidnesbyrd herom er vort segl tillige med fornævnte brødres segl hængt under dette brev. Givet i Ribe i det Herrens år 1309 på ottendedagen efter Mariæ himmelfart.


Comments: Fr. Nicolaus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Ribe, is not known from any other sources. ● Bishop Christian of Ribe was in office from 1288 to his death in 1313; before his election, he had been archdeacon at the cathedral chapter in Ribe. He appears to have been a close ally of King Erik VI Menved of Denmark. Bishop Christian is otherwise not known to have had any particular relations to the Friars Preachers. ● The certification concerns a letter of privilege issued shortly before, on 29 July 1309, by King Erik VI of Denmark for the cathedral chapter of Ribe, in which the bailiffs and tenants of the chapter’s land-holdings were exempted from military tax (leding) and other royal duties (DD 2 VI 193). ● The certified transcript was made by Bishop Christian’s clerk, Michael, on request of the cathedral chapter, “since it is hazardous to carry the original itself from place to place due to the dangerous roads”. ● The prior’s seal is still extant and attached to the document; a drawing of it is published in Danske gejstlige Sigiller fra Middelalderen no. 953.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VI no. 199.





Convent of Helsingborg

The Friars Preachers are given a site in Helsingborg.


Source: Annales Petri Olavi.

Language: Latin.


1309. Predicatores habuerunt locum Helsingburgis.


Dansk oversættelse:

1309. Prædikanterne fik et sted i Helsingborg.


Comments: This otherwise quite simple entry produces great scholarly problems, as 1309 cannot be the foundation year of the convent in Helsingborg. (Other) Dominican annals disagree on 1269 or 1275 as the year of its beginning, and there are five independent instances stating the convent’s existence in the period 1285-1304. The wording differs from the chronicler’s other entries on Dominican convent foundations, but if it is merely to be read as secondary donation of some plot in the town to a then already existing convent, it stands out as the sole entry of this kind. It has been suggested that the Franciscan chronicler could have referred to a transfer of an originally Franciscan house of terminario in the town, handed over to the then already existing Dominican convent; such a Franciscan presence in Helsingborg is indicated by a source from 1307 (Bååth 1933, 304-305).


Published: Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. I, p. 190; Annales Danici, p. 210.




1310 16/1


Convent of Lund

Lady Cecilie, widow after Johannes Kalv, former marshal of the Danish king, authorizes her brother, Peder Nielsen de Eljaröd, to donate her estate in Vragerup to the cathedral in Lund in return for an anniversary, which is to include an annual donation of 14 ounces for a candle in front of Corpus Christi in the church of the Friars Preachers in Lund, along with 2 ounces for the friars themselves. The donated land and the distribution of its revenue is to be administered by the dean of the cathedral chapter in Lund. The letter is co-sealed by the prior of the Dominican convent in Lund.


Source: Original document (damaged). The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis presentes litteras inspecturis, Cecilia relicta domini Johannis dicti Kaalf, quondam illustris regis Danorum marskalci, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi quod nobili viro domino Petro Niclas sun de Elliaryth dilecto fratri meo do et concedo auctoritate presentcium plenam et liberam facultatem scotandi ecclesie beati Laurentii Lundis omnia bona mea, mobilia et inmobilia, in Wraghathorp sita cum agris pratis pascuis et in dicto Wraghathorp mark mihi attinentibus universis, ita videlicet quod dominus Gwido decanus Lundensis, qui nunc est, et su[cc]essores sui decani Lundenses, qui pro tempore fuerint, dicta bona sub ordinatione sua libere habeant et anniversarium meum modo qui sequitur teneant ex eisdem. Primo in die aniversarii mei ad offerendam dent duas [oras denariorum]; item canonicis qui vigiliis et misse interfuerint marcham denariorum; item vicariis duas oras; item ad lampadem ardentem ante corpus Christi in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum Lundis quatuordecim oras denariorum; item fratribus predicatoribis duas oras; item fratribus minoribus duas oras; et siquid residuum fuerit de fructibus bonorum predictorum hoc cedat dicto domino decano libere et suis successoribus annuatim. Promitto insuper quod dictam scotationem per dictum dominum Petrum, fratrem meum dilectum, prefate ecclesie Lundensi faciendam ratam et gratam in perpetuum conservabo nec volo per me vel heredes meos aliquod inpedimentum unquam fieri contra eam, sed volo quod dictus dominus decanus exnunc statim dictorum bonorum omnium possessionem intret et habeat corporalem. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum una cum sigillo prioris fratrum predicatorum Lundis duxi presentibus apponendum. Datum Lundis anno Domini MCCC decimo, in die beati Marcelli pape et martiris.


Dansk oversættelse:

Cecilie, enke efter hr. Johannes Kalv, fordum den berømmelige danske konges marsk, til alle, der får dette brev at se: Hilsen evindelig med Gud. Alle skal vide, at jeg ved dette brev til min elskede broder, den velbyrdige mand hr. Peder Nielsen af Eljaröd, giver og overdrager fri og fuld myndighed til at skøde til Skt. Laurentiuskirken i Lund alt mit gods, løst og fast i Vragerup med ager, eng, græsgang og alt, hvad der tilkommer mig i den nævnte Vragerups mark, på det vilkår, at den nuværende dekan i Lund, hr. Guido, og alle hans efterfølgere som dekaner i Lund, hvem det til enhver tid måtte være, skal have fri dispositionsret over det nævnte gods, og at de af indtægterne af samme gods afholder min årtid på følgende måde: For det første skal de på min årdag give 2 øre penge i offer, fremdeles til kannikkerne, der er til stede ved vigilierne og messen, 1 mark penge, fremdeles til vikarerne 2 øre, fremdeles til det evige lys foran Kristi Legeme i prædikebrødrenes Kirke i Lund 14 øre penge, fremdeles til prædikebrødrene 2 øre, fremdeles til de små brødre 2 øre, og  hvis der er noget tilovers af frugterne af fornævnte gods, skal det årligt frit tilfalde den nævnte herre dekanen og hans efterfølgere. Jeg lover ydermere, at jeg vil anse den skødning, som omtalte herre, min elskede broder Peder, foretager til nævnte kirke i Lund, for god og gyldig til evig tid, og jeg erklærer som min vilje, at der hverken fra min egen side eller fra mine arvingers nogensinde skal rejses nogen hindring imod den, men jeg vil, at nævnte herre dekan straks med umiddelbar retsvirkning skal træde ind i og tage alle de nævnte godser i legemlig besiddelse. Til vidnesbyrd herom har jeg ladet mit segl tilligemed seglet for prædikebrødrenes prior i Lund hænge under dette brev. Givet i Lund i det Herrens år 1310 på Skt. Marcello pave og martyrs dag.


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Lund at this time cannot be identified. ● On Lady Cecilie, see 1304 10/3. The donation was subsequently certified at the provincial court (landsting) of Skåne on 11 July (see below), and the arrangement was finally implemented, when Cecilie died in 1318 27-28/7. ● Vragerup (Uppåkra parish, Bara hundred) is situated 3 km southwest of Lund.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1649; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VI no. 214.


                      1310 11/7      Lund

The provincial court of Skåne certifies the above-mentioned donation and the related anniversary foundation, of which the donation for the candle in front of the Corpus Christi in the church of the Friars Preachers is given the highest priority.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, Petrus Jonæs son quondam prefectus Scanie, Petrus Niclæs son de Borasyo, Petrus Niclæs son de Simbrus, Suthmannus Ælenæ son, milites, Petrus Allonis persona ecclesie Myathølby in Listria, Ascerus presbiter persona ecclesie beati Michaelis, Lundis, Nicholaus Tunæ son de Klæpæthorp, Andreas Pæters son de Bullathorp, Nicholaus Jacob son de Harthakræ, Johannes Niclæs son de Thorthorp, Petrus Uffæ son advocatus Lundensis, et Erlandus advocatus in Malmoghe; salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi, quod anno Domini MCCC decimo, sabbato proximo post diem beati Kanuti regis et martiris, nobilis domina domina Cecilia, relicta domini Johannis dicti Kaalf, quondam illustris regis danorum marskalci, in communi placito Scanie constituta, multis presentibus fidedignis, scotavit ecclesie beati Laurentii Lundis, omnia bona sua mobilia et inmobilia in Wraghæthorp et Wræghæthorp mark sita cum agris, pratis, pascuis et eorum attinentiis universis, juste in perpetuum possidenda. Ita videlicet quod dominus Gwido decanus Lundensis, qui nunc est, et successores sui, decani Lundenses, qui pro tempore fuerint, dicta bona sub ordinatione sua libere habeant, et anniversarium dicte domine, modo qui sequitur, teneant ex eisdem, primo in die anniversarii sui, ad offerendam dent duas oras denariorum, canonicis, qui vigiliis et misse interfuerint marcham denariorum, vicariis duas oras denariorum, ad lampadem ardentem ante corpus Christi in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum Lundis quatuordecim oras denariorum, fratribus predicatoribus ibidem duas oras, fratribus minoribus ibidem duas oras denariorum, et siquid residuum fuerit de fructibus dictorum bonorum, hoc cedat dicto domino decano, libere, et suis successoribus annuatim, volvit preterea et protestata fuit domina predicta quod si aliquando contigerit propter karistiam temporis, vel alios casus quoscunque, redditus dictorum bonorum non sufficere ad solvendum omnia suprascripta, quod quatuordecim ore denariorum ad lampadem ardentem ante corpus Christi in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum Lundis, omni anno sine diminutione qualibet exsolvantur, et defectus fiat in aliis distributionibus antedictis. In cuius rei testimonium sigilla nostra cum sigillo dicte domine presentibus duximus apponenda. Datum Lundis, anno et die supradictis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Peder Jonsen, forhenværende gælker i Skåne, Peder Nielsen af Borsjö, Peder Nielsen af Simris, (og) Sudman Helenesen, riddere, Peder Allesen, sognepræst i Mjällby Kirke i Lister, Asser, sognepræst i Lund Skt. Mikkels Kirke, Niels Tuesen af Klågerup, Anders Pedersen af Bollerup, Niels Jakobsen af Harrie, Jens Nielsen af Torup, Peder Uffesen, foged i Lund, og Erland, foged i Malmø, hilser alle, der ser dette brev, evindeligt med Herren. Alle skal vide, at i det Herrens år 1310 på første lørdag efter den hellige Knud konge og martyrs dag har den velbyrdige frue fru Cecilie, enke efter hr. Johannes kaldet ’Kalv’, den berømmelige danske konges tidligere marsk, på Skånes landsting i mange troværdige mænds nærværelse til Skt. Laurentius Kirke i Lund skødet alt sit gods, løst og fast, i Vragerup og Vragerup Mark med ager og eng, græsgange og alt deres tilliggende at besidde med rette evindelig, således at hr. Guido, som nu er dekan i Lund, og alle hans efterfølgere til enhver tid som dekaner i Lund frit skal kunne bestyre det nævnte gods og af samme lade afholde nævnte frues årtid på følgende måde: Først skal de på dagen for hendes årtid give 2 øre penge i offer; til de kannikker, som har deltaget i vigilierne og messen, 1 mark penge; til vikarerne 2 øre penge; for en brændende lampe foran Kristi Legeme i prædikebrødrenes kirke i Lund 14 øre penge; til prædikebrødrene sammesteds 2 øre; til de små brødre sammesteds 2 øre penge; og hvis der bliver noget tilbage af indtægterne af det nævnte gods, skal det frit tilfalde nævnte hr. dekan og hans efterfølgere hvert år. Den fornævnte frue ønskede endvidere og erklærede, at hvis indtægterne af nævnte gods nogensinde på grund af dyrtid eller andre ulykker ikke skulle være tilstrækkelige til at betale alt det ovenfor beskrevne, skal de 14 øre penge til lampen foran Kristi Legeme i prædikebrødrekirken i Lund betales fuldtud hvert år uden noget fradrag, mens det manglende skal afgå i de andre fornævnte uddelinger. Til vidnesbyrd om dette er vore segl tillige med den omtalte frues segl hængt under dette brev. Givet i Lund på ovennævnte år og dag.


Comments: See above.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1687; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VI no. 275.




1310 16/2


Sigtuna (Uppsala) OP

Provost Anders of the cathedral chapter in Uppsala allows the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna to have their accommodation in the hospital and ‘God’s house’, which he has built in Uppsala with chambers, hall, kitchen and cells; at the hospital entrance, there is a painting of St. Dominic. If it is decided to use the house for student accommodation also, the friars and students shall share it. In return, the friars shall perform pastoral services for the poor people registered in the hospital and say mass on a number of specific feast days; in the priory church in Sigtuna, the convent shall celebrate an annual mass for the Holy Virgin and a mass for the dead in benefit of the hospital inhabitants. The letter is co-sealed by Archbishop Nils of Uppsala and the entire cathedral chapter, along with Prior Israel Erlandi and the convent of Friars Preachers in Sigtuna.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis presentes litteras inspecturis, Andreas prepositus ecclesie Upsalensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Dominus Jhesus Christus perpetuas pollicetur in celestibus mansiones hiis qui pro nomine eius pauperes hospicio colligunt in presenti, hac consideratione ductus ego Andreas prepositus Upsalensis in remissionem meorum peccaminum et premii celestis augmentum, religiosos viros, fratres ordinis predicatorum qui divini amoris instinctu ewangelice paupertatis elegerunt, sarcinam propter Deum, victum et hospicium mendicantes volens prosequi beneficio speciali, ipsis in domo Dei quam Upsalie edificavi perpetuo et irrevocabiliter deputo et assigno in medio interstitio domus unum hospicium ante cuius hostium beatus Dominicus est depictus. Item unum cubiculum, item stupam, coquinam et cellas ibidem, quod si contigerit me personaliter, aut me vocato de medio, venerabilem patrem dominum archiepiscopum Upsalensem, ac priorem Sictoniensem qui pro tempore fuerint in dicta domo scolares ponere, celle ad scolares pertineant, et tunc stupa et coquina fratribus et scolaribus inibi positis sint communes, transferens in priorem et conventum Sictonie fratrum ordinis predicatorum, usum predictorum locorum, ita tamen quod eorum proprietas ad pauperes pertineat in dicta domo degentes, sed dicti fratres a predictorum locorum usu per neminem valeant impediri, nisi temporibus quibus ibidem in pentecoste et synodo convivium celebratur, prior autem Sictuniensis et fratres predicti teneantur sollicitare principales procuratores et convivas dicte domus de utilitatibus et consolationibus pauperum et infirmorum in domo degencium memorata jura ipsius et res pro posse etiam defensuri. Et eorundem pauperum in testamentis ac aliis piis operibus utilitates efficaciter promoveant, ac eis spiritualia solacia karitative impendant etiam quando Upsalie fuerint cum commode potuerunt visitationis frequentia corporalis, meique et aliorum convivarum dicte domus sint annis singulis memores apud Deum. Item fratres de Sictunia in sepedicta domo Dei, quarta die pentecostes, et sollempnitatibus beate Katerine, et sancti Nicolai predicare, et illuc tunc venire etiam non vocati teneantur, et in pentecoste et synodo intersint collegio convivarum. Item quando fratres dormiunt in predicta domo dicant missam in capella ibidem, dummodo velint celebrare die illo, nisi rogati sint missam aliby dicere, vel aliter ex voto, vel aliis causis rationabilibus volverint, et si missam votivam celebrant in capella oblationem in usus suos assumant. Ego frater Israel et conventus Sictuniensis promittimus, quod annis singulis pro omnibus convivis domus Dei Upsalie unam missam de beata virgine, et alteram pro defunctis perpetuo celebrabimus in conventu, et quilibet frater sacerdos unam missam de beata virgine et aliam pro defunctis dicemus annis singulis pro eisdem, et premissas conditiones curabimus fideliter observare. In premissorum omnium robur et evidenciam pleniorem ad meam instantiam sigillum, venerabilis patris domini Nicolai Dei gratia archiepiscopi, auctoritatem huic meo facto prestantis, ac capituli Upsalensis, meumque, ac fratris Israelis prioris et conventus Sictuniensis sigilla presentibus sunt appensa. Datum apud antiquam Upsaliam anno Domini MCCC decimo, quartodecimo kalendas marcii.


Comments: On the back side of the document is written: De hospicio fratrum Upsalie. ● On Fr. Israel Erlandi, see 1281 2/10. ● On Provost Anders and the hospital in Uppsala, see 1305 27/5. ● On the Dominican presence in Uppsala, see 1305 14/6. ● On the cult of St. Dominic, see 1234 7/10.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1652.




1310 18/4


Convent of Sigtuna

Archbishop Nils Kettilsson of Uppsala consecrates an altar dedicated to the Holy Cross, St. Peter and St. Paul in the church of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, and at the same occasion, he issues a letter of indulgence in favour of the convent, in which he grants 40 days of indulgence for anyone who visits the priory church on the anniversary of the altar or on the feast days of the Holy Cross, St. Peter and St. Paul or in the week following these days.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis, Nicolaus miseratione divina archiepiscopus Upsalensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Quia divina nobis favente clementia, altare quoddam in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum Siktunie, in honorem sancte crucis, et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum dedicavimus, volentes ipsam ecclesiam, devotione fidelium frequentari, omnibus vere penitentibus et confessis, qui in anniversario dedicationis dicti altaris, seu in festo inventionis aut exaltationis sancte crucis, item in singulis festivitatibus beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum, et per omnes dictarum festivitatum octavas, dictam ecclesiam devote visitaverint, quadraginta dierum indulgentias de injunctis sibi penitentiis, annis singulis, perpetuo misericorditer in Domino relaxamus. Datum Siktunie, anno [Domini MCCC]X quartodecimo kalend maii.


Comments: The year of the original letter is unreadable due to damage, but it can be dated from transcripts by Peringskiöld and Örnhielm. ● On Archbishop Nils Kettilsson of Uppsala, see 1309 20/6. He issued an additional letter of indulgence in favour of the same convent eight days letter, extending its functionality to a series of other feast days as well; see below.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1756.


                      1310 26/4      Viksta

The same archbishop issues an additional letter of indulgence in favour of the same convent, in which he grants 40 days of indulgence for anyone who visits the priory church of Virgin Mary on the four feast days of the Virgin, along with the feast days of St. Peter Martyr, St. Dominic, St. Augustin, the Holy Cross, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Lawrence and St. Eric.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis, Nicolaus divina miseratione archiepiscopus Upsalensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Quoniam ut ait apostolus, omnes stabimus ante tribunal Christi, recepturi prout in corpore gessimus sive bonum fuerit sive malum, oportet nos diem messionis extreme misericordie operibus prevenire, id quoque seminare in terris, quod reddente domino, multiplicato fructu recolligere valeamus in celis, firmam spem, fiduciamque tenentes, quoniam qui parce seminat parce et metet, et qui seminat in benedictionibus de benedictionibus et metet vitam eternam, cupientes igitur, ut ecclesia fratrum ordinis predicatorum Sictonie, in honorem gloriose virginis Marie consecrata congruis honoribus frequentetur et a Christi fidelibus jugiter veneretur omnibus vere penitentibus et confessis, qui ad dictam ecclesiam, in festis beate virginis, videlicet assumptionis, annunciationis, nativitatis et purificationis, et festis beatorum Petri martyris, ac Dominici et Augustini confessorum, nec non et in celebritate dedicationis ipsius ecclesie, ac festis sancte Crucis videlicet, inventionis et exaltationis, causa devotionis accesserint, et sollempnitati devotione debita interfuerint, de omnipotentis Dei misericordia, et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius, auctoritate, ac beatorum martirum, Laurencii et Erici meritis confisi, quatraginta dierum indulgentias die quolibet premissorum, de injunctis sibi penitentiis misericorditer in Domino relaxamus. In Cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum apud ecclesiam Wixtadhe, anno Domini MCCCdecimo, dominica quasi modo geniti.


Comments: See above.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1666.




1310 30/7


Convent of Ribe

Last will and testament for Provost Christian of Hardsyssel, in which he leaves 6 marks to the convent of Friars Preachers in Ribe.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Ego prepositus Cristiarnus in Harthsysæl, sanus mente et corpore, volens anime mee providere, testamentum meum condo in hunc modum. A primo do et lego ducentas marchas denariorum usualium pro ornamentis ecclesie beate virginis Ripis emendis. Item ratione unius misse quolibet die in dicta ecclesia perpetuo dicende confero et si michi aliquid humanitus interim contigerit exnunc scøto omnia bona mobilia et immobilia in Horshaaghæ in parochia Skragh. Item omnia bona mobilia et immobilia in Hyging mark in parochia Nybæl fratri meo Nicholao dicto Haac et michi communia et indivisa ita quod ipse de bonis nobis communibus in parochia Bork recompensationem recipiat quod si forte pro parte sua de dictis bonis in Skraghæ et Hyging ratificatum non fuerit extunc quam exnunc addo ad partem meam in predictis bonis terras viginti marcharum auri in Nørbork de bonis communibus et indivisis. Item ad anniversarium meum per canonicos in dicta ecclesia beate virginis perpetuo tenendum omnia bona mea in Kiærgarth. Item ducentas marchas denariorum ad emendum bona quorum redditus annuatim in anniversario meo pauperibus per cantorem Ripensem perpetuo distribuantur. Item domino meo Cristierno Ripensi episcopo vas argenteum cum pede deauratum secundum valorem suum computandum. Item monialibus in Guthum ad mensam earum sex marchas denariorum. Item ad mensam monialium Ripis tantum. Item fratribus minoribus ibidem tantum. Item fratribus majoribus ibidem tantum. Item infirmis in domo sancti spiritus Ripis quatuor marchas. Item leprosis ibidem tantum. Item cuilibet sacerdoti parochiali Ripis dimidiam marcham, cuilibet ministro ibidem duas oras. Item cuilibet ecclesie parochiali Ripis unam marcham. Item domino Johanni stabulario domini Ripensis unum polidrum, domino Johanni archidiacono Ripensi unum polidrum, domino Petro cantori Ripensi unum polidrum, magistro Astrato canonico Ripensi unum polidrum. Item domino Jacobo preposito in Warwithsysæl unum polidrum. Item Nicholao fratri meo dilecto partem meam de bonis in Hawæng et in bonis emptis Nørbork de domino Nicholao Erik sun. Item ecclesie Norbork marcham. Item ecclesie Ykost tantum, cuilibet sacerdoti dictarum ecclesiarum dimidiam marcham. Item domino Michaeli sacerdoti qui mecum fuerat decem marchas. Item Haski procuratori meo viginti marchas et unum polidrum. Item Thordoni filio suo decem marchas. Item domino Nicholao dicto priori nunc officiali in Harthsysæl unum polidrum. Item pauperibus scolaribus in Pukhus decem marchas. Pro hiis autem omnibus adimplendis obligo omnes fructus omnium bonorum meorum ubicumque sitorum ita quod nichil de eis levetur antequam de premissis omnibus in hoc testamento contentis fuerit satisfactum. Exequtores autem huius testamenti facio et constituto prefatum dominum meum Ripensem et dominos Johannem archidiaconum et Petrum cantorem Ripenses et Johannem stabularium dicti domini Ripensis supplicans ut coram Deo hec fideliter et efficaciter exequantur. In quorum omnium testimonium presens scriptum sigillis dictorum exequtorum et capituli Ripensis rogavi et feci una cum sigillo meo consignari. Actum et datum anno Domini MCCC decimo, ∙iii∙ kalendas augusti.


Comments: In SHLRU the date is erroneously stated as 1313 1/8 (based on a reading MCCC decimo III, kalendas augusti”). ● Provost Christian of Hardsyssel was the brother of Knight Niels Hak, who were both sons of Niels Lændi. ● Hardsyssel was an ecclesiastical-administrative subunit, situated in the northern part of the diocese of Ribe.


Published: Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Regesten und Urkunden vol. III no. 274; Erslev, Testamenter... no. 31; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VI no. 293.




1310 20/9


Convent of Lund

The family of Knight Josef Magnussen Drefeld on the one side and the city council and citizens of Lund on the other side are settled before King Erik VI Menved of Denmark in a case concerning the knight, for whose killing in Lund in 1301 the council and city are held responsible. As penance and compensation, the city of Lund is enjoined to found three altars in remedy of the soul of the murdered Josef Magnussen: one in the cathedral of Lund; the second in the cathedral of Roskilde; and the third in the priory church of the Friars Preachers in Lund, where the knight is buried. At all three altars, Josef Magnussen’s anniversary is to be celebrated with masses, vigils, fifteen psalters, a canopy, four wax candles, incense and bellringing, and the canons or friars who take part in the anniversary shall receive ½ mark each, along with an offering of 5 marks to each of the two involved churches in Lund. Finally, the city shall acquire the deceased knight a share in all the good deeds that take place in the orders of the Friars Preachers and the Friars Minor.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Latin.


Ericus Dei gratia Danorum, Slavorumque rex, omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi, quod in presentia nostra constituti viri nobiles et discreti, domini Jures Magnessun canonicus Lundensis, Esbernus Magnessun, Laurentius Magnessun fratres, ceterique consanguinei et amici eorundem ex una parte, et consules ac cives Lundenses ex altera, super controversiis inter ipsos ex utraque parte pro interfectione domini Joseph Magnessun bone memorie motis, modo qui sequitur concordarunt: Inprimis enim dicti consules et cives Lundenses tria altaria construere promiserunt cum libris indumentis ac ornamentis que ad eadem requiruntur; in quorum quolibet omni sabbatho de beata virgine, in dominicis de sancta trinitate, precipuis vero festivitatibus de sollennitate illius diei, ceteris autem diebus pro animabus eiusdem domini Joseph ac omnium fidelium defunctorum misse cum nota sollennitate celebrentur. Ita videlicet quod dicte misse omni die inchoare debeant statim post missam finitam de beata virgine juxta chorum. Unum enim altare trium predictorum facere promiserunt dicti consules et cives in ecclesia beati Laurentii Lundis, cui pro sustentatione presbyteri eiusdem altaris, qui pro tempore fuerit, annuos reditus triginta marcharum novarum Scanensium promiserunt assignare. Secundum vero in ecclesia beati Lucii Roskildis, ad quod etiam assignare tenebuntur dicti consules et cives reditus annuos sexaginta marcharum Sjallandensium pro sustentatione presbyteri in illo altari celebrantis. Tertium autem altare in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum Lundis, ubi idem dominus Joseph requiescit, facere tenebuntur; pro quo quidem altari edificando ac perpetuo officiando, ut predictum est, ipsorum fratrum supra dicti consules et cives satisfacere promiserunt voluntati. Presentatio vero sacerdotum ad duo altaria in ecclesiis cathedralibus supradictis ad dominum Jures Magnessun canonicum Lundensem in vita sua, postmodum autem ad fratrem suum tunc seniorem, quo mortuo ad subsequentem fratrem pertineat successive: quibus tribus sublatis de medio, ad decanum ipsius ecclesie, ubi altare constructum est, qui nunc est vel qui pro tempore fuerit, pertineat provisio sacerdotum ad altaria supradicta. Insuper procurare promiserunt dicti consules et cives Lundenses eidem domino Joseph participationem omnium bonorum que fiunt in ordinibus fratrum predicatorum et minorum. Preterea anniversarium ipsius domini Joseph tenere promiserunt apud quodlibet altare trium predictorum annuatim, cum missis, vigiliis, ∙xv∙ psalteriis, baldekino, quatuor cereis, thure, et sollenni compulsatione campanarum. Ad cereos autem predictos inchoandos unum pund cere deputaverunt, ac eos renovare promiserunt quotiens fuerit opportunum; et duabus marchis denariorum expendendis apud quodlibet predictorum; ita videlicet quod canonicis Lundensibus, qui anniversario interfuerint, detur dimidia marcha, fratribus vero predicatoribus ibidem tantum, vicariis vero due ore, pauperibus scolaribus due ore, qui vigiliis et missis interfuerint, una autem ora pulsantibus tunc in ecclesia beati Laurentii tribuantur, reliqua vero portio de quatuor marcis, que Lundis expendentur, ibidem inter alios pauperes dividatur. Divisio autem duarum marcharum Roskildis ita fiat, ut videlicet canonicis dimidia marcha, vicariis due ore, pauperibus scolaribus due ore, qui vigiliis et missis interfuerint, una ora pulsantibus; reliqva autem portio inter alios pauperes erogetur. Ceterum autem promiserunt facere dicti consules et cives quatuor prebendas Lundis pro quatuor scholaribus pascendis sufficienter et vestiendis, qui quotidie misse intererunt apud altare supradictum in ecclesia beati Laurentii celebrandi, qui cum in sacerdotium fuerint promoti, seu alias eos destitui contigerit, alii quatuor loco illorum ratione consimili eligantur; et sic perpetuo observetur. Item portandum est feretrum a civibus Lundensibus baldakino coopertum ad portam australem Lundis, ubi occurrere debet communitas virorum et mulierum Lundensium nudis pedibus humiliter et devote, et sic portandum per ecclesias civitatis Lundensis, prout cognatis et amicis ipsius Domini Joseph visum tunc fuerit expedire. Illo etiam die, cum feretrum sic portatur, dabuntur qvinqve marce denariorum pauperibus et pro oblatione in ecclesiis beati Laurentii et fratrum predicatorum per eosdem cives. Misse etiam animarum in singulis ecclesiis civitatis illo die in expensa ipsorum civium dici debent, et omnes campane civitatis in occursum feretri sollenniter compulsari. Item dare tenentur dicti consules et cives ecclesie in Thruwæth unum calicem continentem pondere Danico tres marcas puri, intus et exterius deauratum. Preterea providere debent supradicti consules et cives, ut una missa animarum dicatur sollenniter anno jam instanti in qualibet cathedrali ecclesia Daciana. Item offerre ipsi consules et cives tenentur in placito generali Lundensi ad petendum veniam a fratribus cognatis et amicis ipsius Domini Joseph humiliter et devote flexis genibus, cum per ipsos fuerint reqvisiti, ut sic ibi inter eos firma securitas per pacis oscula confirmetur. Item ad conducendum sepedicti consules et cives se obligant quatuor viros bone fame ad peregrinandum pro anima ipsius domini Joseph solummodo et non pro mercimonio, duos ad sanctum Jacobum et duos ad apostolorum Petri et Pauli limina beatorum. Presentatio autem et provisio quatuor scolarium predictorum erit apud dominum decanum Lundensis ecclesie secundum modum qui de altaribus superius est notatus. Altaribus autem tribus predictis ipsi cives Lundenses providere tenebuntur in libris indumentis ac aliis etiam omnibus ornamentis. In quo si negligentes fuerint vel remissi, poterit ipsos archiepiscopus Lundensis ad instantiam cognatorum et amicorum ipsius domini Joseph ad hoc per suas sententias coercere. Promiserunt insuper bona fide memorati consules et cives altaria predicta construere, ceteraqve omnia que premissa sunt facere circa festum beati Michaelis anni instantis qvantum possibilitas ipsorum civium se extendit; ita qvod omnia et singula finem debitum et congruum sortiantur infra quadriennium computandum a festo beati Michaelis supradicto, postmodum prout premissa sunt in perpetuum duratura. Volverunt autem, et ad hoc se specialiter, non per errorem sed ex certa scientia, non coacti sed voluntate propria et libera sepedicti consules et cives se obligarunt, quod si predicta omnia et singula infra triennium predictum legitime instituta ac fine debito et congruo non fuerint ordinata, extunc elapso quadriennio supradicto Lundensis archiepiscopus, qui pro tempore illo fuerit, in personas singulares consulum ac uxorum et filiorum eorundem excommunicationis, in communitatem vero ipsius civitatis interdicti, sententias, ad requisitionem cognatorum et amicorum ipsius domini Joseph, licentiam habeat proferendi. Quod si predictus archiepiscopus in sententiis huiusmodi in ipsos consules et civitatis sepedicte communitatem proferendis requisitus nolverit consentire, vel non poterit interesse, ipsos ac communitatem superius tactam interdictioni venerabilis patris domini episcopi Roskildensis, qui tunc fuerit, subjicierunt consules et cives sepedicti, ut predictas sententias in ipsos proferre poterit ad instantiam predictorum, jurisdictionem ipsius ordinariam, quantum ad hec, in ipsos specialiter prorogantes. Ita etiam, quod predicte sententie, si eas in ipsos et communitatem predictam sic contigerit promulgari, nunquam nisi de voluntate et consensu amicorum et cognatorum ipsius domini Joseph poterint relaxari. Renuntiaverunt insuper omnibus exceptionibus juris et facti, doli et mali, coactionis, in integrum restitutionis, petitioni omnique auxilio et defensionibus juris canonici vel civilis, si que ipsis competunt seu competere poterint in futurum, circa premissa vel aliquod premissorum. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Lundis, anno Domini MCCCX, dominica proxima ante diem beati Matthei evangeliste.


Dansk oversættelse (uddrag):

[...] Men det tredje alter vil de være pligtige at opføre i prædikebrødrenes kirke i Lund, hvor samme hr. Josef hviler. Og til bygningen af dette alter og til at betjene det evindelig, som foran skrevet står, lovede fornævnte rådmænd og borgere at stille samme brødres ønske tilfreds. [...] Ydermere lovede nævnte rådmænd og borgere i Lund at skaffe samme hr. Josef del i alt godt, som sker i prædikebrødrenes og de små brødres ordener. Fremdeles lovede de at holde samme hr. Josefs årtid ved hvert af de tre fornævnte altre årligt med messer, vigilier, 15 psaltre, baldakin, fire vokslys, røgelse og højtidelig klokkeringning. Men til en begyndelse skænkede de 1 pund voks til de fire fornævnte lys, og de lovede at forny dem, så ofte det behøves; og til udbetaling af 2 mark ved hvert af de fornævnte altre, nemlig således, at der skal gives ½ mark til de lundekannikker, der er til stede ved årtiden, men til prædikebrødrene sammesteds lige så meget [...]. Fremdeles skal borgerne i Lund bære en dødsbåre dækket af en baldakin til den søndre port i Lund, hvor borgerskabet i Lund, mænd og kvinder, med bare ben ydmygt og fromt skal møde den, og således skal bære den hen til kirkerne i staden Lund, således som samme hr. Josefs slægtninge og venner da måtte anse det for tjenligt. Fremdeles skal samme borgere på den dag, da dødsbåren således bæres omkring, give 5 mark penge til de fattige og som offer i Skt. Laurentius’ og prædikebrødrenes kirker. [...]


Comments: Josef Magnussen Drefeld was killed in 1301 8/2.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. II no. 1697; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VI no. 305.





Convent of Haderslev, Province of Dacia

Fr. Canutus, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, buys a Bible from (or for?) the convent in Haderslev for the donation given by the king of Norway.


Source: Inscription in Bible (Kgl. Bib. Acc. 2001/100, fol. 1r). The Royal Library, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Anno Domini MCCCX istam bibliam emit frater Kanutus prior provincialis a conventu Hatharslevensi de dono domini regis Norvegie.


Dansk oversættelse:

I det Herrens år 1310 købtes denne bibel af broder Knud, provincialprior, fra/til konventet i Haderslev for gaven fra den herre konge af Norge.


Comments: The inscription is made in a Bible, probably a French production from the mid-thirteenth century. It is a complete Bible, consisting of 1,226 parchment pages in a size of 16.4 x 10.8 cm, with more than eighty illustrated initials. To judge from the Dominican-like priests included in several of the illustrations, it may indeed be one of the bibles produced at the Convent of Saint-Jacques in Paris. The Bible contains numerous handwritten notes, supposedly made by its owner(s). By the fifteenth century the cover of the book was so worn that it needed a re-binding, but apparently the inscription made by Fr. Canutus was still considered so important that it too was pasted into the new cover. This is the oldest extant complete Bible with relations to Denmark. Apparently, it was sold out of the country in the eighteenth century and bought by The Royal Library in 2001. ● On Fr. Canutus, prior provincial of Dacia, see 1308 AugSep. ● The king of Norway at this time was Håkon V Magnusson (1299-1319), see 1296. ● As short as it is, the wording of the text has led to numerous different interpretations. One is that the Bible was bought by King Håkon of Norway as a donation for Fr. Canutus and the convent; another is that it was bought by Fr. Canutus, affiliated to the convent in Haderslev, for the king’s donation (Petersen 2002); while a third and fourth possibility is that Fr. Canutus bought the Bible either from or for the convent in Haderslev for money donated by the king. Neither of the suggested readings is without its problems. It would, however, be highly unusual for a prior provincial to address himself to one particular convent, which in this case is even less likely as Fr. Canutus before his election for provincial is said to have been affiliated to the convent in Odense (see 1308 AugSep). ● Whether the Bible subsequently stayed in Haderslev or if it went along with the prior provincial is unknown, but according to a later inscription it was sold in 1514 14/6 from the convent of Friars Preachers in Schleswig to one Paulus Moller.


Published: Petersen, Broder Knud..., p. 45; Skatte i Det Kongelige Bibliotek (scanned image).

Literature: Petersen 2002; Jakobsen 2008, pp. 55-56.




1311 15/7

Convent of Bruges (prov. Francia)

The church of the Friars Preachers in Bruges is consecrated by Bishop Oluf of Roskilde.


Source: De Jonghe’s Belgium Dominicanum.

Language: Latin.


De conventu Brugensi. (…) De ecclesia. Hujus conventûs ecclesia anno 1311 idibus julii consecrata fuit à reverendissimo domino Olao episcopo Rosscildensi Daciæ. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

Om konventet i Brugge. (…) Om kirken. Dette konvents kirke blev indviet den 15. juli i år 1311 af den ærværdige herre Oluf, biskop af Roskilde i Danmark. (…)


Comments: Bishop Oluf of Roskilde (1301-1320) had been a canon at the cathedral chapter of Roskilde and procurator of Archbishop Jens Grand of Lund, when he was appointed for the episcopal see by the archbishop in 1301, after the choice of the cathedral chapter itself had been rejected; he was not papally approved until 1304. He did much to improve the educational conditions of the Roskilde chapter during his office, and appears to have had amicable relations to the Friars Minor and the Dominican sisters of the diocese (1305 15/7 and 1305 9/11); this is, however, the only extant instance of any relations to the Friars Preachers. The business of Bishop Oluf in Bruges is not known, but he must have been there for some time, as a letter by him is issued in the city on 1311 15/3. ● The church of the Friars Preachers in Bruges was dedicated to St. Paul.


Published: Belgium Dominicanum, p. 163.




1311 5/8


OP (Sweden)

Johan Ängel confirms the transfer of a perpetual vicariate, founded by his ancestor Magnus Jonsson, from Sko Abbey to Uppsala Cathedral. The letter is issued on the Day of St. Dominic.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis, Johannes dictus Angelus, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi quod cum olim vir nobilis, dominus Magnus Jonsson quandam perpetuam vicariam fundasset de bonis suis Frøsaaker et Fullabro ordinans quod si monasterium in Sko conditiones in fundatione dicte vicarie appositas non servaret, predicta vicaria cum suis conditionibus ad Upsalensem ecclesiam transferretur, jamiamque succedente tempore, de voluntate abbatisse et conventus in Sko, ac communi consensu heredum dicti domini Magni ad hoc accedente, dicta vicaria cum suis conditionibus et oneribus ad ipsam Upsalensem ecclesiam est translata. Nos dicte vicarie fundationem et translationem pro nobis et nostris heredibus inperpetuum firmam et ratam volumus observare. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Sictonie anno Domini millesimo CCC undecimo, in festo beati Dominici confessoris.


Comments: This appears to be the first extant instance from Sweden where the Feast of St. Dominic is used as date in a diploma; on the Feast of St. Dominic, see 1234 7/10. The case is otherwise completely unrelated to the Friars Preachers.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. III no. 1804.




1312 27/2


Convents of Tallinn and Visby (prov. Dacia),

Dorpat, Lübeck, Riga, Rostock, Stralsund and Wismar (prov. Saxonia)

Archbishop Friedrich of Riga mediates a settlement between Bishop Hartung of Saaremaa and the city council of Riga concerning the killing of two Riga prelates, Provost Wedekin and Canon Heinrich, according to which the citizens of Riga are to found two altars, one in the Dominican and one in the Franciscan church of Riga, including the cost of a priest serving at the altars. In return, both convents are to organize perpetual masses for the souls of the killed prelates to be said in all churches of the two orders in Livonia, Lübeck, Rostock, Stralsund, Wismar and Visby. Finally, three citizens of Riga are to go on a pilgrimage to Rocamadour in France.


Source: Original document. The State Archives of Latvia, Riga.

Language: Latin.


Frater Fridericus, Dei et apostolice sedis gratia s. Rigensis ecclesie archiepiscopus, universis Christi fidelibus has patentes litteras inspecturis salutem in auctore salutis. Ad notitiam presentium et memoriam futurorum universis notum facimus per presentes, quod venerabilis frater noster in Christo, dominus Hartungus, Osiliensis episcopus, et vasalli Osiliensis ecclesie, pro se ipsis ex parte una, et advocatus, consules et cives civitatis nostre Rigensis ex parte altera, coram nobis personaliter constituti, super mortibus quondam Wedekini prepositi et Henrici canonici Rigensis ecclesie, omniumque aliorum, cum eis olim eadem ecclesia et in Riga tunc temporis occisorum, nec non super omnibus excessibus et singulis atque culpis tunc inibi perpetratis diligentem tractatum habentes, tandem, divina gratia cooperante et mediantibus nobis, ad hanc concordiam devenerunt, quod in ecclesia fratrum minorum unum altare et in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum Rigae aliud altare erigantur, presbiterique ordinentur pro eis, qui in ipsis celebrare debeant, et fraternitates procurent per monasteria totius Livonie, et in civitatibus maritimis, videlicet Lubek, Rostoc, Sundis, Wismaria et Gotlandia, pro animabus dictorum occisorum, nec non tres cives Rigenses ad s. Marie ecclesie de Rupe Amatoris, pro redemtione dictarum animarum destinentur. Et una dictarum partium alteri ad invicem omne jus, omnemque actionem, quod et quae sibi communiter vel divisim ex predictis mortibus et excessibus, vel ipsorum aliquo quoquomodo spectantia seu pertinentia, libere et absolute dimisit pariter et donavit, promittentes ad invicem dicte partes, se de cetero super premissis mortibus et excessibus vel ipsorum aliquo, aut occasione eorum, per se, vel per alios in judicio vel extra nullatenus molestare, nec movere aliquam questionem, sed servare perpetuo omnia et singula suprascripta, et in nulla contra ipsa facere vel venire de jure, vel de facto, occasione aliqua sive causa. In cuius rei testimonium nostrum sigillum presentibus duximus apponendum. Datum Rigae, anno Domini MCCXII, ∙iv∙ calendas martii, pontificatus nostri anno ∙viii∙.


Comments: The redeeming arrangement was apparently implemented, as the convent of Friars Preachers in Lübeck later that same year promised to say the perpetual masses for the said prelates, who were allegedly ‘killed during a riot’, after the convent had been asked to do so by the city council of Riga and paid to do so by the local city council of Lübeck (LEKUB 1. ser. vol. II no. 639).


Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch 1. ser. vol. II no. 637.




1312 13/5


Province of Dacia

Fr. Canutus, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, represents his province as elector at the general chapter in Carcassonne, where he takes part in the election of Fr. Berengarius de Landore as master general of the Order.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Anno Domini MCCCXII tertio ydus maii in vigilia pentecostes in conventu Carcasonne celebrata fuit electio magistri ordinis, fuitque electus in magistrum frater Berengarius de Laudona magister in theologia, oriundus de diocesi Ruthenensi; erat autem tunc prior provincialis provincie Tholosane. Erat autem ∙xlv∙ numero electores, inter quos erant prior provinciales ∙xvii∙ scilicet: Hyspanie frater Lupus; Francie frater Erveus, magister in theologie; Romane provincie frater Philippus; regni Sicilie frater Raynaldus; Theutonie frater Henricus; Polonie frater Peregrinus; Grecie frater P[etrus] Barbois Bitterensis; Aragonie frater Romeus, magister in theologia; Provincie frater Guillelmus de Lauduno; Lombardie superioris frater Barnabas; provincie Tholosane frater Berengarius de Laudona, magister in theologia; Lombardie inferioris frater Corradus; Anglie frater Nicholaus, magister in theologia Oxonie; Dacie frater Canutus; Boemie frater Dislaus; Saxonie frater Johannes de Busco. (…)


Comments: On Fr. Canutus, see 1308.


Published: Monumenta ordinis fratrum Praedicatorum historica vol. IV, p. 56 (with note 2).




After 1312

Convent of Roskilde

Parish priest Peder Brakke of Broby leaves his incumbency to join the convent of Friars Preachers in Roskilde.


Source: Sorø Donation Book.

Language: Latin.


Honorabilis vir dominus Petrus, dictus Brackæ, curatus ecclesiæ Broby, de Fyeneslöf­maglæ oriundus, dedit monasterio spiritu devotionis suæ ad profectum animæ curiam unam in Fyæneslöffmaglæ (…). Qvam qvidem curiam mater ejus Inge antea etiam contulerat donatione testamenti, anno domini mcccxii. Hic Petrus habuit a monasterio pro beneficio donationis hujus qvinqve solidos terræ cum dimidio in villa Broby concessive ad dies suos. Qvi tandem, relictis omnibus, ad fratres ordinis prædicatorum transmigravit Roskildis.


Comments: Peder Brakke (Petrus Brackæ) is only known from this mentioning in the donation book of Sorø Abbey. It is one of the extremely few descriptions of a friar’s pre-Dominican life in Denmark. In consideration of Peder’s social origin, there are indications that he probably came from rather well-off family, at least with status of lower nobility. Indeed, his birth-place of Fjenneslevmagle was seat of one the kingdom’s most wealthy and powerful families in the twelfth century. Both Fjenneslevmagle, the Cistercian Sorø Abbey and Peder’s parochial office of Broby (or Vester Bråby) were situated within in close area of south-western Zealand. Whereas no districts of Dominican terminaring are known for sure in Scandinavia, the priest’s decision to join the convent of Roskilde (instead of e.g. Holbæk, which was located closer by) could perhaps indicate that the south-west Zealandic area of Sorø-Broby was within the district of Roskilde; the fact that the Roskilde convent later on owned a domus terminarie in the nearby town of Slagelse only supports this thesis.


Published: Scriptorum Rerum Danicarum vol. IV, p. 480.




1314 21/4


Convent of Tallinn

Fr. Bernardus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn, and his convent verify, along with Bishop Henrik, Dean Johann and the cathedral chapter of Tallinn, transcripts of five letters of royal privileges issued by Danish kings for Daugavgrīva Abbey.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus presentia inspecturis frater Henricus miseratione divina episcopus Revaliensis, Jo. decanus, totumque capitulum, B. prior, totusque conventus fratrum predicatorum ibidem, salutem in omnium salvatore. Noveritis nos vidisse et diligenter perspexisse litteras domini nostri illustrissimi regis Danorum, non rasas, non abolitas, non cancellatas, nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas, tenores infrascriptos de verbo ad verbum continentes: (…). Et nos in omnium horum evidenciam firmiorem sigilla nostra presentibus duximus apponenda. Datum Revalie, anno Domini MCCCXIIII, dominica secunda post pascha.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Henrik, af Guds barmhjertighed biskop af Reval, Johannes, dekan, og hele kapitlet sammesteds, Bernhard, prior, og hele konventet af prædikebrødre sammesteds, til alle troende kristne, der får dette brev at se: Hilsen med alles frelser. I skal vide, at vi har set og omhyggeligt gennemlæst følgende breve udstedt af vor herre, de danskes berømmelige konge, hvilke var uskrabede, ustungne, ufordærvede og ubeskadigede i enhver henseende, ord for ord af nedenstående indhold: (…). Og vi har ladet vore segl hænge under dette brev til urokkeligt vidnesbyrd om alt dette. Givet i Reval i det Herrens år 1314, anden søndag efter påske.


Comments: Only the initial letter B. of the prior’s name is stated in the letter, but from an additional letter of verification issued a month later we are given his full name Bernardus. ● Fr. Bernardus may be identical with the friar of that name, who was transferred to the convent in Tallinn at the provincial chapter in 1291. Together with Dean Johannes, he verified another two transcripts of privileges for the city of Tallinn in May 1314. He had been replaced as prior in Tallinn by Fr. Arnoldus in 1315. ● The verified letters were issued by King Erik V Glipping of Denmark in 1266 4/10 (DD 2. ser. vol. II no. 41) and 1283 25/6 (DD 2. ser. vol. III no. 64), and by King Erik VI Menved of Denmark in 1288 25/6 (DD 2. ser. vol. III no. 302), 1298 3/8 (DD 2. ser. vol. IV no. 323) and 1311 21/3 (DD 2. ser. vol. VI no. 334). ● Daugavgrīva (Dünamunde) Abbey was a Cistercian monastery situated near Riga.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VII no. 148.




1315 18/1 

Fakse Herred

Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde?

At the moot of the Herred of Fakse, Fr. Benedictus of the Friars Preachers, on behalf of the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde, receives a deed on two farms in Olstrup from Dame Cecilie, widow of Jens Sjællandsfar the Younger, represented by her son Oluf, for the salvation of the souls of herself and her late husband.


Sources: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Language: A. Latin. B. Danish.



Omnibus presentes litteras audituris et inspecturis, Cecilia relicta domini Iohannis Syælænzfaræ iunioris, salutem in domino sempiternam. Constare uolo uniuersitati uestre per presentes, quod ego in remedium anime mee neconon et dilecti mariti mei dedi et scotari feci per manum filii mei Olaui in manus fratris Benedicti ordinis predicatorum omnia bona mea mobilia et immobilia in Olæfstørp monasterio sancte Agnetis Roskildis, duas uidelicet curias cum omnibus attinenciis suis iure perpetuo possidendas presentibus nobilibus domino Clemente Hærlugh sun Hæmmingo Olæf sun, et Godikæ Friis, et pluribus aliis, accedente ad hoc filiorum meorum uoluntate et consensu. In cuius facti euidenciam presentes litteras, sigillis dominorum Clementis Hærlugh sun, Petri Grubbæ, quoniam filii mei sigilla non habent, una cum sigillo meo feci sigillari. Actum placito Faxæheret anno domini m.ccc.xv sabbato post octauas epiphanie.


B (registration of A):

Ett skiøde breff paa tho gaarde j Olstrup frw Sitzille her Jens Siellandzfars skiøthe broer Bentt paa closters wegne. 1315.


English translation of B:

A deed letter on two farms in Olstrup, which Mrs. Cecilie, Mr. Jens Sjællandsfar’s, conveyed to Fr. Bent on behalf of the monastery. 1315.


Comments: It is not stated to what convent Fr. Benedictus (Bent) was related, but Roskilde seems the most likely. He acted on behalf of the nunnery of St. Agnes again at the ‘landsting’ (the moot of Sjælland) in 1322 10/19, and he is probably identical to the Fr. Benedictus, who held office as Dominican prior in Roskilde in 1327 19/8 and again in 1337 10/1; the first time (once again) acting on behalf of the Dominican sisters at the landsting of Sjælland, the second time as witness for the Bishop of Roskilde. It was probably also he, who as a nameless prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde was hired by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii in 1333 4/12 to secretly transport collected papal tax money from Roskilde to Helsingborg, for which he was paid 5 shilling gros tournois for his travel expenses and efforts. Due to warfare in the area, he did not reach Helsingborg in agreed time, however, where he was awaited in vain in 1334 10/1. ● Cecilie Herlugsdatter was daughter of Herlug Erlandsen of the Galen family and thus a niece of Archbishop Jakob Erlandsen. Her husband, Knight Jens Sjællandsfar the Younger (Johannes ‘Zealander’ iunioris), was of a local noble family (Sjællandsfar) in south-eastern Zealand. He had died before 1310. Two of their daughters, Lunde and Cecilie, had joined the convent of St. Agnes in Roskilde around 1310, and in a later letter of 1315, it is stated that their mother now had done the same. ● As the conditions of the gift was somewhat special (Cecilie and her daughters were to enjoy the income of the two farms individually in their lifetime), the agreement was co-approved three days later by the (unnamed) conventual prior of Roskilde, who was also acting as vicar provincial of Dacia. 20 August of the same year, the contract was confirmed by Prior Provincial Canutus of Dacia in Roskilde. ● The Herred of Fakse (provincia Faxæ) consisted of 10 parishes in south-eastern Zealand. The village of Olstrup (Olæfstørp) was situated in one of these, namely Ulse.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VII no. 246. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 282.




1315 21/1

Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde, Province of Dacia

The prior of the convent in Roskilde seals, as acting vicar provincial, the conditions of the donation and entry of Dame Cecilie with the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Uniuersis presentes litteras inspecturis uel audituris, soror Cecilia priorissa apud sanctam Agnetem Roskildis, totusque conuentus sororum ibidem, salutem in domino sempiternam. Quoniam nobilis domina, Cecilia, relicta domini Iohannis Syælænsfaræ iunioris dedit et scotauit monasterio nostro omnia bona sua in Olefstorp, mobilia et inmobilia, uidelicet duas curias cum omnibus attinenciis suis, nos uicem rependere uolentes pro benefactis, concedimus dicte domine ad dies suos usum predictorum bonorum ut fructus de eisdem leuet ac percipiat secundum suam uoluntatem, hac adiecta condicione, ut curia orientalis pro usu suo sit et post mortem eius libere redeat ad monasterium, curia uero occidentalis cedat in usum filiarum suarum que in monasterio sunt, et post decessum earum nichilominus redeat ad conuentum. In cuius concessionis assecuracionem et firmitatem, sigillis, prioris Roskildensis tunc uicarii prioris prouincialis super locum nostrum, et nostro, et conuentus nostri presentes litteras fecimus roborari. Actum anno domini m.ccc.xv in die beati Agnetis uirginis et martiris.


Comments: The identity of the prior in Roskilde at this time is unknown. It is also unknown why he was acting as vicar provincial. In August the same year, the contract was confirmed by the prior provincial, Fr. Knud (Canutus), who had been acting in the office since 1308. See also the comments to the letter above (1315.01.18).


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VII no. 248.




1315 30/1


Convent of Västerås

Fr. Bero and Fr. Petrus of the Friars Preachers (in Västerås) testify to a letter of objection by two canons secular of the cathedral chapter in Västerås, Provost Håkan and Master Redhar, on behalf of the archielect of Uppsala, Olof Björnsson, who on his way to Avignon to receive papal confirmation has been stopped from continuing his journey, while still in Sweden, because he has been called back to a talk with Duke Valdemar.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis Haquinus prepositus et magister Redharus canonicus Arosiensis ecclesie; salutem in Domino. Noveritis quod Reverendus vir dominus Olawus electus ecclesie Upsalensis constitutus in itinere versus Romanam curiam, pro electionis sue negotio prosequendo, in mandatis se habuisse asservit a magnifico principe domino Waldemaro Dei gratia duce Sweorum, ut ad eundem dominum ducem reverteretur gratia colloquendi, quod et libenter se velle facere dixit, ob reverentiam et beneplacitum ducis predicti, protestans quod per eum non stabat, quando continuaret ceptum iter. Facta fuit hec protestatio anno Domini MCCCXV quinta feria proxima ante purificationem beate virginis in sacristia ecclesie nostre Arosiensis in presentia domicelli Erici archidiaconi Upsalensis et nostra, et testium subscriptorum, videlicet fratrum Beronis et Petri de ordine predicatorum, dominorum Karoli scholastici et Nicolai prebendam chori Arosiensis nec non discretorum virorum Conradi monetarii, et Henrici Brunswick civium ibidem ac multorum aliorum fidedignorum specialiter ad hoc vocatorum. In cuius protestationis testimonium ad instantiam dicti domini electi sigillum nostri capituli presentibus duximus apponendum. [Datum] anno et die predictis.


Comments: Fr. Bero and Fr. Petrus of the Friars Preachers in Västerås are not known from any other sources. ● Olof Björnsson was archbishop of Uppsala in 1315-1332. He is known as a canon at the Uppsala cathedral chapter from 1304, possibly already in 1276. When Archbishop Nils Ketilsson of Uppsala (see 1309 20/6) died in the early summer of 1314, Olof was elected by the cathedral chapter as his successor. Both the cathedral chapter of Uppsala and King Birger of Sweden wanted him to go to Avignon to receive the pallium directly from the pope and hereby avoid honouring the disputed Scandinavian primacy of the archbishop of Lund. This was, however, at first prevented by the king’s brothers and opponents, Duke Valdemar and Duke Erik, who for political reasons had made an alliance with Lund. When the present protest was written in Västerås, it was probably because this was how far Olof Björnsson had got, when his journey was stopped (Kumlien 1971, 200). Shortly after, a canon secular of the cathedral chapter in Uppsala, Nils Sigvastsson, who was a good friend of the Friars Preachers, was even arrested by Duke Valdemar’s men in Stockholm to prevent him from going with the archielect to Avignon; an arrest, which led to a written protest from Prior Bernardus of the Dominican convent in Sigtuna in 1315 15/2. As a consequence, Olof had to abandon the initial plan of going to Avignon and instead just go to Lund, where he received the pallium from Archbishop Esger Juul in late 1315. Years later, when the dukes had died, Olof did get the pallium from the pope also, but only after a significant payment. Archbishop Olof was appointed chief executor for the wills of the two murdered dukes, in which capacity he received letters of receipt from the Dominican convents in Sigtuna (1321 12/4), Västerås (1323 23/1), Skänninge (1323 25/1), Lödöse (1323 22/9), Kalmar (1323 26/12), Strängnäs (1323 26/12) and Visby (1325 2/5). As archbishop of Uppsala, Olof put a lot of efforts into the colonisation and taxation of the northern districts of his archdiocese, which also included an increased campaign to Christianise the Sami people (Pernler 1992-94); it is unknown if he involved Dominican assistance in this work, but he generally appears on close terms with the convent in Sigtuna (e.g. in 1316 10/6 and 1316 21/6) and with Fr. Israel Erlandi in particular, who as bishop of Västerås in 1317 3/2 was authorised by the pope to protect the archbishop from his secular opponents with the power of excommunication. Olof Björnsson died on 13 March 1332 and was buried in Uppsala Cathedral; if he left a will, it is not preserved. ● On Duke Valdemar of Finland, see 1318 18/1.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. III no. 2001.




1315 20/8


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde?, Province of Dacia

Fr. Canutus, prior provincial of Dacia, confirms the above-mentioned contract between Lady Cecilie and the nunnery of St. Agnes in Roskilde.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Universis presentes litteras inspecturis frater Kanutus fratrum ordinis predicatorum provincie Dacie prior et servus inutilis, salutem in omium salvatore. Ut firma veritas ac sincera caritas ad omnes maxime autem ad domesticos fidei et professionis nostre sollicite conservetur, ordinationem et concessionem factam per priorissam et conventum sororum sancte Agnetis Roskildis de bonis in Olæfsthorp scotatis et datis earundem sororum monasterio per nobilem dominam Ceciliam relictam domini Johannis Syælænsfaræ junioris nunc sororem ordinis ibidem, videlicet ut dicta domina et soror, dictorum bonorum fructus et proventus libere percipiat ad dies suos pro sua suarumque filiarum consolatione et utilitate, tenore presentium, approbo, ratifico et confirmo, cum omnibus determinationibus et circumstanciis, quas littera prefati conuentus noscitur plenius continere. In quorum omnium firmitatem sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Roskildis anno Domini MCCCXV in die beati Bernardi abbatis.


Comments: On Fr. Canutus, prior provincial of Dacia 1308-1321, see 1308. It is unknown why a vicar provincial governed the province in February 1315, but Fr. Canutus might have been either sick or temporarily absolved from office, before he had recovered or was re-elected in August. ● The time of year (20 August) of the letter strongly suggests that the provincial approval was given either during or after the annual provincial chapter, and since the letter is dated in Roskilde, we hereby have an indication of the only known provincial chapter held in Roskilde - which is rather peculiar considering the size and age of the convent. ● On Lady Cecilie and her entry in the nunnery of St. Agnes, see 1315 18/1.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VII no. 291.




1316 24/3


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde

Dame Christine, daughter of Jens Sjællandsfar the Elder, donates all her estate in Vindinge to the Dominican nunnery of St. Agnes in Roskilde on the condition that half of the annual revenue shall return to her in her lifetime. When she dies, half a main portion of her entire estate shall be given to the fabrica of the nunnery church, except for an annual amount of 2 x 3 marks, which is to be paid each year on her death-day to the sisters of St. Agnes and to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde for the salvation of her soul.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, frater Petrus abbas Ringstadensis, Nicholaus Tuuysun de Hørby, Magnus Syndæsun, Benedictus dictus Billæ, Nicholaus Iønssun, Olauus Niclæssun, Iohannes Niclæssun, salutem in domino, sempiternam. Ueritati uolentes fidele testimonium perhibere presentibus protestamur nos presentes fuisse et uidisse quod nobilis domina Cristina filia domini Iohannis Syalensfaræ senioris in placito generali Syalendie constituta, anno domini m.ccc.xvi. quarta feria post mediam quadragesimam, Petro Thørbænsun filio suo et Andrea Iønssun genero suo presentibus ac consencientibus, dedit et scotauit monasterio sancte Agnetis Roskildis, omnia bona sua in Winniggæ in parochia Swærbyræ in Hammærsheret mobilia et inmobilia, iure perpetuo possidenda tali adiecta condicione quod predicta domina Cristina medietatem reddituum de dictis bonis in solidum cum prefato monasterio, leuaret singulis annis ad dies uite sue. Insuper uoluit et declarauit quod post eius transitum de hoc seculo, medietas porcionis, que eam contingebat, libere cedat monasterio ad fabricam ecclesie ordinanda, hoc excepto quod singulis annis in suo anniuersario de predicta porcione, tres marche, fratribus predicatoribus Roskildis et sororibus apud sanctam Agnetem totidem in remedium anime sue perpetuo diuidantur. In cuius protestacionis firmitatem et certitudinem, siggilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum Ringstadis anno et die supradictas.


Comments: Christine Jonsdatter (Christina filia Johannis) was daughter of Jens Sjællandsfar the Elder (Johannes ‘Zealander’ senioris), and so of the Sjællandsfar Family from south-eastern Zealand. Furthermore, she was a sister of Jens Sjællandsfar the Younger, whose daughters Lunde and Cecilie, had joined the convent of St. Agnes around 1310, followed by their mother Cecilie in 1315 (see above). Christine too entered the nunnery in 1325. She was a widow of Torben Jensen Galen and mother of the mentioned Peder Torbensen (Petrus Thorberni). “Half a main portion” was the maximum share of one’s estate that anyone in medieval Denmark could leave by will to non-family. Vindinge was a village in Sværdborg Parish, Hammer Herred, in the southern-most part of Zealand. Ringsted is situated in the very centre of Zealand, where it housed a Benedictine abbey (here represented by Abbot Petrus) and the medieval moots of Zealand (‘Sjællands landsting’).


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VII no. 361.




1316 (30/5)



The general chapter of the Friars Preachers proposes a reform of the studia generalia-structure, due to travel distances and since friars of the remote provinces often have problems finding non-studying socii travelling between the same provinces. It is therefore suggested that not only the provinces of Dacia, Grecia and Terra sancta, but also Hispania, Hungaria, Polonia and Bohemia are exempted from maintaining studia generalia, and that the remaining studia are grouped in two regions, to which neighbouring provinces are allowed to send more students; Dacia (along with Hungaria, Grecia and Polonia) is allowed to admit two friars to each studium in the provinces of Lombardia superioris and inferioris, Romana, Regni Sicilia and Teutonia. Furthermore, commemorational prayers are prescribed for a comprehensive list of live lay rulers around Europe, including the kings of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, with one mass by each priest.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis apud Montempessulanum celebrati anno Domini MCCCXVI. (…)

   Iste sunt inchoationes. (…) Item, cum pro eo, quod diverse provincie ad generalia studia, Parisiensi excepto, possint unum tantum fratrem mittere pro studente, multa incommoda et dispendia subsequantur, tum quia sic assignatis communiter opportuno tempore socius non occurrit, tum eciam quia studia posita sunt in remotis, fratres accedendo ad illa gravant seipsos et provincias in expensis, inchoamus hanc: in capitulo de studentibus, ubi dicitur: quelibet autem provincia etcetera, dicatur sic: quelibet autem provincia, exceptis Ispanie, Ungarie, Terre sancte, Polonie, Dacie, Grecie et Boemie, provideat, ut semper in conventu aliquo ydoneo sit generale studium et sollempne, et ad illum locum quilibet prior provincialis de diffinitorum capituli provincialis vel maioris partis eorum consilio et assensu potestatem habeat mittendi duos fratres ydoneos ad studendum modo videlicet infrascripto, ut scilicet ad studia provinciarum Lombardie inferioris, Romane provincie, regni Sicilie, Theutonie, superioris Lombardie tantum duos fratres mittere possint ipse nunc nominate provincie et cum eis provincie Ungarie, Grecie, Polonie et Dacie. Ad studia vero provinciarum Tholosane, Anglie, Aragonie, provincie Provincie et Saxonie mittere tantum possint similiter duos fratres, ipse nunc nominate provincie et cum eis provincie Hyspanie, Francie, Terre sancte et Boemie. Quelibet autem provincia divisa mittere possit ∙iiiior∙ fratres ad studium provincie condivise. (…) [89-90]

   Ista sunt suffragia pro vivis. (…) Item, pro dominis regibus Castelle, Sycilie, Portugallie, Ungarie, Boemie, Dacie, Suecie et Norvegie quilibet sacerdos ∙i∙ missam. (…) [97]


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. The reform proposal was not approved by the following chapters and therefore never implemeted. It aimed to ease the described travelling problems derived from the previous reform of 1301-03, where the quota for several provinces (although apparently not for Dacia) were reduced from two to one student at each studium generale (for Paris, though, from three to two). A new system was introduced by the general chapter in 1326, when all provinces were allowed – and indeed obliged – to send two students to each studia generalia of foreign provinces. ● The regents to be commemorated in Scandinavia at the time was King Erik VI Menved of Denmark (1286-1319), King Birger Magnusson of Sweden (1290-1318) and King Håkon V Magnusson of Norway (1299-1319).


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, 89-90 and 97.

Literature: Hinnebusch 1973, 44-45.




1316 10/7


Convent of Bruges (prov. Francia)

The prior of the Friars Preachers in Bruges asks King Håkon V Magnusson of Norway to send information about St. Olav, including his birthday and hagiography, along with relics of him, as the convent wants to found an altar of St. Olav in the priory church, where an image of him is to be put up.


Source: Transcript by Magnusson, early 18th cent. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Procuratorium ex parte Haquini regis, quod altare et ymago sancti Olavi veneretur in ecclesia fratrum predicatorum Brugis in Flandria. Illustrissimo domino, domino Haquino Dei gratia regi Norwegie, frater B. ordinis fratrum predicatorum in Brugis vices …..gerens in omnibus reverentiam et orationum suffragia devotarum. [Dignu]m est et conveniens, quem De[us glorificat in ce]lis, ut hunc in terris dignis laudibus Christianus populus [celebret. Hinc] est quod …..s …..ntia …..e gavere falconarii famu….. falconarii ….. tatem inierunt in honoremque beati Olavi condam regis Norw[egie altar]e in ecclesia n[ostra] construxeru[nt et ymaginem] eiusdem, eidem altari superponere intendunt, in quo, ob sancti reverentiam et predictorum devotionem ad sanctum, et instantiam [hominum] regni vestri et vestrum honorem pariter et salutem, fratres missas in predicto et divina celebrabunt. Quare vestram humiliter requirim[us] maiestatem, quatinus diem natalis eius, merita eius preclara, et legendam vite ipsius, et aliquid de sacrosanctis reliquiis eius, per Johannem, latorem presentium (cui fidem adhibemus in omnibus) vestra devotio, quam ad sanctum habetis, atque dilectio, quam ad nostrum habetis ordinem, nobis mittere condignetur, ut dictus sanctus, qui in celo gloriosus et apud vos celebris jam habetur, etiam apud nos, ubi quasi totus confluit mundus, notus et celebris habeatur. Datum et sigillatum sigillo conventus nostri, anno Domini MCCCXVI sabbato post octavas beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli.


Comments: Especially the first part of the transcript is quite damaged and difficult to read. ● Fr. B. (Benedictus or Bernardinus?), prior of the Friars Preachers in Bruges, has not been identified. ● One may assume that the interest of the Bruges convent in establishing an Altar of St. Olav was either aimed at visiting Scandinavian merchants in Bruges and/or at Flemish merchants trading on Scandinavia, of which some were organized in a St. Olav’s Guild. It is, however, unclear if the plans for the altar were ever implemented; an altar in the church dedicated to St. Olav was not known in 1719 (Belgium Dominicanum, 163). ● The possible altar foundation was part of the construction of a new priory church in Bruges, which had been initiated in 1311 15/7 – curiously enough by the Danish Bishop Oluf(!) of Roskilde. The main altar of the church was dedicated to St. Paul (De Pue 1981, 20-22).


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. VIII no. 48.




c. 1317

OP (Sweden)

Archbishop Olof Björnsson of Uppsala supplicates to Pope John XXII on a number of ecclesiastical issues concerning the archdiocese of Uppsala and the entire church province of Sweden, including a dispensation for the Friars Preachers regarding the dietary restrictions imposed by their orderly regulations, as they often cannot find sufficient with suitable food, when they travel from one place to another, due to “the vast forests, impediments of water, poverty and war”, and even has to eat barley bread as if it was food. Furthermore, the archbishop asks for papal approval that the friars may eat in the company of the archbishop, his suffragan bishops and canons secular.


Source: Transcript in the Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Insinuat beatudine vestre archiepiscopus Upsalensis et eius suffraganei in regno Swecie, quod propter tenuitatem suorum reddituum oportet eos sustentationem pro majori parte recipere a visitationibus subditorum. (…)

   Item cum fratres ordinis predicatorum in terris illis sint perutiles ecclesie sancte Dei, et cum de loco ad locum se transferunt non inveniunt propter vastitatem silvarum, aquarum impedimenta, caristiam et guerras, sepe inibi contingentes, cibaria eis congrua, juxta dicti ordinis instituta, quin imo in multis locis pauperrimus, eis frequentius panis [h]ordeaceus pro cibo propinatur, supplicat quatenus negotio fidei succurrendo indulgere dignimini, ut dicti fratres ne propter penuriam ibi deficiant, cum sic se transferunt, omnibus cibariis, ilius qualitati temporis congruentibus libere vesci possint, prout videtur sacrum evangelium predicantibus indulgere. Sine lectione.

   Item dignemini concedere, quod dicti fratres cum archiepiscopo et suis suffraganeis necnon in dignitatibus et in sacerdotio constitutis canonicis cibariis communibus uti possint. Sine lectione.


Comments: The supplication is not dated, but Salomon Kraft, who published it, argued that it must be from 1317 (KÅ XXXVII, 264-265). ● The two issues ended a list of nine different matters collected in one joint supplication. As none of the the issues were certified (sine lectione), they probably were not obliged at this time. The dietary dispensation was, however, obliged by Pope John XXII in an extended form in 1326 21/8. ● On Archbishop Olov Björnsson of Uppsala, see 1315 15/2.


Published: Kyrkohistorisk Årsskrift vol. XXXVII (1938), pp. 261-263.




1318 18/1


Convents of Kalmar, Lödöse, Sigtuna, Skara, Skänninge, Strängnäs, Turku, Visby and Västerås; Nunneries of Kalmar and Skänninge

Last will and testament for Duke Erik and Duke Valdemar of Sweden, in which they leave 20 marks for each of all the Dominican convents and nunneries in Sweden.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine Domini, amen. Anno ab incarnatione eiusdem MCCC decimo octavo die beate prisce virginis, cum constat, quod ex nichilo condita, ad suam naturaliter tendunt originem universa, et quod ea solummodo hominem ex hac vita migrantem sequi noscuntur, que ab ipso ad opera pietatis fuerint misericorditer erogata,  nos Ericus et Waldemarus Dei gratia duces Sweorum, sani mente, et corpore, licet captivati, testamentum nostrum condimus in hunc modum. In primis damus ecclesie Upsalensi ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ad fabricam, et duos baldechinos ad ornatum ecclesie eiusdem, in qua unam canoniam fundari volumus ob nostrarum remedium animarum; ecclesie Linchopensi ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ad fabricam, et duos baldechinos ad ornatum. In qua etiam unam canoniam fundari volumus, ut superius est expressum, ecclesie Scarensi ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ad fabricam, et duos baldechinos ad ornatum. In qua etiam unam canoniam fundari volumus sicut prius; ecclesie Strengenensi ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ad fabricam, et duos baldechinos ad ornatum; ecclesie Arosiensi ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ad fabricam, et duos baldechinos ad ornatum; ecclesie Wexsionensi ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ad fabricam, et duos baldechinos ad ornatum; et ecclesie Aboensi ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ad fabricam, et duos baldechinos ad ornatum. Item religiosis viris monachis ordinis cisterciensis in Alwastrum ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monachis in Nydaal ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monachis in Werneem ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monachis in Julettum ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monachis in Rumum Gotlandie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; et monachis in Aascloster Hallandie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Item religiosis dominabus, monialibus in Sko ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monialibus in Monte beate Virginis ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monialibus in Wretom ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monialibus in Askæby ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monialibus in Gudheem ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; monialibus Gotlandie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; et monialibus in Rysæbergh centum marchas denariorum ad fabricam. Item religiosis viris fratribus ordinis predicatorum Skiæningie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus predicatoribus Kalmarnie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; predicatoribus Lydhosie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; predicatoribus Scaris ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; predicatoribus Strengenes ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; predicatoribus in Westrearoos ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; predicatoribus Siktunie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; predicatoribus in Aboo ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; et predicatoribus in Wistby ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Item sororibus eiusdem ordinis Skiæningie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; et sororibus Kalmarnie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Item religiosis viris fratribus minoribus Stokholmis ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus Upsalie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus minoribus Nychopie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus minoribus Sudhærchopie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus minoribus Lynchopie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus minoribus Junæchopie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus minoribus Scaris ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus minoribus Wistby ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; fratribus minoribus in Arbughum ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; et fratribus minoribus Enæchopie tantum, cuilibet ecclesie in cuius parochia bona habemus ∙iii∙ marchas denariorum et totidem curato. Item religiosis dominabus sororibus ordinis sancte Clare Stokholmis ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum, et religiose domine Rikezce, sorori nostre, predilecte ibidem centum marchas denariorum. Item. ecclesie Stokholmis ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum; ecclesie Nychopie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum, et curato ibidem ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Item hospitali Sudhærchopie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; hospitali Skiæningie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; hospitali in Oknæbec ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; hospitali in Hælghæsko ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; hospitali Lydhosie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; hospitali Scaris ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; hospitali Enæchopie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; hospitali debilium sacerdotum Scarensis dyocesis ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; et hospitali Gotlandie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Item domui sancti spiritus Stokholmis ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; domui sancti spiritus in Wexsio ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; domui sancti spiritus Gotlandie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; et domui sancti spiritus Upsalie ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Item pauperibus communibus centum marchas denariorum. Pro premisis autem omnibus persolvendis, ita quod eorum medietas in anno primo persolvatur, reliqua vero medietas in anno solvatur subsequenti, curias nostras videlicet Suartæsio, Algø, et Hamarøø, per presentes obligamus tali ratione, quod si testamentum nostrum predictum, ante biennium, non fuerit persolutum, exsequtores nostri infra scripti, dictas curias alienandi, vel earum aliquam, sicut tunc opus fuerit, donec de testamento satisfactum fuerit, liberam habeant facultatem. Exsequutores autem huius nostri testamenti constituimus et deputamus venerabiles patres dominos, Karolum Linchopensem, Benedictum Scarensem et Styrbernum Strengenensem episcopos, una cum viris nobilibus dominis Mathia Kiætilmundæson, Byrghero Pætærson, Kanuto Magnusson, Philippo Ingiwaldzson, et Boecio Niclisson militibus, volentes et intime rogantes, ut hanc nostram ultimam voluntatem prout saluti animarum nostrarum expedire noverint, fideliter exsequantur, sicut de ipsis confidentiam gerimus pleniorem ad evidenciam premissorum pleniorem sigilla exsequutorum predictorum presentibus sunt appensa. Datum anno et die supradictis.


Comments: Valdemar and Erik Magnusson were the brothers of King Birger Magnusson of Sweden. When he was crowned in 1302, they became dukes of Finland and Södermanland respectively. ● The will was written in the jail of Nyköping Castle, where the two dukes had been imprisoned on the order of their brother since 11 December 1317, while invited to a Christmas banquet at the castle (the so-called ‘Nyköpings gästebud’) with their brother, on the suspicion of renewed plans of a rebellion against him. They remained in the prison until their death in late January 1318, when they allegedly died from starvation. ● The priors of the individual Dominican convents issued receipts for payment of the promised endowments, as they were executed by Archbishop Olof of Uppsala in 1321-1325. Such receipts are extant for Sigtuna (1321 12/4), Västerås (1323 23/1), Skänninge (1323 25/1), Lödöse (1323 22/9), Kalmar (1323 26/12), Strängnäs (1323 26/12) and Visby (1325 2/5).


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. III no. 2132.




1318 22/7


Convent of Hamburg (prov. of Saxonia)

Fr. Hason, prior of the Friars Preachers in Hamburg, is send as one of three envoys on behalf of the city of Hamburg to Tønsberg to negotiate with King Håkon Magnusson of Norway about Hamburg merchants’ right to operate in his kingdom. The city renounces its claims for compensation against the king for lost prophits, while the king grants Hamburg the same privileges as all other foreigners henceforth.


Source: Transcript from the 16th century. National Library of Sweden, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis presentes literas inspecturis Haquinus Dei gratia rex Norvegie salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi quod anno Domini MCCCXVIII undecimo kalendas Augusti, apud castrum Tunsbergense placitavimus cum viris providis et honestis viro religioso fratre Hasone priore fratrum predicatorum civitatis Hamburgensis Ricardo dicto Varck et Godfrido Ypinge consulibus Hamburgensibus nunciis et procuratoribus eiusdem civitatis legitime constitutis super sedatione displicentie quam nos ex justis et verisimilibus conjecturis concepimus contra cives Hamburgenses in hunc modum, quod procuratores antedicti renunciaverunt simpliciter et expresse perpetuo pro se et omnibus concivibus et mercatoribus eiusdem civitatis omnimode emende et satisfactioni pro quibuscumque dampnis et injuriis si qua dictis civitatensibus et ipsis adherentibus per nos et nostros usque ad hec tempora fuerint illata promittentes pro se et suis concivibus fide prestita corporali, quod contra predictam renunciacionem nullo modo veniant verbo facto vel aliquo alio ingenio sed pocius promiserunt nobis et omnibus nostris amicitiam sinceram de cetero observare. Nos vero propter instantiam plurimorum principum ac humilem et instantem supplicationem dictorum procuratorum duorum consulum ac decem aliorum comburgensium eorundem purgationem admisimus pro eorum excusatione sufficienti ipsis Hamburgensibus totam displicentiam nostram dimittentes et rancorem, propter preces venerabilium patrum dominorum Nidrosiensis archiepiscopi ac aliorum prelatorum regni nostri et eosdem Hamburgenses ad pacem et amicitiam nostram recepimus specialem dantes et concedentes eisdem licentiam et facultatem cum mercimoniis suis ad regnum nostrum veniendi, ibidem morandi et de mercimoniis suis et mercaturis more aliorum extraneorum libere disponendi. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum una cum sigillis venerabilium patrum dominorum Elavi Nidrosiensis archiepiscopi Helgonis Osloensis Audfini Bergensis Botulphi Hamarensis episcoporum presentibus est appensum. Datum loco et die et anno supradictis.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. VI no. 97.




1318 27-28/7


Convent of Lund

Lady Cecilie, widow of Marshal Johannes Kalf, dies. In remedy of her soul she has left her estate in Vragerup to the cathedral chapter of Lund to be administered by the dean of the chapter, and the income from this shall pay for her anniversary in the cathedral, along with 14 ounces for a light before the Corpus Christi in the church of the Friars Preachers in Lund and 2 ounces for the friars themselves.


Source: Necrologium Lundensis.

Language: Latin.


·vi· kalendas Augusti. Anno Domini MCCCXVIII in profesto beati Olavi, obiit domina Cecilia, relicta domini Johannis dicti Kalf, condam illustris regis Danorum marscalci, que contulit et legavit in remedium anime sue omnia bona sua in Wraghæthorp sita et in dicto Wraghæthorp mark, ita videlicet, quod dominus decanus Lundensis, qui nunc est vel pro tempore fuerit, dicta bona sub ordinatione sua libere habeat et anniversarium suum modo, qui sequitur, teneat ex eisdem. Primo in die anniversarii sui ad offerendam det ·ii· oras denariorum, item canonicis, qui vigiliis et misse interfuerint, marcham denariorum, item vicariis ·ii· oras denariorum, item ad lampadam ardentem ante Corpus Cristi in ecclesie fratrum predicatorum Lundis ·xiiii· oras denariorum, item fratribus predicatoribus ·ii· oras, item fratribus minoribus ·ii· oras denariorum. Si quid residuum fuerit de fructibus bonorum predictorum, hoc cedat dicto domino decano libere annuatim.


Comments: Whereas the entry is placed under 27 July (·vi· kalendas augusti), the text itself states that Lady Cecilie died on 28 July (in profesto beati Olavi). ● The hand writing for this entry in the necrology has been dated to the first third of the fourteenth century, i.e. contemporary with the content. An almost identical transcript is found in the younger version of the necrology, Liber daticus Lundensis recentior (SRD IV, 52). On Lady Cecilie, see 1304 10/3. The entire arrangement had already been settled in 1310 16/1.


Published: Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. III, p. 537; Liber daticus Lundensis, pp. 186-187.




1319 3/1


(Convent of Tallinn)

King Erik VI ‘Menved’ of Denmark prohibits the citizens of Tallinn from admitting their children to any other school in the city than the local cathedral school, something which will otherwise be fined with 10 marks silver.


Source: 18th-century transcript (by Langebek) of transcript in letter of certification, 1426 16/1. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Ericus Dei gratia Danorum Sclavorumque rex, omnibus et singulis Estoniam et Revaliam inhabitantibus salutem et gratiam. Cum de jure communi apud quamlibet matricem ecclesiam schole scholarium esse debent, et cathedralis ecclesi[a] beate Marie virginis in Revalia, per progenitores nostros fundata et dotata, huiusmodi scholarum solatio et fructu esse dinoscitur defraudata, nos de consili[ari]orum nostrorum consilio statuimus, et pro constitutione perpetua irrevocabiliter observari mandamus, quod nullus civium civitatis Revalie, cuiuscunque existat, filios suos et nepotes et privignos, vel etiam extraneos secum in expensis existentes, qui scholasticis imbui debent disciplinas, aliquas scholas in dicta civitate frequentare permittat, preter ad scholas dicte cathedralis ecclesie ibidem, prout poenam decem marcarum argenti volverit evitare. Et si quisquam huic constitutioni nostre in contrarium facere presumpserit, et monitus ab episcopo vel capitulo eiusdem ecclesie non cessaverit, dictas decem marcas infra quindenam, scilicet quatuor marcas ad sustentationem castri nostri ibidem, tres marcas ad prefate ecclesie cathedralis fabricam, et tres marcas ad murum dicte civitatis nostre exsolvat integraliter, adinuentione qualibet, vel de novo quesito colore in contrarium non obstante. Ut igitur hec premissa constitutio rationabiliter instituta in perpetuum observetur, mandamus capitaneo nostro, qui nunc est, vel qui pro tempore fuerit, sub obtentu gratie nostre, ut partem castro nostro de dictis decem marcis ascriptam auctoritate nostra exigat integraliter, nullatenus omissurus, episcopo vero injungimus, modis omnibus volentes, ut partem ecclesie sue deputatam per censuram ecclesiasticam exponi cogat totaliter et exsolvi. Residuam vero partem muro civitatis assignatam mandamus consulibus dicte civitatis per formam sui juris firmiter extorqueri, ad quod dictus capitaneus eos juvare debet nostro nomine cum effectu. Insuper omnibus et singulis scholaribus scholas dicte ecclesie cathedralis frequentantibus, pro ipso capitaneo et sua familia, nec non npro omnibus et singulis causa nostri facere vel omittere volentibus, plenam securitatem et firmam damus et concedimus per presentes, non obstante illo si idem capitaneus vel sua familia, seu quisquam alius, contra ipsorum parentes et consanguineos causas inimicitias seu indignationes habeant qualescunque. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Wartingborg anno Domini MCCCIX in octava beati Johannis apostoli et evangeliste in presentia nostra.


Dansk oversættelse:

Erik, af Guds nåde de danskes og venders konge, til alle og enhver i Estland og Reval: Hilsen og nåde. Da der efter almindelig ret bør være en skole for peblinge ved enhver moderkirke, og den hellige Jomfru Marias domkirke i Reval, indstiftet og doteret af vore forgængere, vides at være blevet bedraget for en sådan skoles trøst og fordel, har vi med vore råders råd bestemt og fastsat som evigt gældende og uforanderlig forordning, at ingen af staden Revals borgere, hvilken stilling han end indtager, må tillade sine sønner, nevøer/børnebørn og stedsønner eller selv fremmede børn, som de har i kost, og som skal uddannes i skolens fag, at besøge andre skoler i nævnte stad end nævnte domkirkes skole sammesteds, såfremt han vil undgå en straf på 10 mark sølv. Og hvis nogen vover at handle imod denne vor forordning og, formanet af bispen og kapitlet ved samme kirke, ikke holder op hermed, skal han fuldt og helt betale de nævnte 10 mark inden fjorten dage, nemlig 4 mark til vor borgs vedligeholdelse sammesteds, 3 mark til fornævnte domkirkes bygningsfond og 3 mark til vor nævnte stads bymure, uden at han skal kunne fremsætte nogen som helst udflugt eller nyopfunden indvending herimod. For at derfor den foregående forordning, som med gode grunde er givet, i fremtiden kan overholdes, befaler vi vor høvedsmand, som for tiden er der, eller som til enhver tid vil være der, at han ved vor nåde i kraft af vor myndighed fuldt og helt opkræver den andel af de to 10 mark, som er tillagt vor borg, og at han ingenlunde undlader dette. Og bispen pålægger vi, idet dette i enhver henseende er vor vilje, at han med gejstlige straffe skal fremtvinge, at den til hans kirke henlagte andel fuldt og helt udgives og betales. Men den sidste andel, overdraget til bymurens vedligeholdelse, pålægge vi nævnte stads rådmænd med kraft at indkræve efter deres procesmåde, hvormed nævnte høvedsmand i vort navn virkningsfuldt skal hjælpe dem. Ydermere giver og tilstår vi med dette brev alle peblinge, som besøger nævnte domskole fuld sikkerhed og fred fra høvedsmandens og hans undergivnes side og for alle og enhver, som vil gøre eller undlade at gøre noget for vor skyld, uanset om samme høvedsmand eller hans undergivne eller hvilken som helst anden har nogen som helst grund til fjendskab eller vrede mod deres forældre og slægtninge. Til vidnesbyrd herom er vort segl hængt under dette brev. Givet i Vordingborg i det Herrens år 1319 ottendedagen efter apostelen og evangelisten Johannes’ dag i vor nærværelse.


Comments: The royal letter does not explicitly say anything about the Order of Preachers, but the phrase other schools” undoubtedly refers to (at least among others) the Dominican convent school of the city. It was this royal privilege of 1319 that the cathedral chapter of Tallinn claimed had been violated by the Friars Preachers in 1365 29/5 and again at The School Strife of Tallinn in the 1420s (see 1421 7/5).


Published: Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch 1. ser. vol. II no. 666; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VIII no. 83.

Literature: Walther-Wittenheim 1938, 68; Gallén 1946, 182-183; Kala 2013, 248-249.






Last will and testament of King Håkon V of Norway for the four royal chapel chapters around the kingdom, in which the provost of the Chapel of Our Lady in Oslo receives the king’s portable altar along with a silver cross and a small missal – containing some relics – which has been written by Fr. Hjalm of the Friars Preachers. For the collegiate community at the same chapter, the king gives, among other things, his portable breviary, also written by Fr. Hjalm, “for the benefit of those of the chapter clergy, who – with the provost’s permission – travels outside the college”, along with another one, recently written in Paris, “for the use of those, who teach at the college”.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Latin.


….. quingentas marchas puri et examinati argenti, et centum marchas terre de possessionibus nostris in Vichia; ultra omne illud, quod prius ecclesie sepefate pro fabrica, sustentatione, reparatione et pro conservatione tectorum, vestimentorum, librorum ac rerum aliarum in eadem ecclesia existentium dedimus. Ad hec innovamus et confirmamus omnia jura privilegia et libertates predicte capelle regie et clericis et laicis ad eandem capellam spectantibus per nos prius concessa. Item legamus pro clericis studentibus eiusdem ecclesie et capelle regie trecentas marchas puri argenti, cum qua quidem summa pecunie bona et possessiones infra vel extra regnum emi debent pro sustentatione studentium capelle antedicte. Item legamus preposito capelle regie sepefate capellam nostram cotidianam et portatilem cum omnibus ornamentis et indumentis in ea existentibus, una cum cruce argentea et cum parvo missali, in quo reliquie sunt reposite, quod frater Hiallm ordinis predicatorum manu propria conscripsit; ea conditione adjecta, quod idem prepositus et sui successors prepositi in die anniversarii nostri singulis annis perpetue teneantur pascere cum cibo et potu ·lx· personas pauperum; nec non et in omni sabbato pascere septem pauperes clericos cum pane et butiro et uno ferculo cum cerevisia. Idem vero clerici erunt astricti recepta elemosina singulis sabbatis dicere quilibet eorum quinque Ave Maria cum quinque genuflexionibus coram altare et ymagine beate Marie virginis in ecclesia antedicta. Preterea legamus communi et collegio dicte ecclesie predium et possessionem nostram de Lyn in Oslohærad, cum omnibus juribus, utilitatibus et pertinentiis novis et antiquis, ad eandem possessionem nostram de Lyn spectantibus, et breviarium nostrum portatile, quod dictus frater Hiallm conscripsit, quod illis clericis et collegio, qui cum licentia prepositi ad negotiandum extra collegium proficiscuntur, una cum alio noviter Parisiis conscripto, pro usibus eiusdem collegii infirmantium deputato; sub hac conditione, quod clerici eiusdem communitatis et collegii debeant in die anniversarii nostri singulis annis perpetuo ·lx· pauperes pascere et ·xiii· alias personas ultra ·lx· paupers honeste pascere; quorum tredecim octo debent esse masculini sexus, quinque feminini; quorum pedes lavari debent ab aliquo vel aliquibus dicti collegii, et dari de bonis communitatis cuilibet masculo octo et cuilibet mulieri septem ulnæ de vædmal, et quinque denarii, qui vulgariter væghnir dicuntur, ad laudem et honorem virginis gloriose. Cum hoc debet dictum collegium et commune pascere octo clericos cum pane de butiro et uno ferculo et cerevisia in singulis sabbatis tocius anni, perpetuo. Idem vero clerici pauperes obligantur percepta elemosina dicere … Ave Maria, cum totidem genuflectionibus in ecclesia predicta coram ymagine et altari beate Marie virginis et matris Jesu Christi, verum etiam prepositus et clerici collegii memorati erunt obligati ad celebrandum perpetuo singulis annis cum cantu, compulsationibus et luminaribus anniversarium nostrum et domine Eufemie regine consortis nostre cum omni sollempnitate, qua anniversaria consveverant devotius celebrari. Legamus etiam ecclesie duodecimo apostolorum Bergis, capelle regie ·lxxta· marchas puri argenti, ad tabulam pro reliquiis faciendam, ad modum tabule reliquiarum, que in ecclesia beate Marie virginis in Osloya, et pro duabus manibus faciendis, ad reliquias in eisdem reponendas, et duos textus argenteos cum reliquiis in eisdem existentibus, quos in capella nostra habere consuevimus; et revestimenta, casulam, duas dalmaticas, ·iii· cappas de albo panno serico velato, et duas dalmaticas cum una cappa de panno serico velato violatici coloris; nec non et ad edificationem et structuram eiusdem ecclesie apostolorum Bergis omnes redditus nostros regales Hiætlandie et in insulis Farensibus, ita quod quidam qui predicte ecclesie fabrice preest computum inde faciat heredibus nostris singulis annis et preposito ecclesie antedicte, hac conditione observata, quod edificio et structura sepefate ecclesie completis perfectis et consumatis prefati redditus ex Hiætlandia et insulis Farensibus redeant ad coronam. Ratificamus insuper et confirmamus omnia privilegia nostra et predecessorum nostrorum Norwegie regum et reginarum, predicte ecclesie concessa. Ecclesie vero beati Olavi de Avalldsnes capelle regie legamus omnia indumenta, libros et reliquias, que in eadem ecclesia modo continentur, et omnes pannos sericos rubei coloris velatos pro indumentis faciendis, que in cista nostra inveniuntur; et tantum de panno serico aurifilo contexto, quod sufficiat ad ornatum dictorum indumentorum, et unam casulam albam de serico cum duabus dalmaticis, tribus cappis et uno antependio et unam cappam argenteam pro corpore Christi, cum una magna campana, que fusa fuit in Anglia per Siglavum. Et cum hoc confirmamus dicte ecclesie omnia privilegia et libertates per nos et dominam Eufemiam bone memorie quondam con jugem nostram concessa. Et edificio et structure eiusdem ecclesie legamus omnes redditus nostros in Kormt, quousque predictum edificium fuerit completum et perfectum; consummato dicto edificio predicti redditus de Kormt redeant ad coronam. Ecclesie vero beati Michaelis archangeli in castro nostro Tunsbergis, capelle regie, legamus omnia ornamenta, vasa, libros, reliquias et omnes alias res, que reposite sunt in ecclesia antedicta, casulam unam, duas dalmaticas et tres cappas de serico blavei …..


Comments: Only a fragment of the will is preserved, neither containing the beginning nor the end. Thus, it is not explicitly dated, but the editor of DN has placed it within the last seven years of the reign of King Håkon V (1312-1319). ● Fr. Hjalm of the Friars Preachers was most likely affiliated to one of the Norwegian convents (i.e. Nidaros, Bergen or Oslo), and he may be identical to the Fr. Hjalm of the convent in Bergen, who in September 1303 testified in favour of Bishop Narve OP and the cathedral chapter of Bergen. Less likely is he also the Fr. Helmericus, who was prior of the convent in Århus in 1300 12/4. ● On King Håkon V Magnusson of Norway, see 1296. ● The royal chapels constituted a special ecclesiastical institution within the Norwegian Church. The kings of Norway had held jus patronatus for a number of chapels around the kingdom since the mid-thirteenth century, but during the reign of King Håkon V Magnusson (1299-1319), four of these chapels in the major Norwegian cities were promoted to a higher dignity, with collegiate chapters of ‘royal chaplains’ placed outside episcopal jurisdiction. Two of these chapters, in Bergen and Oslo, where led by provosts, of which the former also held a superior rank as magister capellanus for all the royal chapels in Norway, and with privileges similar to those of a bishop. To little surprise, the legitimacy and authority of this parallel institution was continuously challenged by the episcopal church, particularly the archbishop of Nidaros and the bishop of Bergen. Thus, by producing and distributing pastoral manuals for the royal clergy, the Friars Preachers of Norway very much risked provoking the episcopal church of the kingdom.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. IV no. 128.






Convent of Bergen

Last will and testament for Torfinn in Henriksgård in Bergen, in which he leaves 2 marks silver to the convent of Friars Preachers in Bergen.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Old Norwegian.


In nomine Domini amen. Ek Thorfinner i Hæinreksgarde þo at kranker i lifinu hæill at viti oc skynsemd gerir ek þetta mitt testamentum, fyrst at ek gefer Gudi allzvalldanda i valld oc vaare fru sancte Marie oc allum Guds hæiloghum monnum, at þæir see bidiande fyrir mer overdughum, kys ek mer leghstad at Kristkirkiu i Biorghvin i Thomasstuku, gefer ek þængat til leghstads mins, fiora manada mata bol i Grengom i Haukadali oc æit af þæim fiorom til skrasættningar kirkiu til uppgærdar, þriu linspund vax, tolf aura til offers oc tva skillinga enska, oc balldekinn þat sem ek køypti i sumar, þat skal Brynilldr lata skera møsso klæde af til Thomas stuku. Item ænn i þæirri som[u] jord tvæggia manada mata bol, oc pund vax, a þann haatt er minn herra biscopenn vill lofa liki Gunnilldar minnar þengat inn sem ek ligger, so skall ok Brynilldr lata lesa salomøsso innan þessara tolf manada hværsdaghlegha i Thomas stuku oc lysa med vax at þæim møssom halfan øyri hværium vicario. Item a ofan til brødra tvær merkr brendar. Item til Krosskirkiu mork forna kirkiu till uppgerdar. Item sira Azla mork forna, halft annat pund vax, mork peninga til offers oc skilling enskan. Item læighu prestenom halfa mork peninga. Item sira Birni lindabindan er hærra Einar gaf mer, en þat halft annat pund vax skal vera lidught til siaundar minnar. Item til Wilialms kirkiu halfa mork penninga, halft kirkiu en halft prestenom. Item Litlu Kristkirkiu halfmork, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til Postola kirkiu þær tiu merkr er ek gerdi vt til Færøya med Ellingi skal kirkian hafa af þria luti til uppgerdar en brøderner fiordongenn. Item Olafs kirkiu a Bokkum mork peninga, halft prestonom en halft kirkiu. Item til Mariukirkiu mork forna, halft prestonom en halft kirkiu. Item til Lafranz kirkiu halfa mork penninga, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til Peters kirkiu halfa mork, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til Columbe kirkiu halfa mork, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til Nichulas kirkiu halfa mork peninga, halft prestenom oc halft kirkiu. Item til Martæins kirkiu halfa mork penninga, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til Hallvardzkirkiu halfa mork, prestenom skal hafa halfa, halfa kirkian. Item til Michials kirkiu halfa mork peninga, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til brødra mork brenda. Item Katerine kirkiu halfa mork peninga, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til Nunnuseters halfa mork brenda kirkiu til upgerdar. Item til Allhæilaghra kirkiu halfa mork peninga, halft prestenom en halft kirkiu. Item til Agatokirkiu halfa mork peninga. Fær ek þessom monnom Jone notario oc Svæini klerk fullt valld oc umbod af minni hende at fylghia fram þesso minu testamentum.


Comments: The text is based on a lost transcript in a letter book for the city of Bergen. The will is not dated, but it is placed just before a letter from 1321. ● The donation in question is made for a ofan til brødra (the outer friars’), which in Bergen was the term used to identify the Dominican priory, situated out on the cape, from the inner friars’ of the Franciscan friary, situated further inland. ● Torfinn in Henriksgård in Bergen is not further identified. From his choice of burial place in Kristkirken and the long list of church endowments he would appear to have belonged to the elite Norwegian burghers of Bergen (Isdahl 2007, 26).


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. VII no. 94.




1321 18/6


Province of Dacia, Convent of Sigtuna

Fr. Laurentius Tyllingensis of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna represents the province of Dacia as diffinitor at the general chapter in Florence. After the chapter, he co-seals along with the other diffinitors a letter by Master General Herveus Natalis to the entire Order concerning measures taken against discrepance with the movement of ‘Spirituals’ within the Order, especially present in the province of Romana.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


Volumus et ordinamus, quod diffinitores anni presentis et socii eorumdem cum pueris in redeundo de capitulo generali bene et curialiter recipiantur, caritative tractentur et secundum facultatem conventuum melius procurentur. Noverint universi presentes literas inspecturi, quod nos frater Herveus, magister ordinis fratrum predicatorum, Petrus de Palude, magister in theologia, diffinitor Francie, Recuperus de Guardavalle Senensis, diffinitor provincie Romane, Stephanus diffinitor Polonie, Benedictus de Pesculo, inquisitor, diffinitor regni Sicilie, Philippus de Cumis diffinitor Lombardie superioris, Gulielmus de Ebruton, magister in theologia, diffinitor Anglie, Bernardus de Pino diffinitor Aragonie, Henricus de Grunic diffinitor Theutonie, Benedictus de Vaccia diffinitor Hungarie, Rogerius de Marcia diffinitor Lombardie inferioris, Gienisius de Bruna diffinitor Bohemie, Gulielmus Dulcini de monte Albano diffinitor provincie Tholosane, Corradus de Albersthat diffinitor Saxonie, Laurencius Tyllingensis de conventu Sictuniensi diffinitor Dacie, Nicholaus de Creta diffinitor Grecie, et Petrus Lamberti lector Montispessulani diffinitor provincie Provincie, auditis et etiam receptis in scriptis delacionibus contra fratres aliquos de Romana provincia, qui spirituales ab aliquibus vocabantur, diligenti prius inquisitione premissa, examinando delatos per sententiam excommunicationis et per preceptum et etiam juramentum, non invenimus in predictis esse probatum contra eos aliquid contra fidem seu etiam bonos mores, nec etiam in eis invenimus singularitatem vite fundatam in aliqua heresi vel errore. Volentes igitur finem ponere in predictis et quos non invenimus nocentes per aliquod contra eos probatum seu etiam confessatum, salvare et excusare, ut de jure tenemur, ac in posterum precavere, ne in nostro ordine et maxime in Romana provincia de predictis et circa predicta aliqua scandala oriantur, fecimus, que sequuntur: Primo determinamus omnes nemine discrepante et ex conscientia et de jure nichil esse probatum contra eos, qui spirituales vocantur, seu confessatum per eos contra fidem et bonos mores et contra singularitatem vite in aliquo errore seu secta fundatam; Secundo publice inhibemus et districtius, ne aliquis frater singularitatem habeat in modo vivendi, que de se induceret in scandalum vel errorem, et nullus frater singularis in orationibus sive abstinentiis et modo vivendi quantumcumque etiam virtuoso alios pro secta et colligatione fienda ad se trahere audeat quoquomodo, et penas imponimus contrarium facientibus valde graves; Tercio prohibemus districte sub penis determinatis et gravibus, ne aliquis ex proposito vel deliberatione et ex certa scientia fratrem aliquem vel aliquos in communi spirituales vel de spiritu seu etiam spigolistas vel quovis nomine significante sectam vel colligantiam singularem appellare presumat. In horum autem omnium firmitatem et robur ego frater Herveus, magister ordinis, presentes literas sigilli nostri et sigillorum omnium predictorum diffinitorum feci munimine roborari. Datum Florencie post capitulum generale anno Domini MCCCXXI die ∙xviiia∙ junii.


Comments: Fr. Laurentius Tyllingensis is not known with certainty from any other sources. His byname suggests a connection to Tillinge (Tillinge parish, diocese of Uppsala) near Enköping, about 40 km west of Sigtuna. Gallén identified him with a canon secular, Magister Laurentius, acting at the cathedral chapter of Uppsala from 1289-1302, after which he was supposed to have joined the Order, but the thesis seems rather unfounded; if Gallén is right, though, Tillinge probably referred to Laurentius’ prebend while a canon (Gallén 1946, 111 with note 49). ● The ‘Spirituals’ of the Dominican Order was closely related to a contemporary reform movement in the Franciscan Order, which at this time was particularly strong in Tuscany and eventually led to a permanent division of the Friars Minor. In both orders, the Spirituals promoted a more strict observance to what they interpreted as the original essence of the ideas of their founding masters. For the Friars Preachers, the Spiritual discussion had begun in the province of Romana in late thirteenth century, but was apparently settled at a provincial chapter in Todi in 1319 with three conclusive decrees: 1. The thoughts and acts of the zealous friars (the Spirituals) were recognized as fully legitimate and non-heretical; 2. For the sake of continued unity and concord, controversial points should no longer be discussed publicly; and 3. The term ‘Spirituals’ was no longer permitted used on or by Friars Preachers as it engendered discord within the Order. It was these three decrees of Todi that the master general confirmed with his letter after the general chapter in 1321.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, pp. 136-138.





Province of Dacia, Convents of Næstved and Roskilde

Fr. Canutus, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, dies in office in Næstved. Fr. Wernerus of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde is elected new prior provincial.


Source: Bernardi Guidonis Historia.

Language: Latin.


Octavus prior provincialis fuit frater Canutus, qui successit fratri Petro de Rusquillis anno Domini MCCCVIII. (Hic obiit Nesvik in officio quod tenuit gloriose fere tredecim annis (…). Nonus fuit frater Wernerus de Roskildis qui tenuit officium septem annis fuitque absolutus in capitulo Pirpiniano anno Domini MCCCXXVIII. (...).)


Dansk oversættelse:

Den ottende provincialprior var broder Knud, som efterfulgte broder Peder af Roskilde i det Herrens år 1308. (Han døde i Næstved i embedet, som han holdt med ære i næsten 13 år (…). Den niende var broder Verner af Roskilde, som holdt embedet i syv år og blev afløst på generalkapitlet i Perpignan i det Herrens år 1328.


Comments: The notes the duration of his provincial office and the place of his death are only known from an addition to the original list preserved in a manuscript version from Barcelona (Codex Barchionensis); the addition is written with a different hand than the preceding text. ● The year is not explicitly dated. According to the chronicle, Fr. Canutus was elected in 1308 and held office for almost 13 years, and his successor was absolved at the general chapter in Perpignan in 1328 after seven years of service; thus, this would both point to 1321. However, the general chapter of Perpignan, where an unnamed provincial of Dacia was indeed absolved, took place in 1327, not in 1328, so the preceding change of provincial may just as well have occurred in 1320. ● On Fr. Canutus, see 1308. ● Fr. Wernerus (Verner) is not mentioned by name in any other sources. He seems to have been at the general chapter in Vienna in 1322, since the following chapter in 1323 (15/5) absolved the prior of the convent in Cologne, who allegedly had given the Dacian provincial a poor reception on his journey home from the chapter. Fr. Wernerus himself was absolved from provincial office by the general chapter in 1327 (31/5), along with two other provincials and without any explicit reason. According to the chronicle, he died shortly after (perhaps in 1328) and was buried with the convent in Åhus; this suggests that he may have asked for his absolution himself due to poor health.


Published:  Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum vol. 70, pp. 88-89; Priores prouinciales in prouincia Dacie (online).




1322 10/6


Convent of Roskilde

Prior Johannes and the convent of Friars Preachers in Roskilde together with Provost Skjalm and the cathedral chapter of Roskilde act as witnesses in certified copy of a papal letter to the Franciscan sisters of St. Clare.


Source: Original document. Arnamagnæan Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, Skelmerus prepositus Roskildensis, totumque capitulum canonicorum ibidem, frater Iohannes prior fratrum predicatorum Roskildensium, ac conuentus eorundem ibidem, salutem in domino Iesu Christo. Nouerint uniuersi, nos litteras sanctissimi patris domini Bonifacii octaui felicis memorie, non cancellatas, non rasas, non abolitas, nec in aliqua parte sui suspectas uel uiciatas, sub uera bulla, et filo de serico uidisse, tenorem infra scriptum de uerbo ad uerbum continentes: Bonifacius episcopo (...). In cuius rei testimomium sigilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum Roskildis anno domini millesimo.ccc.xx.secundo quarta feria proxima post dominicam sancte trinitatis.


Comments: This is the only mentioning of Fr. Johannes as prior of the convent in Roskilde. His identity is unknown, but he might be identical with the Fr. Johannes de Dacia, who became penitentiary in Avignon in 1324, and later returned to Roskilde as Bishop Johannes Nyborg (†1344) in 1330 15/6; certainly, the priorate was occupied by Fr. Bent (Benedictus) in 1327. An alternative possibility is Fr. Johannes Albus, known as lector of the Roskilde convent in 1325, who was appointed vicar general for the province of Dacia by the general chapter in 1327. The certification to the Franciscan nunnery was of a papal bull from 1296. There is no immediate reason as to why the friars performed this favour to the Franciscan nuns. Provost Skjalm Pedersen (Skelmerus Petri) is known as provost in Roskilde from 1315 till his death in 1331. Otherwise, not much can be said about him, but his first name might indicate a relation to the Hvide family. In the cathedral chapter of Roskilde, the provost ranked second after the dean, but since the old bishop had recently died, and the dean (Johannes Hind) had been elected new bishop the same Spring, a new dean had not been chosen at this time.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VIII no. 420.




1322 19/10


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde?

On behalf of the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde, Fr. Bent of the Friars Preachers receives a deed on property in Ølsemagle and Lyngby from Mrs. Edel, widow of Niels Tinde, as dowry for her daughter’s entry in the nunnery.


Source: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Language: A. Latin. B. Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus. Nicholaus dictus Sweyn, Nicholaus Jønæssun, Magnus dictus Toddæ, Iacobus dictus Hafwræ, Nicholaus Grybby, Petrus Geræthsun, salutem in domino sempiternam. Notum facimus uniuersis tam presentibus quam futuris, nos presentes fuisse quod anno domini m.ccc.xx.ii domina Hætlæ relicta Nicholai dicti Tindæ, presencialiter constituta in placito Syalendie generali in crastino Luce ewangeliste scotari fecit per manum filii sui Heninnggi Tuuæsun, fratre Benedicto scotacionem recipiente, monasterio sancte Agnetis Roskildis racione recepcionis filie sue ad ordinem sororum in loco supradicto dimidium bool in censu terre in Olsyæ Maglæ, et octo solidos terre in censu in Lungby in Flackæbyershæræth cum domibus, fructibus, ac omnibus aliis mobilibus et inmobilibus pertinentibus ad bona predicta, iure perpetuo possidenda, ita tamen quod filia sua, fructus et prouentus de bonis in Lungby, pro usibus suis diebus uite sue leuet postmodum monasterium sororum predictarum ut tenetur. Promisit insuper domina predicta bona memorata, monasterio predicto, conseruare, ab inpeticione cuiuslibet, quousque sorores dicti loci in possessione debita, secura et consueta, fuerint, secundum leges patrie ad hoc constitutas. In cuius rei testimonium siggilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum anno et die supradictis.


B (registration of A):

Ett breff, att fru Hettle, Niels Tyndes efftherleffuerske haffuer befalitt hindis søn Hening Tyndeszen att schøde broder Bentt ett halfftt boell j Öllszemagle och otte skelling jord j Lundby j Flackebiergs herritt paa hinders datters wegne, som gaffs j closter. 1322.


English translation of B:

A letter that Mrs. Edel, widow of Niels Tinde, have instructed her son Henning Tindesen to deed Fr. Bent half a bol in Ølsemagle and 8 shilling land in Lundby in Flakkebjerg Herred on behalf of her daughter, who was given in monastery. 1322.


Comments: Fr. Bent (Benedictus) also acted on behalf of the sisters in 1315 18/1 (see comment here). The conveyance took place at the ‘landsting’ of Zealand with thingstead in Ringsted. The donating family is not known otherwise, but appears to be of Zealandic petty nobility. Ølsemagle (Olsyæ Maglæ) is a parochial village in Ramsø Herred, eastern Zealand, while Lyngby (Lungby) was a village in Eggeslevmagle Parish, Flakkebjerg Herred in south-western Zealand. A bol constituted what was considered a full-sized farm.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. VIII no. 450. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 288.




1323 (15/5)


Province of Dacia, Convent of Cologne (prov. Teutonia)

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers absolves Fr. Jacobus de Buscho, prior of the convent in Cologne, because of poor reception and irreverent treatment of the prior provincial of Dacia on his return journey from the preceding general chapter in Vienna.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis apud Barchinonam celebrati anno Domini MCCCXXIII. (…) Iste sunt penitentie. Quoniam fratres Jacobus de Buscho, prior Coloniensis de provincia Theutonie, priorem provincialem Dacie redeuntem de capitulo preterito Viennensi male recepit et irreverenter tractavit, eum a suo officio in penam absolvimus. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

I Faderens og Sønnens og Helligåndens navn, amen. Dette er akterne af generalkapitlet afholdt i Barcelona i det Herrens år 1323. (…) Dette er afstraffelserne: Eftersom broder Jakob de Buscho, prior af Köln i provinsen Teutonia, lod provincialprioren af Dacia på tilbagevejen fra det forudgående kapitel i Wien blive dårligt modtaget og respektløst behandlet, afsætter vi ham som straf fra hans embede. (…)


Comments: The prior provincial of Dacia at the time was most likely Fr. Wernerus, who had been elected for office in 1320-21. ● The previous general chapter, which the prior provincial had attended, was held in Vienna around pentecost 1322.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, p. 149.




1323 15/8

Convent of Holbæk

The church of the Friars Preachers in Holbæk, raised by King Christoffer II of Denmark, is consecrated by Bishop Niels of Børglum.


Source: Annales Petri Olavi.

Language: Latin.


1323. Ecclesia fratrum predicatorum in Holbeck edificata est per Christoforum regem, et concecrata est per Nicolaum episcopum Burglanensem in festo assumptionis beatis virginis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Prædikebrødrenes kirke i Holbæk bliver opført af kong Christoffer og bliver indviet af biskop Niels af Børglum på Jomfru Marias himmelfartsdag.


Comments: The entry suggests that the construction of the priory church was at least partially funded by King Christoffer II of Denmark, making it one of only two instances of royal involvement with Dominican convent foundations in Denmark. Christoffer did, however, have special relations to Holbæk, where he from 1297 at the latest was installed as royal chieftain and fief-holder at Holbæk Castle. He became king in 1320, when his brother Erik IV Menved died childless. Thus, the funding initiative must have been made in his time as local lord, not as king of Denmark. ● On Bishop Niels of Børglum, see 1328 12/2. The reason that the church was consecrated by the bishop of Børglum and not its ‘own’ bishop of Roskilde is that the latter, Johannes Hind, at this time was living in exile due to a conflict with the king. In addition, Bishop Niels was a very good friend of the Order of Preachers, and he himself planned to join the Order in 1328 12/2. ● The patron saint of the Dominican priory and church in Holbæk is not known, but since the church was consecrated on the Day of Assumption of the Holy Virgin, it is plausible that she was among its main patrons. ● Since the convent in Holbæk was established in 1275, it has traditionally been suggested that the church of 1323 replaced one destroyed by the fire in 1287, but the entry for this year only states that the friars’ domus in Holbæk burned down, it says nothing about any church. Thus, it is quite likely that this was indeed the first priory church of the Friars Preachers in Holbæk.


Published: Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. I, p. 190; Annales Danici, p. 210.

Literature: Jakobsen 2003.




1323 2/10


Convents of Tallinn (prov. Dacia) and Riga (prov. Saxonia)

Fr. Arnoldus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn, and Fr. Wessellus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Riga, are representing the royal Danish sheriff in Tallinn and the city of Riga respectively at the peace negotiations in Vilnius with King Gediminas of Lithuania.


Sources: A. Original document. The State Archives of Latvia, Riga. B-C. Transcript in papal confirmation of 1324 31/8. Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Königsberg.

Languages: A. German. B-C. Latin.



Alle de gene, de dessen breff ansen und horen, de latet groten de baden der landesheren und der stede, de to Liflande und to Estlande und to Curlande sint, de van den sulven heren und steden sant sint to Gedeminnen, deme koninge van Lettowen, und vunscet en heil und frede in Gode. Wi boden, herr Arnolt Stoyve, de in des bischoppes stede is van der Rige an gestliken saken (…); van des hovetmannes wegene des edelen koninges van Denemarken und siner menen man, broder Arnolt, de prior van Revele und her Hinric van Parenbeke; (…) van der stades wegene van der Rige her Hinric van der Mothowe, her Johan Langeside, her Ernest, van dersulven stad, broder Wessel, prior der predikere, van der minnerbroder wegene broder Albrecht Sluc: Wi hebben met desseme vorbenomenden koninge Gedeminnen enen steten vrede gemaket und met allen sinen luden, de unde eme beseten sint, vor alle kerstene lude, de ere boden to eme senden und vrede met eme holden willet, dar wil he gerne vrede mede hebben in aldussdaniker wise: (…) Desse bref is utgegeven uppe deme hus thor Vilne, na unses Heren bort dusent jar dre hundert jar in deme dre und tvintegesten jare, des sunnendages na sunte Micheles dage.


Dansk oversættelse:

Alle dem, der ser dette brev eller hører det læse, hilses af udsendingene fra landsherren og stæderne i Livland, Estland og Kurland, som er sendt af den samme herre og de samme stæder til Gedemin, Litauens konge, og ønsker dem helse og fred med Gud. Vi udsendinge, hr. Arnold Stoyve, som er biskoppen af Rigas stedfortræder i gejstlige sager (...); på vegne af den ædle konge af Danmarks høvedsmand og hans menige mænd, broder Arnold, prior i Reval, og hr. Henrik af Parenbeke; på staden Rigas vegne hr. Heinrich von Mithowe, hr. Johann Langeside, hr. Ernst, af den samme stad, broder Wessel, prior for prædikanterne, på de små brødres vegne broder Albrecht Slut: Vi har med denne fornævnte kong Gedemin og med alle hans mænd, som bor og bygger under ham, sluttet en varig fred for alle kristne, som sender deres udsendinge til ham og vil holde fred med ham og med hvilke han gerne vil holde fred på følgende måde: (...) Til vidnesbyrd om disse fornævnte ting og til stadfæstelse af en varig fred har vi alle hængt vore segl under dette brev. Dette brev er givet i borgen i Vilnius i år 1323 efter Vorherres fødsel på søndagen efter Skt. Mikkelsdag.



Omnibus presens scriptum visuris vel audituris Arnoldus Stoyve venerabilis in Christo patris ac domini, domini Friderici, Dei et apostolice sedis gratia sacrosancte Rigensis ecclesie archiepiscopi, in spiritualibus vicarius generalis (…); frater Arnoldus, prior fratrum predicatorum in Revalia, Hinricus miles de Parenbeke, vasallus excellentissimi principis regis Dacie; (…) dominus Hinricus de Mithowia, Johannes Langleside, Ernestus Dives, consules civitatis Rigensis, frater Wesellus, prior predicatorum, frater Albertus Slut de ordine minorum, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi presentium inspectores, quod nos prenominati nuntii, nuper ad magnificum principem Godemundum, Lethowinorum regem, cum plena potestate faciendi et dimittendi, missi, cum ipso rege et suis, pro omnibus hominibus Christianis, qui suos nuntios ad nos diriguntur et pacem nobiscum tenere intendunt, inivimus pacem stabilem atque firmam, conditione subscripta: (…). Datum in castro nostro Vilna, anno Domini MCCCXXIII dominica proxima post festum beati Michaelis.



Omnibus has litteras visuris vel audituris Gedeminus Lethowinorum rex pacem in Domino et salutem. Universis notum facimus per presentes, quod secundum nostras litteras venerunt ad presentiam nostram nuntii dominorum terrarum Livonie et Estonie: (…) ex parte capitanei nobilissimi regis Dacie et vasallorum suorum frater Arnoldus, prior predicatorum in Revalia, et Hinricus miles de Parenbeke; (…) ex parte civitatis Rigensis domini Hinricus de Mithowia, Johannes Langleside, Ernestus Dives, frater Wessellus, prior predicatorum, et frater Albertus Slut ex parte minorum. (…) Datum in castro nostro Vilna, anno Domini MCCCXXIII dominica proxima post festum beati Michaelis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Gedemin, konge af Litauen, til alle, der ser dette brev eller hører det læse: Fred og hilsen med Gud. Vi gør vitterligt for alle med dette brev, at i medfør af vort brev fremmødte følgende sendebud for os fra herrerne af Livland og Estland: (…) for Danmarks højbårne konges høvedsmand og hans vasaller broder Arnold, prior for prædikanterne i Reval, og ridder Henrik af Parenbeke; (…) på vegne af staden Riga hr. Heinrich Mithowe, Johann Langeside, Ernst Dive, broder Wessel, prædikanternes prior, og broder Albrecht Slut på vegne af de små brødre. (…) Givet på vor borg Vilnius i det Herrens år 1323 på søndagen efter Skt. Mikkelsdag.


Comments: The peace treaty was confirmed by Pope John XXII in 1324 31/8 (LEKUB 1. ser. vol. II no. 707), from which the transcripts of B and C are preserved. ● Fr. Arnoldus is known as prior of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn since 1315. ● The Danish king of the time was Christoffer II (1320-1326 and 1329-1332).


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. IX no. 67. A-B. Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch 1. ser. vol. II no. 694. C. Liv-, Est- und Kurländisches Urkundenbuch 1. ser. vol. II no. 693; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. IX no. 68.




1324 28/3


Convent of Turku

The bailiff of Finland, Algot Jonsson, enjoins the mayors and city councillors of Turku to pay 100 mark in fine for unjustly having made claims on properties belonging to the Friars Preachers, the secular clergy, school children, orphants and widows in Turku, just as all the impounded property is to be handed back to its rightful owners.


Source: Transcript in Registrum ecclesiae Aboensis.

Language: Latin.


Universis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint Algotus Jonson salutem in domino sempiternam quia proconsules et consules civitatis Aboensis ausu temerario a libra equitatis et rationis tramite delirantes reverendis viris dominis fratribus predicatoribus clericis laicis pupillis orphanis et viduis possessiones quas ab antiquis temporibus jure paterno seu [d]onationis vel emptionis tytulo legittime possiderent violenter usurpare et indebite subtrahere minime formidabant. Nos autem ipsorum proconsulum et consulum in communi placido terre et predicte civitatis consistorio processum huiuscemodi temerarium invenientes et iniquum plusque misericordiam quam juris rigorem in hac parte sollicite amplectantes ob ipsorum proconsulum et consulum propriam pretium instantiam et beneplacitum multorumque discretorum interpositionem a prenominatis proconsulibus et consulibus centum markas Sweve monete cum multiplici gratiarum actione levavimus supradictis dominis clericis ac laycis possessiones suas omnes et singulas quas primitus habuerant more solito reedificando et in posterum ab ipsis et suis heredibus possidendas adjudicavimus pleno jure cum divinum et humanum sit judicium unicuique quod suum est refundere nec aliena appetere concupiscere vel habere sine causa. In cuius rei evidenciam firmiorem sigillum nostrum una cum sigillo civitatis memorate presenti sedule duximus apponendum. Datum Abo anno Domini MCCCXXIIII quinto kalendas aprilis.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. III no. 2460; Åbo domkyrkas Svartbok no. 36; Finlands Medeltidsurkunder no. 317.




1324 (3/6)


Provinces of Dacia and Regni Sicilia

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers prescribes commemorational prayers for Fr. Andreas, diffinitor of the province of Regni Sicilia, who died on his way home from the preceding chapter in Barcelona, and for the diffinitor of the province of Dacia, who has died on his way to the present chapter in Bordeaux.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis apud Burdigalam celebrati anno Domini MCCCXXIIII. (…) Ista sunt suffragia (…) Pro defunctis viginti. Notum facimus fratribus universis, quod frater Andreas diffinitor pro provincia regni Sicilie, rediens de capitulo generali Barcinone celebrato, mortuus fuit in via. Item, notum facimus, quod diffinitor pro provincia Dacie, veniens Burdigalam ad capitulum generale, mortuus est in via. (…)


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. ● It is unknown who the deceased diffinitor of Dacia was.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, p. 154.




(1324) 14/8


Convent of Oslo

Knight Bertrand de Succiolis, procurator for King Magnus Eriksson of Norway-Sweden at the Curia in Avignon, informs Bishop Audfinn of Bergen that Bertrand’s servant Aymeric Beronis has died in Oslo while travelling to Norway in official business with various valuable items for the king and his mother. Aymeric’s belongings are now deposited with the Friars Preachers in Oslo and with the king’s seneschal Erling Vidkunnsson, and the bishop is asked to help getting the belongings handed over to Bertrand and Aymeric’s father, along with some money due to him.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Latin.


Reverendo in Christo patri et domino suo specialissimo, domino Alfinno divina providente clementia episcopo Bergensi, Bertrandus de [Succiolis] miles de castro de Poio ... et ville sancti Clementis dominus, suus ubique devotus, se ipsum cum omni recommendatione reverentie et honoris. Noveritis, mi domine reverende, quod ego et Raymundus Lamena in Romana curia pro negotiis illustrissimi principis domini Norvegie regis nostri pro posse meo procurandis et expediendis, et ibidem diu moram traxi, exspectans responsionem de negotiis dicti domini nostri regis et adhuc exspecto continuo, quam adhuc habere non possum, ut evidenter in litteris dicti domini mei regis dinoscitur apparere. Insuper, reverendissime pater et domine, quia Aymericus Beronis, valletus et familiaris meus, dictam regiam majestatem et dominam meam dominam matrem suam anelanter appetiit visitare, egoque de hiis gaudens quam plurimum sibi pecuniam largiflue tradidi, ut jocalia et res necessarias regali culmine et prefate domine matri sue portaret, qui, ut relatu fide digno percepi, in regno Norvegie viam est universe carnis ingressus, rebus suis ac meis penes fratres predicatores civitatis Asloyie et dominum Erlingum dapiferum dicti domini nostri regis dimissis, et audio quod adhuc debetur aliqua pecunie quantitas. Quare reverendissimam paternitatem benignitatemque vestram mihi caram precibus quibus possum deprecor et exoro, ut procuratori seu procuratoribus meis et patris Aymerici prefati, si placet, habeatis recommendatos, predicta bona ac pecuniam sibi debitam dum vivebat, per dictum dominum nostrum regem tradi et assignare absque diminutione aliqua mandare dignatur. Verum, mi reverendissime pater et domine, cum ego mittam ad dictum dominum nostrum regem procuratorem meum pro predictis nec non pro quibusdam aliis propriis nostris negociis expediendis, rogo seu deprecor excellentissimam dignitatem et paternitatem mihi caram, humiliter quanto carius possum, quatinus predictum procuratorem recommendatum habeatis, et ipsum in hiis que poteritis meis precibus dirigatis et amore taliter quod vobis tenear ad merita gratiarum; ipse enim vobis notificabit nova istius patrie oraculo vive vocis, quare habeatis me excusatum, quia vobis non scribo ad plenum de negotiis regiis totaliter occupatus. Recommendans me vestre digne paternitati excellentie et honori, paratus ad ea que dignitatis paternitatis excellentie honoris et commodi obsecundant. Deus per sui misericordiam conservet vos vestramque celsitudinem mihi caram per tempora longiora. Datum in curia Romana Avinione in vigilia beate Marie de medio Augusto.


Comments: The transcript date only has a day, not a year, but in the collection of transcripts it is placed between letters from 1324 and 1325. ● It is unclear why some of the belongings had been deposited with the Friars Preachers; perhaps Aymeric had been accommodated at the priory while in Oslo.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. IV no. 163.




1325 7/4


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde

Fr. Johannes, lector of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde, attests to have witnessed Christine Jonsdatter Sjællandsfar make the vow to the prioress of the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde, after which she took the veil. This took place during the sisters’ Easter Mass. Fr. Nicolaus Michaelis celebrated the Mass.


Source: Transcripts in Bartholin’s Collectanea and at The Royal Library, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Uniuersis presentes litteras inspecturis frater Iohannes lector fratrum predicatorum Roskildis et Margareta relicta nobilis uiri domini Henrici Albært sen dicta de Thythæbiærgh salutem in domino sempiternam. Ueritati uolentes testimonium perhibere notum facimus et in uerbo ueritatis presentibus protestamur sororem Christinam filiam Iohannis Siælænzfæræ senioris anno domini m.ccc.xx.v. die sancto pasche in missa conuentuali sororum sancte Agnetis post Credo in nostra presentia, sollempnem professionem fecisse in manus priorisse, et uelem quod profitentibus sororibus dari solet in signum perpetue firmitatis deuote et humiliter accepisse. Huic autem sollempni professioni, omnes sorores interfuerunt cum multis aliis secularibus mulieribus et puellis, scilicet domicella Cecilia filia domini Henrici Albærtsen, domicella Ingiærth filia domini Iacobi Niclæssen, et filia Andree Niclæssen de Skania cum aliis multis minus nominatis. Interfuit etiam frater Nicholaus Michaelis qui sacris indutus euangelium sollempniter legit in missa. In quorum omnium testimonium sigilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum Roskildis, anno et die supradictis.


Comments: Fr. Johannes Albus (Johannes Hvide) of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde was appointed vicar general for the province of Dacia by the general chapter in 1327 (31/5); his appointment would suggest that he was representing Dacia as diffinitor at the general chapter in Perpignan. He might also be identical to the Prior Johannes of the Roskilde convent in 1322 10/6. ● Fr. Nicolaus Michaelis (Niels Mikkelsen) is only known from this mentioning. Most likely, he was a priest from the friars’ convent in Roskilde; this is indeed one of the very few insights given by the sources to everyday relations between the two Dominican convents in Roskilde. ● Lady Christine Jonsdatter, daughter of Jens Sjællandsfar the Elder, donated estate to the nunnery in 1316 24/3; her nieces Lunde and Cecilie had been with the sisters since o.1310, and her sister Cecilie since 1315 20/8. ● Lady Margrethe Tygesdatter, who co-witnessed the entrance of Sister Christine, was a wealthy, Zealandic landowner of the Hvide family (in Gallén 1946, 179, she is erroneously related to the family ‘Sjællandsfar’). As a child, she was raised in the nunnery of St. Agnes, and in gratitude of her upbringing with the nuns, she donated some landed estate to the convent in 1322. At this point, she was a widow after Knight Heinrich Albertsen, Count of Eberstein, with manorial seat in Tybjerg in southern Zealand. Her daughter Cecilie was among the other named lay guests at the Easter Mass in the nunnery church.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. IX no. 181.




1325 11/4


Convent of Turku

The convent of Friars Preachers in Turku testifies that Nils Hvit in Kimito has left the disposal of his property entirely to his brother Henrik, a parish curator of Turku.


Source: Transcript in Registrum ecclesiae Aboensis.

Language: Latin.


Universis presens scriptum cernentibus Nicholaus Hwitæ, in Kymittæ commorans, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Tenore presencium omnibus innotescat, quod karissimo fratri meo, domino Henrico, curato et sacriste ecclesie Aboensis, juxta ritum consessum et beneplacitum heredum meorum, bona sua mobilia et immobilia, ex hereditate seu quocunque modo per industriam suam sibi succedencia, libere ordinandi, commutandi, vendendi, in ultimisque vite sue de eisdem pro sue voluntatis libito testandi plenariam confero libertatem, ratum et gratum finaliter habiturus quicquid per ipsum dominum Henricum factum fuerit in premissis. Et ne per me seu quocunque heredes meos huiuscemodi ordinacio molestari, prepediri seu retractari valeat in posterum, presentem cedulam sigillis virorum discretorum, videlicet fratrum predicatorum conventus Finlandensis, domini Elavi de Reso, canonicus Aboensis, Konradi, dilecti generi mei, Henrici de Lybik et Gerardi Watherhonæ, cum sigillum personale non habui, in testimonium duxi evidens muniendam. Scriptum et actum anno Domini MCCCXX quinto, tercio idus aprilis, in civitate Aboensi.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. III no. 2509; Åbo domkyrkas Svartbok no. 39; Finlands Medeltidsurkunder no. 324.




1325 (26/5)


OP, Provinces of Anglia, Dacia, Francia and Lombardia superioris, Convent in Vejle

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers introduces an annual tax to be paid by the priors provincial for the expenses of the Order’s procurator at the Curia; the prior provincial of Dacia is assessed to pay 4 florins a year. Furthermore, the chapter concedes to the foundation of one convent in each of the provinces Lombardia superioris, Francia, Dacia and Anglia.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis apud Venecias celebrati anno Domini MCCCXXV. (…)

   Iste sunt admonitiones et ordinationes. (…) Item, volumus et ordinamus, quod quilibet provincialis teneatur mittere procuratori ordinis pro expensis, que facte sunt in curia pro bullis impetratis, et que fient in posterum, circa festum resurrectionis domini proximum venturum, secundum taxationem infra annotatam: Provincia Hispanie ∙x∙ florenos, Francie ∙xv∙ florenos, provincia Tholosana ∙x∙ florenos, provincia Lombardie inferioris ∙x∙ florenos, provincia regni Sicilie ∙viii∙ florenos, provincia Anglie ∙xii∙ florenos, provincia Theutonie ∙xx∙ florenos, provincia Ungarie ∙viii∙ florenos, provincia Lombardie superioris ∙v∙ florenos, provincia Aragonie ∙x∙ florenos, provincia Polonie ∙iiii∙ florenos, provincia Dacie ∙iiii∙ florenos, provincia Boemie ∙iiii∙ florenos, provincia Saxonie ∙x∙ florenos, provincia Terre sancte ∙x∙ florenos, provincia Grecie ∙vi∙ florenos. (…) [159]

   Concedimus unam domum provincie Lombardie superioris. Item, aliam provincie Francie ponendam in s. Ademaro. Item, aliam provincie Dacie. Item, aliam provincie Anglie ponendam in Ybernia. (…) [161]


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. The convent foundation in Dacia was most probably the one in Vejle, the only one known from this period.


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, pp. 159-161.

Literature: Jakobsen 2021 (Vejle), pp. 95-96.




1326 21/8


Province of Dacia

Pope Johannes XXII complies with a request for help from the Friars Preachers in Dacia, whom due to the infertile land of their province and a ‘cooled-off love’ in the hearts of people find it difficult to receive sufficient with proper food, whenever they are outside the priories preaching, hearing confession or in other legitimate errands, and for this reason they have been forced to eat bread made of rye, barley and even bark, and to drink nothing but water, and therefore they have returned to their convents starved and miserable, more dead than alive. Thus, the pope allows for them to eat meat, if necessary, even if this is against their constitutions, but only on days when all Christians are allowed to do so.


Source: Transcript in Registra Avinionensia. Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Dilectis filiis ... priori provinciali et fratribus ordinis predicatorum provincie Dacie salutem. Presignis ordinis vestri religio fecunditate referta virtutum necnon devotionis sinceritas quam reverenter erga Romanam exhibetis ecclesiam promerentur, ut vos illa gratia prosequamur que necessitatibus vestris fore dinoscitur oportuna. Sane petitio vestra nobis nuper exhibita continebat, quod cum vos in officio predicationis vel audiencia confessionis, aut alicuius alterius necessarie occupationis extra vestros convuentus in provincia vestra esse contingat, sepe per plures dies estis pro alimenta vobis secundum primaria statuta regularia vestri ordinis conveniencia, ac vite necessaria propter terre ipsarum partium vastitatem et sterilitatem, necnon ut refrigescentem in cordibus hominum tempore caritatem, nisi vobiscum portetis, invenire nequitis, immo vos pane grosso siligineo vel ordeaceo, et quandoque pane de corticibus arborum confecto, et aqua sola, plures contentari oportet, propter quod macie et miseria affecti, quasi mortui revertimini ab occupationibus supradictis, et diu ut asseritis in statu huiusmodi vivere non possitis. Quare nobis humiliter supplicastis, ut providere vobis super hoc de oportuno remedio, de benignitate apostolica, misericorditer dignaremur. Nos igitur vobis pio compacientes affectu, et volentes vestris super hoc quantum cum deo possumus necessitatibus providere, huiusmodi supplicationibus inclinati, ut quocienscunque vos seu aliquem vestrum in huiusmodi officio predicationis vel audientia confessionis, aut alicuius necessarie occupationis, extra vestros conventus esse contingerit, ut prefertur et alimenta conveniencia vobis secundum statuta predicta invenire non possetis, super quibus vestras conscientias oneramus, possitis libere vesci carnibus temporibus quibus catholici homines eis in illis partibus vesci solent statutis et consuetudinibus vestri ordinis in contrarium editis nequaquam obstantibus, auctoritate vobis presentium indulgemus. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre concessionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit indignationem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius se nouerit incursurum. Datum Avinione ∙xii∙ kalendas Septembris pontificatus nostri anno decimo.


Dansk oversættelse:

Hilsen til vore elskede sønner ... provincial­prioren og brødrene af Prædikantordenen i provinsen Dacia. Eders ordens udmærkede fromhed, som er fuld af fortjenstfulde dyder, og den oprigtige hengivenhed, som I med ærefrygt viser overfor Romerkirken, fortjener, at vi viser Eder en sådan nåde, som kan afhjælpe Eders trang. I en ansøgning fra Eder, som nylig er forebragt os, stod der, at når det hænder, at I i Eders prædiketjeneste eller når I skal høre skriftemål eller i et andet nødvendigt ærinde befinder Eder udenfor Eders klostre i Eders provins, er I ofte flere dage igennem ude af stand til at skaffe de levnedsmidler, som ifølge ordenens oprindelige almindelige regler passer for Eder, men kan på grund af de udstrakte golde jorder i hine egne og tillige af den grund, at kærligheden i menneskenes sind med tiden ligesom kølnes, ikke finde noget, med mindre I selv bringer det med Eder, ja, at endog adskillige af Eder må nøjes med rug- eller bygbrød og engang imellem med barkbrød og vand alene, så I vender magre og elendige og ligesom døde hjem fra disse udflugter. Og da I, efter hvad I siger, ikke kan leve længe i denne tilstand, har I derfor nu ydmygt ansøgt os om, at vi med apostolisk velvilje i vor barmhjertighed ville sørge for Eder med et passende lægemiddel i dette anliggende. Vi tænker da kærligt på Eder og vil tage os af Eders nød, så godt vi efter Guds vilje kan, og vi bøjer os for denne Eders ansøgning og giver Eder ved dette brev bevilling på, at I hver gang I eller en af Eder i ovennævnte prædiketjeneste eller når I skal høre skriftemål eller har en anden nødvendig beskæftigelse og derfor befinder Eder udenfor Eders klostre, som anført, og ikke kan finde næringsmidler, som efter ordenens almindelige bestemmelser passer for Eder, hvilket vi overlader til Eders samvittighed at afgøre, frit må nyde kød på de samme tider som andre katolikker plejer at nyde det i hine egne, uanset herimod stridende bestemmelser og sædvaner i Eders orden. Intet menneske må vove at bryde dette vort bevillingsbrev eller dumdristigt handle herimod. Men hvis nogen skulle vove at forsøge det, skal han vide, at han derved vil pådrage sig Gud den almægtiges og hans hellige apostles Petrus’ og Paulus’ vrede. Givet i Avignon den 21. august i vort pontifikats tiende år.


Comments: The spot for the prior provincial’s name is left open in the register. ● A supplication for such a dispensation had been submitted by Archbishop Olof Björnsson of Uppsala around 1317 on behalf of the Friars Preachers in Sweden, but apparently at that time it was not obliged.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. VII no. 112; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. IX no. 308.

Literature: Jakobsen 2018a, 374-375.




1327 25/3

Convent of Schleswig

Last will and testament for Knight Otto Pogwisch, in which he leaves 5 marks to the convent of Friars Preachers in Schleswig.


Source: Original document (damaged). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Quoniam labilis est humana memoria atque hominum dissolutio nulli certa, idcirco que aguntur sub tempore, ne temporis devolutione pariter dilabantur, necesse est ut scripture ac litterarum testimonio roborentur. Scriptum est enim: Omne cadit meritum quod suspendit in ... temporis conferendum. Ego autem Otto dictus Pogowish miles licet infirmus corpore sanus tamen et incolumis mentis mee, in lecto egritudinis constitutus de bonis a Deo collatis in refrigerium anime mee testamentum meum ordino in hunc modum. In primis confero ecclesie edificande in honore virginis gloriose Marie apud canonicos regulares in Holm trecentas marchas lybicenses, videlicet ducentas marchas ad edificium ipsius ecclesie centum marchas ad fenestras vitreas eiusdem. Item ecclesie Flinbeke ·v· marcas, sacerdoti ibidem unam marcam. Item ecclesie Borchova ·ix· marcas, sacerdoti ibidem marcbam. Item ecclesie in Elvershaen ·v· marchas, sacerdoti ibidem marcbam. Item ecclesie Skonekerken ·v· marchas, sacerdoti ibidem marcham. Item ad mensam fratrum minorum in Kylone ·x· marchas. Item ad edificium ecclesie sancti spiritus ibidem ·v· marchas. Item ad dividendum inter leproses ibidem ·v· marchas, sacerdoti marcham. Item ecclesie in Slabbenhaen ·x· mesas siliginis, domino Jacobo et domino Johann sacerdotibus ibidem cuilibet marcham. Item ecclesie Jelenbech ·v· marchas, sacerdoti ibidem marcham. Item ad mensam fratrum minorum in Sleswich ·x· marchas, fratri Timmoni confessori meo ·v· marchas. Item ad mensam fratrum predicatorum ibidem ·v· marchas. Item ad dividendum inter leproses ibidem ·v· marchas. Item sororibus sancte Clare Roskildis, videlicet Haduich et Hilleche ·xx· marchas lybicenses. Item sorori Elyzabeth in Poreze ·iii· marchas. Item Gotscalco ·iiii· marchas. Item O[tto]ni fratri  eius ·ii· marchas. Item Syvardo famulo meo ·ii· marchas. Item Ryze ·ii· marcas. Item Abele ancille mee duas vaccas. Item volo ut sacerdotes tam seculares quam claustrales missas pro anima mea celebrent prout recipiant pecunie quantitatem, mei memoriam faciant in canone specialem. Ista infrascripta debent esse funeralia in exequiis meis videlicet emantur in civitate Lybicensi duo panni de serico transmarino pro ·xxx· marchis et explicantur super feretrum funeris mei hora missarum. Item ematur unus pannus ... pro ·xii· marchis qui etiam explicetur super pannos antedictos eodem tempore. Iste vero pannus ultimo nominatus relinquatur ecclesie in Slabbenhaen pro una casula facienda, peractis ibidem exequiarum mearum sollempniis et alii duo panni reliquantur ecclesie beate virginis in Holm pro duabus casulis post meam sepulturam. Item emantur ·lx· pund cere de qua fiant ·xii candele, quelibet de quinque pund, sex illis accendantur tempore exequiarum mearum in ecclesia Slabbenhaen, quibus peractis una candelarum ibidem relinquatur, secunda mittatur ecclesie Jelenbech tertia mittatur ecclesie Flimbech, quarta mittatur ecclesie Borchova, quinta mittatur ecclesie Elvershaen, et sexta ecclesie [Skon]echerke, que debeant accendi tempore elevationis corporis Cristi et non alias usque in consummationem sui, sex alie candele remaneant in ecclesia beate virginis in Holm que debent accendi cum anniversarius meus ter in anno celebrabitur et super hoc ubicunque missa in eadem ecclesia legitur vel cantatur semper una candelarum illarum post aliam tempore elevationis corporis Cristi accendatur usque in omnium consummationem. Item ematur equs qui inveniri melior poterit ·xl· marcis et assumptis omnibus armis Ottonis vel Wlf filiorum meorum quibus melius armari solet, unus famulus meus illa arma induat residens super equm antedictum et fer..... funeris mei precedens et ostendens in se omnia hec ecclesie beate virginis in Holm in remedium anime mee. Item ematur lapis ponendus super sepulchrum meum pro ·xxx· marchis quas uxor mea recipiat de domina Unsel. Item die sepulture mee in Slabenhaen et in claustro Holm cuilibet pauperi advenienti mendicanti administrentur tres panes, tria bicaria cerevisie, tres denarii et frustum lardi. Item equs et unius hominis armatura qui precedent feretrum funeris mei in die sepulture mee debent redimi a domino preposito in Holm pro quinquaginta marchis; summa istius testamenti sunt quingente et quinquaginta marcbe lybicenses. Item ad edificium novi chori sanctimonialium in Poreze ·x· marchas. Item sacerdoti Danieli cappellano meo ·ii· marchas. Scriptum sub sigillo meo anno Domini MCCC vicesimo septimo in festo annunciationis virginis gloriose.


Comments: Otto Pogwisch de Bissee was a knight from Holstein. Ecclesiastically, he was closely related to the Augustinian canons regular, whose priory transfer from Neumünster to Bordesholm in the years around 1330 he financed (as part of this same will). It is not known when he died, but he was buried in the chancel of the new priory church in Bordesholm.


Published: Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgische Regesten und Urkunden vol. III no. 611; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. IX no. 387 (only parts of Danish relevance).




1327 (31/5)


Province of Dacia, Convents of Roskilde and Åhus

Fr. Wernerus, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, is absolved from office by the general chapter in Perpignan, who appoints Fr. Johannes Albus, lector of the convent in Roskilde, as vicar general of Dacia until a new provincial has been elected. Shortly after, Fr. Wernerus dies in Åhus, where he is buried.


Sources: A. Acta capitulorum generalium OP. B. Bernardi Guidonis Historia.

Language: Latin.



In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis apud Perpinianum celebrati anno Domini MCCCXXVII. (…) Iste sunt absolutiones. (…) Absolvimus priores provinciales Anglie, Polonie et Dacie. (…) Item, ponimus vicarium generalem in provincia Dacie fratrem Johannem Album, lectorem Roscildensem, donec provincialis electus et confirmatus et presens fuerit in eadem.



Nonus fuit frater Wernerus de Roskildis qui tenuit officium septem annis fuitque absolutus in capitulo Pirpiniano anno Domini MCCCXXVIII. Hic obiit Aosie et sepultus est ibidem modicum post absolutionem.


Dansk oversættelse:

Den niende var broder Verner af Roskilde, som holdt embedet i syv år og blev afløst på generalkapitlet i Perpignan i det Herrens år 1328. Han døde i Åhus og er begravet samme sted kort efter afløsningen.


Comments: This part of source B is only known from an addition to the original list preserved in a manuscript version from Barcelona (Codex Barchionensis); the addition is written with a different hand than the preceding text. ● B has the year of the Perpignan chapter and his absolution as 1328, which is, however, obviously wrong; perhaps this was instead the year of Fr. Wernerus’ soon following death? ● On Fr. Wernerus, see 1320-21. As nothing is stated about the reason for his absolution, and considering his soon following death, he may indeed have asked for it himself due to poor health. ● On Fr. Johannes Albus, see 1325 7/4. His appointment as vicar general for the the province until a new provincial was elected would suggest that he was representing Dacia as diffinitor at the general chapter in Perpignan. ● The following provincial chapter apparently elected Fr. Tucho as new prior provincial of Dacia, see 1327 19/8. ● Jarl Gallén, who apparently did not know the prolonged version of source B, and thus did not know about Prior Provincial Wernerus, suggested that the absolved provincial in 1327 was Fr. Tucho, who was then re-elected at the following provincial chapter (Gallén 1946, 133-134).


Published: A. Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, pp. 171-172. B. Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum vol. 70, pp. 88-89; Priores prouinciales in prouincia Dacie (online).




1327 19/8


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde, Province of Dacia

Fr. Tucho, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, and Fr. Benedictus, prior of the convent in Roskilde, accept, together with Lord Erik Valdemarsson, son of Princess Jutta, to leave decision of the strife between the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes and the princess’ heirs to 12 of Sjælland’s best men at the landsting. Furthermore, the prior provincial gives power of attorney to Prior Benedictus to conduct the case on behalf of the nunnery.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus frater Petrus Abbas Ringstadiensis, Andreas Pæterson de Allandorp Jacobus Niclæsson ranæ, milites, Nicolaus Sweygh, Ivarus Ivarson, Johannes Ivarson, Nicolaus Krook, Nicolaus Denkæn, Nicolaus Jønesson de Kwærkæby et Godrinus Magnusson, armigeri, salutem in domino sempiternam. Ne quod veritas approbat a posteris trahatur in dubium litterarum testimonio solet perhennari. Constamus igitur omnibus et singulis presentibus et futuris nos sub anno domini millesimo trecentesimo uicesimo septimo feria quarta proxima ante festum beati Bartholomei apostolici in placito generali Syelandie personaliter constitutos fuisse uidisse et audiuisse, quod dominus Ericus Valdemari contra fratrem Tuchone, ordinis fratrum predicatorum priorem prouincialem Dacie Suecie et Noruegie et fratrem Benedictum priorem ordinis eiusdem Roskildis super bonis omnibus et singulis et ubicunque locorum infra regni Dacie terminos sitis monasterio beate Agnetis uirginis ibidem scilicet Roskildis per inclitas domicellas Agnetem et Iuttæ clare memorie in eodem placito generali iuste et legaliter datis et scotatis, querimoniam proferebat, asserens se melius ius quam dicti fratres nomine dicti monasterii habere in eisdem, at illi dicti fratres ex parte monasterii eiusdem e conuerso respondebant dicentes dicta bona omnia et singula antedicto monasterio sancte Agnetis ratione uere donationis et scotationis ut premissum est iuste et legaliter attinere. Ut autem dicta causa inter eos rite et rationabiliter ac secundum iuris exigentiam, eo melius citiusque finiri et determinari ualuisset, ideo dominus Ericus supradictus ex una parte nomine sui, et frater Benedictus antedictus ex altera parte nomine monasterii antedicti, cui frater Tucho supradictus prior prouincialis plenam potestatem et auctoritatem in eodem placito dictam causam rite et discrete terminandi et finiendi commisit penitus et assignauit denominationem terre que dicitur landsnæfnd, in qua duodecim meliores et discretiores terre Syelandie nominati et scripta esse dignoscuntur, uidelicet dominus Inguarus Hyort, dominus Kanutus Niclæssen, dominus Nicolaus Tuuosen, dominus Iohannes Olæfsen, dominus Nicolaus Absolonis, dominus Petrus Grubbe, milites; Iohannes Duuæ, Nicolaus Mandorp, Nicolaus Iønæssen Kwærkæby, Olauus Iønæssen de Pæterstorp, Matheus Taa de Krakæthorp et Iohannes Magnussen rector eiusdem placiti, armigeri tunc temporis in dicto placito firmauerunt, promittentes se quod quicquid per dictos nominatores rite et rationabiliter factum fuerit in premissis ratum ac firmum totaliter et omnimode uelle tenere et habere, qui quidem nominatores ad agendum jurandum et determinandum super causa antedicta feria quarta proxima post purificacionem beate Marie nunc instantem ad dictum placitum debent conuenire. Ne autem aliqua dubitacionis materia super huiusmodi protestacione per nos facta, ab aliquibus in posterum debeat suboriri, presentes litteras sigillorum nostrorum munimine fecimus roborari, in testimonium et cautelam firmiorem. Datum Ringstadis, eodem placito anno et die supradictis.


Comments: Fr. Tucho (Tyge ‘Klerk’) is only known as acting prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia from this single instance. He must have been elected at the provincial chapter a few weeks before, where a successor for Fr. Wernerus, absolved at the general chapter in 1327 (31/5), had to be found. When Bishop Niels of Børglum in 1328 12/2 was papally absolved from office and, according to his own wish, admitted into the Order of Preachers, Pope John XXII enjoined Archbishop Karl of Lund to find and appoint a qualified episcopal successor for him; he apparently chose the Dominican prior provincial. Fr. Tucho is not recorded as bishop of Børglum until 1329, when he had been imprisoned by King Christoffer II of Denmark, who wanted to avoid the automatically initiated interdict by collecting a long list of accusations against the bishop in 1330 22/9 to justify his arrest. Among the issues it was claimed that Fr. Tucho ‘dictus Klerk’ had been one of the key initiators behind the deposition of King Christoffer in 1326 (at a time, however, when Tucho was neither prior provincial nor bishop), as prior provincial he had acquired the episcopal see of Børglum with lies, and henceforth this ‘so-called bishop’ had eagerly opposed the reinstallment of the king in 1329, supported the king’s foreign enemies and promoted rebels within the kingdom, and generally violated and misused his episcopal power in practical every way possible; it is impossible to judge if there was any actual basis behind any of the accusations. The indictment, which was in fact an apologia for the king’s act aimed at the Curia, was co-signed by lay and clergy at the provincial diet of northern Jylland, including the convent of Friars Preachers in Viborg, but since the original document is still extant at the National Archives in Copenhagen, it apparently never left Denmark. An interdict certainly was nevertheless proclaimed upon Denmark because of the imprisonment. Sjælland, Lolland and Falster were absolved from the interdict in 1331 2/5, Northern Halland in 1331 21/7, but although Bishop Tucho was released in 1332 10/1 and reinstalled in 1332 18/5, and King Christoffer subsequently died on 2 August the same year, the interdict was still standing in Jylland and Fyn in 1336 21/7, when the prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig co-signed a joined supplication to the pope from ecclesiastical and lay authorities in the duchy of Schleswig to revoke the interdict for their province. It was in fact left by Pope Benedict XII to Bishop Tucho himself in 1337 21/6 to investigate and judge if the interdict could be revoked in the provinces held by Count Gerhard III of Holstein, whom he had already settled with in 1337 21/2. After his release, the sources are quiet about the Dominican bishop of Børglum, who acted on ordinary episcopal matters in 1332 6/5, 1333 2/10 and 1341 3/1. A new bishop of Børglum, Anders, is known from 1345. Fr. Tucho was dead in 1350 22/3.Fr. Benedictus (Bent) had also acted on behalf of the sisters at moots in 1315 and 1322, but this is the first time he is explicitly located to the convent in Roskilde - and the first time he is titled prior. He is mentioned again in 1337, still as conventual prior in Roskilde. ● This letter represents one of the last chapters of the long strife concerning the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes Monastery in Roskilde and the estates, which the princesses Agnes and Jutta brought into the nunnery with them in 1263, but soon after tried to take out again, when leaving the nunnery, which led to a juridical struggle, which on several occasions involved the friars from the neighbouring convent (see 1279 and 1297). On 3 February 1328, the case was finally settled, as the landsting ruled in favour of the nunnery; a verdict, which was apparently followed by the princesses’ heirs. ● The landsting of Sjælland had its thingstead in Ringsted.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2625; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. IX no. 430.





Convents of Kalmar, Lödöse, Sigtuna, Skara, Skänninge, Strängnäs, Turku, Visby and Västerås; Nunneries of Kalmar and Skänninge

Last will and testament for Mathias Kettilmundsson, sheriff of Finland, in which he chooses to be buried with the Friars Preachers in Västerås, for which they are bequeathed with 200 marks, two silver bowls and an ivory plate. Furthermore, the convent of Friars Preachers in Turku receives 100 marks and a last of rye, while the Dominican sisters in Skänninge are given 10 marks. Finally, all monastic houses in Sweden, not mentioned elsewhere in the will, are bequeathed with 3 marks each.


Source: Contemporary transcript. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris etcetera. Ego Mathias Ketilmundason testamentum meum condo et ordino in hunc modum. In primis confero fratribus predicatoribus Arosie, ubi eligo sepeliri ∙cc∙ marchas denariorum, duas pelves argenteas et unam tabulam eburneam. Item ecclesie cathedrali Upsalensi curiam meam Norby; ecclesie Lyncopensi dimidium attungum terre in Luntunum, et curiam meam Wlghæ; ecclesie Skarensi curiam meam Sigharsthorp; ecclesie Strengnensi ∙c∙ marchas denariorum de quibus episcopus ibidem levaverat ∙lxx∙ marchas; ecclesie Arosiensi curiam meam Lijmsta; ecclesie Aboensi ∙c∙ marchas denariorum, et unam tabulam magnam; ecclesie Wexionensi ∙c∙ marchas denariorum. Domino meo regi unam magnam fibulam auream; sorori sue, domicelle mee, unam minorem fibulam auream. Domino archiepiscopo Upsalensi unum cifum argenteum, unum anulum aureum, et duas timbrias mardorum; domino Lyncopensi ∙xxx∙ timbrias variorum, et duas timbrias mardorum; domino Aboensi ∙c∙ marchas denariorum. Predicatoribus in Abo ∙c∙ marchas denariorum, cum una lesta siliginis; minoribus stokholmis ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum; ad sanctam Claram ibidem tantum; monialibus in Monte beate virginis curiam meam Husaby in Aspu et ∙c∙ marchas denariorum; monialibus in Rijsbergh ∙xxx∙ marchas denariorum; sororibus Skeningie ∙x∙ marchas denariorum; item cuilibet claustro regni Swecie ∙iii∙ marchas denariorum. Item ecclesie parochiali Stokholmensi ∙iiii∙ marchas denariorum; domui sancti spiritus ibidem tantum; ecclesie sancti Jacobi ibidem ∙iii∙ marchas denariorum; item cuilibet ecclesie in Swecia, in qua bona habeo, unam vaccam, et sacerdoti, unam vaccam. Item dilecte consorti mee Aleydi curias meas Aspanes, Swina, Øndabodhæ, Wendeledhæ, Wllafors, Lundby et Oshamar, ∙iii∙ fibulas aureas, ∙x∙ anulos aureos, ∙x∙ coclearia, ∙ii∙ vasa argentea, ∙iiii∙ crateras argenteas, ∙i∙ sylffmit et ∙i∙ bicarium argenteum. Domino Birgero legifero ∙i∙ cifum argenteum, ∙x∙ timbrias variorum, et ∙i∙ timber mardorum. Domino Petro Ragualdsson ∙i∙ timber mardorum, consorti sue similiter. Domino Magno Niclisson ∙ii∙ crateras argenteas et ∙x∙ timbrias variorum, consorti sue ∙x∙ timbrias. Domino Stephano Røricsson ∙xx∙ timbrias variorum, consorti sue ∙x∙ timbrias, filie sue ∙v∙ timbrias variorum. Item domino Nicolao Abiornson ∙iii∙ attungos terre in Twnardalum. Domino Karolo Tukason ∙x∙ timbrias variorum, consorti sue similiter, filie sue ∙v∙ timbrias variorum. Item domino Karolo Orastason bona sua in Fugstadhum et Barastadhum, mihi pro quingentis marchis denariorum inpignorata. Item domino Benedicto Tukason ∙x∙ timbrias variorum. Item Eringisloni marskalcho ∙xx∙ timbrias variorum, ∙i∙ cifum argenteum, ∙i∙ balteum argenteum et ∙xi∙ dyushorn, uxori sue ∙x∙ timbrias variorum cum cifo argenteo. Magno Bendictsson ∙x∙ timbrias variorum, consorti sue unum par vestimentorum grenet irst, ∙vi∙ timbrias hermelin, cum uno anulo aureo. Karolo Neskunungsson curiam meam Myriby, unum stodh, ∙i∙ cifum argenteum, unum balteum argenteum. Gregorio Magnusson ∙ii∙ crateras argenteas, ∙x∙ timbrias variorum et ∙iii∙ clør, uxori sue ∙x∙ timbrias variorum. Karolo Bendictsson ∙xx∙ timbrias variorum. Thyrnero Thyrneson curias Bosathorp, Thorstenthorp, Bughærijdh, ∙cxl∙ marchas denariorum, et ciphum argenteum. Thyrnero Ingielldsson curiam Skæpstadhæ. Birgero Magnusson ∙x∙ timbrias variorum, uxori sue tantum. Haquino Abrahamsson ∙cc∙ marchas denariorum, in quibus mihi obligatus erat. Bo Huwth ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum; Johanni Howt tantum; Birgero Huwt tantum. Domine Cristine relicte domini M. Marinason ∙i∙ timber mardorum. Domino Johanni Fifhus bona sua que de ipso emi. Thørnero Mathison curiam Wallæ. Haquino Mathisson curiam Sten cum armatura proprie persone mee. Domine Ingiburgi Matisdotter curiam Lillyostadhæ, bona in Ganberghum que possedit Karolus in Tunum, cum uno bikario argenteo. Item domicelle Birgitte Mathisdotter curiam meam in Barastadhum et ∙i∙ bikarium argenteum. Item ipsis liberis domini Mathei Thyrneson quingentas marchas denariorum, in quibus mihi obligantur. Item filie domini Haquino Læmæ curiam Hekkenes ad nupcias. Laurentio Magnusson ∙xxx∙ marchas denariorum. Birgero Algozson ∙xxx∙ marchas denariorum. Nicolao Skatmann curiam Hidhinsbergh et ∙c∙ marchas denariorum, matri sue curiam Atlestæ. Nicolao Jonsson ∙lx∙ marchas denariorum. Infantulis Olavi Skatmann ∙v∙ timbrias variorum. Nicolao Nøøt ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum. Gerardo Zwærin ∙cc∙ marchas denariorum, cum vestitu pro ordine militari apto, Henikæ Zwærin, dextrarium me precedenteni ad sepulturam. Petro Sigridhason ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum ∙x∙ timbrias variorum et ∙i∙ kloo, uxori sue ∙x∙ timbrias. Cuilibet fratri Aleydhis ∙xxx∙ marchas puri. Birgero Joob ∙cc∙ marchas denariorum. Filie mee Ingridi curias meas Wædhla et Ekiby. Anberno Petersson ∙xxx∙ marchas denariorum. Wlphoni Rangnburghuson ∙v∙ solidos terre in ... . Johanni Muntæ curiam Kyætærasund, ∙c∙ marchas denariorum, unum frustum panni genst, et ∙viii∙ timbrias variorum. Ingoni Dyacn ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum. Magno Enkiæ curiam Sæwisalu ∙c∙ marchas denariorum. Birgero de Skurtuby terram quam possedit in Vlghum. Karolo Haraldsson coloniam in Øneem. Henikino Redhuswen primo ∙ccxl∙ marchas in quibus sibi obligatus teneor, item confero eidem ∙cc∙ marchas denariorum. Ranguasto officiali meo ∙x∙ solidos terre in Aby. Petro Brun unum attungum terre in Almborstorpe. Hassoni ∙c∙ marchas denariorum. Laurentio Gudmundason ∙i∙ marcham terre in Seltu. Goszcalcho Stokholmis ∙c∙ marchas puri pro curia Skarpwald quam confero Michaeli Pastel. Item hospiti meo Olavo de Huddungi ∙x∙ marchas denariorum, tunicam et capam panni genst. Ragnuasto Korwamulæ ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Stenberno Skvtta ∙xl∙ marchas denariorum. Andree Korwamulæ ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Item dominis Elavo canonico ∙xii∙ marchas in quibus mihi obligatus erat; Phillippo de Skaa ∙x∙ timbrias variorum; Petro de Ekro ∙x∙ timbrias; Karolo ∙x∙ timbrias; Johanni Klerk ∙xx∙ timbrias. Jacobo de Hildishøgh dimidium attungum terre cum tertia parte unius attungi in Wllawi et unum integrum par vestimentorum. Domino Menikino ∙x∙ vaccas. Domino Petro Thorstenson dimidiam marcham annone et duo pecora. Item cuilibet cappelano meo, videlicet dominis Menikino, Petro Thorstani, Petro Alandensi, Thidemanno et Petro Olavi, unum integrum par vestimentorum cum furatura variorum et ∙xx∙ marchas denariorum. Domino Henzso sacriste Aboensi ∙ii∙ marchas denariorum; cuilibet chorali ibidem ∙i∙ marcham; pauperibus scolaribus ibidem ∙iii∙ marchas. Margarete Joonsdotter curiam Luntum. Item cuilibet ancille Aleydhis ∙i∙ par vestimentorum cum suffuratura variorum. Item Jon Litin et filio suo bona mea in Pemerum et ∙l∙ marchas denariorum. Kysile curiam Skawastadhe. Laurentio Kulstub omnia bona sua libera excepta curia Luntu. Wernero Langæ omnia bona sua libera. Benedicto de Halqu et uxori sue omnia bona libera. Swenungo ∙xxx∙ marchas denariorum. Campanario in Motalum bona sua que possedit in Quistbergh. Thiderico bona sua in Wllawy. Heredibus Unnonis Knutsson bona Widhlunga. Henzikino Falkiner ∙v∙ oras terre in Lundenum. Bona Magni Boddæ in Kumu veris heredibus. Cuilibet stalulatori meo unum equum et ∙vi∙ marchas denariorum. Magistro Ottoni ∙xxx∙ marchas denariorum. Lydikino Myntaræ ∙xxx∙ marchas; Ormero muratori tantum; Nicolao Muratori ∙xii∙ marchas; cuilibet laboratori in curia mea. Magistro in suo opere ∙vi∙ marchas denariorum et unam tunicam cum capa. Ragnualdo Coco ∙x∙ marchas denariorum. Gerikino Coco ∙x∙ marchas denariorum. Plæghamanni ∙x∙ marchas denariorum, cum tunica et capa. Hinzikino Rasori ∙x∙ marchas denariorum. Cuilibet cursori meo ∙iii∙ marchas denariorum, cum tunica et capa. Item do omnes officiales meos tam Finlandie quam Swecie, quittos ab omni computatione, item quidquid placitatum est de curia Skeri firmum habeo. Insuper pro solutione marce nuper Skaris imposita domino meo regi ∙cc∙ marchas puri, per Karolum Neskunungsson de promptuario meo mitto, ipsos rusticos de Finlandia dans totaliter excusatos. Exequtores domini Haquinus Lemæ et Magnus Niclisson, armigeri, Eringislo et Karolus Neskunungsynir et Gregorius Magnusson.


Comments: The transcript is undated, but the will is likely to have been made shortly before 11 May 1326, when the testator died. In SDHK, however, it has been dated to 1327. ● Mathias Kettilmundsson was a Swedish nobleman and knight, who served in the inner circle of Duke Erik and Duke Valdemar, and later of Duchess Ingeborg. He led the rebellion against King Birger in 1318-19 and acted as seneschal for the young King Magnus Eriksson in 1320, before he was appointed royal sheriff of Finland in 1323-24. Mathias Kettilmundsson was married to Aleydis, probably a sister to Otto Zwerin, both mentioned in the will. By the time of his death, 11 May 1326, Mathias was extremely wealthy, with landed estates all over Sweden. His connection to the convent in Västerås may have been through the family demesne Limsta (Irsta parish), situated close by, and it has been suggested that also Mathias’ parents were buried in the priory church (Kumlien 1971, 278).


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2601.




1328 7/1


Convents of Sigtuna, Strängnäs and Västerås, Nunnery of Skänninge

Last will and testament for Rangborg Ingevaldsdotter, widow of Folke Jonsson, who wishes to be buried with the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, for which the convent is bequeathed with 40 marks, along with another 20 marks for bringing her corps to their priory in the case that she should die while in Värmland. Furthermore, she leaves 2 marks for each of the convents of Friars Preachers in Västerås and Strängnäs, as well as for the convent of Dominican Sisters in Skänninge. Fr. Petrus Philippi (of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna) is appointed as one of the executors of the will, and Bishop Israel OP of Västerås seals the will.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine Domini, amen. Ego Rangburgis relicta domini Fulkonis Jonson, sana et incolumis, mente et corpore, meum in hunc modum, facio et ordino testamentum. In primis apud fratres predicatores Sigthunie meam eligo sepulturam quibus lego quadraginta marchas denariorum. Si vero me in Wærmælandia mori contigerit et si mei heredes convenienter me Sigthuniam, transferre non poterint, volo quod ipsi fratres me ad se transferant et rationi huius translationis confero ipsis viginti marchas denariorum. Item ecclesie mee parochiali Rozbergh lego omnia predia et bona mobilia et inmobilia que possideo in Thorp jure perpetuo possidenda; item ad fabricam ecclesie Upsalensis quinque marchas denariorum; item ecclesie cathedrali Arosiensi quinque marchas denariorum; item monasterio in Wærneem, ubi tumulata est mater mea, quinque marchas denariorum; item monasterio in Sko quinque marchas denariorum; item fratribus in Eskilstunum, ubi pater meus sepultus est, quinque marchas denariorum; item fratribus minoribus Stocholmis, ubi frater meus sepultus est, quinque marchas denariorum; item fratribus predicatoribus Arosie duas marchas denariorum; item fratribus predicatoribus Strængænes duas marchas denariorum; item fratribus minoribus Upsalie, Enecopie, Arbughis et Nycopie cuilibet duas marchas denariorum; item sororibus ad sanctum Martinum Skæningie duas marchas; item sororibus ad sanctam Claram Stocholmis duas marchas; item domui sancti spiritus Upsalie tres marchas; item domui Dei Stocholmis unam marcham; item hospitali Enecopie unam marcham; item hospitali Strengenes unam marcham; item in quacumque parochia curiam possideo unam marcham ecclesie et alteram sacerdoti; item presbitero meo domino Nicholao decem marchas denariorum; item famulo meo Ingemundo decem marchas; item cuilibet famulo meo, qui mihi diu servierat, quatuor marchas vel unum equm de quatuor marchis. Exsequtores autem huius mei testamenti constituo et ordino nobiles viros dominos Laurentium Ulpson et Gregorium Magnusson et reverendos viros dominos Beronem prepositum Upsalensem et fratrem Petrum Philippi, ut ipsi prout de eis confido meam in premissis exsequantur voluntatem. Pro solutione autem premissorum obligo bona mea in Locastum. In quorum evidentiam firmiorem sigilla venerabilis patris domini fratris Israelis episcopi Arosiensis et nobilis viri domini Anundi Rørikxson generi mei dilecti et Johannis Fukæson filii mei karissimi una cum sigillo meo, Peto, presentibus apponi. Actum Westlandum, anno Domini MCCCXX octavo, in crastino epyphanie Domini.


Comments: On Fr. Petrus Philippi, see 1332. He had been prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna in 1325 2/11, when the convent made an exchange of real estate with Rangborg, but he no longer held the office at this time, as Fr. Bernardus was prior in 1328 16/2. ● On Bishop Israel OP of Västerås, see 1281 2/10. ● On Rangborg Ingevaldsdotter, see 1325 30/10. ● The region of Värmland is situated west of Sigtuna, in the borderland between Sweden and Norway; its eastern border was approximately 200 km away from Sigtuna. ● Västland, where the will was made, is situated near Tierp, about 90 km north of Sigtuna.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2649 (SDHK no. 3518).




1328 13/1


Province of Dacia

Pope John XXII enjoins the Archbishop of Lund to punish Knight Jakob Roost and Esquire Åge Esbernsen from the diocese of Ribe, who has assaulted and robbed Fr. Egislus Birgeri of the Order of Friars Preachers in Sweden on his journey through Denmark on his way to the Apostolic See. After his arrival in Avignon, Fr. Egislus has pleeded to the Curia for its help to get satisfaction for his treatment and redress for his losses, something which the archbishop is now instructed to see to.


Source: Transcript in Registra Avinionensia. The Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Venerabili fratri ... archiepiscopo Lundensi salutem. Exigit justitie debitum ut injurias et violentias passis adversus illos qui eas intulisse dicuntur provideamus de remediis oportunis. Nuper siquidem dilecto filio Egislo Birgeri ordinis fratrum predicatorum de regno Suecie nobis conquerente didicimus quod dum olim ipse ad apostolicam sedem accederet Jacobus Rozstach miles et Agho Esberni armiger Ripen­sis diocesis et nonnulli alii sequaces eorum ipsum in Dacia bonisque secum habebat ausu sacrilego spoliare per violentiam presump­serunt super quo dictus Egislus provisionis nostre remedium contra spoliatores huiusmodi humiliter imploravit. Ne igitur prefati spoliatores de ipsorum in hac parte malitia glorientur fraternitati tue per apostolica scripta committimus et mandamus quatinus vocatis qui fuerint evocandi impendas lesis super predictis simpliciter et de plano sine strepitu et figura judicii appellatione remota justitite complementum faciens quod decreveris per censuram ecclesiaticam firmiter observari. Testes autem qui fuerint nominati si se gratia odio vel timore subtraxerint censura simili appellatione cessante compellas veritati testimonium perhibere non obstantibus constitutione felicis recordationis Bonifatii pape viii predecessoris nostri in qua cavetur ne aliquis extra suas civitatem vel diocesem nisi in certis exceptis casibus et in illis ultra unam dietam ad juditium evocetur dummodo ultra duas dietas aliquis auctoritate presentium non trahatur seu si aliquibus communiter vel divisim a sede sit indultum eadem quod excommunicari suspendi vel interdici non possint per litteras apostolicas non facientes plenam et expressam ac de verbo ad verbum de indulto huiusmodi mentionem. Datum Avinione idus januarii anno duodecimo.


Dansk oversættelse (uddrag):

(...) For nylig har vi ved en klage til os fra vor kære søn Ödgisl Birgersson af Prædikebrødrenes Orden i kongeriget Sverige bragt i erfaring, at ridderen Jakob Roost og væbneren Åge Esbernsen fra Ribe Stift og nogle andre af deres følgesvende med forbryderisk frækhed har fordristet sig til voldeligt at udplyndre ham i Danmark, mens han var på vej til det apostoliske sæde, og i den anledning har nævnte Ödgisl ydmygt anråbt os om vor forsorgs hjælp imod disse røvere. For at nævnte røvere ikke skal bryste sig af denne deres ondskab, overdrager og pålægger vi med apostolisk brev dig, broder, at du lader stævne dem, som stævnes bør, og skaffer de skadelidte rettens oprejsning for nævnte tab, idet du går frem ligefremt og summarisk uden offentlighed og formelig rettergang og uden at give adgang til appel. (...)


Comments: On Fr. Egislus Birgeri, see 1327 28/12. He had been papally appointed as coadjutor bishop just two weeks earlier, as assistant for the ageing Bishop Israel Erlandi OP of Västerås. The incident in Denmark must have taken place before this appointment. It is not stated or indicated to which Swedish convent Fr. Egislus was affiliated before the appointment as coadjutor. ● The archbishop of Lund at this time was Karl Eriksen, who in 1327 28/12 had been instructed by the same pope to see to the implementation of Fr. Egislus’ episcopal appointment. ● Nothing further is known about the claimed assault or its aftermath.


Published: Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2. ser. vol. IV, p. 196; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 1.




1328 12/2


Province of Dacia

Pope John XXII enjoins the Archbishop of Lund to receive and accept the resignation of Bishop Niels of Børglum, who “out of rational reasons” wishes to be absolved from his episcopal office to join the Order of Friars Preachers “where he wishes to serve the eternal Lord with peace in his soul”. The archbishop is furthermore instructed to find and suggest to the Curia a suitable successor for the episcopal office in Børglum.


Source: Transcript in Registra Avinionensia. The Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Venerabili fratri ... archiepiscopo Lundensi salutem. Cum sicut accepimus venerabilis frater noster Nicolaus episcopus Burglanensis, certis ex causis rationabilibus, intendat cedere oneri et honori regiminis pastoralis ecclesie Burglanensis, nos votis eius in hac parte benignius annuentes, fraternitati tue recipiendi ab eodem episcopo, vice nostra huiusmodi oneris et honoris liberam cessionem, sibique auctoritate nostra dandi licentiam, quod possit ordinem fratrum predicatorum ingredi, ut ibidem sicut desiderat in quiete spiritus perpetuo Domino famuletur, auctoritate presentium plenam condedimus facultatem. Ceterum tue discretioni committimus et mandamus quatinus recepta ab eodem Nicolao episcopo huiusmodi cessione, de personis ydoneis, de quarum aliqua eidem ecclesie Burglanensi, ne ob utilis pastoris carentiam, defectum in spiritualibus et temporalibus patiatur, valeat provideri, per cuius circumspectionem providam et providentiam circumspectam, eadem ecclesia salubriter valeat gubernari, diligentius te informes, ac huiusmodi informatione recepta de personis predictis, no per litteras tuas plenius certificare procures, ut nos de ipsarum aliqua quam regimini eiusdem ecclesie utilem et necessariam fore viderimus, possimus eidem ecclesie auctore Domino providere, ipsamque prefate ecclesie preficere in episcopum et pastorem. Datum Avinione ii idus februari anno duodecimo.


Dansk oversættelse:

Hilsen til vor ærværdige broder ærkebiskop ... af Lund. Da vi har erfaret, at vor ærværdige broder biskop Niels af Børglum af visse fornuftige grunde agter at opgive sin byrde- og ærefulde hyrdegerning i Børglum Kirke, imødekommer vi velvilligt hans ønske i denne sag, og ved dette brev meddeler vi dig, broder, fuldmagt til på vore vegne at modtage samme biskop hans frie afkald på denne byrdefulde ærespost og med vor myndighed at tillade ham at indtræde i Prædikebrødrenes Orden, for at han dér efter sit ønske med fred i sjælen kan tjene den evige herre. Desuden betror og overdrager vi det til dit skøn, når du har modtaget biskop Niels’ afkald, omhyggeligt at søge underretning om egnede personer, af hvilke én kan indsættes til samme Børglum Kirke [...].


Comments: Bishop Niels of Børglum was in office 1304–1328. Nothing is known about him prior to this. The cathedral chapter of Børglum was Premonstratensian, but most Børglum bishops were found outside the ranks of the chapter, and nothing suggests that he had been a canon regular. His first recorded actions as bishop are from 1305, when he issued letters of indulgence in favour of the two mendicant nunneries in Roskilde, the Franciscan Sisters of St. Clare in 1305 2/9 (DD 2 V 381) and the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in 1305 8/9 (DD 2 V 384). Although the Order of Preachers was not represented in the diocese of Børglum, it was Bishop Niels who in 1323 15/8 consecrated the church of the Friars Preachers in Holbæk, situated in the diocese of Roskilde, since the local bishop at this time was living in exile due to a conflict with King Christoffer II of Denmark. Soon after, also Bishop Niels seems to have joined the opposition against King Christoffer, who fled the country in 1326; at this time, Niels was the most senior bishop of Denmark and, thus, a leading figure in the council of the realm, who offered the Danish throne to the young Valdemar III and his regent uncle, Count Gerhard of Holstein. Nothing is known about Niels’ life as a Dominican friar, including which convent he may have joined or for how long he lived. ● The archbishop of Lund at this time was Karl Eriksen, see 1327 28/12. ● Niels’ successor as bishop of Børglum was Fr. Tucho (Tyge Klerk), who until then had been prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia (see 1327 19/8). ● The injunction was repeated in 1328 31/8 (see below).


Published: Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2. ser. vol. IV, pp. 197-198; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 7.

Literature: Gallén 1946, pp. 174-175.


                      1328 12/2      Avignon

Pope John XXII also enjoins the archbishop to suggest a suitable portion from the estate of the episcopal see in Børglum, which can be attributed to the bishop emeritus for the rest of his lifetime to prevent him from suffering any needs.


Source: Transcript in Registra Avinionensia. The Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Venerabili fratri ... archiepiscopo Lundensi salutem. Nuper fidedigna insinuatione percepta, quod venerabilis frater noster Nicolaus episcopus Burglanensis certis ex causis rationabilibus desiderat oneri pontificalis dignitatis cedere et honori, nos votis ipsius in hac parte favorabiliter annuentes, tibi recipiendi ab eo vice nostra huiusmodi cessionem, sibique dandi auctoritate nostra licentiam, quod possit ordinem fratrum predicatorum ingredi, ut ibidem sicut affectat in quiete spiritus perpetuo Domino famuletur per litteras nostras plenam concessimus facultatem. Ne igitur idem Nicolaus propter huiusmodi cessionem defectum in rebus necessariis patiatur, fraternitati tue presentium auctoritate committimus et mandamus quatinus diligentius te informes, de quibus bonis eiusdem ecclesie sibi quoad vixerit congrue provideri possit, cum minori ipsius ecclesie detrimento, qua informatione recepta, nos de illis et aliis circumstantiis in talibus attendendis per litteras tuas harum seriem continentes reddere studeas certiores, ut circa provisionem decentem dicto Nicolao de dictis bonis dum vixerit ordinare possimus, quod in hac parte cum minori detrimento eiusdem ecclesie viderimus expedire. Datum Avinione ii idus februari anno duodecimo.


Dansk oversættelse:

Hilsen til vor ærværdige broder ærkebiskop ... af Lund. Vi har nylig ved troværdig meddelelse erfaret, at vor ærværdige broder biskop Niels af Børglum af visse fornuftige grunde ønsker at nedlægge sin bispeværdigheds ærefulde byrde. Idet vi nådigt har imødekommet hans ønske i denne sag, har vi med dette brev givet dig fuldmagt til på vore vegne at modtage hans afkald og med vor myndighed tillade ham at indtræde i Prædikebrødrenes Orden, for at han dér efter sit ønske med fred i sjælen kan tjene den evige herre. Men for at nu ikke nævnte Niels på grund af dette hans afkald skal lide mangel på det nødvendigste, overdrager og pålægger vi med dette brev dig, broder, at du omhyggeligt søger underretning om, hvilke af samme kirkes godser man med mindst skade for nævnte kirke kan overdrage ham for hans levetid, og, når du har indhentet underretning herom, at du sørger for ved en redegørelse at underrette os om dette og andre omstændigheder, der skal tages i betragtning i denne sag, så at vi med hensyn til en passende forsørgelse af denne Niels i hans levetid af dette gods kan fastsætte, hvad der med mindst tab for samme kirke synes hensigtsmæssigt i denne sag. Givet i Avignon...


Comments: The papal letter does not seem to be concerned with the regular problem of allowing a Friar Preacher any individual possesions or incomes; this was changed in the second version of 1328 31/8 (see below).


Published: Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 2. ser. vol. IV, p. 198; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 8.


                      1328 31/8      Avignon

Pope John XXII repeats his abovementioned injunction to the Archbishop of Lund regarding the resignation of Bishop Niels of Børglum. This time, the archbishop is authorized to appoint an episcopal successor on his own.


Source: Transcript in Registra Avinionensia. The Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Venerabili fratri ... archiepiscopo Lundensi salutem. Ecclesiarum comodis et etiam profectibus personarum expedire cognoscimus, si suorum presulum qui earum regiminibus laudabiliter insudarunt, quique post longa militie laboriosa stipendia velut emiriti quietem appetunt ex benigna permissione sedis apostolice recipiantur spontanee cessiones, eisdemque ecclesie provideatur de aliis personis ydoneis qui ipsarum regiminibus sciant et possint preesse laudabiliter et prodesse. Cum itaque sicut accepimus venerabilis frater noster Nicolaus episcopus Burglanensis, suffraganeus tuus, qui diu laudabiliter ecclesie Burglanensi dicitur prefuisse, cupiens sue quieti consulere et sub regulari habitu per tempus residuum vite sue domino famulari intendat oneri et honori episcopalis cedere dignitatis, nos votis eius in hac parte favorabiliter annuentes, fraternitati tue de qua, plenam in Domino fiduciam gerimus recipiendi vice nostra, ab eodem Nicolao episcopo, cum ab eo super hoc fueris humiliter requisitus cessionem ipsius, quo ad onus huiusmodi et honorem, sibique quod ordinem fratrum predicatorum post cessionem predictam intrare valeat, et ibidem sub regulari habitu perpetuo Domino famulari, ad cuius ingressum, ut ibi in quiete spiritus, quietis perpetuo famuletur, actori dicitur aspirare, auctoritate nostra licentiam tribuendi, necnon eidem ecclesie Burglanensi, cum eam sive per cessionem predictam sive per obitum eiusdem Nicolai episcopi vacare contigerit, hac vice auctoritate predicta de persona ydonea, que tanto oneri et honori congruat providendi, eamque preficiendi eidem ecclesie in episcopum et pastorem, curam et administrationem ipsius ecclesie, sibi in spiritualibus et temporalibus committendo, plenam et liberam tibi concedimus tenore presentium de fratrum nostrorum consilio, et apostolice potestatis plenitudine facultatem. Datum Avinione, ∙ii∙ kalendas septembris, anno duodecimo.


Dansk oversættelse:

[...] og tillige til for denne gang med vor myndighed at sørge for samme kirke i Børglum, når den bliver ledig enten ved denne embedsnedlæggelse eller ved samme biskop Niels’ død, med en egnet person, som er den store byrde og ære værdig, og indsætte ham som biskop og hyrde for samme kirke, idet du betro ham sjælesorgen og forvaltningen i kirken i åndelige og timelige sager. [...]


Comments: The motivation for repeating the injunctions of 1328 12/2 is unknown. On both accounts, however, they are slightly extended.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 49.


                      1328 31/8      Avignon

Pope John XXII repeats his abovementioned injunction to the Archbishop of Lund regarding a suitable portion of estate for the resigned Bishop Niels. This time it is added that the financial arrangement partly serves to ensure that the retired bishop will be of no burden to the Friars Preachers, and that it is to be implemented regardless if it goes against any existing ecclesiastical regulations, including the statutes or constitutions of the order.


Source: Transcript in Registra Avinionensia. The Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Venerabili fratri ... archiepiscopo Lundensi salutem. Nuper ad audientiam apostolatus nostri deducto, quod venerabilis frater noster Nicolaus episcopus Burglanensis, suffraganeus tuus, qui diu laudabiliter ecclesie Burglanensi dicitur prefuisse cupiens sue quieti consulere et sub regulari habitu per tempis residuum vite sue Domino famulari intendebat oneri et honori episcopalis cedere dignitatis nos votis eius in hac parte favorabiliter annuentes tibi recipiendi vice nostra ab eodem Nicolao episcopo cum ab eo super hoc fores humiliter requisitus cessionem ipsius quo ad onus huiusmodi et honorem sibique quod ad ordinem fratrum predicatorum post cessionem predictam intrare valeret ad cuius ingressum ut ibi in quiete spiritus perpetuo famuletur auctori dicitur aspirare eadem auctoritate licentiam tribuendi necnon ecclesie Burglanensi cum eam sive per cessionem predictam sive per obitum eiusdem Nicolai episcopi vacare contigerit hac vice auctoritate nostra de persona ydonea que tanto oneri et honori congruat providendi eamque preficiendi eidem ecclesie in episcopum et pastorem curam et administrationem ipsius ecclesie sibi in spiritualibus et temporalibus committendo plenam et liberam per nostras certi tenoris litteras concessimus facultatem. Cum autem ex eo quod sicut accepimus idem Nicolaus episcopus in regimine eiusdem retroactis temporibus laudabiliter studuit se habere congruum extimemus quod eidem Nicolao de eiusdem ecclesie proventibus juxta suarum exigentiam facultatem aliqua congrua proviso assignetur fraternitati tue de qua plenam in Domino fiduciam gerimus per apostolica scripta committimus et mandamus quatinus eidem Nicolao episcopo post receptam ab eo huiusmodi cessionem ac postquam ad dictum ordinem predicatorum se duxerit conferendum ut onerosus dicto ordini non reddatur nec ipse rerum prematur inopia sed habeat unde vivat de fructibus aliquorum bonorum dicte ecclesie provisionem congruam pro sustentatione sua quoadvixerit facias assignari ita quod post eius obitum eo ipso huiusmodi provisio extinguatur nec super ea prefata ecclesia amplius molestetur contradictores per censuram ecclesiasticam appellatione post composita compescendo non obstantibus quibuscunque constitutionibus Romanorum pontificum predecessorum nostrorum seu statutis vel consuetudinibus eiusdem ordinis et ecclesie contrariis juramento confirmatione apostolica vel quacunque alia firmitate vallatis et qualibet dicte sedis indulgentia generali vel speciali cuiuscunque tenoris existat per quam presentibus non expressam vel totaliter non insertam effectus impediri valeat quomodolibet vel differri et de qua cuiusque toto tenore habenda sit in nostris litteris mentio specialis. Datum Avinione, ∙ii∙ kalendas septembris, anno duodecimo.


Dansk oversættelse:

[...] Men da vi har erfaret, at samme biskop Niels ved bestyrelsen af denne kirke i den forløbne tid på rosværdig måde har anstrengt sig for at vise sig opgaven voksen, og vi mener, at der skal tildeles samme Niels en passende forsorg af Kirkens indtægterr efter deres evner, pålægger og overdrager vi nu dig broder, til hvem vi har fuld tillid i Herren, ved denne apostoliske skrivelse, at du, efter at have modtaget samme biskop Niels’ afkald på embedet og han er indtrådt i Prædikantordenen, for hans livstid til underhold for ham skal tildele ham en passende forsorg af indtægterne af nogle af nævnte kirkes godser, for at han ikke skal blive ordenen til besvær og selv lide nød, men have noget at leve af, således at denne forsorg efter hans død holder op med det samme og nævnte kirke ikke yderligere skal besværes dermed, idet du under anvendelse af Kirkens straf tugter overtrædere med udelukkelse af appel, uanset enhver forordning af vore forgængere de romerske paver eller ordenens og kirkens statutter og sædvaner, som er i modstrid hermed [...].


Comments: See above.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2 ser. vol. X no. 50.




1328 10/8


Convent of Sigtuna

Laurentius de Vaksala, dean of the cathedral chapter in Uppsala, donates some books to the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna. In return, the convent allows him to live with them for as long as he wishes.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis presentes litteras inspecturis. Laurentius decanus ecclesie Upsalensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Ne effectum mee intentionis casu aliquo fortuito contingat frustrari, tenore presentium notum facio quod religiosis viris fratribus predicatoribus Sictunie ob reverentiam gloriose Dei genitricis et pro salute anime mee contuli libros infrascriptos, videlicet Decretum meum, Decretales cum glosa ordinaria, Vincentium in duobus voluminibus, bibliam unam, et duo volumina de dictis Originalibus doctorum diversorum; committens eis ad manus dictos libros, licet debilis corpore, incolumis tamen gratia Dei existens in mente. Porro idem fratres affectu benivolo considerantes, quod sine predictorum librorum solacio, necnon et directione interdum, convenienter esse non possem, eosdem mihi ad vitam, vel ad mee lybitum voluntatis grata vicissitudine concesserunt. Quanta igitur possum districtione prohibeo, sub interminatione maledictionis eterne, ne quisquam cuiuscumque conditionis fuerit aut status, prefatos fratres post decessum meum in eorundem librorum recuperatione quomodolibet impedire, seu eosdem, contra ipsorum voluntatem maliciose presumat detinere. In premissorum autem recognitionem, et evidentiam certiorem sigillum meum presentibus est appensum. Datum Upsalie anno Domini MCCCXX octavo in die sancti Laurentii.


Dansk oversættelse:

Lars, dekan ved kirken i Uppsala, hilser alle som ser dette brev evindeligt i Herren. For at forhindre at min vilje ej skal opfyldes på grund af en ulykke, forkynder jeg med dette brev, at jeg til de fromme mænd, prædikebrødrene i Sigtuna har skænket følgende bøger, takket være deres ærbødighed over for Guds ærefulde moder og for min sjæls frelses skyld: mit Decretum, Decretales med de vanlige forklaringer, Vincentius i to bind, en bibel, og to bind som kaldes Originalibus doctorum diversorum. Jeg betror disse bøger i deres hænder, selv svag af legeme, men gennem Guds forsyn velbeholden af sjælen. Da brødrene i deres kærlighed har betænkt, at jeg uden disse bøgers trøst og til tider også rettelse ikke kan befinde mig vel, har de som en kær gentjeneste bevilget mig at leve hos dem for min livstid eller så længe jeg ønsker. Derfor forbyder jeg med al den strenghed jeg formår under trussel om evig forbandelse enhver, uanset rang eller stand, efter min bortgang på nogen som helst måde at hindre brødrene fra at få disse bøger eller i ondt forsæt vove at hindre dem mod deres vilje. Som vidnesbyrd og sikkert bevis for ovenstående er mit segl vedhængt dette brev. Givet i Uppsala i det Herrens år 1328 på den hellige Laurentius’ dag.


Comments: (Fr.) Laurentius de Vaksala (†1332) or Lars Olofsson, dean of the cathedral chapter in Uppsala, was of wealthy family from the district east of Enköping; his nephew, Lars Nilsson, later became provost of the same cathedral chapter. After taking the degree as magister somewhere abroad, he became canon secular at the cathedral chapter in Uppsala around 1285 (Ferm 1990, 193) or around 1300 (Gallén 1946, 149 note 14), where he served for a lifetime, predominantly as dean. His byname derived from the parish church of Vaksala, situated in the vicinity of Uppsala, which belonged to the prebend of the dean’s office. As dean he was responsible for the clerical education of the Swedish archdiocese, and for this reason he authored two pastoral works aimed at poor parish priests stationed in the countryside, who would otherwise not have the means to get acquainted with canon law and the works of the church fathers (cf. his own introduction to the Summula): Suffragium curatorum was a general manual for parish curators, while Summula de ministris et sacramentis ecclesiasticis was a manual focused on the sacraments. From the wording it seems as if the ageing Laurentius at this time only lived with the convent in Sigtuna as a particularly privileged pensioner, but when he donated the same convent a house in Uppsala and a beach stall in Enköping in 1330 30/5, he termed himself both dean and Friar Preacher. In an extant version of his own Suffragium curatorum, probably also given to the convent in Sigtuna, his affiliation to the Order as well as his death day is noted: in ordine professus obiit anno Domini MCCCXXXII tertio kalendas marcii, i.e. 28 February 1332 (Cod. Ups. C 18 fol. 198v, cf. Gallén 1946, 149 note 14). ● The donated books can, apart from the Bible, be identified as Gratian’s Decretum, Gregor IX’s Decretales, Fr. Vincentius de Beauvais’ Summa, and the composite work Libri originales doctorum.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2672; Röster från svensk medeltid, pp. 194-197 (with Swedish translation).

Literature: Gallén 1946, p. 149; Ferm 1990.


                      1328 10/8      (Uppsala)

In addition to the abovementioned donation, Laurentius de Vaksala confirms that he has also given the same convent a number of unspecified books, for which the same conditions apply.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis presentes litteras inspecturis Laurentius decanus Upsalensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Tenore presentium notum facio universis me religiosis viris fratribus predicatoribus Sictunie quosdam libros preter illos quos ipsis in meo testamento legaveram ad honorem gloriose virginis marie ac meorum remissionem peccaminum contulisse ac sanum et incolumem ad manus eis tradidisse. Prohibens omni districtione qua possum sub interminatione maledictionis eterne ne quis in posterum cuiuscumque fuerit conditionis vel status predictos fratres quo ad hanc meam donationem presumat quomodolibet molestare. In cuius rei evidentiam sigillum meum presentibus est appensum. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXVIII, die beati Laurentii.


Dansk oversættelse:

Lars, dekan ved kirken i Uppsala, hilser alle som ser dette brev evindeligt i Herren. Med dette brev forkynder jeg, at jeg til de fromme mænd, prædikebrødrene i Sigtuna, har skænket en del bøger, udover dem som er forordnet i mit testamente, til den hellige Jomfru Marias ære og for mine synders forladelses skyld, og at jeg overlader dem i deres hænder, frisk og velbeholden. Jeg forbyder med al den strenghed jeg formår under trussel om evig forbandelse enhver i fremtiden, uanset rang og stand, at på nogen som helst måde forsøge at hindre brødrene angående min gave. Til bevis på dette er mit segl vedhængt dette brev. Givet i det Herrens år 1328 på den hellige Laurentius’ dag.


Comments: One of these unspecified books may be Laurentius’ own Suffragium curatorum, of which a manuscript is indeed preserved in the so-called ‘Vadstena Collection’ (now at the University Library of Uppsala as  Cod. Ups. C 18), which is indeed believed to originate from the Dominican convent library in Sigtuna.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2673; Röster från svensk medeltid, pp. 196-197 (with Swedish translation).




1329 15/2


Nunnery of St. Agnes (Roskilde), Convent of Roskilde

Gynceke de Falkendal donates a field situated north-east of Roskilde, next to the mill of the Friars Preachers, to the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes.


Source: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Language: A. Latin. B. Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus Gynzikæ de Falkædalæ salutem in domino. Quod factum est in publico et apparenter ne per oblivionem hominum defluxu temporis delabatur solet testimonio litterarum roborari et in memoriam reduci ac renovari. Ideo ad noticiam tam precencium quam futurorum produco et tenore presencium recognosco me in crastino Valentini martyris in placito Roskildensis dedisse et scotasse monasterio sancte Agnetis ibidem agrum dudum meum qui dicitur Vindæbothæ hawghæ situm inter ipsum monasterium et molendinum fratrum predicatorum cum omnibus pertinenciis suis integraliter scilicet, cum agris, pratis, pomerio, et aque profluxu in anime mee remedium et antedicti claustri subsidium. Ut autem ista donacio et scotacio sit firma et perpetua obligo me et heredes meos per presentes ipsam meam scotacionem prefatam ab omni inpugnante et inpedire volente stabilem facere et firmam nunc et in posterium. Datum anno domini m.ccc.xx.nono in crastino beati Valentini martyris. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum Claws, fratris mei, et meum presentibus sunt appensa.


B (registration of A):

Ett Gynzicka aff Falchedalls Latine pergamendtz breff paa en agher, kallis Windebohaffue, liggendis hoss adelueyen emellum sorte brødre mølle oc sanctæ Agnetæ closter. Datum 1329.


English translation of B:

A Gynceke of Falkendal’s Latin parchment letter on a field, called Vindebo Garden, lying by the public road between Black Friars’ Mill and St. Agnes Monastery. Given 1329.


Comments: On the back of the letter is written: Paa jenn agher, som kalles Wynerbo haffuæ liggendis hoss adelweyen imellum Suartebroder mølle oc sancte Agnetis closter (“On a field, called Vindebo Garden, lying by the public road between Blackfriar Mill and St. Agnes Monastery”). Gynceke Gyncelinsen was an esquire with manorial seat in Falkendal just outside of Roskilde. He was also citizen in Roskilde and is known as mayor around 1350. He was son of an immigrated petty nobleman from the island of Rügen, and possibly, he himself was the father of the Dominican penitentiary (1362-64) Godskalk Mule de Falkendal (†1374) (Gallén 1946, p. 180). The mill of the Friars Preachers was located somewhere along the stream on the priory site, which was covering most of the north-eastern part of town.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 100. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, pp. 285-286.



1329 15/2                           Roskilde

A written evidence of the city court of Roskilde on the above-mentioned donation.


Source: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Language: A. Latin. B. Danish.



Universis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, communitas consulum et civium Roskildensium salutem in domino. Ut veritas debitum processum habeat et ne per oblivionem vel malignancium machinacionem a suo termino inpediatur, consuevit indicium scripture litterarum certam cognicionem reformare et dubium proculpellere fine assequto veritatis. Quapropter presencium et subsequencium noverit universitas, Gynzikæ, filium Gyncelini de Falkædalæ, civem Roskildensem dedisse et scotasse in placito nostro et presencia nostra in crastino beati Valentini martyris monasterio sancte Agnetis virginis in eadem civitate agrum tunc suum qui dicitur Windæbothæ haughæ situm inter viam puplicam juxta monasterium predictarum dominarum et molendinum fratrum predicatorum cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, videlicet, agris patris pomerio et aque influxu et decursu sicut eundem agrum post patrem suum jure hereditario quiete et pacifice habuit et possedit. Insuper eciam obligavit se et heredes suos predictum agrum cum scotacione sua liberum facere ab omni si fuerit nunc et in posterum inpedire volente et reddere prius dicto monasterio dominarum in perpetuum quiete possidendum. Datum et actum, anno domini m.ccc.vicesimo nono, in crastino beati Valentini martyris. In cuius facti evidenciam sigillum civitatis nostre presentibus fecimus apponi.


B (registration of A):

Borgemester oc raadtz breff vdj Roschiille, att Gynziicka aff Falckedall, borgere vdj Roskiille, schøtte samme ager, Windeboe haffue, tiill sanctæ Agne closter paa byethinget. Datum 1329.


English translation of B:

Mayor and council’s letter in Roskilde that Gynceke of Falkendal, citizen in Roskilde, deeded the same field, Vindebo Garden, to St. Agnes Monastery at the city court. Given 1329.


Comments: On the back of the letter is written: Super unum agrum in Windæbothæhawæ.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 101. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 286.




1329 30/3


Convent of Lund

The cathedral chapter of Lund sells two sites in Lund to Archbishop Karl of Lund; one of the sites is situated next to the priory of the Friars Preachers and was earlier lived upon by Canon Peder Truedsen.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Universis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, Holmgerus Petri prepositus, Petrus Johannis decanus, Kanutus Erici archidyaconus, totumque capitulum ecclesie Lundensis; salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis nos reverendo in Christo patri et domino, domino Karolo Dei gratia Lundensi archiepiscopo Swechie primati, duos fundos nostros, unum videlicet juxta fratres predicatores situm, quem inhabitavit quondam dominus Petrus Thrugoti canonicus Lundensis, et alium in vico qui dicitur Hulægathæ situm, qui attinebat olim domino Jacobo cellerario, dimisisse, assignasse, et legittime scotasse perpetuo pro suis usibus ordinandos. Pro quibus recognoscimus nos ab eodem reverendo patre, sufficientem recompensationem habuisse. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Actum et datum Lundis, anno Domini millesimo CCCXX nono, feria quinta ante dominicam medie quadragesime.


Dansk oversættelse:

Provst Holger Pedersen, dekan Peder Johansen, ærkedegn Knud Eriksen og hele kapitlet ved kirken i Lund til alle, hvem dette brev når: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. I skal vide, at vi til den med Kristus ærværdige fader og herre hr. Karl, af Guds nåde ærkebiskop af Lund og Sveriges primas har overladt, afhændet og lovligt skødet til hans fremtidige brug vore to tofter, nemlig én ved prædikebrødrenes grund, som afdøde hr. Peder Truedsen, kannik i Lund, boede på, og en anden beliggende i den gade, der kaldes Hulegade, som tidligere tilhørte hr. Jakob Kældermester. Handlet og givet i Lund i det Herrens år 1329 på femtedagen før søndagen midt i fasten.


Comments: In spite of their neighbourship, Canon Peder Truedsen and the Dominican convent are not known to have had any relations. The priory was situated very close to the cathedral chapter and the canons’ residential area. ● On Archbishop Karl Eriksen of Lund, see 1328 14/1. ● The site was afterwards donated by the archbishop to the Friars Preachers in Lund on 1329 29/4 in return for a perpetual mass.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2709; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 107.




1329 29/4


Convent of Lund, Province of Dacia

Archbishop Karl of Lund gives the convent of Friars Preachers in Lund a farm adjacent to their priory for the priory site’s extension in return for their many favours and for a perpetual mass for the archbishop and his parents to be celebrated monthly at the Altar of Virgin Mary in the east end of the priory church; when he has died, the mass is to take place at the same time as the canons are celebrating his anniversary in the cathedral, and his name shall be written into the missale of the altar to be remembered and read for eternity. The farm used to be inhabited by the late Peder Truedsen, canon at the cathedral chapter, but has been bought from the chapter by the archbishop.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, Karolus miseratione divina Lundensis archiepiscopus, Swecie primas, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Exigentibus suffragiorum meritis et aliarum devotionem indiciis fratrum predicatorum, que ipsorum dilectio nobis efficaciter exhibuerat ab antiquo, dignum duximus beneficia nobis exhibita et imposterum exhibenda, donis recompen­sare fertilibus, et beneficia beneficiis coequare. Constare igitur volumus universis quod nos viris religiosis dilectis nobis in Christo priori ... totique conventui fratrum predicatorum Lundis pro ipsorum area dilatanda curiam nostram prebendalem, in qua defunctus dominus Petrus Thrughætsun canonicus Lundensis residebat quam quidem curiam a predilecto capitulo nostro Lundensi, facta sufficienti recompen­satione acquisivimus, prout per eorum patentes litteras plene liquet, in remedium anime nostre et parentum nostrorum, legamus, scotamus, et libere assignamus perpetuo possidendam, proviso quod nobis ducente vitam in humanis quolibet mense singulis annis ipsi fratres unam missam de beata virgine in altari eiusdem ad austrum in ecclesia eorum sito, cantare pro status nostri conservatione teneantur. Cum autem volente domino ab hac luce discesseri­mus, anniversarium nostrum sollempniter in perpetuum faciant, eo anni tempore quo a canonicus in maiori ecclesia occurrerit cele­brandum, hoc etiam adjuncto quod post dies nostros nomen nostrum scribi faciant in canone missalis ad idem altare beate virginis deputati, ut quicumque ibi celebraverit, nos specialiter et progenitores nostros generaliter, semper Deo habeat recommendatos, et pro nobis sua flagitet devotio specialis. In quorum omnium testimonium, sigillum nostrum presentibus duximus apponendum. Actum et datum Lundis, anno Domini MCCCXX nono s[abbato] infra sanctam septimanam pasche.


Dansk oversættelse:

Karl, af Guds miskundhed ærkebiskop i Lund og Sveriges primas, til alle, der ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Som tak for prædikebrødrenes forbøn og deres andre beviser for hengivenhed, som deres kærlighed til os har ladet dem lægge for dagen fra gammel tid, har vi anset det for passende at gengælde deres velgerninger mod os, både de tidligere og de fremtidige, med vægtige gaver og at veje velgerning op med velgerning. Derfor vil vi, at det skal være klart for alle, at vi til frelse for vor og vore forældres sjæle i evigt eje testamenterer, tilskøder og frit overdrager de fromme mænd vore med Kristus kære prior ... og hele prædikebrødrekonventet i Lund til udvidelse af deres jordområde vor præbendegård, i hvilken afdøde hr. Peder Truedsen, kannik i Lund, boede; denne gård har vi mod passende vederlag erhvervet fra vort elskede kapitel i Lund, således som det tydeligt er fremstillet i deres åbne brev. Vi betinger os, at brødrene i vor levetid årligt hver måned skal synge en messe for den hellige jomfru ved hendes alter placeret i det østlige af deres kirke for vor stillings bevarelse. Men når vi efter Guds vilje vandrer bort fra denne verden, skal de til evig tid højtideligholde vor årtid på den tid af året, da det vil påhvile kannikkerne at holde den i den store kirke, og desuden skal de efter vor død lade vort navn indskrive i samme Mariaalters messebogs kanon, så at den, der holder messe dér, altid kan anbefale os for os selv og vore forfædre under ét til Gud, og for at han særligt inderligt kan bede for os. Til vidnesbyrd om alt dette har vi ladet vort segl hænge under dette brev. Handlet og givet i Lund i det Herrens år 1329 på lørdagen i den hellige påskeuge.


Comments: On the back of the letter is written: De curia quam fratres habuerunt de domino Karolo archiepiscopo Lundensi cuius anniversarium celebremus eodem die quo canonici. ● On Archbishop Karl Eriksen of Lund, see 1328 14/1. He died on 16 May 1334. His parents, for whom the friars were also obliged to pray, were Erik Jonsen Galen de Ellingen and Inger; the father apparently outlived Karl Eriksen. ● The canonical residence of the late Peder Truedsen was bought from the cathedral chapter by the archbishop in 1329 30/3. ● The whole agreement was confirmed by the prior and convent of the Friars Preachers in Lund, along with the prior provincial of Dacia, two days after (see below).


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2712; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 112.


                      1329 1/5        Lund

Fr. Nicolaus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Lund, along with his entire convent and the prior provincial of Dacia confirm to the abovementioned agreement.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus vel audituris, frater Nicholaus fratrum ordinis predicatorum in conventu Lundensi priori licet indignus ceterique fratres conventus eiusdem, eternam in Dei filio salutem. Quia mundi huius cursu varie se voluente frequentius contingit ea a memoria hominum excidere per que humana anima ad portum salutis debeat pervenire nisi litterarum auctencticarum testimonio firmius roborentur. Idcirco omnibus notum esse volumus, tam presentibus quam futuris nos firmiter obligatos teneri ad cantandaum unam missam de beata virgine in altari eiusdem sito ad austrum in ecclesia nostra pro venerabili patre domino Karolo divina miseratione archiepiscopo Lundensi, Swecie primate, ordinis nostri precipio amatore quolibet mense singulis annis ipso vivente. Cum vero supradictum dominum ab hoc seculo a Deo vocari contingat et viam ingredi carnis universe anniversarium suum sollempniter inperpetuum tenebimus eo anni tempore quo a canonicis in maiori ecclesia occurrerit celebrandum, hoc adjuncto etiam quod nomen eiusdem domini Lundensis post mortem ipsius scribatur in canone missalis ad altare beate virginis deputati, ut quicumque ibi celebraverit ipsum specialiter progenitores suos generaliter semper Deo habeat recommendatos pro quibus sua flagitat devotio specialis. Pro quarum omnium obligationum recompensa tam necessaria quam utiliori recognoscimus nos curiam prebendalem in qua dominus Petrus Thrwtsun canonicus Lundensis quondam residebat a memorato venerabili patre archiepiscopo Karolo, cum pleno juro habuisse, quam curiam canonicis Lundensibus facta sufficienti recompensatione acquisiuit et pro nostra area dilatanda ipsi conventuis nostro legavit ac in placito generali cum scotacione debita assignavit. In cuius obligationis evidentiam et firmitatem, presentes litteras sigillo reverendi patris nostri prioris provincialis Dacie una cum sigillo prioris et conventus nostri fecimus communiri. Datum Lundis, anno Domini MCCCXX nono, in festo apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Niels, prior for prædikebrødrene i Lund skønt uværdig dertil, og de andre brødre i samme konvent til alle, der ser eller hører dette brev: Evig hilsen i Guds søn. Eftersom denne verden bestandig skifter bane, sker det oftere, at just de ting glider menneskene af minde, som burde føre sjælen til frelsens havn, med mindre de fast bestyrkes ved autentiske breve vidnesbyrd. Derfor vil vi, at det skal være vitterligt for alle, såvel nulevende som kommende, at vi har forpligtet os ubrydeligt til at synge en messe til den hellige jomfru ved hendes alter placeret østligt i vor kirke for den ærværdige fader hr. Karl, af Guds miskundhed ærkebiskop af Lund og Sveriges primas, vor ordens særlige velynder, én gang om måneden år for år, sålænge han selv lever. Men når det times nævnte herre, at Gud kalder ham bort fra denne verden, og han må gå al kødets gang, vil vi til evig tid højtideligholde hans årtid på den tid af året, hvor det påhviler kannikkerne i domkirken at fejre den, idet vi tilføjer, at samme hr. ærkebiskops navn efter hans død skal indføres i omtalte Mariaalters messebogs kanon, for at enhver, der holder messe dér til enhver tid kan anbefale ham særskilt og hans forfædre under ét til Gud og særligt inderligt gå i forbøn for dem. Som en ligeså nødvendig som nyttig gengæld for alle disse forpligtelser anerkender vi at have modtaget den præbendegård, hvor fordums hr. Peder Truedsen, kannik i Lund, boede, med fuld af ret af omtalte ærværdige fader ærkebiskop Karl; denne gård havde han mod passende vederlag erhvervet af kannikkerne i Lund og skænket vort konvent for at udvide vort areal og overdraget os den ved lovlig skødning på landstinget. Til vidnesbyrd om og sikkerhed for denne forpligtelse har vi ladet dette brev besegle med vor ærværdige fader provincialprioren i Dacias segl tillige med vor priors og vor konvents segl. Givet i Lund i det Herrens år 1329 på apostlene Filip og Jakobs dag.


Comments: On the back of the letter is written: De obligatione ad missam perpetuam pro anima domini Karoli archiepiscopi. ● Fr. Nicolaus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Lund, is not known from any other sources. ● The prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia at this time was probably Fr. Petrus Philippi (c.1328-1333), see 1332.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2713; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 114.




1329 21/6


Province of Dacia

Fr. Johannes Nyborg OP, minor penitentiary for the church province of Dacia, informs the Bishop of Ribe that Magister Henneke Henzesen, a priest from his diocese, who holds the present letter, has confessed to a long list of sins and crimes – including violence towards other clergy, gambling, visiting public houses of various kinds, disobeying authorities, lying, and neglecting his ecclesiastical tasks – for which he has received papal absolution. The bishop is instructed to enjoin a suitable penance on the magister and to suspend him from office for a suitable period, after which he shall be dispensed and reintroduced in the Church; the bishop is, however, to make sure that the magister pays compensations to those he has offended, or the excommunication is to be reintroduced.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Venerabili in Christo patri ... Dei gratia episcopo Ripensi vel eius vicario in spiritualibus, frater Johannes Niborgh domini pape penitentiarius, salutem in Domino. Hennikinnum Henceri de Rippis magistrum in artibus presbiterem vestre diocesis latorem presentium, qui olim prout latius vobis exponet, pro violenta injectione manuum in clericos seculares presbiteros et alias religiosas personas usque et citra sanguinis effusionem citra tamen excessum alias dificilem vel enormen, necnon arma portando, ad taxillos et alios illicitos ludos ludendo, tabernas, prata, blada, vineas, ortos et alia loca vetita intrando, cum excommunicatis non tamen in crimine participando, adulteria etiam comitendo, collectas, decimas et alias impositiones ac debita quibus tenebatur statutis terminis non solvendo, constitutiones insuper statuta et mandata generalia tam provincialia quam synodalia legatorum, delegatorum, subdelegatorum executorum sedis apostolice ac aliorum judicum officialium rectorum scolarium et superiorum suorum transgrediendo excommunicationis suspensionis aut interdicti incurrit sententias in tales generaliter promulgatas, perjuriaque comisit, horas etiam canonicas dicere pretermisit, et sic ligatus non tamen in contemptum clavium set per simplicitatem et juris ignorantiam in suis ministravit ordinibus et alias inmiscuit se divinis a dictis expressatis sententiis perjuriorum reatibus horarumque canonicarum omissione ac peccatis suis aliis que nobis in foro confessionis aparvit ad vos auctoritate domini pape remitimus juxta formam ecclesie absolutum mandantes ei inter alia sub debito prestiti juramenti ut passis injuriam si non satisfecit, et aliis si quibus per predicta perjuria vel alias per premissa ad satisfactionem tenetur, satisfaciat competenter, et si licita sint juramenta ad eorum et horarum canonicarum observantiam redeat ut tenetur. Circumspectioni vestre predicta auctoritate comitimus quatinus injuncta inde sibi pro modo culpe penitentia salutari, eoque ad tempus prout expedire videritis a suorum ordinum executione suspenso, tandem suffragantibus sibi meritis alioque canonico non obstante super irregularitate modo premisso contracta dispensetis auctoritate predicta misericorditer cum eodem. Ipsum si satisfacere forte contempserit in eandem excommunicationis sententiam recidisse nuntietis. Datum Avinione ∙xi∙ kalendas julii, pontificatus domini Johannis pape ∙xxii∙ anno tertiodecimo.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Johannes Nyborg, den herre pavens pønitentiar, hilser i Herren den i Kristus ærværdige fader ..., af Guds nåde biskop af Ribe, eller hans åndelige vikar. Magister Henneke Henzesen fra Ribe, præst i Eders stift og indehaver af dette brev, har i sin tid, hvilket han udførligere vil fremstille det for Eder, pådraget sig de bandlysnings-, suspensions- og interdiktsdomme, som er rettet imod sådanne personer i almindelighed, idet han voldeligt har lagt hånd på sekulærgejstlige, præster og andre Kirkens mænd næsten lige indtil blodsudgydelse – men dog således at forseelsen ikke i øvrigt var over al måde og vanskelig at sone – og idet han har båret våben, spillet brætspil og andre ulovlige spil, besøgt kroer, forårs- og høstfester, vingårde, lystgård og andre forbudte steder, har omgåedes med bandlyste, uden dog at tage del i deres brøde, og også har bedrevet hor, har undladt at betale sine skyldige kollekter, tiender og andre pålæg til fastsat tid og desuden har overtrådt almindelige bestemmelser, vedtægter og pålæg stammende fra såvel provins- som stiftssynoder eller fra det apostoliske sædes legater, delegerede, subdelegerede og eksekutorer samt andre dommere, officialer, skoleforstandere og hans overordnede; dertil har han gjort sig skyldig i mened og han har forsømt at sige sine tidebønner, og således belastet med alt dette har han forvaltet sit embede og forrettet andre kirkelige handlinger, dog ikke i foragt for nøglemagten, men af enfoldighed og uvidenhed om retten. Med den herre pavens bemyndigelse sender vi ham tilbage til Eder efter ifølge Kirkens regler at have meddelt ham absolution for de nævnte domme, for anklage om mened og for undladelsen af tidebønnerne og de andre forseelser, som han har bekendt for os under skrifte, idet vi blandt andet under ed har pålagt ham at yde passende erstatning til dem, der har lidt uret, hvis han ikke allerede har givet erstatning, og til andre, som han ved nævnte meneder og andet er skyldigat give oprejsning, samt at vende tilbage til at overholde sine eder, hvis de er gyldige, og sine tidebønner, som det er hans pligt. Med samme bemyndigelse overdragervi til Eders omsigt, at I, når I har pålagt ham en helsebringende bod i forhold til hans brøde og suspenderet ham fra at forvalte hans embedefor så lang tid, som I finder tjenligt, med nævnte bemyndigelse omsider barmhjertigt dispenserer ham fra den irregularitet, som han på omtalte måde har pådraget sig, idet hans fortjenester anbefaler ham dertil og intet kanonisk er til hinder derfor. Men skulle han undlade at give erstatning, skal I meddele ham, at hans bandlysningsdom er trådt i kraft på ny. Givet i Avignon den 21. juni i den herre pave Johannes XXII’s trettende paveår.


Comments: On Fr. Johannes Nyborg, see 1324 3/3. Shortly after, he was appointed as papal nuncio and collector for the church province of Dacia in 1329 5/8, and subsequently as bishop of Roskilde in 1330 15/6. ● The bishop of Ribe at this time was Jakob Splitaf (1327-1345), see 1332 21/3. ● Magister Henneke Henzesen was apparently taken back into the mercy of the Church, since Pope John XXII in 1329 19/12 appointed him canon of the cathedral chapter in Ribe (DD 2 X 178-179), although this did not happen in agreement with the bishop and the rest of the chapter (see 1332 21/3).


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 121.




1329 11/7

Monastery of Roskilde

Peder Grubbe de Storde donates a farm in Bjerge to the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes Monastery in Roskilde as dowry for his daughter Elsef, who wishes to join the convent; the farm, which is situated in the southern part of the village, was acquired by Peder through Elsef’s mother.


Sources: A. Original document (Archive of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Old Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus Petrus Grubbæ de Storthæ salutem in Domino sempiternam. Tenore presentium notum facio quod ego filiam meam Elsef de proprio beneplacito et assensu, necnon et propinquorum suorum tam ex parte patris quam ex parte matris, unanimi consilio tradendam deliberavi monasterio sancte Agnetis Roskildis, cui quidem monasterio cum ipsa confero curiam meam australem in villa que dicitur Bierighæ in Flakkæbiershæret quam habui cum matre sua. Confero atque curiam illam monasterio predicto cum omnibus juribus et pertinentiis suis ac omnibus bonis mobilibus et immobilibus jure perpetuo possidendam. In cuius collationis testimonium sigillum meum, una cum sigillis nobilium virorum domini Johannis Vffæsun, domini Johannis Olæfsun, Andree Olæfsun, Joon Grubbæ et Bo Dyuræ presentibus est appensum. Datum anno Domini MCCCXX nono in crastino sancti Kanuti regis et martiris.


Dansk oversættelse (uddrag):

Peder Grubbe af Storde til alle, som ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Jeg gør vitterligt med dette brev, at jeg har overvejet at overgive min datter Elsef efter hendes egen vilje og samtykke, samt med hendes nærmest fædrene og mødrene frænders enstemmige tilslutning til Roskilde Agnete Kloster, idet jeg sammen med hende overdrager klosteret min sydlige gård i landsbyen Bjerge i Flakkebjerg herred, som jeg har fået med hendes moder. Og jeg overdrager førnævnte kloster denne gård med alle dens rettigheder og tilliggender og med alt rørligt og urørligt gods til evig besiddelse. [...]



Per Grubbis breff paa en gaard j Bierre j Flackebiergs herritt, att hand gaff thend till sanctæ Agnette closter mett sin datter. 1329.


Comments: Backside inscription: Super bonis in Bierighæ in Flakæbiærshæret. ● On Peder Grubbe, see 1322 21/7. Peder’s mother, Elsef, also joined the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde in 1330 2/6. ● The location of Peder Grubbe’s manorial residence, Storthæ, is uncertain. While it was traditionally identified with Stude (Hemmeshøj p.) (DRB 2 X 131), more recent studies identify it with the demesne Storde in Terslev parish, called Storgården since the seventeenth century (Jørgensen 1997, 120). ● (Sønder) Bjerge, Bierighæ (Bjerge p., Flakkebjerg h.) is a village on the south-western part of Sjælland, situated 60 km south-west of Roskilde.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 131. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer  vol. IV, p. 288.





Province of Dacia

Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum is imprisoned by King Christoffer II of Denmark and because of this the Danish church has to endure an interdict for the next seven years and eight months.


Source: A. Chronica Jutensis. B. Annales Scanici.

Language: Latin.



Igitur anno Domini 1329. (…) Cepit autem Christoferus quendam Tukonem, episcopum Burglanensem; propter cuius captionem clerus regni tenuit interdictum annis 7 et mensibus octo.


Dansk oversættelse:

Således i det Herrens år 1329. (…) Men til gengæld lod Christoffer da fængsle Tyge, biskop af Børglum; på grund af denne fængsling måtte den danske gejstlighed overholde et interdikt i syv år og otte måneder.



1329. Interdictum fuit per totam Daciam propter captivitatem domini Tulonis [:Tukonis], episcopi Burglanensis.


Dansk oversættelse:

1329. Hele Danmark lægges under interdikt på grund af fængsling af hr. Tyge, biskop af Børglum.


Comments: On Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum and the interdict caused by his imprisonment, see 1327 19/8. On King Christoffer II of Denmark (1320-1326 and 1329-1332), see 1323 15/8. The imprisonment was executed shortly after the king’s reinstallment, which Bishop Tucho allegedly had opposed. ● The interdict was revoked for Sjælland in 1331 2/5, for Northern Halland in 1331 21/7, but although Bishop Tucho was released in 1332 10/1 and reinstalled in 1332 18/5, the rest of the country remained under interdict until 1337 21/6.


Published: A. Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. II, pp. 391-392; Annales Danici, p. 161; Danmarks middelalderlige annaler, p. 294. B. Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. VI, p. 532; Annales Danici, p. 189; Danmarks middelalderlige annaler, p. 72.




1330 2/6


Monastery of Roskilde

Elsef Olufsdatter de Ordrup, daughter of Oluf Tagesen and widow of Jens Grubbe, donates her estate in Torslundelille to the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde, to whom her son Peder Grubbe has legally handed it over at the hundred court. The donation shall act as dowry if she decides to enter the convent and take the habit of the sisters; if she decides not to enter, the convent shall keep the estate in return for a perpetual mass to be celebrated on her anniversary, so that half of the income shall go to the fund of the monastery church and the other half is to be divided among the sisters.


Sources: A. Original document (Archive of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Old Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus Elslyf filia Olavi Takæsun relicta domini Johannis Grubbe, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi me bona mea in Thoorslunth Lilæ in Thunahæræth sita monasterio sancte Agnetis Roskildis dedisse ac per filium meum Petrum dictum Grubbe in placito ...... skotari fecisse hiis conditionibus interjectis, quod si me dictum monasterium intrare contingat et habitum sororum sumere dicta bona sint pro meo ingressu nomine dotis, si autem me non contingat ad sorores intrare nec habitum earum reciper[e] volo quod redditus de dictis bonis hoc modo singulis annis in perpetuum ordinantur videlicet, quod medietas reddituum sit ad fabricam ecclesie sororum, medietas autem inter sorores dividatur et anniversarium meum singulis annis ibidem celebretur. In cuius rei testimonium sigilla nobilium virorum videlicet [domini] Petri Grubbe, domini Johannis Olafsun et Saxonis Pæthersun una cum sigillo meo proprio presentibus sunt [appensa]. Datum Oorthorp anno Domini MCCCXXX in vigilia trinitatis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Else, datter af Oluf Tagesen, enke efter Jens Grubbe, til alle, som læser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Alle skal vide, at jeg har givet Roskilde Sankt Agnete Kloster mit gods i Torslundelille i Tune herred og ladet det tilskøde klosteret gennem min søn Peder Grubbe på ... ting på de betingelser, at hvis jeg skulle indtræde i nævnte kloster og anlægge søstrenes dragt, skal nævnte gods gælde som medgift for min indtrædelse; men hvis jeg ikke skulle indtræde hos søstrene og tage deres dragt, er det min vilje, af indtægten af nævnte gods til evig tid hvert år skal fordeles på følgende måde, nemlig at halvdelen af indtægterne skal tilfalde bygningsfonden for søstrenes kirke og halvdelen fordeles mellem søstrene, og at min årtid skal højtideligholdes sammesteds hvert år. [...] Givet i Ordrup...



Thuo Latins pergmetz breffue tillsamen sye: a) thett første paa gotz j Tordzlund lille j Thuneherritt, som frw Elseff, Oluff Tages dotther, her Jens Grubbes efftherleffuersche, gaff till closteritt. 1330.


Comments: The exact family relations of the Grubbe Family are not clear, but Elsef’s son Peder is probably identical to the Peder Grubbe de Storde, who in 1329 11/7 let his daughter, Elsef (probably named after her paternal grandmother), join the same convent. The witnesses Anders Olufsen (in 1329) and Jens Olufsen (in 1330) were possibly brothers to Elsef (the elder). ● Ordrup, Oorthorp (Kirke Sonnerup p., Volborg h.) was a demesne in the possession of the Grubbe Family until the 16th century, when it was dissolved and torn down. ● Torslundelille, Thoorslunth Lilæ (Reerslev p., Tune h.); this is the oldest extant reference to the existence of the settlement and its name. The village was deserted in 1719 and dissolved in favour of the nearby manor Gjeddesdal.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 211. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 279.




1330 15/6


Province of Dacia

Fr. Johannes Nyborg of the Friars Preachers, minor penitentiary at the Curia in Avignon for the church province of Dacia, is by papal reservation appointed bishop of Roskilde by Pope John XXII.


Source: Transcript. Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Johanni de Nyborgh electo Roskildensi (…). Superni dispositione consilii, per quod in regno mundi ordinationem universa suscipiunt, in supreme dignitatis specula quamquam immerite constituti, ad universas orbis ecclesias intuitum apostolice considerationis extendimus et de illarum statu prospero cogitamus, opem et operam, quantum nobis ex alto conceditur, impendentes, ut ecclesiarum ipsarum regimina, cum eas contingerit suorum pastorum gubernatione destitui, personis committantur providis, virtutum titulis insignitis, sub quarum umbra et tutela felicibus eedem ecclesie spiritualiter et temporaliter coadjuvante domino refloreant eventibus et successibus prosperis colletentur. Olim siquidem, Johanne episcopo Roskildensi ecclesie Roskildensis regimini presidente, nos ….. provisionem eiusdem ecclesie, cum eam ubiconque vacare contingeret, dispositioni nostre ac dicte sedis duximus specialiter reservandam. Postmodum vero, dicta ecclesia per obitum ipsius Johannis episcopi ….. pastoris solatio destituta, nos ….. post deliberationem, quam de preficiendo ecclesie prefate virum talem, per quem possit circumspecte regi ad dirigi et etiam defensari, cum fratribus nostris habuimus diligentem, demum ad te ordinis fratrum predicatorum professorum, penitentiarium nostrum, litterarum scientia etcetera, prout familiari experientia novimus, insignitum, direximus oculos nostre mentis. Quibus omnibus pensatis de persona tua eidem ecclesie Roskildensi providemus teque illi preficimus in episcopum et pastorem ….. firma spe fiduciaque conceptis, quod, dextera Domini tibi assistente propicia, prelibata ecclesia sub fructuosi regiminis tui cura votiva honoris et comodi suscipiat incrementa ….. . Datum Avinione 17 kalendas julii anno 14.

   In eodem modo capitulo ecclesie Roskildensis; clero civitatis et diocesis Roskildensis; populo civitatis et diocesis Roskildensis; archiepiscopo Lundensi.


Dansk oversættelse:

Til vor søn Johannes Nyborg, udvalgt biskop i Roskilde, hilsen og apostolisk velsignelse. (...) Men efter at nævnte kirke ved samme biskop Johannes’ død, som nyligt betalte sin gæld til naturen i de egne, er berøvet sin hyrdes trøst, har vi i betragtning af, at ingen uden vi denne gang kan befatte os med embedsindsættelse i den kirke på grund af vor omtalte reservation og dekret, efter omhyggelig overvejelse med vore brødre om at indsætte en sådan mand i spidsen for omtalte kirke, som med omsigt vil kunne styre og lede og også værne den, først rettet vor opmærksomheds øje mod dig, som værende af Prædikebrødrenes Orden og vor pønitentiar, en mand, som udmærker sig ved boglig lærdom, nidkærhed for reglen, et ordentligt levned og hæderværdige sæder, kyndighed i det åndelige og andre fortjenstfulde dyder, således som vi har lært dig at kende ved personlig omgang. Da nu alt dette er overvejet under tilbørlig eftertanke providerer vi med apostolisk myndighed efter omtalte brødres råd Roskilde Kirke med din person og sætter dig i spidsen for den som biskop og hyrde (...). Derfor pålægger vi dig, kloge mand, med apostolisk brev, at du fromt tager denne dig af Herren pålagte byrde på dig og bestræber dig for at varetage nævnte sjælesorg og forvaltning så omhyggeligt, trofast og klogt, at Kirken vil glæde sig over at være en klog styrer og frugtbar forvalter betroet, og du selv foruden den evige gengældelses belønning kan gøre dig fortjent til at modtage forøget velsignelse og nåde af os og det apostoliske sæde. Givet i Avignon den 17. juli i år 14.


Comments: On Fr. Johannes Nyborg, see 1322 10/6 and 1324 3/3. He remained bishop of Roskilde until his death in 1344. The appointment coincided with his preceding appointment as collector of the papal tithe in Denmark, as which he officially continued until 1332. ● Fr. Johannes Nyborg was installed to replace the deceased Bishop Jens Hind of Roskilde (1320-1330). The appointment was additionally announced in letters for the cathedral chapter of Roskilde (DD 2. ser. vol. X no. 213), the clergy and lay population of the diocese of Roskilde (ibid. no. 214-215) and the archbishop of Lund (ibid. no. 216). ● This was one of the first Scandinavian examples of bishops actually being installed on papal reservation. When Fr. Johannes apparently was so easily accepted by the cathedral chapter it was probably because the canons already knew him well from when he previously had been prior of the convent in Roskilde (Jakobsen 2007).


Published: Acta Pontificum Danica vol. VI no. 5102; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 212.

Literature: Jakobsen 2007.


                      1330 16/6      Avignon

After his episcopal appointment, Fr. Johannes Nyborg promises to pay 1000 golden florins in servitium commune to the Papal Treasury at St. Michael’s Day (29/9).


Source: Register in Obligationes. Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


[Anno 1330] die 16 junii, Avinione in hospito Petri episcopi Portuensis, frater Johannes electus Roskildensis in Dacia promisit pro suo communi servitio 1000 florini auri et 5 servitia consveta persolvere in curia videlicet medietatem in festo beatis Michaelis de mensi septembris extunc proxime sequturo, alioquin infra sex menses etcetera et juravit ut in forma.


Published: Acta Pontificum Danica vol. I no. 190.




1330 15/9


Monastery of Roskilde

Count Johann of Holstein-Stormarn, regent of Skåne and Sjælland, issues a letter of protection and privileges for the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde, in which he exempts the bailiffs, tenant peasants and other subordinates of the monastery from various royal taxes, tariffs and obligations, and he furthermore grants to the monastery the income of all royal fines from 40-marks-cases and below, which may be enjoined on their subordinate tenants.


Source: A. Original document (Archive of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Old Danish.



Johannes Dei gratia comes Holsatie et Stormarie ac capitanus terrarum Skanie et Selandie omnibus terras sibi subditas inhabitantibus, ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Notum facimus universis quod exhibitrices presentium dominas priorissam et sorores monasterii sancte Agnetis Roskildis una cum omnibus bonis suis et familia sibi attinente sub nostra pace et protectione suscipientes specialiter defendendas dimittimus sibi omnia bona earum ab omni expeditionis gravamine que in presentiarum habent impetitione exactoria innæ, stuth, reethskyut, ceterisque oneribus, solutionibus  serviciis ad jus nostrum spectantibus libera pariter et exempta hanc etiam eisdem gratiam superaddentes specialem quod omnes villici sui et coloni ceterique de ipsarum familia de excessibus quadraginta marcharum et omnium jurium nostrorum inferiorum nulli respondere debeant nisi sororibus supradictis. Unde per gratiam nostram districte prohibemus ne quis advocatorum nostrorum vel eorundem officialium seu quisquam alius cuiuscumque conditionis ipsas seu aliquem de ipsarum familia in bonis aut in personis contra tenore presentium audeat aliquatenus molestare sicut indignationem et ultionem nostram volverit evitare. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus litteris duximus apponendum. Datum Roskildis anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo triscesimo, in octava nativitatis beate virginis, testibus dominis Daniele preposito et Henrico de Brochstorpe.


Dansk oversættelse:

Johann, af Guds nåde greve af Holsten og Stormarn, samt høvedsmand for landene Skåne og Sjælland, til alle beboere af de ham underlagte lande, til hvem dette brev må komme: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Vi gør vitterligt for alle, at vi har taget indehaverne af dette brev, de fruer priorinden og søstrene i Roskilde Agnete Kloster med samt alt deres gods og alle deres undergivne under vor fred og beskyttelse til særligt værn, idet vi overlader dem alt deres gods, som det for tiden har, fritaget og undtaget fra enhver ledings tynge, fogedkrav, inne, stud, redskud og de andre tynger, afgifter og tjenester, der hører til vor ret. Vi skænker dem desuden den særlige nåde, at alle deres bryder og landboer og de andre af deres undergivne for fremtiden ikke skal svare nogen anden end ovennævnte søstre i 40-markssager og alle vore mindre sager. Derfor forbyder vi strengt ved vor nåde, at nogen af vore fogeder eller deres officialer eller nogen anden uanset hans stilling imod dette brevs ordlyd vover på nogen måde at fortrædige dem eller nogen af deres undergivne på gods eller personer, såfremt han vil undgå vor harme og hævn. Til vidnesbyrd herom har vi ladet vort segl hænge under dette brev. Givet i Roskilde i det Herrens år 1330 på ottendedagen efter den hellige jomfrus fødselsdag, med herrerne provst Daniel og Henrik Brockdorf som vidner.



Greffue Hanszis beskiermelsze breff, att hannd tilgiffuer closter och thetz thiennere jnne, studt, retteschyldt och 40 marcks sag och alle andre tynnge, som hanom kunde tilfalde. Datum 1330.


Comments: Backside inscription: Littera protectoria Johannis comitis Holsatie. This was basically a confirmation of the royal protection and privileges issued by Christoffer II in 1320 31/7, already sustained by Valdemar III in 1327 8/4.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X nr. 241. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 281.




1330 23/10


Convent of Lödöse

The prior and the lector of the Friars Preachers in Lödöse are witnesses to a settlement between the Bishop of Oslo and the Abbey of St. Olav in Tønsberg regarding patronate to the parish of Slagen and the episcopal tithe of three parishes (Nøtterøy, Stokke and Skjee). The settlement meeting is organised by Bishop Peter of Skara, who has been appointed papal commissioner in the case, and it takes place in St. Peter’s Church in Lödöse under the presidency of two canons from the cathedral chapter of Skara.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives, Oslo.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus Christi fidelibus presentes litteras inspecturis, Siggo de Phalokopia et Gunnarus de Hosæby canonici Scarenses a venerabili patre ac domino, domino Petro Dei gratia episcopo Scarensi a sede apostolica delegato, judices subdelegati, salutem in omnium saluatore. Notum facimus universis quod coram nobis in judicio constituti religiosi viri domini Ogmundus abbas monasterii beati Olavi de Tunsbærgis Premonstratensis ordinis et Arnerus Asgeri predicti monasterii procurator ex parte una, et venerabiles viri domini Guthormus et Hjarendus canonici Osloenses reverendi patris domini Osloensis episcopi procuratores, et Andreas presbiter curatus ecclesie in Eidzuoll, domini Thorie Bernardi procurator ex altera, ut utriusque partis parceretur laboribus et expensis, componendo, amicabiliter inter se convenerunt in hunc modum. Videlicet quod abbas et procurator predicti, nomine monasterii sui, rescripta que habent super ecclesia in Slagn. et decimis episcopalibus trium parochiarum videlicet Niotare, Stockom et Skæidaughum, jam a sede apostolica impetrata, in manus nostras voluntarie et puplice resignarunt, cum intimatione quod in virtute rescriptorum predictorum non debeant aliquatenus litigare, salvis in omnibus prerogativis privilegiis et juribus aliis quibuscumque monasterii supradicti. Item quod si predicti abbas et conventus coram ipso domino Osloensi sufficienter probare potuerint, in premissorum aliquo se gravatos indebite, idem dominus Osloensis per se, revocatis gravaminibus, in statum pristinum reformabit maxime cum idem abbas et conventus, ipsius gratie et conscientie bone, in hiis precipue se supponant. Item quod Thorias Bernardi per ipsum dominum Osloensem in ecclesia in Slagn institutus, ordinationi dicti domini episcopi, in omnibus que hoc tangunt negotium debeat contentari. Acta autem fuerunt hec, Lythosie in ecclesia beati Petri, anno Domini millesimo CCC tricesimo, xxiii die mensis octobris. Presentibus honorabilibus viris dominis Svenone de hospitali Lythosiensi canonico Scarensi, priore predicatorum et lectore domus Lythosiensis, Halvardo curato ecclesie beate Marie Kongiællie, Andrea curato ecclesie beati Petri
Lythosie et Lydikino curato ad sanctum Olavum ibidem, et aliis pluribus fidedignis, quorum etiam sigilla, una cum sigillis nostris presentibus sunt appensa.


Comments: Neither the prior nor the lector of the convent of Friars Preachers in Lödöse are known for this time. ● With its geographical location by the border of Sweden to both Denmark and Norway, Lödöse was often chosen as venue for meetings concerning Norway and Sweden, or even all three kingdoms.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. IV no. 191; Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2809.






Convent of Bergen

Bishop Audfinn of Bergen and his cathedral chapter enter a settlement with the convent of Friars Preachers in Bergen regarding the various issues of conflict, which there have been between them for many years. The settlement meeting takes place in the sacristy of the cathedral of Bergen, where the chapter is represented by Bishop Audfinn and the canons Simon Ivarsson and Håkon Erlingsson, while the Dominican convent is represented by Prior Olavus and the two lectors Fr. Eindridus and Fr. Johannes. The settlement contains eight items: 1. A road situated on the northside of the priory between the priory church and the bishop’s boathouse shall, regardless of any royal letters or court decisions on this matter, remain open for the cathedral; 2. The toilets put up by the canons on the eastside of the street that leads from the cathedral chapterhouse to the priory church shall henceforth be cleaned in a way that does not bother public access to the priory church; 3. The friars shall refrain from their claims for having the grave of Bishop Narve moved to the priory. In return, they may keep all the gold and silver that Narve had given to the order; 4. The portio canonica for the parish clergy in the case of burials with the Friars Preachers is annulled for one year, after which it is to be fully acknowledged by the convent; 5. In the case of simultaneous plans for the celebration of masses, vigils and funeral processions, the canons should as a principal rule have first rank; 6. The friars are to acknowledge and honour interdicts and excommunications called by the bishop, and regardless of any papal privileges refrain from contact with those who have been excommunicated, and on all terms abstain from any form of damaging behaviour towards the Church of Bergen. Apart from that and in return, the convent is not to be denied any sort of privileges in their favour, and if the bishop or the cathedral chapter should happen to employ new wrongs against the friars, the obligation of the convent to keep its part of the settlement is automatically annulled; 7. The friars shall in their confessional hearings and sermons actively urge people to pay tithe, especially during Lent; 8. All other strifes between the two parties shall hereafter be forgotten. The convent of Friars Preachers in Bergen shall see to that the settlement is confirmed by the prior provincial of Dacia.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Latin.


Compositio inter canonicos et fratres predicatorum. In nomine Domini amen. Noverint universi, quod nos Audfinnus Dei gratia episcopus Bergensis, canonici nostri, domini Symon Iwari, et Haquinus Erlingi, frater Olaws prior predicatorum domus Bergensis, confratres sui, lectores Eindridus et Johannes, laudatores, arbitratores, mediatores et amicabiles compositores, tam ex parte Bergensis ecclesie, quam conventus fratrum predicatorum Bergis, unanimiter, concorditer, libere et sponte et pure constituti et ordinati, sicut in litteris compromissis, super hoc factis, satis clare continetur, visis petitionibus partis utriusque, et auditis et intellectis diligenter hiis, que dare nobis in scriptis vel dicere oretenus volverint, et communicato super hiis omnibus consilio sapientum, ac utriusque partis cognita voluntate, sollempni deliberatione prehabita, ex vigore dicti compromissi in nos facti, Dei nomine invocato, pro bono pacis et concordie, inter partes predictas habende perpetuo, in hiis scriptis laudamus et arbitramur, pronunciamus, dicimus et mandamus. In primis, quod ecclesie Bergensi, quoad possessionem et usum perpetuum, dimittatur, quolibet cessante obstaculo, via libera, que est inter ecclesiam fratrum predicatorum ex parte boriali, et naustam sive navisterium domini Bergensis episcopi, non obstantibus litteris illustrium regum Norvegie quorumcumque, sive cuiuscumque, sub quacumque forma seu conditione verborum sunt concessa, que quantum huic nostre intentioni, laudo vel precepto sunt contraria, roboris carebunt firmitate, ambitu autem ex illa parte constructo, omnibus aliis viis, jam per ipsos occupatis, utentur libere et gaudebunt, de cetero nullatenus ampliandis, preter voluntatem et licentiam domini episcopi Bergensis et capituli sui, vel eorum gratiam specialem. De litteris autem regum Norvegie, concessis ipsis predicatoribus super via prelibata, ac aliis litteris thesaurariorum, legiferorum, aut civium vel civitatis Bergensis, in latino vel norico, qualitercumque seu per quoscumque eisdem predicatoribus super via antedicta concessis, taliter est condictum, ordinatum et diffinitum, quod pro eis servandis, deputetur una archa vel cista, duabus seris obserata, ita quod unam clavem perpetuo servet capitulum canonicorum Bergis, alteram vero prior et conventus fratrum predicatorum prefatorum. Cista vero ipsa, ut premittitur, obserata, in aliquo tuto loco cenobii beati Michaelis Bergis reponatur, ibidem sub domini abbatis custodia diligentius observanda, ita tamen, quod domini canonici teneantur cistam ipsam aperire ipsis predicatoribus, si vel quando hiis opus habuerint ad defendendum se per illas, hoc super addito, quod nullum exinde proveniat Bergensi ecclesie prejudicium sive nocumentum, securitate semper prius per predicatores ipsos data, quod littere ipse, quociens per eosdem deportate fuerint, totiens ad eandem custodiam omnes salve reportentur. Nec ciste ipsius aperitio vel literarum delatio predicatoribus ipsis malitiose denegetur. Verum de domibus situatis in cimiterio cathedralis ecclesie, ex parte orientali vie que ducit ex cimiterio ipso ad fratrum predicatorum ecclesiam, taliter exstat ex parte nostra condictum et laudatum, quod camere private earumdem, quocienscunque mundari debeant, sordes inde deferantur, quod accedentes ad utrorumque ecclesiam non offendant. Item pronunciamus, diffinimus et arbitramur, de funere domini Nerve, bone memorie, quondam episcopi Bergensis, omnem intentationem et impetitionem fratrum predicatorum cessare debere, et totaliter jam cessare, nullis umquam temporibus in judicio vel extra excitandam, per instrumenta vel per testes, quos et que, qualescumque vel qualiacumque fuerint, quantum ad id, penitus annullamus. Verum pecuniam quandam in argento et auro aput fratres ipsos per m[e]moratum dominum Nervam episcopum quondam depositam, immo, sicut dicunt, per eundem eisdem et quibusdam aliis de eorum ordine legatam, ad ipsos de cetero decernimus laudamus et arbitramur pleno jure et libere pertinere, absque probatione aliqua, vel onere juramenti, nulla umquam super hoc per episcopum Bergensem vel eius capitulum questione vel impetitione contra eos suscitanda vel movenda. Preterea statuimus, precipimus et mandamus, quod exactio et solutio portionis canonice, quarte videlicet, que curatis sacerdotibus debetur per decretalem, Super cathedram, libro septimo jam insertam, ad annum a data presentium suspendatur, ut medio tempore valeat pars una vel altera, qualiter de ea exigenda vel solvenda procedendum sit, plenius et clarius edoceri, ita tamen, quod nemini ex hac delatione vel suspensione, hinc vel illinc, prejudicium generetur, immo postea, habita vel non habita de ea solvenda, vel non solvenda, ampliori notitia, quo ad ipsam exigendam et petendam, prout justum fuerit, procedatur, nec ex hoc fratres ipsi predicatores in aliquo reputabunt se offensos, aut in ullo hoc nostrum laudum vel preceptum violatum. Considerantes insuper, quoniam honoris et honestatis exhibitio, non solum sit concordie et caritatis excitatio, verum earum etiam saluberrima confirmatio, ad excludenda penitus odiorum fomenta, et incitamenta litium penitus evellenda, modum infra scriptum in habendis et cantandis defunctorum vigiliis, ubicumque volumus et precipimus districtius observari, videlicet quod domini canonici, quociens et quando eorum fuerit funus, horam quam volverint pro habendis vigiliis eligant et adoptent, et ipsa libere gaudeant, sine fratrum predicatorum turbatione vel accessu, donec ceptum officium fine debito terminetur. Si vero contingat fratres predicatores presidere, premisso primitus eis nuntio, de adventu canonicorum, si fuerint in tertia vel nona lectione, responsorium post illam terminent, et eo finito, ipsis canonicis cedant et recedant, vel si malverint legant residuum, ubi prius decantabant, dominis canonicis nichilo minus sedem honestiorem dimittentes, de aliis autem omnibus funeribus, ubi canonici ipsi sunt vigilias sollempnes habituri, ipsi domini canonici de captanda hora habeant optionem. Insuper, quia plus timetur, quod specialiter injungitur, quam quod generaliter imperatur, ne unitas sacrosancte matris ecclesie in aliquot rescindatur, hoc perpetuo stabilimus condicto, laudamus et arbitramur, ut fratres ipsi predicatores sententias excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti, contra quoscumque per Bergensem episcopum vel ejus officialem promulgatas, seu in posterum promulgandas, inviolabiliter observent, ita quod ipsi sic excommunicatis, suspensis vel interdictis, in nullo communicent, nisi in eo vel in hiis, que a jure sunt permissa, vel eis per privilegia sedis apostolice sunt concessa, hoc etiam adicimus, ne inimicos Bergensis ecclesie in aliquo eo foveant vel roborent, quod ei sit dampnosum aut contrarium, indirecte vel directe, nec aliquid procurent, neque id procurantibus consentiant, publice vel occulte, de quo Bergensi ecclesie dampnum seu detrimentum valeat evenire, quoad alia tamen omnia, quomodocumque et qualitercumque pro habendis et pro melius expediendis tam suis quam etiam totius ordinis commodis et utilitatibus, salvum, licitum et liberum sit illis, cum eisdem et quibuslibet aliis, ubilibet conversari. Si vero contingat, quod dues avertat, per memoratum dominum episcopum vel eius capitulum, sepedictis fratribus predicatoribus aliquales injurias vel inimicitias irrogari, extunc ad huius articuli observantiam minime tenebunter. Inimici[ti]as autem sive injurias ex hoc fieri non dicimus ab alterutra partium, [quod] aliquod contra aliam juste attemptetur seu etiam exigatur. Et quia non sufficit a malo abstinere, nisi fiat quod est bonum, hoc nostro laudo et arbitrio pronunciamus, dicimus et mandamus, ut fraters sepedicti in confessionibus fidelium audiendis, et in sermonibus coram eis faciendis ipsos informent et inducant, super solvendis decimis secundum suam conscientiam, debite et juste informatam, potissimum in quadragesima, et in aliis diebus ad hoc a jure constitutis, nisi hoc forte negligenter vel ob aliquam necessitatam et non malitiose duxerint omittendum. Istis omnibus sic premissis, terminatis et laudatis, ac amicabiliter compositis, omnes alias controversias lites et discordias, qualitercumque et quomodocumque inter partes ipsas subortas, revocamus, annullamus, cassamus, et irritamus, atque cassas et irritas pronunciamus, statuentes et precipientes, auctore domino, ut ad eas nunquam recursus habeatur, sed perpetuis temporibus sint sopite, ita tamen quod per hanc clausulam solutioni et exactioni portionis canonice, secundum modum et terminum prenotatos, in nullo derogetur. Et ne premissa vel premissorum aliquod infringi valeant, fraters ipsi predicatores ex parte sua, confirmationem huius nostri laudi, a priore provinciali estate proxima jam futura procurabunt. Supradicta igitur omnia et singula fieri, servari et adimpleri laudamus, arbitramur, dicimus atque mandamus, virtute prestiti ex utraque parte juramenti, super huius nostri laudi singulis capitulis et clausulis et articulis observandis. Latum et pronunciatum fuit per nos hoc laudum, seu arbitrium, Bergis, in sacristia ecclesie cathedralis, presentibus [omnibus supradictis].


Comments: The transcript has no date for the settlement. Bishop Audfinn of Bergen was in office from 1314 to 1330, and DN has suggested a potential time for the event within the period of 1320-30. Since other sources show that the conflict was still active in 1326 and 1327-28, it would seem most likely that the settlement was entered after that, i.e. some time in 1328-30 (Lange 1856, 333 note 5). The fact that episcopal officials were present in the Dominican church in Bergen on a different matter in 1329 17/1 may indicate that the dispute had been settled by then. ● Fr. Olavus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Bergen, is not known with certainty from other sources. He may be identical to the Prior Olavus in Bergen, who in 1313 19/3 acted as witness in a letter of appeal to the pope in favour of Bishop Arne of Bergen. ● Neither Fr. Eindridus nor Fr. Johannes, both lectors at the convent of Friars Preachers in Bergen, can be identified from other sources. It is noteworthy, though, that the Bergen convent apparently had two lectors, suggesting a possible status at this time as a provincial school, e.g. a studium logicale, ‑artium or ‑particulare. Alternatively, one of the lectors may not have been affiliated to Bergen, but then acted as a mediator from e.g. Oslo or Nidaros. ● On Bishop Narve OP of Bergen, see 1281 17/3. When Bishop Narve died in 1304, he had apparently asked to be buried with his Dominican brethren in the priory, but the canons had insisted that as a bishop he should be buried in the cathedral (Gallén 1946, 166). ● The prior provincial of Dacia at this time was probably either Fr. Tucho (see 1327 19/8) or Fr. Petrus Philippi (see 1332). When the text has that the convent was to see to the provincial’s future confirmation, it may indicate that the agreement was made during a provincial vacancy between Fr. Tucho’s appointment as Bishop of Børglum (shortly after 1328 12/2) and the election of Fr. Petrus as new prior provincial, which is likely to have taken place at a provincial chapter in the late summer of 1328. ● Audfinn Sigurdsson was bishop of Bergen in 1314-1330. Before he succeeded his own brother, Arne, in the episcopal office, he appears to have been a canon at the cathedral chapter, but mostly abroad in France and Rome, educated in canon law in Orleans. Audfinn was a strong bishop, dedicated to strengthening the power of his see, which brought him in opposition to the pope, the archbishop of Nidaros, several lay lords and not least to the royal chaplain clergy of Norway. In spite of all these on-going conflicts, the diocese was administered with its highest medieval efficiency during his office - which also saw the only case of a heresy inquisition in medieval Norway in 1325. Bishop Audfinn’s relation to the Order of Preachers is not straightforward. He was clearly not happy about the privileges of exempted monastic orders in general and the possible alliance between the Friars Preachers in Norway and the royal chapels could only have worsened this (see 1312-19). It is also noteworthy that when a group of farmers met in 1328 Feb-Mar and agreed that they would not pay tithe, the meeting took place in the Dominican priory in Bergen. However, in spite of all the numerous records of Bishop Audfinn’s controversies, none of them directly aims of the friars (except for those listed in the present settlement), and it is worth acknowledging that it was during his office that the conflict between the Friars Preachers and the cathedral chapter was finally settled. In 1329 17/1, the Dominican church in Bergen appears to have been used for a meeting between the bishop’s officials and the Cistercian abbot of Lyse Abbey, with whom Audfinn also was in dispute at the time. ● On the long-lasting conflict between the Friars Preachers and the cathedral chapter in Bergen, see 1247 13/8.


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. VII no. 130.

Literature: Gallén 1946, 164-166.





Convent of Roskilde

Duchess Ingeborg donates a total sum of 100 marks silver to the Friars Preachers in Roskilde for repairs on the priory church in 1330 and 1336.


Source: Annales Petri Olavi.

Language: Latin.


1330 et 1336. Ingeburgis, ducissa Suecie, Hallandie, Holbec et Samsiø dedit fratribus predicatoribus Roskildis in testamento pro reparatione ecclesie et emendatione mense 100 marcas puri argenti, et pro reparatione claustri 60 marchas puri argenti anno Domini 1350.


Comments: Duchess Ingeborg (1301-c.1360) was probably the most powerful woman in Scandinavia of her time. She was a Norwegian princess, daughter of King Håkon V Magnusson of Norway (see 1296), who at a very early age married a Swedish prince, Duke Erik of Södermanland, whereby she became ‘Duchess of Sweden’. After a number of royal deaths in 1319-20, she found herself the mother of the child king of both Norway and Sweden: Magnus Eriksson (see 1336). After being removed from both the governing councils by Norwegian and Swedish nobles, she turned to her Danish estates, which included large parts of northern Zealand that she held in mortgage with her second husband, Duke Knud Porse of Halland, who together with the Counts of Holstein had deposed the Danish king and now in fact ruled the country themselves. As Knud died in 1330, Ingeborg became a dowager duchess for the second time. Her two first donations to the Roskilde friars came during this notorius ‘Reign of the Counts’ in the 1330s. Commemorational prayers were prescribed for her and her king son by the general chapter of the Friars Preachers in 1331 19/5. In 1350, when the second part of the donation was made, times had changed significantly, as King Valdemar IV had regained power in Denmark and by doing so had taken most of Ingeborg’s Danish possessions. Ingeborg’s actual relation to the Dominicans in Roskilde is hard to establish, as Roskilde does not appear to have been a part of her reign, but no other convent of any order received any similar donations from her. In fact, she gave yet another donation to the convent in 1358 5/2, while the Dominican Sisters in Roskilde were donated her patronage to a parish church in 1336 9/10. Duchess Ingeborg also was amicable towards the Dominican Sisters in Skänninge, founding an altar dedicated to St. Catherine in their church in 1352 25/3, where daily masses were to be held for her family. She also moved her son, King Magnus, to incorporate the sisters in Skänninge with the parish church in Bjälbo in 1353 29/8, just as the entire family manor in Bjälbo was given to the sisters in 1358 5/2.


Published: Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. I, p. 191; Annales Danici, p. 210.




1331 13/4

Convent of Oslo

Last will and testament for Guttorm Håvardsson, canon at the cathedral chapter in Oslo, in which he leaves 2 marks and ½ pound of wax to the convent of Friars Preachers in Oslo.


Source: Original document. The Norwegian National Archives, Oslo.

Language: Old Norwegian and Latin.


In nomine Domini, amen. Ek Guthormr Hawardr son korsbrodr j Oslo heil at samuiti þo at krankr j likamenom gere ek þetta testamentum Gudi til lofs ok iumfru sancte Mariu ok hinum heilagha Halwarde, fyrst at ek kys mer legstad j hans kirkiu vppi j gradonom firir sancti spiritus altare. Gef ek kirkiuni merkr bol iardar j Hunaborgh iiii pund vax, iiii merkr pæninga ok iiii skildinga enska mer til offrs; jtem gefr ek til kloknanna j samre iordu tuegia aura bol; jtem til Margrettar altaris x aura bol j samre iordu, prestenom til vidrlifis medr þi skilorde at han føde iiii almosumen j huern artida dagh min ok segi salamøsso ok minni a, at leset verdi ok ringt j kirkiuni a artidar dagh min; jtem gefr ek munkum j Hofudøy ii merkr pæninga ok pund vax, at þeir fylghi liki minu in til Osloar ok hafe þar fyrstu salatidir ok salamøsso heima at sinn; jtem gefr ek nunnuklaustri tuer merkr pæninga ok pund vax; jtem til Mariukirkiu j Oslo ii merkr pæninga ok pund vax; jtem predicarom j Oslo ii merkr pæninga ok halft pund vax; jtem Berføtabrodrom j Oslo tuær merkr pæninga ok halft pund vax; jtem gefr ek til Kroskirkiu j Oslo ii aura pæninga ok ii merkr vax; jtem til Clemetz kirkiu sua mikit; jtem til Nikulas kirkiu sua mikit; jtem til Lafranz kirkiu slikt sama ok spitalenom eina sæng; jtem gefr [ek] til Mariu kirkiu j Kononghellu iiii kyr gangande at prestr take huer æftir annan; jtem skipar ek iiipund vax at brenni ifir liki minu at liksongom ok salamøssom j þrimmr kirkium j Kononghellu, ok skiptizst sidan j þridiunga ok þar medr iiii skildinga ænska huerri kirkiuni til offrs; jtem gefr ek sambrødrom minum til comuns eitt pallklæde raudgult, tunnu ketil ok bolla pott; jtem sira Pale archipresbitero ordinem judiciarium secundum Egidium una cum questionibus dominicalibus et dictaminibus magistri Hispani; jtem gefr ek sira Geirmundi frenda minum mitt Decretum gere ek ok skipar fyrnemfda sira Pal ok sira Geirmund vmbods menn ok executores huius testamenti, bidiande þeim at þeir fylghi þessare minni yzstu skipan æftir þui sæm þeir vilia suara firir gudi ok monnum; jtem gefr ek herra Pale canceler sambrodor minum eitt fingrgull medr saphir er herra Thorwardr brodr min atte; jtem herra Jware Agmunda syni annat fingrgull medr safir; jtem herra Thorgeiri sylfrbællti grauet; jtem herra abota j Dragsmork huit kult ok huitan hofda kodda; jtem herra priore j Kastala sylfrros þa sem herra abote gaf mer; jtem sira Nikulasse skaktafl mitt þat stora; jtem sira Petre lantielld mitt jtem sira Pale sambrodor minum kyrtil surkot ok tabært ok tuenne kaprun medr graom skinnum er sira Geirmundr hefir makan vidr; jtem sira Agmundi vmbods manne minum kyrtil ok tabært ok kaprun af marbri samdreget medr raudt silki ok korkapo mina; jtem gefr ek sira Haralde frenda minum a Løykini kyrtil surkot ok tabært ok tuenn kaprun samdreget medr grønt silki; jtem Gunnilldi brodor dottor minni kistuna þa storo, bulstr ok hofdalagh ok eitt salun; jtem Sigurdi brodor syni minum suartan gangara plato ok stalhanska; jtem sira Sigurdi a Vollum eina rauda klokko ok kaprun; jtem eina kapo ok kochardi ok kaprun medr fodrat medr raut sæin; jtem vil ek at hus min metezst ok sælizst sæm frammast megho þau giallda ok gefuezst verdet fatokøm monnum firir sal minni, vil ok sira Geirmundr frende min køypt hafa, þa skal hann faa þau medr bunade sinum xx morkum minna en nokor annar; jtem vil ek hafua xl klærka þa sæm psalteri lesa ifir liku minu. Ok til sanz vitnisburdar at þetta er min fullkomen gierd ok yzsta skipan gorr þessom monnum hiauerandom herra Arna priore j Kastala, brodor Vemundi ok sira Gunnare a Lykkiu sættu þeir sin insigli medr minu insigli firir þetta bref er gort var anno Domini MCCCXXXI idus Aprilis.


Comments: It is not stated where the document was issued. DN nevertheless stated the place of issue as Oslo, while RN dismisses this and suggests Kungahälla in stead (RN IV 815).


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. III no. 160.




1331 27/4


Convent of Lübeck (prov. Saxonia)

Fr. Bertrammus de Lapide, prior of the Friars Preachers in Lübeck, along with his entire convent and Guardian Albertus de Werden and his convent of Friars Minor in Lübeck, certify a royal letter of privileges in favour of the citizens of Lübeck, issued by King Erik VI Menved of Denmark in 1288.


Source: Original document. Archiv der Hansestadt Lübeck.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris vel audituris, frater Bertrammus de Lapide prior ac totus conventus fratrum de ordine fratrum predicatorum civitatis Lubicensis, frater Albertus de Werden gardianus ceterique fratres ordinis fratrum minorum eiusdem civitatis, salutem in omnium salvatore. Protestamur presentibus nos excellentis domini Erici Danorum Slavorumque regis vidisse privilegium non abolitum, non cancellatum, nec in aliqua parte vicitatum sed rationabile et integrum, in hec verba: [...] In huius igitur visionis signum, sigilla nostrorum conventuum presentibus sunt appensa. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXXI sabbato proximo post diem beati Marti ewangeliste.


Comments: Fr. Bertrammus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Lübeck, also certified some letters in 1343, once again jointly with the local Franciscan guardian (LEKUB 1 II p. 1186). He seems to have been subprior of the same convent in 1325 (LEKUB 1 II 464). ● The certified letter is published in DD 2 III no. 276. It granted various privileges for the citizens of Lübeck when travelling through Denmark.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 301.


                      1331 29/6      Lübeck

The abovementioned prior and guardian issue another certification of the same royal letter, this time along with Bishop Heinrich of Lübeck.


Source: Original document. Archiv der Hansestadt Lübeck.

Language: Latin.


Universis Christi fidelibus cernentibus presens scriptum, nos Hinricus Dei gratia Lubicensis ecclesie episcopus, frater Bertrammus de Lapide prior fratrum predicatorum, ac frater Albertus de Werda gardianus fratrum minorum ordinum in Lubeke, in vero filio virginis salutem. Protestamur presentibus nos vidisse litteras illustris principis domini Erici Danorum Slavorumque regis suo sigillo vero sigillatas de verbo ad verbum prout infrascribitur continentes: [...] Et nos Hinricus Dei gratia episcopus ecclesie Lubicensis, frater Bertrammus prior et frater Albertus gardianus predicti in testimonium et evidenciam huius visionis nostre sigilla nostra duximus presentibus appendenda. Datum Lubeke anno Domini MCCCXXXI in die beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 316.




1331 (19/5)


Province of Dacia

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers prescribes commemorational prayers for, among many others, the king of Sweden-Norway, for his mother, for the former Queen Isabella of Norway and her daughter, Duchess Ingeborg of Sweden, with one mass each.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP. 

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis celebrati apud Victoriam anno Domini MCCCXXXI. (…) Ista sunt suffragia pro vivis. (…) Item, pro dominis regibus Ungarie, Sicilie, Boemie, Majoricarum, et domino rege Cyprie, Suezie, Norvegie et pro domina matre eius et domina Isabella regina antiqua Norvegie, et domina Andeba, filia eius, ducissa Svecie, et domina Elysabeth quondam Boemie et Polonie regina quilibet sacerdos ∙i∙ missam. (…)


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. ● The only Scandinavian king at the time was King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden-Norway (1319-1364 Sweden, 1319-1355 Norway); see 1334 12/2. He was the son of Duke Erik Magnusson of Södermanland (†1318) and Princess Ingeborg of Norway; by this time his mother had become widow for the second time after Duke Knud Porse of Halland (†1330), still playing a highly influential role in both Sweden and Denmark (see 1330-36-50). ● Queen Dowager Isabella of Norway (†1358) was the queen of King Eirik II Magnusson of Norway (1280-1299), and the sister of King Robert Bruce of Scotland. Her daugther Ingeborg was married to Duke Valdemar of Öland (†1318).


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, p. 213.




1331 20/6

Convent of Roskilde

Two Friars Preachers of the convent in Roskilde are paid 12 gros tournois by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for bringing letters regarding his papal errand from Roskilde to the bishops in Jylland.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item die ∙xx∙ junii, auditis rationibus collectorum Lundensium quas tunc reddere poterant viventes nam aliqui ex eis mortui erant, iterum jui ad Sialendiam, videlicet, ad civitatem Roskildensem et solvi pro naulo navis cum qua transivi et cum qua etiam conductor meus reversus fuit ∙xiiii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item dedi conductori predicto ∙x∙ grossos Turonenses. Item significavi domino episcopo Roskildensi qui in extraria parte diocesis sue erat, me venisse ad civitatem Roskildensem requirens eum ut veniret auditurus rationes collectorum decime una mecum, qui respondit non posse venire illa vice nec posse stare in civitate illa propter defectum expensarum, et dedi nuncio ∙vi∙ grossos Turonenses. Item scripsi prelatis in Jucia et collectoribus dicte decime significans eis me venisse pro dicta decima colligenda et quod pararent rationes et si quid habebant fideliter custodirent et dedi duobus fratribus predicatoribus qui dictas litteras portaverunt, pro subsidio expensarum suarum et pro naulo, nam duo passagia maris habebant transire ∙xii∙ grossos Turonenses. (...)


Dansk oversættelse:

Dette er udgifter afholdt af mig, magister Pierre Gervais, kannik af Viviers, det apostoliske sædes ekstraordinære nuntius i nævnte kongeriger Danmark, Sverige og Norge for at forhandle på vegne af vor herre paven, hvilke udgifter jeg har indløst fra summen af den ovenfor nævnte seksårstiende. (…)

    Fremdeles drog jeg den 20. juni atter, efter at have påhørt nogle af de lundske kollektoreres regnskaber, for så vidt de var i live, thi nogle af dem var døde, til Sjælland, nemlig til staden Roskilde (...).

Fremdeles skrev jeg til prælaterne i Jylland og til kollektorerne af nævnte tiende og meddelte dem, at jeg ville komme til dem for at indsamle nævnte tiende, og at de skulle gøre regnskaberne rede, og hvis de lå inde med noget, omhyggeligt bevogte det, og jeg gav de to prædikebrødre, som overbragte dette brev, til hjælp for deres omkostninger og til skipperløn, da de to gange skulle drage over havet, 12 groter tournois. (...)


Comments: Petrus Gervasii (Pierre Gervais) was a French magister and canon of Saint-Vozy in Puy-en-Velay near Lyon. Before arriving in Scandinavia, the pope had also made him canon of Viviers, to which he henceforth usually ascribed himself. In 1329 5/8 he was appointed papal nuncio and enjoined to collect papal taxes from Scandinavia together with Archbishop Karl of Lund and the Dominican penitentiary of Dacia, Fr. Johannes Nyborg, and with the latter to act as papal legates in the church province as well; when Johannes Nyborg was appointed bishop of Roskilde in 1330 15/6, the entire task was up to the French magister alone. A new series of authorisations and assignments were issued by Pope John XXII in 1330 2/8. Petrus Gervasii arrived in Denmark on 26 March 1331 by ship from Flanders to Skåne, where he met one of his appointed co-collectors, Archbishop Karl of Lund. During April he made two journeys to Sjælland, but only to find that Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde was abroad. It was on this his third trip to Roskilde on 20 June 1331, where the Dominican bishop still had no time to see him, as his was occupied elsewhere in the diocese, that the nuncio paid two local Friars Preachers to carry letters from him to the bishops in Jylland. This service was repeated in 1332 26/3, when the nuncio paid (another?) two friars for bringing his letters from Roskilde to the collectors in Odense on Fyn. One of these west-Danish bishops, Fr. Tucho OP of Børglum, responded by paying 8 gros tournois in 1332 6/5. While in Denmark, the nuncio apparently preferred to stay in Lund and Roskilde, probably with the local Dominican convents. In the autumn of 1332, Nuncio Gervasii continued his mission into Sweden, where he apparently mainly stayed in Skara and Linköping. It was from the convent in Skara that he in 1333 13/2 sent out letters to the ecclesiastical prelates of Norway, Sweden and Gotland about his papal comission. Here, the Dominican prior in Visby on Gotland, Fr. Matheus, became one of his assistants. In 1333 12/1, the prior wrote a letter for the nuncio to the pope, and in 1333 8/6, the nuncio paid for Prior Matheus’ travel expenses going to the general chapter in Dijon, as he continued from there to Avignon with letters from Petrus Gervasii to the Curia. In 1333 5/6, the nuncio received 3 florins from the prior of the convent in Sigtuna as aid for the Holy Land donated by people, who wanted to stay anonymous. In the summer of 1333, the nuncio went to Norway, where he visited Oslo and Bergen. The bishop of Oslo, Salomon Toraldsson, showed extraordinarily reluctant to pay his papal dues, and before continuing to Bergen in July 1333, the nuncio hired two local Friars Preachers to negotiate with the bishop, while their prior was paid to collect evidence against him. At his very arrival to the harbour of Bergen in 1333 3/8, the nuncio asked to be sailed on to the priory of the Friars Preachers, where he probably took his accomodation until departing again about a month later, this time to Bruges to prepare the transport of the collected tax money to Avignon. Returning from Flanders to Sweden in the autumn, he received in 1333 26/11 a servant of the Dominican penitentiary for Dacia in Avignon, who brought with him papal letters ‘and other means of negotiations’ for the nuncio, although somewhat damaged in apparently suspicous ways. Petrus Gervasii then returned to Denmark, where his job was about done, the collected tax money deposited in Lund and Roskilde – probably inside the Dominican priories. In 1333 4/12 the nuncio hired the Dominican prior in Roskilde to secretly transport half the collected sum to Helsingborg, from where it was to be shipped to Bruges. Additionally, the convent in Roskilde received a barrel of beer, possibly as thanks for accommodation and assistance for two-and-a-half years. The prior, however, did not make it to Helsingborg on the agreed time, as he was awaited in vain by the nuncio’s men in 1334 10/1, allegedly due to warfare in the area; it is not said, though, if the money was lost or if he was just late. In 1334 28/3, the nuncio thanked his Dominican hosts in Lund for safekeeping collected tax money while he was in Sweden and for ‘occasionally doing work on behalf of our lord the pope’, for which the prior and lectopr were paid 2 marks. Petrus Gervasii left Skåne and Denmark in early April 1334 to arrive shortly after in Lübeck. Here too he paid the Dominican prior and lector for having safekept deposited money and performed various services for him, and the convent was given a festive dinner. In return, the prior in 1334 18/4 handed over some sixennial tithe money deposited by the bishop and cathedral chapter of Turku. It may also have been with the Friars Preachers that the Dean of Roskilde in 1332 had deposited 120 marks silver on behalf of the nuncio, just as the nuncio himself stayed in the city (and the priory) for three weeks during spring. The story repeated itself when Petrus Gervasii arrived in Bruges in early June: the local Dominican prior handed over 35 pounds gros tournois deposited by Bishop Jakob of Ribe as sixennial tithe of his diocese in 1334 2/6, after which the convent was rewarded with funding of a festive dinner. ● It is not explicitly stated that the friars belonged to the convent in Roskilde. Although this seems to be their most likely affiliation, they may also have been two visiting friars from Jylland, who brought the letters with them back home. ● The journey apparently went from Sjælland to Jylland across Fyn, as it is stated that the friars had to cross the sea twice, i.e. the sea straits Storebælt and Lillebælt.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 114; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 152.






Convent of Turku

Fr. Johannes Laurentii, prior of the Friars Preachers in Turku, and Fr. Johannes Allonis of the same convent testify, along with Canon Olof of Turku and six parish clergy, in a legal dispute between the episcopal see of Turku and the inhabitants of Tavastia concerning the so-called fjärdeskinnsskatt (‘fourth-fur-tax’), which according to the witnesses has been paid by the Tavastians to the bishop of Turku within living memory, until temporarily lifted by Bishop Magnus of Turku due to Russian ravaging; now it has been re-installed, but hitherto with no effect.


Source: Transcript in Registrum ecclesiae Aboensis.

Language: Latin.


Cum plerisque in dyocesi Aboensi constitutis satis constat quod jam ad longum tempus videlicet ad viginti quatuor annos vel circa litigatum fuerat super quarta pelle inter venerabiles patres dominos videlicet Magnum et Ragvaldum Dei gratia pro tempore episcopos ecclesie Aboensis bone memorie benedictumque equidem gratia nunc eidem ecclesie episcopum presidentem ex una parte et Tawastos ex altera dicentes quandoque se dictam quartam pellem nunquam exhibuisse quandoque autem asserentes dictam pellem per dominum Magnum prefatum bone memorie sibi fuisse totaliter relaxatam. Supradictus vero venerabilis pater dominus Benedictus sicut et predecessores sui episcopi antedicti suis temporibus petiverunt ita et nunc iste petit sepe dictam quartam pellem sibi reddi, vel decimas de omnibus per Tavastos prenominatos exhiberi Tavastis autem dicentibus ad neutrum istorum se teneri. Unde pro veritate dicenda et testimonio ferendo veritati. Nos subscripti super hoc specialiter requisiti bona fide et salva conscientia testimonium perhibemus in hunc modum videlicet quod dicta ecclesia Aboensis et eidem ecclesie presidentes episcopi qui pro tempore fuerunt in quieta et pacifica possessione et receptione supradicte quarte pellis a tempore cuius in contrarium non extat memoria fuerunt inconcussi quousque memorabilis et memoratus pater dominus Magnus episcopus ob devastationem et combustionem terre Tavestie a Ruthenis factam eandem pellem ad tempus ex gratia relaxavit, quo quidem tempore elapso dictam pellem sibi reddi peciit sed minime profecit. Quod nos subscripti ut supra sigillis nostris presentibus litteris appositis testificando protestamur. Scriptum anno Domini MCCC tricesimo primo. Ego Olavus canonicus prenominate ecclesie Aboensis, Johannes Laurentii prior conventus ordinis predicatorum ibidem, frater Johannes Allonis eiusdem conventus. Item domini Eskillus curatus ecclesie Hatalum et Martinus curatus in Haw. Item Trugillus Spinke, Siwichinus de Lundis, Ragvaldus Joansson. Item Petrus sacerdos curatus ecclesie de Lundis.


Comments: Fr. Johannes Laurentii, prior of the Friars Preachers in Turku, cannot be identified from any other sources. ● Fr. Johannes Allonis of the Friars Preachers in Turku may be identical to the friar of the same name, who testified to a will in 1346 28/3 as member of the convent in Strängnäs; however, both the personal name Johannes and the patronymic Allonis were extremely common in medieval Scandinavia. ● The Bishop Magnus, who lifted the episcopal fur tax, was in office from 1291 to 1308. ● The present bishop, for whom the friars testified, was Bengt Gregoriusson (1321-1338).


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2820; Åbo domkyrkas Svartbok no. 68; Finlands Medeltidsurkunder no. 393.




1332 10/1


Province of Dacia

In the peace settlement between King Christoffer II of Denmark and Count Gerhard III of Holstein it is stated that all prisoners on both sides are to be released, among them not least the bishop of Børglum (Fr. Tucho of the Friars Preachers), who is to testify beforehand in written form that he holds no claims against the king or his allies.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: German.


In Godes namen, amen. Wi Gherhard, van der gnade Godes greue tu Holsten vnde tu Stormeren betiughet vnde bekennet in desseme openen breue, dat twischen den edelen herren kunningen Cristofere vnde Erike van Denemarken vnde vseme leuen vedderen greue Johanne van Holsten van der enen weghene, vnde vs van der anderen weghene ghe deghedinget is en ganz sone: (…). Vnde alle vangene an beyden siden de scolen wesen ledich vnde los vnde binamen hertoch Otto vnde de byscop van Burlum. Vnde de biscop scal gheuen sine opene breue dat he vp den kuningh vnde alle de ene hulpen van nene vorderingen hebben moghe. (…) Vnde tu ener vestinge desser vorbenomeden ding, so hebbe wi vse yngesighel henget tu desseme breue. Dat wi greue Gherd alle desse ding stede vnde vast holen, so hebbe wi eme entruwen louet, vnde vse yngheseghel henget tu desseme breue. Desse bref is gescreuen vnde geuen in der stat tu deme Kile dusent iar vnde drehundert in deme twe vnde druteghesten iare na Godes bort, des vrigedaghes binnen den achte daghen to twelften.


Dansk oversættelse:

I Guds navn, amen. Vi Gert, af Guds nåde greve af Holsten og Stormarn, bevidner og erklærer med dette åbne brev, at der mellem de ædle herrer kongerne Christoffer og Erik af Danmark, samt vor kære fætter grev Johann af Holsten, som den ene part, og os som den anden, er aftalt en fuldstændig udsoning: (…). Og alle fanger på begge sider skal være fri og løsladte, navnlig hertug Otto og biskoppen af Børglum. Og biskoppen skal udstede sit åbne åbne brev om, at han ikke har noget krav på kongen og på alle der har hjulpet ham. (…) Og til fastholdelse af disse fornævnte ting har vi hængt vort segl under dette brev. At vi, grev Gert, skal holde alt dette fast og ubrydeligt, det hat vi lovet ham på tro og love og hængt vort segl under dette brev. Dette brev er skrevet og givet i staden Kiel i året 1332 efter Guds byrd fredagen før ottendedagen efter tolvte juledag.


Comments: The bishop of Børglum at this time was Fr. Tucho OP (1328-1345), see 1327 19/8. He had been imprisoned on the king’s order in 1329 and released again before 1332 18/5. ● Count Gerhard III of Holstein (1312-1340) played a significant part in Danish politics from 1320 to 1340. He shared the north-German county of Holstein with his cousin Johann III (†1359) and held the family’s extensive mortgages on numerous Danish provinces against loans to King Erik VI Menved of Denmark. When King Christoffer II broke his coronation charter, the Danish nobility called on the 11-year old Duke Valdemar V of Schleswig to take the throne from the deposed king in 1326 (as King Valdemar III of Denmark), and as his uncle and main mortgage-holder on the kingdom Count Gerhard became chief of his regency in 1326-1330, as de facto lord of Jylland and Fyn. Even though Christoffer had to be reinstalled as king in 1330, the count’s power was only increased in the western provinces, where he became still more hated by the nobility, until he was murdered in 1340 by an unknown nobleman, ‘Niels Ebbesen’, by some believed to be the late King Christoffer’s son, Prince Valdemar (to be King Valdemar IV). Although it was Count Gerhard’s military success and political power that caused Bishop Tucho’s release, it was his provinces of the kingdom that took the longest to free from the interdict, as he apparently also had somehow violated Tucho’s privileges, which the two of them did not manage to settle until 1337 21/2. ● On King Christoffer II of Denmark (1320-1326 and 1329-1332), see 1323 15/8.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 348.




1332 21/3


Convent of Ribe

The convent of Friars Preachers in Ribe along with the guardian and convent of Friars Minor in Ribe certify a letter in favour of the bishop and the cathedral chapter of Ribe.


Sources: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register in Ribe City Archives.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, conventus fratrum predicatorum Ripis ac gardianus et conventus fratrum minorum ibidem, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi nos litteras infrascriptas in nulla sui parte viciatas sub veris sigillis totius falsitatis suspicione carentibus vidisse tenorem, qui sequitur de verbo ad verbum continentes: [...] Actum et datum anno Domini quo supra in die beati Benedicti nostris sub sigillis.



Dominicanernes og Franciskanernes Vidisse af Biskop Jacobs og Capitlets Protestation og Appellation til Rom mod Hennekinus Henceri. 1332.


Comments: It may be noteworthy or just a coinsidence that while the Franciscan guardian is mentioned alongside his convent, only the convent – and not their prior – is mentioned for the Dominican side. Since the document seems to have held three seals (of which only the seal of the Franciscan convent is extant), it would appear that the Dominican prior did not take part in the certification. ● The certified letter is published in DD 2 X 355. It contains a sentence issued one week earlier (1332 13/3) by two canons of the cathedral chapter in Schleswig, Odinkar Pedersen and Ivar Bondesen, who had ruled in favour of the Bishop of Ribe and his cathedral chapter against a parish priest, Henneke Henzesen (see 1329 21/6), who had been papally appointed for a prebend at the catehdral chapter. ● The bishop of Ribe at this time was Jakob Splitaf (1327–1345), who took part in the uprising in Jylland against Count Gerhard III of Holstein in 1329. During the legation and papal tax collection of Nuncio Petrus Gervasii, Bishop Jakob handed over the sixennial tithe of his diocese to the convent of Friars Preachers in Bruges, from where it was given to the nuncio in 1334 2/6.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 356. B. Efterretninger angaaende Byen Ribe vol. II no. 18.




1332 26/3

Convent of Roskilde

Two Friars Preachers of the convent in Roskilde are paid 12 gros tournois by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for bringing letters from Roskilde to Odense.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item die ∙xxvi∙ marcii misi de Roskildis in Feoniam litteras mandans collectoribus decime predicte in civitate et diocesi Ottoniensibus ut pararent rationes suas et quicquid collegerant de decima memorata ut paratum invenirem quia in proximo volebam venire ad eos et dedi duobus fratribus predicatoribus qui dictas portaverunt litteras pro naulo et subsidio expensarum suarum ∙xii∙ grossos Turonenses. (...)


Dansk oversættelse:

(...) Fremdeles sendte jeg den 26. marts breve fra Roskilde til Fyn og befalede kollektorerne af førnævnte tiende i staden og stiftet Odense, at de skulle gøre deres regnskaber, og hvad de havde indsamlet af omtalte tiende rede, så jeg kunne finde det parat, da jeg i nærmeste fremtid ville komme til dem, og jeg gav to prædikebrødre, som overbragte brevene, til skipperløn og til deres udgifter 12 grot tournois. (...)


Comments: It is not explicitly stated that the friars belonged to the convent in Roskilde. Although this seems to be their most likely affiliation, they may also have been two visiting friars from Odense, who brought the letters with them back home.  ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.



Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 115; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 152.




1332 18/5


Province of Dacia

Pope John XXII authorizes Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum to give absolution and grant dispensation to those clergy in his diocese, secular and regular alike, who may have become irregular by celebrating mass and administering sacraments during the interdict, which had been laid upon Denmark due to the imprisonment of the bishop himself by King Christoffer II of Denmark; the bishop had been apprehended before the high altar of his cathedral while celebrating mass, to be tormented and put in iron chains in a pitch-dark prison for the next 22 months.


Source: Transcripts in Regesta Avinionensis and Regesta Vaticana. Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Venerabili fratri Thome [:Thuconi] episcopo Burglanensi, salutem. Exhibite nobis pro parte tua petitionis series continebat, quod tu olim ob indefessam libertatem [:libertatis] ecclesie tue Burglanensis defensionem per flagitiosum Christophorum tunc regnum Dacie tyrampnice regentem in illis partibus hostilem cleri impugnatorem indutus pontificalibus pro missa per te tunc celebranda ante majus altare dicte tue ecclesie captus et vigintiduobus mensibus cathenis ferreis ac aliis exquisitis suppliciis gravissime tormentatus fuisti et teterrimo jacuisti ergastulo captivatus, propter quod dictum regnum fuit ecclesiastico suppositum interdicto. Quare cum aliqui sacerdotes et clerici tam religiosi quam seculares illarum partium existant, qui tempore huiusmodi interdicti a dicto Christophoro per metum mortis compulsi in nonnulis ecclesiis huiusmodi etiam ecclesiastico suppositis interdicto celebrando divina seu ecclesiastica sacramenta indebite ministrando vel aliter se divinis officiis immiscendo excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti sententias per statuta provincialia se dubitent incurrisse ac exinde irregularitatis maculam contraxisse, pro parte tua nobis extitit humiliter supplicatum, ut eisdem sacerdotibus et clericis providere super hoc de oportune absolutionis et dispensationis beneficio misericorditer dignaremur. Nos igitur de tua circumspectione plenam in Domino fiduciam obtinentes ac volentes cum eisdem sacerdotibus et clericis benignius agere in hac parte tuis supplicationibus inclinati absolvendi per te vel alium auctoritate apostolica illos sacerdotes et clericos, cuiuscumque conditionis, religionis, ordinis vel status existant, qui in tua diocesi Burglanensi commiserunt premissa ab huiusmodi excessibus ac excommunicationis sententia juxta formam ecclesie et cum eis super irregularitate, si quam proptera contraxerunt dispensandi, si hoc humiliter petierint, ac injungendi eis pro modo culpe penitentiam salutarem et alia que de jure fuerint injungenda, tenore presentium concedimus facultatem. Datum Avinione ∙xv∙ kalendas junii anno sextodecimo.


Dansk oversættelse:

Til vor ærværdige broder biskop Tyge af Børglum, vær hilset. Din ansøgning, som er forelagt os, indeholder, at du i sin tid på grund af dit utrættelige forsvar af Børglumkirkens frihed blev taget til fange foran din nævnte kirkes højalter af den skændige Christoffer, der dengang på tyrannisk vis regerede i kongeriget Danmark som en fjendtlig forfølger af gejstligheden i de egne, mens du var iført bispeskrud for at holde messe, og grusomt blev martret i 22 måneder med jernlænker og andre udsøgte pinsler, og som fange blev kastet i et bælgmørkt fængsel, hvorfor nævnte rige blev lyst i interdikt. Da nu nogle præster og klerke, såvel regelbundne som sekulære, i de egne, bevæget af frygt for døden fra nævnte Christoffers hånd, er i tvivl om hvorvidt de ved at holde gudstjeneste i nogle kirker, der også var underlagt samme interdikt, eller ved utilbørligt at have meddelt kirkelige sakramenter eller på anden måde befattet sig med gudstjeneste under samme interdikt har pådraget sig bandlysnings-, suspensions- og interdiktsdom ifølge provinsvedtægterne og som følge heraf har pådraget sig irregularitetens lyde, har du derfor i dit vedkommende ydmygt bønfaldet os om barmhjertigt at værdiges at sørge for samme præster og klerke med absolutionens og dispensationens velgerning i den anledning. Da vi nu med Herren nærer fuld tillid til din indsigt og vil handle velvilligt med samme præster og klerke i den sag, har vi imødekommet dine bønner og giver dig med dette brev fuldmagt til personligt eller ved en anden med apostolisk myndighed og i overensstemmelse med Kirkens form at absolvere de præster og klerke uanset deres stilling, regel, orden eller stand, som har begået ovenstående i dit stift Børglum, fra disse forseelser og fra bandlysningsdommen, og at dispensere fra irregulariteten, hvis de har pådraget sig nogen derved, når de ydmygt beder om derom, og at pålægge dem en velgørende bod og andet som med rette bør pålægges dem i forhold til brødens art. Givet i Avignon den 18. maj i vort sekstende år.


Comments: Reg. Avin. has the name form Thome episcopo Burglavensi, Reg. Vat. has Th. episcopo Burglanensi. ● On Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum and his imprisonment, see 1327 19/8. ● On King Christoffer II of Denmark, see 1323 15/8.


Published: Acta Pontificum Danica vol. I no. 225 (Reg. Avin.); Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 370 (Reg. Vat.).




1332 23/5


Province of Dacia, Convent of Stralsund (prov. Saxonia)

Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde, Fr. Thidericus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stralsund, and the guardian of the Friars Minor in Stralsund collectively certify a number of letters on Rügen for the city of Stralsund.


Source: Original document. Stralsund Stadtarchiv.

Language: Latin.


Nos frater Johannes miseratione divina episcopus Roskildensis, frater Tidericus prior fratrum predicatorum, et frater … gardianus fratrum minorum conventuum in Stralessund recognoscimus et publice appositione nostrorum sigillorum presentibus protestamur quod anno Domini MCCCXXX secundo sabbato proximo ante asscensionem Domini vidimus legimus audivimus litteras infrascriptas sigillo domini Giselberti Rinbisch et aliorum infrascriptorum de Flandria sigillatas non cancellatas non abrasas nec in aliqua parte viciatas infrascriptum tenorem de verbo ad verbum continentes: (…). Quod vidimus testamur cuiuslibet jure salvo. Datum Lanckus in Ruya anno Domini et die supradictis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Vi broder Johannes, af Guds miskundhed biskop af Roskilde, broder Dietrich, prior for prædikebrødrenes, og broder … , gardian for mindrebrødrenes konventer i Stralsund, erkender  og bevidner offentligt ved at hænge vore segl under dette brev, at vi i det Herrens år 1332 på lørdagen før Kristi Himmelfartsdag har set, læst og hørt de nedenstående breve, beseglede med den herre Giselbrecht Rinbischs og andre nedenstående fra Flanderns segl, ufordærvede, uskrabede og ubeskadigede i enhver henseende, indeholdende nedenstående ord for ord: (…). Vi bevidner at have set dette under forbehold af enhvers ret. Givet i Lancken på Rügen i det Herrens år og dag som ovenfor nævnt.


Comments: ● On Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde, see 1322 10/6. The bishop of Roskilde was on Rügen on a regular basis, as the island was part of his diocese. ● Fr. Thidericus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stralsund, has not been identified from other sources. ● Lancken (today Lancken-Granitz) is situated on the easternmost part of the island Rügen. Although being part of the diocese of Roskilde, Rügen was not included in the Dominican province of Dacia, as it belonged to the terminus of the convent in Stralsund and, thus, was part of the province of Saxonia. ● The certification was of nine letters of receipts for the city of Stralsund issued by various merchants from Flanders; the letters are published in PomUB vol. VI nos. 3526, 3568, 3569, 3570, 3573, 3580, 3583, 3709 and 3723.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. X no. 378.





Province of Dacia

Fr. Petrus Philippi, prior provincial of the Friars Preachers in Dacia, is elected archbishop of Uppsala. During his episcopacy he suffers much trouble with the Friars Minor.


Source: Registrum ecclesie Upsalensis.

Language: Latin.


(…) Quartodecimus archiepiscopus Upsalensis fuit frater Petrus Philippi, prius prior provincialis ordinis predicatorum, qui fecit sacarstiam lapideam in Arnø, et perpessus multas injurias a minoribus (…).


Comments: Fr. Petrus Philippi (Peter Filipsson) was a nobleman from Uppland, son of Knight Filip Finvidsson of Rumby. In 1321 he was lecturer at the Dominican convent in Sigtuna, after which followed a series of years as prior of the same convent, but apparently no longer in 1328 7/1. He was probably elected prior provincial of Dacia in 1328 to replace Fr. Tuchos ‘Klerk’, who then became bishop of Børglum, and most likely he was the unnamed provincial of Dacia, who in 1329 1/5 confirmed the foundation of a perpetual mass with the convent in Lund. Fr. Petrus Philippi left the provincial office in 1332, as he had been elected archbishop of Uppsala to replace Olof Björnsson, who had died on 1332 15/3; his election by the canons of the cathdral chapter was confirmed by the pope in 1332 3/10. As archbishop, Fr. Petrus came into a broad conflict with the Friars Minor of his diocese (i.e. in Stockholm, Enköping and Uppsala), which included hindering King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden from being crowned in the Franciscan priory church in Stockholm; because of complaints from the Franciscan minister provincial of Dacia, Pope Benedict XII charged the Norwegian archbishop to investigate and judge the case in 1338. Petrus Philippi stayed in office until his death in 1341, whereafter he was buried with his old convent in Sigtuna.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. V no. 3834; Scriptores Rerum Svecicarum vol. III:2.




1333 12/1

Convent of Visby

The prior of the Friars Preachers in Visby is paid 3 shilling gros by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for writing a letter on his behalf to the pope.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item anno Domini MCCCXXXIII die ∙xii∙ mensis januarii (…). Item dedi priori predicatorum Visbicensium per quem scripsi domino nostro pape ∙iii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium.


Dansk oversættelse:

(…) Ligeledes i det Herrens år 1333 på den 12. januar (…). Ligeledes givet prædikanternes prior i Visby, for at have skrevet til vor herre paven: 4 skilling grot tournois.


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Visby at this time was Fr. Matheus. He witnessed a letter for Petrus Gervasii in 1333 13/2 and was paid in 1333 8/6 for carrying a letter from the nuncio to the papal Curia in Avignon, as he happened to be in the neighbourhood anyway, attending the general chapter in Dijon in 1333 23/5. At this chapter, he was appointed vicar general for the province of Dacia until a replacement had been elected for Prior Provincial Petrus Philippi, the new archbishop of Uppsala. Whereas well-documented for the first half of 1333, nothing else is known about his biography. He may be identical to the unfortunate Fr. Matheus, diffinitor of Dacia, who died on his way to the general chapter in Lyon 1348 (see 1349 31/5). ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6. ● The letter in question written by Prior Matheus cannot be identified.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 118.




1333 13/2


Convents of Skara and Visby

Papal Nuncio Petrus Gervasii informs the ecclesiastical prelates of Norway, Sweden and Gotland that he is commissioned as papal collector of sexennial tithe and other papal claims, which are to be paid to him in Bergen on the following St. James’ Day (25 July) at the latest. The letter is issued in the priory of the Friars Preachers in Skara in the presence of, among others, Fr. Algotus and Fr. Matheus, priors of the convents in Skara and Visby respectively.


Source: Original document (Dipl. Arne Magnusson fasc. 23 no. 1 b). Arnamagnaean Collection, University of Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Reverendis in Christo patribus dominis ... ... ... ... Dei gratia Asloensis, Hamarensis, Stavangrensis et Bergensis ecclesiarum episcopis ac venerabilibus viris dominis ... vicariis seu yconomis ecclesie Nidrosiensis sede vacante, necnon capitulis, collegiis et conventibus, cisterciensis, cluniacensis, premonstratensis, sanctorum Benedicti et Augustini et aliorum ordinum abbatibus, prioribus, decanis, prepositis, archidyaconis, archipresbyteris, plebanis et ecclesiarum rectoribus, ceterisque personis ecclesiasticis exemptis et non exemptis per predictas civitates et dioceses constitutis, Petrus Gervasii canonicus Vinariensis apostolice sedis nuntius pro infrascriptis et nonnullis aliis ecclesie Romane negotiis ad regna Norweye, Swecie et Gotie destinatus, salutem in Domino et nostris ymo verius apostolicis firmiter obedire mandatis. Literas sanctissimi patris et domini nostri domini Johannis divina providencia pape ·xxii· veras et integras ac omni suspicione carentes vera ipsius bulla plumbea in filo canapis bullatas nos recepisse noveritis, tenores in modum qui sequitur continentes: (...).Nos igitur predictus nuntius predictarum literarum auctoritate nobis in hac parte commissa requirimus et monemus semel, secundo et tertio ac peremptorie vos predictos dominos, episcopos et vicarios ac abbates, priores, decanos, prepositos, archidyaconos, archipresbyteros, plebanos et ecclesiarum rectores, capitula, collegia et conventus, cisterciensis, cluniacensis, premonstratensis, sanctorum Benedicti et Augustini et aliorum ordinum exemptorum et non exemptorum, ceterasque personas ecclesiasticas predictarum civitatum et diocesium exemptas et non exemptas cuiuscunque conditionis aut status existant necnon quoslibet collectores et subcollectores, conservatores, depositarios, detentores et debitores decime sexannalis supradicte ac census ecclesie Romane seu denarii beati Petri, necnon fructuum reddituum et proventuum primi anni beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum dudum per triennium, et alias per biennium in predictis civitatibus et diocesibus vacantium per dictum dominum papam pro necessitatibus camere sue reservatorum, insuper et predicti oblati ipsi domino pape subsidii pro expugnatione hereticorum et rebellium in partibus Ytalie ac quorumlibet aliorum bonorum et rerum pecuniarum et summarum auri et argenti, ad cameram ipsius domini pape quomodolibet et ex quacunque causa spectantium, quatenus collectas pecunias ex predictis negotiis penes vos et quemlibet vestrum seu loca vestra restantes una cum hiis que remanent insoluta, que per vos dominos episcopos ac vicarios et alios collectores et subcollectores, statim colligi et vobis assignari, precipimus et mandamus in virtute sancte obedientie et sub excomunicationis pena nobis in civitate Bergensi hinc ad festum beati Jacobi apostoli persolvatis nomine domini pape et Romane ecclesie et integraliter assignetis facturi nobis infra dictum terminum de predictis omnibus debitum compotum et legittimam rationem in predicta civitate vel in locis vestris si ad ea nos interim contingerit declinare. Alioquin nisi omnia et singula supradicta feceritis cum effectu infra terminum memoratum nos, predicta monitione premissa, vobis dominis episcopis si predicta vel aliqua predictorum neglexeritis contumaciter adimplere vel super hiis contradictores fueritis vel rebelles ingressum ecclesie interdicimus, in alios autem omnes et singulos supradictos, qui super predictis contradictores fuerint vel rebelles, excomunicationis in capitula vel collegia et conventus suspensionis et in ecclesias ac monasteria contradictorum et rebellium huiusmodi ex nunc ut extunc interdicti sententias proferimus in hiis scriptis. Preterea requirimus et monemus eadem auctoritate semel, secundo et tertio ac peremptorie vos predictos dominos episcopos ac vicarios seu yconomos ac quoscunque administratores bonorum mense archiepiscopalis ecclesie Nidrosiensis sede vacante, quatenus predictum subsidium ac decimam sexannalem predictam de fructibus redditibus et proventibus vestris quibuscunque ad mensas vestras episcopales et ad mensam archiepiscopalem Nidrosiensem spectantibus si juxta morem solitum non solvistis seu de dicta mensa archiepiscopali non est solutum ad plenum in civitate Bergensi vel in locis vestris ut supradictum est infra dictum terminum nobis integraliter persolvatis, et nisi loco seu locis ac terminis supradictis solveritis subsidium huiusmodi et decimam supradictam, nos exnunc ut extunc in vos non solventes suspensionis ab officio sententiam proferimus in hiis scriptis, quam suspensionis sententiam si per mensem post monitionem nostram seu terminum supradictum immediate sequentem animis sustinueritis induratis exnunc ut extunc hiis eisdem scriptis in vos contradictores et rebelles huiusmodi excomunicationis et in ecclesias vestras contradictorum et rebellium predictorum interdicti sentencias promulgamus, requirentes te notarium ut de predictis unum vel plura publica facias instrumenta. Actum et datum Scaris in conventu predicatorum, presentibus venerabilibus et religiosis viris fratribus Algoto Scarensi et Matheo Visbicensi conventuum ordinis predicatorum prioribus, ac discretis viris domino Petro Strangonis canonico Roskildensi, Jacobo de Eusebio de Bugella clerico Vercellensis diocesis auctoritate apostolica, notario publico et Nicolao Thorberni clerico Roskildensis diocesis, testibus ad hoc vocatis specialiter et rogatis, pontificatus dicti domini nostri pape anno ·xvii·, anno Domini MCCCXXXIII, die ·xiii· mensis februarii, indictione prima. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum duximus presentibus apponendum.


Dansk oversættelse (i uddrag):

Til de med Kristus ærværdige fædre de herrer bisper af Oslo, Hamar, Stavanger og Bergen (...). I skal vide, at vi Pierre Gervais, kannik i Viviers og det apostoliske sædes nuntius, har modtaget den højhellige faders vor herre pave Johannes XXII’s ægte og sande brev, som der ikke kan næres mistillid til, beseglede med hans ægte bulle i hampesnor og af indhold som følger: (...) Handlet og givet i Skara i prædikanternes konvent i nærværelse af de ærværdige og fromme mænd brødrene Algot af Skara og Mats af Visby, priorer for Prædikantordenens konventer, og de gode mænd hr. Peder Strangesen, kannik i Roskilde, Jakob de Eusebio af Bughella, klerk i Vercelli stift og med apostolisk bemyndigelse offentlig notar, samt Niels Torbensen, klerk i Roskilde stift, der særligt er tilkaldt og udbedt som vidner herom, i den nævnte herre paves syvende pontifikatsår, det Herrens år 1333, den 13. februar. Til vidnesbyrd herom har vi ladet vort segl hænge under dette brev.


Comments: Fr. Algotus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Skara, is also mentioned in the acts of the canonization process for St. Birgitta of Vadstena, according to which he was a doctor of theology and a dear friend to the young Birgitta, and died shortly before her first journey to Rome in 1349 (Gallén 1946, 160). ● On Fr. Matheus, see 1333 12/1. ● On Petrus Gervasii, see 1331 20/6. ● The letter for the secular and regular prelates includes full transcripts (here omitted) of six papal bulls issued by Pope John XXII on 29 January 1332, in which Petrus Gervasii was commissioned to collect the sexennial tithe in support of The Holy Land (DN II 187); instructed to discretely collect intelligence on the amounts of sexennial tithes deposited with clergy and lay persons in the three countries, before he moved on to call for its payment (DN II 188); authorized to collect one years income from all vacant ecclesiastical offices in Norway, Sweden and Gotland, when these had been reserved by the papacy (DN II 189-190); authorized to collect monetary support offered by the bishops and clergy for the papacy in its need against rebels and heretics especially in Italy (DN II 191); and to collect all other papal outstandings in the three countries (DN II 192). 


Published: Diplomatarium Norvegicum vol. II no. 199; Acta Pontificum Svecica vol. I:1 no. 285; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. II no. 12 (extract only).




1333 14/2

Convent of Lund, House in Malmö

Niels Jakobsen in Malmö sells five market booths in Malmö to the convent of Friars Preachers in Lund. The booths are all situated adjacent to the house and chapel in Malmö owned by the convent in Lund: two booths are situated to the immediate west of the chapel and south of the house, while the three other booths are also situated by the chapel of the friars.


Sources: A. Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm. B. Register of Scanian Letters.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Old Swedish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus Nicholaus Jacobsun villanus in Malmøghæ, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi me viris religiosis fratribus predicatorum ordinis conventus Lundensis, omnia bona mea mobilia et immobilia in curia cum eisdem fratribus in Malmøghæ sita, vide­licet duas tabernas capelle ipsorum fratrum ad orientem anexas cum toto spatio ad aquilonem secundum latitudinem curie fratrum, et cum dimidio spatio jannue ad austrum juxta dictas domos, tres tabernas juxta plateam ad austrum et dimidium spatium jannue inter dictas domos et domos Magni Sywarthsun cum spatio tante latitudinis silicet dimidie jannue et dictarum trium tabernarum directe ad capellam dictorum fratrum, vendidisse et in perpetuum possidenda scotavisse ideo dictis fratribus memorata bona appropriare me obligo per presentes. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum una cum sigillis virorum discretorum consulum et concivium meorum videlicet Arnoldi Michælsun, Nicholai Swensun et Mathei Bag presentibus est appensum. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXXIII in festo beati Valentini martiris.


Dansk oversættelse:

Niels Jakobsen, indbygger i Malmø, til alle, som ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Alle skal vide, at jeg har solgt og til evig besiddelse skødet de fromme mænd, brødrene af Prædikantordenens konvent i Lund, alt mit rørlige og urørlige gods i samme brødres gård i Malmø, nemlig to boder bygget op til brødrenes kapel mod øst med hele pladsen, imod nord langs med brødrenes gårds bredde, og med den halve gydes bredde imod syd ved nævnte huse. Endvidere tre boder ved gaden imod syd og den halve gydes bredde mellem nævnte huse og Mogens Sivertsens huse med pladsen i samme bredde, nemlig den halve gydes og de nævnte tre boders umiddelbart ved nævnte brødres kapel. Derfor forpligter jeg mig med dette brev til at hjemle omtalte gods til nævnte brødre. Til vidnesbyrd herom er mit segl, sammen med seglene fra de gode mænd mine medborgere rådmændene Arnold Mikkelsen, Niels Svendsen og Mathias Bag, hængt under dette brev. Givet i det Herrens år 1333 på sankt Valentins dag.



Nilsz Iacobszons borgares i Malmöe uthgifne skiötebreef åth coventz brödrarna i Lund angaende twenne bodher i Malmöe belägen öster i stadhen. Dat. 1333.


Comments: Backside inscriptions: De area fratrum in Malmøghæ and De capella nostra in Malmø. ● B is in DD erroneously connected to some other register entries from 1394 with an almost identical wording, but with no relation at all to the convent in Lund. Since the corresponding document is extant (A), there can be no doubt of the actual year. ● While the convent of Friars Preachers in Lund received royal permission in 1294 6/8 to send fratres terminarii to Malmö, this is the oldest instance of a permanent Dominican residence in the city, which at this early time even was equipped with a chapel. The house in Malmö remained subordinate to the convent in Lund, right until 1530 12/2, when it was confiscated by the Crown and given to the city magistrate during the Reformation.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 2965; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 13. B. Diplomatarium Danicum 4. ser. vol. V no. 291.




1333 (23/5)


Provinces of Aragonia, Dacia and Regni Sicilie, Convent of Visby

The general chapter of the Friars Preachers appoints vicars general for the provinces of Regni Sicilia, Dacia and Aragonia to lead their provinces until new priors provincial are elected; Fr. Matheus, prior of the convent in Visby, is appointed for the province of Dacia.


Source: Acta capitulorum generalium OP. 

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Hec sunt acta capituli generalis apud Divionum celebrati anno Domini MCCCXXXII[I]. (…) Facimus vicarium in provincia regni Sicilie fratrem Franciscum de Aquila, priorem Aquilanum, donec prior provincialis electus confirmatus fuerit et in eadem presens extiterit. Item, in provincia Dacie facimus vicarium generalem fratrem Mattheum priorem Wisbucensem. Item, in provincia Aragonie facimus vicarium generalem fratrem Johannem Fortis, magistrum in theologia, donec prior provincialis electus et confirmatus fuerit et presens extiterit in eadem. Expliciunt acta capituli generalis apud Divionum Lugdunensis diocesis.


Comments: The act is undated, but the chapter was usually held at Pentecost. ● On Fr. Matheus, see 1333 12/1. He was installed as vicar in the provincial office to replace Fr. Petrus Philippi, who had been elected archbishop of Uppsala in 1332. His appointment was most likely triggered by his presence at the general chapter, either as diffinitor or socius; this is not stated in the acts, but he is known to have gone to the Curia in Avignon in the same period (1333 8/6).


Published: Monumenta Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum Historica vol. IV, p. 222.




1333 5/6

Convent of Sigtuna

The prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna hands over 3 florins to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii collected as aid for the Holy Land from some people, who wanted to remain anonymous.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


De legatis factis in subsidium Terre sancte in Suecia. Anno Domini MCCCXXXIII (…) die ∙v∙ mensis junii. (…) Item recepi a priore predicatorum de Citonia Upsalensis diocesis pro dicto legato facto per quandam personam quam nominare noluit: ∙iii∙ florenos parvos. Noluit habere litteras.


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna at this time cannot be identified. Fr. Bernardus held the office in 1328 16/2, while Fr. Siggon was prior in 1339 21/7. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 92.




1333 8/6

Convent of Visby

Fr. Matheus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Visby, is given a horse worth 10 marks by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for bringing letters to the pope and the papal chamberlain (in Avignon) concerning the nuncio’s negotiations in Sweden. Furthermore, the prior is paid 2 golden florins for his travel expenses.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item ∙viii∙ die junii (…). Item dedi fratri Matheo priori predicatorum Wisbicensium qui debuit portare litteras domino nostro pape et domino camerario continentes relationem negotiorum que gesseram in regno Suecie unum equum valoris ∙x∙ marchas denariorum Suevorum. Item dedi eidem ∙ii∙ florenos auri pro expensis suis.


Dansk oversættelse:

(…) Ligeledes den 8. juni (…). Ligeledes givet broder Mats, prædikanternes prior i Visby, som skal bringe breve til vor herre paven og den herre kammermesteren angånde de forhandlinger, som jeg har haft i kongeriget Sverige, en hest til en værdi af: 10 mark penge svensk. Ligeledes givet den samme 2 guldfloriner for hans udgifter.


Comments: On Fr. Matheus, see 1333 12/1. He attended the general chapter in Dijon in 1333 (23/5) and must have agreed to carry letters for the nuncio on to the Curia in Avignon, where he probably planned to continue to anyway, now he was in the region. In this way, the province found external funding for his travel expenses. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 120.




1333 9/6


Province of Dacia

Fr. Johannes Åbo of the Friars Preachers, minor penitentiary at the Curia in Avignon for the church province of Dacia, assists and mediates a payment from the Apostolic Camera to Jakob Lok, a Dane, for bringing papal letters “and other means of negotiation of the Roman Church” to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii in Sweden; Jakob Lok signs for it all with the penitentiary acting as interpreter.


Source: Register in Apostolic Camera. Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Acta fuerunt hec Avinione in camera thesaurarie a nativitate Domini millesimo CCCXXXIII indictione prima (…). Anno et loco quibus supra proxima die ∙ix∙ mensis junii, Jacobus dictus Lok diocesis Wibergensis cui fuerunt tradite de presenti certe littere apostolice et alie tangentes negotia Romane ecclesie portande per ipsum ad partes Suessie, discreto viro domino Petro Gervasii canonico Vivariensi apostolice sedis nuntio, recepit, de pecunia camere domini nostri pape a predicto domino camerario Dei gratia archiepiscopo Arelatensi, domini pape camerario, et se habuisse et recepisse recognovit, interprete mediante, fratre Johanne Abbo penitentiario domini pape, pro expensis suis faciendis eundo ad dictas partes, sex solidos Turonensium grossorum cum obolo rotunda testes sunt domini Guillelmus de Bos clericus camere domini pape, et Johannes Cortoys rector ecclesie de Niannay Ambianensis diocesis.


Comments: Fr. Johannes Åbo is not known with certainty from any other sources. His byname suggests a relation to Turku (Åbo) in Finland, thus, he may be identical to one of two Johanneses known at the convent of Turku in 1331: Prior Johannes Laurentii or Fr. Johannes Allonis. It has also been suggested that he may be identical to the Fr. Johannes, confessor of King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden-Norway, who travelled through Flanders to France as royal envoy in 1334 12/2 (Gallén 1946, 156 note 36; Haug 2008, 110). Fr. Johannes Åbo probably became minor penitentiary for the church province of Dacia shortly after his predessor and namesake Fr. Johannes Nyborg was appointed bishop of Roskilde by the pope in 1330 15/6. His term ended before 1338 23/6, when another Finnish confrater, Fr. Petrus de Åbo, had taken over. Haug has suggested that he died in the winter of 1337-38 (Haug 2008, 110). Jakob Lok was apparently a layman originating from the diocese of Viborg in northern Jylland, Denmark. His errand in Avignon is unknown. He did hand over the letters to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii somewhere in Sweden on 26 November, but apparently not quite in the state they had been given to him (see below); at this occasion the nuncio termed him ‘a servant of the Dacian penitentiary’. The nuncio too paid for Lok’s travel expenses, and the messenger had furthermore used 2 golden florins of his. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.  ● The papal letters that Jakob Lok carried on to Petrus Gervasii are most likely four letters preserved through transcripts in the Vatican Archives, all issued by Pope John XXII on 28 May 1333: one is an authorization to collect sixennial tithe of the clergy in Norway and Sweden, two are recommendations for the nuncio addressed to King Magnus of Norway (and Sweden) and the Scandinavian clergy respectively, and the last one was a personal covering letter for the nuncio himself (PNRD nos. 81-84).


Published: Acta Pontificum Danica vol. I no. 239; Acta Pontificum Svecica 1. ser. vol. I no. 300 b.


                      1333 26/11

Nuncio Petrus Gervasii receives the abovementioned papal letters from Jakob Lok, “the Dacian penitentiary’s servant”, although they have been damaged, and he pays him for his expenses.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item ∙xxvi∙ die novembris dedi famulo penitentiarii de Dacia dicto Looch qui mihi portavit unam litteram clausam et duas patentes apostolicas quia dixit se fuisse spoliatum in via, quod non fuit verum ut postea didici, ∙viii∙ grossos Turonenses, et ibidem habuerat de nepote meo ∙ii∙ florenos auri. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

(…) Fremdeles den 26. november gav jeg pønitentiaren for Dacias svend, kaldet Looch, som havde bragt mig et beseglet pavebrev og to åbne, som han sagde var blevet ødelagt undervejs, hvilket jeg dog siden erfarede ikke var sandt, 8 groter tournois, og samtidig havde han brugt 2 af mine gyldne floriner. (…)


Comments: See above.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 122.




1333 Primo July

Convent of Oslo

The prior and two Friars Preachers of the convent in Oslo are paid 4 shilling gros tournois by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for acting as envoys regarding the nuncio’s ongoing negotiation with the Bishop of Oslo concerning his payment of due papal taxes, while the nuncio himself is setting off for Bergen.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item ∙iiii∙ feria post octabas apostolorum Petri et Pauli exivi Osloyam et solvi pro naulo Bergas ∙iiii∙ solidos grossorum cum ∙viii∙ denariis grossorum Turonensium. Item quia non potui expedire viam meam vento contrariante, misi Bergas nuncium per terram cum litteris meis per quas commisi domino episcopo Bergensi vices meas si non contingeret me venire ad terminum assignatum, et solvi dicto famulo pro expensis suis in illa via ∙xxii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item dedi prior predicatorum quem misi pro informatione recipienda contra episcopum Osloensem ∙ii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. Item dedi aliis duobus fratribus quos misi pro eodem negotio ∙ii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

(...) Fremdeles gav jeg prædikanternes prior, som jeg sendte for at modtage meddelelser imod biskoppen af Oslo, 2 skilling grot tournois. Fremdeles gav jeg to andre brødre, som jeg sendte for at forhandle med den samme, 2 skilling grot tournois. (…)


Comments: It is not explicitly stated from which convent the Dominican prior and friars came, but for it all to make sense it must have been friars affiliated to the house in Oslo, acting on the nuncio’s behalf before departure to Bergen. Actually, it is not even stated that the two friars were Dominican, but although Friars Minor were present in Oslo, Nuncio Petrus Gervasii consequently used Dominican friars only during his entire legation in Scandinavia. ● The prior of the Friars Preachers in Oslo at this time cannot be identified with certainty, but in 1335 6/9 the office was held by Fr. Asulphus. ● The bishop of Oslo at this time was Salomon Toraldsson (1322-1351). ● As the prior is paid to ‘receive letters against the bishop’ and the two friars are paid to negotiate with him, it gives the impression of a rather unwilling attitude from the bishop. In fact, Bishop Salomon could or would not pay his papal debt and because of this he was eventually excommunicated by Petrus Gervasii in 1335. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 121.




1333 2/8


Convent of Stralsund (prov. Saxonia)

Fr. Thidericus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Stralsund, along with Abbot Herman of Hiddensee and Guardian Nicolaus of the Friars Minor in Stralsund, certify a letter issued by King Erik VI Menved of Denmark in 1309 in favour of four potential heirs to the islands of Wittow and Jasmund by Rügen.


Source: Original document. Fürstliche Kanzlei zu Putbus.

Language: Latin.


[...] Et nos frater Hermannus abbas in Hiddense cysterciensis ordinis, frater Thidericus prior fratrum predicatorum in Sundis et frater Nicolaus gardianus fratrum minorum ibidem supradictam litteram collationis, prefati domini Erici regis Dacie bone memorie, non rasam non cancellatam nec in aliqua sui parte viciatam sed cum vero suo sigillo appenso sigillatam vidimus et diligenter examinavimus quod nostris sigillis presentibus potestamur. Datum in Sundis, anno Domini MCCC tricesimo ∙iii∙ crastino beati Petri ad vincula.


Comments: The certified letter, which is published in DD 2 VI 207, promised that the knights Pridbor, Nikolaus and Teze de Putbus (three brothers) and Johan de Gristow would be heirs to the royals fiefs of Wittow and Jasmund in case that Prince Wizlaw III of Rügen should die without an heir of his own.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 59.




1333 3/8

Convent of Bergen

At his arrival in Bergen, Nuncio Petrus Gervasii immediately goes to the priory of the Friars Preachers.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item ∙iii∙ die augusti cum venit navis ad portum Bergensem dedi famulus navis, qui deposuerunt tonellas cum rebus et duxerunt cum una batella ad domum predicatorum, ∙iiii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item die ∙iiii∙ augusti emi ∙vi∙ pelles pergameni pro ∙iiii∙ grossis Turonensibus.


Dansk oversættelse:

(...) Fremdeles den 3. august med ankomst ad havet til havnen i Bergen gav jeg sømændene, der læssede tønder med mere og med en båd førte mig hen til prædikanternes hus, 4 groter tournois. Fremdeles den 4. august købte jeg 6 skind pergament til 4 groter tournois. (…)


Comments: The Dominican priory in Bergen was situated a little away from the mercantile harbour near a small habour of its own. ● Undoubtedly, the meaning is that the nuncio sought his accomodation with the friars. There are, however, no references to any payment for this lodging; perhaps the convent for its hospitality received some of the parchment that he set out to buy the following day. The nuncio probably stayed with the friars until the 8 September, when he sailed off to Bruges. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 121.




1333 8/8


Monastery of Roskilde, Δ Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde

Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde confirms that the episcopal herring tithe from the tenants subject to the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde has already been granted by him to be kept by the convent itself.


Source: Transcript in Bartholin’s Collectanea.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, frater Johannes miseratione divina episcopus Roskildensis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Notum facimus universis quod nos monasterio beate Agnetis Roskildensis omnes decimas nostras allecium de familia sua quas prius eidem monasterio per nostras apertas litteras dedimus, appropriamus per presentes, prout etiam e[o]dem decime predicto monasterio per sedem apostolicam fuerant confirmate. Datum Roskildis nostro sub secreto, anno Domini MCCCXXX tertio, dominica ante diem beati Laurentii martyris.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Johannes, ved Guds miskundhed biskop af Roskilde, til alle, som ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Vi gør vitterligt for alle, at vi med dette brev overdrager Roskilde Agnete Kloster al vor sildetiende af deres undergivne, som vi tidligere ved vort åbne brev har givet samme kloster, således som samme tiende er blevet stadfæstet for samme kloster af det apostoliske sæde. Givet i Roskilde under vort segl, i det Herrens år 1333, på søndagen før martyren Skt. Laurentius’ dag.


Comments: On Fr. Johannes Nyborg, see 1324 3/3. ● Neither the alleged preceding grant of the herring tithe to the monastery nor the papal confirmation of it is preserved.


Published: Repertorium danici 1. ser. vol. I no. 1668; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 61.




1333 4/12

Convent of Roskilde

The prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde is paid 5 shilling gros tournois by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for transporting half the collected papal tax money (of Denmark) from Roskilde to Helsingborg, from where it will be shipped out of the country; the prior is paid for his expenses and efforts, and additionally his convent receives a barrel of beer to the value of 20 gros tournois. The second half of the tax money is brought out of the country by ship by the Abbot of Æbelholt, for which he and his socius are paid 3 shilling gros tournois and 10 gros tournois respectively.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item die ∙iiii∙ decembris jui versus ecclesiam Roskildensem et solvi pro naulo seu pro maris transitu ∙viii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item solvi pro expensis famulorum domini archiepiscopi, qui me conduxerunt usque ad mare in Helsingburgh, ∙xiii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item solvi pro expensis domini Johannis de Capella canonici Roskildensis, qui ulterius direxit me in via usque Roskildis ∙viii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item dedi abbati de Paraclito qui portavit extra terram illam unam partem pecuniarum quas tunc receperam ibi, pro expensis et maris transitu, ∙iii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium, et dedi socio suo ∙x∙ grossos Turonenses. Item dedi priori predicatorum Roskildensium, qui reliquam partem pecuniarum debuit extra terram illam portare usque Helsingborgh tam pro maris transitu quam pro expensis et laboribus, ∙v∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. Item dedi conventui suo unam lagenam servisie pro qua solvi ∙xx∙ grossos Turonenses. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

(…) Fremdeles drog jeg den 4. december mod kirken i Roskilde og betalte i skipperløn eller for overfarten over havet 8 groter tournois. (...) Fremdeles gav jeg abbeden i Æbelholt, som bragte den ene part af pengene, som jeg indtil da havde modtaget, uden for landet, til underhold og overfart over havet 3 skilling grot tournois, og jeg gav hans rejsefælle 10 groter tournois. Fremdeles gav jeg prioren for prædikanterne i Roskilde, som skulle bringe den anden part ud af landet til Helsingborg, såvel til overfart over havet som til underhold og for møje, 5 skilling grot tournois. Fremdeles gav jeg hans konvent en tønde øl, for hvilket jeg betalte 20 groter tournois. (...)


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde at this time was probably Fr. Benedictus, who was in office in 1327 19/8 and 1337 10/1; on him, see 1315 18/1. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6. ● The nuncio undoubtedly hired the two monastic prelates for the shipping in order to bring the huge sum of money out of the wartorn and lawless country as discretely as possible. As recorded in the account book on 1334 10/1, the prior was, however, not able to make it to Helsingborg on agreed time due to warfare in the area; it is not evident, though, if the money had been taken from him or if he was just late.  ● The barrel of beer for the convent in Roskilde was probably given to show his gratitude for accommodation, friendship and services since his first arrival two-and-a-half years earlier. ● Æbelholt (Paraclito) was an Augustinian abbey situated in north-eastern Sjælland, on the way from Roskilde to Helsingborg.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 123; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 152.





Convent of Odense

Kristine, of a noble family and widow of Esger, makes after the death of her husband donations to the convent of Friars Preachers in Odense “in no small amount”.


Source: Register in Hamsfort’s Chronologia.

Language: Latin.


Anno Domini MCCCXXXIII [...]. Christina e familia, cuius insigne duobus diversis per rectum coloribus distinguitur, fæmina nobilis uiro claro Esgoni nupta defuncto marito Othoniæ dominicanos prædicatores muneribus cumulat non exiguis.


Dansk oversættelse:

I det Herrens år 1333 [...]. Kristine af en slægt, hvis våbenmærke er delt på langs i to forskellige farver, en velbyrdig kvinde, gift med den højbårne Esger, skænkede efter hendes ægtefælles død gaver i ikke ringe omfang til de dominikanske prædikantmunke i Odense.


Comments: Neither Kristine nor her dead husband Esger have been identified. ● The actual sort of donations is not known either.


Published: Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. I, p. 302; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 89.




1334 10/1

Convent of Roskilde

The prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde is awaited in vain in Helsingborg by a clerk of Nuncio Petrus Gervasii and a priest in the service of the Archbishop of Lund, whereto he was due to arrive by ship from Sjælland with half the collected tax money from Denmark, but he was unable to be there in time because of the war; while waiting in Helsingborg, with three horses, his two recipients had expenses for 22 gros tournois.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item anno Domini MCCCXXXIIII die ∙x∙ januarii misi unum clericum meum una cum quodam presbitero domini archiepiscopi ad recipiendum pecunias quas debuit portare in Helsingburgh prior predicatorum Roskildensium in octava epiphanie et non potuit propter guerram, qui expectantes dictum priorem ibidem expenderunt ∙xxii∙ grossos Turonenses, cum tribus equis. (...)


Dansk oversættelse:

(…) Fremdeles i det Herrens år 1334 den 10. januar sendte jeg min klerk sammen med en af den herre ærkebispens præster for at modtage pengene, som prioren for prædikanterne i Roskilde skulle bringe til Helsingborg ottendedagen efter helligtrekongersdag, og det formåede han ikke på grund af krigen, og idet de ventede på nævnte prior, forbrugte de med tre heste 22 groter tournois. (…)


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde had been hired by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for the task in 1333 4/12. Obviously, he was meant to ride with the two men – and the money – on horseback from Helsingborg to Lund, where the nuncio had celebrated Christmas. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 123; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 152.




1334 (10/5)


Convents of Helsingborg, Lund, Odense and Åhus

Last will and testament for Archbishop Karl of Lund, in which he leaves 1 mark silver and a canopy to the convent of Friars Preachers in Lund, along with 6 marks silver to the fund of the priory church and another 6 marks to ornaments and necessary equipment for their Altar of St. Margaret, which is to be paid out by Magister Peder Torkildsen. In addition, the convents of Friars Preachers in Åhus, Helsingborg and Odense are each to receive 1 mark silver, the latter also a canopy. The archbishop has two copies of the Sermones by Fr. Guido Ebroicensis OP, of which the one with small letters, now held by Fr. Nicolaus Kolp, is bequeathed to his cellarer Peder, while the one with major letters, now held by Magister Peder, is bequeathed to Canon Troels. Fr. Nicolaus Kolp is given 2 marks silver.


Source: Transcript in Lundebogen.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Cum mors humano generi certa pateat, et eius eventus utique sit incertus, providum est ut quisque suorum deposito peccatorum onere contra incautos necis insultus, se operibus muniat virtuosis. Nos igitur Karolus archiepiscopus Lundensis licet corpore debiles, sani tamen mente, anime nostre saluti providere volentes, testamentum nostrum de bonis, nobis a Deo concessis, condimus in hunc modum. Primo conferimus et legamus fabrice nostre Lundensis ecclesie crucem argenteam per nos emptam et dimidietatem ornamentorum que redemimus pro magna summa pecunie post morten predecessoris nostri, tam pro salute anime nostre, quam pro debitis sepius ab ipsa ecclesia per nos contract[is]. [...] Item fratribus predicatoribus Lundis marcham argenti et unum baldekin. Item ad fabricam ecclesie eorundem sex marchas argenti, exponendas per magistrum P[etr]um Thorkilli. Item pro ornamentis et necessariis emendis ad altare sancte Margarete predictum sex marchas argenti, exponendas per eundem magistrum Petrum. Item fratribus minoribus Lundis marcham argenti et unum baldekin. Item sanctimonialibus Lundis duas marchas argenti et unum baldekin et si repertum fuerit quod redditus earum in Borendholm per nos vel predecessores nostros indebite sunt ablati, fiat eis restitutio de bonis ecclesie nostre Lundensis et Johannes Galen de bonis earum in Køpinge que eis libere resignamus, dimidiam marcham annone nostro nomine assignabit. Item sanctimonialibus in Byrtinge duas marchas argenti. Item sanctimonialibus in Bosø ∙ii∙ marchas argenti. [...] Item ecclesie sancti Nicolai in Aoos marcham argenti et unum baldekin. Item predicatoribus ibidem marcham argenti. Item prædicatoribus in Hælsingborg marcham argenti. Item predicatoribus in Othens marcham argenti et unum baldekin. [...] Item monasteriis Dalby, Hæriswade, Øwith, Bekkeskogh et Tummorp, cuilibet marcham argenti. [...] Item fratribus minoribus in Trælæborg ∙iii∙ marchas denariorum Scaniensium. Item fratribus minoribus in Ystath tantum. [...] Item domino Petro cellerario nostro Lundensi equum rubeum quem habemus in Suarthestathe et Sermones Gwidonis de littera minori, quos habet frater Nicolaus Kolp. Item domino Trugillo canonico Sermones Gwidonis de majori litera quos habet magister Petrus. Item domino Johanni Hwiting librum unum breviarium. Item magistro Petro Torkilli librum confessorum quam habet personaliter. [...] Item domino Petro de Ystath unum librum Manipulum florum. [...] Item fratri Nicolao Kolp duas marchas argenti. Item Cristine moniali in Byrthinge cognate nostre duas marchas argenti. Item Katerine moniali in Bosø cognate nostre duas marchas argenti. [...] Item tribus monialibus Lundis videlicet Une, Elene et Cecilie unum pannum de Gandavo. [...]


Dansk oversættelse (mest relevante uddrag):

[...] Derfor har vi Karl, ærkebiskop af Lund, skønt svag på legeme så dog sund på sjælen villet sørge for vor sjæls frelse og opsat vort testamente over det gods, som Gud har tilstået os, på følgende måde: [...] Fremdeles til prædikebrødrene i Lund 1 mark sølv og en baldakin. Fremdeles til deres kirkes bygningsfond 6 mark sølv at udbetales ved magister Peder Torkildsen. Fremdeles til køb af prydelser og fornødenheder til fornævnte Skt. Margretes alter 6 mark sølv, at udbetales ved samme magister Peder. Fremdeles til de små brødre i Lund 1 mark sølv og en baldakin. [...] Fremdeles til prædikanterne sammesteds [:Åhus] 1 mark sølv. Fremdeles til prædikanterne i Helsingborg 1 mark sølv. Fremdeles til prædikanterne i Odense 1 mark sølv og en baldakin. [...]


Comments: The will is only extant as a transcript in Lundebogen from 1494 under the heading: Testamentum domini Karoli archiepiscopi ex publico instrumentum descriptum. The transcript lacks a date, as the scribe explicitly was not able to read the ending: De illo testamento amplius legere non potui. We know, however, that Archbishop Karl died on 16 May 1334 and the canons of the cathedral chapter in Lund issued a confirmation on 10 May in which they promised to honour and execute the will (DD 2 XI 129). ● On Archbishop Karl of Lund, see 1328 14/1. ● Fr. Nicolaus Kolp is not known from any other sources and neither is it known to what order he belonged. Considering the archbishop’s obvious preference for the Friars Preachers, the Dominican convent in Lund seems to be a qualified guess. ● It is not known whether the Altar of St. Margaret was indeed in the priory church of the Friars Preachers or perhaps rather in the cathedral; in case of the latter, it was probably mentioned just after the donation for the convent because both payments were to be executed by Magister Peder Torkildsen. When the convent of Friars Preachers in Odense is bequeathed as the sole monastic institution outside Skåne, it is probably due to the archbishop’s stated past as provost in Gamtofte on Fyn, where he may also have been affiliated to the cathedral chapter in Odense. The canopies endowed to the convents in Lund and Odense were probably either for a permanent use over an altar or for processions.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 3059; Erslev, Testamenter... no. 33; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 127.




1334 12/2


Province of Dacia

Count Louis of Flanders-Never-Rethel issues a letter of free passage for Master Peter Andersson (Pierre Andrieu), secretary of King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden-Norway, and Fr. Johannes of the Friars Preachers, confessor of the same king, both of them travelling through Flanders to King Philippe VI of France as messengers of the Swedish king.


Source: Transcript. Archives Départementales du Nord, Lille.

Language: French.


Nous Loys, conte de Flandre, de Neuers et de Rethel, faisons sauoir à touz que nous auons donné et donnons à maistre Pierre Andrieu, secrétaire de tresnoble et puissant prince, monseigneur le roy de Suece et de Noruoe, et à frère Jehan de l’ordre des prescheurs, confesseur du dit seigneur, messagés enuoiéz depar lui à nostre tresredouté seigneur, monseigneur le roy de France, bon et sauf conduit pour aler et venir par tout nostre pais et conté de Flandre, par ainssi qu’il[s] ne se mesfacent et sauf les priuilèges et franchises de noz villes de nostre dite conté et pais de Flandre dessus dit. Pour quoy nous mandons et commandons à tous nos justiciers et subgets et à tous les gardes de noz passages, des fins de nostre dite conté et pais, que les dessus diz maistre P. et Jehan, leur mesnie et harnois en la manière dessus dite lessent passer paisiblement sanz aucum arrest faire par le tesmoing de ces lettres scellées de nostre scel. Donné à Male le ∙xiie∙ jour de feurier l’an de grace MCCC trente trois.


Comments: The letter is dated 1333, which in present-day terms means 1334, as New Year in France at this time began at Easter. ● Fr. Johannes is otherwise unknown. There is no telling which convent he came from, any of the Swedish and Norwegian houses is possible. It has been suggested that he could be identical to the papal penitentiary of Dacia, Fr. Johannes Åbo, acting in Avignon in 1333 9/6 (Gallén 1946, 156 note 36; Haug 2008, 110). ● King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden (1319-1364) and Norway (1319-1343) apparently felt closely connected to both mendicant orders. The Order of Preachers prescribed commemorational prayers for him at the general chapter in 1331 (19/5), and in 1363, he had another Dominican confessor, Fr. Gotscalcus Falkdal, whom he suggested to the pope as new bishop of Linköping.


Published: Sveriges traktater med främmande magter vol. I no. 221.




1334 28/3

Convent of Lund

The prior and lector of the Friars Preachers in Lund are paid 2 marks by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for safekeeping collected tax money, while the nuncio was in Sweden, and for ‘occasionally doing work on behalf of our lord the pope’.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item die lune in crastinum pasche exivi civitatem Roskildensem et solvi pro naulo ∙viii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item dedi priori et lectori predicatorum Lundensium qui servaverant aliquas pecunias quas commiseram eis quando jui in Sueciam et aliquando laboraverant pro negociis domini pape ∙ii∙ marchas denariorum Scaniensium. (...)


Dansk oversættelse:

(...) Fremdeles om mandagen efter påske forlod jeg staden Roskilde og betalte skipperløn 8 groter tournois. Fremdeles gav jeg prioren og lektoren for prædikanterne i Lund, som opbevarede nogle penge, som jeg havde overgivet dem, da jeg drog til Sverige, og som af og til havde beskæftiget sig med den herre pavens hverv, 2 mark i skånske penge. (...)


Comments: Neither the prior nor the lector of the Friars Preachers at this time can be identified. The office of prior was held by Fr. Nicolaus in 1329 1/5 and by Fr. Thrugillus in 1350 12/3. ● This is the only reference to any services performed by the Friars Preachers in Lund for Petrus Gervasii. The nuncio was, however, quite often in Lund during his legation, and most likely he had his accomodation with the friars and used their assistance whenever needed. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 124; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 152.




1334 18/4

Convent of Lübeck (prov. Saxonia)

The prior and convent of the Friars Preachers in Lübeck hands over 13 pounds gros tournois to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii on behalf of the bishop and cathedral chapter of Turku as remaining sixennial tithe from the city and diocese of Turku.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


De decima sexannali in regno Suecie. (…) Item anno Domini MCCCXXXIIII die ∙xviii∙ aprilis. Recepi a domino episcopo Aboensi et capitulo ecclesie Aboensis per manus prioris et conventus fratrum predicatorum Lybicensium ratione restantis decime sexannalis insolute de civitate et diocesi Aboensibus: ∙xiii∙ libras grossorum Turonensium. Habuerunt litteras quia notarium non habebam.


Comments: See below.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 91


                      1334 April

The prior, lector and two senior friars of the Friars Preachers in Lübeck are paid 6 shilling gros tournois by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for safekeeping deposited tax money and assisting him in his work. Additionally, the convent as a whole receives 2 shilling gros tournois for a festive dinner.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334. 

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item die ∙vi∙ aprilis exivi Lundis et jui Malmøghe ad navem et dedi familis domini archiepiscopi qui me de nocte conduxerunt ∙ii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. Item dedi pro curru qui traxit res et pecunias ad navem ∙iiii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. Item solvi pro batella que duxit nos ad magnam navem ∙iiii∙ sterlingos. Item solvi pro naulo de Dacia ad civitatem Lybicensem in Alamania ∙v∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. Item solvi pro batella que portavit nos deportu ad civitatem Lybicensem cum rebus ∙vi∙ sterlingos. Item dedi priori predicatorum Lybicensium et lectori ac aliis duobus senioribus qui habuerunt custodiam depositi et laboraverant pro negotiis meis ∙vi∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. Item dedi conventui pro pitantia ∙ii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

(…) Fremdeles gav jeg prioren for prædikanterne i Lübeck og lektoren og to andre seniorbrødre, som har bevoget det deponerede og assisteret med mit hverv, 6 skilling grot tournois. Fremdeles gav jeg konventet til en festmiddag 2 skilling grot tournois. (…)


Comments: It is not precisely stated when Nuncio Petrus Gervasii paid the Friars Preachers in Lübeck, but he left Lund and Malmö on 6 April 1334, from where there is one or two days journey to Lübeck, is known to have been there on 18 April (see above) and he left Lübeck on 3 May. ● The Friars Preachers in Lübeck are not mentioned earlier in the nuncio’s records, but they obviously assisted him in the same way as the convents in Roskilde, Lund and Skara, by safekeeping collected money and performing various errands. In April 1332, the dean of the cathedral chapter in Roskilde had transported 120 marks silver and other valuable items to Lübeck on behalf of the nuncio, and although it is not stated, it would seem from the later entry that it was all deposited with the friars (PNRD, 116). In the late summer of 1332, the nuncio himself stayed for about three weeks in Lübeck, possibly living in the priory (PNRD, 117). ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 124.




1334 2/6


Convent of Bruges (prov. Francia)

The prior and convent of the Friars Preachers in Bruges hands over 35 pounds gros tournois to Nuncio Petrus Gervasii on behalf of Bishop Jakob of Ribe as sixennial tithe from the city and diocese of Ribe.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334.

Language: Latin.


De receptis ex decima sexannali in civitate et diocesi Ripensibus in regno Dacie. (…) Item anno Domini MCCCXXXIIII die secunda mensis junii. Recepi per manus prioris et conventus fratrum predicatorum Brugensium in Flandria pro domino Jacobo episcopo Ripensi tradencium ∙xxxv∙ libras grossorum Turonensium de pecunia predicte decime mutuo recepta per dictum episcopum a collectoribus ipsius decime in civitate et diocesi Ripensibus. (…)


Comments: On Bishop Jakob Splitaf of Ribe (1327-1345), see 1332 21/3. ● On Petrus Gervasii and his legation in Scandinavia, see 1331 20/6.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 80.


                      1334 primo June

The convent of Friars Preachers in Bruges receives 6 shilling and 2 pence gros tournois by Nuncio Petrus Gervasii for a festive dinner, when he is handed over papal tax money from Scandinavia deposited in the priory.


Source: Account book of Petrus Gervasii, 1331-1334. 

Language: Latin.


Hec sunt expense facte per me magistrum Petrum Gervasii canonicum Vivariensem predictum apostolice sedis nuncium in dictis regnis Dacie, Suecie et Norwegie, extraordinarie pro negociis domini nostri pape, quas quidem expensas solvi de pecunia sexannali decime supradicte. (…)

   Item dedi pro naulo usque ad Flandriam ∙iiii∙ solidos grossorum Turonensium. Item dedi famulis de navi qui introduxerunt res in navem et extra posuerunt in batellam ∙ii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item dedi pro batella de portu Scluse usque ad Dammam ∙ii∙ grossos Turonenses. Item dedi de Damma usque Brugis pro batella ∙v∙ sterlingos. Item dedi conventui predicatorum Brugensium quando recepi depositum ∙vi∙ solidos et ∙iii∙ denarii grossorum Turonensium pro pitantia. (…)


Dansk oversættelse:

(…) Fremdeles gav jeg prædikanternes konvent i Brugge, da jeg modtog det deponerede, 6 skilling og 3 penning grot tournois til en festmiddag. (…)


Comments: The entry is not dated, but sixennial tithe money deposited by the bishop of Ribe had been handed over by the convent on 2 June. Apart from the sum from Ribe, the money may for a part also have included the half of the Danish collection that the Abbot of Æbelholt shipped out of the country in 1333 4/12.


Published: Pavelige Nuntiers Regnskabs- og Dagbøger, p. 125.





Convent of Odense

Knud Iversen de Koelbjerg makes large donations to the convent of Friars Preachers in Odense.


Source: Register in Hamsfort’s Chronologia.

Language: Latin.


Anno Domini MCCCXXXIV [...]. Othoniæ in magna æstimatione tum temporis erat Canutus, Ivar filius, Colbergius, qui hoc anno magnis donariis Franciscanos et Dominicanos affecerat.


Dansk oversættelse:

I det Herrens år 1334 [...]. Dengang var Knud Iversen af Kolbjerg af stor anseelse i Odense, og han skænkede det år franciskanerne og dominikanerne store gaver.


Comments: From the transcribed register it is difficult to determine if Colbergius is to be read as a byname or a geographical allocation, but in either case, it may refer to an otherwise unknown demesne in the village Koelbjerg (Vigerslev p., Fyn). Alternatively, the name refers to the town Kołobrzeg (Kolberg) in West Pomerania, which seems less plausible, though, considering the Danish-sounding personal name.


Published: Scriptores Rerum Danicarum vol. I p. 302; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 174.




1335 13/3


Monastery of Roskilde, Δ Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde

Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde issues a letter of indulgence in favour of the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde, in which he grants 40 days of indulgence to anyone who gives confession within 10 days and visits the monastery church to attend masses or sermons and walks around the cemetery in prayers for the deceased, or who helps the sisters with maintenance of their monastery or supports their livelihood. In addition, the friars or secular clergy who give sermons on fiest days in the monastery church are authorized to grant a similar indulgence to anyone who attends the sermons. Finally, the bishop confirms all privileges given to the convent by his predecessors to the extent that he has authority to do so.


Source: Original document (Archive of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Universis christifidelibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, frater Johannes miseratione divina episcopus Roskildensis, salutem in Domino Jhesu Christo. Licet is de cuius munere venit, ut sibi a fidelibus suis digne et laudabiliter serviatur, de habundantia pietatis sue vota supplicum excedens, bene servientibus multo majora tribuat, quam valeant promereri, desiderantes, tamen reddere Domino populum acceptabilem, fideles Christi ad complacendum ei, quasi quibusdam allectivis muneribus, indulgentiis videlicet et remissionibus benigniter invitando, ut demum divine gratie reddi valeant aptiores omnibus vere pentitentibus et confessis seu et infra ∙x∙ dies a recitatione presentium ad indulgentiarum perceptionem per veram confessionem choaptantibus, qui ecclesiam sanctimonialium sancte Agnetis in civitate Roskildensi, in festis quibuscunque seu solempnitatibus, perpetuis temporibus visitaverint reverenter, ibique missam vel sermonem audierint, quique circueundo cimiterium eiusdem loci, pro fidelibus Dei defunctis orationem dominicam cum salutatione beate virginis pia mente dixerint, seu qui sanctimonialibus ibidem degentibus ad necessariam edificiorum reparationem vel vite sustentationem, manus porrexerint adjutrices, de omnipotentis Dei misericordia et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius auctoritate confisi, quadraginta dierum indulgentias de injunctis sibi penitentiis misericorditer in Domino relaxamus. Fratribus autem seu aliis clericis secularibus ibidem sermonem facientibus in predictis festis auctoritate qua fungimur concedimus facultatem populo inibi sermonem audienti totidem dierum indulgentias pupblicandi. Gratias etiam omnes et indulgentias dictis sanctimonialibus a quibuscunque archiepiscopis seu episcopis concessas, ratas et approbatas habentes quantum de jure possumus confirmamus. In quorum omnium testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Roskildis, anno Domini MCCC tricesimo quinto, in crastino sancti Gregorii pape.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Johannes, af Guds miskundhed biskop af Roskilde, til alle troende kristne, til hvem dette brev kommer: Hilsen med den herre Jesus Kristus. [...] Og derfor eftergiver vi med Guds barmhjertighed i tillid til den almægtige Guds barmhjertighed og hans apostle Sankt Peders og Paulus’ myndighed alle sandfærdigt bodfærdige, som har skriftet eller 10 dage efter forkyndelsen af dette brev ved sandfærdigt skriftemål gør sig rede til at modtage aflad, og som ærbødigt besøger Agnetesøstrenes kirke i byen Roskilde på enhver festdag eller helligdag til evig tid og dér påhører messe eller prædiken, og som under en rundgang på samme klosters kirkegård med fromt sind beder Fadervor og Ave Maria for afdøde troende, eller som rækker nonnerne, der opholder sig sammesteds, en hjælpende hånd til den nødvendige istandsættelse af deres bygninger eller til deres underhold, 40 dage af den dem pålagte kirkebod. Men klosterbrødre eller andre verdensgejstlige, som prædiker sammesteds på fornævnte festdage, giver vi i kraft af den myndighed vi besidder tilladelse til at forkynde ligeså mange dages aflad for menigheden, som sammesteds påhører prædikenen. Idet vi godkender og billiger alle nåder og indrømmelser, som er skænket nævnte nonner af vore forgængere, stadfæster vi dem så vidt vi har ret dertil. Givet i Roskilde i det Herrens år 1335 på dagen efter Skt. Gregors dag.


Comments: Backside inscription: XL dies indulgentiarum. ● On Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde, see 1324 3/3. ● The letter is verbatim identical to a letter issued by Archbishop Karl of Lund in 1327 5/8.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 200.


                      1335 13/3      Roskilde

The same bishop enjoins the parish clergy of his diocese to perform an annual collection in their churches, at a feast day to be decided, where the collection plate of the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde is passed among the church attenders, as the sisters suffer grave needs. At this occasion, the parish clergy are authorized to grant 40 days of indulgence to those who contributes.


Source: Original document (Archive of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery). The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Frater Johannes miseratione divina episcopus Roskildensis, universis ecclesiarum rectoribus sue dyocesis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Exsequi volentes debitum officii pastoralis, ut miserabilibus personis et piis locis in nostra dyocesi constitutis, nos affectu paterno favorabiles prebeamus sororibus monasterii sancte Agnetis Roskildis specialiter compatimur, quibus propter defectus plurimos et desolationem multiplicem animo benivolo et benigno, faventes vobis omnibus et singulis demandamus districte, quatinus pro restauratione et adjutorio monasterii illius procuretis fideliter, quod una die solempni in anno, quem sine prejudicio ecclesie beati Lucii, sorores predicte per nuncios suos a vobis petierint, in ecclesiis vestris tabula illarum ad fidelium manus circueat, et nos omnibus vere penitentibus et confessis qui eis adjutorium porrexerint auctoritate qua fungimur quadraginta dies indulgentiarum de injuntta sibi penitentia misericorditer in Domino relaxamus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Roskildis anno Domini MCCCXXX quinto, in crastino beati Gregorii pape.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Johannes, af Guds miskundhed biskop af Roskilde, til alle sognepræster i sit stift, til hvem dette brev når: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. I det vi vil udøve vort hyrdekalds pligter, så at vi med faderlig kærlighed og gunst kan hjælpe ynkværdige personer og fromme stiftelser i vort stift, føler vi særligt med nonnerne i Roskilde Agnete Kloster, til gunst for hvem vi af et velvilligt og hengivent sind strengt befaler Eder alle og enhver på grund af mangfoldige mangler og forødelser hos dem, at I med flid sørger for dette klosters genopbygning og understøttelse, ved på en festdag i året, som førnævnte nonner ved deres sendebud vil bede Eder om, uden at dette må være skade for Skt. Lucius’ kirke, i Eders kirke at lade deres tavle (tabula) gå rundt blandt de troende, og vi eftergiver barmhjertigt med Gud i kraft af vor myndighed alle, der føler sand anger og skrifter og rækker dem en hjælpende hånd, 40 dage af den dem pålagte bod. Givet i Roskilde i det Herrens år 1335 på dagen efter Skt. Gregors dag.


Comments: Backside inscription: XL dies indulgentiarum.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 201.




1335 7/6

St. Peter’s Abbey, Næstved

Convent of Næstved

Fr. Lambertus, prior of the convent of Friars Preachers in Næstved, along with Abbot Jens of St. Peter’s Abbey and Gardian Hermannus of the Friars Minor in Næstved certify two letters of mortgage issued by Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde and his cathedral chapter earlier the same year in favour of Dean Jakob Poulsen and Provost Henrik of the same chapter.


Source: Original document. Stadtarchiv Stralsund.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, frater Johannes abbas in Skoughkloster, frater Lambertus prior conventus fratrum ordinis predicatorum Nestvedis et frater Hermannus gardianus fratrum ordinis minorum ibidem, salutem in Domino. Notum facimus universis, nos litteras infra­scriptas non rasa non abolitas nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas, sub veris sigillis reverendi patris domini fratris Johannis episcopi Roskildensis et venerabilis capituli sui ibidem vidisse et perspexisse tenores qui seqvuntur continentes: [...]. Quod vidimus hoc testamur. In cuius rei testi­monium sigilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXX quinto, quarta die pentecostes in monasterio beati Petri Nestwedis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Jens abbed i Skovkloster, broder Lambert prior for konventet af Prædikant­ordenens brødre i Næstved, og broder Herman gardian for de små brødres orden sammesteds, til alle som ser dette brev: Hilsen i Herren. Vi gør vitterligt for alle, at vi har set og gennemgået nedenfor skrevne breve, uskrabede, ustungne og i enhver henseende ubeskadigede med de ægte segl af den ærværdige fader hr. broder Johannes biskop af Roskilde og hans ærværdige kapitel, af indhold som følger: [...]. At vi har set dem, bevidner vi hermed. Til vidnesbyrd herom er vore segl hængt under dette brev. Givet i det Herrens år 1335 på den fjerde dag i pinsen i Skt. Peders Kloster i Næstved.


Comments: Fr. Lambertus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Næstved, is not known from any other sources. ● The Abbey of St. Peter was a monastery for Benedictine monks situated just outside Næstved. ● On Dean Jakob Poulsen, see 1350 13/5. ● The two certified letters, which were both issued on 1335 10/2, are published in DD 2 XI 194-195. In the first letter, the episcopal estate on Rügen was mortgaged to the two canons for 90 marks silver along with a sum, for which it had already been mortgaged once to Gerhard Bork, while the second letter handed over the right to redeem the older mortgage to the two canons. It is noteworthy that the letter of certification is preserved through the Stadtarchiv Stralsund, which suggests that it somehow has been kept on Rügen.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 218.




1336 21/7


Convent of Schleswig, Province of Dacia

The prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig co-signs a joint supplication from clergy and lay authorities in the duchy of Schleswig, including Duke Valdemar V, for Pope Benedict XII to revoke the interdict laid upon Denmark for their particular province, partly because the duchy is not a formal part of the kingdom of Denmark and partly because neither the regents nor the people of Schleswig have had anything to do with King Christoffer II’s illegal imprisonment of Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum, which originally caused the interdict. On the contrary, Duke Valdemar’s uncle, Count Gerhard III of Holstein, has led an army to victory against the king, deposed him and imprisoned his youngest son, Otto, whom he would not set free until the bishop had been released. The Church of Schleswig has suffered greatly during the six years of interdict, causing grave damages to the religious devotion and Christian behaviour in the diocese. As a consequence of the supplication, Pope Benedict XII now enjoins three German clergy – the provost of Neumünster along with the schoolmaster and cantor of Hamburg – to investigate if the request is just, and if so to revoke the interdict.


Source: Transcript in Regesta Avinionensis. Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Dilectis filiis ... preposito monasterii in Novomonasterio per prepositum soliti gubernari, et ... scolastico ac ... cantori ecclesie Hamburgensis Bremensis diocesis, salutem. Plenis desideriis affectantes occurrere periculis animarum cunctisque fidelibus de salutis fomite providere ad ea libenter apostolice benignitatis inclinamus auditum, per que ipsis fructus salutiferi plenitudo valeat provenire hoc moderamine adhibito in premissis, quod, qui legitime reperiuntur obnoxii, declinare nequeant canonice judicium ultionis. Ex tenore siquidem petitionis venerabilis fratris nostri ... episcopi et dilectorum filiorum capituli Sleswicensium, ... prioris predicatorum et ... gardiani fratrum minorum ordinum, nobilis viri Waldemari ducis Jutie, consulum, militum et communis civitatis ac universitatum diocesis Sleswicensis, ac ducatus eiusdem Jutie nobis oblate percepimus, quod licet diocesis et ducatus predicti de provincia Lundensi fore noscantur, tamen ipse ducatus per se dominium existit, quamquam olim in feudum a rege Dacie, qui erat pro tempore teneretur, quodque nullus ex eis consilium vel favorem seu auxilium dederat, quod venerabilis frater noster Tucho episcopus Burglanensis a nobili viro Christophoro dudum rege Dacie captus manciparetur custodie carcerali, propter cuius captivitatem virtute cuiusdam statuti concilii provincialis Lundensis per sedem apostolicam confirmati interdictum in quibusdam diocesibus dicte provincie observatur, necnon Gerardus comes de Holzatia ipsius ducis avunculus eiusdem ducis nomine cum militibus diocesis et ducatus prefatorum plurimisque stipendiariis dictum Christophorum tunc regem cum exercitu suo in camp Martio dicte diocesis existentem inito prelio debellavit, et Ottonem dicti Christofori secundogenitum ipso Christoforo et primogenito suo fugientibus captivavit, qui nullo modo de carcere liberari potuit, antequam dictus episcopus Burglanensis esset a vinculis absolutus et restitutus pristine libertati. Quare nobis supradicti episcopus Sleswicensis, capitulum, prior, guardianus, dux, consules, milites, commune, ac universitates humiliter supplicaverunt, ut ne quis dampnum patiatur ubi videtur premium mervisse, ac interdictum huiusmodi jam sexennium vel circa sine culpa dictorum episcopi Sleswicensis, ducis et aliorum supplicantium prefatorum, sed propter solam obedientiam et reverentiam ipsius sedis observatum existat, cum etiam ob prefatum interdictum multa mala et enormia in partibus illis insurgant sacerdotes et laici indifferenter in ecclesiis et cimiteriis occidantur, decime male solventur, omnes libertates ecclesie deprimantur et pereant, quidam laici incorrigibiles et inobedientes mortuos suos in cimiteriis manu laicali sepeliant, quascunque inhibitiones ecclesiasticas conentur infringere, nec sit, qui possit eorum dampnabilem errorem restringere ac insaniam temperare, ac prelati ecclesiarum, cum gladio temporali careant, spirituali gladio subditos suos vel seipsos nequeant defensare, nos dictorum supplicantium innocentiam et obedientiam attendentes providere ipsis et animabus eorum super eiusdem oportuna relaxatione interdicti de predicti sedis clementia dignaremur. Quia igitur prenarrata si veritate nitantur videntur in hac parte favorem succurrentis gratie promereri discretioni vestre per apostolica scripta committimus et mandamus quatenus si est ita, vos vel duo aut unus vestrum predictum interdictum quo ad ducatum, civitatem et diocesim Sleswicensem predictos, cunctas ecclesias et loca eorum usque ad eiusdem sedis beneplacitum auctoritate apostolica relaxetis, et ubi et quando expedire videritis per vos vel alium seu alios denuntietis interdictum ipsum taliter relaxatum. Volumus tamen, quod eadem auctoritate plenam et sufficientem informationem recipere procuretis, si qui de dictis ducatu et diocesi Sleswicensi de huiusmodi captione huiusmodi Burglanensis predicti extiterint et contra illos, quos per informationem huiusmodi reperietis de dicta informatione fuisse culpabiles et prefertur juxta formam supradicti statuti eiusdem concilii auctoritate predicta vestrumque processum super hoc habendum executioni debite demandare sublato appellationis obstaculo studeatis contradictores per censuram ecclesiasticam appellatione postposita compescendo. Testes autem, qui fuerint nominati, si se gratia, odio vel timore subtraxerint, censura simili appellatione cessante compellatis veritati testimonium prohibere, non obstante si aliquibus communiter vel divisim a prefata sit sede indultum, quod excommunicari, suspendi vel interdicti non possint per litteras apostolicas non facientes plenam et expressam ac de verbo ad verbum de indulto huiusmodi mentionem. Datum apud Pontemsorgie Avinionensis diocesis ∙xii∙ kalendas augusti anno secundo.


Dansk oversættelse:

Til de kære sønner … provst i klosteret i Neumünster, der plejer at styres af en provst, og skolemester … samt kantor … ved Hamburg Kirke i Bremen stift, hilsen. (...) Af ordlyden af en ansøgning stilet til os fra vor ærvædige broder biskop … af Slesvig og vore kære sønner kapitlet i Slesvig, prædikanternes prior ... og ... , gardian for de små brødres orden, af den velbyrdige mand hertug Valdemar af Jylland, af rådmændene, ridderne og almuen i førnævnte Slesvig stad og stift og i samme hertugdømme Jylland her vi erfaret, at selvom førnævnte stift og hertug­dømme vides at høre til Lunds kirkeprovins, er dog hertugdømmet et selvstændigt område, skønt det i sin tid var et len af den danske konge, som fandtes til enhver tid, og at ingen af dem har med råd, gunst eller bistand medvirket til, at vor ærværdige broder biskop Tyge af Børglum blev fanget og sat i fængsel af den velbyrdige mand Christoffer, daværende konge af Danmark (...). Derfor har ovennævnte Slesvig biskop, kapitel, prior, guardian, hertug, rådmænd, riddere og almue ydmygt bønfaldt os om, for ikke at lade nogen lide tab, hvor de synes at have fortjent belønning, og da dette interdikt allerede i seks år eller deromkring har været overholdt, uden at der var brøde hos nævnte Slesvig biskop, hertug og de andre omtalte supplikanter, men af lydighed og ærbødighed imod det apostoliske sæde, og da som følge af førnævnte interdikt mange og store ulykker hjemsøger de egne, præster og lægmænd dræbes uden videre i kirken og på kirkegårde, tienden betales dårligt, alle kirkens friheder undertrykkes og går til grunde (...), pålægger og overdrager vi med dette brev Eder, gode mænd, at I eller to eller én af Eder, hvis det forholder sig således, med apostolisk myndighed efter samme sædes vilje ophæver førnævnte interdikt, for så vidt det drejer sig om førnævnte Slesvig hertug­dømme, stad og stift og alle deres kirker (...). Givet ved Pont-de-Sorgues i Avignon stift den 21. juli i vort andet år [1336].


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig at this time cannot be identified. ● On Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum, see 1327 19/8. ● The bishop of Schleswig at this time was Hellembert (Helmbrecht) (1330-1342, †1343). ● The prior of the Friars Preachers in Schleswig at this time cannot be identified. ● Prince Valdemar V of Schleswig (1325-1364) also ruled as King Valdemar III of Denmark (1326-1330) during the first deposition of Christoffer II; as he was still only a teenager during this reign (he was born around 1314), the de facto regent was his uncle, Count Gerhard III of Holstein. ● On King Christoffer II of Denmark (1320-1326 and 1329-1332), see 1323 15/8. ● The German recipients of the papal bull have been identified as Heinrich, provost of the monastery in Neumünster; and Johann and Heinrich, schoolmaster and cantor at the cathedral chapter in Hamburg (DD/DRB 2. ser. vol. XI no. 309). ● The interdict on Denmark was launched in 1330 22/9 due to the royal imprisonment of Bishop Tucho OP of Børglum, whom King Christoffer II of Denmark accused of a number of crimes committed against the diocese of Børglum during his short episcopal office. The true reason for the imprisonment, though, seems to be that the Dominican bishop was one of the most eager opponents to Christoffer’s reinstallment as king in 1329, and according to the royal party he had also been one of the key initiators of the deposition of the king in the first place in 1326; at this time, however, Fr. Tucho was neither bishop nor prior provincial yet. Although the bishop was released in 1332 and the king died in the same year, the interdict was maintained for large parts of the kingdom until 1337. It was in fact left by Pope Benedict XII to Bishop Tucho himself in 1337 21/6 to investigate and judge if the interdict could be revoked in the provinces held by Count Gerhard III of Holstein.


Published: Acta Pontificum Danica  vol. I no. 270; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 309.




1336 15/8

Convent of Sigtuna, Province of Dacia

The provincial chapter of Dacia is held in Sigtuna.


Source: Annales 266-1430.

Language: Latin.


MCCCXXXVI. (…) et capitulum predicatorum fuit Siktunie in assumpcione beate Virginis.


Dansk oversættelse:

1336. (…) og prædikanternes kapitel foregik i Sigtuna på Jomfru Marias Himmelfartsdag.


Published: Scriptores Rerum Svecicarum vol. I:1, p. 28; Annales Suecici, p. 285; Annales Ordinis Predicatorum Dacie (online).




1336 29/8


Convent of Greifswald (prov. Polonia)

Fr. Otto, subprior of the Friars Preachers in Greifswald, along with his convent and Fr. Thidericus, guardian of the Friars Minor in Greifswald, certify a royal letter of privilege issued by King Christoffer II of Denmark in 1320 in favour of the city of Greifswald.


Source: Original document. Stadtarchiv Greifswald.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus frater Otto subprior totuesque conventus fratrum ordinis predicatorum in Gripeswold necnon frater Thidericus gardianus fratrum ordinis minorum ibidem orationes in Christo. Universis constare volumus lucide protestantes nos litteras infrascriptas non rasas non abolitas nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas sub vero et integro sigillo pendente vidisse et audivisse tenorem qui sequitur de verbo ad verbum continentes: [...]. In huius autem nostre visionis et auditionis protestantionem nostra sigilla duximus presentibus apponenda. Datum Gripeswold anno Domini MCCCXXX sexto ipso die decollationis beati Johannis baptiste.


Comments: Fr. Otto, subprior of the Friars Preachers in Greifswald, has not been further identified. ● In the certified letter of 1320 7/10 (which is published in DD 2 VIII 291), the citizens of Greifwald were granted a series of privileges in connection to trading and travelling in Denmark, especially in relation to the Scanian herring markets.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 322.


                      1336 29/8      Greifswald

The same friars certify an additional royal letter of privilege issued by King Erik V Klipping of Denmark in 1280, also in favour of the city of Greifswald.


Source: Original document. Stadtarchiv Greifswald.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus frater Otto subprior totuesque conventus fratrum ordinis predicatorum in Gripeswold necnon frater Thidericus gardianus fratrum ordinis minorum ibidem orationes in Christo devotas. Universis constare volumus lucide protestantes nos litteras infrascriptas non rasas non abolitas nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas sub vero et integro sigillo pendente vidisse et audivisse tenorem qui sequitur de verbo ad verbum continentes: [...]. In huius igitur nostre visionis et auditionis protestantionem nostra sigilla presenti pagine sunt appensa. Datum Gripeswold anno Domini MCCCXXX sexto ipso die decollationis beati Johannis baptiste.


Comments: In the certified letter of 1280 14/7 (which is published in DD 2 II 403), the citizens of Greifwald were granted a series of privileges when present in Denmark, especially in relation to the Scanian herring markets.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 323.




1336 31/8


Convent of Lödöse

Fr. Johannes, prior of the Friars Preachers in Lödöse, certifies a letter of privilege issued by King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden-Norway-Scania two weeks earlier in favour of the city of Kampen concerning its rights at the herring market in Skanör.


Source: Original document. Stadsarchief Kampen.

Language: Latin.


Universis presens scriptum cernentibus, Johannes prior Ludhosiensis ordinis fratrum predicatorum, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Vobis omnibus et singulis notum facio per presentes me anno Domini MCCCXXX sexto sabbato proximo post diem decollationis sancti Johannis litteras illustrissimi principis domini Magni regis Swethie, Norwegie, terreque Skanie vidisse et perlegisse non cancellatas non abolitas nec in aliqua sui parte viciatas de verbo ad verbum tenorem qui sequitur continentes: [...] Et ego Johannes prior Ludhosiensis predictus duxi sigillum meum in dicte visionis et perlectionis munimen presentibus appendendum. Datum anno et sabbato predictis Ludhosie in conventu mee habitationis.


Dansk oversættelse:

Johan, prior i Lödöse for ordenen af prædikebrødre, til alle, som ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Jeg gør vitterligt for eder alle og enhver med dette brev, at jeg i det Herrens år 1336 lørdagen efter dagen for Johannes Døberens halshuggelse har set og læst og gennemset et brev af den berømmelige herre fyrste Magnus, Sveriges, Norges og landet Skånes konge, hvilket brev var ufordærvet, ustungent og ubeskadiget i enhver henseende, fra ord til andet af følgende ordlyd: [...] Og jeg Johan, førnævnte prior i Lödöse, har til værn for nævnte vidimering og gennemsyn ladet mit segl hænge under dette brev. Givet i ovennævnte år og lørdag i Lödöse i konventet hvor jeg bor.


Comments: Fr. Johannes, prior of the Friars Preachers in Lödöse, is not known from any other sources. ● The certified letter (published, among several other source publications, in DD 2 XI 317) was issued by King Magnus in Uppsala on 18 August 1336. It would appear that representatives of Kampen after having received the letter in Uppsala had gone by land to Lödöse, from where there was access to Kattegat and the sea road to the Netherlands – and on their way, they must have decided to ask the Friars Preachers in Lödöse for a certified copy, just in case. ● The same letter was certified again by the convent of Friars Minor in Kampen in 1403 24/4.


Published: Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 324.




1336 9/10


Monastery of Roskilde

Duchess Ingeborg of Sweden-Halland-Samsø donates the patronage of the parish church of Torup to the Dominican Sisters of St. Agnes in Roskilde, and she asks Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde to confirm and implement the incorporation.


Sources: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Old Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, Ingiburgis Dei gratia ducissa Swecie, Hallandie et Samsø, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noverint universi quod nos singulari devotione ad monasterium sororum sancte Agnetis Roskildis zelum diu sincerum gerentes cupimus ibidem divinum cultum delectabilius in posterum exhiberi. Ut igitur nostri nostrorumque pro quibus intendimus memoria frequentius habeatur pro nobis et eis ferventius deprecando, eidem monasterio ecclesiam Touethorp Roskildensis dyocesis in qua nobis plenum jus competit presentandi, quantum in nobis est ut verus eius patronus in subsidium mense sororum ibidem perpetuo deputamus, rogantes venerabilem patrem dominum fratrem Johannem episcopum Roskildensem quatenus devotioni nostre cooperans dignetur nostrum propositum perficere et dictam ecclesiam predicto monasterio incorporando perpetuo applicare a Deo eterno mercedem recepturus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum Syoburgh, anno Domini MCCCXXXVI, in die beatorum martirum Dyonisii et sociorum eius.


Dansk oversættelse:

Ingeborg, af Guds nåde hertuginde af Sverige, Halland og Samsø, til alle, som ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Alle skal vide, at vi, som i lang tid i oprigtig nidkærhed har næret særlig hengivenhed for Roskilde Agnete nonnekloster, ønsker at gudstjenesten sammesteds for fremtiden udøves på mere behagelig vis. For at derfor vi og vore, således som vi har for øje, hyppigere kan ihukommes ved ivrigere forbønner for os og vore, henlægger vi til evig tid til samme kloster til hjælp for søstrenes fællesbord sammesteds kirken i Toverup i Roskilde stift, som vi har den fulde præsentationsret til, for så vidt det står til os som dens sande patron, idet vi beder den ærværdige fader, den herre broder Johannes, biskop af Roskilde, om at samarbejde med os i vor fromme hensigt og værdiges at fuldføre vort forsæt og ved inkorporation til evig tid forene førnævnte kirke med førnævnte kloster, for derfor at få sin løn af den evige Gud. Til vidnesbyrd herom er vort segl hængt under dette brev. Givet i Søborg i det Herrens år 1336 på dagen for den hellige martyr Dionysius og hans ledsagere.



Ett Latins pergmentz breff, att hertoginden haffuer tilbeditt bispen att stadfeste till Gud och sancte Agnethe closter Toorpz kircke, hendis rette arff, paa thend hellige kirckes wegne. Datum 1336.


Comments: On Duchess Ingeborg, see 1330-36. ● On Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde, see 1324 3/3. He complied with the duchess’ request on 1336 1/11*, see below. ● Torup, Touethorp (Torup p, Strø h.) is situated on the north coast of Sjælland, about 50 km from Roskilde. ● Søborg, Syoburgh (Søborg p., Holbo h.), where the letter was issued, was a royal castle on the northermost part of Sjælland, not far from Torup.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 3256; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 332. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 278.


                      1336 1/11      Dragsholm

Bishop Johannes Nyborg OP of Roskilde complies with the abovementioned request from Duchess Ingeborg and incorporates the parish church of Torup to the Dominican Sisters with the consent of his cathedral chapter. The convent is obliged to appoint and pay for a perpetual vicar to administer the pastoral services of the parish, after the former parish curator, Thrugot, had been removed legally from his office.


Sources: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Roskilde. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Old Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, frater Johannes miseratione divina episcopus Roskildensis, in nomine Domini salutem eternam. Devotis instantiis nobilis et inclite domine, domine Ingeburgis ducisse, Suecie, Hallandie et Samsø, et illustris prolis sue una nobiscum verorum patronorum ecclesie Touethorp nostre dyocesis, de jure et de facto vacantis, per privationem rite celebratam, domini Thrugoti sacerdotis dudum curati ibidem, inclinati, ipsam ecclesiam Touethorp cum omnibus juribus suis, fructibus et pertinentiis, in remedium animarum, dicte domine, ac prolis sue memorate, suorumque tam vivorum, quam mortuorum, pro quibus intendunt, monasterio sancte Agnetis Roskildis pro melioratione mense sororum ibidem degentium et Deo famulantium, que satis exilis et pauper existit, auctoritate Dei ac sancte matris ecclesie, qua fungimur, nostri capituli accedente consensu per sui sigilli appensionem, perpetuo annectimus et incorporamus, curam animarum dicte parochie, perpetuo vicario ibidem celebraturo et officiaturo, de quo priorissa predicti monasterii cum conventu, providerit, reservantes. In cuius rei testimonium, sigillum nostrum, una cum sigillo capituli nostri Roskildensis, presentibus est appensum. Datum anno Domini, MCCCXXX sexto, die omnium sanctorum, in curia nostra Draugsholm. [Per premissam tamen gratiam nobis vel successoribus nostris non intendimus in aliquo prejudicii generari.]


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Johannes, af Guds miskundhed biskop af Roskilde, til alle, som ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Vi imødekommer de indtrængende og fromme bønner af den højvelbårne og berømmelige frue, fru Ingeborg, hertuginde af Sverige, Halland og Samsø, og hendes velbyrdige afkom, der samme med os er sande patroner til Toverup Kirke i vort stift, som retligt og faktisk er ledigt ved den lovligt gennemførte fjernelse af hr. Thrugot, præst og forhenværende sjælesørger sammesteds, og henlægger og inkorporerer til evig tid med Guds og den hellige kirkes myndighed, idet vort kapitels samtykke foreligger hertil med dets vedhængte segl, kirken i Toverup med alle dens rettigheder, frugter og tilliggender til Roskilde Agnete Kloster til bod for nævnte frues og hendes omtalte afkoms såvel levende som afdødes sjæle, som ligger dem på sinde, og til forbedret underhold for de søstre, som der i ensomhed tjener Gud og hvis underhold er temmelig nødtørftig og fattig. Sjælesorgen i nævnte sogn forbeholder vi en evig vikar sammesteds at udøve og betjene, idet priorinden ved førnævnte kloster sammen med konventet skal udpege ham. Til vidnesbyrd herom er vort segl sammen med vort Roskilde kapitels segl hængt under dette brev. Givet i det Herrens år 1336 på Allehelgensdag på vor gård Dragsholm. Men ved forannævnte nåde har vi ikke til hensigt på noget punkt at skade os eller vore efterfølgere.



Ett Latins pergmentz breff liuindis paa een kircke, heder Touethorp, som er giffuen till søsters bord j sancte Agnethe closter aff en hertogind aff Suerig, Hallandt, och Samsø. Dattum 1336.


Comments: The last sentence in A is a later addition by the same hand. ● Dragsholm, Draugsholm (Fårevejle p., Ods h.), where the letter was issued, was an episcopal castle in the north-western part of Sjælland.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 3263; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 336. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 277.


                      1336 1/11      Dragsholm

The abovementioned incorporation is made in expectation of consent from a future king of Denmark.


Sources: A. Original document. The Danish National Archives, Roskilde. B. Register of Roskilde St. Agnes Monastery.

Languages: A. Latin. B. Old Danish.



Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus, frater Johannes miseratione divina episcopus Roskildensis, eternam in Domino salutem. Humilibus precibus devotarum et nobilium personarum priorisse et sororum monasterii sancte Agnetis Roskildis inclinati ecclesiam Touethorp nostre diocesis de jure et de facto vacantem, cum omnibus juribus suis fructibus et pertinentiis monasterio memorato pro melioratione mense sororum ibidem degentium et Deo jugiter famulantium, auctoritate Dei et sancte matris ecclesie qua fungimur perpetuo annectimus et incorporamus, fiduciam firmam habentes de consensu illustris domini regis Dacie qui pro tempore Deo volente fuerit ad hoc misericorditer accessuro, cui etiam merum jus in eadem ecclesia una nobiscum competit patronatus. Curam vero animarum dicte parochie perpetuo vicario ibidem celebraturo et officiaturo de quo prior sive priorissa predicti monasterii cum conventu providerit, reservamus. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXX sexto, die omnium sanctorum, in curia nostra Drausholm. Per premissam tamen gratiam nobis vel successoribus nostris quo ad cathedraticum non intendimus prejudicium generari.


Dansk oversættelse:

Broder Johannes, af Guds miskundhed biskop af Roskilde, til alle, som ser dette brev: Hilsen evindelig i Herren. Vi imødekommer de fromme og velbyrdige fruers, priorinden og søstrene i Roskilde Agnete Klosters ydmyge bønner, og henlægger og inkorporerer med Guds og den hellige moderkirkes myndighed kirken i Toverup i vort stift, som retligt og faktisk er ledig, med alle dens rettigheder, frugter og tilliggender til omtalte kloster til forbedret underhold for de søstre, som lever der og stadig tjenert tjener Gud, idet vi nærer fast tillid til, at den højvelbårne konge af Danmark – han, som med Guds vilje til enhver tid vil være – barmhjertigt vil samtykke heri, da den fulde patronatsret til samme kirke tilkommer ham sammen med os. Men sjælesorgen i samme sogn forbeholder vi en evig vikar, der til evig tid skal holde gudstjeneste og virke der, og som prioren eller priorinden i nævnte kloster skal udnævne. Givet i det Herrens år 1336 på Allehelgensdag på vor gård Dragsholm. Men ved forannævnte nåde har vi ikke til hensigt på noget punkt at skade os eller vore efterfølgere.



Ett bispen aff Roskildz stadfestelsze breff, att Thouetorp kirke er samtyckit att bliffue till Agnete closter. 1336.


Comments: There was no king of Denmark between the death of Christoffer II in 1332 and the coronation of Valdemar IV in 1340.


Published: A. Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XI no. 335. B. Ældste danske Archivregistraturer vol. IV, p. 278.




1337 10/1

Convent of Roskilde

Fr. Benedictus, prior of the Friars Preachers in Roskilde, together with the Franciscan custodian Fr. Gerlacus of Roskilde and two local citizens, certifies two letters for the Bishop of Roskilde.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


Omnibus presens scriptum cernentibus frater Benedictus prior fratrum predicatorum Roskildis frater Gerlacus custos fratrum minorum ibidem, Gynsekinus Gynselinssun et Johannes Tuvæson cives Roskildenses salutem in domino sempiternam. Noverint universi nos litteras infrascriptas domini Ingwari Hyort quondam militis sub veris suis sigillis salvis et integris non rasas non abolitas non cancellatas nec in aliqua parte viciatas, tenores qui secuntur continentes. [...] Quod vidimus hoc testamur cuiuslibet jure salvo. In cuius rei testimonium sigilla nostra presentibus sunt appensa. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXX septimo feria sexta post diem epiphanie Domini.


Comments: Fr. Benedictus (Bent) is probably first mentioned in 1315 as ‘acting provincial’ on behalf of the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes at the moot of Fakse Herred, which he also represented at the landsting of Zealand in 1322 and 1327; the latter time as prior of the convent in Roskilde. He is probably also identical with the unnamed Roskilde prior, who in the winter of 1333-34 was given the dangerous task of secretly transporting half of the collected, papal taxes from Roskilde to Helsingborg. After 1337, Fr. Benedictus is not heard of again; in 1342, at the latest, he was replaced as prior in Roskilde by Jakob From. Fr. Gerlak (Gerlacus) of the Friars Minors is known as Franciscan custodian of Zealand in the 1330s, and in 1351, he was elected minister provincial of Dacia until 1359. One of the co-witnessing citizens, Gynceke Gyncelinsen, is known as mayor of Roskilde in 1350. He was also an esquire with manorial seat in Falkendal just outside of Roskilde, and he might be the father of the Dominican penitentiary [1362-64] Godskalk Mule de Falkendal (†1374) (Gallén 1946, p. 180). He had donated land to the Dominican sisters of St. Agnes in 1329. The certifications were given for the Dominican Bishop Johannes Nyborg of Roskilde [1330-44] in regard of two letters to his predecessor, Jens Hind [1321-30], from Knight Ingvar Hjort (†1334, Jens Hind’s brother) confirming the bishop’s lordship of Copenhagen.


Published: Kjøbenhavns Diplomatarium vol. I no. 52; Diplomatarium Danicum 2. ser. vol. XII no. 1.




1337 18/7


Convent of Tallinn

Pope Benedict XII charges the abbot of Padis and the dean and scholasticus of the cathedral chapter in Ösel-Wiek to judge in a conflict between the dean and cathedral chapter of Tallinn, as well as the parish clergy of the same city and diocese, against friars of the mendicant orders, who are accused of violating the regulations decreed by the bull Super cathedram.


Source: Register in Regesta Avinionensis (51 fol. 183) and Regesta Vaticana (124 ep. 297). Vatican Archives, Rome.

Language: Latin.


Judices conservatores deputantur abbas monast. in Pades, Revaliensis diocesis, et decanus ac scholasticus Osiliensis, pro decano et capitolum ecclesie Revaliensis, nec non pro rectoribus et curatis ecclesie parochialis civitatis et diocesis Revaliensis, contra fratres ordinum predicatorum, minorum, eremitarum s. Augustini et carmelitarum, super observatione decretalis Super cathedram. Avinione, ·xv· kalendas augusti, anno ·iii·.


Comments: Although the bull name all four mendicant orders as a standard phrase, the only mendicant convent present in the diocese was that of the Friars Preachers in Tallinn. ● Among the actual reasons for the cathedral chapter of Tallinn to have supplicated for this bull seems to have been a dispute with Friars Preachers about the burial of a layperson. When the abbot of Padis and dean of Ösel-Wiek took action against the Dominican convent, the prior objected to the authority of the appointed commissioners in 1339 3/3. When the dispute then escalated into an interdict imposed on the convent, Bishop Oluf of Tallinn publicly defended the friars against his own cathedral chapter in 1340 10/11. In 1341 14/7, the pope appointed a new commission consisting of the bishops of Tartu, Turku and Courland. The final outcome of the conflict is unknown. ● The abbot of the Cistercian Abbey of Padis, situated near Tallinn, was named Johannes, while the dean of the cathedral chapter of Ösel-Wiek in western Estonia was named Thomas.


Published: Benoit XII: Lettres communes vol. I no. 4624; Römischer Arbeitsbericht vol. I no. 127 (pp. 364-365).

Literature: Walther-Wittenheim 1938, 67-68; Gallén 1946, 181-182; Kala 2013, 251.




1337 29/11

Convents of Sigtuna, Stockholm, Strängnäs, Turku and Västerås

Last will and testament for Sven, parish priest of Frötuna, who chooses to be buried with the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, for which he bequeaths them with a chalice and 60 marks. From this amount the convents of Friars Preachers in Västerås, Strängnäs and Turku are to receive 1 mark each, ‘the Friars Preachers in Stockholm’ 2 marks, ‘the friars in Uppsala’ 1 mark, and the Friars Minor in Stockholm 2 marks. In addition, the convent in Sigtuna is to have his ship with accessories; the prior of the same convent is given his tent; Lector Laurentius receives 2 marks; and Fr. Ericus shall have his horse called ‘Kullæ’ with sleigh, harness and a bear skin. The will is co-sealed by Fr. Ericus.


Source: Original document. The Swedish National Archives, Stockholm.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen. Ego Sveno curatus ecclesie Frøtunum, licet corpore debilis tamen sanus mente, facio et ordino testamentum meum in hunc modum. Primo fratribus predicatoribus Sichtunie ubi corporis mei eligo sepulturam do et lego unum calicem. Item fratribus ibidem ∙lx∙ marchas denariorum e quibus ratione testamenti mei solvant fratribus Arosie ∙i∙ marcham denariorum, fratribus in Strenginæs ∙i∙ marcham denariorum, fratribus predicatoribus Stocholmis ∙ii∙ marchas denariorum, fratribus in Aboo ∙i∙ marcham denariorum, fratribus Upsalie ∙i∙ marcham denariorum, fratribus minoribus Stocholmis ∙ii∙ marchas denariorum. Item ecclesie mee Frøtunum do et lego ∙xlvi∙ marchas denariorum in quibus michi ratione edificii sui michi veraciter obligatur e quibus ecclesie Malstadhum biennio peracto a sepultura mea ∙x∙ marchas denariorum, nomine testamenti mei solvere teneatur. Item ecclesie chathedrali Upsalie ∙x∙ marchas denariorum. Item gillde salvatoris Upsalie ∙x∙ marchas denariorum. Item domui sancti spiritus Upsalie dimidiam marcham denariorum. Domui sancti spiritus Stocholmis dimidiam marcham denariorum. Item conventui Sichtunie navem meam cum suis atinentiis. Item tentorium meum priori ibidem post priorem. Item fratri Laurentio lectori ∙ii∙ marchas denariorum. Item fratri Erico equm meum dictum Kullæ veiculum cum ephiphio et pelle ursina. Item domino Rangvasto in Nærdhætunum amico meo dilecto librum meum qui abstinentia dicitur cum sella mea meliori. Item domino Dementi de Husæby confessori meo breviarium meum cum capucio variarum pellium. Item socero meo domino Martino unum tappetum. Item domino Ingieldo pauperi sacerdoti tunicam rubeam. Item ecclesie Sudhærby ∙ii∙ marchas denariorum, curato ibidem dimidiam marcham; ecclesie Vætu ∙ii∙ marchas denariorum, curato ibidem dimidiam marcham; ecclesie Broo et curato ibidem ∙i∙ marcham denariorum; ecclesie Æsætunum et curato ibidem ∙i∙ marcham denariorum; ecclesie Lohærædhe et curato ibidem ∙i∙ marcham denariorum; ecclesiis Husæby et Skiædhærghi ∙i∙ marcham denariorum; ecclesie Lennum cum curato ibidem ∙i∙ marcham denariorum. Item amico meo Petro Diækn librum meum legalem. Item Thome Jonsson unum clippeum rutenicum. Cetera autem que supersunt gratia et voluntate domini mei archiepiscopi heredibus meis relinco concorditer dividenda. Ad prosequendum hanc ultimam voluntatis mee ordinationem [constituo], discretos viros dominos Rangvastum de Nærdhætunum et Clementem de Husæby quorum siggilla una cum fratris Erici siggillo et meo proprio presentibus sunt appensa. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXX septimo in vigilia beati Andree apostoli.


Comments: The prior of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna at this time is not known; Fr. Sixtanus was prior of the convent in 1335 13/12, Fr. Siggon was prior in 1339 21/7. ● Fr. Laurentius, lector of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna, is not known with certainty from any other sources. ● Fr. Ericus of the Friars Preachers in Sigtuna may be identical to the friar of the same convent, who in 1326 21/10 witnessed a letter by the justiciary of Uppland. The special reference to him in the will could suggest that he was a frater terminarius, with whom the parish priest in Frötuna had had particular contact; the endowed horse, sleigh and bear skin also fit with such a task for Fr. Ericus. ● The reference to the ‘Friars Preachers in Stockholm’ (fratribus predicatoribus Stocholmis), mentioned between the convents in Strängnäs and Turku, is noteworthy, as the Dominican convent in Stockholm traditionally is thought to have been established in the mid-1340s, when Pope Clement VI confirmed its foundation in 1343 24/7 and when the Order received a site in the city in 1344. It is well known that Dominican fratres terminarii from both Sigtuna and Strängnäs visited Stockholm on a frequent basis (see 1305 17/7), and that the convent in Sigtuna had a domus terminarie in Stockholm in 1289 17/4, but such branch houses was normally not bequeathed on their own. Thus, the endowment firmly suggests that a fully founded convent was established in Stockholm at this time, perhaps based on the tower that King Magnus Eriksson gave the Order in 1336 for the construction of a priory. The reference can hardly be explained as a mistake for the Stockholm convent of Friars Minor, founded in c. 1270, as this is mentioned explicitly later in the will with a similar donation. ● ‘The friars in Uppsala’ (fratribus Upsalie) most likely refers to the convent of Friars Minor, founded in 1247. The Dominican convent in Sigtuna did have a house in Uppsala since 1305 14/6, but this never appears to have held status of a convent, and is therefore unlikely to have been bequeathed on its own. ● Frötuna parish was situated 50-60 km north-east of Sigtuna.


Published: Diplomatarium Suecanum vol. IV no. 3331.




1338 1/6

Convent of Ribe

Last will and testament for Magister Esger, cantor of the cathedral chapter in Ribe and canon of the cathedral chapter in Århus, in which he leaves one barrel of beer and bread made of one shilling of rye to the convent of Friars Preachers in Ribe.


Source: Original document. The Danish National Archives, Copenhagen.

Language: Latin.


In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti, amen.  Ego magister Esgerus, cantor Ripensis et canonicus Arusiensis, testamentum meum condo in hunc modum. Primo lego domino meo Ripensi duos boves et equum meliores. Item ad fabricam ecclesie beate virginis vi solidos sterlingorum, ubi eligo sepeliri. Item volo ut tres marche denariorum terre usuales solvantur ad aniversarium meum de bonis que scotavi in placito justiciario pro quodam altari pro missa cotidiana in ecclesia beate virginis et addo decretales meas cum sexto ad augmentandum redditus eiusdem misse. Item domino Arusiensi marcham argenti vel duo meliora pecora que posui in estimatione sicut constat Michaeli villico. Item ad fabricam ecclesie Arusiensis ii oras annone et marcham argenti in qua tenetur mihi dominus Petrus prior canonicus ibidem. Item ad aniversarium meum ibidem deputo bona prius scotata cum redditibus v annorum de quibus nichil levavi. Item ad mensam canonicorum ibidem ii lagenas Trafnisie et vicariis i lagenam Trafnisie. Item magistro Petro archidiacono Ripensi majorem amphoram de stanno cum meliori olla nova de cupro et cornu. Item domino Gøtoni canonico aliam ollam meliorem cum meliori mensali et manutergio consuto. Item domino Petro Niclæssun canonico i amphoram et i ollam cupream. Item domino Michaeli sellam meam cum instrumentis amphoram de stanno et ollam de cupro. Item aliis canonicis in exequiis meis manentibus vi Turonenses vel ii solidos annone. Item fratribus minoribus Ripis breviarium meum lagenam Trafnisie et solidum siliginis in panibus cum pistore. Item majoribus lagenam cervisie et solidum siliginis in panibus. Item domui sancti spiritus oram siliginis in festo beati Michaelis. Item domui leprosorum tantum inter eos dividendum. Item scolaribus in Puukhuus lagenam cervisie cum ii oris annone. Item singulis aliis ecclesiis Ripis solidum sterlingorum vel solidum annone. [...] Executores huius testamenti instituo discretos viros magistrum Petrum archidyaconum Ripensem, dominos Gøtonem, Michaelem scolasticum, canonicos ibidem. Heredes autem meos instituo Johannem fratrem meum, Elsyfh et Margaretam sorores meas rogans eos executores et heredes, humiliter quantum possum, ut causa Dei omnipotentis et sancte Marie ac omnium sanctorum ista omnia supradicta velint efficaciter expedire. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum, una cum sigillis predictorum dominorum archidiaconi, Gøtonis et Michaelis scolastici, presentibus est appensum. Datum anno Domini MCCCXXX octavo, secunda feria pentecostes.


Dansk oversættelse:

I faderens og sønnens og helligåndens navn, amen. Jeg magister Esger, kantor i Ribe og kannik i Århus, opretter mit testamente på denne måde: For det første testamenterer jeg til min herre, biskoppen af Ribe to gode okser og en god hest. Fremdeles til bygningsfonden ved Vor Frue kirke, hvor jeg vælger at begraves, 6 skilling grot. Fremdeles er det min vilje, at der skal betales tre mark penge, gængse i landet, til min årtid af det gods, som jeg har skødet på rettertinget