Centre for Medieval Studies (University of Southern Denmark) and Centre for Dominican Studies of Dacia (University of Copenhagen) hereby announce a



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for The 37th Symposium of the Centre for Medieval Studies:

Dominicans in the Medieval Society of Northern Europe

- Friars and Sisters of the Dominican Order and Their Interaction with the Rest of Society in the Northern Provinces



Celebrating the 800th anniversary of the foundation of the Order of Preachers, this conference aims to explore the multiple ways in which the Dominican Order engaged with the rest of medieval societies in the northern provinces of the Order. This is meant to involve all sorts of encounters, positive and negative, with all groups of lay society as well as the rest of the Church, secular and regular clergy alike. The conference will be interdisciplinary, including written sources as well as archaeology, architecture and art, taking off in anything from theology to economy, from ideals to practice, and from macro studies to the individual. The northern perspective is chosen in order to analyse and discuss the role of the Dominican Order outside its traditional centre in southern France and north-central Italy, in a collective and comparative range across the northern provinces (Anglia, Francia, Saxonia, Teutonia, Bohemia, Polonia and Dacia). Focus will also be directed at the female branch of the Dominican Order, a topic that remains widely unchallenged by scholarship, but still holds very promising questions for future studies.


Conference venue: University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Date: 7-8 November 2016


Paper proposal (max. 200 words) to Johnny G.G. Jakobsen (jggj@hum.ku.dk)

by 15 December 2015


Prædikebroder med kors. Kalkmaleria Turku Skt. Maria kirke..tif


The conference is organised by Lars Bisgaard, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Southern Denmark;

and Johnny G.G. Jakobsen, Centre for Dominican Studies of Dacia, University of Copenhagen.



